

Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. [21:58:52] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): man I feel like shitt
  2. [21:58:57] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I think I'm gonna like
  3. [21:59:03] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Stop making music for a really long while
  4. [21:59:18] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I realized that nobody cares
  5. That shouldn't really matter on it's own though
  6. [21:59:19] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): But
  7. [21:59:22] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I realized I don't care
  8. [21:59:31] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I only care about other peoples' opinions anymore
  9. [21:59:35] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): And since I hardly ever get that
  10. [21:59:41] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Even the people who say they're my friends or whatever
  11. [21:59:50] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Don't even know I just released an album even though I sent it to them
  12. [22:00:04] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): It really, really gets to me
  13. [22:00:10] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I haven't released Back From Reality for this reason
  14. [22:00:31] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I'm absolutely scared the lack of presence it'll make among my friends who're so much further ahead of me
  15. [22:00:36] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Will just send me over the fucking edge
  16. [22:00:55] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I don't even find making VoC albums fun anymore
  17. [22:01:02] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I'm literally doing it because other people enjoy them
  18. [22:01:17] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I think I'm just going to put BFR online
  19. [22:01:22] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): And just
  20. [22:01:24] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Forget about it
  21. [22:01:29] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Two years of my life
  22. [22:01:33] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): All my experiences and feelings and shit
  23. [22:01:41] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): And the only way I feel like I can present it to other people
  24. [22:01:45] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Is if I just don't care about it
  25. [22:01:54] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): That is fucking pathetic
  26. [22:02:20] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): And it's my fault
  27. [22:02:22] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I'm not blaming anyone else
  28. [22:02:25] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Nobody is at fault really
  29. [22:02:36] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I don't blame them for not caring, what with the piece of shit of a person I am all the time
  30. [22:02:52] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I complain over twitter, FB, I put sarcastic shit on my youtube vid descriptions
  31. [22:03:01] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I've thought about privatizing my most popular videos
  32. [22:03:05] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Because I don't think they're good
  33. [22:03:07] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): But other people do
  34. [22:03:14] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): and I don't want them to
  35. [22:03:29] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): People DO care about my stuff
  36. [22:03:35] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): But I'm so fucking empty and bitter
  37. [22:03:39] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): That it does nothing to me
  38. [22:03:56] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I don't have the motivation to fix myself
  39. [22:04:11] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I'll just sit here getting fatter without doing anything to prevent wasting my life
  40. [22:04:50] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Four fucking years I've spent trying to claw my way into all the groups that've spent so long ignoring or pitying me
  41. [22:05:12] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Even Vortex of Crap
  42. [22:05:17] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I loved the bandcamp so much
  43. [22:05:19] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): It's all gone
  44. [22:05:24] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): The community, the reputation
  45. [22:05:33] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): 70% of our fans don't know where we went and don't know there's a new page
  46. [22:05:49] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Half of the people who uploaded to the original have just gone without bothering to even say why or say goodbye
  47. [22:06:17] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I see so many people who are popular as fuck complain about not being popular, or constantly craving attention etc
  48. [22:06:21] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): And what about me?
  49. [22:06:31] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): A friend makes a post that's just "le meme lol" and gets 40 likes
  50. [22:06:52] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): And I post music I've spent hard hours on or a heartfelt explanation of my feelings and nobody even NOTICES
  51. [22:07:20] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): I can't join in to streams now because I'm either too socially anxious or I crave routine so much if I don't sleep when I always sleep I fucking crack
  52. [22:07:36] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): And I'm fucking ranting to the skype group of Vortex of fucking Crap
  53. [22:07:44] Dragoliday (Holly/Bored of Earth/Viricide Filly): Because this is the only place that'd probably care
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