
Pastebin Monday(s)

Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. ooo pastebin monday, im gonna do 3x since i missed 2 weeks in a row.
  3. Special note: pastebin pro users get folders which is a SICK new feature!
  5. Life stuff
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  8. Lately ive been having some good conversations with good friends. It feels really nice since i havent really felt like i have anyone to just be completely real with since like high school. whenever i thought i had gotten to that point with a friend in college they turned out to either not care or they would take things i told them in confidence and just grab a megaphone and tell the world. So its definitely been good on that front.
  10. I'm officially going to be on my own dollar for everything starting in January, I know im ready but its still really strange to think about. The only things my parents still paid were car insurance and medical insurance, now that I have my own car and will be 26 before the end of next year I have to pay both of those myself. I'm really proud of my financial responsibility and I really like to see people make good choices with their money.
  12. Its been 2 months since mpg moved to atlanta, and I can only hope that he is as happy with the move as I am. I couldn't really ask for a better roommate. I think the fact that we somehow made a 1 bedroom apartment into a 2 bedroom apartment and havent killed each other yet is a testament to that.
  14. Work has been going pretty well. I recently got the opportunity to take on more projects that I can really use my previous experience for, everything else up to this point was learning on the job and applying that. I'm a little bit bummed that my *major* project has taken so long to get rolling though as its a really good opportunity for me to network and show my worth.
  16. One not so good thing is, while I've been trying (and succeeding) to drink less soda, I have not really been eating as well as I would like. So far, they more or less cancel each other out, but I would really like to get back to my old eating habits and possibly start working out more (read: any). Especially since Thanksgiving is now.
  18. Speaking of Thanksgiving, this will be the first thanksgiving ever, I think, that I don't spend with family. It just doesn't really make sense for me to go home since I only get Thursday and Friday off and I'm going home for Christmas. Its gonna be a nice comfy 4 day weekend though so that's good.
  20. I would also like to get out and do stuff more often, which kinda sucks because its starting to get cold-ish, but maybe I can make it work.
  22. Thats about all I got for real life stuff at the moment.
  24. Gaming Stuff
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  27. I haven't streamed in a while, which is kinda disappointing, but I just haven't wanted to play games that are worth streaming. I've been playing overwatch and hearthstone, along with some HotS to get the event rewards, so its not like im not playing games, but I really do want to stream more. I think I will stream some thursday-sunday since im not going home.
  29. I really like playing hearthstone even though it tries its best to make me hate it. Its a good low effort game that is fun to learn. I like HotS a bit but I don't really see myself playing it much more than the event and definitely not without at least 2 other people to play with.
  31. Final Fantasy 15 is coming out and I am not prepared, I had a bunch of things I wanted to get done before it and now something is going to get pushed back.
  33. Overwatch is still fun, I really like the arcade game modes, especially 3v3. Hopefully more people want to play those sometime.
  35. Uh thats about it for gaming.
  37. Events
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  40. Smash the Record: I'll be honest, I didn't really watch much of STR. I tried watching some of the smash stuff but it just didn't hold my interest at all and then I watched some of the speedrunning and the same thing happened. I did however enjoy the PubSub Money match. Really glad I got to see that. Regarding Trihex missing his run, I don't think he did it intentionally but it would be nice to see him take ownership and apologize without making a bunch of excuses, especially ones that don't make sense.
  42. JRTA3: What an awesome marathon. I watched a bunch of runs/runners that I wouldn't have otherwise watched and it was just all around awesome to see the community come together for such a great event. I did commentary on Gal*Gun and read donations on Sunday, both of which were really fun. Everyone did a fantastic job working on the marathon and it was just super super great.
  44. 3 Songs of the weeek
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