
CYOA - Luna pt. 5

Jul 20th, 2013
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  1. >"Princess, we cannot sit idly by any longer! We need to end this conflict!"
  2. >The stallion was practically shouting at Celestia
  3. >His armor rustled with every word he spoke
  4. >"You've seen what both sides have done! It's only a matter of time before they go all out into war!"
  5. >"We will not get involved, and that is final, commander."
  6. >Celestia's regal tone demands his respect
  7. >Her gaze falls upon the stallion
  8. >Demanding him to stand down
  9. >But instead, the stallion throws his spear across the floor
  10. >"The zebras have attacked and killed ponies! You saw the hospital! We can't let them continue on like that!"
  11. >"What happened at the hospital was not the work of the zebras, nor the gryphons. We have told you that already, commander."
  12. >From her seat next to Celestia, Luna enters the conversation
  13. >With a grunt, the commander continues
  14. >"Then what happened, huh? Are you gonna tell me all those ponies just fell over dead out of the blue?"
  15. >Both princesses merely stare at the commander in silence
  16. >"What aren't you telling me?"
  17. >Watching the whole scene unfold makes you uncomfortable
  18. >The air is thick with tension
  19. >All you wanted was to talk to Luna
  20. >You had no part in this
  21. >But apparently, the commander thinks so
  22. >He turns his head to you and points with a hoof
  23. >"And what about him? His son, the PRINCE, is missing! What the hell is going on here?!"
  24. >"Stand down, commander!"
  25. >"To hell with you! There's fighting out there, and all you do is sit here and watch! We need to help!"
  27. "Sounds like someone forgot who their commanding officer is."
  28. >The military pony instantly turns to you
  29. >"Why you-"
  30. >In mere seconds he has covered half the distance between the two of you
  31. >His hooves thunder on the floor
  32. >His eyes burn with anger
  33. >With great power, he leaps into the air
  34. >You raise your arms over your head in anticipation of the impact
  35. >A loud 'clonk' fills the throne room, followed by a 'thump'
  36. >The commander is lying on the floor, shaking his head
  37. >"Commander! Restrain yourself!"
  38. >Celestia has gotten up from her throne
  39. >She is slowly walking towards the two of you
  40. >The commander slams his hooves against the field between you
  41. >Staring you right in the eye as he does so
  42. >"If you as much as touch Anon, you will be stripped of rank and thrown out of the castle, do you understand me?"
  43. >He doesn't move his gaze from you as he answers
  44. >"Yes, ma'am."
  45. >"Go to the barracks and tell your men to stand down. We will not intervene. And if I see any of you leave the castle in armor, you will be treated as deserters."
  46. >Celestia is glaring down at the commander
  47. >Without a word, he turns and walks out of the room
  48. >The Equestrian ruler sits down next to you on the floor and sighs
  49. >"I'm sorry, Anon. Keeping ponies in check has never been this difficult."
  50. >Celestia stares at the main entrance
  51. >"I'm not used to these situations. I prefer the peace and quiet. All of this strife is... maddening."
  53. "Well, I'm not one of war myself. But is there truly nothing we can do?"
  54. >Celestia doesn't reply
  55. >She merely sits
  56. >You feel a gently hoof on your shoulder
  57. >Luna has joined the two of you in sitting
  58. >"Our forces would be able to quell the uprisings quite effectively. But-"
  59. >"But we will not involve ourselves in this. Not with military forces, at least."
  60. >Celestia sends her sister a sharp look
  61. >"Ponies have lived in peace for thousands of years under our rule, and we will not change that now."
  62. >Luna replies with a look of her own
  63. >"Do you not believe stopping the war before it begins is preferable? You know what happened when I took over. I am one pony. Do you want to see what happens when two entire nations go to war?"
  64. >Celestia gets up with a snort
  65. >"This entire ordeal will be settled through diplomacy, Luna. I refuse to send in the military."
  66. >"Maybe if you put an end to this, we could focus on more important matters!"
  67. >You step back at the sound of Luna's yelling
  68. >Her eyes burn brighter than Hell's fire
  69. >"Luna, there is potential WAR brewing. What could be more important than the safety of our subjects?"
  70. >"MY SON IS GONE!"
