
Ch 4: Part 5: Tower Solacas: Session 66

Sep 19th, 2013
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  1. [15:40] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:40] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 4: Endless Night~~~
  3. [15:40] <Kilarra> \Part 5: Tower Solacas/
  4. [15:40] <Kilarra> -Session 66-
  5. [15:45] <Kilarra> The day after the incident with Safan, Kahree and Aluthyra both recieve duty as Royal Attendants, accompanying Vonnarc nobles to social events. Kilarra is assigned as a bodyguard, while Kjell recieves a guard posting at the palace.
  6. [15:52] <Kilarra> Kilarra performs quite well, Aluthyra and Kahree perform well, and Kjell outright fails. Possibly because he was using his time to study new spells rather than do his job.
  7. [15:54] <Kilarra> Of note is the fact that, the day after the incident, no one is talking about it. Not one word is spoken regarding Second Son Tiryin or what he may have been up to.
  8. [15:57] <@Aluthyra> Kahree doesn't think much of it, chalking it up to typical drow behavior.
  9. [15:57] * Kilarra doesn't find that all too surprising. Considering Undamesta threatened them with Execution if they had been discovered. Probably best to leave it in the past. At least they had gotten a promotion out of it.
  10. [15:58] * Kilarra makes a point of advising Aluthyra and Kjell to keep their mouths shut as well.
  11. [16:00] <Kilarra> The following day, Aluthyra and Kilarra are sent as emmisaries, while Kahree is again assigned as an attendant. Kjell gets a routine patrol
  12. [16:05] <Kilarra> Kahree just barely manages to keep her attention focused, while Aluthyra and Kilarra prove less than adept spokespersons.
  13. [16:06] <Kilarra> When the party returns to their room, the first one to arrive will notice a small parcel at the foot of their door.
  14. [16:09] <@Aluthyra> Kahree only notices it as she nearly trips over it. She's able to catch herself, preventing any damage to her face. Cursing, she lifts up the parcel, examining it.
  15. [16:11] <Kilarra> The package contains a dagger with an ivory hilt carved to resemble a gecko, and a pouch containing 10 pulpy violet clumps.
  16. [16:13] * Kahree raises an eyebrow. No note... a letter? Signature?
  17. [16:14] * Kahree figures it must be from Safan, still. Odd.
  18. [16:15] <Kilarra> Kjell arrives back at the room, "What have you got there Kahree?" He glances over her shoulder.
  19. [16:16] <@Aluthyra> Kahree raises the package so that Kjell can see. "From Safan, I think... It'd make sense, with the hilt." She shrugs. "Can you tell if it's magic? Or... what those clumps are?"
  20. [16:19] <Kilarra> Kjell uses his detect magic, then nods, "The enchantment on htis dagger is actually fairly subtantial (+3). As for the purple stuff, it looks like some kind of narcotic. The dagger's carving would suggest it is indeed a gesture of appreciation form Safan." He smiles. Apparently there was perhaps a shred of nobility down here.
  21. [16:20] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "You want the dagger? I probably won't use it. Too used to my maces."
  22. [16:21] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "I have no real use for it, but you I think might do to hold onto it for now. It's easily concealed, for those who have the knack to do so."
  23. [16:22] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, placing the dagger in her haversack. "Then... the other stuff?" She shakes her head. "Definitely won't be using that purple junk."
  24. [16:23] <Kilarra> Kjell ponders that. "I like a drink now and again, but I've never used anything more risky. If nothing else, we could sell it off."
  25. [16:25] * Kahree nods, taking a moment to try and appraise the narcotic.
  26. [16:27] * Kilarra returns with Aluthyra, looking a bit disappointed. "That could have gone better." She looks to Aluthyra, "When will they learn we don't know how to talk to people?"
  27. [16:28] * Aluthyra chuckles. "It does not seem that they will, seeing this is the -second- time we've fail at a task like this."
  28. [16:28] * Kilarra shrugs, "At least we've managed to avoid getting punished so far."
  29. [16:29] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods to the pair as they approach. "Hey, Safan dropped off some things in thanks, dagger and drugs. I don't suppose either of -you- want the drugs?"
  30. [16:29] <Kilarra> It would also be apparent to the party members that their envy among the other servants is again on the rise.
  31. [16:29] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "No, I do not."
  32. [16:29] * Kilarra looks at Kahree curiously, "What kind?"
  33. [16:30] <@Aluthyra> Kahree holds up the pouch and tosses it to Kilarra. "Stimulants."
