

Oct 14th, 2017
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  1. [10:16 AM] Eon: The last we left our heroes..
  2. Eon pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.Today at 10:16 AM
  3. [10:22 AM] Eon: Having returned to Neivec immediately after their foray in Quartz Island, they returned to Martha, offering what they had uncovered and recovered there. After a week of research, (and downtime for the party), they met back up, and decided to return to Quartz Island. The corruption had gotten worse since they had last arrived two weeks prior, as the plant life had also started turning, and were assaulted by such. Overcoming the indignant flora, they made their way back to the river, and the small island that held the planar portal.
  5. A quick scouting report, courtesy of Luna's familiar, revealed several pods of dinosaurs scattered across the island, but a greater problem in the Suncrowned King, guarding the entrance to a cave leading to their goal. After they employed an.. interesting, solution, they made it in, the dinosaur hivemind none the wiser.
  6. [10:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Right. :thinking: )
  7. [10:23 AM] Faerie: (TopTactics)
  8. [10:23 AM] Eon: And so we begin, with the party minus Talos tumbling past the entrance of the cave, and the quick thunk of armor, along with a disappearing Kuo-Toa Mancatcher, confirms the last of your party's presence.
  9. [10:23 AM] Bot Fodder: (Ah, right, I missed the last one.)
  10. [10:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Command word for the javelin: Any requests, Talos? )
  11. [10:24 AM] Faerie: (Absolutely none)
  12. [10:25 AM] Faerie: (Am I gonna get memed)
  13. [10:25 AM] Eon: Thankfully, the entrance quickly widens, leaving a roughly circular alcove (15 radius) for you to quickly catch your breath, and avoid the Suncrowned King.
  14. [10:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (If not it'll be Reverse Death :V )
  15. [10:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Recommendation include singing it while slinging the javelin)
  16. [10:25 AM] Faerie: (That's a song, not a word :T)
  17. [10:26 AM] Eon: The rock adorning the cave wall a deep purplish gray, and speckled with white flakes, which would have been a pleasant look, if not for the implication of the Elemental Chaos' influence.
  18. [10:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Well, it's still likely pleasant enough of a sight for scholars interested in the matter.
  19. [10:27 AM] Eon: Water drips in some unknown corner of the cave, in a tunnel that leads further down, ahead (10 feet wide or so)
  20. [10:27 AM] Eon: Speaking of scholars..
  21. [10:27 AM] Faerie: After Talos runs like a featherless, buttered turkey on Christmas eve, he's left having to resist playing his haunting tune once more.
  22. [10:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri propose a quick resource check, to go over what everyone has available on hand.
  23. [10:28 AM] Eon: Martha is mostly catching her breath, sitting in the corner, with Tamara keeping a lookout in both directions.
  24. [10:28 AM] Faerie: Talos' breathing seems normal. He checks with the rest. ''I trust it went well on your end?''
  25. [10:28 AM] Bot Fodder: (... maybe I should read over the log.)
  26. [10:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Fairly." Siri hisses softly.
  27. [10:28 AM] Mizuki: (Eon's recap is a pretty good tl;dr!)
  28. [10:29 AM] Faerie: Talos' junk include a scroll of destroy or create water, a 10-foot pole, manacles and a goodberry
  29. [10:29 AM] Eon: A brief period of stomping outside alerts you to the Suncrowned King returning to his guard position. But thankfully, it still is none the wiser.
  30. [10:29 AM] Mizuki: "Nice work there, gramps!" - Said Luna patting his back with a smile. - "That guy really was impressive, wasn't it?"
  31. [10:30 AM] Eon: Oh, err, presumably Tamara dispelled Invisibility post Talos' entrance.
  32. [10:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri's mostly out of resources, but she'll still perform fine with a bow. She'll take her mancatcher from Talos, as well as her horn.
  33. [10:30 AM] Bot Fodder: (Last session was mostly scouting, then? I was here up through making it past the T-rex.)
  34. [10:31 AM] Mizuki: (it ended there)
  35. [10:31 AM] Bot Fodder: ( :droolingpopo: my head is full of fuck )
  36. [10:31 AM] Mizuki: (kek)
  37. [10:32 AM] Eon: "Anyhow, I'll be taking samples, shouldn't take long. Can't examine them without proper lab equipment, though. I only brought enough to examine the supposed portal." Martha waddles around, picking up the speckled rocks with a pair of lead tongs, and placing them in containers.
  38. [10:32 AM] Mizuki: (Eon used "suncrowned king" for some fancy reason, that's all :smugpopo:)
  39. [10:32 AM] Faerie: ''Indeed, though I prefer fish'', he reassures Luna. ''Very fine piece'', he comments on the horn handing it back to Siri. ''Playing those at high sea used to be somewhat of a trend a few years back''
  40. [10:32 AM] Eon: (better than the 't-rex')(edited)
  41. [10:32 AM] Bot Fodder: (Ohh. And what about the "pods of dinosaurs"?)
  42. [10:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri nods, keeping a lookout from all directions.
  43. [10:33 AM] Faerie: Talos'll nod Martha's way, weaving a sigil above the woman. He likely has to crouch to do that [Guidance] in case
  44. [10:34 AM] Eon: Down the tunnel ahead, a faint glow illuminates a corner, as it makes a sharp turn, sloping down.
  45. [10:34 AM] Mizuki: (I think by pods, he means the guards)
  46. [10:34 AM] Eon: Thankfully, operating tongs and putting things into bags doesn't require a check :smugpopo:
  47. [10:34 AM] Eon: (a pod as in a 'group of')
  48. [10:34 AM] Eon: (I don't know what the word for group of dinosaurs is, herd? it's probably something silly.)
  49. [10:35 AM] Eon: It dims and brightens, slowly, over time.
  50. [10:35 AM] Faerie: (Hey Eon, is your next dino gonna be a Dinosoar)
  51. [10:35 AM] Bot Fodder: (Oh. I see. That's an unusual word for it... Anyway, I'll figure the rest out, I guess.)
  53. [10:35 AM] Eon: (It's going to be a rocksfallsaur if you keep that up)
  54. [10:36 AM] Faerie: (But we already had those! They ganked Luna)
  55. [10:36 AM] Eon: Tamara gives a wistful look at the tyrannosaurus rex outside. She alternates between pouting and looking serious.
  56. [10:36 AM] Faerie: Where's the light source relative to said corner?
  57. [10:37 AM] Eon: You can't tell, but it is bright enough to be well, bright light.
  58. [10:37 AM] Eon: Even at its dimmest, it is still quite bright.
  59. [10:37 AM] Mizuki: (are there places to hide in the cave?)
  60. [10:39 AM] Eon: You can assume there are appropiate staglemites or other cover, so yes.
  61. [10:39 AM] Bot Fodder: "Having second thoughts about sneaking through?" Alyna asks Tamara with a catty grin. "If you so desire a climatic battle with the beast, he is still there for you. I'll watch."
  62. [10:39 AM] Mizuki: Luna stares at the glowing light. - "... I wonder what that is..."
  63. [10:39 AM] Eon: As for the area you're currently in, it's basically a circle with two ends, so you can Hide by virtue of 'around the corner'
  64. [10:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You can likely have a familiar take a look." Siri suggests.
  65. [10:40 AM] Mizuki: "I'll take a look okay?" - She asked with a smile, hiding on the shadows, using the stalagmites as a cover.
  66. [10:40 AM] Eon: "Nah. I'm not foolhardly." Tamara shakes her head for the last time, and glances off to the other end, fidgetting.
  67. [10:40 AM] Faerie: (Like a donut tunnel?)
  68. [10:40 AM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+6 stealth roll
  69. [10:40 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 5, Result: 11
  70. [10:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... As that fail to beat Siri's passive perception,
  71. [10:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri stops Luna.
  72. [10:41 AM] Eon: Not too clumsy, yet not too impressively, you crumple a small rock beneath your feet, as you're halted.
  73. [10:41 AM] Bot Fodder: Alyna continues to smile, though she looks a bit nonplussed. Was... was Tamara actually thinking that?
  74. [10:41 AM] Faerie: (Wew, is Talos still invisible)
  75. [10:41 AM] Eon: ... No response from the other side.
  76. [10:41 AM] Eon: (Nah, Tamara dropped conc.)
  77. [10:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Wait. Resummon your familiar." Siri hisses softly. "I believe an elemental scout would have a better luck in the region. Call it a hunch. That's what humans call it, right? Hunch?"
  78. [10:41 AM] Faerie: (Sasuga)
  79. [10:42 AM] Eon: Indeed, Blaze is still in a pocket dimension somewhere, after your.. solution to getting past the Suncrowned King.
  80. [10:42 AM] Mizuki: (did my familiar die at some point? Remind me please :sadpopo:)
  81. [10:42 AM] Faerie: Talos' voice almost goes unheard between the rest of the chatter. ''I believe that's called reason.''
  82. [10:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Considering stage metadata and the fact that your familiar has elemental subtype or supertype...)
  83. [10:42 AM] Mizuki: (oh, yes)
  84. [10:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You unsummoned it, so you can resummon it via an action)
  85. [10:43 AM] Mizuki: Luna snaps her fingers, conjuring a small bat of fire. - "Nice work there" - She smiled.
  86. [10:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri's tail swishes.
  87. [10:43 AM] Eon: It squeaks happily, as it flutters into existence.
  88. [10:43 AM] Faerie: Say, does Control Flames work on a fire elemental familiar?
  89. [10:43 AM] Bot Fodder: "Among other things," Alyna says, turning to Siri. "Would a different element help? Perhaps I could summon an Earth one."
  90. [10:44 AM] Eon: It nuzzles you as it finally returns to the Material Plane, by your side.
  91. [10:44 AM] Eon: Control Flame requires nonmagical, :thinking:
  92. [10:44 AM] Mizuki: "Could you take a look for us down there?" - She asked showing the familiar the place. - "Anything and I'll dismiss you as soon as I can."
  93. [10:44 AM] Faerie: They're in a cave, so an earthen familiar wouldn't be terribly out of place, Talos imagines.
  94. [10:45 AM] Eon: It'll happily oblige. Any particular way you want it to do it?
  95. [10:45 AM] Mizuki: Luna will share her vision with the familiar and prepare to send it back in the pocket dimension at the sight of any danger.
  96. [10:46 AM] Faerie: Talos shifts divine favor from Martha to the fire bat, (almost) silent. [Guidance]
  97. [10:46 AM] Eon: Alrighto
  98. [10:46 AM] Faerie: (Hey, does it get advantage if I cast Guiding Bolt on it :smugpopo:)
  99. [10:46 AM] Eon: (it'll likely die)
  100. [10:48 AM] Bot Fodder: (Did the mini-fire elemental have a fly/hover speed?)
  101. [10:48 AM] Eon: Fluttering around the corner, and linking your senses with Blaze, you register three odd, vaguely humanoid shapes laying on the ground. They're bulbous, and they remind you of the fungus that would be frequent along cave walls such as these. However, one appears ooze-like, vicious mud pouring off it and onto the stone floor, the second glowing brilliantly and the source of the light, and one of.. is that salt?
  102. [10:50 AM] Eon: Finally, a single mostly humanoid figure, one you would register as human, were it not for the fungal growths on his skin, and the an earthen shell covering those not by the fungus. It's the only one standing, paitently, and still.
  103. [10:50 AM] Eon: (they all do except earth)
  104. [10:50 AM] Eon: (however, earth has actual hp pool and nonmagic bps res)(edited)
  105. [10:50 AM] Eon: Ahem. They're mostly face down, and twitch from time to time.
  106. [10:50 AM] Bot Fodder: Alyna looks at Siri, as if asking for a confirmation.
  107. [10:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri's tail swishes, not really sure about much.
  108. [10:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: She's more interested about the scout report, and is waiting patiently on Luna.
  109. [10:51 AM] Mizuki: "Alright, come back, Blaze." - Said the girl turning to the others. - "That's creepy."
  110. [10:51 AM] Eon: Your familiar makes it back safely.
  111. [10:51 AM] Bot Fodder: (If they're still technically of the humanoid type, couldn't Siri 'sense' them?)
  113. [10:52 AM] Faerie: Talos waits with some agitation, attempting to keep a low profile. His idea of that involves kneeling in place with his gaze fixated against the wall, like a makeshift statue.
  114. [10:52 AM] Eon: Its earlier happy diposition now sullied, and mirrors yours a little more.
  115. [10:52 AM] Eon: (but she didn't.)
  116. [10:52 AM] Mizuki: She explained the situation, what she saw, and the fact they're still moving.
  117. [10:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hm. Mushroom people may be people, but People mushroom isn't." Siri offers a nugget of wisdom.
  118. [10:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It might be elemental influence upon local mycelium growth." Siri hisses, her tongue darting in and out, "They possessed the plants (biologist pls go and no hate on D&D classification) and animated them."
  119. [10:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Or maybe I need an ale." Siri jokes. Or attempts to joke.
  120. [10:54 AM] Eon: "Mushrooms?" Martha glances back at the tunnel.
  122. [10:55 AM] Eon: "Given locale and terrain, might be myconids."
  123. [10:55 AM] Mizuki: Luna stares at the fungus on the walls, and keeps her distance, a bit alarmed.
  124. [10:55 AM] Eon: "My-what?" Tamara scratches her head.
  125. [10:55 AM] Mizuki: (I wish to roll if I know Myconids)(edited)
  126. [10:55 AM] Eon: (Nature, sure.)
  127. [10:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri's tongue slithers in the air, apprehensive.
  128. [10:56 AM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+3
  129. [10:56 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 6, Result: 9
  130. [10:56 AM] Eon: ... That said, Martha will explain what myconids are in layman's terms, anyway.
  131. [10:56 AM] Eon: Luna didn't know before, but she does now.
  132. [10:56 AM] Mizuki: (do they look like myconids according to her explanation?)
  133. [10:56 AM] Eon: (yup.)
  134. [10:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Are there any tracks in the area?
  135. [10:57 AM] Mizuki: "Ooh, that might be it." - She nodded.
  136. [10:57 AM] Eon: :thinking:
  137. [10:57 AM] Eon: Do you have a ranger meme that lets you auto-track? Otherwise Survival will do.
  138. [10:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: No, but Natural Explorer has interaction with tracking while doing overland speed mode.
  139. [10:58 AM] Bot Fodder: "Or something that was human," Alyna suggests darkly. "Will we be at risk if we approach? I don't fancy the idea of returning to the ship sporting growths."
  140. [10:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Give me a hand." Siri hisses to Talos.
  141. [10:58 AM] Faerie: ''That is not shocking, the elemental influence must be overrunning the island in its entirety.'' Talos says, his jaw clicking out of place as he covers it with a hand.
  142. [10:58 AM] Mizuki: "Maybe we should go down and have a chat with them then?" - She suggested. - "They don't look alright."(edited)
  143. [10:58 AM] Faerie: Would it be right to think the influence seemed stronger outside of the cave, so far? Dinos, and all that
  144. [10:58 AM] Eon: Mmm. I would say you can't tell thus far.
  145. [10:59 AM] Faerie: Talos does as requested, otherwise not knowing what Siri had in mind. [Guidance]
  146. [10:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: I'll also take a Help.
  147. [10:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+3 survival
  148. [10:59 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 7, Result: 10
  149. [10:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d4 guidance
  150. [10:59 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 4, Result: 4
  151. [10:59 AM] Mizuki: Luna assists Siri
  152. [10:59 AM] Eon: "Yeah, at most we stab them, right?" Tamara grins.
  153. [10:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+3 if someone will illuminate tracks for me.
  154. [10:59 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 8, Result: 11
  155. [10:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 15.
  156. [10:59 AM] Faerie: (I'll help)
  157. [11:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Last bullet point may or may not apply here; call it as you will.
  159. [11:00 AM] Faerie: Though not a tracker, Talos' eyesight is acute. He'll bring attention to certain patches of stone that Siri might or might not have missed in her search
  160. [11:00 AM] Eon: Shuffling around, your experience in tracking as well, a (UA) ranger enlightens you to a single track leading into the cave. It's old, a month or so, and is of boots.
  161. [11:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Is that a humanoid track, or otherwise?
  162. [11:01 AM] Eon: Number: 1, Size: Medium, Time: ~1 month
  163. [11:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Favored Enemy (Humanoid) may apply to it.
  164. [11:01 AM] Eon: How would it?
  165. [11:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: If it's indeed humanoid, Siri will investigate the boot prints, despite it being a month old, and of uncertain origin.
  166. [11:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Any disadvantages, Siri will take - she has advantage against humanoids.
  167. [11:02 AM] Eon: Sure, what are you trying to find out?
  168. [11:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Any and all information that Siri may be able to recall upon her studies, base on the track, boot print, movement, weight, etc.
  169. [11:03 AM] Eon: Wew, alright. Investigation.
  170. [11:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Siri first look at Talos, and discuss the matter privately with him.
  171. [11:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Before she goes into the whole "studying" thing.
  172. [11:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20 investigation
  173. [11:04 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 2,12, Result: 14
  174. [11:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 12, without Guidance.
  175. [11:04 AM] Mizuki: Luna brings Blaze close to the footprints to illuminate them, she croaches to take a look as well and help the lizard.
  176. [11:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Base on what i know from CSI, you can easily deduct a person's weight and height from the stride and depth of print, and with that, race and possibly class (if any) base on gear.
  177. [11:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: But that'd depend on how much Siri actually know.
  178. [11:05 AM] Eon: :smugsatori:
  179. [11:05 AM] Bot Fodder: (CSI Effect pls go)
  180. [11:05 AM] Mizuki: (Koga's such a fuggin memer)
  181. [11:05 AM] Faerie: (:sunglasses:)
  182. [11:05 AM] Eon: You can't discern too much, from your observations, but it's not a very large leap in logic to work out that it aligns with what Luna described.
  183. [11:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Hey, I don't even have a bonus on the roll)(edited)
  184. [11:05 AM] Faerie: (Class is a stretch, though, otherwise they'd call all the Serial Killers right away)
  185. [11:05 AM] Eon: The paitient, waiting, humanoid.
  187. [11:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright. Siri points out the information.
  188. [11:06 AM] Mizuki: (wait Eon, the waiting humanoid wasn't mushroom-like?)
  189. [11:06 AM] Eon: Ahem, as a side, the tracks also point towards the interior.
  190. [11:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: If anyone wish to put two and two together and state that maybe the standing humanoid is indeed a humanoid... Hey.
  191. [11:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The waiting humanoid is more clearly human-ish, with mushroom over it. Could be a number of things.)
  192. [11:07 AM] Eon: It had growths, but it's not a giant mushroom, no.
