
List of server nuker commands

Sep 28th, 2019
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  1. Use this command list or say /help.
  3. /setservername [name]
  4. Changes server name to [name].
  5. /spamemojis
  6. Spams emojis in the channel ran in.
  7. /crashusers
  8. Sends 4 links that will crash users when hovered over.
  9. /spammemes
  10. Spams memes from r/dankmemes.
  11. /wiperoles
  12. Removes everyones roles.
  13. /deleteall
  14. Deletes all channels.
  15. /dm-all [text]
  16. Sends a DM to everyone saying [text].
  17. /roleall [role]
  18. Roles everyone [role].
  19. /banall
  20. Bans everyone including yourself unless you're admin.
  21. /kickall
  22. Kicks everyone including yourself unless you're admin.
  23. /pingdelete
  24. Ghost pings everyone.
  25. /nickall [text]
  26. Changes everyones nicknames to [text].
  27. /invisnick
  28. Changes everyones nicknames to a invisible character.
  29. /createchannels [name]
  30. Creates tons of channels called [name].
  31. /resetnicknames
  32. Resets everyones nicknames.
  33. /dmallspam [text]
  34. Same as /dm-all but this spams the DM.
  35. /visiblechannels
  36. Makes all channels visible.
  37. /lockchannel
  38. Makes it so no one can speak in the channel the command was ran in.
  39. /lockallchannels
  40. Makes it so no one can speak in all channels.
  41. /dm [user] [text]
  42. Sends a DM to [user] saying [text].
  43. /purgeannouncement
  44. Sends the purge announcement in TTS.
  45. /admin [user]
  46. Admins [user].
  47. /spamtts [text]
  48. Spams [text] in TTS.
  49. /spampingdeletefast
  50. Ghost pings everyone over and over.
  51. /spampingdeleteslow
  52. Ghost pings everyone over and over but slowly.
  53. /createroles
  54. Creates tons of roles..
  55. /deleteroles
  56. Deletes all roles.
  57. /purge [amount]
  58. Deletes [amount] of messages.
  59. /creeper
  60. Plays revenge in whatever voice channel you are in.
  61. /nuke
  62. Deletes all channels, bans all, creates roles and changes the server name to 'Server Nuked'
  63. /betternuke
  64. Deletes all channels, bans everyone, changes server name to 'Server Nuked', deletes all roles, changes everyones nickname to 'Server Nuked' and DM's everyone saying server nuked.
  65. /renamechannels [text]
  66. Renames all channels to [text].
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