
He Who Is (Unjust) (Filthy) or (Righteous) Let Him Be

Feb 6th, 2019
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  4. Eric Aboadwe
  5. October 12, 2017 ·
  9. Our Scripture reading today is taken from the Book of Revelation where it says:
  11. “He who is UNJUST, let him be UNJUST still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still” (Revelation 22:11).
  13. We thank God for speaking these Words to us. Through this Word, God is revealing His will and purpose for all mankind. We must therefore understand that, it is NEVER our Creator’s intention to destroy any of us. This is because He is “not willing that any should PERISH but that all should come to REPENTANCE” (2 Peter 3:9).
  15. When Christians whose understanding is “unfruitful” read the passage in our Scripture reading, they think that God wants us to be JUST by ourselves, and He wants us to be CLEAN by ourselves, and He wants us to be RIGHTEOUS and HOLY all by ourselves. However, that is NOT what God is telling us in the passage.
  17. If the Holy Scriptures says that “He who is UNJUST, let him be UNJUST,” it means God is drawing our attention to the fact that He has given each and every one of us the FREE WILL to choose to be “JUST” or “UNJUST. That’s why He told us in the Pentateuch, “I call heaven and earth as witness today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore CHOOSE life, that both you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
  19. This means that we can “CHOOSE” to be “JUST” or the “UNJUST” based on the free will which God gave to everyone of us. The opposite of “JUST” is “UNJUST.” So the question is: How can we become the “JUST,” and who is “UNJUST”?
  21. Through the epistle of Apostle Peter, God tells us how we can become the “JUST.” He said, “For CHRIST suffered once for sins, the JUST for the UNJUST, that He might bring us to GOD, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit” (I Peter 3:18). We must all believe without any trace of doubt that JESUS suffered for our sins because He took all of them upon Himself through His water.
  23. When the Apostle Peter says that JESUS suffered for our sins so that He might bring us to God, we must understand that the words, “He might bring us to God” confirms the Words of JESUS when He said that, “No one comes to the Father except THROUGH Me” (John 14:6). Therefore it is the Lord CHRIST who makes us the “JUST” through His own water baptism and His own blood on the wooden Cross. He did this so that “He might bring us to God.” This is because any person who is “UNJUST” cannot enter the Kingdom of God.
  25. As Christians, we must know that we can NEVER make ourselves the “JUST,” but it is the Lord JESUS who makes us the “JUST” in order to qualify us to enter the domain of God. That’s why His Word is telling us that “For CHRIST suffered once for sins, the JUST for the UNJUST.” It means that JESUS was a “JUST” Man, but He suffered for those of us who were “UNJUST” (SINNERS) when He substituted Himself to become the “UNJUST” for us through His baptism and dying for us to shed His blood on the Cross, and resurrecting from the death to make us the “JUST.”
  27. For this reason, the Apostle Paul also tells us that JESUS CHRIST was “delivered up because of our OFFENSES, and was RAISED because of our JUSTIFICATION” (Romans 4:25). This shows clearly that believing in the BLOOD of JESUS alone cannot make us the “JUST,” but we must believe in His resurrection and baptism to make our “JUSTIFICATION” or being the “JUST” complete.
  29. Therefore when the Holy Spirit inspires Paul to say that, “For He made Him who knew no SIN to be SIN for us” (2 Corinthians 5:21), this is also confirmed by the Apostle Peter in a different way but having the same meaning when he said, “the JUST for the UNJUST.” It means that if you want to become a “JUST” person as a Christian, then you must believe in God’s substitutionary work when He made JESUS to be the “UNJUST” for you so that you become a “JUST” person.
  31. Therefore when God speaks to us in the Book of Revelation and He says, “He who is UNJUST, let him be UNJUST still,” it means that you can “CHOOSE” to remain as “UNJUST” person who prays for the prayers of repentance every day until God throws you into hell. However, you can also “CHOOSE” to become the “JUST” when you believe in the water and the blood of JESUS in order to enter the abode of Heaven.