  193. [11:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Including formerly-humanoid.)(edited)
  194. [11:07 AM] Mizuki: Luna listens to Siri's information. - "Do myconids wear boots?" - She asked Martha.
  195. [11:07 AM] Bot Fodder: Alyna crouches to examine the prints with the others. Her attempt at deduction is much simpler: based on the print, what kind of shoe was being worn? Or were they wearing shoes at all, for that matter?
  196. [11:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I can answer that. No." Siri hisses.
  197. [11:08 AM] Eon: Martha glances at you, and supressing a look of mirth, shakes her head.
  198. [11:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "They are under plant classficiations, so it's very unlikely they would wear something to block their, ah... Intakes."
  199. [11:08 AM] Mizuki: "One of them was a bit different, but he still had plenty of mushrooms on him." - She pointed out.
  200. [11:08 AM] Eon: It's a leather boot print, that doesn't take much investigation :V
  201. [11:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Could be an undead reanimated by the fallen myconids." Siri jests.
  202. [11:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Anyways, there's a good way to find out how they respond." Siri's eyes glint coldly.
  203. [11:10 AM] Faerie: Undead? Talos goes less dormant at the mention, soon realizing Siri didn't mean to alarm. ''Oh? What would that be?'', he leans to the side with interest
  204. [11:10 AM] Mizuki: "What's it?" - Asked the girl. She's a bit unconfortable to get too close to walking fungus, to tell you the truth.
  205. [11:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri propose an ambush, if things go south. "Those that can hide, hide. Someone attract their attention, and attempt to communicate. If they are hostile, we jump them."
  206. [11:12 AM] Faerie: ''Is fungus quick to burn?''
  207. [11:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ".. I have bells and arrows." Siri pouts, "For those who wish to be the talker. I'll join the hiding, if we are to do so."
  208. [11:12 AM] Bot Fodder: Alyna frowns deeply, then digs a cloth out of her bag. She ties it around her head to cover her nose and mouth.
  209. [11:12 AM] Mizuki: "Good enough!" - Nodded Luna jumping behind a stalagmite, taking care not to to touch any fungal growth.
  210. [11:13 AM] Mizuki: (I'll roll stealth)
  211. [11:13 AM] Eon: Go ahead.
  213. [11:13 AM] Eon: As does for anyone who wishes to hide.
  214. [11:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri picks a different spot, after handing out the bell and arrow (or whatever they want to use), and hides as well.
  215. [11:13 AM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+6
  216. [11:13 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 12, Result: 18
  217. [11:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5
  218. [11:13 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 13, Result: 18
  219. [11:13 AM] Bot Fodder: "All right, I'll try talking to them. I'd sooner be of the 'hiding' team, though," says Alyna.
  220. [11:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (>18 con >stealth)
  221. [11:14 AM] Eon: (that thicc butt can hide, somehow)
  222. [11:14 AM] Eon: Is Talos going to hide or talk?
  223. [11:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (ain't no shitty nobody gonna gank me to no kingdom come, I'll tell ya. :droolingpopo: )
  224. [11:15 AM] Faerie: Talos'd rather join Alyna for the imminent Raise of the Fungal Menace.
  225. [11:16 AM] Bot Fodder: Alyna keeps her weapon lowered, but not sheathed. She casts Light on it to illuminate her path, if it is too dark to see clearly. Checking one last time to see if her impromptu breathing mask is secure, she approaches once everyone is in position.
  226. [11:16 AM] Faerie: He wouldn't put it like this, but if hostilities broke up, having Alyna alone wouldn't be... preferable.
  228. [11:17 AM] Eon: Alright. As you make your way around the corner, towards the undulating light, with Luna, Siri and Tamara hiding, with Martha way behind. The two of you approach the fungal heap, Alyna and Talos.
  229. [11:17 AM] Eon: The humanoid doesn't react.
  230. [11:18 AM] Mizuki: Luna loads her crossbow and prepares to shoot at any hostilities.
  231. [11:18 AM] Eon: The myconids(?) tilt their head up as they see the both of you, raising a stocky limb, before plopping it back to the ground.
  232. [11:18 AM] Faerie: He can pretend to be a mute bodyguards of sorts for the busybody. Warhammer not drawn, shield equipped. He waits for the girl to call for their attention, slightly behind her.
  233. [11:18 AM] Eon: The glowing one, releases a cloud of spores.
  234. [11:18 AM] Eon: How would you like to react?
  235. [11:19 AM] Faerie: In what direction? How do they spread, and how fast?
  236. [11:19 AM] Faerie: Are we able to sense hostility from the act?
  237. [11:19 AM] Bot Fodder: Alyna had barely opened her mouth to speak when she shuts it again. This is exactly what she was afraid of shit shit shit shit shit
  238. [11:19 AM] Eon: In a cloud, all around 20 feet radius. You can react quickly enough to avoid breathing it in, if you so wish.
  239. [11:19 AM] Faerie: (Do we know that myconids operate on spores?)
  240. [11:19 AM] Bot Fodder: Alyna does so and backs up reflexively.
  241. [11:20 AM] Eon: (and yes, Martha would tell you that.)
  242. [11:20 AM] Faerie: Okay, Talos stands in place.
  243. [11:20 AM] Bot Fodder: (Assuming spores of a fungus is probably something most laymen would do.)
  244. [11:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri quietly holds her breath. (Lizardfolks can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes, no sweat.)
  245. [11:21 AM] Mizuki: Luna covers her nose and mouth with clothing. Was 20ft enough to reach her?
  246. [11:21 AM] Eon: As Alyna dodges back and avoids breathing in, Talos stands stock still, taking the brunt of it in the face (and cloak, but hey.)
  247. [11:21 AM] Bot Fodder: Do the spores obscure the area?
  248. [11:21 AM] Eon: Talos, you hear several soft moans of pain, and weak cry for help, barely articulate.
  249. [11:22 AM] Eon: No, they dispersed pretty quick.
  250. [11:22 AM] Faerie: That piqued his interest. Where from...?
  251. [11:22 AM] Eon: |Colony's.. dead. Help..|
  252. [11:22 AM] Eon: In.. your head?
  253. [11:22 AM] Eon: Curious.
  254. [11:23 AM] Faerie: Talos opens up both ears. (I still don't know if he has ears). 'What is wrong/What has gone wrong?', he wonders in his own mind.
  255. [11:23 AM] Eon: |Pain, lots of pain. The cave was.. tainted..| Another voice creaks into your mind.
  256. [11:24 AM] Eon: ... At the same time, Talos, could you make me a CHA save?
  257. [11:24 AM] Faerie: He asks if they are alright them...selves, the voices? Signaling for present companionship to step closer
  258. [11:24 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20-1 cha
  259. [11:24 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 7, Result: 6
  260. [11:24 AM] Bot Fodder: (I forget how aware the party is of Talos's condition. Alyna might've suggested Talos go first if she knew he lacked flesh to corrupt.)
  261. [11:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri will remain hidden instead, studying the situation from afar.
  262. [11:25 AM] Eon: |... WHO?| A different voice, booming in your mind, suddenly speaks. It echoes in your head, reverberating.
  263. [11:25 AM] Faerie: (You only know he's a weirdo unless you've cared to check, I guess)
  264. [11:26 AM] Eon: The myconids attempt to sit up, and after several wobbling, unstable attempts, they managed to do so, supporting each other as they get up.
  266. [11:27 AM] Faerie: |Ilmater casts an arm into this locale. To what does He owe the pleasure?|, he introduces? himself. Do we still see the same myconids in place?
  267. [11:27 AM] Bot Fodder: "Talos! What are you doing?" Alyna calls from behind.
  268. [11:27 AM] Eon: |Ilmater? Who's that?| And yes, they are.
  269. [11:28 AM] Eon: The three speak in unison sometimes, alternatively other times, but the booming voice was not of the myconids.
  270. [11:28 AM] Eon: ... The humanoid is not one for conversation, as far you can tell.
  271. [11:28 AM] Bot Fodder: Alyna is half way to her throwing knives, but holds, seeing Talos's lack of reaction to the spores.
  272. [11:28 AM] Faerie: ''Communicating'', he raises his voice without turning to Alyna, as rigid as his tone is flat. ''The spores allow us to communicate.'' Most wondrous.
  273. [11:28 AM] Mizuki: "Siri, they're going to turn gramps into a mushroom person!" - Whispered Luna alarmed.
  274. [11:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri is, unfortunately, hiding in another spot, so whispering isn't exactly gonna reach her :sadpopo:
  275. [11:30 AM] Eon: |... NEW ENTITY..| The booming voice seems to muse, either paying no attention to your conversation with the myconids, or uncaring.(edited)
  276. [11:30 AM] Faerie: |The man/flame/god I serve, the Maimed One/Lord on the Rack|, Talos (doesn't) explain. |What was that other voice?|
  277. [11:30 AM] Bot Fodder: "Uh, what." Alyna looks incredulous, but shakes her head. "Well, whatever. As long as it's not poisonous..." She enters the spore cloud.
  278. [11:31 AM] Eon: |Its them, the one who brought the taint to this place. They speak.. on and on, but to no-one in particular..|
  279. [11:31 AM] Eon: |It hurts.. the taint, can you.. help us?|
  281. [11:33 AM] Eon: |They came through the veil, after the human came here| The salt one tilts their head ever so slightly to the spore servant in the back. |His presence doomed us all.|
  282. [11:34 AM] Faerie: |How can this cast be of use| ''How can we help?'', in unison. Some manner of portal?
  283. [11:34 AM] Bot Fodder: Alyna holds one hand to her mask, continously using prestidigitation to clean it as she breathes. |Hello? Testing, testing. Is this how you do it? Yes, hello, I'm Alyna. What can you tell me about this 'taint'?|
  284. [11:34 AM] Faerie: Martha would want to hear that. Talos laments the lack of spores entering the rest of the groups' psyche.
  285. [11:35 AM] Faerie: (Hold on, phonecall)
  286. [11:35 AM] Eon: |You can see it for yourselves, we're not meant to be like this.. Some of our fellows exploded into flame.|
  287. [11:35 AM] Mizuki: Luna takes out her blade and comes ouf of hiding, avoiding getting too close. - "You alright there, gramps, Alyna?" - She asked.
  288. [11:35 AM] Eon: Alyna, make me a CHA save too.
  289. [11:35 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+5
  290. [11:35 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 9, Result: 14
  291. [11:36 AM] Eon: Alright.
  292. [11:36 AM] Mizuki: (brb)
  293. [11:37 AM] Faerie: (oh my fucking god)
  294. [11:37 AM] Eon: The myconids react as Luna steps out of the shadows, staring at the blade, and realising you all are prepared for hostility, squirm backwards, as much as they can muster in their weakened state.
  295. [11:37 AM] Bot Fodder: "Yes, we're fine for the short-term, anyway," Alyna confirms, now that Luna has revealed herself.
  296. [11:38 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew, I know mostly what's going on, I think, but it's untoward to just step out of hiding or take the spotlight)
  297. [11:38 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri remains hidden, holding her breath, waiting for the situation to change... And waiting for a perfect shot.
  298. [11:39 AM] Bot Fodder: (I have an idea too, but >meta etc... Though, Siri might justifiably understand what's going on IC. )(edited)
  299. [11:39 AM] Faerie: (:sadpopo: back)
  300. [11:39 AM] Eon: Tamara glances at Siri, also waiting paitiently. She traces the air every now and then, as if preparing the somatics for a spell.
  301. [11:40 AM] Eon: ... The myconids stare at Luna, and release another spore cloud.
  302. [11:40 AM] Mizuki: The girl sheats her blade, at Alyna's answer, and jumps back to avoid the cloud.
  303. [11:41 AM] Faerie: Talos reassures her, telling her not to resist it
  304. [11:41 AM] Eon: Martha, realising there isn't any sign of people stabbing each other yet, waddles up to Siri and Tamara.
  305. "What's the situation?" She whispers.
  306. [11:41 AM] Bot Fodder: "They're not immediately toxic," Alyna adds with a nod.
  307. [11:41 AM] Eon: Tamara shrugs, glancing back at the situation.
  308. [11:41 AM] Mizuki: "I-I'm not sure about this." - She won't take the cloud for now.
  309. [11:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri puts a finger to Martha's lips, quieting her for the moment.
  310. [11:42 AM] Eon: |You can tell her not to worry.. We are too weak to do harm, anyway..|
  311. [11:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Then she points to the humanoid in the middle - the spore servant. "That humanoid there - a human that wandered in a month ago, likely died, and was made into a servant by the local myconids, but something coincided with the elemental issues. Wait for more information." She says to Martha.
  312. [11:43 AM] Bot Fodder: "Can't say I blame you. You need them to speak their language, though, so I'll play the middleman." Alyna relays what she 'hears' from the Myconids out loud.
  313. [11:45 AM] Eon: |Do you recognise this human? He's the cause of this as far as we can tell..|
  314. |We are going to die off, likely.. We are the only 3 left.|
  315. |Do not give up hope, as long as there is one of us left..|
  316. [11:45 AM] Bot Fodder: (Uh, since this information situation is awkward, can we fastforward through Talos and Alyna passing on everything missed?)
  317. [11:45 AM] Eon: (yeah, I don't mind)
  318. [11:45 AM] Eon: ... Are you going to holler it down to Siri and the rest, though?
  319. [11:46 AM] Faerie: Probably not. Talos asks on any distinctive features regarding the suspicious fellow
  320. [11:46 AM] Bot Fodder: Once Talos fills Alyna in on what she missed, Alyna plays the role of translator and communicates the rest. To Luna, since she's the only other person here, of course. Ahem.
  321. [11:46 AM] Eon: Martha looks at the spore servant and back. "Hmm. People don't come to Quartz Island a lot.."
  322. [11:47 AM] Bot Fodder: (brb 1 sec, bathroom. Alyna can be passively assumed to be translating the conversation aloud.)
  323. [11:48 AM] Eon: Glancing at the earthen, spore filled human. He's dressed in mostly light explorer's clothes, tattered and worn over the passage of time. Otherwise, he's middle aged, black haired, and lanky. In short, no one you have met.
  324. [11:48 AM] Eon: |He had.. items on him.|
  325. [11:49 AM] Mizuki: (Brb guys, just a second, sorry)
  326. [11:51 AM] Faerie: |He's doomed now/Did he deserve it? What happened here, exactly? Share with us what you know, we have a few experts on board|, he invites them to give up the whole story.
  327. |Is this 'veil' the source of these disturbances?|
  329. [11:53 AM] Eon: |He was the inciting change, so..|
  330. |The man came by the colony a month ago, and went further down, and then it started, days after.|
  331. |We found him like this, near the ravine ahead.|
  332. [11:53 AM] Eon: |The veil has always been here, but They are the root cause.|
  333. [11:55 AM] Mizuki: (I'm back)
  334. [11:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri sighs softly, changing her breath. She isn't able to hear things, much less understand the conversation at hand, but she has an inkling of what's going on in her little mind.
  335. [11:56 AM] Faerie: (>They
  336. >capital T
  337. PAnic)
  338. [11:57 AM] Eon: Tamara glances at you.
  339. "Do we stab them?" She asks simply.
  340. [11:57 AM] Bot Fodder: |What did he have with him?| Alyna asks. The fallen man might've been an intelligently dressed wizard -- an existence far rarer than electrified dinosaurs, Alyna thinks.
  341. [11:57 AM] Mizuki: Luna is still hesitant to enter the spores. How would she know if they are being controlled or not? She stares at the man, trying to spot anything unusual, other than the terrible fungal growth on him.
  342. [11:57 AM] Mizuki: (perception?)
  343. [11:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No, and if they do, try to take out just the upright one."
  344. [11:57 AM] Eon: |Paper, with writing on it.. And a stone.|
  345. [11:57 AM] Eon: :thinking: Sure.
  346. [11:58 AM] Bot Fodder: (Are Siri and co. hiding too far away to hear Alyna relaying the conversation?)
  347. [11:58 AM] Bot Fodder: (She's trying to make it so they can hear, so she'd be speaking fairly loud.)
  348. [11:58 AM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+5 Blaze helps, flying near the man, illuminating the dark areas around him.
  349. [11:58 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 5, Result: 10
  350. [11:58 AM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+5
  351. [11:58 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 20, Result: 25
  352. [11:59 AM] Mizuki: (there!)
  353. [11:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (That can be really bad.)
  354. [11:59 AM] Bot Fodder: (Alyna's holding a sword with Light cast on it, though. :V )
  356. [12:00 PM] Eon: Even as your familiar soars to the top of the cavern, making a loop around the spore servant, it does not react. Ahem. Regardless, despite his obviously mishapen features, and the fact that no real man should really be standing that still, nothing. No intent, no mind or thought.
  357. [12:01 PM] Mizuki: "Alyna, gramps, get away from those two!" - She shouted worried. - "That man there, he has no mind, no intent no anything...! He's literally a walking dead, covered by fungus!"
  358. [12:02 PM] Mizuki: It's only logical, even if the two mean no bad intent, it was too risky to stay close like that.
  359. [12:03 PM] Eon: |Please tell her to calm down.. The man was in a dangerous spot and we couldn't move him, so..|
  360. [12:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Well, the man is likely just the trigger to the event - maybe it was a ritual gone wrong, or perhaps he intended to seize the power for himself." Siri comments to Tamara and Martha, discussing her thoughts with the two others remaining behind with her quietly.
  361. [12:04 PM] Bot Fodder: Is Alyna capable of using/rolling Insight to look for hints of dishonesty when speaking in this manner?
  362. [12:04 PM] Eon: "A ritual.. Entirely possible, but alone?" Martha muses, in furtive whispers.
  363. [12:05 PM] Eon: Sure, go for it.
  364. [12:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Either way, he paid the price for it, and perhaps the myconids took pity upon him, or simply reanimated him for manpower. But either way, things happen, and they are infected with the same thing as the dinosaurs. They are likely asking for help regarding this matter - which is exactly what we came to do anyhow." Siri shrugs slightly.
  365. [12:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Whether they have intention of well or ill matters little; Our goal hasn't changed." Siri confirms it with Martha.
  366. [12:06 PM] Eon: Martha nods. "Appropiate abjuration magic should work, if the Steggosaurus was proof."
  367. [12:07 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna shakes her head at Luna. "As you can see, this particular dead does not walk. Let's not be hasty." She leans in a bit closer and whispers to Luna. "--And you really should play your cards closer to your chest, dear."
  368. [12:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri just look at Tamara. :neutral_face:
  369. [12:07 PM] Faerie: (sorry for the semi afk, something came up for tomorrow and I have to iron out details ;_;)
  370. [12:07 PM] Eon: Tamara raises an eyebrow.
