
sf 8-17-20

Aug 17th, 2020
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  1. ################################################
  2. # #
  3. # Plugin StaffFacilities #
  4. # Configuration File #
  5. # Plugin created by xtomyserrax #
  6. # #
  7. ################################################
  9. # NOTE BEFORE YOU EDIT: Try to edit the config.yml when the server is closed. Always make a BACKUP of the config.yml preventing you lose your configuration!
  11. #Here you can set the language of the plugin. For default it will be english.
  12. #In order to change the language, you need to write one of this available languages: english, spanish, french, italian, custom. (Write one of those words in line 15. Example: "Language: spanish")
  13. #If you want to edit messages, then it is always recommended to copy the english.yml file and paste it in custom.yml file, and then in Language put custom. Why? Because every update new messages might be added, so it is always recommended to do /sf fixenglish
  14. #If you have your modified messages in custom, then when you reset the english file you wont lose anything. And the plugin will get messages from custom file, then if it fails, it will get them from english file!
  15. Language: english
  19. ################################################
  20. # Enable Section #
  21. ################################################
  25. Enable:
  26. # This system is for enabling or disabling some commands or features: (Enable: true ; Disable: false)
  27. AntiTAB: true
  28. #Enable or Disable the system to press TAB on the AntiHelp, AntiPlugins and AntiVersion and the / commands. Bypass: - sf.antitab.bypass
  29. BroadcastMessagesNotifications: true
  30. #Enable or Disable the notifications of who sent the broadcast messages (/alert ; /announce ; /broadcast ; /danger ; /error ; /information ; /note ; /say ; /warning).
  31. BungeeCord: false
  32. #Enable or Disable BungeeCord support. If you set this to true and you dont have BungeeCord you will have errors. How to install StaffFacilities with BungeeCord? Check:
  33. FlyCheckInWorldChange: true
  34. #Enable or Disable to check fly status of a player when it goes to another world. If player has flymode activated and changes world but cant fly (because minecraft disabled it), then his flymode will be activated again. (If world is in FlyBlackList then it wont be activated)
  35. FrozenPlayersHead: true
  36. #Enable or Disable your frozen players to have an ICE as helmet. Every time you reload your server (the plugin enables) your players head will get back to normal, take that into account if you have a plugin which modifies your player's head.
  37. GodCantDamageOthers: true
  38. #Enable or Disable if God cant damage others or not.
  39. HappyBirthdayBroadcast: true
  40. #Enable or Disable if the Happybirthday message will be send to all the players. If disable, it will send only to the target.
  41. JoinLeaveMessages: true
  42. #Enable or Disable that Staff Facilities will handle the join and leave messages of your server. This is in order to improve compability with the Fakeleave system! You can edit this messages near the fakeleave configurations!
  43. JoinLeaveMessagesDynmap: false
  44. #Enable or Disable that Staff Facilities will send a fake join or left message when a player vanishes and hides in the Dynmap map.
  45. MMServerListPing: true
  46. #Enable or Disable to change the server's MOTD when Maintenance Mode is enabled.
  47. MMKickOnlinePlayers: true
  48. #Enable or Disable to kick online players when enabling Maintenance Mode.
  49. OfflineEnderchest: true
  50. #Enable or Disable to open enderchests of offline players.
  51. OfflineInventory: true
  52. #Enable or Disable to open inventories of offline players.
  53. RGBHexFormat: false
  54. #Enable or Disable to also check in messages for hex format to support RGB. This plugin actually supports &x&f&f&0&0&0&0 ; If you enable this, it will also support #ff0000 as an RGB format (the example is a true red color) ; This will only work in 1.16+ servers.
  55. SpfahNotification: true
  56. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has stopped the player from asking help.
  57. SpfrNotification: true
  58. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has stopped the player from reporting.
  59. TabSetStart: true
  60. #Enable or Disable initializating the tab for the TabDefaultColor value when the server/plugin restarts and player joins. This feature is only meant to be used if you want to use DutyTabColor/FakeleaveTabColor and you dont have any other plugin managing tab.
  61. Updater: false
  62. #Enable or Disable the detection of new updates.
  63. WarnNotification: true
  64. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has warned someone (with the reason).
  65. WelcomeBackBroadcast: true
  66. #Enable or Disable if the Welcomeback message will be send to all the players. If disable, it will send only to the target.
  67. WelcomeBackListener: true
  68. #Enable or Disable the listener that will welcomeback all the players that join the server.
  71. CommandsEnable:
  72. # This system is for enabling or disabling StaffFacilities commands and aliases:
  74. # Now it is really easy to disable a command in order to have compability with other plugin. How to?
  75. # 1. Close your server and go to your plugins folder. There, visualize the StaffFacilities.JAR (not the folder) and open it with WinRar Archiver.
  76. # 2. When the WinRar opens, you will see the plugin.yml . Open it and find the commands section. There, you dont need to delete a command, just delete one or how many aliases you want.
  77. # 3. Save the file and close it. In your WinRar Archiver, you will get a notification that a file has been modified, Accept it. Then open your server and command removed!
  78. # NOTE: In step 1 you will have to close your server. You cant use /reload or /sf reload . And remember in Step 3 to accept the notification of WinRar.
  80. #Basicly: SF commands now work through aliases. All real commands start with sf_, this is in order to make it easier for you to edit all the commands the way you want. What does this mean?
  81. #Lets go with vanish for example: The real command is /sf_vanish, but with how it is configured by default, you can use /vanish (which it is what people expect) and /v as an alias, but in the file, both of them are filled as aliases.
  82. #You want to use the /vanish of another plugin? Then just delete both vanish and v from the alias list. You want to call the vanish command /SFIsTheBestPluginEver ? Just add that to the alias and the command will be called that.
  83. #So in summary: you can delete all the commands you want and you can add all the aliases you want.
  85. #This enable and disable section is still here if you want to fully disable the command. So if you dont want anyone to access /sf_vanish, then you can disable the vanish here. But if you want to just disable the /vanish, then do it directly in the plugin.yml file!
  86. Alert: true
  87. #Enable or Disable the command /alert ; It doesnt have alias.
  88. Alerts: true
  89. #Enable or Disable the command /alerts ; It doesnt have alias.
  90. Announce: true
  91. #Enable or Disable the command /announce ; It doesnt have alias.
  92. Ans: true
  93. #Enable or Disable the command /answer ; And its alias /ans.
  94. Bin: true
  95. #Enable or Disable the command /bin ; And its alias /disposal.
  96. Birthday: true
  97. #Enable or Disable the command /birthday ; It doesnt have alias.
  98. Broadcast: true
  99. #Enable or Disable the command /broadcast ; It doesnt have alias.
  100. Burn: true
  101. #Enable or Disable the command /burn ; And its alias /fire.
  102. Chatmute: true
  103. #Enable or Disable the command /chatmute ; And its aliases /cm - /chatm - /cmute.
  104. Clearchat: true
  105. #Enable or Disable the command /clearchat ; And its alias /cc.
  106. Clearinventory: true
  107. #Enable or Disable the command /birthday ; And its aliases /ci - /invclear - /clearinv - /inventoryclear.
  108. Commandspy: true
  109. #Enable or Disable the command /commandspy ; And its aliases /cmdspy - /spycmd - /spycommand.
  110. Cps: true
  111. #Enable or Disable the command /cps .
  112. Danger: true
  113. #Enable or Disable the command /danger ; It doesnt have alias.
  114. Day: true
  115. #Enable or Disable the command /day ; It doesnt have alias.
  116. Discord: true
  117. #Enable or Disable the command /discord ; It doesnt have alias.
  118. Donate: true
  119. #Enable or Disable the command /donate ; It doesnt have alias.
  120. Duty: true
  121. #Enable or Disable the command /duty ; It doesnt have alias.
  122. Email: true
  123. #Enable or Disable the command /email ; It doesnt have alias.
  124. Enderchest: true
  125. #Enable or Disable the command /enderchest ; It doesnt have alias.
  126. Error: true
  127. #Enable or Disable the command /error ; It doesnt have alias.
  128. Facebook: true
  129. #Enable or Disable the command /facebook ; It doesnt have alias.
  130. Fakeleave: true
  131. #Enable or Disable the command /fakeleave ; And its alias /fl.
  132. Feed: true
  133. #Enable or Disable the command /feed ; It doesnt have alias.
  134. Fly: true
  135. #Enable or Disable the command /fly ; It doesnt have alias.
  136. Forum: true
  137. #Enable or Disable the command /forum ; It doesnt have alias.
  138. Freeze: true
  139. #Enable or Disable the command /freeze ; It doesnt have alias.
  140. Frozen: true
  141. #Enable or Disable the command /frozen ; It doesnt have alias.
  142. Gamemode: true
  143. #Enable or Disable the command /gamemode ; And its alias /gm.
  144. God: true
  145. #Enable or Disable the command /god ; It doesnt have alias.
  146. Happybirthday: true
  147. #Enable or Disable the command /happybirthday ; And its alias /hb.
  148. Heal: true
  149. #Enable or Disable the command /heal ; It doesnt have alias.
  150. Helpme: true
  151. #Enable or Disable the command /helpme ; It doesnt have alias.
  152. Id: true
  153. #Enable or Disable the command /id ; And its aliases /getid - /getitemid - /itemid.
  154. Information: true
  155. #Enable or Disable the command /information ; It doesnt have alias.
  156. Inspect: true
  157. #Enable or Disable the command /inspect ; And its alias /investigate.
  158. Instagram: true
  159. #Enable or Disable the command /instagram ; It doesnt have alias.
  160. Invsee: true
  161. #Enable or Disable the command /invsee ; And its alias /inventorysee.
  162. Ip: true
  163. #Enable or Disable the command /ip ; It doesnt have alias.
  164. Kill: true
  165. #Enable or Disable the command /kill ; It doesnt have alias.
  166. Maintenancemode: true
  167. #Enable or Disable the command /maintenancemode ; And its aliases /maintenance - /mm.
  168. Night: true
  169. #Enable or Disable the command /night ; It doesnt have alias.
  170. Nightvision: true
  171. #Enable or Disable the command /nightvision ; And its aliases /nv - /nightv - /nvision.
  172. Note: true
  173. #Enable or Disable the command /note ; It doesnt have alias.
  174. Ping: true
  175. #Enable or Disable the command /ping ; It doesnt have alias.
  176. Playerclearchat: true
  177. #Enable or Disable the command /playerclearchat ; And its alias /pcc.
  178. PlayerInfo: true
  179. #Enable or Disable the command /playerinfo ; And its aliases /pi - /playeri - /pinfo.
  180. Rain: true
  181. #Enable or Disable the command /rain ; It doesnt have alias.