  33. Anybody who is JUSTIFIED in the court of law does not beg the judge for the forgiveness of SINS or pray to the judge by offering the prayers of repentance. In other words, a person who is “JUST” is free from sin, fault, blame, and condemnation. It is the “UNJUST” people who are condemned by the judge for their faults and SINS. So do you “still” want to remain “UNJUST” in the presence of God or you want to be “JUST”? God said that “He who is UNJUST, let him be UNJUST still.”
  35. To be “UNJUST still” means that you don’t want to be free from sin, fault, blame, accusation, lawlessness, disobedience, evil doer, an enemy of God, an advocate of Satan, and a citizen of hell. JESUS came to “FREE” us from all these things in order to make us the “JUST.” That’s why He said that, “Therefore if the Son makes you FREE, you shall be FREE indeed” (John 8:36).
  37. It is therefore time for all Christians to wake up, seek for the truth, thirst for God’s righteousness, and believe in the “water and the Spirit” of JESUS to become the “JUST.” We must know that the “JUST shall live by FAITH” (Hebrews 10:38) in the water, blood and the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST.
  39. Our study continues.............
  41. Those who are the “JUST” are BLESSED!
  47. Eric Aboadwe
  48. October 13, 2017 ·
  52. We are still taking our Scripture reading from the Book of Revelation. It says:
  54. “He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is FILTHY, let him be FILTHY still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still” (Revelation 22:11).
  56. The above passage is divided into four (4) parts, and we have already looked at the first part on the Previous day which says, “He who is UNJUST, let him be UNJUST still.” So today we are going to look at the second (2nd) part which says, he who is FILTHY, let him be FILTHY still.”
  58. As we learnt from Deuteronomy 30:19, God has given all human beings the ability, wish and preference to make a choice for themselves either to be conformed to His “will” or their own will. If God’s Word therefore tells us that He who is “FILTHY” let him be “FILTHY,” it is based on the same principle of volition which God has established for the mankind.
  60. Scripturally, “FILTH” refers to “SIN,” and therefore a person who is “FILTHY” refers to a “SINNER.” When our blessed LORD and Saviour came to this world, He came to WASH away the “FILTH” of mankind through His water baptism of purification. That’s why the Apostle Peter says that, “There is also an antitype which now SAVES us – baptism (not the removal of the FILTH of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience towards God) through the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST” (1 Peter 3:21).
  62. Here lies the mystery of getting WASHED AWAY from one’s “FILTH.” It says clearly from the above passage that when JESUS went to John the Baptist to get baptized, He did it for the purpose of SAVING us from our spiritual “FILTH” which is the SIN of our “soul” and not the “flesh.” Human beings are actually “FILTHY” both spiritually and physically.
  64. That’s why it is written in the Book of Job, “If God puts no trust in His saints, and the heavens are not PURE in His sight, how much less a man, who is abominable and FILTHY, who drinks iniquity like water” (Job 15:15-16). We must accept the fact that we were born “FILTHY,” and that it is our fundamental nature to do “FILTHY” things.
  66. However JESUS came to WASH away our “FILTH.” But let us understand that when He came into the world, he did not come to wash away the “FILTH of the flesh” because the “flesh” is already condemned by God to “die once, but after this judgment” (Hebrew 9:27).
  68. Therefore JESUS received His baptism to cleanse our “soul” from our spiritual “FILTH,” and He completed it by shedding His blood on the Cross when He said, “It is FINISHED” (John 19:30). But many believers today have overlooked, ignored, and rejected the cleansing POWER of His baptism. Due to this, they have not been WASHED completely from their “FILTH.”
  70. This is the reason why they are “FILTHY still,” and they have turned the SALVATION work of JESUS into a lie. If you are among these group of Christians, I admonish you to turn around and believe in both the “water and blood” of CHRIST and you will see the reality of salvation for yourself. Those who believe in only the blood of the Cross may think that the blood alone has cleanse them from their “FILTH,” but because it doesn't work that way, they keep on asking God everyday to sanctify them from their “FILTH.”
