

May 14th, 2016
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  1. TOME: terrain of magical expertise
  2. Wow, I talk funny(+100) I've had worse drawbacks
  3. Digital Troublemakers(+200 gang up on me will you? You're in for a surprise.
  4. The Owchies are Legit, they don't Quit!(+100 oh no I can feel pain.
  5. Competitor-100 sounds like fun
  6. Mechcity nice and balance
  7. Libra System free see above
  8. battle on! Free this is going to come in handy
  9. Minmaxer!-200 so you're saying I can turn speeded into durability? Hell yeah!
  10. My Blade is tempered by my Ideals!- 400 this is important
  11. It's About Time Free Competitor fun, this will ensure plenty of action
  12. Avatar EmpoweredX6-300 not bad
  13. Welcome to the Guild-400RJ, Painwheel,Monique, TJ,Tina, Pam,Tyrion, retainers
  14. RJ, always bring the family
  16. RJ
  17. Libra System free
  18. battle on! Free
  19. competitor free with import
  20. it's about time free for competitor
  21. survive the drama -300 discounted for competitor
  23. Painwheel,
  24. Libra System free
  25. battle on! Free
  26. competitor free with import
  27. it's about time free for competitor
  28. rank up -100 discounted for competitor
  29. Minmaxer!-200
  31. Monique,
  32. Libra System free
  33. battle on! Free
  34. social butterfly
  35. Hot Stuff Comin' Thru free for social butterfly
  36. You've got weird friends, I like your weird friends -100 discounted for social butterfly
  37. no fighting -200 discounted for social butterfly
  39. TJ
  40. Libra System free
  41. battle on! Free
  42. competitor free with import
  43. it's about time free for competitor
  44. rank up -100 discounted for competitor
  45. Bait of Babylon-200
  47. ,Tina,
  48. Libra System free
  49. battle on! Free
  50. Libra System free
  51. battle on! Free
  52. social butterfly
  53. Hot Stuff Comin' Thru free for social butterfly
  54. You've got weird friends, I like your weird friends -100 discounted for social butterfly
  55. Exclusive Encounter-200
  57. Pam,
  58. Libra System free
  59. battle on! Free
  60. social butterfly
  61. Hot Stuff Comin' Thru free for social butterfly
  62. You've got weird friends, I like your weird friends -100 discounted for social butterfly
  63. Minmaxer!-200
  65. Tyrion,
  66. Libra System free
  67. battle on! Free
  68. role player
  69. Dragon of the cold steel free for role player
  70. the legend of jumper -300 discounted for role player
  72. retainers
  73. Libra System free
  74. battle on! Free
  75. role player
  76. Dragon of the cold steel free for role player
  77. the legend of jumper -300 discounted for role player
  79. TOME: terrain of magical expertise avatar supplement
  80. Avatar EmpoweredX6+600 can't forget this now
  81. morphological literally my jumper
  82. power: Mr. Magmatic I've never been lava before
  83. Remember the Basics free way beyond this level already
  84. Variable Form Free Morphological necessary
  85. Swift as a coursing river -50 it's a bit lazy
  86. the force of a great typhoon -50 two have these as names isn't it?
  87. Strength of a Raging Fire-100 but who am I to talk
  88. Toxic Body: made of lava -300 naturally
  89. striking the reflection -400 fun trick
  90. Fuck Conservation of Mass-600 hang on since this applies to all my forms now because of this is in fact my final form I can grow to roughly Mount Everest height in my war form
  92. RJ,
  93. Animalistic
  94. power: Wolf King
  95. Remember the Basics free
  96. Swift as a coursing river -50
  97. the force of a great typhoon -50
  99. Summon the Pack- 400
  100. I'm a Force of Nature!: Tornado -400 discounted for animalistic
  102. Painwheel
  103. Animalistic
  104. power: Mistress mantis
  105. Remember the Basics free
  106. let's go wild -300
  107. friend of nature -300
  108. I'm a Force of Nature!: Landslide -400 discounted for animalistic
  110. Monique,
  111. morphological
  112. power: Mrs. magmatic
  113. Remember the Basics free
  114. Variable Form Free Morphological
  115. Swift as a coursing river -50
  116. the force of a great typhoon -50
  117. strength of a raging fire -100
  118. Toxic Body: lava -300
  119. striking the reflection -400
  121. TJ,
  122. Fighter
  123. power: lone gunman
  124. Remember the Basics free
  125. Swift as a coursing river -50
  126. the force of a great typhoon -50
  127. Sharp Shooter: sniper rifle - 200
  128. get equipped: mortars -300
  129. big shooter -200 discount fighter
  130. Gimmick Shots: piercing- 200
  132. Tina,
  133. Morphological
  134. power: Silly Putty Princess
  135. Remember the Basics free
  136. Swift as a coursing river -50
  137. the force of a great typhoon -50
  138. Bada-Boom!-200
  139. Variable Form(Free Morphological
  140. gum up the works: silly putty -300
  141. striking the reflection -400
  143. Pam,
  144. Animalistic
  145. power :grizzled bear
  146. remember the basics free
  147. Remember the Basics free
  148. Swift as a coursing river -50
  149. the force of a great typhoon -50
  150. let's go wild -300
  151. I'm a Force of Nature!: Earthquake -400 discounted for animalistic
  153. Tyrion,
  154. Mechanical
  155. power: Robo Emperor
  156. Remember the Basics free
  157. Swift as a coursing river -50
  158. the force of a great typhoon -50
  159. Strength of a Raging Fire-100
  160. Sharp Shooter: Golden bullets- 200
  161. This is my headcannon, and in my headcanon, YOU DIE!: A beam of Blazing white flames -600
  163. retainers
  164. fighter
  165. power: construction worker
  166. Remember the Basics free
  167. Swift as a coursing river -50
  168. the force of a great typhoon -50
  169. Sharp Shooter: rivet gun - 200
  170. big shooter: flame elemental, stunning status effect -200 discount fighter
  171. My Shield is as strong as Steel: wire fence covered in caution tape -200 discount fighter
  172. get equipped: jackhammer -300
  173. The plan: I just had several hundred years worth of fighting, dodging, searching and walking on foot. This is a vacation jump I'm going to take a couple of them sure I'm going to do things like get a few tournaments that aren't plot relevant, or helping out some N00Bz learn the ropes
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