  182. Report: true
  183. #Enable or Disable the command /report ; It doesnt have alias.
  184. Reports: true
  185. #Enable or Disable the command /reports ; And its aliases /rep - /reportslist - /reportlist.
  186. Reportsdelete: true
  187. #Enable or Disable the command /reportsdelete ; And its aliases /reportsdel - /repdel - /reportsd - /reportsclear - /repcl.
  188. Rules: true
  189. #Enable or Disable the command /rules ; It doesnt have alias.
  190. Say: true
  191. #Enable or Disable the command /say ; It doesnt have alias.
  192. Server: true
  193. #Enable or Disable the command /server ; And its alias /sv.
  194. Show: true
  195. #Enable or Disable the command /show ; It doesnt have alias.
  196. Skype: true
  197. #Enable or Disable the command /skype ; It doesnt have alias.
  198. Spfah: true
  199. #Enable or Disable the command /spfah ; It doesnt have alias.
  200. Spfr: true
  201. #Enable or Disable the command /spfr ; It doesnt have alias.
  202. Staff: true
  203. #Enable or Disable the command /staff ; And its aliases /admins - /mods.
  204. Staffchat: true
  205. #Enable or Disable the command /staffchat ; And its aliases /sc - /schat - /staffc.
  206. Staffpanel: true
  207. #Enable or Disable the command /staffpanel ; And its aliases /sp - /staffgui - /spanel - /sgui.
  208. Staffvanish: true
  209. #Enable or Disable the command /staffvanish ; And its alias /sv.
  210. Staffwatch: true
  211. #Enable or Disable the command /staffwatch ; And its alias /sw .
  212. Sun: true
  213. #Enable or Disable the command /sun ; It doesnt have alias.
  214. Teamspeak3: true
  215. #Enable or Disable the command /teamspeak3 ; And its alias /ts3.
  216. Time: true
  217. #Enable or Disable the command /time ; It doesnt have alias.
  218. Tp: true
  219. #Enable or Disable the command /tp ; It doesnt have alias.
  220. Tpall: true
  221. #Enable or Disable the command /tpall ; It doesnt have alias.
  222. Tphere: true
  223. #Enable or Disable the command /tphere ; And its aliases /bring - /s.
  224. Tppos: true
  225. #Enable or Disable the command /tppos ; And its aliases /tpp - /teleportposition
  226. Twitch: true
  227. #Enable or Disable the command /twitch ; It doesnt have alias.
  228. Twitter: true
  229. #Enable or Disable the command /twitter ; It doesnt have alias.
  230. Uuid: true
  231. #Enable or Disable the command /uuid ; It doesnt have alias.
  232. Vanish: true
  233. #Enable or Disable the command /vanish ; And its alias /v.
  234. Warn: true
  235. #Enable or Disable the command /swarn ; It doesnt have alias.
  236. Warning: true
  237. #Enable or Disable the command /warning ; It doesnt have alias.
  238. Watchover: true
  239. #Enable or Disable the command /watchover ; And its alias /wo.
  240. Website: true
  241. #Enable or Disable the command /website ; It doesnt have alias.
  242. Welcomeback: true
  243. #Enable or Disable the command /welcomeback
  244. Whatsapp: true
  245. #Enable or Disable the command /whatsapp ; It doesnt have alias.
  246. Wiki: true
  247. #Enable or Disable the command /wiki ; It doesnt have alias.
  248. Workbench: true
  249. #Enable or Disable the command /workbench ; And its alias /craftingtable.
  250. Youtube: true
  251. #Enable or Disable the command /youtube ; It doesnt have alias.
  254. BungeeCord:
  255. # This section is for enabling or disabling compability with BungeeCord.
  256. # Remember to enable BungeeCord in the Enable section. For default it is disabled. If you set it to true it means you have BungeeCord for the plugin.
  257. # Please note that BungeeCord support is in beta. Please report any bug you find with it and give your ideas!
  258. Answer: true
  259. #Enable support with the /ans command.
  260. ConsoleNotifications: true
  261. #Enable support for Console Notifications in a Bungee level. This system can be configured close to line 485. If this is true, notifications will be also sent to the BungeeCord console.
  262. Helpme: true
  263. #Enable support with the /helpme command.
  264. Report: true
  265. #Enable support with the /report command.
  266. StaffChat: true
  267. #Enable support with the /staffchat command.
  268. StaffChatDiscordSRV: true
  269. #Enable support of DiscordSRV staffchat working in bungeecord mode. For knowledge of how this feature works, check
  270. Staffvanish: true
  271. #Enable support with the /staffvanish command and the staffvanish environment.
  272. Vanish: true
  273. #Enable support with the /vanish command and the vanish environment.
  276. EnableSound:
  277. # This section is for enabling or disabling the sounds that will be executed with commands or systems! (NamedNotify is in the Enable section as it is a special system)
  278. # A sound can be null for several reasons: it may be uncompatible because you are using an old spigot version, you may have writen it bad, or more. The message in console is not an error, is just for leting you know.
  279. # If you get the null message in the console about the sound, you may change it or just disable it.
  280. ReportReceive: true
  281. #This is the sound which will be played if a staff receives a report
  282. ReportSend: true
  283. #This is the sound which will be played if a player sends a report
  284. HelpmeReceive: true
  285. #This is the sound which will be played if a staff receives a helpme
  286. HelpmeSend: true
  287. #This is the sound which will be played if a player sends a helpme
  288. AnswerReceive: true
  289. #This is the sound which will be played if a player receives an answer
  290. AnswerSend: true
  291. #This is the sound which will be played if a staff sends an answer
  294. Sound:
  295. # This system is editing the sound that would be used in some systems!
  296. # More sounds can be found here:
  297. # A sound can be null for several reasons: it may be uncompatible because you are using an old spigot version, you may have writen it bad, or more. The message in console is not an error, is just for leting you know.
  298. # If you get the null message in the console about the sound, you may change it or just disable it.
  300. #This is the sound which will be played if a player names you in chat! If you want to disable, just disable the system in the Enable section!
  301. ReportReceive: "ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP"
  302. #This is the sound which will be played if a staff receives a report
  303. ReportSend: "ENTITY_EGG_THROW"
  304. #This is the sound which will be played if a player sends a report
  305. HelpmeReceive: "ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP"
  306. #This is the sound which will be played if a staff receives a helpme
  307. HelpmeSend: "ENTITY_EGG_THROW"
  308. #This is the sound which will be played if a player sends a helpme
  309. AnswerReceive: "ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP"
  310. #This is the sound which will be played if a player receives an answer
  311. AnswerSend: "ENTITY_EGG_THROW"
  312. #This is the sound which will be played if a staff sends an answer
  315. EnableEffects:
  316. # This is the section for enabling particles effects.
  317. # More to come here in next updates, for now there is just vanish in order to test and see how people receive it.
  318. GodAttackEffect: true
  319. # Make an effect when a god player attacks someone.
  320. FrozenAttackedEffect: true
  321. # Make an effect when a frozen player is attacked.
  322. VanishTurnedOn: false
  323. # Make an effect when vanish is turned on. For default it is disabled because of privacy.
  324. VanishTurnedOff: false
  325. # Make an effect when vanish is turned off. For default it is disabled because of privacy.
  328. EffectsType:
  329. # This system is editing the effects that would be used in some systems!
  330. # More sounds can be found here:
  331. # An effect can be null for several reasons: it may be uncompatible because you are using an old spigot version, you may have writen it bad, or more. The message in console is not an error, is just for leting you know.
  332. # If you get the null message in the console about the effect, you may change it or just disable it.
  333. GodAttackEffect: "SMOKE"
  334. # Make an effect when a god player attacks someone.
  335. FrozenAttackedEffect: "SMOKE"
  336. # Make an effect when a frozen player is attacked.
  337. VanishTurnedOn: "ENDER_SIGNAL"
  338. # Make an effect when vanish is turned on.
  339. VanishTurnedOff: "MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES"
  340. # Make an effect when vanish is turned off.
  343. PurgeDataFiles:
  344. #Enable or Disable this system to delete old data files from players that havent logged to the server in a time of days. The information going to be deleted is not sensitive and it saves space in your server.
  345. #This will be done everytime de plugin enables.
  346. Enabled: false
  347. AmountOfDays: 30
  348. #Set the amount of days the plugin will wait to delete a player's data file
  349. #You can also purge the data files with /sf purgefiles ; Only players with sf.* will be able to perform this command, and this system doesnt need to be enabled for this command to work.
  352. MemorySystem:
  353. #Here you can manage the memory system of Staff Facilities. When you log off, SF saves all your toggles/modes so when you come back it will set them all back again!
  354. #Lets give an example with vanish: lets say you were vanished in the server and you logged off, if you set the Vanishmode option to true, then when you come back to the server you will join vanished. If you log off without being vanished, then when you join you wont be vanished.
  355. #Following the example, if you set Vanishmode to false, then if you quit the server being vanished, when you join again you wont be vanished.
  356. Commandspy: true
  357. #Enable or Disable remembering that you logged off with command spy activated, so it will turn on again when you join.
  358. Duty: true
  359. #Enable or Disable remembering that you logged off with duty mode activated, so it will turn on again when you join.
  360. Fakeleave: true
  361. #Enable or Disable remembering that you logged off while fakeleaved, so it will turn on again when you join.
  362. Fly: true
  363. #Enable or Disable remembering that you logged off with fly mode activated, so it will turn on again when you join.
  364. Freeze: true
  365. #Enable or Disable remembering that a player has been frozen, so it will be frozen again if he leaves the server and comes back.
  366. Gamemode: true
  367. #Enable or Disable remembering your gamemode when you logged off, so when you join again it will be set to what it was.
  368. God: true
  369. #Enable or Disable remembering that you logged off with god mode activated, so it will turn on again when you join.
  370. Nightvision: true
  371. #Enable or Disable remembering that you logged off with nightvision mode activated, so it will turn on again when you join.
  372. Staffvanish: true
  373. #Enable or Disable remembering that you logged off with staffvanish activated, so it will turn on again when you join.
  374. Vanish: true
  375. #Enable or Disable remembering that you logged off with vanish activated, so it will turn on again when you join.
  378. AutojoinEnable:
  379. # Here you can enable/disable with a true or false the autojoin listeners Staff Facilities has so you can join automaticly with a mode on.
  380. # If true, you are enabling the listener, so you will autojoin with that mode. If false, you are disabling the listener, so you wont autojoin with that mode.
  381. # NOTE: For autojoin you need a permission too (So for example, not all classes can autojoin). This problem could be avoidable just making the permission negative, but people had problems so i decided this method.
