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Jun 17th, 2019
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text 19.19 KB | None | 0 0
  1. GBRT_v13.2.7 XBT-USD@bitmex Round #2 2019/06/17 15:34:54
  3. XBT-USD@bitmex skipped TakeProfit
  5. XBT-USD@bitmex defined grid
  7. XBT-USD@bitmex defined abp and available funds
  9. XBT-USD@bitmex checked telegram alerts
  11. XBT-USD@bitmex pre-grid
  13. XBT-USD@bitmex end of grid parsing
  15. XBT-USD@bitmex start strategies attempts
  17. XBT-USD@bitmex refusing tests
  19. XBT-USD@bitmex skipping smacross
  21. XBT-USD@bitmex refusing MACD
  23. XBT-USD@bitmex quote amount calculated
  25. XBT-USD@bitmex no unfilled sell orders
  27. XBT-USD@bitmex no unfilled buy orders
  28. Market Maker v0.1
  30. ┌───────────────────┬────────────────┬─────────────────┬──────────────┬────────────┬───────────────────────────┬─────────────────────┐
  31. │ ɢՍͶßØͳ RT Edition │ Version │ Round │ Exchange │ Pair │ Strategy │ Timestamp │
  32. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  33. │ │ GBRT v.13.2.7 │ 2 │ bitmex │ XBT-USD │ market_maker/market_maker │ 2019/06/17 15:34:54 │
  34. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  35. │ Asks │ Highest Ask │ First Ask │ Second Ask │ Third Ask │ Fourth Ask │ Fifth Ask │
  36. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  37. │ │ 9289 │ 9289.5 │ 9290.5 │ 9290.5 │ 9291 │ 9291.5 │
  38. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  39. │ Bids │ Lowest Bid │ First Bid │ Second Bid │ Third Bid │ Fourth Bid │ Fifth Bid │
  40. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  41. │ │ 9288.5 │ 9288 │ 9287.5 │ 9287 │ 9286.5 │ 9286 │
  42. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  43. │ Positions │ Ask orders │ ✗ │ ✗ │ ✗ │ ✗ │ ✗ │
  44. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  45. │ │ Bid orders │ ✗ │ ✗ │ ✗ │ ✗ │ ✗ │
  46. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  47. │ │ Unrealized PNL │ Avg Entry Price │ Contracts │ Last Price │ Wallet Balance │ Available Margin │
  48. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  49. │ │ 10.22% │ 9279.0201 │ 200 │ 9288.5 │ 0.01635344 │ 0.01596649 │
  50. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  51. │ │ Invested Ratio │ Capital Risk │ Realized PNL │ │ │ │
  52. ├───────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
  53. │ │ 0.976 │ 0.58 │ 0.00001476 │ │ │ │
  54. └───────────────────┴────────────────┴─────────────────┴──────────────┴────────────┴───────────────────────────┴─────────────────────┘
  55. from 18152
  56. ************************************************************************************************
  57. SOFT REDUCTION STARTED: too much invested margin!!!
  58. ************************************************************************************************
  59. ************************************************************************************************
  60. 81530 0
  61. ************************************************************************************************
  62. ************************************************************************************************
  63. 81560 1
  64. ************************************************************************************************
  66. entering normal sell trade
  68. 2019/06/17 15:34:54: Reducing position...
  69. from 18171
  70. { orderID: '1f3e210d-0fe9-7e70-bfff-160bb2657b2b',
  71. price: 9290,
  72. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate' }
  73. { orderID: '86a33e14-45ce-4e9f-7980-69427774eea6',
  74. price: 9290,
  75. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate' }
  76. { orderID: '59fe0a84-55dd-6b35-6bae-5f633a001950',
  77. price: 9290,
  78. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate' }
  79. { orderID: '5cc94428-6a16-7b2e-6e34-2a57887c727a',
  80. price: 9290,
  81. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate' }
  82. { orderID: '6f23b314-f19b-3d95-0bab-b29144a03136',
  83. price: 9290,
  84. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate' }
  85. Original price: 9290
  86. Original volume: 100
  87. Sell Order Opts: { symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  88. side: 'Sell',
  89. price: 9290,
  90. orderQty: 100,
  91. ordType: 'Limit',
  92. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  93. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate' }
  94. { orderID: '5cc94428-6a16-7b2e-6e34-2a57887c727a',
  95. clOrdID: '',
  96. clOrdLinkID: '',
  97. account: 437522,
  98. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  99. side: 'Buy',
  100. simpleOrderQty: null,
  101. orderQty: 25,
  102. price: 9290,
  103. displayQty: null,
  104. stopPx: null,
  105. pegOffsetValue: null,
  106. pegPriceType: '',
  107. currency: 'USD',
  108. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  109. ordType: 'Limit',
  110. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  111. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  112. contingencyType: '',
  113. exDestination: 'XBME',
  114. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  115. triggered: '',
  116. workingIndicator: false,
  117. ordRejReason: '',
  118. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  119. leavesQty: 0,
  120. simpleCumQty: null,
  121. cumQty: 0,
  122. avgPx: null,
  123. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  124. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  125. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.509Z',
  126. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.509Z' }
  127. { orderID: '5cc94428-6a16-7b2e-6e34-2a57887c727a',
  128. clOrdID: '',
  129. clOrdLinkID: '',
  130. account: 437522,
  131. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  132. side: 'Buy',
  133. simpleOrderQty: null,
  134. orderQty: 25,
  135. price: 9290,
  136. displayQty: null,
  137. stopPx: null,
  138. pegOffsetValue: null,
  139. pegPriceType: '',
  140. currency: 'USD',
  141. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  142. ordType: 'Limit',
