Guest User

/biz/ Inc. - Corporate Memorandum

a guest
Mar 23rd, 2020
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  1. __.______ __ ________ ___ __ .__ __. ______
  2. / | _ \ | | | / / / | | | \ | | / |
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  11. | `----.| `--' | | |\ \----| | | `--' | | |\ \----./ _____ \ | | | |____
  12. \______| \______/ | _| `._____| _| \______/ | _| `._____/__/ \__\ |__| |_______|
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  18. |__| |__| |_______||__| |__| \______/ | _| `._____/__/ \__\ |__| \__| |_______/ \______/ |__| |__|
  21. _________________________________________
  23. /biz/ Inc. is the first for-profit Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), an organization with a decentralized structure, tamed by elected leaders to pave the road and guide company projects into profitability. Anonymous meets crypto enterprise.
  24. _________________________________________
  25. 🏛 The official company Ethereum address is 0x92e152E79a7a76552f876E1a5001 for the reason being it is tied directly into the DAO voting system. No one can just go in and withdraw funds without initiating a vote. This ensures for a transparent system of controls. If a /biz/ Inc. enterprise generates revenue, the funds will always be directed to this address unless the organization votes in a special circumstance. Once funds are sent to the organization's address, any attempt to initiate a vote to withdraw funds must be accompanied by a proposal stating what the funds are for, and how they will be appropriated - be it for operational costs of existing enterprises, investments into new and developing enterprises, personal compensation for work, or any other business related funding.
  26. __________________________________________
  27. 🏦 BIS tokens serve as the organization's prime voting stake. 1 BIS token serves as 1 vote on the DAO Page. A long with serving as a tool of the organization's governance, they will serve other purposes as the company develops products and services, such as providing exclusive membership benefits, discounts, reducing/eliminating fees, early access, and more. BIS tokens make no promise of profit. They are not a security. They are the equivalent of a membership token with special perks and bonuses.
  28. ___________________________________________
  29. ⚖ Organization Rules:
  31. 👉🏼 Conspiring to hijack or disrupt the democratic process of the organization results in permanent banishment.
  33. 👉🏼 Malicious cyber intrusion or attacks against company infrastructure results in permanent banishment.
  35. 👉🏼 Intentionally revealing the identity of a member and compromising a member's anonymity, without their consent, results in permanent banishment.
  37. 👉🏼 Attempting to steal funds from other members of the organization or from the DAO's holdings will results in permanent banishment.
  39. 👉🏼 Malicious and illegal activities that could be deemed dangerous to the well-being of the organization's members, elected leaders and title holder, the organization's operational security (infosec, cybersec, ect) will results in permanent banishment.
  41. ____________________________________________
  42. 💼 Organization Links:
  44. 👉🏼 DAO Page:
  45. Purpose: Allows the organization to propose new votes and handle the organization's finance. Exists on the Ethereum blockchain.
  47. 👉🏼 BIS Etherscan:
  48. Purpose: The official token of /biz/ Inc. A utility token that does not make promise of profits (not a security) Meant to interact with the /biz/ Inc. ecosystem and product suite.
  50. 👉🏼 Imageboard:
  51. Purpose: Our official imageboard for /biz/ Inc.
  53. 👉🏼 Discord:
  54. Purpose: To stay in communication and organized.
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