  382. Fakeleavemode: false
  383. #Enable or Disable the autojoin of the fakeleave mode. With this you will join the server with vanish and silently. (Permission: - sf.autofakeleavemode).
  384. Staffvanishmode: false
  385. #Enable or Disable the autojoin of the staffvanish mode. (Permission: - sf.autostaffvanishmode).
  386. Vanishmode: false
  387. #Enable or Disable the autojoin of the vanish mode. (Permission: - sf.autovanishmode).
  390. GeneralHooks:
  391. # Here you can enable/disable with a true or false the hooks to another plugins.
  392. # If true, you are enabling the plugin hook. If false, you are disable the plugin hook.
  393. Citizens: true
  394. #Enable or Disable the hook with the Citizens plugin! This will help you to disappear so nps dont talk or target you!
  395. CMI: false
  396. #Enable or Disable the hook with the CMI plugin! This will disable AFK toggle if you are vanished/fakeleaved!
  397. CombatLog: false
  398. #Enable or Disable the hook with the CombatLog plugin (maintained by: iiSnipez)
  399. CombatLogX: false
  400. #Enable or Disable the hook with the CombatLogX plugin (developed by: SirBlobman)
  401. DiscordSRV: true
  402. #Enable or Disable the hook with the DiscordSRV plugin! This will send staff chat messages to a discord channel! Explanation of how to hook can be found here:
  403. DisguiseCraft: false
  404. #Enable or Disable the hook with the DisguiseCraft plugin! This will help you to prevent disguising while fake leaved!
  405. Dynmap: false
  406. #Enable or Disable the hook with the Dynmap plugin! This will help you to disappear from dynmap maps while fake leaved!
  407. Essentials: true
  408. #Enable or Disable the hook with the Essentials plugin! This will improve commands such as fakeleave, vanish, staff, tptoggle, back and more for different features!
  409. LibsDisguises: false
  410. #Enable or Disable the hook with the LibsDisguise plugin! This will help you to prevent disguising while fake leaved!
  411. LuckPerms: true
  412. #Enable or Disable the hook with the LuckPerms plugin! This will add support for Contexts! Check more info in the wiki of SF!
  413. MVdWPlaceholderAPI: false
  414. #Enable or Disable the hook with the MVdWPlaceholderAPI plugin! If you want to know the placeholders, just go to the plugin overview page and check the PlaceholderAPI guide!
  415. PlaceholderAPI: true
  416. #Enable or Disable the hook with the PlaceholderAPI plugin! In order to know how to make it compatible and information about placeholders, you will have a step installation guide and placeholders guide in the plugin overview page.
  417. ProtocolLib: false
  418. #Enable or Disable the hook with the ProtocolLib plugin! This will improve commands such as vanish, staffvanish and fakeleave!
  419. PvPManager: true
  420. #Enable or Disable the hook with the PvPManager free and premium plugin (developed by: NoChanceSD)
  421. SuperTrails: false
  422. #Enable or Disable the hook with the SuperTrails plugin! This will improve commands such as vanish, staffvanish and fakeleave! (Plugin developed by KVQ) ; If you want support for SuperTrailsPRO, go to the config.yml file of that plugin and in Options section set SuperVanish to true
  425. CombatHookConfiguration:
  426. # Here you can enable/disable with a true or false the configurations about the hooks with Combat plugins (CombatLog - CombatLogX - PvPManager)!
  427. God: false
  428. #Enable or Disable if a player in combat will be able to have god mode. If true, player in combat wont be able to use /god and if it was in god mode it will be removed. Bypass permission: sf.combatbypass.god ; sf.combatbypass.*
  429. Fly: false
  430. #Enable or Disable if a player in combat will be able to have fly mode. If true, player in combat wont be able to use /fly and if it was in fly mode it will be removed. Bypass permission: ; sf.combatbypass.*
  431. Heal: false
  432. #Enable or Disable if a player in combat will be able to heal If true, player in combat wont be able to use /heal. Bypass permission: sf.combatbypass.heal ; sf.combatbypass.*
  433. Feed: false
  434. #Enable or Disable if a player in combat will be able to feed If true, player in combat wont be able to use /feed. Bypass permission: sf.combatbypass.feed ; sf.combatbypass.*
  437. Cooldowns:
  438. # Here you can set the duration of cooldowns. The number will be interpreted as seconds. If you dont want cooldown, just set 0.
  439. Report: 20
  440. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the report command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  441. Helpme: 10
  442. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the report command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.helpme ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  443. Clearchat: 0
  444. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the clearchat command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.clearchat ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  445. Kill: 60
  446. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the kill command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.kill ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  447. Heal: 0
  448. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the heal command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.heal ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  449. Feed: 0
  450. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the feed command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.feed ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  451. Chatmute: 0
  452. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the chatmute command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.chatmute ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  453. Clearinventory: 0
  454. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the clearinventory command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.clearinventory ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  455. Tpall: 60
  456. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the tpall command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.tpall ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  457. Alert: 60
  458. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the alert command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.tpall ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  459. Announce: 0
  460. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the announce command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.announce ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  461. Broadcast: 0
  462. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the broadcast command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.broadcast ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  463. Danger: 0
  464. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the danger command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.danger ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  465. Day: 300
  466. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the day command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  467. Error: 0
  468. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the error command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.error ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  469. Information: 0
  470. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the information command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.information ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  471. Night: 300
  472. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the night command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.night ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  473. Note: 0
  474. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the note command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.note ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  475. Rain: 0
  476. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the rain command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.rain ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  477. Say: 0
  478. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the say command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.say ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  479. Sun: 0
  480. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the sun command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.sun ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  481. Warning: 0
  482. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the warning command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.warning ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  483. WelcomeBack: 0
  484. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the welcomeback command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.welcomeback ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  485. Happy Birthday: 60
  486. # Enable or Disable the cooldown of the happybirthday command. Bypass permission of the cooldown: - sf.cooldown.happybirthday ; sf.cooldown.* : - sf.*
  489. ConsoleNotifications:
  490. # Here you can enable or disable some notifications that will be sent to console about things happening.
  491. AntiAdvertise: true
  492. # Enable or Disable to send to console messages when players advertise on your server.
  493. AntiHelp: true
  494. # Enable or Disable to send to console messages when players try to see use the help the command.
  495. AntiPlugins: true
  496. # Enable or Disable to send to console messages when players try to see your plugins.
  497. AntiSwear: true
  498. # Enable or Disable to send to console messages when players swear in chat.
  499. AntiVersion: true
  500. # Enable or Disable to send to console messages when players try to see the version of your plugins.
  501. FlyAttack: false
  502. # Enable or Disable to send to console the fly attack alert messages.
  503. Freeze: true
  504. # Enable or Disable to send to console a message when a frozen player join/leaves the server.
  505. JoinAlert: true
  506. # Enable or Disable to send to console the join alert messages when a player tries to join the server but it is denied.
  507. StaffChat: true
  508. # Enable or Disable to send to console messages that are sent in StaffChat.
  511. ################################################
  512. # Spectate Features #
  513. ################################################
  517. # Server Join Message. You can use this placeholders: %player%, %player_displayname%, %apostrophe%, and if you have Essentials: %group% (shows the group name in plain text)
  518. ServerJoinMessage: "&e%player% &ejoined the game"
  519. ServerQuitMessage: "&e%player% &eleft the game"
  520. # This messages will be also used if you fakeleave the server!
  521. # Cool join message design: '&7[&x&3&4&e&b&a&4+&7] &7%player_displayname%'
  522. # Cool quit message design with RGB: '&7[&x&f&f&0&0&0&0-&7] &7%player_displayname%'
  523. # Server Join Messages for Dynmap. You can also use the placeholders named before. You can enable this feature in the Enable section.
  524. ServerJoinDynmapMessage: "&e%player% &ejoined the game"
  525. ServerQuitDynmapMessage: "&e%player% &eleft the game"
  527. VanishToggles:
  528. # Here you can enable/disable with a true or false some vanish and staffvanish features.
  529. ActionBarMessages: true
  530. #Enable or Disable that when a player vanishes/staffvanishes, it will have an action bar message the entire time saying that he/she is vanished.
  531. BukkitAPIVanish: true
  532. #Enable or Disable that when a player vanishes/staffvanishes, it will use the Bukkit API to do the hiding process. If you have ProtocolLib also installed, it will do both for an enhanced vanished experience. If you disable this, players will be seen and only ProtocolLib will hide (if installed).
  533. HideVanishedFromTargetCommands: true
  534. #Enable or Disable to hide vanished players from SF commands which use a target if the sender doesnt have the permission to see that vanished or staff vanished player. Example: player A is vanished and player B performs /tp A ; If player B cant see player A, then command will say player A couldnt be found.
  535. VanishAvoidJoinQuit: true
  536. #Enable or Disable that when you join/quit with vanished it will be silent.
  537. VanishAvoidCollision: true
  538. #Enable or Disable to avoid collision if you are vanished.
  539. VanishAndStaffvanishToggleGUI: true
  540. #Enable or Disable if you want to toggle the vanish and staffvanish perks through a GUI.
  542. VanishListeners:
  543. # Here you can enable/disable with a true or false the listeners the /vanish and /staffvanish commands gives to you.
  544. # If true, you are enabling the listener, so you cant make this actions. If false, you are disabling the listener, so you can make this actions.
  545. PlayerChat: true
  546. #Enable or Disable the listener of sending messages in the chat while vanished.
  547. PlayerDamage: true
  548. #Enable or Disable the listener of chat disabled while vanished.
  549. PlayerDeath: true
  550. #Enable or Disable the listener of broadcasting death message when vanished player dies.
  551. PlayerDrop: true
  552. #Enable or Disable the listener of dropping items while vanished.
  553. PlayerHangingBreak: true
  554. #Enable or Disable the listener of break a hanging while vanished. What are they? Well basicly breaking paintings and those items hanging in walls.
  555. PlayerInteract: true
  556. #Enable or Disable the listener of interacting while vanished.
  557. PlayerPickUp: true
  558. #Enable or Disable the listener of picking up items while vanished.
  559. PlayerTargeteable: true
  560. #Enable or Disable the listener of picking up items while vanished.
  561. PlayerVehicleCollision: true
  562. #Enable or Disable the listener of collide your vehicle while vanished.
  563. PlayerVehicleDestroy: true
  564. #Enable or Disable the listener of destroying your vehicle while vanished.
  565. SilentOpenChest: true
  566. #Enable or Disable the Silent Opening Chest system. This wont let you edit the contect of the chest. The only way of doing so, is to SHIFT and open the chest (the animation will be seen). Permission: sf.vanish.silentopenchest
  568. ShiftAvoidVanishListeners:
  569. # Here you can enable/disable with a true or false if it is possible to avoid vanish/staffvanish listeners with SHIFT.