  72. That’s why king Solomon said that, “There is a generation that us PURE in its own eyes, yet is not WASHED from its FILTHINESS” (Proverbs 30:12). What Solomon is saying here is the true reflection of the Christian FAITH as it stands today. Many Christians are “PURE” in their “own eyes” because they believe in JESUS according to their own ways and thoughts.
  74. They believe that all that JESUS came to do in this world is to be crucified and shed His blood on the Cross, and they have ignored His baptism completely from their FAITH. This is why it says in Proverbs that they are “not WASHED from its FILTHINESS.” In order words they have not been cleansed from their SINS, and so they offer the prayers of repentance every day.
  76. If the Christian generation today believe in JESUS according to their own ways and thoughts, then the Holy Word of God is telling us that it is “PURE in its own eyes, yet is not WASHED from its FILTHINESS.” That’s why God is telling us in our Scripture reading from Revelation, that if a Christian wants to remain like this, then God says, “He who is FILTHY, let him be FILTHY still.”
  78. It is very dangerous to remain “FILTHY” because God will judge such people and He will throw them into hell. When we sweep our rooms or compound, we gather all the “FILTHY” things around, and we throw them into the garbage or the refuse dump. Sometimes there are even refuse collectors who comes around from time to time to collect the “FILTH” and dump them away.
  80. This is exactly what God will do to Christians who are “still FILTHY,” and He will dump them off into the garbage (hell-fire) where they will gnash their teeth. That’s why JESUS said that, “The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His Kingdom all things that OFFEND, and those who practice LAWLESSNESS, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:41-42).
  82. We must know that it is a great OFFENCE to God for Christians to make Him a liar. God in His unlimited POWER, sanctified and washed away all our sins once and for all (Hebrews 10:10) through the water and the blood of CHRIST. Therefore any Christian who does not believe in this “practice LAWLESSNESS.” This is because He has “OFFENDED” God’s LAW of salvation in JESUS CHRIST. And this is the reason why JESUS says He will “cast them into the furnace of fire.”
  84. Don’t let this happened to you as a Christian. Your denomination cannot SAVE you from hell. You must therefore believe in the water and the blood of JESUS and not your denominational doctrines which cannot WASH away the “FILTH” of your SINS.
  86. Our study continues...........
  88. So Don’t be “FILTHY still,” but be CLEANSED once and for all.
  101. Eric Aboadwe
  102. October 14, 2017 ·
  106. Our Scripture reading is taken once again from the eschatological Book of Revelation where it is written:
  108. “He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is RIGHTEOUS, let him be RIGHTEOUS still; he who is holy, let him be holy still” (Revelation 22:11).
  110. We THANK the Lord God of grace for giving us another New Day. Having looked at the first (1st) and second (2nd) part of this passage of the Holy Word, today we are going to look at the third (3rd) part which says, “He who is RIGHTEOUS, let him be RIGHTEOUS still.” This Word is actually speaking to God’s Saints.
  112. The “RIGHTEOUS” refer to those who believe in the Words of JESUS when He told John the Baptist, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Matthew 3:15). Anybody who has become “RIGHTEOUS” knows very well that the reason why he is “RIGHTEOUS” is in connection to JESUS’ baptism, His blood and resurrection. The Apostle Paul described this as “the RIGHTEOUSNESS which is from GOD by FAITH” (Philippians 3:9).
  114. When the Saviour of the world went to John the Baptist to accept the SINS of the world upon Himself as “The LAMB of God who takes away the SIN of the world” (John 1:29), it was through One Man’s “RIGHTEOUS act” (Romans 5:18) which made all SINNERS to become the “RIGHTEOUS” children of God who were born again of His water and the Spirit (John 3:5).
  116. Many believers in Christendom are not even aware that “RIGHTEOUSNESS” is something that is “CREATED” by God and not by themselves. That’s why God said in Isaiah, “Rain down, you heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down RIGHTEOUSNESS, let the earth open, let them spring forth salvation, and let RIGHTEOUSNESS spring up together. I, the LORD, have CREATED it” (Isaiah 45:8).
