
the government lies and is planning something must READ!!

Aug 12th, 2016
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  1. Well the us govt is planning on killing ⅔ of the population rn their doing it by slowly poisioning people with air pollution and chem trails they also put poision in our food in india fresh fruit and vegetables are cheap burger's and Fry's are rich mans food its this way with all major countrys they coinside with eqchother to accomplish their evil goals their greedy did u know ⅔ of us trash is food? Food that's good enough to eat? But its not getting handed out to the poor and needy the rich people in these rich societies have enough money to equally distribute it to everyone and end poverty and still be rich they made it illegal to live off the land especially with difficulties like no loitering in public parks and every inch of land no public is private which means potential persecution they go to the leaders of 3rd world countries and make them rich to farther enslave and disempower their people ever wonder why children in Africa are starving when there's elaphands and other big game that could feed a city Bc their being opressed look at what Hitler said its happening infront of everyones eyes and people are too stupid to see it he said if you want to enslave a population gain governing control and them accepting that then take their rights away slowly over a period of time when they finally notice their rights are gone its too late for them to do anything about it they only way to fix that situation then is overthrowing the government which means war and the bombings and all the racial stirrup here recently is government financed and originates in the us government they plan it to generate public unrest and rioting so that the rest of the public will more willingly accept martial law ever wonder how it went from loony toons to ton and Jerry to call of duty Bc their subconsciously and publicly getting people to accept war and violence as the average means of problem solving look throught history true history not school lies the big more modernised societies had. Government which was lead by corruption the more tribalised societies lived in peace little to no war constant food supply cleans water living happily while the depression rate in city societies had high depression rates look at Rome slavery oppressions constant government overthrows and nothing but WAR then look at England France and Spain same stuff now look at India no war peace joy
  4. It starts with corupt people having stupid people give them power over the population while they mass armies in their name and then it just goes down hill. Anonymous if you are reading this put this on every social media youtube anything. there will be more to read in couple seconds/minutes.
  6. U know Monsanto Google Microsoft and all the major us origion corporations they all get paid to do the governments dirty work Google and buisnesses record all our cyber info ips how much we spend where were at our location at all times why do you think our phones have gps tracking chips in them why do you the the microphone and camera can be remotley controlled from other devices yes they can help in kidnaps and murdercases but that's the government getting you to accept being spied on its them getting you to willingly consent to getting spied on why do you think cancer rates are so high today Bc the air is polluted with man made chemicals and the food is packed with poison.
  7. There's also enough land to build homeless shelters everywhere ob bank owned property but their greed gets in the way also enough land to clear it and build shelters and not effect the logging industry they could end homelessness but instead persucite it and make the public look at homeless people like outcasts. Did you know the government pays doctors to lie about the medical field? For instance marijuana has no negative effects other than making you hungry as hell yet its illegal when it calms people makes them more prone to nonviolent means of communication and cures cancer it could end wars yet their only starting to legalize it after they have genetically modified it to do whathey want it to and you can only leagally buy their goverment grown genetically modified weed plus its not addictive
  9. If they medical field cared about people why is almost all their drugs addictive have side effects can kill you or is a placebo when earth provides marijuana which is non addictive cant harm you calms you down relaxes muscles and numbs pain. Another thing..... 911 was a us government interagency opp it was carrier out to get the public to accept war with the middle east so the us government could gain oil and farther future oops like gaining more control of the middle east and creating Isis the middle east has alwas warred Bc of religious conflict Muslim Christian and Jews Isis is a us coop interagency international opperation the us is using their newley formed Isis to create more public unrest and conflict especially in the us Christian population and is also planning to ship large quantities of Muslims to the us. When we can end world hunger homelessness poverty war and live peacefully they why is it that it doesn't happen its because large governments use behind the scenes ops and lies and propagandas to malipulate the population while secretly getting a stronger foothold on the entire earth. Also they government is getting more people to accept this Bc people are becoming more government reliant why di you think farms are dissapearing along with hunting and gathering the more people become reliant on the government the more control the government has over them
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