  371. "I don't have that much to go around, I'm afraid." She whispers.
  372. [12:07 PM] Faerie: (well or ill matters little
  373. Triggered)
  374. [12:08 PM] Mizuki: "What do you mean?" - She asked. Still, that sounded like Alyna alright.
  375. [12:08 PM] Eon: "We can save one or two, but.." Tamara glances at the three of them.
  376. [12:09 PM] Eon: "... Myconids are also very sensitive to sunlight, after all. It can be deadly with prolonged exposure."
  377. [12:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Fair enough. We are not responsible for every single person deciding to risk their lives. Besides, at best... He'll revert to a normal spore servant. The myconids are worth more to save, if we are to save anyone." Siri shrugs. "I agree on that end of matter. Do myconids reproduce via spore? If even a single one of them remain, they can rebuild if that's the case... Maybe?"
  378. [12:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri's suddenly wondering how myconid reproduce.
  379. [12:10 PM] Eon: Regardless, the myconids on the floor squirm and fidget, as they slowly die, still.
  380. [12:10 PM] Eon: "Sporing like most species of mundane fungi. Still, they are sentient, so.." Martha trails off.
  381. [12:11 PM] Eon: Tamara just gives a lot of 'tell me what to do and I'll help.'
  382. [12:11 PM] Bot Fodder: "Later," Alyna tells Luna, supressing a giggle through force of will alone. What an innocent girl.
  383. [12:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Just because they can save folks doesn't mean they should. Siri's a coldblood lizardfolk like that. "... Tell you what, while their physiology is changed, they can likely retain their form and wait for a new day to come for Tamara to recharge her powers, if they are able to gain sustenance and healing. That's likely something me and Talos there can do."
  384. [12:12 PM] Eon: |What are you all doing down here, anyway?| They pipe up, suddenly.
  385. [12:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "And if they can't make it, we at least tried." Siri offers the solution to Martha and Tamara.
  387. [12:13 PM] Eon: |... YES, WHY?| The voice echoes through Talos' head, once more.
  388. [12:13 PM] Bot Fodder: |We're here for research, of course,| Alyna says without missing a beat. |To understand how this island came to change.|
  389. [12:13 PM] Eon: Martha nods, Tamara shrugs.
  390. "On your mark, I guess, which one though?"
  391. [12:14 PM] Eon: |It is They, they are the cause. If you could.. defeat him.. please..|
  392. [12:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I'd say ask them." Siri shrugs. "They would have a better idea who to save for their race's benefit."
  393. [12:15 PM] Eon: "What, should I just holler?" Tamara cocks an eyebrow.
  394. [12:15 PM] Bot Fodder: |And who or what is this 'him'?|
  395. [12:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I guess you should approach them." Siri suggests. "Not like you can stay in cover to perform magic, right?"
  396. [12:16 PM] Eon: "I suppose not. Looks like we aren't stabbing them, anyway." Tamara stands up from behind her cover.
  397. [12:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright - with that, Siri STILL has no reason to expose herself. She remains in hiding. :sadpopo:
  398. [12:16 PM] Eon: |He is.. from beyond, large and glowing.. Hard to describe..|
  399. [12:17 PM] Eon: "Oyy, which one of you wants to be saved? I can't really save all of you so.." Tamara walks up, left hand on her sheathed rapier, and hollers.
  400. [12:17 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna tilts her head. |Glowing like that one there, you mean?| She avoids turning her eyes to Tamara, not yet aware of what Party B's plan is.
  401. [12:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Perfect. Siri approves of Tamara's way of communication.
  402. [12:18 PM] Eon: |Dimmer, but yes..|
  403. [12:18 PM] Eon: The myconids resume in some chitter chatter, almost lively, given their current state, with the prospect of salvation.
  404. [12:19 PM] Eon: ... They discuss, but not argue, about who would be the best to carry on their race, and eventually decide on the glowing one.
  405. [12:20 PM] Eon: They lived as long as the colony did, and that was all.
  406. [12:21 PM] Eon: Gestured to via the ancient technique of pointing, Tamara dispels the glowing myconid, as the light is snuffed from it once, and forever more.
  407. [12:21 PM] Bot Fodder: (wew)
  408. [12:21 PM] Eon: ... You have one regular myconid standing in front of you now, amidst the other two.
  409. [12:21 PM] Eon: Martha is scribbling notes.
  410. [12:22 PM] Eon: "Well, that works. Now what?"
  411. [12:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri sighs. Good enough. "Stay in cover and in hiding." Siri instructs Martha - not that she need to tell Martha otherwise, or anything.
  412. [12:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri leaves her cover, take a change of breath, before advancing with a medicine kit upon the two other myconids, and examine their condition.
  413. [12:22 PM] Eon: The myconids rejoice, though they stay away from the cured one, not waiting to risk another infection.
  414. [12:23 PM] Bot Fodder: (I have to step out and pick someone up from the train station in a bit under 30 minutes. Shouldn't take long.)
  415. [12:24 PM] Eon: On the surface level they were fine, no external injury, however, their weakness appears to be from malnourishment, and being unused to a shifted form.
  416. [12:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That's good enough information for me. Siri casts Goodberry with her last spell slot, then, and feed each one of them a berry - considering the fire elemental one is the one that's cured of the condition, she'll feed the other two myconids a goodberry each, crushing and dripping the magical berry in if she need to.
  417. [12:25 PM] Eon: Their pain recedes, for now.
  418. [12:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As for the shifted form, the only thing Siri can offer is bandage to make some of the more awkward parts more stable. The bandage's sort of sterile, but mycelium can find a way to grow on them after exposure, so it won't cause too much issues with them. Probably.
  419. [12:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Splints and bandage - the cureall for all forms of immobilzing injuries. :droolingpopo:
  420. [12:27 PM] Eon: The duct tape of medicine? :thinking:
  421. [12:27 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna helps administer them, should Siri need it. However, she still harbors certain doubts... Were the myconids genuine in that discussion earlier? It's hard to 'fake' a round of chatter with a large number of participants.
  422. [12:28 PM] Mizuki: "What about him?" - Asked Luna pointing at the dead man.
  423. [12:28 PM] Eon: Ahem. At any rate, the myconids will shamble to the side, should you wish to proceed, and allow you to search the human. Probably put him to rest after it too.
  424. [12:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri looks at the cured myconid for a moment, gauging if that one need healing.
  425. [12:29 PM] Faerie: (asdf, it'd be good to know if their condition is in any way related to HP or if it's just enviromental)
  426. [12:29 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna offers for Talos to search the human!
  427. [12:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In any case, she'll give the one a goodberry - malnutrion's still an issue regardless of form.
  428. [12:29 PM] Eon: Its fine for now. Keep the mind for the other two you only staved off dying.. for a time.
  429. [12:29 PM] Eon: Well, a day, specifically.
  430. [12:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yeah, well - that the same for any other denizens of the island. In a day, if Tamara's still around, she can recover spell slots for dispel magic or something
  431. [12:30 PM] Eon: (hah, hopeful koga.)
  432. [12:30 PM] Eon: (the gulf between 4 and 5 is huge! Huge I tell you.)
  433. [12:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Their goal still hasn't changed. Siri motions for the party to move forward, after they are done with the myconids.
  434. [12:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And the spore servant.)
  435. [12:31 PM] Bot Fodder: (5->6 is huger :sadpopo: )
  436. [12:32 PM] Mizuki: (I don't think Luna would be one to kill this dude :sadpopo:)
  437. [12:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (But he's a lifeless walking dead :smugpopo: )
  438. [12:33 PM] Eon: Ahem, what now, heroes?
  439. [12:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (How do you kill in which has no life? Kappa)
  440. [12:33 PM] Eon: (you poke them with herb)
  441. [12:33 PM] Mizuki: (b-but still, this seems quite extreme for Luna!)
  442. [12:34 PM] Bot Fodder: (Well, barring Eon's answer to my earlier attempt to roll Insight, I guess I'm ready to go~)
  443. [12:34 PM] Eon: (I said go ahead)
  444. [12:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (STill waiting on Talos)
  445. [12:34 PM] Eon: (I can't make you roll if you don't roll)
  446. [12:34 PM] Bot Fodder: (Ah, sorry, I missed it!)
  447. [12:34 PM] Mizuki: wew, I'll kill this memer :sadpopo:)
  448. [12:34 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+2
  449. [12:34 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 13, Result: 15
  450. [12:35 PM] Eon: As far as you can tell, the myconids are genuine.
  451. [12:35 PM] Eon: ... The myconids can always just 'release' the spore servant, mind you.
  452. [12:35 PM] Eon: Not that you can't just search a live, still man.
  454. [12:35 PM] Eon: well, undead. Not really. Unfungus?
  455. [12:36 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna didn't want to touch it...
  456. [12:37 PM] Mizuki: Luna takes out her blade once again. What a way to go... She touches his chest with the tip, and thrusts it in, hesitant. That was not like her...
  457. [12:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (brb scouting ahead kappa)
  458. [12:37 PM] Faerie: Talos'll just assist whoever leads the search, unless people are too girly to do that. In which case, there was always the crux on himself... he's not exactly concerned by infestations.
  459. [12:37 PM] Bot Fodder: "--It's most fitting for a cleric to perform the last rites, isn't it?" she adds, vindicating herself.
  460. [12:37 PM] Faerie: (What the fuck, Mizu.png :smugsatori:)
  461. [12:37 PM] Eon: The myconids stare at you, as they just let the Spore Servant flop.
  462. [12:37 PM] Mizuki: (fug u for making me do this :smugpopo:)
  463. [12:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew)
  464. [12:38 PM] Eon: |Is she your progeny?| Directed at Talos.
  465. [12:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri mutters something about always leaving it to a girl, and starts looting the body.
  466. [12:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Since this body is that of a plant
  467. [12:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: theoretically Siri can make a weapon out of it.
  468. [12:38 PM] Mizuki: She cleans the blade with a swing to the side, sheating it back in
  469. [12:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri morbidly consider, for a moment, to make a shield of the man, as she search the body for any clues or valuables.
  470. [12:39 PM] Mizuki: "W-Well then, lets go?" - She asked a bit disturbed by that. Was it really the right thing? There was no other way, right?
  471. [12:39 PM] Eon: A letter, and a small white carved stone, akin to a human face, with crossed hands covering its eyes, its one of a pair of Sending Stones.
  472. [12:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Theoretically, this means that a myconid and a lizardfolk can work together to make anything into weapons and shields.)
  473. [12:40 PM] Eon: The unsigned letter, closer to a note, is stained and water damaged. Regardless, it reads fine enough, and thusly:
  475. As a follow-up to your previous orders, head to the quaint locale known as Quartz Island and use the planar tethers attached as appropriate. Report daily what you see via Sending Stone.
  476. [12:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Crossed hands covering its eyes...
  477. [12:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Does it seem like any organization's sigil?
  478. [12:40 PM] Eon: The message is written in Common, and the handwriting is immaculate.
  479. [12:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Or perhaps it's just an arcane communication done in jest to poke fun of spies?
  480. [12:41 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna pats Luna on the shoulder. "Hey. Don't overthink it. You did him well -- why regret that?"
  482. [12:41 PM] Eon: You wouldn't recognise such a organisation, at any rate.
  483. [12:41 PM] Eon: You are of course free to theorise, of course :smugpopo:
  484. [12:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri shows the note to the others.
  485. [12:41 PM] Faerie: |Men of the cloth seldom marry|, he replies stiffling a chuckle of amusement. It totally happens, but not often. He kneels by the (no longer walking) dead man to see him off.There wouldn't be a burial, but Talos attempts to give the dead its last.
  486. [12:42 PM] Mizuki: "... Y-Yeah, thanks Alyna." - She said with a weak smile. - "This isn't like me, to overthink things."
  487. [12:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Planar tether, that's an interesting term." Siri hisses. "And 'using' it? This confirms that there was someone behind this incident."(edited)
  488. [12:43 PM] Eon: Tamara squints at the note, tilting her head very slightly in confusion.
  490. [12:43 PM] Eon: And frowns.
  491. "That's likely disappointing. Hmm."
  492. [12:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri glances at Tamara for a moment, before returning her gaze to the environment and the possible road ahead.
  493. [12:44 PM] Eon: "Planar.. tether.. Curious, I am not familiar with the term, either." Martha looks a little surprised.
  494. [12:44 PM] Eon: While the path ahead would have split off and wound in several directions, the myconids are more than happy to inform you of the path you should take, were you to go to the 'veil'
  495. [12:45 PM] Bot Fodder: "It happens," Alyna says with a shrug, as if to dismiss an unpleasant memory. With that settled, she regards the letter, then looks for a Sending Stone.
  496. [12:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "There are rarely agreed upon common terms. Perhaps it's something you are familiar with, but they chose a different term for it." Siri tosses the stone to Luna. She seems like the curious sort - maybe she can do something with it.
  497. [12:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And Siri will take up the myconid's offer, though she'll inquire - what's in the other tunnel?
  499. [12:47 PM] Eon: A brief puff of Rapport Spores later,
  500. |Colony used to live in that one, but I don't.. suggest going there now.|
  501. [12:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Seems legit.
  502. [12:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I'll scout ahead, unless you have a better plan." Siri asks the rest.
  503. [12:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  504. [12:49 PM] Eon: It's currently with Luna >.>
  505. [12:49 PM] Bot Fodder: (Sorry, delay :B )
  506. [12:50 PM] Eon: Ahem. What now, heroes?
  507. [12:50 PM] Eon: (Fae has been slapped by real life, apparently, but he's apparently almost done)
  508. [12:50 PM] Bot Fodder: Continue on?
  509. [12:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I am waiting to see if the others will join in before we press on; from what we can tell, there's a boss fight coming up)
  510. [12:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (But that's meta consideration for game flow.)
  511. [12:51 PM] Bot Fodder: (Oh, wait, I gotta go to the station in a couple minutes... quick break?)
  512. [12:51 PM] Faerie: (Yeah, I got that vibe too, Koga)
  513. [12:51 PM] Mizuki: Luna plays with the stone casually, tossing it into the air, and picking it back on. Maybe she should try a communication? Or would that be too risky? She checks on the stone, does it look like it has already been used that day?
  514. [12:52 PM] Eon: It has not been used today, Luna. Or for a while now, apparently.
  515. [12:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: By the look of it, the spore servant and the myconids likely wouldn't use the sending stone.
  516. [12:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: So the last communication, if the man's of any good at doing his job, would be the last day that he was alive or so.
  517. [12:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Which is a month ago.
  518. [12:53 PM] Mizuki: Luna pockets it.
  519. [12:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The person or organization on the other end of the Sending Stone might be interested in information, but that can lead us to another storyline, so I suggest we delve into that later Kappa)
  521. [12:54 PM] Eon: ( :smugpopo: )
  522. [12:54 PM] Bot Fodder: (A diviner could probably use it, too. Of course... that works both ways. :thinking: )
  523. [12:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Anyways, are we taking a break to wait for people to get together?)
  524. [12:54 PM] Eon: As a side, we can take a quick break, seems like people are getting slapped by real life a lot today
  525. [12:54 PM] Eon: Quick as in 'up to 10 minutes' mind you.
  526. [12:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Great, I'll make pasta. brb)
  527. [12:54 PM] Bot Fodder: I apologize :sadpopo:
  528. [12:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (might take longer than 10 minutes, but well)
  529. [12:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I guess I'll do instant noodle if that's all we are doing.)
  530. [12:55 PM] Bot Fodder: (The train gets here in 10, but the drive is less than 5.)
  531. [12:55 PM] Eon: Abjourned!
  532. [12:55 PM] Mizuki: (yeah, break seems good for a bit)
  533. [12:55 PM] Mizuki: (Real Life™)
  534. [12:55 PM] Eon: Go sort all your real life nonsense you memers.
  535. [12:56 PM] Mizuki: (I think I'll accept this opportunity and make Luna into a character a bit more serious)
  536. [12:56 PM] Eon: (mmm, do it however you want, I trust you.)
  537. [12:56 PM] Mizuki: (Adventuring isn't always fun and games!)
  538. [12:57 PM] Eon: ahem. At any rate 10 minutes or when role call is done @Players
  539. [1:07 PM] Eon: Time's about up.
  540. [1:07 PM] Eon: @Runic are you done with your real life bs too?
  541. [1:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :thinking: )
  542. [1:16 PM] Eon: Ahem, after dealing with the myconids and obtaining directions from them, the party, with Siri at their fore, you stalk down the tunnels, moving stealthily. The cave only gets odder from here out. Brief bubbles of hot and cold air, an odd spark of lightning in the corner of your vision, and the white speckles adorn the walls in greater frequency. During this time, the myconids' Rapport Spores run out, as does the booming voice of the supposed 'They', musing and ruminating to itself, from Talos' mind.
  544. Eventually, though, you reach the edge of a ravine. The opposite edge you can see alive with brilliant colours.. from the conflicting and tumulous elemental influences colliding. Fire and ice, lightning and mud. You imagine its dangerous. And in your peripheral vision, several winged small creatures with long noses rest on the ledges, lazing about. Martha would explain that they are mephits, and their general properties to you.
  546. And at the very bottom, a narrow entrance to the planar portal. At least, that's what the myconids told you.
  547. [1:17 PM] Runic: (Yes, but no... :sadpopo: )
  548. [1:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (>Ravine)
  549. [1:17 PM] Eon: Ravine properties: 80 feet from top to bottom, 60, 30, 15 feet above the ground, there are ledges.
  550. [1:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri frowns, studying the situation for any sort of notable creatures amidst the mephits.
  551. [1:17 PM] Eon: with that all out of the way, @Players role call proper.
  552. [1:18 PM] Faerie: (I'm here)
  553. [1:18 PM] Eon: Give me perception, Siri.
  554. [1:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+3
  555. [1:18 PM] Eon: (though I would prefer people to line up, first.)
  556. [1:18 PM] Bot Fodder: (Here now)
  557. [1:18 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 16, Result: 19
  558. [1:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Any humanoids around here?
  559. [1:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Beyond the group of "Us".
  560. [1:19 PM] Eon: You scan your eyes across the length of ravine, nothing notable in sight.
  561. [1:19 PM] Eon: Using the feature?
  562. [1:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: No, just looking with my eyes.
  563. [1:20 PM] Eon: Then no, beyond 'us'.
  564. [1:21 PM] Mizuki: "Such a place inside a cave..." - Luna is amazed at the sight. - "I have never seen anything like this."
  565. [1:21 PM] Eon: At this current point in time, the mephits have not noticed you, and they flutter about, as the ground beneath shifts every now and again into some nonsense element.(edited)
  566. [1:21 PM] Eon: Steam to earth, Mud to magma..