  118. Dearly beloved reader of (The True Living Bread & Water), God said here that He is the one who “CREATED RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Therefore we cannot challenge the Almighty God and think that we can also create “RIGHTEOUSNESS” by our own acts or deeds of the LAW. Those who do that will be walking in the footsteps of Satan who wanted to challenge the throne of God (Isaiah 14:12-14).
  120. When Satan attempted to do this he was “brought down to sheol” (Isaiah 14:15). In the same way, those who challenge God by thinking they can also be “RIGHTEOUS” like God through their own religious acts and beliefs will also be “brought down to sheol” which is the Hades for the dead because they were acting in the same footsteps of Satan.
  122. That’s why when the Pharisees boasting of their own RIGHTEOUSNESS, the Lord JESUS told them that, “You are of your father the Devil, and the desires of your father you want to do...” (John 8:44). Therefore just as God judged Satan and cast him to the “sheol,” He will also cast off the blind Christians who wants to build their own RIGHTEOUSNESS to challenge Him to “hell” where Satan belong. That’s why we say, “Like father, like son.”
  124. Therefore when God tells us in our Scripture reading that, “He who is RIGHTEOUS, let him be RIGHTEOUS still,” He is NOT talking about those whom the Apostle Paul described as, “For they being ignorant of God’s RIGHTEOUSNESS, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God” (Romans 10:3).
  126. So as a Christian, when you read Revelation and it says, “He who is RIGHTEOUS, let him be RIGHTEOUS still,” don’t think that it means you should establish you “own righteousness.” If you do that you will not be able to enter the Kingdom of God. This is because the Word of God tells us that, “all our RIGHTEOUSNESS are like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:5).
  128. When we understand this, we will HUMBLE ourselves and believe in the water baptism of JESUS where He fulfilled all “RIGHTEOUSNESS” for us. Now I just want you to earn me you ears and pay attention to this: If God tells us in Isaiah that “all our RIGHTEOUSNESS are like filthy rags,” and JESUS also tells John the Baptist that, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all RIGHTEOUSNESS,” then it is telling you that you cannot become “RIGHTEOUS” if you omit the baptism of JESUS from your Christian faith.
  130. So which one do you believe? Do you believe in “all our RIGHTEOUSNESS are like filthy rags” or you believe in “it is fitting for us to fulfill all RIGHTEOUSNESS”? Which one of them are you choosing for yourself as a Christian? I have already told you in our previous studies that God has given us the power of CHOICE (Deuteronomy 30:19). So choose one for yourself. You cannot choose all of them together.
  132. You cannot choose both “LIGHT” and “DARKNESS” together because they cannot meet. That’s why the Holy Scripture tells us that, “In Him was life, and the life was the LIGHT of men. And the LIGHT shines in the DARKNESS, and the DARKNESS did not comprehend it” (John 1:4-5). This verse means that initially we were SINFUL (DARKNESS), but only JESUS is LIGHT (RIGHTEOUS). So He shined on us and all the “DARKNESS” in us receded, and we became “RIGHTEOUS” through His water baptism and the blood of the Cross.
  134. That’s why JESUS who made us “RIGHTEOUS” told us in Isaiah, “...That they may be called trees of RIGHTEOUSNESS, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified” (Isaiah 61:3). This verse means that God made us “RIGHTEOUS” through JESUS CHRIST so that we will give all the glory to Him and thank Him forever because He made us “RIGHTEOUS” forever.
  136. Therefore if our Scripture reading says, “He who is RIGHTEOUS, let him be RIGHTEOUS still,” it is talking about those who were made “RIGHTEOUS” by JESUS CHRIST. So if you are a Christian and you are still a SINNER, then your faith is WRONG. Believe in the water, the blood and the Spirit, and you will also become “RIGHTEOUS.”
  138. Our study continues.............
  140. Those who are “RIGHTEOUS still” are BLESSED!
  149. Eric Aboadwe
  150. October 15, 2017 ·
  154. Our Scripture reading is still on Revelation where it is says that:
  156. “He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is HOLY, let him be HOLY still” (Revelation 22:11).
