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Grading Rubric

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Jan 1st, 2021
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  1. For most of these items, the scale used for them is as follows: Minimum, Very Low, Low, Below Average, Average, Above Average, High, Very High, Extremely High, Maximum. If it isn't, it'll be stated outright.
  3. Family Age:
  4. What Is It?: This will just be given in number of years, signifying when your family started practicing magecraft. You can raise or lower this by 200 years from what you're given, to better suit your character concept. The range is from 100 years to 1000 years.
  5. What Does A High Number Mean?: Any lineage above 500 years is considered reasonably old, and anything touching on 1000 years boasts a considerable pedigree. Families like these will usually be relatively involved in their region's magus culture or politics in some form, though it's also possible for them to avoid those sorts of things. Families like this can range from being at their zenith, boasting powerful and influential heirs, or they can be in decline, where the magus lineage seems to be dying out in recent generations and the newer heirs are lower-quality magi than in previous times.
  6. What Does A Low Number Mean?: Families that are only a century or two old are seen as much younger lineages, and may be less involved in magus politics. They probably have only recently come into their own, and might still be working out what the focus of their magecraft is. Alternatively, they could have had a prodigy family head in spite of their recency and could be much better off than ordinary families of their age- the sky's the limit.
  8. Mystic Code Quality:
  9. What Is It?: How good the Mystic Codes (magical items like the Azoth Sword, Volumen Hydrargyrum, or Thompson Contender) you have are.
  10. What Does A High Rank Mean?: A "Maximum" rank Mystic Code is something worth calling the treasure of a family, only a few steps below supreme Mystic Codes like Kayneth El-Melloi's Volumen Hydrargyrum. Something like this is the envy of many. "Very High" and "Extremely High" rank Mystic Codes are only a few notches lower and are still worth considering valued treasures- a magus would be lucky to even have one of these in their family's possession. Of course, even the most powerful of Mystic Codes available to Masters can't hope to stand up against a Servant, except maybe to delay them for a moment.
  11. What Does A Low Rank Mean?: Standard-issue Mystic Codes which are mass-produced like the Azoth Sword would qualify as "Below Average," while personally-made Mystic Codes a notch above the mass-produced fare would be "Average." Anything below these ranks will usually be more in the vein of general utility and convenience, and will oftentimes be mass-produced Mystic Codes that a given magus could simply buy off the market with enough money.
  13. Mystic Code Quantity:
  14. What Is It?: This explains itself. Its range is from 1 to 4.
  15. What Does A High Number Mean?: Having more Mystic Codes means that either you or your family put more effort into procuring them. Maybe your family bought them off of other magi, or are prodigious Mystic Codes creators yourselves, as examples.
  16. What Does A Low Number Mean?: Even having only one Mystic Code doesn't mean you're a poor magus. Perhaps your craft isn't especially involved with Mystic Codes, perhaps your family was only willing to give you a small amount of their resources when they sent you to Budapest, or perhaps you once had more but they were damaged.
  18. Magical Crest Age: This is just given in number of years, signifying when your family first formed their Magic Crest. This will be less than or equal to your family age, obviously.
  20. Magical Crest Quality:
  21. What Is It?: The quality of the contained knowledge in your Magic Crest, its makeup, and its current condition. Magic Crests also provide a sort of life-support and limited healing when their user is severely injured, so quality also reflects how effective this is.
  22. What Does A High Rank Mean?: Higher rankings signify that your ancestors were on the top of their game, and that your Crest has significant and powerful mysteries woven into it. An "Extremely High" rank Crest is impressive enough to get the Association's attention and to consider it a significantly valuable material, while a "Maximum" rank Crest is only a few steps below the peerless pedigrees one would expect from Lords and other significant figures in the Clock Tower.
  23. What Does A Low Rank Mean?: A "Minimum" ranking signifies that you either lack a Crest entirely, or that you once had a Crest, but it was destroyed. Other low rankings signify that the Crest is deficient in some capacity. This could mean that your ancestors simply weren't very capable, that the Crest was damaged or that you only inherited a portion of it, that the Crest has an unfavorable reaction with your body, or any number of things.
  25. Elemental Affinity:
  26. What Is It?: A rough categorization that determines the sorts of magical subjects you typically excel at. This is more of a general guideline for the kinds of things you're conceptually good at. Think of the element and its properties, and use that as a springboard to think about how it alters your magecraft. Some families also have a common elemental affinity among them, for instance a family that always produces Water-aligned magi- it's up to you on if you come from one of these families or not.
  27. What Are The Common Options: The most common of these are the great five elements (Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Ether). For instance, a water-aligned magus will often be aligned to magecraft involving "flow", like manipulating the flow of energy or materials, whereas an earth-aligned magus will often be aligned to concepts like binding or stagnation. These shouldn't be seen as incredibly restrictive, they're more like general guidelines of how your magecraft might manifest.
  28. What Are The Rare Options?: Unusual results are Average One (aligned to all five elements), Dual Element (aligned to two of the five elements), and Unique (a special element outside of the standard five).
  30. Magical Experience:
  31. What Is It?: How much time and effort you've poured into the study and practice of magecraft. This will usually correlate with age in at least some respect, but takes into account what you've accomplished and how hard you've worked just as much as it does the amount of time you've been practicing magecraft for. Someone with "Average" magical experience can be considered to have done enough to serve as a suitable head of their family.
  32. What Does A High Rank Mean?: One who has strived to practice and understand magecraft beyond what a common magus might, whether just through accumulated years or their own dedication. Ranks of "Very High" and above will typically only be occupied by "monsters" who have lived for more than a century, though it's not impossible for especially devoted individuals who eat, sleep, and breathe magecraft to reach this level before such a point. At the "Maximum" rank, one has surely surpassed a century of age, but has met or potentially even broken past the limits of their talent over the course of their long life.
  33. What Does A Low Rank Mean?: You haven't explored the world of magecraft much. Maybe you're young, maybe you've only recently been introduced to magecraft, or maybe you've been involved in magecraft for some time but you haven't been truly devoted to it. "Minimum" would signify that you have a very minor grasp on magical theory and have done little with it, while a rank such as "Very Low" would be suitable for an Emiya Shirou who has yet to blossom.
  35. Magical Talent:
  36. What Is It?: Your innate magical potential. This doesn't reflect your current standing, so much as the level you could reach at your pinnacle, given enough time and resources. This can refer to how easily you understand magical theory, how easily the casting of magecraft comes to you, or any other number of things. An "Average" rank signifies that, if one does their very best and gets some luck along the way, their absolute limit would likely be the rank of "Cause", capable of creating and stabilizing some sort of magical foundation.
  37. What Does A High Rank Mean?: "Above Average" and higher signify being in a special slot, with ability outside of the normal. "Above Average" and "Very High" signify that one has the potential to become a renowned magus at their prime, the sort that almost any family would be happy to have as a family head. "Extremely High" and "Maximum", meanwhile, refer to the potential to become a true monster, someone capable of leading a powerful family, administering a valuable spiritual land, or standing among the titans of magical society. One with high talent might be a brilliant magus or an unpolished gem, depending on their circumstances.
  38. What Does A Low Rank Mean?: A "Minimum" rank signifies that, even at one's best, they would be unlikely to escape the lowest rank of "Frame" under the Association's grading scheme, while a "Low" rank would be suitable for individuals such as Waver Velvet, who are unlikely to ever be considered above a "Count". However, even a low talent can be circumvented if one is experienced enough or can stand on the shoulders of giants.
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