  71. >Luna's words echo through the throne room
  72. >Settling in the wind as they die down
  74. >Celestia doesn't even flinch at the yelling
  75. >She merely stares at her sister
  76. >"I would love to, Luna, but I can't, and you know that. Caesar has been gone for months, and you need to accept that."
  78. >The two sisters stare each other down
  79. >Like panthers ready to strike they stand
  80. >Waiting for the other to make a move
  81. >Their arguing had gotten particularly bad in recent times
  82. >It was scary to see them like this
  83. >The last time this happened, it ended with Luna's imprisonment
  84. >You couldn't bear to see that happening once more
  85. "Could we not send guards to look?"
  86. >Both princesses look to you in surprise
  87. >But at least they listen
  88. "If you don't want them fighting, couldn't we have them look for Caesar?"
  89. >Celestia sighs and stands down
  90. >"It is a reasonable request. But Equestria is enormous. And he is one simply satyr. For all we know, he could be hiding in a cave in the Everfree Forest."
  91. >You walk closer, eyes locked with her as you do
  92. "But can't we try? This is our son we're talking about it."
  93. >Celestia shakes her head slowly
  94. >"However much I wish to refrain from military involvement, we need our troops ready, just in case."
  95. >She looks to you with old and weary eyes
  96. >"I cannot spare enough men to make a valuable search."
  97. "Celestia, he is my son. My SON."
  98. >She smiles weakly at you
  99. >"I know. And I care about him deeply. But my hooves are tied, Anon. Sometimes, one has to make difficult choices. And I have made mine."
  101. "Can't we make a deal with both sides? If we provide them with food or, or medical aid, they could help us find him."
  102. >With slow and heavy movements, Celestia shakes her head
  103. >"High Warlord Half-Beak and King Vox have both made it clear ponies are not to involve themselves, or we will become a new target."
  104. >Before you can protest, she continues
  105. >"Even if we simply wish to help."
  106. >Behind her, you see Luna nodding slowly
  107. "I hope they wipe each other out."
  108. >You feel ready to punch someone
  109. >Absolutely wreck their shit for hours
  110. >The anger burns within you with blinding fury
  111. >Lucky for them, there are no gryphons or zebras here
  112. >"Anon, please"
  113. >Celestia's hoof lands gently on your shoulder
  114. >"I know this is difficult. I know exactly what you're going through. And no matter how insane I might sound, you have to wait. For now, you have to let Caesar go."
  115. >Her eyes are vast and deep, yet determined
  116. >She gently shakes your body as she finishes
  117. >Like a father awkwardly congratulating his son
  118. >Just like you used to do
  119. >"I know Caesar is your world. But my world is in trouble, and I need to fix those problems before I can save yours. It's my duty to ponies everywhere."
  120. >In the background, you see Luna's eyes welling up with tears
  121. >She turns around and slowly walks toward the hallway
  123. "Then I will go find him myself."
  124. >Celestia rears back in surprise
  125. >"Anon, I don't-"
  126. "I don't care what you think. He's my son, and he's out there somewhere."
  127. >You walk past Celestia and call out to Luna
  128. >She turns to face you, her eyes wet with grief
  129. "I am going to go look for Caesar. Will you join me?"
  130. >"I... I want nothing more than to join you."
  131. >At least someone here is sensible
  132. >"But I can't. I can't leave my duties."
  133. >You feel the slight hope in your body disappear instantly
  134. >"Anon, I w-want to find him. I w-want him b-back."
  135. >Luna yells out into the throne room
  136. >A scream of anger and frustration
  137. >After emptying her lungs, she looks to the floor
  138. >"But I can't. Please, find him. And be safe, my love."