  158. As at now, we have already looked at the first three parts of our Scripture reading. So today we are looking at the fourth (4th) part of the passage where it says, “He who is HOLY, let him be HOLY still.” And even though the passage is divided into fourth (4) parts, it can also categorized into two (2) parts. This is because the “UNJUST” and the “FILTHY” refers to children of the Devil, whiles the “RIGHTEOUS” and the “HOLY” refers to the children of God.
  160. So who is a “HOLY” person or how are we made “HOLY”?
  162. First of all, the “HOLY” people refers to those who were CHOSEN in CHRIST. The Apostle Paul explains this when he said, “Just as He CHOSE us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be HOLY and without blame before Him in LOVE” (Ephesians 1:4). It says clearly here that when God CHOOSE you in CHRIST, you become “HOLY” and without blame before Him in “LOVE.”
  164. It means that we can never become “HOLY” through the Commandments and the LAW which exposes our SINS and bring God’s judgment on us, but rather we became the “HOLY” people of God because God Himself “CHOSE” us in JESUS to be “HOLY” before Him in His “LOVE.”
  166. When it says, “that we should be HOLY and without blame before Him in LOVE,” it means that “For God so LOVE the world that He sent His only begotten Son” to be borne by the Virgin Mary, and to receive baptism for the passing on of our SINS, and to die on the Cross for the judgment of our SINS, and to resurrect from the dead for our justification, so that “whoever BELIEVES in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” because such a person has been made “HOLY” in JESUS CHRIST.
  168. Secondly, we must understand that a person is “HOLY” when JESUS Himself baptizes him or her with the “HOLY SPIRIT.” That’s why John the Baptist who passed all our SINS onto JESUS told us, “I indeed baptized you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is MIGHTIER than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry, He will baptized you with the HOLY SPIRIT and fire” (Matthew 3:11).
  170. When John the Baptist says that JESUS “is MIGHTIER than I,” it means that JESUS has the power to cleanse away all our SINS with His water baptism and blood so that we can be made “HOLY.” When John says, “He will baptized you with the HOLY SPIRIT and fire,” it means that JESUS will take away our SINS upon Himself in order to qualify us to receive the gift of the “HOLY SPIRIT” so that we can become the “HOLY” people of God because we have the indwelling of His “HOLY SPIRIT.”
  172. Therefore JESUS CHRIST “baptized” us with “HOLY SPIRIT and fire” because God “made Him who knew no SIN to be SIN for us” (2 Corinthians 5:21) when He was baptized by John the Baptist before dying on the Cross. That’s why Jesus told the disciples that when He is resurrected, the “HOLY SPIRIT” will be theirs. He said, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the HELPER will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7).
  174. This passage also shows clearly that you can never receive the “HOLY SPIRIT” by begging God to give you His “HOLY SPIRIT” through your prayers of repentance. But rather, you can receive Him when you accept the fact that you were born a SINNER from your mothers womb (Psalm 51:5; Isaiah 48:8), and that you commit SIN until you die (Isaiah 64:5b), and then believe in the WATER baptism of JESUS by which He washed away your SINS once for all in addition to His blood on the Cross.
  176. That’s why when the Apostle Peter was preaching he told the people, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of SINS; and you shall receive the gift of of the HOLY SPIRIT” (Acts 2:38). This means when you receive the REMISSION (forgiveness) of the SINS that you commit from the day you were born until the day you die, then you have become a “HOLY” person. From then on you can do “good” things but that is not what made you “HOLY,” but you were made “HOLY” by God.
  178. So let us understand that nobody can be made “HOLY” outside the “HOLY SPIRIT.” That’s why the Word of God tells us that, “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the Word of Truth, the gospel of your SALVATION; in whom also having BELIEVED, you were sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession, to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:13-14).
  180. This is how we were made “HOLY” by the power of JESUS CHRIST because He is “MIGHTIER” as testified by John the Baptist who proclaimed, “Behold! The LAMB of God who takes away the SIN of the world” (John 1:29).
  182. Our study continues.............
  184. Those who are “HOLY still” are BLESSED!
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