  570. PlayerPickUp: true
  571. PlayerDrop: true
  572. PlayerInteract: true
  573. PlayerDamage: true
  574. PlayerHangingBreak: true
  575. PlayerVehicleCollision: true
  576. PlayerVehicleDestroy: true
  577. PlayerTargeteable: true
  579. # Set the max number of levels the permissions for see and hide will have. A high number is not recommended because of performance.
  580. # Vanish Permission Levels
  581. EnableVanishPermissionLevels: false
  582. MaxVanishPermissionLevels: 5
  583. # Staffvanish Permission Levels
  584. EnableStaffvanishPermissionLevels: false
  585. MaxStaffvanishPermissionLevels: 3
  587. # Explanation how this feature works:
  588. # There are two kind of permissions: sf.vanish.level.NUMBER and sf.vanish.see.level.NUMBER (same goes with staffvanish, replacing vanish word with staffvanish)
  589. # sf.vanish.level.NUMBER means the level a player needs to have to be able to see the player vanishing. For default it is level 1 and is given by sf.vanish
  590. # sf.vanish.see.level.NUMBER means the level the online player has to be able to see a vanished player. For default regular players have 0 in level and sf.vanish.see permission sets you to level 1
  591. # sf.* permission sets you to max level.
  594. ProtocolLibListeners:
  595. # Here you can enable/disable some ProtocolLib features that will be used for vanish and staffvanish in packet a level. When I refer to a vanished player I am also refering to a staffvanished one.
  596. GeneralEntityPacket: true
  597. # GeneralEntityPacket handles everything related to staying phisically hidden (actions, body, etc). Also handles destroying the packet of the vanished player so it cant be seen.
  598. NamedSoundPacket: true
  599. # NamedSoundPacket prevents players from hearing sounds made by a vanished player.
  600. PlayerInfoPacket: true
  601. # PlayerInfoPacket hides vanished player from the tablist.
  602. ServerInfoPacket: true
  603. # ServerInfoPacket is used to edit the online number in the server selector.
  604. TabCompletePacket: true
  605. # TabCompletePacket prevents players not allowed to see vanished player from seeing them with tab.
  606. WorldParticlesPacket: true
  607. # WorldParticlesPacket hides the particles a vanished player may cause when falling to the ground.
  610. # FakeLeave Configuration
  612. Fakeleave:
  613. #This section is for managing the fake leave system!
  614. FakejoinNotification: true
  615. #Enable or Disable the notification that will be globally send to players saying that you joined the server when you fakeleave (so they think you are naturally back again).
  616. FakeleftNotification: true
  617. #Enable or Disable the notification that will be globally send to players saying that you left the server when you fakeleave (so they think you are not there anymore).
  618. FakejoinStaffNotification: true
  619. #Enable or Disable the notification that will be send to staff players with the right permission saying that you fakejoined the server (so they know you were there but you didnt want to be noticed).
  620. FakeleftStaffNotification: true
  621. #Enable or Disable the notification that will be send to staff players with the right permission saying that you fakeleft the server (so they know you are there but you dont want to be noticed).
  624. # You can use this placeholders: %player%, %player_displayname%, %apostrophe%, and if you have Essentials: %group% (shows the group name in plain text)
  625. fakejoinmsgnotification-fakeleave: "&e%target% &ehas fakejoined the game"
  626. #This message will be send to all the staff with the permission: - sf.fakeleave.notification when someone fakejoined. You can enable/disable this in the Enable section!
  627. fakeleavemsgnotification-fakeleave: "&e%target% &ehas fakeleft the game"
  628. #This message will be send to all the staff with the permission: - sf.fakeleave.notification when someone fakeleaved. You can enable/disable this in the Enable section!
  631. #Watchover Configuration
  632. #Watchover Items configuration can be found at the end of the config.yml file.
  634. Watchover:
  635. # This is for enabling or disabling the features staff players will get when they set on Watchover mode.
  636. # When configuring the gamemode the player will get, there are 3: Creative, God and default that is only Fly . If all of them are enabled and the player has permission for all of them, it will be given the first one in this list, in this case, Creative.
  637. Creative: true
  638. #Enable or Disable to give the gamemode creative. You need to have one of this permissions to be given this: - sf.watchover.creative ; - sf.watchover.* ; - sf.*
  639. Fakeleave: true
  640. #Enable or Disable to fakeleave the player when enabling watchover and to fakejoin the player when disabling watchover!
  641. God: true
  642. #Enable or Disable to give the god mode and fly. You need to have one of this permissions to be given this: - sf.watchover.god ; - sf.watchover.* ; - sf.*
  643. ItemsDrop: false
  644. #Enable or Disable the ability to drop Watchover and Staffwatch items to the floor. If true, player will be able to drop them. This system doesnt work on minecraft version 1.11.2
  645. KeepInventoryDie: true
  646. #Enable or Disable the ability to keep your inventory and xp level if you die while being in watchover mode.
  647. LastGameMode: true
  648. #Enable or Disable to save the player's last gamemode before he turn watchover on, so when he turns it off he gets back the gamemode he had. Also, if true, player will be set creative gamemode!
  649. LastLocation: true
  650. #Enable or Disable to save the player's last location before he turn watchover on, so when he turns it off he gets back where he was.
  651. Nightvision: true
  652. #Enable or Disable to set nightvision on the player when enabling watchover and to set it off when disabling watchover!
  653. Notification: true
  654. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has toggled watchover on/off.
  655. SaveInventory: true
  656. #Enable or Disable to save the player's inventory before he turn watchover on, so when he turns it off he gets his old inventory back.
  657. StayInGamemode: true
  658. #Enable or Disable this if you want a player to stay in their gamemode when watchover gives them god. If you set this to false, the player gamemode will be set to survival.
  659. Vanish: true
  660. #Enable or Disable to vanish the player when enabling watchover and to unvanish the player when disabling watchover!
  661. VanishCommand: "StaffFacilities:sf_vanish"
  662. #Set the vanish command that will be issued when setting watchover on and off.
  663. VanishDisableOff: true
  664. #Enable or Disable to disable vanish when the player sets watchover off. If true, when you get out of watchover, your vanish will be removed and you will be seen.
  665. CommandsSystem: true
  666. # Enable or Disable the WatchoverCommands system below.
  668. WatchoverCommands:
  669. #Here you can set the commands that will be executed when a player toggles on or off the watchover system. You can add and remove as many commands as you want. Remember to enable this system in the Watchover, CommandsSystem toggle (up this line).
  670. #You can add as many commands as you want, just follow this example.
  671. #The 1, 2, 3, etc. is the command number and the permission that will be used for that specified command. The player needs to have this permissions for each command to execute: - sf.watchover.command.LISTNUMBER
  672. #Performed by player means if you want the command to be executed as the player is it doing, and if false it means the CONSOLE is executing the command. If true, player is performing the command, if false, CONSOLE is performing the command.
  673. #Example of PerformedByPlayer? Lets say command /heal: if true, then it is like player is doing /heal ; if false, it is like console is doing /heal. What is the difference? That console will almost always have permission to perform commands, but sometimes some commands can only be performed by players.
  674. #CommandOn is for when player sets on watchover. Command Off is for when player disables watchover.
  675. #Use %player% to refer to the player whose watchover mode is activated or deactivated.
  676. '1':
  677. PerformedByPlayer: false
  678. CommandOn: 'pex group Watchover user add %player%'
  679. CommandOff: 'pex group Watchover user remove %player%'
  680. '2':
  681. PerformedByPlayer: false
  682. CommandOn: 'lp user %player% parent add watchover'
  683. CommandOff: 'lp user %player% parent remove watchover'
  684. '3':
  685. PerformedByPlayer: true
  686. CommandOn: 'heal'
  687. CommandOff: 'feed'
  690. RandomTeleport:
  691. # Here you can edit how the Random Teleport system of WatchOver will work:
  692. # If you set to false (RECOMMENDED), it will make a kind of list of all the players, and will start teleporting you to them.
  693. # If you set it to true, it will teleport you randomly to players. Maybe, it can teleport you to one player many times, cause it is random.
  694. Random: false
  695. # If a player has permission: - sf.randomteleport.bypass , it wont be considered in the random teleport! (For default, no one has that permission).
  697. #Here it is the list of worlds that will be ignored by the Random Telepory system. If a player is in this world, you wont be teleported there. This method is case sensitive.
  698. RandomTeleportBlacklistWorld:
  699. - World_Spawn_Test
  702. #Clicks Per Second Tester
  703. Cps:
  704. # This system is for enabling or disabling features of the CPS System!
  705. Intensive: true
  706. #If true, it will send all the clicks the target made each second. This is only for the Watchover CPS, the command already uses the intensive method.
  707. #How much seconds the test will last:
  708. cpstime: 10
  711. xRayFinder:
  712. # Here you can config the look of the xRay Finder GUI!
  713. Title: '&bxRay Finder'
  714. # Set the title of the inventory
  715. YBlock: 25
  716. # Edit in which Y block the finder will add a player to the list.
  717. SkullDisplayName: '&a%name%'
  718. # Set the display name of the item. You can use %name% or %displayname%
  719. SkullLores:
  720. - '&7Online: &b%online%'
  721. - '&7Display name: &b%displayname%'
  722. - '&7Location: &b%world% (&b%x%, &b&l%y%&r&b, %z%)'
  723. - '&7Right-click to teleport!'
  724. # Set the item lore the player's head will have. You can use this placeholders: %name%, %online%, %displayname%, %world%, %x%, %y%, %z%.
  725. # Also the lore messages are compatible with PlaceholderAPI (so you can use placeholders from other plugins)
  728. #Staffwatch Configuration
  729. #Staffwatch Items configuration can be found at the end of the config.yml file.
  731. Staffwatch:
  732. # This is for enabling or disabling the features staff players will get when they set on Staffwatch mode.
  733. Creative: false
  734. #Enable or Disable to set creative to the player when turn staffwatch on.
  735. Fakeleave: false
  736. #Enable or Disable to fakeleave the player when enabling staffwatch and to fakejoin the player when disabling staffwatch!
  737. KeepInventoryDie: true
  738. #Enable or Disable the ability to keep your inventory and xp level if you die while being in watchover mode.
  739. LastLocation: true
  740. #Enable or Disable to save the player's last location before he turn staffwatch on, so when he turns it off he gets back where he was.
  741. LastGameMode: true
  742. #Enable or Disable to save the player's last gamemode before he turn staffwatch on, so when he turns it off he gets back the gamemode he had.
