

May 9th, 2020
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  1. 6:21elizabello2: "Discover"
  2. 6:21elizabello2: XD
  3. 6:21jules_vernes_: dolphins, whales etc still have to surface to breath
  4. 6:21DrakeVonDragon: Don't they usually mistake seals for mermaids?
  5. 6:21jules_vernes_: manatees
  6. 6:21elizabello2: Yeah
  7. 6:21DrakeVonDragon: Manatees.
  8. 6:22elizabello2: Manatees are sea doggos
  9. 6:22jules_vernes_: manatees are mammals
  10. 6:22elizabello2: lookit this cute lil guy
  11. 6:22elizabello2:
  12. 6:22Twitch Primetheunforgivingsquid: generally if a Demi human is mixed with something the considered that like a lizard Demi human woul be considered a reptile
  13. 6:23elizabello2: ..ima call bullshit XD
  14. 6:23DrakeVonDragon: Mola Mola? More like . . . MOOLAH MOOLAH
  15. 6:24jules_vernes_: XD
  16. 6:24jules_vernes_: sirens can be birds too
  17. 6:24Twitch Primetheunforgivingsquid: Sirens are generally part bird
  18. 6:25DrakeVonDragon: Two PAIRS of broken glasses, Nyx.
  19. 6:25DrakeVonDragon: Glasses are an uncountable plural noun.
  20. 6:26Twitch Primetheunforgivingsquid: Also it depends on the mermaid are based on what they cross with like there are shark and eel mermaids
  21. 6:26jules_vernes_: maybe if you put both airs. together their brokenness will negate each other and you can see through them
  22. 6:27elizabello2: or
  23. 6:27elizabello2: or...
  24. 6:27elizabello2: you could make them into two pairs of MONOCLES
  25. 6:27Twitch Primetheunforgivingsquid: so a mammal mermaid is conceivable if they were based on a aquatic mammal
  26. 6:28elizabello2: Sigra, don't sell gold
  27. 6:28elizabello2: not in this economy :P
  28. 6:29Twitch Primetheunforgivingsquid: bye Sigra
  29. 6:29elizabello2: I mean, we could wait for you to say goodbye
  30. 6:29elizabello2: XD
  31. 6:29elizabello2: tell Sigra I said bye
  32. 6:30jules_vernes_: talk to you later
  33. 6:30elizabello2: Ima sleep
  34. 6:30jules_vernes_: see ya bello
  35. 6:30Twitch Primetheunforgivingsquid: bye Bello
  36. 6:30elizabello2: You say that
  37. 6:31jules_vernes_: I'll tell her
  38. 6:31elizabello2: but you know Itha or Crae would be more likely to risk that right
  39. 6:31elizabello2: thanks Jules
  40. 6:32elizabello2: bye Nyx
  41. 6:32elizabello2: btw
  42. 6:32elizabello2: in how long is stream
  43. 6:32jules_vernes_: now more proficient with the hoe
  44. 6:32DrakeVonDragon: Cya Nyxč
  45. 6:32elizabello2: 6 AM streams
  46. 6:32elizabello2: oy vey
  47. 6:31BroadcasterTwitch PrimeInfernyxFSSD: It's midnight for us.
  48. 6:32elizabello2: I know XD
  49. 6:31BroadcasterTwitch PrimeInfernyxFSSD: 6am would just be crazy talk
  50. 6:32jules_vernes_: there's an alien!
  51. 6:32elizabello2: ima hit the hay
  52. 6:33jules_vernes_: I'm learning so much
  53. 6:32BroadcasterTwitch PrimeInfernyxFSSD: Be nice to the hay
  54. 6:33elizabello2: never
  55. 6:33elizabello2: the hay killed my family
  56. 6:33elizabello2: with DEADLY HAY FEVER
  57. 6:32BroadcasterTwitch PrimeInfernyxFSSD: Yeah, I don't know if it works the same on mobile, Jules, but on PC, clicking on that E repeatedly makes a knocking sound, and eventually opens the door for the alien. =P
  58. 6:34elizabello2: ima slep so
  59. 6:34elizabello2: buy guys
  60. 6:33BroadcasterTwitch PrimeInfernyxFSSD: o/
  61. 6:34elizabello2: no need to say anything else Jules
  62. 6:34elizabello2: since you already said bye before
  63. 6:34elizabello2: same goes for Lion
  64. 6:34elizabello2: avoiding saying "bye" and then you responding to an empty spot where I used to be XD
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