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a guest
Jul 17th, 2018
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text 0.85 KB | None | 0 0
  1. documentclass[margin=3.14mm]{standalone}
  2. usepackage{tikz}
  3. usepackage{contour}
  4. contourlength{1pt}
  5. tikzset{mynode/.style args={#1 | #2}{midway,%
  6. node contents={contour{white}{textcolor{#1}{#2}}},%
  7. font=small,inner sep=0pt}}
  8. usetikzlibrary{calc,patterns}
  9. begin{document}
  10. begin{tikzpicture}
  11. draw[pattern=north west lines,pattern color=blue] (0,0) rectangle (3,1)
  12. node[mynode=blue |Blue];
  13. draw[pattern=vertical lines] (2,0) rectangle (5,1)
  14. node[mynode=black | Black];
  15. draw[pattern=horizontal lines,pattern color=yellow]
  16. (0:2cm) -- (0:3cm)
  17. arc (0:105:3cm) -- (105:2cm) node[mynode=yellow |Hello]
  18. arc (105:0:2cm) -- cycle;
  19. draw[pattern=north east lines,pattern color=red] (1,0) -- (0,0)
  20. arc (180:120:2cm) -- (120:1cm) node[mynode=red| red]
  21. arc (120:180:1cm) -- cycle;
  22. end{tikzpicture}
  23. end{document}
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