  743. Nightvision: true
  744. #Enable or Disable to set nightvision on the player when enabling staffwatch and to set it off when disabling staffwatch!
  745. Notification: true
  746. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has toggled staffwatch on/off. The permission is: - sf.staffwatch.notification or - sf.staffwatch.*
  747. SaveInventory: true
  748. #Enable or Disable to save the player's inventory before he turn staffwatch on, so when he turns it off he gets his old inventory back.
  749. Staffvanish: true
  750. #Enable or Disable to staff vanish the player when enabling staffwatch and to staff unvanish the player when disabling staffwatch!
  751. StaffvanishCommand: "StaffFacilities:sf_staffvanish"
  752. #Set the staffvanish command that will be issued when setting staffwatch on and off.
  753. StaffvanishDisableOff: true
  754. #Enable or Disable to disable staff vanish when the player sets staffwatch off. If true, when you get out of staffwatch, your staffvanish will be removed and you will be seen.
  756. StaffViewer:
  757. # Here you can config the look of the Staff Viewer GUI!
  758. Title: '&3Staff Viewer List'
  759. # Set the title of the inventory
  760. SkullDisplayName: '&a%name%'
  761. # Set the display name of the item. You can use %name% or %displayname%
  762. SkullLores:
  763. - '&7Online: &b%online%'
  764. - '&7Rank: &b%rank%'
  765. - '&7Location: &b%world% (&b%x%, &b&l%y%&r&b, %z%)'
  766. - '&7Gamemode: &b%gamemode%'
  767. - '&7On Duty: &b%duty%'
  768. - '&7Fly: &b%fly%'
  769. - '&7God mode: &b%god%'
  770. - '&7Vanished: &b%vanished%'
  771. - '&7Fakeleaved: &b%fakeleaved%'
  772. - '&7Watchover: &b%watchover%'
  773. - '&7Staffwatch: &b%staffwatch%'
  774. - '&7Staffvanished: &b%staffvanished%'
  775. - ''
  776. - '&7Right-click to teleport!'
  777. # Set the item lore the player's head will have. You can use this placeholders: %name%, %online%, %displayname%, %world%, %x%, %y%, %z%, %rank%, %gamemode%, %duty%, %fly%, %god%, %vanished%, %fakeleaved%, %watchover%, %staffwatch%, %staffvanished%.
  778. # Also the lore messages are compatible with PlaceholderAPI (so you can use placeholders from other plugins)
  781. Alerts:
  782. FlyAttack: true
  783. # Enable or Disable the system to alert you when a player with fly attacks another player. To be alerted you need this permission: - sf.flyattack ; To bypass certain players you need this permission: - sf.flyattack.bypass
  784. JoinAlert: true
  785. # Enable or Disable the system to alert you when a player joins a server without permission (kicked for a reason). To be alerted you need this permission: - sf.joinalert
  786. NamedNotify: true
  787. # Enable or Disable the system to make a sound or chat message when your name is named in the chat. For this system you need to have this permission: - sf.namednotify ; To bypass certain players you need this permission: - sf.namednotify.bypass
  788. xRayNotify: true
  789. # Enable or Disable the system to alert you when a player mines certain block. For this system you need to have this permission: - sf.xraynotify ; To bypass certain players you need this permission: - sf.xraynotify.bypass
  792. FlyAttack:
  793. # FlyAttack alert configuration system.
  794. Cooldown: 15
  795. # Here you can set the alert cooldown in order to prevent spamming. The number will be interpreted as seconds. If you dont want cooldown, just set 0, but we aware of message spam.
  797. JoinAlert:
  798. # JoinAlert alert configuration system.
  799. Cooldown: 15
  800. # Here you can set the alert cooldown in order to prevent spamming. The number will be interpreted as seconds. If you dont want cooldown, just set 0, but we aware of message spam.
  803. NamedNotify:
  804. # Here you can edit the NamedNotify system. You can enable or disable it in the Enable section! In order to receive the alerts you need this permission: - sf.namednotify
  805. # You can change the chat message in the english or spanish file! Placeholders available: %player%, %player_displayname%, %apostrophe%, %message%
  806. CaseSensitive: false
  807. # If true, the plugin will count caps when checking if a player was named, if false, it wont care about caps.
  808. Chat: true
  809. # If Chat true it will send you a message saying a player named you on the chat.
  810. Sound: true
  811. # If Sound true it will make a sound every time a player names you on chat (if you have the Spam system activated if player spams your name it wont sound)
  814. xRayNotify:
  815. # Here you can edit the xRay alert system. You can enable or disable it in the Enable section! This system can be bypassed with this permission: - sf.xrayalert.bypass
  816. YBlock: 40
  817. # Edit in which Y block the alert will happen. You can set this higher or lower, as you prefer.
  818. Cooldown: 10
  819. # Here you can set an alert cooldown in order to prevent block breaking spamming. The number will be interpreted as seconds. If you dont want cooldown, just set 0, but we aware of message spam.
  820. Lightlevel: true
  821. # Only report on low light level. Light level is the number of light the block had when it was broken. Meaning 15 max brightness and 0 max darkness.
  822. Lightalert: 15
  823. # If you set Lightlevel to true, this is the number of light which has to be equal or lower in order to receive an alert. Meaning 15 max brightness and 0 max darkness.
  824. xRayNotifyBlocks:
  825. - DIAMOND_ORE
  826. - EMERALD_ORE
  828. - MOB_SPAWNER
  829. xRayNotifyBypassWorlds:
  830. # Here you can add worlds that wont be taken into account for the xRay Alert system!
  831. - World_Test
  832. - World_Test_nether
  836. ################################################
  837. # Staff Features #
  838. ################################################
  842. #HelpMe Tag Edit!
  843. #Edit how the helpme message would look!
  844. helpme: '&e[&6&lHelpMe&e] &a%sender%: &b%message%'
  845. helpme_bungeecord: '&e[&6&lHelpMe &e- &6&l%server%&e] &a%sender%: &b%message%'
  847. #Report Tag Edit!
  848. #Edit how the report message would look!
  849. report: '&c[&4&lReport&c] &a%sender%: &b%message%'
  850. report_bungeecord: '&c[&4&lReport &c- &4&l%server%&c] &a%sender%: &b%message%'
  852. #Answer Tag Edit!
  853. #Edit how the answer message would look!
  854. answer: '&b[&a&lAnswer&b] &d%sender%: &9%message%'
  855. answer_bungeecord: '&b[&a&lAnswer &b- &a&l%server%&b] &d%sender%: &9%message%'
  856. staffanswer: '&b[&a&lAnswer&b] &d%sender% -> %target%: &9%message%'
  857. staffanswer_bungeecord: '&b[&a&lAnswer&b]] &d%sender% -> %target%: &9%message%'
  858. #Edit how the answer message would look if the sender is fakeleaved!
  859. answerfakeleave: '&b[&a&lAnswer&b] &dStaff: &9%message%'
  860. staffanswerfakeleave: '&b[&a&lAnswer&b] &dStaff -> %target%: &9%message%'
  863. #Set the StaffChat format on minecraft server
  864. StaffChatFormat: '&8[&bStaff Chat&8] &9%name%&7: &r&b%message%'
  865. StaffChatFormatBungee: '&8[&bStaff Chat &8- &b%server%&8] &9%name%&7: &r&b%message%'
  866. StaffChatFormatDiscord: '&8[&bStaff Chat &8- &bDiscord&8] &9%displayname%&7: &r&b%message%'
  867. # This is the format for the Staff Chat. When you send a message this format will be used.
  868. # You can use %name% to just put the name or %displayname% to put the name with the rank/color the player has. %message% is to put the message the player is sending.
  870. #Set the StaffChat format that will be sent to the discord server
  871. StaffChatFormatDiscordServer: '[Staff Chat] %name%: %message%'
  872. StaffChatFormatDiscordServerBungee: '[Staff Chat - %server%] %name%: %message%'
  874. Staff Chat Message Alias: 'staffchat'
  875. # This is an optional alias to replace /sc command. If you leave this empty then this feature is disabled.
  878. TimeFormat: "dd/MM/yyyy - HH:mm"
  879. # Set this string as the time format for reports and other features which show date. This feature will be used for reports, so it is important to leave hours and seconds here.
  880. # You can use this wiki for in depth help:
  883. PlayerInfo:
  884. # Here you can enable/disable with a true or false the information /playerinfo command gives to you.
  885. DisplayName: true
  886. Online: true
  887. Whitelisted: true
  888. PlayedBefore: true
  889. IP: false
  890. UUID: true
  891. Ping: true
  892. OP: true
  893. OnDuty: true
  894. Vanished: true
  895. Gamemode: true
  896. FlyMode: true
  897. GodMode: true
  898. Health: true
  899. Hunger: true
  900. Exp: true
  901. Location: true
  902. ItemInHand: true
  903. Banned: true
  906. #StaffListConfiguration
  908. StaffList:
  909. # Here you can config the look of the /staff GUI and some perks!
  910. Enable:
  911. BypassPermissionHideGUI: false
  912. # Enable or Disable that staff players with the permission: sf.stafflist.bypass will be always hidden from the staff GUI. This permission may not work correctly with some permissions plugins if you are OP and may hide you despite you having the permission negative (tested it with LuckPerms works fine)
  913. DutyHideStaffGUI: false
  914. # Enable or Disable that off duty players will be hidden from /staff GUI list. (If true, only on duty players will be shown in /staff)
  915. VanishHideStaffGUI: true
  916. # Enable or Disable that vanished/staffvanished players will be hidden from /staff GUI list. (Fakeleaved players will be always hidden from /staff GUI)
  917. Title: '&bOnline Staff List'
  918. # Set the title of the inventory
  919. SkullDisplayName: '&a%name%'
  920. # Set the display name of the item. You can use %name% or %displayname%
  921. SkullLores:
  922. - '&7Online: &b%online%'
  923. - '&7On Duty: &b%duty%'
  924. - '&7Rank: &b%rank%'
  925. # Set the item lore the player's head will have. You can use this placeholders: %name%, %online%, %displayname%, %duty%, %rank%.
  926. # Also the lore messages are compatible with PlaceholderAPI (so you can use placeholders from other plugins)
  928. StaffRanks:
  929. #Here you can set the look of the rank tag which appers in /staff and the StaffViewer from StaffWatch.
  930. #You can add as many ranks as you want, just follow this example.
  931. #The 1, 2, 3, etc. is just a number to keep order. For the player to have a rank, he needs the permission: sf.staffgroup.PermissionEnding ; For example: sf.staffgroup.owner , or sf.staffgroup.admin , etc.