  139. >She looks up and rushes to you
  140. >In an instant, her lips and pressed against yours
  141. >As if magical, she pours her passion and sorrow through her lips
  142. >Passes it on to you
  143. >For minutes you kiss, before she finally lets you go
  144. >You say no goodbyes before leaving
  145. >You intend to come back with Caesar
  147. >Getting to the hospital took a while
  148. >It was a ways off from the castle
  149. >But here you were
  150. >Lone man at the empty building
  151. >Dust and cog webs were all over the facade
  152. >No one had been inside since the inspection took place
  153. >Decayed flowers lie in piles at the front door
  154. >It takes you a while to open the door
  155. >In the end, you had to kick it in
  156. >It felt wrong, but it was your only option
  157. >The halls are dark and damp
  158. >Not a pony in sight
  160. >You go to the wall and flick a switch
  161. >The lights do not even flicker
  162. >With no source of light, you move on
  163. >The place has been abandoned for months, but you tread carefully
  164. >Something about hospitals and darkness made you feel uneasy
  165. >Slowly, your eyes get used to the dark
  166. >It becomes easier to see, but it is still not optimal
  167. >At least you can find your way around the place
  168. >You reach the flight of stairs and ascend them slowly
  169. >Some of the steps screech as you step on them
  170. >As they echo through the halls, the noise is twisted
  171. >It sends shivers down your spine
  172. >Wanting not to stay here for too long, you hurry up the remaining steps
  173. >The hallway is long and so very dark
  174. >You have to get close to every door to see the numbers
  175. >151
  176. >152
  177. >As the chairs come into view, you gulp
  178. >This was the final resting place of Trixie the unicorn
  179. >You force your eyes away from the chairs and face the door
  180. >Behind this door it happened
  181. >With shaking hands you open up
  182. >It creaks as it slides open
  183. >Empty and dark it remains
  184. >You slowly walk inside
  185. >Nothing seems out of the ordinary
  186. >Except for the missing satyr and mare
  187. >For now, you force back the waves of sorrow
  188. >You look around in the room
  189. >You check every nook and cranny
  190. >In the bed, behind the radiator, everywhere
  191. >But despite your best searching, you find nothing
  192. >No note, no hairs, nothing
  193. >You slump down onto the bed
  194. >All this room contains is memories of horrible occurrences
  196. >The tears are coming
  197. >You cannot help but cry as you sit there
  198. >But you don't want to be here
  199. >Anywhere but here is better
  200. >With blurry vision, you run out of the room
  201. >As you zoom down the stairs, the tears become many
  202. >They drip and crash against the hospital floor as you run for the exit
  203. >As the sun beams down upon you, you let it all out
  204. >With powerful stomps, you smash the flowers
  205. >The wall feels your fury too, as you punch it
  206. >No one can help you
  207. >Caesar is gone
  208. >There are no clues to his whereabouts
  209. >You are to sit idly by and wait
  210. >All the while he could be dying out there
  211. >No one can help
  212. >In this time of chaos, you are alone
  213. >Of chaos
  214. >Discord
  216. >You entire body is burning as you look upon the statue
  217. >Underneath you, your legs are threatening to give up
  218. >But you keep yourself up
  219. >For there is yet one possibility you need to explore
  220. >No matter how crazy, you have to try
  221. "I am Anon, husband of princess Luna. I have never met you, only heard stories of you."
  222. >The statue doesn't move
  223. >Obviously it doesn't; it's a statue
  224. >But you continue anyway
  225. "My son, the prince, is gone. I want him back. No matter what it takes, I want him back. I will do anything you ask of me, Discord. I don't care how bad you may be, I just want my son back."
  226. >For moments you stand there, watching the statue
  227. >The only sound in the air is that of birds chirping
  228. >Little by little, the hope in your heart disappears
  229. >With a sigh you turn to leave
  230. >But a voice fills your mind
  231. >"Anything?"
  233. >You spin around, trying to locate the source of the voice
  234. >There are no other ponies in sight
  235. >With no other possible option left, you turn towards the statue
  236. "C-Can you help me find my son?"
  237. >You watch the statue with great care
  238. >Although you have not seen him, you have heard tales of Discord's power
  239. >The things he is capable of is the fuel of nightmares
  240. >But the statue does not move
  241. >No magical glow, nothing
  242. >"Yes."
  243. >You breathe slowly and deeply
  244. >All you need is concentration and focus
  245. >This guy can't play tricks on you
  246. "And what do you want in return?"
  247. >Once again you watch the statue for minutes
  248. >Either he is weighing his options or it takes a great deal of power to speak through his prison
  249. >Whatever it is, you wait
  250. >"I want freedom."
