

Feb 20th, 2019
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  1. # 1: Item du Challenges | 2: Nom du challenge | 3: Choses à faire | 4: Nombre d'item à avoir | 5: Récompense | 6: Item affiché dans le GUI | 7: Type de récompenses | 8: Récompenses affichées dans le GUI
  3. # (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (!)
  4. # |------| |------------------| |-------------------| |---| |-----| |-----| |-------| |------|
  6. #========================== Challenge lvl 1 ========================#
  8. set {ch1::1::*} to "glass", "Première vitre", "Créez &b12&3 vitres", "12", "100", "glass" and "money" and "100€"
  9. set {ch1::2::*} to "cobblestone", "Mineur amateur", "Minez &b64 &3cobbles", "64", "150", "cobblestone" and "money" and "150€"
  10. set {ch1::3::*} to "bread", "Bread Maker", "Créez &b25 &3pains", "25", "150", "bread" and "money" and "150€"
  11. set {ch1::4::*} to "green dye", "Fabriquant de Colorant Vert", "Créez &b32 &3colorants Verts", "32", "200", "green dye" and "money" and "200€"
  12. set {ch1::5::*} to "paper", "Du papier", "Créez &b64 &3papiers", "64", "150", "paper" and "money" and "150€"
  13. set {ch1::6::*} to "melon seed", "Agriculteur Amateur", "Récupérez &b128 &3graines de Melon", "128", "250", "melon" and "money" and "250€"
  14. set {ch1::7::*} to "stone bricks", "Builder Amateur", "Posez &b200 &3blocks", "200", "200", "stone bricks" and "money" and "200€"
  15. set {ch1::8::*} to "mushroom stew", "Cuisto Amateur", "Préparez &b20 &3soupes", "20", "200", "mushroom stew" and "money" and "200€"
  16. set {ch1::9::*} to "cactus", "Challenge Piquant", "Récupérez &b64 &3cactus", "64", "250", "cactus" and "money" and "250€"
  17. set {ch1::10::*} to "oak planks", "Bucheron Amateur", "Récupérez &b64&3 planches de chêne", "64", "250", "oak planks" and "money" and "250€"
  18. set {ch1::11::*} to "oak Sapling", "Jeune pousse", "Récupérez &b64&3 pousses de chêne", "64", "200", "oak Sapling" and "money" and "200€"
  19. set {ch1::12::*} to "red wool", "Eleveur de Mouton", "Récupérez &b12&3 laines &cRouges", "12", "200", "red wool" and "money" and "200€"
  20. set {ch1::13::*} to "bone", "Tueur de mobs Amateur", "Récupérez &b48&3 os", "48", "250", "bone" and "money" and "250€"
  21. set {ch1::14::*} to "tnt", "Explosif", "Récupérez &b5&3 TNTs", "5", "200", "tnt" and "money" and "200€"
  22. set {ch1::15::*} to "book", "Écrivain Amateur", "Récupérez &b3&3 livres", "3", "150", "book" and "money" and "150€"
  23. set {ch1::16::*} to "ender chest", "Stockage Temporel", "Récupérez &b1&3 enderchest", "1", "500", "ender chest" and "money" and "500€"
  25. #========================== Challenge VIP lvl 1 ========================#
  27. set {ch1::17::*} to "ender pearl", "&dChallengePlus 1", "Récupérez &b384&3 enderpearls", "384", "givem 50 {PLAYER} 3", "ender pearl" and "cmd" and "&cOsirix de &b50%%&c x3"
  28. set {ch1::18::*} to "jukebox", "&dChallengePlus 2", "Récupérez &b3&3 JUKEBOXs", "3", "givem 50 {PLAYER} 5", "jukebox" and "cmd" and "&cOsirix de &b50%%&c x5"
  29. #========================== Challenge lvl 1 ========================#
  31. set {ch2::1::*} to "redstone", "Première Redstone", "Récupérez &b32&3 redstones", "32", "300", "redstone" and "money" and "300€"
  32. set {ch2::2::*} to "pumpkin seeds", "Agriculteur Professionnel", "Récupérez &b248&3 graines de Citrouille", "248", "350", "pumpkin" and "money" and "350€"
  33. set {ch2::3::*} to "rotten flesh", "Tueur de Mobs Professionnel", "Récupérez &b248&3 Chairs Putréfiées", "248", "350", "rotten flesh" and "money" and "350€"
  34. set {ch2::4::*} to "book", "Écrivain Professionnel", "Récupérez &b28&3 livres", "28", "500", "book" and "money" and "500€"
  35. set {ch2::5::*} to "steak", "Cuisto Professionnel", "Récupérez &b128&3 Steak Cuit", "128", "600", "steak" and "money" and "600€"
  36. set {ch2::6::*} to "stone", "Mineur Professionnel", "Minez &b1000 &3cobbles", "1064", "1000", "stone" and "money" and "1000€"
  37. set {ch2::7::*} to "stone bricks", "Builder Professionnel", "Posez &b2000 &3blocks", "2000", "1100", "stone bricks" and "money" and "1100€"
  38. set {ch2::8::*} to "oak Sapling", "Vieille pousse", "Récupérez &b384&3 pousses de chêne", "384", "1200", "oak Sapling" and "money" and "1200€"
  39. set {ch2::9::*} to "cake", "Cake Maker", "Cuisinez &b1 &3cake", "1", "500", "cake" and "money" and "500€"
  40. set {ch2::10::*} to "yellow dye", "Fabriquant de Colorant Jaune", "Créez &b32 &3colorants Jaunes", "32", "300", "yellow dye" and "money" and "300€"
  41. set {ch2::11::*} to "paper", "Encore du papier", "Créez &b128 &3papiers", "128", "301", "paper" and "money" and "301€"
  42. set {ch2::12::*} to "oak wooden log", "Bucheur Amateur", "Coupez &b128 &3troncs de chêne", "128", "1500", "oak planks" and "money" and "1500€"
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