
visiting akuuko

Feb 6th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. You think to yourself: **the echoing of your siblings swelling and falling, it's so comforting, but...**.
  2. You have emoted: Cheliyi glances east, frowning deeply.
  3. You think to yourself: Akuuko.
  4. You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
  5. A shadowlord widowrider moves his giant black widow to allow you to leave.
  7. ---> zoom to the realm
  9. Near a statue of the Lady of Thorns.
  10. The slender, perfect beauty of the Lady of Thorns rises from a plinth of polished black marble, Her own form rendered in purest white. Her lips are curved in a chill smile beneath the hood that obscures half Her face - Her outstretched hands bear a long scythe, and the mantling form of a crow. At Her feet, innumerable candles burn with flames of shadowfire within embrasures of pallid stone. A hemlock sapling clings tenaciously to the ground here. Filling the space about him with his charismatic presence, Akuuko lingers here.
  11. You see exits leading south and west.
  13. You have emoted: Cheliyi shuffles in, shoulders hunched. "Mister Akuuko?"
  15. Small bits of webbing cling to the nearly nude form of this young dracnari man, black ichor and dark dirt creating small, nonsensical patterns upon a body that is covered in dark green scales that shimmer with an otherworldly sheen. Shadows cling to him, protecting his modesty, deftly weaving darkness wherever necessary. Upon his face, and the part of his torso stretching from the right side of his neck to his hip, however, is a solid line of faint scarring that splinters with a pattern like lightning. On the other side of these scars, his scales darken to a deep violet, flecked through with traces of umbral red and swirls of stygian black, the skin beneath taut and corded as though the muscle were freshly grown. Brilliantly orange, his eyes stare out from a slightly sunken position within his pointed, mischievous face, above a crooked nose and a mouth that is prone to quirking into a lopsided smile. Lithe and limber in his five feet of finely muscled height, his movements carry a sense of grace and agility that translates to deadly ability when the clawed talons capping his hands and digitigrade feet catch the light.
  16. Akuuko, the Rewoven is quite powerful.
  18. You think to yourself: **purple scales glinting in the moonlight as red floods in-**.
  20. You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
  21. Softly, you ask Akuuko, the Rewoven, "Are you alright, Mister Akuuko?"
  23. The howl of a distant wolf momentarily silences the crickets.
  24. Muginn ruffles his feathers, stirring up puffs of fog.
  26. Sighing quietly at the lack of response, you say to Akuuko, the Rewoven, "Ah, you are sleeping. I hope. Well, sleep well."
  28. You have emoted: Cheliyi turns to leave, and pauses. She glances down at a powdery donut shaped like a flower, and then smiles faintly.
  29. You give a powdery donut shaped like a flower to Akuuko, the Rewoven.
  31. Quietly, you say to Akuuko, the Rewoven, "Peoples miss you, and people care about you. Please don't cry anymore."
  32. You have emoted: Cheliyi bows, and leaves the room.
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