  251. >That did seem like an obvious trade
  252. >But as far as you knew, he was sealed through the use of the Elements of Harmony
  253. >And there was no way you were convincing them to release him
  254. >Celestia might be able to
  255. >But you know how she speaks of him
  256. "And how would I do that?"
  257. >A devious laughter echoes through your mind
  258. >Slivers through your body
  259. >"Destroy Celestia, and my prison, too, shall be destroyed."
  261. "Yeah, how about fuck no?"
  262. >The laughter continues
  263. >Like echoes through a cave
  264. >Ricocheting off your skull
  265. >It grows louder and louder
  266. >Consuming your entire body
  267. >Frozen in place you stand
  268. >Watching the godforsaken statue laugh
  269. >And the laughter never stops
  270. >It creeps through your bones
  271. >Into your arms
  272. >To the tip of your fingers
  273. >Filling every part of your mortal body
  274. >This laughter of a god unknown roars
  275. >Drowning out the world around you
  276. >You fall to your knees in front of him
  277. >Watching him with fear in your heart
  278. >But his laughter does subside
  279. >Slowly it fades
  280. >Leaves your body
  281. >Only to be replaced by words
  282. >"I would give you your son first. You would have to do nothing for me before finding your long lost. This I swear to you."
  284. >That sound good
  285. >You could get your son back
  286. >Just like you wanted to
  287. >But the god of chaos would help you before getting anything
  288. >That simply sounds too good to be true
  289. >There is no way this guy is telling the truth
  290. >His laughter felt bad enough as it was
  291. >You'd hate to see what he could do once free
  292. "I don't trust you."
  293. >With those words, you turn to leave
  294. >But the moment you take a step, you feel pain
  295. >Agonizing, burning pain
  296. >Searing through all of your body
  297. >And with it comes the laughter
  298. >It accompanies pain like a joyful traveler
  299. >As you scream out at the top of your lungs, the laughter intensifies
  300. >You scratch and itch every part of your body
  301. >Nothing you do makes the pain fade
  302. >It comes from deep inside
  303. >Coursing through you like an venomous flood
  304. >In one instant, it all disappears
  305. >All you can hear is a faint and distant panting
  306. >You lie there in the grass, until the panting turns to words
  307. >"I need you. I will help you get your son back, I promise. You risk nothing. I will be in my prison until you act... Please."
  309. "I made a terrible choice."
  310. >You speak to yourself
  311. >But Discord's voice rumbles in your skull
  312. >An impending roar of fury
  313. >Before he can resume his torture, you get up
  314. >Despite weary and exhausted legs, you run
  315. >You run faster and further than you ever have before
  316. >But as you run, Discord's voice echoes through your mind
  317. >"Know that there is nothing you can do."
  318. >As more and more distance comes between you and the statue, the voice diminishes
  319. >"Nothing you can do..."
  320. >Into the castle you run
  321. >Down the hall at the highest of speeds
  322. >"Nothing..."
  323. >You end up in a random hallway when your legs give up
  324. >On your knees you lay, panting and sweating
  325. >Discord's voice is long gone
  326. >But his words still echo
  327. >Still they run through your thoughts
  328. >With a groan, you drag yourself to a nearby chair
  329. >You slump into it and breathe
  330. >All you can do is focus on breathing
  331. >Calming down your body and mind
  332. >You bury your face in your hands
  333. >Discord could go to hell
  334. >There was no way you'd do anything to harm Celestia
  335. >"-poor zebras are getting slaughtered."
  336. >From down the hall comes voices
  337. >Regular, comfortable voices
  338. >"Yeah, I wish we could help."
  339. >"Do you think the stories are true?"
  340. >"Saladin? No, they couldn't be."
  341. >"But you've heard what has happened. It could be-"
  342. >"There's no way. The gryphons are just better suited for combat is all."
  343. >Two guards appear from around the corner
  344. >A young recruit and an older sergeant
  345. >The recruit was probably on his first route
  347. >You reach out to them
  348. >It takes all of your strength to simply lift your arm
  349. >But you need someone
  350. >Anyone
  351. "The God of Chaos is in my head, help!"
  352. >The two guards immediately notice you and run over
  353. >"Sir! What's wrong?"