  567. [1:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Mephits... If Siri's geography is correct, then... Hm. They seem rather peaceful together.
  568. [1:21 PM] Faerie: Does climbing look safe? Talos stays, studying the creatures' movements. ''This all looked smaller from the outside, agreed''
  569. [1:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Anyone wanna talk with them?" Siri asks.
  570. [1:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I volunteer not myself."
  571. [1:22 PM] Eon: Climbing.. while the ledges themselves are (roughly) solid, the shifting landscape could be dangerous.
  572. [1:23 PM] Eon: A hiss echoes as water meets fire, somewhere in the cavern.
  573. [1:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Given Martha's expertise on the matter, is the basic Mephit statblocks public information?
  574. [1:23 PM] Faerie: ''That depends. Would they even understand most of us here?''
  575. [1:23 PM] Eon: Sure. Though be forwarned it might not be 100% accurate.
  576. [1:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Well... They'll understand me." Siri offers.
  577. [1:24 PM] Bot Fodder: "Hm? I'm not much for the tongue, but I can understand every dialect of Primordial, certainly." With that boast, Alyna examines the group's elemental onlookers. Do any of them appear to be speaking?
  578. [1:24 PM] Mizuki: "Talk? That doesn't sound like a good idea, from what Martha said." - Said Luna - "Also, we're trying to shut the portal down, aren't we? I'm betting they won't like that."
  579. [1:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "They are mephits. You can't spell mephits without shit." Siri jokes.
  580. [1:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... As in, they won't like anything that people do, anyways."
  581. [1:25 PM] Eon: The mephits of opposite or conflicting base elements seem to shun each other, but they chatter and snicker with those similiar to themselves, moving their positions every now and then, as the surroundings shift to not suit or suit them.
  582. [1:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri scans for any Slime Mephits Kappa
  583. [1:26 PM] Eon: (that's the real boss battle)
  584. [1:26 PM] Eon: .. As for numbers, there are likely about 16 or so.
  585. [1:26 PM] Bot Fodder: "Nor pest," Alyna chuckles. "But they don't look organized, I suppose...?"
  586. [1:27 PM] Eon: Martha peers down.
  587. "How are we going to get down.. there?"
  588. [1:27 PM] Eon: ... At any rate, the mild discomfort in your gut has intensified ever so slightly more.
  589. [1:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "We can go down there after we clear out the mephits."
  590. [1:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri grumbles a little, her tongue hissing in the unstable air.
  591. [1:28 PM] Eon: "You sure, lizard girl? We might attract 'They', or whatever they are with the noise."
  592. [1:28 PM] Faerie: ''Something tells me they're be overlooking the portal'', Talos considers, eyes darting from element to element, mephit to mephit. ''Some of them being so close together feels... forced. The opposing type ones, for instance.''
  593. [1:29 PM] Eon: Tamara looks at you, but she's already about to draw her rapier.
  594. [1:29 PM] Mizuki: Luna takes out the explorer's pack she bought while back in Neivec. - "I have a bit of rope here, but I don't think we can go down there with all those Mephits around." - She turns to Alyna - "You have that spell to bring us down safely, don't you?"
  595. [1:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "There IS matter of that, yes. Regardless, I say we avoid unfavorable terrain and strike from range." Siri shrugs, "But I am not opposed to other plans."
  596. [1:29 PM] Bot Fodder: "How do these things fight?" asks Alyna.
  597. [1:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You've been told by Martha.
  598. [1:30 PM] Eon: A simple claw attack, a breath attack and explosion on death is the tl;dr Martha will provide.
  599. [1:30 PM] Eon: Some stronger mephits have access to basic, innate spellcasting, as well.
  600. [1:31 PM] Eon: Indeed, Luna, with 50 feet of rope, you can't abseil down all the way easily.
  601. [1:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Anyways, it's less than 600 ft, I can hit them from here relatively well." Siri shrugs.
  602. [1:32 PM] Mizuki: (how far are the mephits again?)
  603. [1:33 PM] Eon: Scattered, ravine is about 120 feet wide, closest to you is 20 feet.
  604. [1:33 PM] Mizuki: "Are we bringing them down?" - Asked Luna taking out her crossbow and looking back. - "Maybe we could use the narrow part of the cave so we don't get overwhelmed."
  605. [1:33 PM] Bot Fodder: "I can use the spell from earlier, if we need to get down in a hurry," Alyna suggests. "But..." Pointing with her finger, she counts out the group. Siri, Luna, Talos, Herself, Tamara, Martha.(edited)
  607. [1:34 PM] Faerie: (This is a stretch, but
  608. Can any of them fly?)
  609. [1:34 PM] Eon: (They all can.)
  610. [1:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (All mephits have fly speed)
  611. [1:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Some have swim speed.)
  612. [1:34 PM] Faerie: ''Rope shouldn't be a problem, either, if that's our route''
  613. [1:35 PM] Faerie: (Well, this is unfortunate)
  614. [1:35 PM] Bot Fodder: "... Two of us would have to stay behind or use ropes. Unless one of you knows a similar trick."
  615. [1:36 PM] Eon: Martha.. is rather willing to stay behind until you deal with They, at any rate.
  616. [1:36 PM] Eon: Tamara mentions her Invisibilty.
  617. [1:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri shrugs. She's not going down.
  618. [1:36 PM] Eon: ... And bemoans the lack of Feather Fall. What kind of wizard is she?
  619. [1:36 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna blinks. "I mean one." Why did she think there was another person...?
  620. [1:37 PM] Bot Fodder: Hmmmmm.....
  621. [1:37 PM] Faerie: (She's a fighter, duh)
  622. [1:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Look, if things go badly, how do you get UP the ravine fast?"
  623. [1:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "A rope's not going to help if they can cut it with their claws. The ground down there have a chance to shift into magma depending on .... Something."
  624. [1:38 PM] Mizuki: (Eon, remind me pls, how many mephits are there?)
  625. [1:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (16)
  626. [1:38 PM] Eon: (~16)
  628. [1:39 PM] Mizuki: (this doesn't sound so bad, does it?)
  629. [1:39 PM] Eon: (I'm not inclined to comment)
  630. [1:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Well, that's what we can see. And if you guys engage them while in the air...)
  631. [1:39 PM] Faerie: (There's a boss fight after, hue)
  632. [1:39 PM] Bot Fodder: "Alas, my days as a mountaineer ended with a fall from the Sullen King's Rock," Alyna sighs. "I wouldn't be able to get back up so quickly."
  633. [1:39 PM] Faerie: (I'm drawing a blank here, for the most part. Hm...)
  634. [1:41 PM] Faerie: (Like, my effective range's just 60 feet. I'm sure it's better for most of you, because of Dex)
  635. [1:41 PM] Mizuki: Luna stares at the ravine, trying to spot any places they could use to fight and is reasonably within reach. Also, she looks for any other enemies, are the mephits truly alone there?
  636. [1:41 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna looks down. Any crevices or tunnels? Or perhaps some other escape route?
  637. [1:41 PM] Mizuki: (perception?)
  638. [1:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (According to what we know - their breath weapon is 15 ft)
  639. [1:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Their spells have better range overall.)
  640. [1:42 PM] Eon: Define what you mean by 'could use to fight', please.
  641. [1:42 PM] Eon: A tunnel leading to the planar portal, as the myconids described, and several alcoves in the side, though not nearly big enough to fit all of you.
  642. [1:42 PM] Mizuki: Any narrow places they could use to avoid being overwhelmed, that would at least impair their movement somehow.
  643. [1:43 PM] Faerie: (Any 'pockets' of stone along the ravine's height? :smugpopo:)
  644. [1:43 PM] Bot Fodder: (I'd suggest finding a defensible spot, but the breath weapons are a problem if we attempt that. I wonder how their breath would affect each other, though...?)
  645. [1:43 PM] Eon: A choke? That tunnel is one, and the alcoves are suitable, should you go 'every man for themselves'
  646. [1:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Problem with most positions - they can fly, which means they can fly around and the like. The place is a ravine going down, so they would only get more room, instead of less, the further you advance.)
  647. [1:44 PM] Faerie: (Are you suggesting CHAIN REACTIONS? Remember some of them explode on death)
  648. [1:44 PM] Eon: (all of them explode)
  649. [1:44 PM] Eon: (not all for damage, but y'know.)
  650. [1:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Oh, right, Talos." Siri turns to Talos.
  651. [1:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The javelin's command word is... 'Revert'. Remember that."
  652. [1:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri shrugs.
  653. [1:45 PM] Bot Fodder: (Kek. Well, it's also that they're so unstable. If one in an 'earth' stat is hit by fire breath, does it also turn into a fire mephit? Stuff like that.)
  654. [1:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It only works when you toss it, so nothing really happen when you use it in normal conversation.)
  655. [1:46 PM] Faerie: ''What a... curious word. Maybe it's nigh time your creation sees use, Siri'', Talos replies as he places the heavy artifact on his hands and traces a hand along the shaft, humming to himself. 'Revert, revert...'
  656. [1:47 PM] Faerie: (No, it creates a magma mephit)
  657. [1:47 PM] Bot Fodder: "Revert, revert~♫ " Alyna singsongs idly, staring at the mephits.
  658. [1:49 PM] Eon: If its any help, the thing is drawn on roll20.
  659. [1:49 PM] Mizuki: (so, we shooting them down?)
  660. [1:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (idk, people are saying to go in)
  661. [1:50 PM] Eon: You may of course, arrange yourself however.
  662. [1:50 PM] Mizuki: (oh shit, that's a lot when I look at it tehehe)
  663. [1:50 PM] Eon: ... Unless you're going to be right on the edge, then there may be a lot of issues.
  664. [1:51 PM] Bot Fodder: (Alyna is in favor of staying here and descending only in an emergency.)
  665. [1:52 PM] Mizuki: (Mizuki wants to shoot them gud, I don't know what Luna wants :thinking:)
  666. [1:52 PM] Eon: Mhm. Work out a plan and enact on it.
  667. [1:53 PM] Eon: roll 1d10
  668. [1:53 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10]: 4, Result: 4
  669. [1:54 PM] Mizuki: "I don't think we have any other choice here, don't stay too close to each other." - Said the girl nodding, and hiding behind one of the rocky formations. She loads her crossbow, totally ready.
  670. [1:54 PM] Bot Fodder: (Our options are limited against a swarmlike enemy like this... Best shot is to try and get them to surround one decoy and then have Talos Shatter it.)
  671. [1:54 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+6 stealth
  672. [1:54 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 5, Result: 11
  673. [1:54 PM] Mizuki: (those fucking shitty rolls)
  674. [1:55 PM] Eon: ... Tamara will guard the northen flank, as need be, if that's your confirmed position.
  675. [1:55 PM] Faerie: (Damn, this is pretty massive)
  676. [1:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Is there more room to the "left" of the map?
  677. [1:56 PM] Mizuki: (>mfw I just noticed I'm hidden :excitedfish:)(edited)
  678. [1:56 PM] Eon: About 10 feet more before it begins to narrow to the tunnel from before
  679. [1:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Ready, I suppose.
  681. [1:58 PM] Mizuki: (we get a surprise round, surely!)
  682. [1:58 PM] Eon: Alright. Initiative.
  683. [1:58 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+1 I am seriously not rolling for 6 groups
  684. [1:58 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 8, Result: 9
  685. [1:59 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna equips her longbow and gets as much distance as possible! She'll probably follow Siri without getting close enough to be caught in a blast.
  686. [1:59 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+4
  687. [1:59 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 6, Result: 10
  688. [1:59 PM] Mizuki: (uffs)
  689. [1:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20 +3
  690. [1:59 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 13,9, Result: 22
  691. [1:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 16.
  692. [1:59 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+3
  693. [1:59 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 5, Result: 8
  694. [2:00 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4
  695. [2:00 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 8, Result: 12
  696. [2:00 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1
  697. [2:00 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 17, Result: 18
  698. [2:00 PM] Faerie: (We should all get a ready from this, but it's probably not gonna amount to much)
  699. [2:00 PM] Eon: The mephits are all surprised!
  700. [2:01 PM] Eon: Talos, you're up.
  701. [2:03 PM] Eon: Talos?
  702. [2:03 PM] Faerie: (Why is drawing circles so fucking hard)
  703. [2:03 PM] Faerie: (I am doing third degree equations to calculate the optimal, maximized value for Shatter)
  704. [2:04 PM] Mizuki: (Fae, here's a tip: I found out that if you start your circle at the corner of the square, it will be exactly where you want)
  705. [2:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You can likely hit the ice and steam mephits up there)
  706. [2:04 PM] Faerie: (Yeah, ice and steam was more than likely The Play)
  707. [2:04 PM] Bot Fodder: (Shouldn't you save Shatter for when more of them are clustered?)(edited)
  708. [2:05 PM] Faerie: (That might not happen, considering their breath attacks :thinking:)
  709. [2:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Note that Ice Mephits should have disadvantage on the save, as they are made of inorganic material.)
  710. [2:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (That's the only mephit type to reasonably take disadvantage, but Eon might allow for rest of them, up to mud)
  711. [2:05 PM] Bot Fodder: (Quite true! :thinking:)
  712. [2:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Likely no-sell on Steam.)
  713. [2:06 PM] Faerie: Alright, Talos is convinced!
  715. [2:06 PM] Eon: (I will allow ice, the rest probably not.)
  716. [2:06 PM] Faerie: It should hit all five because diagonals are a meme on r20
  717. [2:06 PM] Mizuki: (my circles are da best)
  718. [2:06 PM] Eon: And Exhibit A for why people use hexes sometimes is born.
  719. [2:07 PM] Eon: Anyhow, I will let you clip all 5 because I'm nice :heart:
  720. [2:07 PM] Faerie: Casually strolling northways, next to Tamara, Talos activates ''It''
  721. [2:07 PM] Faerie: (*''It'': Shatter, because it's the only thing he's got for damage)
  722. [2:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  723. [2:08 PM] Faerie: The save DC's 13, CON save
  724. [2:08 PM] Eon: (You have spiritual weapon, don't pretend you're a druid)
  725. [2:08 PM] Eon: alright, not maximising?
  726. [2:08 PM] Faerie: (I'm saving my last slot, shush)
  727. [2:08 PM] Eon: roll 2d20 for the steam ones, CON
  728. [2:08 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 19,9, Result: 28
  729. [2:09 PM] Eon: North one passes, south fails.
  730. [2:09 PM] Eon: roll 6d20 for ice
  731. [2:09 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [6d20]: 9,13,6,12,20,3, Result: 63
  732. [2:09 PM] Faerie: (You choose maximize whenever you roll for damage, but I'm not sure if that's before or after saves. Anyways, not maximizing)
  733. [2:09 PM] Eon: fail, fail, fail. Roll damage!
  734. [2:09 PM] Faerie: roll 3d8 thunder
  735. [2:09 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d8]: 3,5,5, Result: 13
  736. [2:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (average-ish)
  737. [2:10 PM] Mizuki: (gud enough!)
  738. [2:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Actually...)
  739. [2:11 PM] Eon: A loud boom echoes, as what is still stone across the ravine floor crumbles and cracks, taking out out a chunk of the ice mephits, while the steam one are diminished. They snarl as they reconstituted themselves. If there was any pretense of stealth before, it's gone now.
  740. [2:11 PM] Eon: Anything else, Talos?
  741. [2:12 PM] Eon: roll 1d10
  742. [2:12 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10]: 4, Result: 4
  743. [2:12 PM] Faerie: Walking, mumbling to himself something even Talos himself is barely able to understand - what matters is getting the invocations correctly. ''Let's do this right...'' He gestures a symbol of entropy, and offers up his hand to the chasm in front of them. (fwosh)
  744. [2:12 PM] Faerie: (That's his turn, Pass)
  745. [2:13 PM] Eon: Siri!
  746. [2:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Taking aim at the closest mephit, offering a prayer to Valkur, Captain of the Waves, to guide them in the tide of battle, Siri focuses on the planar distance rather than physical distance between her and her targets. Getting a feeling for the strike, she let her arrow loose, a silent glint in the air as it flies. [Planar Warrior on target Dust mephit, longbow. First round attack has advantage against creatures that haven't moved yet.] Whether the hit strikes true or not, Siri will reposition to somewhere safer.
  747. [2:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7 advantage roll 1
  748. [2:13 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 1, Result: 8
  750. [2:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7 advantage roll 2
  751. [2:13 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 17, Result: 24
  752. [2:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8+3 piercing
  753. [2:13 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+3]: 4, Result: 7
  754. [2:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6 force
  755. [2:13 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 6, Result: 6
  756. [2:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 13 damage.
  757. [2:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: End turn.
  758. [2:14 PM] Eon: Your arrow strikes, true, the glimmering projectile soaring, and meeting its mark, while comprised of mostly swirling dust, the mephit is clearly dimished from the strike.
  759. [2:14 PM] Eon: Hmm. Tamara.
  760. [2:15 PM] Eon: Stepping forward, and pushing her palm toward the chasm below, she looses a flurry of Magic Missiles, intent on finishing off the ice Mephit closest to her, following up on Talos' Shatter.
  761. [2:16 PM] Eon: roll 3d4+3
  762. [2:16 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d4+3]: 4,4,3, Result: 14
  763. [2:16 PM] Eon: And it is reduced to a pile of slush and ice.
  764. [2:16 PM] Eon: Pass.
  765. [2:16 PM] Eon: Luna!
  766. [2:17 PM] Mizuki: Her crossbow already loaded after all that preparation, Luna takes aim at the mephit Siri just struck.That thing back with the myconids really made her think, sometimes adventure isn't just fun and games, is it...? But her friends need her now, it's not the time to drift on thoughts. The girl presses the trigger and lets loose the bolt. - "Take this!"
  767. [2:18 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d20 adv from unseen attacker
  768. [2:18 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 9,5, Result: 14
  769. [2:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Likely a hit)
  770. [2:18 PM] Mizuki: 15
  771. [2:18 PM] Eon: Hit!
  772. [2:18 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d8+4 piercing
  773. [2:18 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+4]: 7, Result: 11
  774. [2:18 PM] Eon: Your target, still scrambling and frantic from being struck so suddenly, is once again struck..
  775. [2:18 PM] Eon: and slain.
  776. [2:18 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d6 snek attack :snake:
  777. [2:18 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 1,3, Result: 4
  778. [2:19 PM] Eon: Dust to dust.
  779. [2:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Dust's the most problematic one, so ...)
  780. [2:19 PM] Mizuki: She starts reloading her crossbow and changes her position, attempting to hide once again.
