
Post Glibathon Pastebin

Mar 4th, 2019
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  1. Glibathon 9: Yes, It's Number 9, I Looked went really well. Was honestly afraid it was going to completely bomb for some reason, but was pretty good all things considered. I think I probably didn't "sell" it enough, but with a combination of internet issues leading up to it, and being on call with friends for a good portion of it, that's fine. Was more about having a fun long dumb stream anyways, so the money was just icing on the cake. As always, definitely some takeaways for things I can change/improve next time, whenever that is.
  3. We hit 2 incentives, the All Sanities/All Dungeons/All Whatever ZOOTR beat out 100% by a fairly good margin, so I'm gonna do a couple of intermediate ones first to get used to the settings I haven't done, namely, Skullsanity and Scrubsanity. Shuffling some of the extra things that I normally don't *shouldn't* be that big a deal... but we'll see. That means it'll probably happen after Calithon, as I wanna devote a good chunk of time to them in case they're a little wild. Also met was Professor Layton playthrough on stream. This is a game I've watched like 5 to 10 minutes of other people playing, and realized it was something I wanted to do on stream, but I kept forgetting about it lol. That'll start sometime after Calithon as well. I have no idea how long of a game it is, so it might be a couple streams, might be a lot of streams? Last thing I'll be starting after Calithon is DKC2 102% learning. Been putting it off, but things should be calmed down a bit after that, and I can finally get back on the speedrunning horse.
  5. Speaking of speedrunning, I should be going to SGDQ, unless something else pops up. Not gonna submit anything because I haven't done any real speedrunning since... last SGDQ? If that even counts? And since I more than likely won't be there the whole week, just gonna skip out on volunteering as well. Just gonna go, hang out, maybe couch a run or two for buds, and that's it. Stress free. For once. Probably. Unless it isn't.
  7. Other than that, just gonna keep playing video games or whatever.
  9. Ty read,
  10. Aweglib
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