  354. >The sergeant has thrown his spear away
  355. >All of his attention has gone to checking your body
  356. "Discord he... spoke to me."
  357. >"Sir, Discord is imprisoned."
  358. >The sergeant stares at you before placing a hoof on your forehead
  359. >"You might need to see a doctor, sir."
  360. >You shake your head and brush away his hoof
  361. "He spoke to me, I swear it."
  362. >"I'll notify Celestia right away."
  363. >Behind the stallion, the recruit salutes before running off
  364. >"Are you all right, sir?"
  365. >You close your eyes and inhale slowly
  366. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."
  367. >The sergeant goes to pick up his spear
  368. >As he returns, he stands next to the chair
  369. >"I'll stay here until you get better, sir."
  370. >You simply nod and exhale sharply
  371. >"With respect, sir, I'm sorry for your loss."
  373. "Yeah..."
  374. >You take a moment to just breathe
  375. >Let all of your body get calmed down
  376. "Caesar would have made a grand soldier."
  377. >The sergeant chuckles
  378. >"I'm sure he would, sir."
  379. >Silence creeps upon the two of you
  380. >The stallion merely does his duty as he stands there
  381. >Guarding you, a member of the royal family
  382. >Despite all of your years in the castle, you never got used to this
  383. >All you are is a man
  384. >Just a man
  385. >You have no magic, no powers
  386. >Yet these guards protect you like an national treasure
  387. >And such the silence grows awkward
  388. >At least to you it does
  389. >After the ordeal with Discord, you want comfort
  390. "So, what's the news on the war?"
  391. >The sergeant raises his eyebrow at the question
  392. >"Well, it's not really war yet, sir."
  393. >A deep sigh fills the air
  394. >"But the poor zebras are getting destroyed. Remote bases go silent without warning. It's only a matter of time before they are pinned in a corner."
  395. >You look up to him in confusion
  396. "If the gryphons are attacking, why hasn't this evolved into full-scale war?"
  397. >The sergeant shrugs
  398. >"There's no evidence of gryphon involvement. It could have been bandits for all we know. Stories have started to go around. Some ponies say it's a small unit led by a great soldier. Others say it's a plague of some sorts."
  400. >You chuckle lightly at his words
  401. "One small unit doing so much. Heh. Sounds like a Roman Emperor I know."
  402. >The sergeant smiles warmly at you
  403. >It was rare to see any of the guards smile
  404. >Usually they bore the standard, neutral facial expression as always
  405. >It was nice to see one of them show some emotion
  406. >"Roman, sir?"
  407. >Once more you chuckle
  408. "The Romans were people from my world. They had an empire spanning far and wide long ago."
  409. >"Like the Crystal Empire?"
  410. >You nod slowly at the sergeant
  411. "Yes, but far larger and more powerful."
  412. >The sergeant whistles quietly
  413. >"Wouldn't that have been a sight?"
  414. >Before you can answer, a new voice calls out
  415. >"Anon."
  416. >You turn your head to see a white pony approach
  417. >Beside Celestia are two guards
  418. >The recruit and a third, unknown guard
  419. >Once she reaches you, she signals for the guards to leave
  420. >The sergeant smiles once more before continuing down the hall
  421. >"The young recruit told me everything. How are you feeling?"
  423. "Like shit."
  424. >Celestia smiles and lowers her head to yours
  425. >"A blunt way to put it."
  426. >Her horn lights up
  427. >A strange warmth runs atop of yours kin
  428. >It is there for just a second before fading
  429. >"Well, it seems you are fine. He hasn't cast any spells on you."
  430. >You chuckle quietly at that
  431. "That's good."
  432. >Celestia looks into your right eye
  433. >Stares into it like she can see something
  434. >For minutes she gazes at your eye
  435. >But she speaks not a word
  436. "What are you doing?"
  437. >Celestia doesn't reply
  438. >She merely looks for a few more moments
  439. >"Checking if you were under his influence, which you are not."
  440. >She gives you a warm smile before finally relaxing
  441. >Seems you were fine, after all
  442. >"But the fact that he spoke to you concerns me."
  443. >Her brows are slightly furrowed as she speaks
  444. >"Discord is supposed to be imprisoned. He should not be able to speak."