  34. [16:31] * Kilarra takes a curious whiff. "Hmm... not an aroma I'm familiar with, but the texture looks similar to something I've seen on the surface." She looks to Aluthyra, "I did work in a brothel for the past eighty years."
  35. [16:32] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "You said somethign about a dagger?"
  36. [16:32] * Aluthyra nods, rolling her eyes. "What exactly do you think they do, if they are familiar?"
  37. [16:32] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, pulling out the dagger. "Yeah, this. I don't really think I'll use it though, if you want it."
  38. [16:34] * Kilarra looks back to Aluthyra, "Well... it kinda reminds me of peyote. However, knowing how the drow do business, it's probably more potent and more addicting."
  39. [16:35] * Aluthyra quirks her head. "Any... peyote? I am unfamiliar."
  40. [16:37] * Kilarra nods, "Peyote is sometimes used by people going into trances, or who want to hallucinate. That said, I couldn't actually know the effects without smoking this stuff."
  41. [16:38] * Aluthyra frowns. "I hardly think that is safe."
  42. [16:40] * Kilarra shrugs, "Considering the drow? Definitely not. Even I was interested, the only place I'd feel safe trying something like that is back at the Veil."
  43. [16:42] * Aluthyra nods. "Of course."
  44. [16:42] <@Aluthyra> Kahree waves the dagger. "So, any use for it, or should I keep it?"
  45. [16:43] * Kilarra ponders that. "Considering it was a nice gesture, you should probably keep it. The custom hilt is neat."
  46. [16:45] <@Aluthyra> Kahree chuckles. "Guess that's true enough." She places it back in her haversack.
  47. [16:48] * Kilarra shrugs, "So, anything new yet?" She mutters the password and slips into the room. They were ocngesting the hall.
  48. [16:50] * Aluthyra enters after, muttering the password, and Kahree follows.
  49. [16:50] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head. "Nothing on my end."
  50. [16:52] <Kilarra> Kjell comes in as well. "Nothing regarding our quest, but I did manage to finish development of a couple new spells for my repetoire. One of which is a short-range teleportation."
  51. [16:53] * Aluthyra smiles. "Good. Hopefully we will not need it... but it is good that we have a backup."
  52. [16:55] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I had been considering it before, but my realization that I did not have much in the way of spells that could be used to save my companions as much as myself, beyond the simple elimination of threats."
  53. [16:58] * Kilarra nods, "What kind of range?"
  54. [16:58] <Kilarra> Kjell replies, "Presently, up to eight hundred feet. Not particularly stellar I suppose, but that's more than enough to take us past the boundaries of this palace from anywhere within should we need to flee."
  55. [16:59] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Should work, if we need it, I guess."
  56. [17:01] <Kilarra> Kjell smiles, glad to have more to contribute now.
  57. [17:02] <Kilarra> Kjell notes, "It should be just powerful enough to take all four of us at once too."
  58. [17:03] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smiles, sitting down on her bed. "Nice." She raises an eyebrow at Kilarra. "Think you should send a message to the elves?"
  59. [17:04] * Kilarra nods, "I could. I've been keeping it prepared, but what do we have to report really? Aside from being promoted we really have no new information relevant to their needed information."
  60. [17:06] <@Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "Guess that's true." She lays down on her bed. "Just been a while."
  61. [17:06] * Kilarra nods, "Well, I suppose I could send to them anyways. So they know we're not dead." She pulls out her copper wire loop.
  62. [17:16] * Kilarra "Moving up ranks within house Vonnarc. Surprisingly quickly, eliciting jealousy from other servants. Taking extra precautions. Currently serving several nobles directly. Opportunities may come soon."
  63. [17:18] * Kilarra puts the glowing loop of copper away. "So, sleep?"
  64. [17:19] * Aluthyra smiles, laying down in bed. "Sleep."
  65. [17:19] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods, rolling over and covering herself. "Yup."
  66. [17:20] * Kilarra lays down next to Aluthyra and snuggles up to her
  67. [17:20] <Kilarra> The following day, the party is not immediately assigned their tasks for the day. In fact, they are left waiting for a few hours.
  68. [17:21] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, leaning against a wall of the room, bored. "Think we're getting another important task?"
  69. [17:22] * Aluthyra shrugs. "Given how consistent our days -usually- are, I would say it's possible."
  70. [17:22] * Kilarra frowns, "I don't know. It's really hard to tell good situtations from bad ones with these people."
  71. [17:22] * Aluthyra adds, "Consistent in chores, that is."
  72. [17:23] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I have my new spells prepared today, if they are needed."
  73. [17:23] <Kilarra> A few minutes later however, another hosue servant comes by. She opens the door and looks to the party; "Undamesta demands you presence in the interrogation chamber."