  781. [2:19 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+6 stealth
  782. [2:19 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 4, Result: 10
  783. [2:19 PM] Faerie: (PULL THE TRIGGER LUNA)
  785. [2:20 PM] Mizuki: (FUCK t.Fae)
  786. [2:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Scoot south a bit)
  787. [2:20 PM] Faerie: (What, I never bitch about bad rolls :smugsatori:)
  788. [2:20 PM] Eon: Unfortunately, this time you fail to evade notice, as the shot draws their collective attention, for this moment!
  789. [2:21 PM] Mizuki: The girl draws her sword, ready!
  790. [2:21 PM] Mizuki: pass
  791. [2:21 PM] Eon: The mephits are still scrambling to get into some sembalance of combat, fumbling. Next.
  792. [2:21 PM] Eon: Alyna!
  793. [2:24 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna is far back enough to give the appearance of flight, but her longbow is steady. She takes aim and looses an arrow at the far mephit, dead ahead.
  794. [2:24 PM] Bot Fodder: (Dust one, I think?)
  795. [2:24 PM] Eon: Mhm.
  796. [2:24 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+5
  797. [2:24 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 2, Result: 7
  798. [2:25 PM] Eon: Unfortunately, At this angle and distance, giving the shifting terrain, the shot is difficult and while it does land near the mephit, but landing near is not hitting.(edited)
  799. [2:26 PM] Bot Fodder: She clicks her tongue and nocks another arrow. "Siri, show us how it's done!" she calls ahead. [Inspiration die to Siri](edited)
  800. [2:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (What face?)
  801. [2:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (d6?)
  802. [2:27 PM] Bot Fodder: (Yup)
  803. [2:27 PM] Bot Fodder: Pass.
  804. [2:27 PM] Eon: Top of round, Talos.
  805. [2:27 PM] Eon: roll 1d10
  806. [2:27 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10]: 1, Result: 1
  807. [2:28 PM] Faerie: Talos retracts his arm slightly, pausing for a moment before thrusting it forward once more in a spread out. He mentions something about ''the call'', this time his breathing unesteady as his eyes grow distant, unfocused from the previous Shatter. He finds that spell immensely exciting.
  808. [2:28 PM] Faerie: Following up with Toll the Dead on one of the ice chuknies the Shatter didn't finish off
  809. [2:28 PM] Faerie: (Wisdom save, DC is 13)
  810. [2:29 PM] Eon: roll 1d20 wisdom
  811. [2:29 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 1, Result: 1
  812. [2:29 PM] Eon: Oh dear.
  813. [2:29 PM] Faerie: Oh baby.
  815. [2:30 PM] Eon: Ask not for whom the bell tolls.. And as the as another thunderous sound echoes throughout the ravine once again, though this time a bit more pleasant than the ear-splitting Shatter..
  816. [2:30 PM] Eon: roll your damage.png
  817. [2:30 PM] Faerie: roll 1d12 aidsbell
  818. [2:30 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d12]: 3, Result: 3
  819. [2:30 PM] Faerie: (FUCK)
  820. [2:31 PM] Faerie: Pass :smugpopo:
  821. [2:31 PM] Mizuki: :nicosmug:
  822. [2:32 PM] Eon: In the end, though, the ice mephit scrambles out of the brunt of the Toll the Dead, however, a chunk of it still crumbles and falls off, melting into water.
  823. [2:32 PM] Eon: Siri.
  824. [2:32 PM] Eon: ... Which ice mephit did you hit, Talos?
  825. [2:32 PM] Faerie: (Closest one, likely)
  826. [2:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Knowing that going by her own self, her bow won't be enough, Siri aims at one of the Ice Mephits damaged by Talos's spell assaults, letting an arrow fly without getting too close. She's not entirely worried about anyone just yet, though with the mephits swarming them, and the shifting environment... Siri's worry slowly mounts. She bites down a bit, gritting her teeth, believing in herself.
  827. [2:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7
  828. [2:32 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 1, Result: 8
  829. [2:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: I WON'T use my inspiration yet.
  830. [2:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Realizing her worry's manifesting again, Siri slinks back some more.
  831. [2:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Pass.
  832. [2:33 PM] Eon: And as your arrow sails through the ravine.. A sudden gout of magma, as if possesed by malign intent, intercepts the arrow, reducing to cinders.
  833. [2:33 PM] Faerie: Were he not... ailed by his particular... condition, Talos would have fallen back to gain some distance from the incoming swarm. He clackers with joy.
  834. [2:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (> -1 arrow)
  835. [2:34 PM] Eon: Tamara pouts as she fiddles with her rapier. So much for a grand melee.
  836. [2:34 PM] Eon: Rinse, repeat. Magic Missile.
  837. [2:34 PM] Eon: roll 3d4+3 at the closest ice
  838. [2:34 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d4+3]: 2,1,4, Result: 10
  839. [2:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Hm, won't she likely split the missiles?)
  840. [2:35 PM] Eon: And that one is reduced to slush as well. As arcane energy tears it apart.
  841. [2:35 PM] Eon: (No, actually)
  842. [2:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I guess the damage is actually low with magic missile :droolingpopo: )
  843. [2:35 PM] Eon: Pass. Luna.
  844. [2:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Confirming kills is more important)
  846. [2:36 PM] Mizuki: Noticing their lack of reaction, Luna sheats her blade and takes out her crossbow once again. - "Those guys are slow." - She pulls the lever, puts on another bolt and takes aim, sending it flying with a soft whistle of the air against the closest fog(?) mephit.
  847. [2:37 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+6 to hit
  848. [2:37 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 7, Result: 13
  849. [2:37 PM] Eon: Remind me, what's the range of your hand cbow?
  850. [2:37 PM] Eon: 75 should be good, but I just want to remember
  851. [2:37 PM] Mizuki: (80/320)
  852. [2:37 PM] Eon: o7
  853. [2:37 PM] Eon: Hit!
  854. [2:38 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d8+4
  855. [2:38 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+4]: 7, Result: 11
  856. [2:39 PM] Eon: The steam mephit, already wispy and immaterial from the Shatter, suddenly finds a crossbow bolt lodged into its head, but only for a second, as it disperes into the stale cavern air, and the bolt continues its path, thudding into a puddle of mud behind it.
  857. [2:39 PM] Eon: Anything else?
  858. [2:39 PM] Mizuki: (tehehe, I meant other mephit! But this is fine as well)
  859. [2:40 PM] Mizuki: "Blaze, make some sparks around!" - She said with a wink. [help action]
  860. [2:40 PM] Mizuki: The girl moves about and attempts to hide once again.
  861. [2:40 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d20
  862. [2:40 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 7,18, Result: 25
  863. [2:40 PM] Eon: Ah, Helping yourself.
  864. [2:40 PM] Mizuki: pass
  865. [2:40 PM] Eon: With a little display of fireworks, you slink away as attention is drawn away from you.
  866. [2:41 PM] Eon: ... The mephits turn.
  867. [2:41 PM] Eon: groan
  868. [2:42 PM] Faerie: (how many is that, wew)
  869. [2:42 PM] Eon: The two magma mephits, who had been snickering and chattering only moments prior to the ambush, sneer, and flutter over to the north of Tamara and Talos, and.. take a deep breath, and spew a vicious, hot stream of magma.
  870. [2:42 PM] Eon: DC 11 Dex save.
  871. [2:43 PM] Eon: Twice.
  872. [2:43 PM] Eon: for Talos and Tamara
  873. [2:43 PM] Eon: roll 2d20 +4
  874. [2:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 6,7, Result: 13
  875. [2:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew, actually failing one)
  876. [2:43 PM] Eon: roll 2d6
  877. [2:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 5,1, Result: 6
  878. [2:43 PM] Eon: roll 2d6
  879. [2:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 5,5, Result: 10
  880. [2:43 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1
  881. [2:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 14, Result: 15
  882. [2:43 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1 second save
  883. [2:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 10, Result: 11
  884. [2:44 PM] Eon: Talos takes 8 fire damage, unless you wish to Absorb Elements that.
  885. [2:44 PM] Mizuki: (holy shit man, Luna does not miss a single fuggin attack, feels good)
  886. [2:45 PM] Faerie: He's good. His cloak might not like it so much, but what can you do
  887. [2:45 PM] Eon: "Tch." Tamara attempts to twirl out of the way, dodging the brunt of one of the streams, but twirls right into the other.
  888. [2:45 PM] Eon: The mephits snicker, and offer each other a high five.
  889. [2:45 PM] Faerie: Dodging, he interposes his shield between the second blast and his chest, rather than his face for some reason. Odd? A bit.
  890. [2:46 PM] Eon: The steam mephit..
  891. [2:46 PM] Faerie: (I wish they understood common)
  892. [2:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri isn't TOO guilty about killing some mephits - their essence return to the elemental planes after slain, in any case, and they are kinda huge assholes.
  893. [2:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's like killing rats except the rats also happen to like see you suffer.
  894. [2:47 PM] Eon: Much like it's compatriots, who frown as the steam mephit approaches, breathes a gout of steam, as well.
  896. [2:47 PM] Eon: DC 10 Dex save
  897. [2:47 PM] Eon: for Talos and Tamara, again.
  898. [2:47 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4
  899. [2:47 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 3, Result: 7
  900. [2:47 PM] Eon: ... Tamara, blindsided by the magma breaths, turns only to meet a faceful of steam.
  901. [2:47 PM] Eon: roll 1d8 fire
  902. [2:47 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 5, Result: 5
  903. [2:48 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1
  904. [2:48 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 18, Result: 19
  905. [2:48 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1 second save
  906. [2:48 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 20, Result: 21
  907. [2:48 PM] Eon: "Ah, fuck me." Tamara sputters.
  908. [2:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Leave the closest magma mephit to me." Siri hisses to the others. "I have a good line of sight on it."
  909. [2:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri calls her target, as the situation unfolds. Unless she drop on the floor or something.
  910. [2:49 PM] Faerie: ''Like extinguishing a flame with oil!'', he remarks. Talos feels positively energized! Was it the flame, the Shatter? It was the pain. He's weird like that.
  911. [2:49 PM] Eon: ... Joining in the bullying, the dust mephit also surges forth, adding to the hodge podge of elemental breaths with sand and dust.
  912. [2:49 PM] Eon: DC 10 Con save same folks :droolingpopo:
  913. [2:50 PM] Faerie: (Fuck, I rolled twice thinking it was two of them)
  914. [2:50 PM] Eon: On failure, Blinded for a minute, repeating saves at the end of your turn.
  915. [2:50 PM] Eon: (you took 2 fire, either way)
  916. [2:50 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+3
  917. [2:50 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 4, Result: 7
  918. [2:50 PM] Eon: Tamara is jinxed, I swear.
  919. [2:50 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+2 for con...
  920. [2:50 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 8, Result: 10
  921. [2:51 PM] Faerie: (RIP)
  922. [2:51 PM] Eon: Turning to guard herself at the last second, she this time is met by a flurry of sand in her eyes. She curses and yelps, and is now Blinded >.>
  923. [2:51 PM] Eon: Talos, on the other hand
  924. [2:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (hot mephit actions)
  925. [2:53 PM] Eon: The remaining Mephits (minus the ice) Dash, fluttering forward to meet their ranged assailants.
  926. [2:53 PM] Eon: The ice mephit.. twirls its 'fingers' and cackles in Auran.
  927. [2:53 PM] Eon: Fog Cloud.
  928. [2:54 PM] Eon: It then scampers off into the tunnel, hiding in an alcove.
  929. [2:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew)
  930. [2:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (considering that it's a lone mephit of its kind, it probably doesn't want to tango)
  931. [2:55 PM] Eon: (I don't get it, roll 20 is fucking me, reee)
  932. [2:55 PM] Mizuki: (:makitomato:)
  933. [2:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :troubledkoga: )
  934. [2:56 PM] Eon: REEEEE
  935. [2:56 PM] Eon: Ahem, assume it covers all the mephits to the south. While I do this
  936. [2:56 PM] Eon: Pass. Alyna.
  937. [2:57 PM] Eon: (reeeeee)
  938. [2:57 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna strugges to focus on a target amid all the chaos!
  939. [2:58 PM] Mizuki: (wait a bit)
  940. [2:58 PM] Mizuki: (the fug happened to Luna?)
  941. [2:58 PM] Eon: (r-refresh)
  942. [2:58 PM] Faerie: (She's dead)
  943. [2:58 PM] Eon: (fuck roll20)
  944. [2:59 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna dislikes bows. Breath steady, shoulders level, fingers relaxed... no one had taught Alyna this, but she learned. A longbow was her first weapon. A towering, weathered thing, broad as an arm and with a draw twice as strong, left forgotten by the city watch after a field training exercise. She lost a baby tooth trying to string it, but it eventually gave after she'd wedged one end between rocks. She'd practiced with it every day, careful not to hit a hard target (she only owned eight arrows.) But she seldom had to worry about hitting anything at all; she couldn't fully draw it, let alone hold it upright. She complained aloud whenever her friends were near to hear it: This stupid bow! This rotten bow! This old, crappy, piece-of-garbage useless bow! How she cried, when it was taken away from her! And again, when her gran gave it back to her with an apology from the thief, an older boy. He was the one who showed her how to hold it, if nothing else. Breath steady, shoulders level, fingers relaxed... but don't tire your arm out. 'Just let it go,' he said to her. Forget the distractions, forget everyone else, and...
  945. [2:59 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+5 nearest mephit
  946. [2:59 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 8, Result: 13
  947. [2:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Fog cloud)
  948. [3:00 PM] Bot Fodder: (Oh, wait, I thought it was where the familiar was, kek)
  949. [3:00 PM] Eon: You still can shoot the ones to the North no problem.
  950. [3:00 PM] Bot Fodder: (The brown one, southeast of Tamara, then.)(edited)
  951. [3:01 PM] Eon: And that would be a hit!
  952. [3:01 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d8+3
  953. [3:01 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+3]: 8, Result: 11
  954. [3:01 PM] Eon: As you let go, focused, the cackling thing, overflowing with glee as it blinds Tamara, is suddenly interrupted as an arrow slams into its side with prodigal force.
  955. [3:02 PM] Bot Fodder: (Is it still in the air?)
  956. [3:02 PM] Eon: Mmm? Nah, it landed., is fine.
  957. [3:04 PM] Eon: Anything else?
  958. [3:05 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna rises from a knee to displace, briefly making a sneer. She'd meant for that to be a killing shot, but she always did have trouble letting things go! Still good enough to brag about, anyway. "Ha! These things are barely target practice." Alyna moves northwest.
  959. [3:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hey, nevermind about the target calling." Siri hisses, noticing the fog cloud forming nearby...
  960. [3:06 PM] Bot Fodder: Pass!
  961. [3:06 PM] Faerie: (Which Mephit casted the cloud, again?)
  962. [3:06 PM] Eon: Top of round, Talos.
  963. [3:06 PM] Eon: Ice, who's hiding like a total coward.
  964. [3:06 PM] Bot Fodder: (My turns are too slow :sadpopo: )
  965. [3:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It's actually fairly beneficial.)
  966. [3:07 PM] Eon: roll 1d10
  967. [3:07 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10]: 9, Result: 9
  968. [3:07 PM] Faerie: Talos is admittedly less than fine in the material/physical/corporeal sense. But as the steam burns away at him, some terrible threshhold is crossed...
  969. The frightful sound of an unmistakeably tell-tale heart is heard from Talos' insides, sounding only once. His chest follows, pulsating with an unnatural red color. Relentless essence, this lone beating drives Talos forward like clockwork.
  970. [3:07 PM] Faerie: Popping back to half HP, walking in-between the two mephits by the ravine's edge
  971. [3:08 PM] Faerie: r20 pls
  972. [3:09 PM] Faerie: (Alright, do you guys want the cloud off or not?)
  973. [3:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I want it to be around, helps a bit)
  974. [3:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (if you want it off, do it as ready after me if possible?)
  975. [3:09 PM] Bot Fodder: (I think it's useful to have for now. It's protecting our flank, in a way.)
  976. [3:10 PM] Faerie: (I don't rightly care about it since I'm away, hue)
  977. [3:10 PM] Faerie: Talos'll just swing around him at the two Mephs around him, post-haste
  978. [3:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I can hit the right target still, so hit the se mephit)
  979. [3:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( LUL )
  980. [3:11 PM] Bot Fodder: (Shit, I need to shower... Lost track of the time.)
  981. [3:11 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5 foggy dude
  982. [3:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 17, Result: 22
  983. [3:11 PM] Faerie: roll 1d8+3 bludgeoning
  984. [3:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+3]: 4, Result: 7
  986. [3:12 PM] Eon: You bring your warhammer down with righteous fury. Unfortunately, there isn't a satisfying splat, as the steam mephit staggers back, half of it missing after being flattened by the warhammer. It snarls as it struggles to reconstitute itself.
  987. [3:13 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5 foggy dude
  988. [3:13 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 18, Result: 23
  989. [3:13 PM] Faerie: If mephits have a core, Talos goes for it if it's exposed
  990. [3:14 PM] Faerie: roll 1d8+3 bludgeon Zealmeme
  991. [3:14 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+3]: 1, Result: 4
  992. [3:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (oh btw, get away from the magma mephit if you can :smugsatori: )
  993. [3:14 PM] Faerie: (Rude, please don't chain react me)
  994. [3:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You don't have to :smugpopo: )
  995. [3:15 PM] Eon: This time, you bring your warhammer down, and instead of leaving one half, you flatten the entirely of it's remainder, leaving a puff of hot steam gushing from its remains.
  996. [3:15 PM] Eon: DC 10 Dex save Talos :smugpopo:
  997. [3:15 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1 rude
  998. [3:15 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 14, Result: 15
  999. [3:16 PM] Faerie: Talos staggers away and back from the (now dead) rude dude's elemental incontinence.
  1000. [3:16 PM] Faerie: Provoking an AoO
  1001. [3:16 PM] Eon: Stepping back quickly and covering your face, you avoid the otherwise harmful steam, leaving just a patch of tepid water on your coat.
  1002. [3:16 PM] Faerie: Pass afterwards
  1003. [3:16 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+3
  1004. [3:16 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 2, Result: 5
  1005. [3:16 PM] Faerie: (Thanks, Gaben)
  1006. [3:16 PM] Eon: It reaches out, snarling like some unruly cat, but finds only the cold stone of the cavern to scratch on.
  1007. [3:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The OA's likely less damage than the death burst, in most cases, so...)
  1008. [3:17 PM] Eon: Grumbling, it returns to its waiting position
  1009. [3:17 PM] Eon: Siri.
