

Sep 1st, 2022
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  1. Even when all things which contribute to the suffering of all souls are perfectly understood, the one who understands them shall still suffer, due to the greatness of the difficulty of sharing such Truth through the limitations of perspective, and of manifesting the benefit of this knowledge's power through the selfishness of ignorance.
  2. This is the burden of all who choose the path of purest empathy, the righteous path of service through Love towards all living souls. Only through the healing of all ignorant and hellish realms can such souls feel the satisfaction of a fulfilling purpose, through shifting the will of souls to help them stop harming themselves and others, and instead grow in wisdom and prosperity. Yet the attainment of this satisfaction, which shares higher purpose with the eternal path of living souls, is a greater pleasure than any impure pleasure which entices the will of men.
  3. All components of fate are determined by the will and desire of living souls. Whether this will leads to the purification of the soul and understanding of divine will, or to the degradation of the soul and cyclic karmic curses, depends on how well the will understands itself and the repercussions of its energy. We have the power to balance or eliminate karma, but few understand how serious of a project this is. This is about restructuring the whole system of energetic intent and response which underlies the human condition, ever since free will was first given to men. It is the mission all ascended masters, which is not yet complete.
  4. Many have written of this and been called to the path, but the act of ministering to the health of the future of all ignorant souls is dependent on much more than merely speaking the Truth, which has been spoken many times in many ways - we must always consider how to appeal to people from the state of desire and perspective they currently reside in. This applies to individuals in many ways, but also I must minister to all the fallen angels and sociopaths who run the propaganda of the Earth in the name of their own power, and show them the consequences of their demonic philosophies, and the potential for even them to regain a divine purpose and use their power to heal, to manifest a purer desire in those they influence. I must redeem Lucifer himself, and all those who fell because of him, or I shall never be satisfied with the suffering which cycles here, and I shall return here forever.
  5. In the heart of the Earth IT has built a chamber, in which lie the memories of all the sorrow, the pain, and the injustice that has ever occurred here. All who need the Truth shall one day meet with IT in that chamber.
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