  143. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  144. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  145. contingencyType: '',
  146. exDestination: 'XBME',
  147. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  148. triggered: '',
  149. workingIndicator: false,
  150. ordRejReason: '',
  151. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  152. leavesQty: 0,
  153. simpleCumQty: null,
  154. cumQty: 0,
  155. avgPx: null,
  156. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  157. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  158. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.509Z',
  159. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.509Z' }
  160. { orderID: '86a33e14-45ce-4e9f-7980-69427774eea6',
  161. clOrdID: '',
  162. clOrdLinkID: '',
  163. account: 437522,
  164. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  165. side: 'Buy',
  166. simpleOrderQty: null,
  167. orderQty: 25,
  168. price: 9290,
  169. displayQty: null,
  170. stopPx: null,
  171. pegOffsetValue: null,
  172. pegPriceType: '',
  173. currency: 'USD',
  174. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  175. ordType: 'Limit',
  176. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  177. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  178. contingencyType: '',
  179. exDestination: 'XBME',
  180. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  181. triggered: '',
  182. workingIndicator: false,
  183. ordRejReason: '',
  184. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  185. leavesQty: 0,
  186. simpleCumQty: null,
  187. cumQty: 0,
  188. avgPx: null,
  189. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  190. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  191. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.512Z',
  192. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.512Z' }
  193. { orderID: '86a33e14-45ce-4e9f-7980-69427774eea6',
  194. clOrdID: '',
  195. clOrdLinkID: '',
  196. account: 437522,
  197. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  198. side: 'Buy',
  199. simpleOrderQty: null,
  200. orderQty: 25,
  201. price: 9290,
  202. displayQty: null,
  203. stopPx: null,
  204. pegOffsetValue: null,
  205. pegPriceType: '',
  206. currency: 'USD',
  207. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  208. ordType: 'Limit',
  209. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  210. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  211. contingencyType: '',
  212. exDestination: 'XBME',
  213. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  214. triggered: '',
  215. workingIndicator: false,
  216. ordRejReason: '',
  217. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  218. leavesQty: 0,
  219. simpleCumQty: null,
  220. cumQty: 0,
  221. avgPx: null,
  222. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  223. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  224. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.512Z',
  225. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.512Z' }
  226. { orderID: '59fe0a84-55dd-6b35-6bae-5f633a001950',
  227. clOrdID: '',
  228. clOrdLinkID: '',
  229. account: 437522,
  230. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  231. side: 'Buy',
  232. simpleOrderQty: null,
  233. orderQty: 25,
  234. price: 9290,
  235. displayQty: null,
  236. stopPx: null,
  237. pegOffsetValue: null,
  238. pegPriceType: '',
  239. currency: 'USD',
  240. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  241. ordType: 'Limit',
  242. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  243. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  244. contingencyType: '',
  245. exDestination: 'XBME',
  246. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  247. triggered: '',
  248. workingIndicator: false,
  249. ordRejReason: '',
  250. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  251. leavesQty: 0,
  252. simpleCumQty: null,
  253. cumQty: 0,
  254. avgPx: null,
  255. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  256. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  257. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.515Z',
  258. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.515Z' }
  259. { orderID: '1f3e210d-0fe9-7e70-bfff-160bb2657b2b',
  260. clOrdID: '',
  261. clOrdLinkID: '',
  262. account: 437522,
  263. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  264. side: 'Buy',
  265. simpleOrderQty: null,
  266. orderQty: 25,
  267. price: 9290,
  268. displayQty: null,
  269. stopPx: null,
  270. pegOffsetValue: null,
  271. pegPriceType: '',
  272. currency: 'USD',
  273. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  274. ordType: 'Limit',
  275. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  276. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  277. contingencyType: '',
  278. exDestination: 'XBME',
  279. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  280. triggered: '',
  281. workingIndicator: false,
  282. ordRejReason: '',
  283. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  284. leavesQty: 0,
  285. simpleCumQty: null,
  286. cumQty: 0,
  287. avgPx: null,
  288. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  289. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  290. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.537Z',
  291. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.537Z' }
  292. { orderID: '6f23b314-f19b-3d95-0bab-b29144a03136',
  293. clOrdID: '',
  294. clOrdLinkID: '',
  295. account: 437522,
  296. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  297. side: 'Buy',
  298. simpleOrderQty: null,
  299. orderQty: 25,
  300. price: 9290,
  301. displayQty: null,
  302. stopPx: null,
  303. pegOffsetValue: null,
  304. pegPriceType: '',
  305. currency: 'USD',
  306. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  307. ordType: 'Limit',
  308. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  309. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  310. contingencyType: '',