  932. '1':
  933. RankTag: '&4Owner'
  934. PermissionEnding: 'owner'
  935. '2':
  936. RankTag: '&cHeadAdmin'
  937. PermissionEnding: 'headadmin'
  938. '3':
  939. RankTag: '&cAdmin'
  940. PermissionEnding: 'admin'
  941. '4':
  942. RankTag: '&5Moderator'
  943. PermissionEnding: 'mod'
  944. '5':
  945. RankTag: '&5SeniorModerator'
  946. PermissionEnding: 'srmod'
  947. '6':
  948. RankTag: '&eHelper'
  949. PermissionEnding: 'helper'
  950. '7':
  951. RankTag: '&bBuilder'
  952. PermissionEnding: 'builder'
  953. '8':
  954. RankTag: '&dMasterBuilder'
  955. PermissionEnding: 'masterbuilder'
  956. '9':
  957. RankTag: '&9Developer'
  958. PermissionEnding: 'developer'
  959. '10':
  960. RankTag: '&aManager'
  961. PermissionEnding: 'manager'
  963. #If player doesnt have any rank permission, but the plugin recognizes it as a staff member, then it will set the default rank tag (Please dont delete it).
  964. DefaultStaffRank: '&7Not Specified'
  966. DutyManagement:
  967. # Here you can manage what an off duty staff member can do/receive. You can bypass this system with the permission: - sf.dutymanagement.bypass (For default, no one has permission)
  968. # Everything is false, if you set to true, a player will have to be on duty to perform those commands or receive those notifications.
  969. AnswerReceive: false
  970. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will receive answers notifications. If true he will not receive answers messages if he is off duty.
  971. FlyAttack: false
  972. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will be notified if a player with fly enabled attacks another player. If true he will not be notified if he is off duty.
  973. HelpmeReceive: false
  974. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will receive helpme notifications. If true he will not receive helpme messages if he is off duty.
  975. JoinAlert: false
  976. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will be notified if a player tried to join the server but it was denied. If true he will not be notified if he is off duty.
  977. NamedNotify: true
  978. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will be notified with a sound if someone says his name. If true he will not be notified with a sound if he is off duty.
  979. ReportsReceive: false
  980. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will receive reports notifications. If true he will not receive reports if he is off duty.
  981. SpfahReceive: false
  982. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will receive spfah notifications. If true he will not receive the spfah message saying a player has been blocked or unblocked if he is off duty.
  983. SpfrReceive: false
  984. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will receive spfr notifications. If true he will not receive the spfr message saying a player has been blocked or unblocked if he is off duty.
  985. WarnReceive: false
  986. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will receive warns notifications. If true he will not receive warns notifications if he is off duty.
  987. TPCommandUse: true
  988. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will be able to perform a tp command. If true he will not be able to perform that command if he is off duty.
  989. TPAllCommandUse: false
  990. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will be able to perform a tpall command. If true he will not be able to perform that command if he is off duty.
  991. TPHereCommandUse: true
  992. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will be able to perform a tphere command. If true he will not be able to perform that command if he is off duty.
  993. TPPOSCommandUse: false
  994. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will be able to perform a tppos command. If true he will not be able to perform that command if he is off duty.
  995. xRayNotify: true
  996. # Enable or Disable if a player off duty will receive be notified if someone mines special ores. If true he will not be notified if he is off duty.
  997. CommandsSystem: true
  998. # Enable or Disable the DutyCommands system below.
  1000. DutyConfiguration:
  1001. # Here you can enable some perks that happen when a player sets itself on duty. DutyManagement is for what commands can only on duty player perform and what systems can only be used on a player on duty (For default all DutyManagement features are disabled).
  1002. Notification: true
  1003. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has is OnDuty and OffDuty.
  1004. TabColor:
  1005. Enable: true
  1006. # Enable or Disable on duty players to appear in a special color in the tab. Every time you reload your server (the plugin enables) your players tab name will get back to normal, take that into account if you have a plugin which modifies your tab player's name.
  1007. CommandsSystem: false
  1008. # Enable or Disable the DutyCommands system below.
  1010. DutyCommands:
  1011. #Here you can set the commands that will be executed when a player sets On Duty and Off Duty. You can add and remove as many commands as you want. Remember to enable this system in the DutyManagement, CommandsSystem toggle (up this line).
  1012. #You can add as many commands as you want, just follow this example.
  1013. #The 1, 2, 3, etc. is the command number and the permission that will be used for that specified command. The player needs to have this permissions for each command to execute: - sf.duty.command.LISTNUMBER
  1014. #Performed by player means if you want the command to be executed as the player is it doing, and if false it means the CONSOLE is executing the command. If true, player is performing the command, if false, CONSOLE is performing the command.
  1015. #Example of PerformedByPlayer? Lets say command /heal: if true, then it is like player is doing /heal ; if false, it is like console is doing /heal. What is the difference? That console will almost always have permission to perform commands, but sometimes some commands can only be performed by players.
  1016. #CommandOn is for when player sets On Duty. Command Off is for when player sets Off Duty.
  1017. #Use %player% to refer to the player whose duty is activated or deactivated.
  1018. '1':
  1019. PerformedByPlayer: false
  1020. CommandOn: 'pex group Duty user add %player%'
  1021. CommandOff: 'pex group Duty user remove %player%'
  1022. '2':
  1023. PerformedByPlayer: false
  1024. CommandOn: 'pex user %player% add sf.gamemode.creative'
  1025. CommandOff: 'pex user %player% remove sf.gamemode.creative'
  1026. '3':
  1027. PerformedByPlayer: false
  1028. CommandOn: 'gm creative %player%'
  1029. CommandOff: 'gm survival %player%'
  1031. # This is the color format placeholders will have if player is in those modes. For example, if player is on duty, it will have the format set on DutyTabColor, and if player is not on duty, it will be blank.
  1032. # You can check the placeholders in the overview page of the plugin!
  1033. # You can use as placeholders: %name% (plane text name), %displayname% (name with rank and correct colors) and if you have Essentials: %group% (shows the group name in plain text).
  1034. # This also compatible with PlaceholderAPI, meaning you can add placeholders from other plugins.
  1035. TabPlaceholders:
  1036. DutyTabColor: "&b[&3On Duty&b]"
  1037. FakeleaveTabColor: "&7[&8Fakeleft&7]"
  1038. FreezeTabColor: "&9[&bFrozen&9]"
  1039. StaffvanishTabColor: "&9[&bStaffVanished&9]"
  1040. VanishTabColor: "&2[&aVanished&2]"
  1042. #Anti Advertise Configuration
  1043. AntiAdvertise:
  1044. Enabled: false
  1045. #Enable or Disable the AntiAdvertise system. Bypass: - sf.antiadvertise.bypass
  1046. Kick: false
  1047. #Enable or Disable the AntiAdvertise kick system.
  1049. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1050. AntiAdvertiseWhiteList:
  1051. - 199.999.99.99
  1052. -
  1053. -
  1054. -
  1055. -
  1056. -
  1059. #Anti Caps Configuration
  1060. AntiCaps:
  1061. Enabled: true
  1062. #Enable or Disable the AntiCaps system. Bypass: - sf.anticaps.bypass
  1063. MinimumCaps: 4
  1064. #This is the amount of caps in which the plugin will start to block. For example if you write only GOOD, the message will be send as it is. But if you write GREAT the message will be send as Great.
  1065. PercentageOfCaps: 50.0
  1066. #This is the percentage of caps that can be send in a message!
  1069. #Anti Flood Configuration
  1070. AntiFlood:
  1071. Enabled: true
  1072. #Enable or Disable the AntiFlood system. Bypass: - sf.antiflood.bypass
  1073. DelayBetweenMessages: 1
  1074. #This is the delay in seconds that a player will have to wait before sending a message.
  1077. #Anti Swear Configuration
  1078. AntiSwear:
  1079. Enabled: true
  1080. #Enable or Disable the AntiSwear system. Bypass: - sf.antiswear.bypass or - sf.antiswear.*
  1081. Kick: false
  1082. #Enable or Disable the AntiSwear kick system. If you want your staff to be notified about the kick: - sf.antiswear.notify or - sf.antiswear.*
  1083. SensitivityDetector: 1
  1084. #This is the sensitivity the plugin will use to check the words. It is recommended to put 1, if you put bigger, the detector may have false-positives. For example: If you have the word
  1085. #shit and the sensitivity is 2 or + and a player writes: "She is a terrorist", the plugin will think he is using the word shit (because it has a detector to prevent bypasses) [SHe Is a Terrorist].
  1086. #You can also set sensitivity to 0 and there will be no false positives. Plugin will only detect the complete word.
  1087. SwearReplace: true
  1088. #If true, the plugin will change the insults into the replacement. This method is not as sensitive as blocking the world. With this method there will be ways to override the system. Recommended to false.
  1089. SwearReplacement: '****'
  1090. #The replacement of an insult.
  1092. #This is the list of the words that will be blocked to say!
  1093. words-antiswear:
  1094. - shit
  1095. - nigger
  1096. - fuck
  1097. - bitch
  1098. - dick
  1100. #Put words here that you want to be unblocked from the words list. For example, if you write ass the plugin will detect it as an insult, but if you write assassin it will be detected too. So you
  1101. #put it in this list and it will be unblocked.
  1102. unblockedwords-antiswear:
  1103. - assassin
  1104. - assault
  1105. - assembly
  1106. - asset
  1107. - assume
  1108. - bypass
  1109. - compass
  1110. - glass
  1111. - glasses
  1112. - beach
  1113. - peach
  1114. - cocktail
  1115. - pussycat
  1116. - dingdong
  1117. - ding_dong
  1118. - dickens
  1119. - wish
  1120. - wish_it
  1121. - crap
  1122. - as_soon
  1123. - as_soon_as
  1124. - doing
  1125. - count
  1126. - shiftty
  1127. - shifty
  1128. - shift
  1129. - was hitting
  1131. #CommandSpy Management
  1132. #This commands will be avoided from the detection of CommandSpy. This can be used in order to protect privacy for commands such as /login.
  1133. CommandSpyAvoidedCommands:
  1134. - register
  1135. - reg
  1136. - login
  1137. - l
  1138. - changepassword
  1139. - unregister
  1142. #Hacksucate Configuration
  1143. Hacksucate:
  1144. Enabled: true
  1145. #Enable or Disable the hacksucate system.
  1146. Message: '&cDont hacksucate in chat! Use &4/report &cif you think that someone is hacking.'
  1147. #Message sent to the player who hacksucates
  1148. EnableCommand: false
  1149. #Enable with a true or false if a command should be sent if a player hacksucates!
  1150. Command: 'warn %player% dont hacksucate!'
  1151. #Set the command that will be executed when a player hacksucates. This command will be sent by the console. To get the player name just put %player%
  1152. #You can use commands like warn, kick, jail, or whatever thing comes into your mind!