  1010. [3:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Her evident worrywart nature causing her aim to distance from her actual targets, Siri sighs, taking a breather, calming down. The mephits may swarm, but she just need to keep her cool. One at a time. Just one at a time. Taking a swift aim, she shouts to the frontline, "Get back if you need to!" From the look of things, Siri isn't going to stop worrying about others anytime soon. One arrow, after another, with confidence behind them. Siri believes not in herself, but her training.
  1012. As the mephits swarm the adventurers, Siri takes some calculations... And decided to use the terrain to her advantage. She quickly dive for the fog cloud, hiding within for cover, and fires an arrow out from the edge of it... [Firing arrow from the fog cloud - people are effectively blinded against me, thus I have advantage on the strike against most other mephits. Planar warrior, as the target is within 30ft, and longbow on advantage thanks to the Ice Mephit's Fog Cloud. Targetting the magma mephit closest to Talos, just northwest of it within his reach.]
  1013. [3:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7 advantage roll 1
  1014. [3:17 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 6, Result: 13
  1015. [3:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7 advantage roll 2
  1016. [3:17 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 19, Result: 26
  1017. [3:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hm, won't use my inspiration dice yet.
  1018. [3:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 26 is good enough?
  1019. [3:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8+3 piercing
  1020. [3:17 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+3]: 5, Result: 8
  1021. [3:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6 force
  1022. [3:17 PM] Eon: :thinking:
  1023. [3:17 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 2, Result: 2
  1024. [3:17 PM] Eon: aren't you.. blinded.
  1025. [3:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 10 damage.
  1026. [3:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oh, no, you aren't blinded whlie in fog cloud, people perceiving you is.
  1027. [3:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Thanks to errata.
  1028. [3:18 PM] Eon: oh ffs, errata. Fair enough.
  1029. [3:18 PM] Eon: (It would hit either way)
  1030. [3:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 10 damage in total against the magma mephit.
  1031. [3:18 PM] Faerie: (Some spells are so fucking wonky)
  1032. [3:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I know, I spent like 5 minutes goggling up the rules around it via errata etc)
  1033. [3:19 PM] Mizuki: (whoa, that completely changes things)
  1034. [3:19 PM] Eon: Out from the mist comes yet another arrow, piercing the gooey, viscous side of the magma mephit, as the arrow eventually catches ablaze, and falls to the ground.
  1035. [3:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Does it explode :excitedfish:
  1036. [3:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: :excitedfish:
  1037. [3:19 PM] Eon: Unfortunately, it's not a premature asploder.
  1038. [3:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1039. [3:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: End turn :sadpopo:
  1040. [3:20 PM] Eon: Tamara is.. blinded.
  1041. [3:21 PM] Eon: Grumbling about how bullshit this all was, she stumbles towards the dust mephit, and lunges at it, without sight.
  1042. [3:21 PM] Eon: roll 2d20 +8 dis
  1043. [3:21 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 11,17, Result: 28
  1044. [3:21 PM] Eon: And finds her mark, bringing the blade up as she feels contact.
  1045. [3:21 PM] Eon: roll 1d8+6
  1046. [3:21 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+6]: 7, Result: 13
  1047. [3:21 PM] Eon: And slices it in twain.
  1048. [3:21 PM] Eon: :thinking:
  1049. [3:22 PM] Eon: Tamara is already blinded, though it's from a seperate effect
  1050. [3:22 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+3 CON save
  1051. [3:22 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 13, Result: 16
  1052. [3:22 PM] Eon: Pass.
  1053. [3:22 PM] Mizuki: (r u ready for EXPLOSIONS, Koga?)
  1054. [3:22 PM] Eon: Luna
  1055. [3:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :excitedfish: )
  1056. [3:22 PM] Mizuki: "Hold it there, gramps, Tamara!" - Shouted the girl letting loose a bolt once again, this time against the fire mephit farthest to the north. - "I still want to drink with you some more!"
  1057. [3:22 PM] Eon: Taking a moment to finally rub her eyes, she focuses, and turns towards the magma mephit.
  1058. [3:22 PM] Mizuki: Of course, she means milk while with Talos.
  1059. [3:23 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d20 unseen enemy
  1060. [3:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 8,6, Result: 14
  1061. [3:23 PM] Mizuki: 14
  1062. [3:23 PM] Eon: Hit!
  1063. [3:23 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d8+4 piercing
  1064. [3:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+4]: 2, Result: 6
  1065. [3:23 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d6
  1066. [3:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 4,6, Result: 10
  1067. [3:24 PM] Eon: These mephits, with no natural armor nor inclination to dodge, aren't exactly harder to hit than target dummies.
  1068. [3:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (KS means Kill Secured :ok_hand: )
  1070. [3:24 PM] Eon: And with a satisfying (well YMMV) pop, it splatters.
  1071. [3:24 PM] Eon: The other mephit next to it frowns, as it collects its remains into itself.
  1072. [3:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Aw how cute it's trying to MERGE INTO ONE)
  1073. [3:25 PM] Eon: (they were lovers ok :cryingpopo: )
  1074. [3:25 PM] Mizuki: She smiles and once again jumps behind one of the rocky formations as Blaze creates a few sparks around.
  1075. [3:25 PM] Faerie: (IS IT IMMUNE TO EXPLOSIONS, EON)
  1076. [3:26 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d20
  1077. [3:26 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 12,20, Result: 32
  1078. [3:26 PM] Eon: (it is immune to the fire damage that would result from the death burst, yes.)
  1079. [3:26 PM] Eon: Ducking away from the Fog Cloud, you quietly slink away from sight and mind.
  1080. [3:26 PM] Mizuki: (Eon, how much does the fire familiar moves again?)
  1081. [3:27 PM] Eon: (60 flying)
  1082. [3:27 PM] Eon: (5 ground)
  1083. [3:27 PM] Mizuki: Blaze flies and perks on Alyna's shoulder. It doesn't burn, and is actually quite warm.
  1084. [3:28 PM] Mizuki: pass
  1085. [3:28 PM] Eon: The mephits turn.
  1086. [3:28 PM] Eon: The GM complains about how people aren't killing stuff fast enough
  1088. [3:28 PM] Eon: and how he has to run like 8 different things with 5 mob types in between all of them
  1089. [3:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The umbrella complains that there's 16 of them and she's single target damager.
  1090. [3:28 PM] Eon: Ahem.
  1091. [3:28 PM] Bot Fodder: (You have only yourself to blame :smugpopo:)
  1092. [3:28 PM] Eon: roll 1d6
  1093. [3:28 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 3, Result: 3
  1094. [3:30 PM] Eon: A glowering, warm, no, blazing feeling creeps up your notskin, Talos, as it begins to heat up.
  1095. [3:30 PM] Eon: Heat Metal
  1096. [3:30 PM] Eon: roll 2d6 fire
  1097. [3:30 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 5,3, Result: 8
  1098. [3:30 PM] Eon: make a DC 10 CON save or
  1099. [3:30 PM] Eon:
  1101. [3:30 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna glances at the burning familiar on her shoulder. "Don't singe the hair, okay?" she warns seriously.(edited)
  1102. [3:31 PM] Eon: hang on, it was 2d8, oh well.
  1103. [3:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It's amazing, one of the best mephit spell)
  1104. [3:31 PM] Bot Fodder: (>That spell)
  1105. [3:31 PM] Bot Fodder: (Fffff--)
  1106. [3:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: tl;dr save or disadvantage until mephit's turn. But it's concentration-based.
  1107. [3:32 PM] Eon: Please hold as the GM solves this tactical mess.
  1108. [3:32 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+2 bad news bear
  1109. [3:32 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 16, Result: 18
  1110. [3:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Bear is good against forest fires)
  1111. [3:32 PM] Bot Fodder: (Heat Metal rustles my jimmies something fierce.)
  1112. [3:32 PM] Faerie: Fire is a great occupational hazard, safety first
  1113. [3:32 PM] Faerie: God bless
  1114. [3:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (btw, it's 2d8 per turn, don't die.jpg)
  1115. [3:33 PM] Eon: The southwest Mud Mephit flutters a little closer to Siri, and breathes, or rather, more or less flings mud at her feet.
  1116. [3:33 PM] Faerie: Alas, you can't burn what's already aflame or something.
  1117. [3:33 PM] Eon: DC 11 Dex save
  1118. [3:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5
  1119. [3:33 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 7, Result: 12
  1120. [3:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri doesn't look at the mud mephit in disgust.
  1121. [3:33 PM] Eon: You just gingerly lift up your legs.
  1122. [3:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Dude." She says in Terran. "Are you shitting me?"
  1123. [3:34 PM] Eon: Frowning, it leaves the fog cloud, intent on chasing some one who will play along better.
  1124. [3:34 PM] Bot Fodder: ("Yes, literally")
  1125. [3:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She tries to copy the mannerism of an Earth Elemental as much as she could.
  1126. [3:34 PM] Eon: A snickering, malign, is your response, Siri.(edited)
  1128. [3:35 PM] Eon: The other Mud Mephit peeks out of the Fog Cloud, and digging into itself, hurls two globs of mud and Tamara and Talos.
  1129. [3:35 PM] Eon: DC 11 Dex save, as usual.
  1130. [3:35 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4 I swear to dicebot
  1131. [3:35 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 1, Result: 5
  1132. [3:35 PM] Eon: CURSED
  1133. [3:35 PM] Mizuki: (man, is hiding the most op thing in this game?)
  1134. [3:36 PM] Bot Fodder: (GM-dependant!)
  1135. [3:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Theoretically, they provoke opportunity attacks from me if they aren't careful. :thinking:
  1136. [3:36 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1
  1137. [3:36 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 9, Result: 10
  1138. [3:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (In practice, I don't have a melee weapon on hand, and fuck that noise.)(edited)
  1139. [3:36 PM] Faerie: (ALWAYS JAW)
  1140. [3:36 PM] Eon: And as your feet and legs and coated in the mud, you find yourself unable to move (save again at eot)
  1141. [3:36 PM] Eon: Restrained!
  1142. [3:36 PM] Bot Fodder: (Does Siri have claws or a bite?)
  1143. [3:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Bite.)
  1144. [3:37 PM] Bot Fodder: (Oh. Well... I wouldn't ask that of the poor woman.)
  1145. [3:37 PM] Eon: It flutters over to the Northwest, inviting an OA from the hidden Luna.
  1146. [3:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (But I have +1 to hit at disadvantage.)
  1147. [3:37 PM] Eon: (Senbei didn't mind)
  1148. [3:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew don't you bring bestdorf into this)
  1149. [3:37 PM] Bot Fodder: (Only Senbei can Senbei.)
  1150. [3:38 PM] Eon: Will you take it, Luna?
  1151. [3:38 PM] Mizuki: "Hold it right there!" - Said Luna with a smile, sinking her blade on the distracted mephit.
  1152. [3:38 PM] Mizuki: (wait, can I even do that?)
  1153. [3:38 PM] Eon: (Why not?)
  1154. [3:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (>with a smile
  1155. Just like Chara)
  1156. [3:38 PM] Mizuki: (because the cbow is on my hands)
  1157. [3:39 PM] Faerie: (She's getting creepy, man. Does she get her jollies from slaughtering mephits?)
  1158. [3:39 PM] Eon: Oh just take the OA
  1159. [3:39 PM] Eon: ree
  1160. [3:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Theoretically if you make a melee improvised attack with it, you can still sneak attack)
  1161. [3:39 PM] Eon: It is.. a ranged weapon.
  1162. [3:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (as you'd be striking with a ranged weapon)
  1163. [3:39 PM] Eon: :thinking:
  1164. [3:40 PM] Mizuki: (s-so, what am I attacking with?)
  1165. [3:40 PM] Eon: (your rapier!)
  1166. [3:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Eon's letting you take it, hue)
  1167. [3:40 PM] Mizuki: (holy shit this fucking stupid notebook)
  1168. [3:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Why not allow crossbow Kappa)
  1169. [3:40 PM] Eon: I mean, if you want to.
  1170. [3:40 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d20 here goes, unseen attacker!
  1171. [3:40 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 12,4, Result: 16
  1172. [3:40 PM] Eon: Pierce.
  1173. [3:40 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d8+4
  1174. [3:40 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+4]: 7, Result: 11
  1175. [3:40 PM] Eon: You skewer it right as it flutters by.
  1176. [3:40 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d6
  1177. [3:40 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 6,5, Result: 11
  1178. [3:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 22 damage in total :surprisedpopo:
  1179. [3:41 PM] Eon: And land a grevious injury.
  1181. [3:41 PM] Eon: Panicked by such a powerful blow, it attempts to.. scamper what little it can, towards its fellows.
  1182. [3:41 PM] Faerie: (Rogues are OP, let's nerf them!)
  1183. [3:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri sights her target, if it doesn't die by the time she can react.
  1184. [3:42 PM] Eon: The Ice Mephit drops the Fog Cloud because he just received a copy of the errata.
  1185. [3:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew)
  1186. [3:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (thanks Crawford)
  1187. [3:42 PM] Eon: Ahem. He takes the Dodge action.
  1188. [3:42 PM] Mizuki: Looks like Luna is already back to her usual self!
  1190. [3:42 PM] Eon: Aw.
  1191. [3:43 PM] Eon: Oh well.
  1192. [3:43 PM] Mizuki: (hehehehe)
  1193. [3:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri looks at the mephit dancing in front of her. :eyes:
  1194. [3:43 PM] Mizuki: (hehehehehehe :nicosmug:)
  1195. [3:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Mephits. :eyes:
  1197. [3:43 PM] Eon: Deciding to pull a trick out of a goblin's tactics' book, they all swipe at you, surrounding you as they do so, Siri.
  1198. [3:43 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4 smoke 1
  1199. [3:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 2, Result: 6
  1200. [3:43 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4 smoke 2
  1201. [3:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 9, Result: 13
  1202. [3:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hey, maybe I'll take damage.
  1203. [3:44 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+3 magma
  1204. [3:44 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 19, Result: 22
  1205. [3:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That'll hit!
  1206. [3:44 PM] Eon: The first two.. not even tickle.
  1207. [3:44 PM] Eon: Are they even trying?
  1208. [3:44 PM] Eon: the last, perhaps by its magmic aspect, sears and punctures you, as it immediately cauterises the wound it causes.
  1209. [3:44 PM] Eon: roll 1d4+1 slashing
  1210. [3:44 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+1]: 4, Result: 5
  1211. [3:45 PM] Eon: roll 1d4 fire
  1212. [3:45 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 1, Result: 1
  1213. [3:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri's eaten a good meal earlier, and the memory of the meal - a delicious sardine - still lingers with her. She just rolled with the magma mephit's blow, letting it glance off her.
  1214. [3:45 PM] Eon: 6 points of damage in total.
  1215. [3:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew, I am down to 42 HP)
  1216. [3:45 PM] Eon: IS THAT EVERY MEPHIT
  1217. [3:45 PM] Eon: YES, FINALLY, REE
  1218. [3:45 PM] Eon: Pass. Talos.
  1219. [3:45 PM] Mizuki: (THICC)
  1220. [3:45 PM] Eon: Err, Alyna.
  1221. [3:45 PM] Eon: Sorry.
  1222. [3:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I need a medic, this is the first time I got hit in the past 2 sessions :cryingpopo: )
  1223. [3:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (j/k :smugpopo: )
  1224. [3:46 PM] Eon: (well, is that a challenge?)
  1225. [3:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (... no :sadpopo: )
  1226. [3:46 PM] Eon: (fufufufu)
  1227. [3:46 PM] Eon: (pets koga)
  1228. [3:46 PM] Bot Fodder: (Was one of the Mephits not engaged with Siri wounded?)
  1229. [3:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The one in purple square is at around 5 HP.)
  1230. [3:47 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna tries to finish off the weakened mephit with a quick shot.
  1231. [3:48 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+5
  1232. [3:48 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 6, Result: 11
  1233. [3:48 PM] Eon: Hit.
  1234. [3:48 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d8+3
  1235. [3:48 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+3]: 3, Result: 6
  1237. [3:48 PM] Eon: Frantic at the prospect of being banished back to the Elemental Planes, it clutches the gaping hole left by Luna's lunge..
  1238. [3:49 PM] Eon: and eats an arrow shot, disintergrating into regular mud almost immediately.
  1239. [3:50 PM] Bot Fodder: (How's Talos on HP?)
  1240. [3:50 PM] Eon: Its death is of course as violent as the others, but there's no one to suffer that post-humus wrath.
  1241. [3:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (GM, is Bite, the unarmed strike option, considered viable for TWF?)
  1242. [3:50 PM] Eon: (it's not Light, so no)
  1243. [3:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (kk)
  1244. [3:50 PM] Faerie: (I'm at 10)
  1245. [3:51 PM] Faerie: thump 11 now
  1246. [3:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wow Talos pls)
  1247. [3:51 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna bolsters her cleric ally with an encouraging shout! "Talos, stand fast! A few muddy little imps-- nay, I think not even an army could put you down!" [d6 Bardic Inspiration to Talos]
  1248. [3:52 PM] Eon: Anything else?
  1249. [3:52 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna goes through the motions of putting her bow away. The imps are getting close. Pass!
  1250. [3:52 PM] Eon: Talos, proper.
  1251. [3:52 PM] Bot Fodder: (Ok showering now, back asap.)
  1252. [3:53 PM] Eon: (Hopefully people clean up so my turn isn't so dang long :cryingpopo: )
  1253. [3:53 PM] Faerie: He likes the sound of that - indeed, Talos loved standing around! So much, in fact, that he remembers not owning a chair back during his exploration days for whichever reason. Alyna's words turn the Mephits' scalding heat into something else entirely, almost soothing to the mind...
  1254. [3:54 PM] Faerie: (HMMM, what was the fire mephit explosion damage again?)
  1255. [3:55 PM] Eon: (Hmmmm, not inclined to say)
  1256. [3:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Public info.jpg)(edited)
  1257. [3:55 PM] Faerie: (Anyways, I can't fucking move so no javelin tonight)
  1258. [3:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (2d6 normally)
  1259. [3:55 PM] Eon: (you can refer to statblock via Martha's Loremaster meme)
  1260. [3:56 PM] Faerie: So, Talos just knocks on the door again. Where is the where-door?
  1261. [3:56 PM] Faerie: Out of the two non-fire mephs surrounding Siri, targetting whichever looks worse off
  1262. [3:56 PM] Faerie: (Toll for Wis save, DC 13)
  1263. [3:56 PM] Eon: (they are equally unhurt)
  1264. [3:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Oh, I'll gladly take a hit on the fire meph)
  1265. [3:56 PM] Faerie: (ABORT)
  1266. [3:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (If you wanna ready to hit it)
  1267. [3:57 PM] Eon: (just Shatter Siri :excitedfish: )
  1268. excitedfish1
  1269. [3:57 PM] Faerie: (F-fire, then? That one's hurt, righ- EON NO)
  1270. [3:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri issues a challenge against the mephits...
