
Break up

Oct 1st, 2015
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  1. ImPura: How do yo ufeel, about us ?
  2. Nuclar: i think its alright i mean we havent been together long enough for it to be fabulous but i like us o3o ..
  3. ImPura: I see..
  4. Nuclar: why do you ask?
  5. ImPura: Because, and i dont know how to word this. I think we were to hasty.
  6. Nuclar: oh.. i see
  7. ImPura: Don't mistaken though. I meant everything i said. I do love you.
  8. ImPura: But it feels.. weird, being together.
  9. ImPura: bad weird.
  10. Nuclar: -rubs my temples and sighs- alright..
  11. Nuclar: guess i see what your saying..
  12. ImPura: Its, entirely my fault.
  13. ImPura: I had areally ahrd time last night, to turn someone down. And it made me question myself.
  14. ImPura: And i dont want to prolong this and hurt you more than nessesary.
  15. Nuclar: i really dunno what to say other than better now then never..
  16. ImPura: You udnerstand me right?
  17. Nuclar: yeah i do
  18. ImPura: 'better' to do it now than go on for a while and it gets jsut worse and bad..
  19. ImPura: Im sorry.
  20. Nuclar: -nods- dont be
  21. ImPura: It will eb awkward a bit forwards but i do hope we can still eb friends..
  22. ImPura: In reality i know how it is. But i dont wanan loose yo uas a friend
  23. Nuclar: ill stay your friend.. tho i might be distant for a while
  24. ImPura: And thats compeltely understandable.
  25. Nuclar: hope so.
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