  74. [17:24] * Kilarra nods and waits for the servant to leave before looking to Kjell, "That probably means bad. Be ready to get us out of here."
  75. [17:24] * Kilarra notes, "I also have my plane shift prepared if necessary."
  76. [17:26] * Aluthyra sighs, nodding. "Very well... let's see what this is about."
  77. [17:26] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "If you're about to, Kjell, give a warning... I want to bash her head before we leave."
  78. [17:27] <Kilarra> Kjell chuckles, "Noted. Considering the amount of times you three were put on performance torture, I wouldn't mind looking the other way."
  79. [17:27] * Kilarra heads towards Undamesta's interrogation chamber first.
  80. [17:28] <Kilarra> Upon arrival, the party can see that Undamesta is visibly irritated. It's obvious even to Kjell, who is notably less perceptive than the others.
  81. [17:28] <@Aluthyra> Kahree grins and follows after Kilarra.
  82. [17:28] * Aluthyra does the same, but with a dour look.
  83. [17:30] <Kilarra> Undamesta rounds on the party, barely keeping very evident anger in check. "Your presence has been demanded in Tower Solacas. By none other than First Daughter Alicavniss herself." She grits her teeth as she informs the party of this.
  84. [17:30] * Kilarra blinks in surprise. Definitely not what she had expected.
  85. [17:31] <@Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "Uh... Do you have any idea why?"
  86. [17:37] <Kilarra> Undamesta frowns, "I cannot recall, in all my years, any time a servant has set foot within the tower. Save the slaves dragged there in chains for the Archmage's experiments. Even -I- have never been in there." The emphasis she puts on her own lack of invitation to the tower reveals the reason for her ire.
  87. [17:39] <Kilarra> Kjell remains silent. This was either really good, or really bad.
  88. [17:40] * Aluthyra remains silent as well, worried about the potential consequences of this.
  89. [17:41] <@Aluthyra> A faint smirk reaches Kahree's lips. "I see."
  90. [17:43] * Kilarra nods, then adds, "It is an honour to be needed by the First Daughter." She, like Kahree, is pleased to have something over even Undamesta. And after such a short time too.
  91. [17:44] <Kilarra> Undamesta scowls at the party; "Be on your way," she hisses.
  92. [17:45] * Kilarra heads out first, waiting until the party has some distance between them and Undamesta to state, "This might turn ugly in a hurry."
  93. [17:46] * Aluthyra sighs, nodding. "Which is why we have the escape methods. Perhaps I am simply being hopeful, but we -have- ascended through the ranks rather quickly. This might just be another task."
  94. [17:47] <@Aluthyra> Kahree follows after. "I don't they'd get servants for it then. Especially since we're so new."
  95. [17:47] <Kilarra> Kjell notes, "The First daughter and Zirnakaynin's archmage... the possibilities are unfathomable really. Why us?"
  96. [17:50] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "Impossible to know."
  97. [17:53] * Kilarra frowns, then looks to Kahree and Aluthyra, "You two are perceptive. Keep your eyes peeled for possible routes of escape as we ascend the tower."
  98. [17:54] <@Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Will do."
  99. [17:55] * Kilarra sighs, "GUess that's all we can really do. However, frankly, if she wanted us dead, I doubt she'd be calling for us in person. Let's see how this plays out."
  100. [17:56] * Aluthyra nods. "Quite."
  101. [17:56] <Kilarra> Tower SOlacas is located within the grounds of the Vonnarc Palace, but separate from the main building. It doesn't take all that long to reach though. The entrance gates are as intimidating as they are impressive. Tower SOlacas itself is a fearful structure of spell-shaped stone and glistening crystal that rises taller than the Vonnarc palace.
  102. [17:57] <Kilarra> Kjell steps up first and opens the doors, stepping into the entrance hall.
  103. [17:58] <Kilarra> Flickering spell-light and glass globes crackling with imprisoned lightning pattern the dark stone walls of this grand, tear-shaped entry chamber. At the room’s center, a pool of bubbling water and arcane flame sends bursts of deadly beauty leaping high into the air. Curling around the fountain’s dazzling display rises a flight of railingless steps, while two pairs of intimidating, iron double doors bar the way to the east.
  104. [18:00] * Kilarra would be impressed if she wasn't anxious to find out what they were doing here.
  105. [18:01] <@Aluthyra> Kahree finds herself distracted as she watches the flames dance, momentarily forgetting their possible danger.
  106. [18:01] * Aluthyra looks around the room. Perhaps a guide would be around to deliver them to the First Daughter?