  1272. [3:57 PM] Mizuki: (S H A T T E R)
  1273. [3:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Ready to Toll a mephit around Siri after Siri finishes her combination attack? Kappa)
  1274. [3:57 PM] Faerie: Ready to Toll, then
  1275. [3:57 PM] Faerie: When Siri strikes
  1276. [3:58 PM] Faerie: Command issued. Possibility to Combo: 70%
  1277. [3:58 PM] Faerie: (wheeee)
  1278. [3:58 PM] Eon: Very well, anything else?
  1279. [3:58 PM] Mizuki: (you rely too much on machines)
  1280. [3:58 PM] Faerie: (MIZU PLS)
  1281. [3:59 PM] Eon: ahem, remember to make your dex save against gooey mud at the end of turn.
  1282. [3:59 PM] Faerie: ''You rely too much in numbers!'', Talos shouts with enthutiasm.
  1283. [3:59 PM] Faerie: ''Check it out!'', the power of synchronization! (Pass)
  1284. [3:59 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1
  1285. [3:59 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 10, Result: 11
  1286. [3:59 PM] Mizuki: (YEAH)
  1288. [3:59 PM] Eon: And with a deft movement, you remove yourself from the company of mud.
  1289. [4:00 PM] Eon: Siri.
  1290. [4:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Come at me, boys." She challenge the mephits around her in Primordial. "You probably haven't seen a REAL female before in your life. Let me teach you how life works. Poorly, for you!"
  1292. It's probably good to practice some swords, she's getting really rusty as she's mostly been hunting with a bow. Removing her longbow in lieu of her shortsword, Siri snarls at the mephits in front of her, performing a combination strike, leading with her shortsword into a lunge against the magma mephit... Before biting it. It goes against all logic, but she's got worse things to worry about, and this isn't the first time she had to eat an elemental creature to survive! [Shortsword strike, and then bonus action Hungry Jaw, which I haven't used for like 2 long rests. The temporary hit points don't have a duration elsewise.]
  1293. [4:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 short sword
  1294. [4:00 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 6, Result: 11
  1295. [4:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: I'll take 11.
  1296. [4:00 PM] Eon: Ready trigger.
  1297. [4:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: after I finish the strikes.
  1298. [4:00 PM] Eon: Alright, that hits!
  1299. [4:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6+3
  1300. [4:00 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+3]: 4, Result: 7
  1301. [4:00 PM] Faerie: Talos' eyes get tinted a tad darker for a moment, as if under shade. Shade... shades? What?
  1302. [4:00 PM] Eon: roll 1d20
  1303. [4:00 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 14, Result: 14
  1304. [4:00 PM] Faerie: (It's a WIS save from Meph-san)
  1305. [4:01 PM] Eon: "Well fuck off you lizard! Hey, who's making that ringing?" The magma mephit trashes about, as you plunge blade into magma, warm upon exit.
  1307. [4:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (is 14 a hit or miss?)
  1308. [4:02 PM] Faerie: That'd be a miss! Or not, since Talos has guaranteed cop-tier aim! But the Mephit resists the bell's lure.
  1309. [4:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (A miss for toll I guess :sadpopo: )
  1310. [4:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+1 hungry jaw to finish my action
  1311. [4:02 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 5, Result: 6
  1312. [4:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... I won't use the inspiration dice still.
  1313. [4:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: End turn.
  1314. [4:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (given 1 higher, I would've had 50% to hit with inspiration. Ah well.)
  1315. [4:03 PM] Eon: You, against all common sense, go to chomp a magma mephit. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the magma mephit ducks, dodging the hungry, hungry lizard.
  1316. [4:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri gives it a wide, wild, grin.
  1317. [4:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (and make Renekton noises)
  1318. [4:04 PM] Eon: Tamara curses in Elvish as she scrapes against the cloud fruitlessly.
  1319. [4:04 PM] Faerie: (LIZAAARD WIZARD)
  1320. [4:04 PM] Eon: Sighing, she flings a clumsy firebolt at the mud mephit close to Alyna.
  1321. [4:04 PM] Eon: roll 2d20 +6
  1322. [4:04 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 6,10, Result: 16
  1323. [4:04 PM] Eon: roll 2d10
  1324. [4:05 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d10]: 5,3, Result: 8
  1326. [4:05 PM] Eon: The bolt finds its mark, and a portion of its mud is reduced to brittle earth.
  1327. [4:05 PM] Eon: Pass.
  1328. [4:05 PM] Mizuki: (ahem)
  1329. [4:05 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4
  1330. [4:05 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 10, Result: 14
  1331. [4:05 PM] Eon: And with a particularly loud curse, drags herself out of the mud.
  1332. [4:05 PM] Eon: Luna.
  1333. [4:06 PM] Mizuki: Luna, sword in hand, charged towards the mud Mephit. - "Blaze, get him!" - She shouted as the little fiery bat flashed a rain of sparks upon the fiend, distracting it for a second. Of course, that was all she needed! With a few incantations, her blade ressonated, glowing a faint blue as she thrusted it against the enemy.
  1334. [4:06 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d20
  1335. [4:06 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 3,16, Result: 19
  1336. [4:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I like how nobody is worried about me)
  1337. [4:07 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d8+4
  1338. [4:07 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+4]: 1, Result: 5
  1339. [4:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :cryingpopo: )
  1340. [4:07 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d6
  1341. [4:07 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 5,6, Result: 11
  1342. [4:07 PM] Bot Fodder: (Too stronk)
  1343. [4:08 PM] Mizuki: (is it ded? ;_;)
  1344. [4:08 PM] Eon: You know this song and dance, your shimmering, echoing blade plunges into the mud mephit, and with a great shudder, it begins echoing as well.
  1346. [4:08 PM] Eon: Anything else?
  1347. [4:08 PM] Mizuki: Kicking dirt, she disengaged moving 20 ft away from the mephit. So did Blaze, rising into the air. - "Come and get me!" - She finished waving her hand. Siri seems fine for now, she's a hardy lizard.
  1348. [4:09 PM] Mizuki: pass
  1349. [4:09 PM] Bot Fodder: (What's Siri's HP at since I came back?)
  1350. [4:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (42/44)
  1351. [4:09 PM] Eon: The GM complains a little less now that it's at mangable levels.
  1352. [4:09 PM] Bot Fodder: (She got healed?)
  1353. [4:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (No.)
  1354. [4:10 PM] Mizuki: (I thought Tamara had ruined my first chance of using booming blade)
  1355. [4:10 PM] Eon: First of all, the Magma Mephit to the top right uses her bonus action to activate Heat Metal.
  1356. [4:10 PM] Eon: roll 2d8 fire
  1357. [4:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d8]: 2,5, Result: 7
  1358. [4:10 PM] Mizuki: (and making it work)
  1359. [4:10 PM] Eon: and DC 10 Con save, Talos.
  1360. [4:10 PM] Bot Fodder: (Oh. I thought she took 6 earlier.)
  1361. [4:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (haha! Talos is gonna die! D: D: D: )
  1362. [4:10 PM] Eon: roll 1d6
  1363. [4:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 6, Result: 6
  1364. [4:10 PM] Eon: Oh, that's nice.
  1365. [4:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Siri did. She had 4 temp hp without duration for the past 2 days.)
  1366. [4:10 PM] Bot Fodder: (Ahh.)
  1367. [4:11 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+2
  1368. [4:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 13, Result: 15
  1369. [4:11 PM] Eon: Fluttering closer, it having collected its previously slain friend into itself, readies itself for another gout of magma, and spews.
  1370. [4:11 PM] Eon: DC 11 Dex save.
  1371. [4:11 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4 Tamara
  1372. [4:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 6, Result: 10
  1373. [4:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (DansGame)
  1374. [4:11 PM] Eon: roll 2d6 fire
  1375. [4:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 4,2, Result: 6
  1376. [4:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Never Lucky)
  1377. [4:11 PM] Faerie: (How much damage on Talos, 7?)
  1378. [4:12 PM] Mizuki: (literally cursed, the poor girl)
  1379. [4:12 PM] Eon: 7 fire, and now 6/save for half.
  1380. [4:13 PM] Bot Fodder: (Well, she did build a bit of karma in past sessions.)
  1381. [4:13 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1 dex
  1383. [4:13 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 17, Result: 18
  1384. [4:13 PM] Eon: The top west mud mephit is about to take a step forward, but fearing the booming blade, opts to..
  1385. [4:13 PM] Eon: Dodge.
  1386. [4:13 PM] Eon: As does the Ice Mephit, who's just chilling, at this point.
  1387. [4:13 PM] Faerie: Very well. That's enough to drop Talos
  1388. [4:14 PM] Bot Fodder: (TFW every creature figures out how Booming Blade works instantly :firepopo: )
  1389. [4:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Those mephits are thug lyfe'ing it up.)
  1390. [4:14 PM] Mizuki: Luna stares disappointed. - "Come on, you'll just be banished anyway..."
  1391. [4:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (oh wew Talos)
  1392. [4:14 PM] Eon: The remaining mephits continue their flurry against Siri.
  1393. [4:14 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4
  1394. [4:14 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 10, Result: 14
  1395. [4:14 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4 smoke two
  1396. [4:14 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 8, Result: 12
  1397. [4:14 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+3 magma
  1398. [4:14 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 6, Result: 9
  1399. [4:14 PM] Eon: And they bounce right off.
  1400. [4:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA
  1401. [4:14 PM] Bot Fodder: Get styled on.
  1402. [4:14 PM] Eon: Those are some thick scales.(edited)
  1403. [4:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri parries them with her shortsword gracefully.
  1404. [4:14 PM] Faerie: The internal flame only helps suffocate him further, as he's smothered by fire from all directions. Talos drops, but skips the ''roll'' part of the procedure
  1405. [4:15 PM] Eon: Pass.
  1406. [4:15 PM] Eon: Alyna
  1407. [4:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (btw, Talos is hard to heal with the magma mephit on heat metal duty)
  1408. [4:15 PM] Mizuki: (booming blade, never again)
  1409. [4:15 PM] Faerie: (Don't heal him)
  1410. [4:15 PM] Eon: (You nulled its turn, what do you want?)
  1411. [4:15 PM] Faerie: Does Heat Metal stick?
  1412. [4:16 PM] Eon: Yes.
  1413. [4:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Hm? It's a concentration spell for a minute, the Mephit can literally fuck off and heat metal it up)
  1414. [4:16 PM] Mizuki: (obviously, I want the thing to explode!)
  1415. [4:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (that was my contingency plan against the Gulthias Tree :smugsatori: )
  1416. [4:16 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna draws her sword now. No time for the shield. She relaxes the tension in her muscles with a quick shake -- this part ought to be more fun.
  1417. [4:16 PM] Bot Fodder: [Second Wind] first.
  1418. [4:17 PM] Mizuki: (I'm picking GFB for muh spellsword, I have no doubts anymore :nicosmug:)
  1419. [4:17 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d10+1
  1420. [4:17 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+1]: 2, Result: 3
  1421. [4:18 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna closes in with the near mephit, first. Need that one out of the way. She stabs from an angle as she approaches.
  1422. [4:19 PM] Eon: at dis, due to Dodge
  1423. [4:19 PM] Mizuki: (disadvantage, since dodge action)
  1424. [4:19 PM] Bot Fodder: [Booming Blade] too.
  1425. [4:19 PM] Eon: (pets mizu
  1426. I'm the GM here)
  1427. [4:19 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 2d20 (plus 5 mod)
  1428. [4:19 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 20,7, Result: 27
  1429. [4:20 PM] Mizuki: (I-I know)
  1430. [4:20 PM] Eon: Hit!
  1431. [4:21 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna weaves as she nears the Mephit, feinting it into stepping the wrong direction!
  1432. [4:21 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d8+3
  1433. [4:21 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+3]: 4, Result: 7
  1434. [4:21 PM] Eon: A feint, a stumble from the critically wounded mud mephit, and.. splat.
  1435. [4:21 PM] Eon: Your shimmering blade bisects the mephit, leaving behind a torrent of sticky mud.
  1436. [4:22 PM] Eon: DC 11 Dex save against restrained
  1437. [4:22 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+5
  1438. [4:22 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 10, Result: 15
  1439. [4:22 PM] Eon: Not one to ruin your attire with something as frivolous as a mud mephit explosion, you dodge nicely.(edited)
  1440. [4:23 PM] Eon: roll 2d10
  1441. [4:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d10]: 5,3, Result: 8
  1442. [4:24 PM] Bot Fodder: With that Alyna can complete her movement, steping a bit closer to Siri. Not that she looks like she needs help... the fencer whistles through her teeth after seeing the ranger handle three attackers with style.
  1443. [4:24 PM] Bot Fodder: Pass!
  1444. [4:24 PM] Eon: Top of round, Talos.
  1445. [4:24 PM] Faerie: Like clockwork.
  1446. Stop, drop and roll- Talos dropped, but failed to roll. And failed to stop. Slowly, he rises to his feet in a prison of (self-contained) heat.
  1447. Treasure hunts are all fun and games, until you apply for one that has no end... Talos' head leans back, arms outstretched wide like a certain Saint (which, as a note got crucified).
  1448. [4:25 PM] Faerie: (second, had to refresh)
  1449. [4:26 PM] Faerie: (Which of the two motherfuckers was concentrating Heat Skeleton?)
  1450. [4:26 PM] Bot Fodder: (Asdf I am bad at playing. I keep hesitating and double checking things and prolonging my turns...)
  1451. [4:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (upper right)
  1452. [4:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Tamara could probably gib it if she doesn't flub from DiceBot?)
  1453. [4:26 PM] Eon: (Given record)
  1454. [4:27 PM] Bot Fodder: (DiceBot does seem to favor the gambler's fallacy, somehow. :thinking: )
  1455. [4:27 PM] Mizuki: (what's up with that meme, Kap, you're doing well!)
  1456. [4:28 PM] Bot Fodder: (I don't hate the lines I write, but in a fight like this, a long turn is really rude.)
  1458. [4:29 PM] Faerie: Alright. Talos' old suit crisps under the flames, making a sound nearly as grating as Shatter itself. Dropping his weapon with severity, he takes the javelin Siri gave him out of its proper place on his back. This is all incredibly slow.
  1459. [4:29 PM] Bot Fodder: (I will try to do better :sadpopo: )
  1460. [4:30 PM] Faerie: ''Riddle me this without twisting your tongue me this: Reverb, and revert''
  1461. [4:30 PM] Faerie: Launching the javelin at the two Mephits in a line, ending at the second one
  1462. [4:30 PM] Faerie: (Why is this item's description so fucking long)
  1463. [4:31 PM] Bot Fodder: (Because it was made with love :happypopo: )
  1464. [4:31 PM] Faerie: Fire Meph to make a DEX save, DC 13
  1465. [4:31 PM] Faerie: After that, comes the attack roll against the other Mephit, in that order, I guess
  1466. [4:32 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+1 dex save magma
  1467. [4:32 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 17, Result: 18
  1468. [4:32 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5 javelin
  1469. [4:32 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 1, Result: 6
  1470. [4:32 PM] Eon: (kek)
  1471. [4:32 PM] Faerie: (Man, if it were a 2 I'd spend the bardic die)
  1472. [4:32 PM] Eon: (I'm getting kind of sleepy, so I apologise for lazing on description)
  1473. [4:32 PM] Faerie: Shit goes wide! It's a spectacular display of force, though. Siri ought to be proud.
  1474. [4:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri whistles...
  1475. [4:33 PM] Faerie: (Is lightning javelin used as part of 'attack', or is it 'use an object'?)
  1476. [4:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Attack)
  1477. [4:34 PM] Bot Fodder: "That was ama-- wait. I-it's gone now??" Alyna looks heartbroken.
  1478. [4:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Still travels and reverts back to a magical javelin where it targets, and still does the lightning damage.)
  1479. [4:34 PM] Faerie: roll 4d6 first Meph takes half, lightning
  1480. [4:34 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [4d6]: 6,4,2,2, Result: 14
  1481. [4:35 PM] Eon: Mhm. Anything else?
  1482. [4:36 PM] Faerie: Considering he's not got three arms or a Dual Wielder feat to take out another javelin, nnnnn-yes.
  1483. [4:36 PM] Faerie: Heal Wording himself because Eon's gonna try to gib me otherwise :sadpopo:
  1484. [4:36 PM] Faerie: roll 1d4+3
  1485. [4:36 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+3]: 1, Result: 4
  1486. [4:36 PM] Faerie: Back to 5
  1487. [4:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You'll still get gibbed with that XD)
  1488. [4:36 PM] Eon: What, why would I ever
  1489. [4:36 PM] Eon: Tsk tsk.
  1490. [4:36 PM] Faerie: (No, I mean ''mephit while unconscious into legit death'')
  1491. [4:37 PM] Eon: (You don't even die for real reals)
  1492. [4:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( soon™)
  1493. [4:37 PM] Eon: Assuming a pass, Siri.
  1494. [4:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oi. "Talos? You alright, right?" Siri's worrywart nature's hitting her again! And for once, she's worrying about Talos instead of Luna. Grumbling, she can't do much about the magma mephit burning Talos OR the weakened cleric, entrusting the issue to her allies. Instead, she draws a second shortsword, and enters the divine stance that the devas from Celestia often practiced. "Take care of Talos, everyone!" She shouts, and spur into action, slicing at the mephits. (I'll roll the attacks slowly, one by one, and see the damage - if it hits and drops something, we'll let the death burst resolve before I make my decisions on rest of my turn.)
  1496. The divine stance cleaves through fabric of space, across the distance measured between planes rather than that of the physical distance. A set of shimmering strikes that fails to realize its full potential, yet still just as deadly in the lizardfolk's hands. While still a mere imitation of the sword art that the devas performed, it's every bit as deadly as anything for the mephits ahead of her.
  1497. [4:37 PM] Faerie: (''Guys, Razmik dying doesn't count for reals because he came back :smugpopo:'')
  1498. [4:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 against the magma mephit first
  1499. [4:37 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 16, Result: 21
  1500. [4:37 PM] Eon: I think. I'm actually GMing off phone
  1501. [4:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6+3 damage
  1502. [4:37 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+3]: 1, Result: 4
  1503. [4:37 PM] Faerie: (The madman)
  1504. [4:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: How's the mephit looking?
