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- Config = {}
- Config.toggleSmokeCommand = "toggleSmoke" -- Toggles the enahnced smoke locally (for lower end pcs)
- Config.minSize = 0.1 -- the minimum smoke size
- Config.minRPM = 0.8 -- 0.0 to 1.0 (0.7 - 0.85 are good values)
- Config.scaleSmokeSizeWithVehicleWeight = true
- Config.defaultIntervalType = 2 -- 0 = Constant, 1 = Interval, 2 = Interval short
- Config.defaultParticleType = 0 -- 0 = Thick Light Gray, 1 = Coal Gray, 2 = Medium Gray, 3 = Thin Light Gray
- Config.defaultSizeScale = 4 -- How quickly the smoke size scales (minimum 1.01)
- Config.defaultEngineUpgradeRequired = "off" -- only allow smoke on specific engines "off" = disabled, -1 = stock, 0 = upgrade 1, 1 = upgrade 2, 2 = upgrade 3, 3 = upgrade 4
- Config.defaultSizeReduction = 5 -- Size is devided by this number
- Config.defaultParticleDuration = -1 -- after how long the particles dissapear. if set to -1, the particles will stay until naturally disolving. RECOMMENDED keeping at -1 (in seconds)
- --[[
- Config.defaultSizeScale = 2.2,
- Config.defaultEngineUpgradeRequired = "off"
- Config.defaultIntervalType = 0
- Config.defaultParticleType = 2
- Config.defaultSizeReduction = 30
- Config.defaultParticleDuration = -1
- ]]--
- Config.useWhitelistedOnly = false
- Config.whitelist = { -- If Config.useWhitelistedOnly is set to false, this table can still be used to amplify the smoke on specific vehicles
- ["guardian"] = {
- sizeScale = 1.3, -- Overwrites Config.defaultSizeScale for this vehicle
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT", -- Overwrites Config.defaultEngineUpgradeRequired for this vehicle
- intervalType = 0, -- Overwrites Config.defaultIntervalType for this vehicle
- particleType = 1, -- OVerwrites Config.defaultParticleType for this vehicle
- sizeReduction = "DEFAULT", -- Overwrites Config.defaultSizeReduction for this vehicle
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["bodhi2"] = {
- sizeScale = 1.5,
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 0,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = "DEFAULT",
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["dloader"] = {
- sizeScale = 1.5,
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 0,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = "DEFAULT",
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["rebel"] = {
- sizeScale = 1.5,
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 0,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = "DEFAULT",
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["rebel2"] = {
- sizeScale = 2,
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 0,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = "DEFAULT",
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["riata"] = {
- sizeScale = 1.5,
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 0,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = "DEFAULT",
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ----------------------
- ------- TRUCKS -------
- ["benson"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["biff"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["cerberus"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["cerberus2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["cerberus3"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["hauler"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["hauler2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["mule"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["mule2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["mule3"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["mule4"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["packer"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["phantom"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["phantom2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["phantom3"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["pounder"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["pounder2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["stockade"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["stockade3"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["terbyte"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["bulldozer"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["cutter"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["dump"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["flatbed"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["handler"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["mixer"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["mixer2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["rubble"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["tiptruck"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["tiptruck2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["barracks"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["barracks2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["barracks3"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["towtruck2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["towtruck"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["scrap"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["sadler"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["utillitruck3"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["slamtruck"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["utillitruck"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["utillitruck2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["bison"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["bison2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["bison3"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["boxville"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["bobcatxl"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["boxville2"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["boxville3"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["boxville4"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["boxville5"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- ["camper"] = {
- sizeScale = "DEFAULT",
- engineUpgradeRequired = "DEFAULT",
- intervalType = 1,
- particleType = 1,
- sizeReduction = 100,
- particleDuration = "DEFAULT"
- },
- }
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