  445. >She moves close to you and smiles
  446. >"What happened to you, Anon?"
  448. >You sigh heavily before speaking
  449. "I thought Discord could somehow help me find Caesar, so I went and spoke to the statue. That's when all of that occurred and why you and I speak now."
  450. >Without even looking at her, you can feel Celestia's condescending stare
  451. >Like a mother scolding her child
  452. >"Discord never leads to anything but trouble."
  453. >You nod slowly
  454. "I know."
  455. >"Anon, he can't help you."
  456. >You keep looking at her hooves
  457. "He told me he could help me find Caesar."
  458. >"And yet you didn't accept his help."
  459. >You sigh heavily and finally raise your head
  460. >Celestia isn't staring at you
  461. >She is smiling, just like she always does
  462. "He asked me to destroy you in order to free him in exchange for his help. I couldn't do that. Ever."
  463. >Celestia chuckles at that
  464. >You raise an eyebrow at that
  465. >Death wasn't exactly funny to you
  466. >"I know you wouldn't. Even in desperation, you are a kind person."
  467. >She unfolds a wing and drapes you in it
  468. >"I know you miss Caesar. And so does Luna. But not even Discord has power to bring him home. You just have to stay strong."
  469. >You feel a tear creeping down your cheek
  470. >She was right
  471. >Discord was just a dirty, lying scumbag
  472. >You wrap your arms around her and hug her tight
  473. >"Go and keep your wife company. She needs you. More than you know. And know that she loves you."
  474. >You nod slowly into her fur
  475. "Thank you."
  477. >As the months went on, things got worse
  478. >Canterlot wasn't the same place it was before
  479. >Fear ruled the ponies' lives
  480. >Fear of the impending war and its consequences
  481. >Smiles faded and frowns reigned supreme
  482. >There was no reason to leave the castle anymore
  483. >The outside world had become a harsh place
  484. >A strange and barren wasteland
  485. >Stories of the conflicts reached every corner of Equestria
  486. >The zebras were slowly losing their temper
  487. >Although no links to gryphons were found, most everyone knew they were behind the attacks
  488. >Yet the war didn't come
  489. >It was held a bay for more than a year
  490. >And it was a year you spent mostly in solitude
  491. >With only Luna left, you hadn't much to do
  492. >Although a member of the royal family, you were useless
  493. >So in the castle you walked
  494. >Day out and day in
  495. >Walking slowly down the halls
  496. >Trying to initiate conversation with the guards
  497. >But even they were distant
  498. >Focused on their duties to the princesses
  499. >But all of it escalated in the winter
  500. >One morning was hectic
  501. >Guards were running down the halls
  502. >Orders flew through the air
  503. >Frantic words and nervous gazes filled the castle
  504. >You stop a guard, demanding an explanation
  505. >"King Vox's daughter has been assassinated. He has declared war on the gryphons."
  506. >No more words were spoken before he left
  507. >You were left standing in the hallway
  508. >Simply staring at the frightened ponies around you
  509. >Useless as you were, you walked back inside your home
  511. >Inside your home, you look around
  512. >Everything is a mess
  513. >Empty bottles fill the desks
  514. >Trash and old food is overfilling the trash bins
  515. >With a sigh, you leave it all as is
  516. >You go to the table and pull out a chair
  517. >The sun hasn't even risen yet
  518. >Only the winter darkness remains
  519. >You put the chair in front of the window
  520. >The landscape is white
  521. >So very white with beautiful snow
  522. >You sit down and watch it
  523. >The trees are gone
  524. >Devoured by the whiteness in the world
  525. >As if Celestia herself has covered all of Equestria
  526. >But you know she is in the throne room
  527. >Possibly shouting orders at guards
  528. >Luna would be helping, of course
  529. >Your wife was good in these situations
  530. >The mere thought of her brings a smile to your face
  531. >As you watch the snow, you feel happiness
  532. >It's beautiful
  533. >Just like your wife
  534. >And although your soul had grown dark
  535. >You still love her as much as ever
  536. >You would never leave her side
  537. >The two of you were together in this
  538. >Forever and always
  539. >"Hi, dad."
  541. End of part 5.
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