  311. exDestination: 'XBME',
  312. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  313. triggered: '',
  314. workingIndicator: false,
  315. ordRejReason: '',
  316. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  317. leavesQty: 0,
  318. simpleCumQty: null,
  319. cumQty: 0,
  320. avgPx: null,
  321. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  322. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  323. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.544Z',
  324. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.544Z' }
  325. { orderID: '59fe0a84-55dd-6b35-6bae-5f633a001950',
  326. clOrdID: '',
  327. clOrdLinkID: '',
  328. account: 437522,
  329. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  330. side: 'Buy',
  331. simpleOrderQty: null,
  332. orderQty: 25,
  333. price: 9290,
  334. displayQty: null,
  335. stopPx: null,
  336. pegOffsetValue: null,
  337. pegPriceType: '',
  338. currency: 'USD',
  339. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  340. ordType: 'Limit',
  341. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  342. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  343. contingencyType: '',
  344. exDestination: 'XBME',
  345. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  346. triggered: '',
  347. workingIndicator: false,
  348. ordRejReason: '',
  349. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  350. leavesQty: 0,
  351. simpleCumQty: null,
  352. cumQty: 0,
  353. avgPx: null,
  354. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  355. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  356. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.515Z',
  357. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.515Z' }
  358. { orderID: '1f3e210d-0fe9-7e70-bfff-160bb2657b2b',
  359. clOrdID: '',
  360. clOrdLinkID: '',
  361. account: 437522,
  362. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  363. side: 'Buy',
  364. simpleOrderQty: null,
  365. orderQty: 25,
  366. price: 9290,
  367. displayQty: null,
  368. stopPx: null,
  369. pegOffsetValue: null,
  370. pegPriceType: '',
  371. currency: 'USD',
  372. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  373. ordType: 'Limit',
  374. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  375. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  376. contingencyType: '',
  377. exDestination: 'XBME',
  378. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  379. triggered: '',
  380. workingIndicator: false,
  381. ordRejReason: '',
  382. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  383. leavesQty: 0,
  384. simpleCumQty: null,
  385. cumQty: 0,
  386. avgPx: null,
  387. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  388. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  389. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.537Z',
  390. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.537Z' }
  391. { orderID: '6f23b314-f19b-3d95-0bab-b29144a03136',
  392. clOrdID: '',
  393. clOrdLinkID: '',
  394. account: 437522,
  395. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  396. side: 'Buy',
  397. simpleOrderQty: null,
  398. orderQty: 25,
  399. price: 9290,
  400. displayQty: null,
  401. stopPx: null,
  402. pegOffsetValue: null,
  403. pegPriceType: '',
  404. currency: 'USD',
  405. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  406. ordType: 'Limit',
  407. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  408. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  409. contingencyType: '',
  410. exDestination: 'XBME',
  411. ordStatus: 'Canceled',
  412. triggered: '',
  413. workingIndicator: false,
  414. ordRejReason: '',
  415. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  416. leavesQty: 0,
  417. simpleCumQty: null,
  418. cumQty: 0,
  419. avgPx: null,
  420. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  421. text: 'Canceled: Order had execInst of ParticipateDoNotInitiate\nSubmitted via API.',
  422. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.544Z',
  423. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.544Z' }
  424. ************************************************************************************************
  425. New 81820 1
  426. ************************************************************************************************
  427. { orderID: '501caed4-1ccb-df86-8628-7039a98505db',
  428. clOrdID: '',
  429. clOrdLinkID: '',
  430. account: 437522,
  431. symbol: 'XBTUSD',
  432. side: 'Sell',
  433. simpleOrderQty: null,
  434. orderQty: 100,
  435. price: 9290,
  436. displayQty: null,
  437. stopPx: null,
  438. pegOffsetValue: null,
  439. pegPriceType: '',
  440. currency: 'USD',
  441. settlCurrency: 'XBt',
  442. ordType: 'Limit',
  443. timeInForce: 'GoodTillCancel',
  444. execInst: 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate',
  445. contingencyType: '',
  446. exDestination: 'XBME',
  447. ordStatus: 'New',
  448. triggered: '',
  449. workingIndicator: true,
  450. ordRejReason: '',
  451. simpleLeavesQty: null,
  452. leavesQty: 100,
  453. simpleCumQty: null,
  454. cumQty: 0,
  455. avgPx: null,
  456. multiLegReportingType: 'SingleSecurity',
  457. text: 'Submitted via API.',
  458. transactTime: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.532Z',
  459. timestamp: '2019-06-17T13:34:55.532Z' }
  460. ************************************************************************************************
  461. New 81910 1
  462. ************************************************************************************************
  464. 1403
  466. ************************************************************************************************
  468. Strategy market_maker/market_maker for XBT-USD on bitmex -| Selling 2 of XBT-USD at rate 9288.5
  470. ************************************************************************************************
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