  107. [18:04] <Kilarra> The aprty is left alone in the entance hall for several minutes before their storms in. Their guide is none other than First Son Erdrinneir Vonnarc.
  108. [18:06] <Kilarra> He snaps at the party immediately; "Follow closely and keep your eyes to the ground. The great works of this lordly place are not for worms such as you to see."
  109. [18:07] * Aluthyra blinks. Alright... not much of a chance to look for potential escapes. She lowers her head to view his feet, following along behind.
  110. [18:08] * Kilarra frowns. Had they been expecting potential escape? Still, Kahree would likely still keep glancing around anyways, for spite if nothing else. She keeps her head down and follows along obediently.
  111. [18:09] <Kilarra> Kjell remains silent and follows with his head bowed.
  112. [18:10] <Kilarra> Erdrinneir begins leading the party up through the tower, constantly looking over his shoulder to make sure they're following and doing as he instructed.
  113. [18:10] <@Aluthyra> Kahree tries to glance around as she walks, just in case they'd need a method to escape.
  114. [18:12] <Kilarra> Erdrinneir eyes Kahree suspiciously a few times, but doesn't act against her, believing her cowed by his presence.
  115. [18:12] <Kilarra> On the fourth floor, Kahree manages to spot an open air balcony that would make a good point of escape so long as they had some way to soften their landing.
  116. [18:13] <@Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. Good. At least there's one possible escape route.
  117. [18:17] <Kilarra> The First Son of the Vonnarcs leads the party up to the 5th floor, and then leaves them standing before a dark, imposing gateway.
  118. [18:18] <Kilarra> Racks, shelves, cabinets, scroll cases, and diverse other iron stands, each morbidly sculpted into sepulchral shapes, fill this tear-shaped hall. Upon each rest countless tomes, skulls, scrolls, chests, jars, and other less identifiable curios, though, around many, the air seems to shimmer with barely restrained power. Standing upon a short dais at one end of the hall yawns an archway in the shape of a howling mouth. With the arch roi
  119. [18:18] <Kilarra> in the shape of a howling mouth. Within the arch roils a sinister crimson mist.
  120. [18:19] <@Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. Are they supposed to go inside...? She chances a glance at the First Son.
  121. [18:19] <Kilarra> Erdrenneir jabs his staff in the direction of the portal, and then departs with a sweep of his cloak.
  122. [18:20] <Kilarra> Kjell raises his head and uses detect magic on the gateway.
  123. [18:20] * Aluthyra frowns. "What is it, Kjell?"
  124. [18:21] <Kilarra> Kjell looks mildly relieved. "The dorway may be sinister looking, but the effect is not. It's simply a demiplane created as, I assume, a private sanctum for the Archmage."
  125. [18:22] * Kilarra nods, "Well, I guess this is it." She takes a breath to calm herself. "Calistria grant us good fortune. We're gonna need it."
  126. [18:22] * Kilarra steps up and through the portal
  127. [18:23] * Aluthyra sighs, following through with Kilarra.
  128. [18:23] <@Aluthyra> Kahree groans. "Remember. Warning, bash, teleport."
  129. [18:23] <Kilarra> Kjell follows, keeping his spell arm ready in case they needed a hasty retreat. He had suspicions about this place though. A tower of mages would probably be warded against unwanted teleportations and the like.
  130. [18:23] <@Aluthyra> Kahree steps through.
  131. [18:23] <Kilarra> Kjell also really hopes Kahree doesn't think she can actually do something like that to the Most powerful wizard in the city.
  132. [18:24] <@Aluthyra> Kahree was just being Kahree. Mostly.
  133. [18:24] <Kilarra> A pleasant perfume wafts through the cool air of this wholly unnatural cavern. Gone is the dark, worked stone and strange crystal of Tower Solacas, replaced by sleek seemingly organic walls—as though the chamber were inside a gigantic, glistening black beetle. Nearby stands a fanged portal, sanguine smoke billowing within.
  134. [18:25] <Kilarra> Alcoves divide the chamber, one filled with comfortable pillows and a low table set with familiar looking fruits and water; another dominated by a huge, ornate bed flanked by scandalously sculpted statues; and the largest filled with the sinister tools and devices of an arcane laboratory.
  135. [18:25] <Kilarra> At the rear of the hall’s heart stands a massive, ornate desk constructed of bone fused with crystal and littered with tomes and curios of obvious antiquity and dark power. Behind the desk presides an imposing throne of black metal and stuffed silks, sculpted to look like several contorted drow slaves.
  136. [18:26] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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