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Response to: This Be The Verse (Just Larkin around folk!)

a guest
Dec 15th, 2018
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  1. [04:04] <RandomNonsense> Why am i awake?
  2. [04:05] <SireLoup> Because you are not asleep?
  3. [04:09] <RandomNonsense> SireLoup: my god! You solved the mystery!!
  4. [04:10] <SireLoup> I'm not your god, and the mysteries are simple to solve with good tutors and alot of recollections of a very long life.
  5. [04:11] <SireLoup> You give me too much credit.
  6. [04:11] <RandomNonsense> Nope im forming a new religion
  7. [04:11] <SireLoup> You are?
  8. [04:11] == driftwood3 [] has joined #wrongplanet
  9. [04:12] <RandomNonsense> Yes. We shall pray to you hourly
  10. [04:12] <driftwood3> well hi to all
  11. [04:12] <driftwood3> hi Random nonsense
  12. [04:12] <RandomNonsense> Lo
  13. [04:12] <RandomNonsense> Im awake!
  14. [04:12] <driftwood3> congratulations :/
  15. [04:12] <SireLoup> Do you mean that in the spiritual as well as the temporal?
  16. [04:12] <SireLoup> :P
  17. [04:13] <RandomNonsense> Exactly
  18. [04:13] <driftwood3> to qoute sting " we are spirits in the material world" :p
  19. [04:13] <driftwood3> cant remember which song tho
  20. [04:14] <driftwood3> as police tho
  21. [04:14] <SireLoup> Enjoy it while it lasts. I did make a headache for those who keep you asleep. :D
  22. [04:14] <driftwood3> ( actually think it was called just that afaik )
  23. [04:15] <SireLoup> So now that we've clarified the question, 'Why am I awake?'
  24. [04:15] <SireLoup> I'll answer it. I think it has to do with this being on pastebin: This Be The Verse (Just Larkin around folk!)
  25. [04:16] <SireLoup> Divide et impera is effective.
  26. [04:16] <SireLoup> ;)
  27. [04:16] <driftwood3> Spirits in the Material World
  28. [04:16] <RandomNonsense> The holy texts have been handed to me!!
  29. [04:17] <SireLoup> RandomNonsense: The bitter truth. Weaponised.
  30. [04:17] <driftwood3> is spitits in material world .should be rasy to remember .the chorus is that line repeated five times .doh
  31. [04:17] * RandomNonsense devotes his life to writing them down really slowly
  32. [04:17] <SireLoup> lol RandomNonsense
  33. [04:17] <RandomNonsense> With big fancy first letters on each page
  34. [04:18] <SireLoup> you ought to have better things to do ;)
  35. [04:18] <RandomNonsense> Its my calling in life
  36. [04:18] <SireLoup> RandomNonsense: who cares what you're called to do, tell them to get stuffed, and do as -you- wish.
  37. [04:20] * RandomNonsense writes down the First Commandment
  38. [04:20] <RandomNonsense> What is tge second???
  39. [04:20] <SireLoup> We don't have commandments, not if I'm the Story Teller writing the Logos.
  40. [04:21] <SireLoup> We have advice for the wild spirits who would be one, not three.
  41. [04:21] <driftwood3> ghost in the machine (?) .very good albulm
  42. [04:22] == Sxem [] has quit []
  43. [04:22] <driftwood3> weponise is such a powerful word.
  44. [04:24] <Cryowolf> ah finally found my online bank login card for that login thingy...I thought I lost it, I would've gone insane waiting for it to pay my bills before I go to my mum for 2-3 weeks :o
  45. [04:25] <SireLoup> RandomNonsense: been called away?
  46. [04:25] <RandomNonsense> Distracted
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