  1154. #This is the list of the words that will be blocked to say!
  1155. words-hacksucate:
  1156. - hack
  1157. - hacker
  1159. #If any word is detected by the hacksucate system and it shouldnt be, add it to the list and it wont be used as a hacksucate word. Back isnt detected but its an example of how to add it.
  1160. unblockedwords-hacksucate:
  1161. - whack
  1162. - shack
  1163. - thack
  1166. #BlackListWorld
  1167. BlackListWorld:
  1168. # BlackListWorld is a system which will disable the following modes depending on the world you are. For example, you may allow your players to use /fly but you dont want them to use it on a Factions world. You may have denied
  1169. # the permission to use /fly on that world, but your players may toggle /fly on Survival and then go to Factions, so this system will prevent that!
  1170. Fly: true
  1171. #Add this system to the fly mode! Bypass permissions: - ; - sf.blacklistworldbypass.* ; - sf.*
  1172. God: true
  1173. #Add this system to the god mode! Bypass permissions: - sf.blacklistworldbypass.god ; - sf.blacklistworldbypass.* ; - sf.*
  1174. #Here it is the list of worlds you can set for fly or god. If disabled, this list wont be taken into account!
  1175. FlyBlacklistWorld:
  1176. - World_PvP_Test
  1177. GodBlacklistWorld:
  1178. - World_PvP_Test
  1181. #FreezeManagement
  1182. #This commands will be allowed to use while freeze, commands which arent in this list, wont be allowed to use!
  1183. FreezeAllowedCommands:
  1184. - helpme
  1185. - report
  1186. - birthday
  1187. - donate
  1188. - email
  1189. - facebook
  1190. - forum
  1191. - instagram
  1192. - ip
  1193. - rules
  1194. - skype
  1195. - teamspeak3
  1196. - twitch
  1197. - twitter
  1198. - website
  1199. - whatsapp
  1200. - youtube
  1201. - staff
  1202. - login
  1203. - register
  1204. - log
  1205. - reg
  1206. - helpop
  1207. - msg
  1208. - pm
  1209. - r
  1210. - list
  1211. - frozen
  1214. #Chat Management
  1215. ChatToggles:
  1216. #Enable or disable with true or false some clearchat and chatmute features.
  1217. ChatMuteDisableCommands: false
  1218. #Enable or Disable the possibility of sending commands while the chat is muted (If you have you can send them).
  1219. ChatMuteNotification: true
  1220. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has muted or unmuted the server's chat.
  1221. ChatMuteTalkNotification: true
  1222. #Enable or Disable the notification of why you cant talk (Chat muted).
  1223. ClearChatMessagesNumber: 100
  1224. #Set the number of blank messages that will be sent for clearing chat. This is useful if people have mods that extends the size of chat. 100 is for regular Minecraft clients.
  1225. ClearchatNotification: true
  1226. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has cleared the server's chat.
  1229. #This commands will be allowed to use while the chat is muted, commands which arent in this list, wont be allowed to use!
  1230. #Remember to allow in the Enable section the ChatMuteDisableCommands in order to disable commands while chat is muted!
  1231. ChatmuteAllowedCommands:
  1232. - helpme
  1233. - report
  1234. - birthday
  1235. - donate
  1236. - email
  1237. - facebook
  1238. - forum
  1239. - instagram
  1240. - ip
  1241. - rules
  1242. - skype
  1243. - teamspeak3
  1244. - twitch
  1245. - twitter
  1246. - website
  1247. - whatsapp
  1248. - youtube
  1249. - staff
  1250. - login
  1251. - register
  1252. - home
  1253. - sethome
  1254. - warp
  1255. - spawn
  1256. - hub
  1257. - lobby
  1258. - msg
  1259. - r
  1262. #Anti Help Configuration
  1263. AntiHelp:
  1264. Enabled: false
  1265. #Enable or Disable the system to prevent players from using /help or the /? command. Bypass: - sf.antihelp.bypass
  1266. Notification: true
  1267. #Enable or Disable the system to notify the staff that a player has used the /help or the /? command. Staff permission: - sf.antihelp.notify
  1269. #This commands will be considered by the AntiHelp system. You can enable/disable this system up here!
  1270. AntiHelpCommands:
  1271. - help
  1272. - "bukkit:help"
  1273. - ?
  1274. - "bukkit:?"
  1277. #Anti Plugins Configuration
  1278. AntiPlugins:
  1279. Enabled: true
  1280. #Enable or Disable the system to prevent players from using /plugins, the /pl and the /bukkit:pl command. Bypass: - sf.antiplugins.bypass
  1281. Notification: true
  1282. #Enable or Disable the system to notify the staff that a player has used the /plugins, the /pl and the /bukkit:pl command. Staff permission: - sf.antiplugins.notify
  1284. #This commands will be considered by the AntiPlugins system. You can enable/disable this system up here!
  1285. AntiPluginsCommands:
  1286. - plugins
  1287. - pl
  1288. - "bukkit:pl"
  1291. #Anti Version Configuration
  1292. AntiVersion:
  1293. Enabled: true
  1294. #Enable or Disable the system to prevent players from using /version, the /ver or the /about command. Bypass: - sf.antiversion.bypass
  1295. Notification: true
  1296. #Enable or Disable the system to notify the staff that a player has used the /version, the /ver or the /about command. Staff permission: - sf.antiversion.notify
  1298. #This commands will be considered by the AntiVersion system. You can enable/disable this system up here!
  1299. AntiVersionCommands:
  1300. - version
  1301. - ver
  1302. - about
  1303. - icanhasbukkit
  1306. #This commands will be considered by the AntiTAB system. You can enable/disable this system in the Enable section!
  1307. AntiTABCommands:
  1308. - 'pl'
  1309. - 'plugins'
  1310. - 'ver'
  1311. - 'version'
  1312. - 'about'
  1313. - 'icanhasbukkit'
  1314. - 'bukkit:?'
  1315. - 'bukkit:pl'
  1316. - 'bukkit:plugins'
  1317. - 'bukkit:about'
  1318. - 'bukkit:help'
  1319. - 'bukkit:ver'
  1320. - 'bukkit:version'
  1321. - 'minecraft:help'
  1322. - 'minecraft:me'
  1323. - '?'
  1324. #- 'help'
  1327. ################################################
  1328. # Lists #
  1329. ################################################
  1332. #Rules
  1333. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1334. #Placeholders you can use: %actual_page%, %max_pages% , %next_page% , %apostrophe% , %player% , %player_displayname%
  1335. #To create a new page write this: %create_page%
  1336. RulesHeader: '&6===== &cServer Rules - Page %actual_page%/%max_pages% &6====='
  1337. RulesFoot: '&7Type &8/rules %next_page% &7to see the next page.'
  1338. Rules:
  1339. #- '&bThis are the server rules &3%player%&b!'
  1340. #- '&b1. &aNo hacking.'
  1341. #- '&b2. &aRespect.'
  1342. #- '&b3. &aEnjoy the server.'
  1343. #- '%create_page%'
  1344. #- '&aCool, you are in page 2!'
  1345. #- '%create_page%'
  1346. #- '&aCool, you are in page 3!'
  1347. #- '%create_page%'
  1348. #- '&b4. &aYeah, this is the fourth page.'
  1349. #- '&b5. &aYou can create tons of them.'
  1350. - '&b1. &aNo hacking.'
  1351. - '&b2. &aNo Spam or excessive Caps.'
  1352. - '&b3. &aNo griefing.'
  1353. - '&b3. &aNo AFK machines. Auto kill is allowed.'
  1354. - '&b4. &aNo Cheating.'
  1355. - '&b5. &aNo Exploiting.'
  1356. - '&b6. &aNo Trolling.'
  1357. - '&b7. &aNo Advertising.'
  1358. - '&b8. &aNo Extreme Language.'
  1360. #Birthday
  1361. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1362. BirthdayHeader: '&6-- Birthday List --'
  1363. Birthday:
  1364. - '&a The server Birthday:'
  1365. - '&b 20th of June 2016'
  1367. #Discord
  1368. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1369. DiscordHeader: '&6-- Discord Server --'
  1370. Discord:
  1371. - '&a Join our discord server at:'
  1372. - '&b'
  1374. #Donate
  1375. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1376. DonateHeader: '&6-- Donation Link(s) --'
  1377. Donate:
  1378. - '&a Donate here:'
  1379. - '&b'
  1381. #Email
  1382. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1383. EmailHeader: '&6-- Email List--'
  1384. Email:
  1385. - '&a The server Email:'
  1386. - '&b'
  1388. #Facebook
  1389. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1390. FacebookHeader: '&6-- Facebook Link(s) --'
  1391. Facebook:
  1392. - '&aFacebook account:'
  1393. - '&b-'
  1395. #Forum
  1396. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1397. ForumHeader: '&6--Forum Link(s) --'
  1398. Forum:
  1399. - '&aForum websites:'
  1400. - '&'
  1402. #Instagram
  1403. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1404. InstagramHeader: '&6-- Instagram Link(s) --'
  1405. Instagram:
  1406. - '&aServer Instagram:'
  1407. - '&b-'
  1409. #Ip
  1410. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1411. IpHeader: '&6-- Server Ips --'
  1412. Ip:
  1413. - '&aThe server Ips:'
  1414. - '&'
  1416. #Skype
  1417. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1418. SkypeHeader: '&6-- Skype Link(s)--'
  1419. Skype:
  1420. - '&aSkype account:'
  1421. - '&b- myskypeuseraccount'
  1423. #Teamspeak3
  1424. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1425. Teamspeak3Header: '&6-- Teamspeak3 Server(s) --'
  1426. Teamspeak3:
  1427. - '&aTeamspeak3 server:'
  1428. - '& &bPassword Box987'
  1430. #Twitch
  1431. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1432. TwitchHeader: '&6-- Twitch Link(s) --'
  1433. Twitch:
  1434. - '&aTwitch channel:'
  1435. - '&b'
  1437. #Twitter
  1438. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1439. TwitterHeader: '&6-- Twitter Link(s) --'
  1440. Twitter:
  1441. - '&aTwitter account:'
  1442. - '&b- @MyBeautifulServer'
  1444. #Website
  1445. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1446. WebsiteHeader: '&6-- Website Link(s) --'
  1447. Website:
  1448. #- '&aServer websites:'
  1449. #- '&'
  1450. #- '&'
  1451. - ''
  1453. #Wiki
  1454. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1455. WikiHeader: '&6-- Wiki Link(s) --'
  1456. Wiki:
  1457. #- '&aWiki sites:'
  1458. #- '&b-'
  1459. #- '&b-'
  1460. - ''
  1462. #Whatsapp
  1463. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1464. WhatsappHeader: '&6-- Whatsapp Number(s) --'
  1465. Whatsapp:
  1466. - '&aWhatsapp group:'
  1467. - '&b- +111 1111-1111'
  1469. #Youtube
  1470. #List you get when sending this command (In this list you can send whatever message you want! Inspire yourself!):
  1471. YoutubeHeader: '&6-- Youtube Link(s) --'
  1472. Youtube:
  1473. #- '&aYoutube channels:'
  1474. #- '&'
  1475. - ''
  1479. ################################################
  1480. # Items Configuration #
  1481. ################################################
  1484. WatchoverItems:
  1485. #Here you can set the items that will be added to the player inventory when he toggles watchover mode on. You can add as many items as you want. You can follow my working example and/or edit it.