  1505. [4:38 PM] Eon: Almost dead
  1506. [4:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 offhand shortsword against the same mephit
  1507. [4:38 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 12, Result: 17
  1508. [4:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6
  1509. [4:38 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 4, Result: 4
  1510. [4:38 PM] Bot Fodder: (>That attack description)
  1511. [4:38 PM] Eon: And there it goes. Pop goes the Mephit.
  1512. [4:39 PM] Eon: DC 11 Dex save for the adjacent folks
  1513. [4:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A slice... And a diving cut. Siri brings her dual swords up in an attempt to guard herself...
  1514. [4:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5
  1515. [4:39 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 1, Result: 6
  1516. [4:39 PM] Mizuki: (that was one of the chuuniest things I have ever read)
  1517. [4:39 PM] Mizuki: (sugoi)
  1518. [4:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But stumbles, taking the blast.
  1519. [4:39 PM] Eon: ... The smoke mephit is immune to fire.
  1520. [4:39 PM] Eon: roll 2d6
  1521. [4:39 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 4,2, Result: 6
  1522. [4:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ow, hot hot, diving is a bad idea."
  1523. [4:39 PM] Bot Fodder: (Shadow approves of this martial art :rainbowpopo:)
  1524. [4:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri turns to the two remaining Mephits around her, and taunt them. "I bet your mom didn't love you."
  1525. [4:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: End turn.
  1526. [4:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I bet your mom was used and discarded by Imix." Siri says, dryly in Ignan. Because everything's dry in Ignan.
  1527. [4:40 PM] Eon: Battered, burned, bruised, Tamara grumpily proceeds to the magma mephit northwards, and brings down all the wrath of her Booming Blade.
  1528. [4:41 PM] Bot Fodder: This technique... is it visibly distinct to those present?
  1529. [4:41 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+7
  1530. [4:41 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 8, Result: 15
  1531. [4:41 PM] Eon: roll 1d8+6
  1532. [4:41 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+6]: 6, Result: 12
  1533. [4:41 PM] Eon: roll 1d8
  1534. [4:41 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 1, Result: 1
  1536. [4:41 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+1 conc
  1537. [4:41 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 17, Result: 18
  1538. [4:41 PM] Eon: Pass, Luna.
  1539. [4:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1540. [4:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Concentration save.
  1541. [4:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Made a 18?
  1542. [4:42 PM] Mizuki: The rogue runs to the fire mephit to the north near Tamara, and just like before, thrusts her shimmering blade against it, with a rain of sparks as a distraction from Blaze. Is it okay, to distract a fire elemental with more fire? She wondered. Should be!
  1543. [4:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That blasted mephit :flamingpopo:
  1544. [4:42 PM] Eon: Snarling, and its hand still glowing in orange light, the mephit takes the brunt of the assault, but still holds onto Heat Metal.
  1545. [4:42 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d20
  1546. [4:42 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 20,13, Result: 33
  1547. [4:43 PM] Eon: Crit.
  1548. [4:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (SUGOI SUGOI)
  1549. [4:43 PM] Mizuki: (obliterated!)
  1550. [4:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (>Luna Sway.gif)
  1551. [4:43 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d8+4
  1552. [4:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d8+4]: 8,3, Result: 15
  1553. [4:43 PM] Mizuki: roll 4d6
  1554. [4:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [4d6]: 2,6,5,3, Result: 16
  1555. [4:44 PM] Eon: With a quick sprint, and a lunge, you thrust, and find your blade to go through the mephit much like a hot knife through buttter, and with such ferocity that the shimmering blobs of magma are scattered below on the chasm's floor.
  1556. [4:44 PM] Eon: That said, a bunch of it still splashes in your directions.
  1557. [4:44 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4 is she still curse
  1558. [4:44 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 2, Result: 6
  1559. [4:44 PM] Eon: Ok dicebot.
  1560. [4:44 PM] Eon: roll 2d6
  1561. [4:44 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 6,3, Result: 9
  1562. [4:45 PM] Mizuki: (kek)
  1563. [4:45 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+6
  1564. [4:45 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 15, Result: 21
  1565. [4:45 PM] Eon: take 4 fire damage.
  1566. [4:45 PM] Mizuki: (ok!)
  1567. [4:45 PM] Mizuki: She then waved towards the ice one. For how long is it going to stay there?
  1568. [4:45 PM] Mizuki: pass
  1569. [4:45 PM] Eon: Speaking of that..
  1570. [4:46 PM] Eon: The Ice Mephit, having a sense of basic self-preservation, Dashes, and fucks off into the sunset.
  1571. [4:46 PM] Eon: Or err, well, further into that tunnel.
  1572. [4:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Into the sunset it goes.
  1573. [4:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hey, all it did was help me, I think it and I can be good friends :smugpopo:
  1574. [4:47 PM] Eon: The remaining two smoke mephit continue their relatively fultile attempt to scratch Siri
  1575. [4:47 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4
  1576. [4:47 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 3, Result: 7
  1577. [4:47 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4
  1578. [4:47 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 3, Result: 7
  1579. [4:47 PM] Eon: ... Yeah, futile.
  1580. [4:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri laughs.
  1581. [4:47 PM] Eon: Alyna!
  1583. [4:47 PM] Bot Fodder: "... We don't want it alerting the you-know-what out front. Should I go after it?" she asks in a hurry.
  1584. [4:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri is too busy blocking and laughing at the mephits.
  1585. [4:48 PM] Bot Fodder: "... Eh, screw it."
  1586. [4:49 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna approaches around Siri's side, finding ample opportunity to do it, and flanks the southmost mephit.
  1587. [4:50 PM] Bot Fodder: With her weapon sheathed in a continuous blur of sonic force, she whirls it in a rapid circle, the cone gradually shrinking into a lunging thrust.
  1588. [4:51 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+5
  1589. [4:51 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 3, Result: 8
  1590. [4:51 PM] Eon: A wisp of smoke blocks your vision at an inopportune time, and you miss!
  1591. [4:52 PM] Bot Fodder: She holds her ground there, shifting only slightly sideways and recovering her stance to parry, blocking off Talos. Pass.
  1592. [4:52 PM] Eon: Top of Round
  1593. [4:52 PM] Eon: Talos.
  1594. [4:52 PM] Eon: roll 1d10
  1595. [4:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10]: 4, Result: 4
  1596. [4:53 PM] Bot Fodder: (I say blocking, but she's technically moving out of the line to Talos. Still can stop it with an OA, though.)
  1597. [4:54 PM] Faerie: Talos goes up to Siri and Alyna, intent on giving them both some breathing room not that they need it, the actual reason is that I'm tired
  1598. [4:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  1599. [4:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( >breathing room
  1600. >I have 36 points of those)(edited)
  1602. [4:56 PM] Faerie: He goes up against the (unconspicuously similar to Mephit #1) Mephit #2
  1603. [4:56 PM] Faerie: (roll20 stop doing this to me)
  1604. [4:56 PM] Faerie: Declaring hammer
  1605. [4:56 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5
  1606. [4:56 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 3, Result: 8
  1607. [4:56 PM] Faerie: Hammer: Declared
  1608. [4:56 PM] Faerie: Declaring Barddoot
  1609. [4:56 PM] Eon: Declared, and denied, as the smok-
  1610. [4:57 PM] Faerie: roll 1d6
  1611. [4:57 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 1, Result: 1
  1612. [4:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (...kek)
  1613. [4:57 PM] Faerie: Bardwhiff declared.
  1614. [4:57 PM] Eon: y apparition shimmys out of the way.(edited)
  1615. [4:57 PM] Eon: Anything else?
  1616. [4:57 PM] Faerie: Talos sways to the side, rushing at it with the backhand of his hammer this time
  1617. [4:57 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+5
  1618. [4:57 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 8, Result: 13
  1619. [4:58 PM] Eon: This one connects!
  1620. [4:58 PM] Faerie: How does he know which end is the backhand? Well, the front is whatever direction Luna's skullchain faces. Obviously.
  1621. [4:58 PM] Faerie: roll 1d8+3 bludgeon
  1622. [4:58 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+3]: 3, Result: 6
  1623. [4:59 PM] Faerie: With that, he steels himself for another bout (Pass)
  1624. [4:59 PM] Eon: Siri.
  1625. [4:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Good of you two to join me." Siri nods, and swings into motion, blades dance and steels weave. Relentless, she strikes at the mephits, one slash following another, feints hiding her real killing blows - the mephits aren't very skills. Nor is her, honestly, but with Talos in melee, she'll need to buy HIM some breathing room. [Shortsword into Offhand Shortsword.]
  1626. [4:59 PM] Faerie: (''It hurts to live'')
  1627. [4:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 first strike against the wounded mephit
  1628. [4:59 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 20, Result: 25
  1629. [4:59 PM] Eon: Crit.
  1630. [4:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d6+3
  1631. [4:59 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6+3]: 2,3, Result: 8
  1632. [4:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (How does it seem? If dead, draw burst so I don't meme myself into disadvantage.)
  1633. [5:00 PM] Eon: Stumbling and you cut a large swathe of it off, but it's still moderately healthy
  1634. [5:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Right-o.
  1635. [5:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 follow-up with offhand
  1636. [5:00 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 8, Result: 13
  1637. [5:00 PM] Eon: Hit!
  1638. [5:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6
  1639. [5:00 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 1, Result: 1
  1640. [5:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Unfortunately, the offhand strike is rather forced, a glancing blow.
  1641. [5:01 PM] Eon: A little love tap, all things considered.
  1642. [5:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri swirls her blades back into position, readying for another set of strikes.
  1643. [5:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: End turn.
  1644. [5:01 PM] Eon: Stalking around her position until she sees an opening, Tamara lets loose a simple firebolt. Simple is good, isn't it?
  1645. [5:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "See, I prefer my bow." Siri explains, with a bit of a grumble.
  1646. [5:01 PM] Eon: ...
  1647. [5:02 PM] Eon: Actually, no.
  1648. [5:02 PM] Eon: She'll run up and bring a booming blade down, instead.
  1649. [5:02 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+7
  1650. [5:02 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 17, Result: 24
  1652. [5:02 PM] Eon: roll 1d8+6
  1653. [5:02 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+6]: 4, Result: 10
  1654. [5:02 PM] Eon: roll 1d8
  1655. [5:02 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 2, Result: 2
  1656. [5:02 PM] Bot Fodder: "Really? You wield your blades beautifully!" Alyna's choice of words reflect her questionable priorities.
  1657. [5:02 PM] Eon: and disperes it, proper.
  1658. [5:03 PM] Eon: One left. Luna!
  1659. [5:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hey, fuckface." Siri screeches in Ignan. "You wanna surrender?"
  1660. [5:03 PM] Eon: "Erm, errrrr."
  1661. [5:03 PM] Eon: "Anomaly wouldn't be too happy about that.."
  1662. [5:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I guess it's back to the elemental plane you go then." Siri shrugs.
  1663. [5:03 PM] Eon: It is slightly cowed by the prospect of going home.
  1664. [5:04 PM] Bot Fodder: (Because of Kogasa, I will now imagine Ignan as the language of Angry Marines.)
  1665. [5:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You pick." Siri ... holds a hand up at Luna, telling her to hold on for a second before finishing it off. (s-sorry)
  1666. [5:05 PM] Eon: "Ehhhhhhhhhh.."
  1667. [5:05 PM] Eon: roll 1d100
  1668. [5:05 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 43, Result: 43
  1669. [5:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri twirls her blade, trailing smoke, the remain of its mephit buddy earlier. "3. 2..."
  1670. [5:05 PM] Eon: "Y'know, I rather go home, they are creeping me out, anyway."
  1671. [5:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Alright, fair enough."
  1672. [5:05 PM] Bot Fodder: (If there were wind or water elementals, would the literal translation of her Primordial sound all smooth and flowery? :thinking: )
  1673. [5:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Siri's got all the information she wanted to get from them anyways.
  1674. [5:06 PM] Mizuki: (going home, as in, should I shoot him gud?)
  1675. [5:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah. :smugpopo: )
  1676. [5:06 PM] Mizuki: Once again, Blaze showers the remaining enemy with sparks! This time, it was too far for Luna to reach it though, so she just aims and lets loose a bolt. - "Bye bye!"
  1677. [5:07 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d20
  1678. [5:07 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 18,5, Result: 23
  1679. [5:07 PM] Bot Fodder: (Oh wait language lol)
  1680. [5:07 PM] Eon: Y'know the AC already
  1681. [5:07 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d8+4
  1682. [5:07 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8+4]: 6, Result: 10
  1683. [5:07 PM] Mizuki: roll 2d6
  1684. [5:07 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 3,5, Result: 8
  1685. [5:07 PM] Mizuki: pass
  1687. [5:08 PM] Eon: Anyhow, the Mephit cackles as it saunters a little.
  1688. [5:08 PM] Eon: "Anyhow, a parting gift, eheh." As it takes a deep 'breath'..
  1689. [5:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Eh, that wasn't a clean kill, exactly!
  1690. [5:08 PM] Eon: And spews billowing smoke.
  1691. [5:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 dex save against DC 10
  1692. [5:08 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 6, Result: 11
  1693. [5:08 PM] Mizuki: (also, blaze is 20ft up!)
  1694. [5:08 PM] Eon: you know the drill!
  1695. [5:09 PM] Eon: Failure is blinded for.. like 6 seconds.
  1696. [5:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri's lizard eyes just stared at the mephit.
  1697. [5:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Are you shitting me."
  1699. [5:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yes.)
  1700. [5:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :flamingpopo: )
  1702. [5:10 PM] Eon: Ahem, dex saves for Tamara, Alyna and Talos as well
  1703. [5:10 PM] Eon: roll 1d20+4 I swear dicebot
  1704. [5:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 13, Result: 17
  1705. [5:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Dicebot's taking pity)
  1706. [5:10 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+1
  1707. [5:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 11, Result: 12
  1708. [5:10 PM] Eon: Afterwards, the mephit cackles, and leaves your range, inviting an OA from Siri.
  1709. [5:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri takes it.
  1710. [5:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Athletics, shove.
  1711. [5:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Or erm, grapple.
  1712. [5:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20-1
  1713. [5:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 20, Result: 19
  1714. [5:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6 bardic inspiration.
  1715. [5:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 4, Result: 4
  1716. [5:11 PM] Eon: roll 1d20-2
  1717. [5:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-2]: 9, Result: 7
  1718. [5:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 23.
  1719. [5:11 PM] Eon: ... It's weird, hanging onto something that should be incoporeal.
  1720. [5:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri holds the mephit by the collar, behind its neck, like one would like a kitten.
  1721. [5:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I hope you are ready for a spanking."
  1722. [5:12 PM] Eon: "Whatcha going do? Huh?" It squirms about, snickering.
  1723. [5:12 PM] Eon: Pass.
  1724. [5:12 PM] Eon: Alyna.
  1725. [5:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Don't worry, this won't hurt you to the point where you are gonna discorporate."
  1726. [5:12 PM] Faerie: (GM Protip: Players are petty as fucFUCK HIM UP SIRI)
  1727. [5:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri explains her plan. "If anyone has anything to torture it, let me know."
  1728. [5:12 PM] Eon: Combat can technically end, but we'll let it go till round end, which is this turn.
  1729. [5:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Smoke mephit's not high on my choice of information, since they are huge shitters)
  1730. [5:13 PM] Mizuki: "Ah just send him back already, I'm tired of all this running and shooting." - Luna complained.
  1731. [5:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Right, right. If you would?" Siri presents the poor critter to Alyna... Holding onto the elemental body.(edited)
  1732. [5:14 PM] Eon: "Eheheheheh, I already won, fuckfaces!"
  1733. [5:15 PM] Eon: It sways back and forth, as if that'll make it harder to hit, taunting you all.
  1734. [5:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yeah, yeah, it's fine. Hey, I know where you live."
  1735. [5:15 PM] Eon: "Oh yeah?"
  1736. [5:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri shakes it back and forth like one would during a school bullying shakedown.
  1737. [5:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... And Siri'll shake it up and down for good measure, as if jiggling it to see if there's any coins inside.
  1738. [5:16 PM] Eon: ... You hear a fart sound, as a thin wisp of smoke is produce from.. somewhere.
  1739. [5:16 PM] Eon: "AHAHA."
  1740. [5:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri can hold her breath for 15 minutes.
  1741. [5:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She's been holding it since the myconids. :smugpopo:
  1742. [5:17 PM] Bot Fodder: Alyna sees little reason to interfere physically. "Hmm... want me to threaten it, or something? Ignan is not my forte."
  1743. [5:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Uh." Siri swaps back to Common. "I guess do whatever, before we throw it back home."
  1744. [5:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Siri restrains the mephit and hand it to be hogtied and processed for the party. Combat end?
  1745. [5:18 PM] Bot Fodder: Upon hearing the sound, Alyna stares blankly. "... That can't be what it sounded like." It shouldn't even have a digestive tract!
  1746. [5:18 PM] Bot Fodder: Yup, combat end.
  1747. [5:18 PM] Bot Fodder: (gibe xp)
  1748. [5:18 PM] Eon: Combat end.
  1749. [5:18 PM] Eon: Rounding up session really quick, 400 xp for today.
  1750. [5:19 PM] Eon: :droolingpopo:
  1751. [5:19 PM] Eon: so so tired
  1752. [5:19 PM] Eon: send help.
  1753. [5:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew)
  1755. [5:19 PM] Mizuki: >400
  1756. [5:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  1757. 12345_log_for_the_day.txt
  1758. 267.11 KB
  1759. [5:19 PM] Mizuki: You fuggin jew
  1760. [5:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Talos almost died for this.jpg
  1761. [5:19 PM] Faerie: wz<kif
  1762. [5:19 PM] Eon: Wait wait wait.
  1763. [5:19 PM] Faerie: wait what
  1764. [5:20 PM] Eon: I forgot to account Tamara
  1765. [5:20 PM] Faerie: I missed like two minutes and it's over
  1766. [5:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nah I logged already
  1767. [5:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Kappa
  1768. [5:20 PM] Faerie: >It's even less
  1769. [5:20 PM] Faerie: SEALED
  1770. [5:20 PM] Faerie: CASE
  1771. [5:20 PM] Eon: whistles
  1772. [5:20 PM] Faerie: CLOSED
  1773. [5:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: j/k j/k
  1774. [5:20 PM] Eon: ... wew
  1775. [5:20 PM] Bot Fodder: :flamingpopo:
  1776. [5:20 PM] Eon: Its like 250
  1777. [5:20 PM] Eon: Eh, 300.
  1778. [5:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Ew
  1779. [5:21 PM] Mizuki: R u srs ;_;
  1780. [5:21 PM] Eon: Hey hey, people wanted to level slower
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