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Jun 23rd, 2017
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  1. This test is to allow me to know you all a bit better, I want to know how you would administrate, remember everyone makes the wrong decision, but I want to know if you can be able to keep up with us, it allows me to know you better, which means I want honest answers, this is your opinion, some might be wrong, some might be right. This test will be short, good luck!
  5. Part 1 requires you to answer, some questions WILL require you to write down a sentence, saying why you deal the situation like this.
  7. Part 1: Situations, and how you deal with them.
  10. 1) Some guy shot a player for no reason, what will you do?
  11. assuming i have seen it, I would ask him why, assuming he still had no reason I would most probobally kick him from the server, if he did it again, I would ban him for one day for RDM
  13. 2) There is multiple complaints on a particular player, from multiple people, what should you do?
  14. Depending on the severity of the case, I would talk to the player and ask him why i am getting the complaints, possibly kick him if he's an idiot, if he is a cop/ medic i may consider demoting the player, if it is very severe, I.E mass RDM and a console check to confirm, I would ban the user for a time reflecting the infingement.
  16. 3) The player is driving his vehicle like an idiot, what will you do?
  17. Kick the user for Faildriving
  19. 4) The player has constantly broken the rules of not speaking english, what shall you do?
  20. Probobally ban him for 6-12 hours.
  22. 5) You see a player who does nothing but act stupid (i.e. jumping on cars, or simply trolling players), what should you do?
  23. kick the user once (consider this a warning...) and then if he rejoins, does the same thing, ban the user
  25. 6) People are whining in OOC, what will you do?
  26. tell them to stop QQing, post a ban request if it is about this, if they continue, go to them in person and tell them to shut up, if they dont stop, ban them for 6 hours
  28. 7) Define Mass RDM question.
  29. Mass RDM - when someone is randomly killing more than one person for no absoloute excuse, usually above 2 people.
  31. 8) Define Fail RP.
  32. FailRP can be simply doing things that you could do In character but can not be done in real life, or simply wouldnt be done in real life. I.E - getting in your car and driving away at gunpoint because you can unlock cars and get in them instantly
  34. 9) A player got sent to jail, he then gets out of jail and breaks the law, and he's repeatedly doing it, what shall you do.
  35. kick the player (consider this a warning) if he returns and does it again, ban him for 6-12 hours
  37. 10) There is an RP situation/event going on, what will you do?
  38. if I have no urgent calls, i will spectate the situation and watch to see if there are failers, ensuring that it is fair, fun, and not distruptive
  40. 11) There is a player that had no ban marks, and it appears he is there for the first time, he broke the rules, what shall you do?
  41. depending on the severity - I.E faildriving, i will try to educate the player on their mistakes and what should be done, If it is something bit like mass RDM, they obviously dont want to be here properly, i will talk with a higher admin. A SA or an Owner and tell them about it after banning the user for a certain amount of time
  45. Part 2 is about you, what kind of administrator are you? Give me your opinions, and answers!
  47. Part 2: Admins and you.
  50. 1) What would you usually do if you were administrating in OCRP, what do you think is the best way of administrating, are you a proactive admin or a reactive admin? Add your own opinion beneath if you want (it is ideal to do so.)
  51. i would be a proactive admin, i love OC for what it is, it is the only server i seem to go on, I would help as much as i could for everyone that is in game, even if that means that i get less game time, I would prefer to see OC become a better experience for everyone. Like it was at the begining. I would spectate a lot and if i get a call early on i would watch everyones movements, I would try to be fair and helpful.
  53. Reactive tends to not show itself to be a good way of administrating, as a lot of situations end before you arrive, however it allows you to spend your gaming time here and maybe help the occassional player.
  54. I see this as being plain lazy, fair enough, admins need a break sometimes, but if it is done all the time, then it is somewhat not effective and rules could be broken around the corner and it would not be seen.
  56. Spectating, it's a proactive way of administrating, keeping your eyes on a particular player / the area.
  57. This is very true.
  59. Being a government official (Police, preferably), a balanced way, you can be reactive to a situation going on else where, and you can also be watching particular players who are breaking the law (law breakers TEND to be rule breakers)
  60. This is exceedingly true, I have seen many admins be police and do just this. It has made the server much better and much friendlier when this happens, also, many people tend to RP a situation when an admin is around.
  62. Just wandering around as citizen, doing occassional RP, not the best way of keeping an eye out on the server, but if you show yourself as a good rolemodel to lower players, and attend situations when you're not busy, it should be good.
  63. It can be done, but it isnt the best way, like you said, I think that it can be a good way to show newer players how to RP at times, and thus can have good effects, but if i were to do this. I would still respond to calls most of the time
  66. Do you see yourself as an aggressive admin, helpful admin, or a friendly admin? How would you administrate in general, please give your honest answers.
  68. Honestly, I would be a strict admin that comes down on rulebreakers to try to make them learn not to, but i would try to help the newer people as well, like i do a lot of the time now. I would be someone that can look at situations fairly, come down hard on obvious rulebreakers and repeat rulebreakers, but also try to educate people on how to RP properly.
  72. Lastly:
  74. Who are you? (name here)
  75. I'm known as kiwiee - But im Kierran Guare
  77. What time do you usually come on? (time here, you might want to write a sentence)
  78. I am on pracically every day, school days from about 6-7pm to 10-11pm
  79. Weekends and school holidays i am on any time from 10am to 2am
  81. Is administration a right, perk, or responsibility? Right | Perk | Responsibility
  82. It is a responcibility, its not something that people should be given just because it can be given, nor should it be something that can just be used to show off and be bold about, its about helping the server, trying to make a difference, and making a better OC for everyone.
  84. Finally, write your ingame name beneath.
  85. DJ Kiwiee! (will change back to Kiwiee soon)
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