  1486. #The 1, 2, 3, etc. is the item number and it is just a way of organizing and letting you know if there is a problem, you can write whatever you want there.
  1487. #In DisplayName you can set the name of the item.
  1488. #In Material you can set the type of item it will be.
  1489. #Slot Number is the place of the inventory it will be located. Hotbar slots goes from 0 to 8. (Yes, they are 9 slots but it starts in 0)
  1490. #In event you can set two of them:
  1491. # - INTERACT: If you write INTERACT, then every time the player interacts witht he item (left or right click), the command or action will be performed.
  1492. # - INTERACTENTITY: If you write INTERACTENTITY, then every time the player right clicks another player with the item, the command or action will be performed.
  1493. #In PerformsCommand you can set in Enable if you want a command to be performed. In PerformedByPlayer if true, player is performing the command, if false, CONSOLE is performing the command, and in command you can set the command that will be executed (without /)
  1494. #In PerformsAction you can set in Enable if you want an action to be performed. And in Action, the type of action. Here you have the list of available actions:
  1495. # - CPS: will perform a CPS test to the target ; This action requires INTERACTENTITY event
  1496. # - FOLLOW: will ride a target player ; This action requires INTERACTENTITY event
  1497. # - RANDOMTELEPORT: will randomly teleport you to a player ; This action requires INTERACT event
  1498. # - STAFFVIEWER: will open the Staff Viewer GUI to see all online staff players ; This action requires INTERACT event
  1499. # - XRAYFINDER: will open the xRay Finder GUI to see players below an specified Y block; This action requires INTERACT event
  1500. #In both commands or actions you can use: %player% for both INTERACT and INTERACTENTITY, and you can use %target% ONLY in INTERACTENTITY (in INTERACT event it wont work as it doesnt recognize if a player is clicked or not)
  1501. '1':
  1502. DisplayName: '&e&lStaff Panel'
  1503. Material: 'ENCHANTED_BOOK'
  1504. SlotNumber: 0
  1505. Event: 'Interact'
  1506. PerformsCommand:
  1507. Enabled: true
  1508. PerformedByPlayer: true
  1509. Command: 'sf_staffpanel'
  1510. PerformsAction:
  1511. Enabled: false
  1512. Action: ''
  1513. '2':
  1514. DisplayName: '&e&lxRay Finder'
  1515. Material: 'DIAMOND_PICKAXE'
  1516. SlotNumber: 1
  1517. Event: 'Interact'
  1518. PerformsCommand:
  1519. Enabled: false
  1520. PerformedByPlayer: false
  1521. Command: ''
  1522. PerformsAction:
  1523. Enabled: true
  1524. Action: 'XRAYFINDER'
  1525. '3':
  1526. DisplayName: '&e&lRandom Teleport'
  1527. Material: 'NETHER_STAR'
  1528. SlotNumber: 2
  1529. Event: 'Interact'
  1530. PerformsCommand:
  1531. Enabled: false
  1532. PerformedByPlayer: false
  1533. Command: ''
  1534. PerformsAction:
  1535. Enabled: true
  1536. Action: 'RANDOMTELEPORT'
  1537. '4':
  1538. DisplayName: '&e&lVanish'
  1539. Material: 'EXP_BOTTLE'
  1540. SlotNumber: 4
  1541. Event: 'Interact'
  1542. PerformsCommand:
  1543. Enabled: true
  1544. PerformedByPlayer: true
  1545. Command: 'sf_vanish'
  1546. PerformsAction:
  1547. Enabled: false
  1548. Action: ''
  1549. '5':
  1550. DisplayName: '&e&lInspect a Player'
  1551. Material: 'BLAZE_ROD'
  1552. SlotNumber: 6
  1553. Event: 'InteractEntity'
  1554. PerformsCommand:
  1555. Enabled: true
  1556. PerformedByPlayer: true
  1557. Command: 'sf_inspect %target%'
  1558. PerformsAction:
  1559. Enabled: false
  1560. Action: ''
  1561. '6':
  1562. DisplayName: '&e&lCheck Player Clicks Per Second'
  1563. Material: 'WATCH'
  1564. SlotNumber: 7
  1565. Event: 'InteractEntity'
  1566. PerformsCommand:
  1567. Enabled: false
  1568. PerformedByPlayer: false
  1569. Command: ''
  1570. PerformsAction:
  1571. Enabled: true
  1572. Action: 'CPS'
  1573. '7':
  1574. DisplayName: '&e&lDisable Watchover'
  1575. Material: 'MAGMA_CREAM'
  1576. SlotNumber: 8
  1577. Event: 'Interact'
  1578. PerformsCommand:
  1579. Enabled: true
  1580. PerformedByPlayer: true
  1581. Command: 'sf_watchover'
  1582. PerformsAction:
  1583. Enabled: false
  1584. Action: ''
  1587. StaffwatchItems:
  1588. #Here you can set the items that will be added to the player inventory when he toggles staffwatch mode on. You can add as many items as you want. You can follow my working example and/or edit it.
  1589. #The 1, 2, 3, etc. is the item number and it is just a way of organizing and letting you know if there is a problem, you can write whatever you want there.
  1590. #In DisplayName you can set the name of the item.
  1591. #In Material you can set the type of item it will be.
  1592. #Slot Number is the place of the inventory it will be located. Hotbar slots goes from 0 to 8. (Yes, they are 9 slots but it starts in 0)
  1593. #In event you can set two of them:
  1594. # - INTERACT: If you write INTERACT, then every time the player interacts witht he item (left or right click), the command or action will be performed.
  1595. # - INTERACTENTITY: If you write INTERACTENTITY, then every time the player right clicks another player with the item, the command or action will be performed.
  1596. #In PerformsCommand you can set in Enable if you want a command to be performed. In PerformedByPlayer if true, player is performing the command, if false, CONSOLE is performing the command, and in command you can set the command that will be executed (without /)
  1597. #In PerformsAction you can set in Enable if you want an action to be performed. And in Action, the type of action. Here you have the list of available actions:
  1598. # - CPS: will perform a CPS test to the target ; This action requires INTERACTENTITY event
  1599. # - FOLLOW: will ride a target player ; This action requires INTERACTENTITY event
  1600. # - RANDOMTELEPORT: will randomly teleport you to a player ; This action requires INTERACT event
  1601. # - STAFFVIEWER: will open the Staff Viewer GUI to see all online staff players ; This action requires INTERACT event
  1602. # - XRAYFINDER: will open the xRay Finder GUI to see players below an specified Y block; This action requires INTERACT event
  1603. #In both commands or actions you can use: %player% for both INTERACT and INTERACTENTITY, and you can use %target% ONLY in INTERACTENTITY (in INTERACT event it wont work as it doesnt recognize if a player is clicked or not)
  1604. '1':
  1605. DisplayName: '&e&lStaff Panel'
  1606. Material: 'ENCHANTED_BOOK'
  1607. SlotNumber: 0
  1608. Event: 'Interact'
  1609. PerformsCommand:
  1610. Enabled: true
  1611. PerformedByPlayer: true
  1612. Command: 'sf_staffpanel'
  1613. PerformsAction:
  1614. Enabled: false
  1615. Action: ''
  1616. '2':
  1617. DisplayName: '&e&lxRay Finder'
  1618. Material: 'DIAMOND_PICKAXE'
  1619. SlotNumber: 1
  1620. Event: 'Interact'
  1621. PerformsCommand:
  1622. Enabled: false
  1623. PerformedByPlayer: false
  1624. Command: ''
  1625. PerformsAction:
  1626. Enabled: true
  1627. Action: 'XRAYFINDER'
  1628. '3':
  1629. DisplayName: '&e&lRandom Teleport'
  1630. Material: 'NETHER_STAR'
  1631. SlotNumber: 2
  1632. Event: 'Interact'
  1633. PerformsCommand:
  1634. Enabled: false
  1635. PerformedByPlayer: false
  1636. Command: ''
  1637. PerformsAction:
  1638. Enabled: true
  1639. Action: 'RANDOMTELEPORT'
  1640. '4':
  1641. DisplayName: '&e&lStaff Vanish'
  1642. Material: 'EXP_BOTTLE'
  1643. SlotNumber: 4
  1644. Event: 'Interact'
  1645. PerformsCommand:
  1646. Enabled: true
  1647. PerformedByPlayer: true
  1648. Command: 'sf_staffvanish'
  1649. PerformsAction:
  1650. Enabled: false
  1651. Action: ''
  1652. '5':
  1653. DisplayName: '&e&lInspect a Player'
  1654. Material: 'BLAZE_ROD'
  1655. SlotNumber: 6
  1656. Event: 'InteractEntity'
  1657. PerformsCommand:
  1658. Enabled: true
  1659. PerformedByPlayer: true
  1660. Command: 'sf_inspect %target%'
  1661. PerformsAction:
  1662. Enabled: false
  1663. Action: ''
  1664. '6':
  1665. DisplayName: '&e&lStaff Viewer'
  1666. Material: 'BOOK'
  1667. SlotNumber: 7
  1668. Event: 'Interact'
  1669. PerformsCommand:
  1670. Enabled: false
  1671. PerformedByPlayer: false
  1672. Command: ''
  1673. PerformsAction:
  1674. Enabled: true
  1675. Action: 'StaffViewer'
  1676. '7':
  1677. DisplayName: '&e&lDisable Staffwatch'
  1678. Material: 'MAGMA_CREAM'
  1679. SlotNumber: 8
  1680. Event: 'Interact'
  1681. PerformsCommand:
  1682. Enabled: true
  1683. PerformedByPlayer: true
  1684. Command: 'sf_staffwatch'
  1685. PerformsAction:
  1686. Enabled: false
  1687. Action: ''
  1690. #Do not touch this.
  1691. FileVersion: '4.7.7'
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