

Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. Elimination Triangle Tag, Winner Enters The Tag Title Match at Wrestlemania: DOA(Hakushi and Daniels) v Kaientai DIAMOND (Teioh and Funaki) v the Dudley Boys
  3. Funaki and Hakushi started off, Funaki trying to overtake the veteran with speed and high flying. Hakushi had his number, though, and answered his high-flying style with hard strikes. Funaki went for an armdrag, Hakushi reversed it into a backbreaker. Funaki went for a running crossbody, Hakushi chopped him out of the air. Eventually, Hakushi got tired of playing with him and whipped him into the DOA's corner, where he let Daniels work him over a little more. Daniels tenderized him with more chops before ringing his bell with an enzuigiri, putting him on the mat, and going for a no-hands run-up moonsault he calls Feast Or Famine.
  5. 1...2...2.9, Funaki got the ropes. Daniels tried to pull him off the ropes, but Funaki created some distance with a kick to the chest and got the hot tag to Teioh. Teioh took Daniels to the mat with a hard lariat, picked him up, whipped him to the Kaientai corner, and followed up with a big splash that sandwiched Daniels against the turnbuckles. Teioh tried to follow up with the Jacknife Ecstasy, but on the way up, Daniels was able to hook his legs around Teioh's head and reverse the bomb into a rana before scrambling into the Dudleyz' corner, tagging in Buh Buh. Buh Buh and D-Von ran wild on Teioh, keeping him in the corner with quick tags, but when they went for the 3D, Teioh took down D-Von with a lariat and hooked an unsuspecting Buh Buh into a massive German suplex.
  7. 1...2...3! The Dudleyz were eliminated! Still riding high on adrenaline, Teioh bellowed for Hakushi, and the two belted each other with hard lariats, massive chops, and even a few headbutts before Teioh challenged Hakushi to hit the ropes. Hakushi did, hitting a handspring back elbow smash that took Teioh to the mat. Hakushi climbed the ropes, landed the praying diving headbutt, and Daniels followed up with the Feast Or Famine to put the button on it.
  9. 1...2...3! Daniels and Hakushi are going to Wrestlemania!
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