
Ch 2: Part 2: Devil's Elbow: Session 19

May 28th, 2013
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  1. [15:37] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:37] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 2: Children of the Void~~~
  3. [15:38] <@Kilarra> \Part 2: Devil's Elbow/
  4. [15:38] <@Kilarra> -Session 19-
  5. [15:39] <@Kilarra> Upon landing on the infamous Devil's Elbow, the party, along with Captain Josper and his -Flying Cloud-, are approached by a group of bedraggled looking dwarves and humans.
  6. [15:41] <@Kilarra> The lead dwarf approaches the group ahead of his companions, "I'm Gavin Goldhammer, and my crew and I have had enough of this cursed island."
  7. [15:44] <Aluthyra> Tognik walks forward and extends his hand. "Tognik Rumbledyne, good dwarf." He looks him over, frowning. "You look in a sorry state... Competition from those on the island?"
  8. [15:47] <@Kilarra> Gavin shakes his head, "Them stories about the siren's curse on this island are true... mostly. Only it ain't ghosts that haunt this place, it's beasts. Low to the ground things, fast and lean. Never did get me a good look at them, even with them snatchign a few of my men and dragging them off into the woods."
  9. [15:48] <Aluthyra> Tognik pulls back his hand, not too bothered by the lack of handshake. He looks a tad excited at the mention of beasts on the island, and grins. "Near to the crater, or closer by?"
  10. [15:49] <@Kilarra> The dwarf sighs, "A few others got bit or slashed. and their wounds turned bad. Some sort of sick got in them, and then, when they died, it came back out their faces. Torag's scars but that's a sight I'd like to unsee."
  11. [15:50] <@Kilarra> Gavin shakes his head, "They're all over near as I can tell. Whatever's out there, it ain't fit for this world. You shouldn't stay here. If you had any sense, you'd get back on that boat and head right back to Riddleport."
  12. [15:50] * Kilarra twitches at something Gavin said, "The dead got back up? Like, zombies?"
  13. [15:51] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, the news not boding well with her either.
  14. [15:51] <@Kilarra> Gavin nods, "Aye, and they attacked us. We put them down and burned the bodies this morning. We're all that's left of a company of thirteen that landed here not three days ago."
  15. [15:52] * Aluthyra frowns and shakes her head. "And have you seen anything else on this island besides these beasts?"
  16. [15:54] <@Kilarra> Gavin shakes his head, "Can't even say to have properly seen the beasts but for what they did. I ain't stayin' here longer to see what other fanciful beasts this cursed island has to offer."
  17. [15:55] * Kilarra clenches her fists at the mention of more undead. The single wight may have been a fluke, but some kind of monster that could spread undeath with tooth and claw? What the hell was going on here?!
  18. [15:56] * Aluthyra nods. "Then," she looks back to Josper. "Perhaps Captain Josper could take you back to Riddleport? I will offer coin for your travel back, if need be."
  19. [15:57] <@Kilarra> Josper steps onto the top of the plank, "That won't be necessary. I'd be happy to take them back if it'll get me and my crew out of here as well. Just tell me when you want me to return to bring you back."
  20. [15:57] * Aluthyra looks to Kilarra. "How long do you believe we will be?"
  21. [15:59] * Kilarra seems preocupied with thoughts of doing away with possibly everything she can find on this island.
  22. [15:59] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks between Aluthyra and Tognik, "Seems she's got a bit of a sore spot for the undead. Anyways, what do you two think? We want to be thorough, but at the same time it's not a very large island..."
  23. [16:00] * Aluthyra nods. "Will one day suffice, then? He could return tomorrow, though staying overnight on this island may not be the wisest of decisions."
  24. [16:01] <Aluthyra> Tognik shrugs. "Just if we get time to stop by the meteor... I'd appreciate it."
  25. [16:02] * Kilarra shakes her head. "Three days. I want to be sure we've been thorough. If we can't find anything by then, we can assume they moved on after the star hit." She rounds on the dwarf, "What other groups have landed on this island, and are any of them left?"
  26. [16:04] <@Kilarra> Gavin blinks, having been motioning for his companions to join him in boarding the ship. "There's supposed to be three of them, but I only seen one so far- the Cyphermages up in Witchlight. Slyeg and Zincher supposedly have men here, but I ain't seen any of them... although we did spot some smoke rising from the southeast, possibly from a campfire."
  27. [16:05] <Aluthyra> Tognik clears his throat, trying to catch the attention of Goldhammer. "Before you leave, do you have any mappings of the local area?"
  28. [16:06] <@Kilarra> Kjell frowns at the mention of Zincher, "So it looks like those vandals were truthful in the end. It seems this could be an opportunity to deal with several problems at once, if we have enough time."
  29. [16:07] <@Kilarra> Gavin looks down to Tognik, "One, but between the quakes and the star impact and whatever else, it probably ain't none too accurate."
  30. [16:08] <Aluthyra> Tognik smiles. "We'd appreciate it nonetheless."
  31. [16:08] * Aluthyra nods. "It may be useful, since we are planning on staying for several days."
  32. [16:08] <@Kilarra> Gavin nods and slips a rolled up, badly aged map and passes it to the gnome
  33. [16:08] * Kilarra ponders for a moment, "What about that light we saw up on the hill? More ghosts?"
  34. [16:09] <Aluthyra> Tognik takes the map happily, nodding appreciatively at the Dwarf.
  35. [16:11] <@Kilarra> Gavin look like he realy wants to leave, but answers the question; "My Guess? One of them cyphermages. They settled up there in the ruins of Witchlight and didn't want company. They've been doing that light thing since last night - I sent four men up the hill to investigate, but haven't seen any sign of them since. Whatever's been picking us off musta got them too, and sure as my beard are after the Cyphers too."
  36. [16:12] <@Kilarra> Gavin shrugs, "I reckon they're callin' fer help, but I've wasted enough of my men trying to investigate. If you're goin' that way, do me a favour and see if you can find any of my men. If they're not dead, there's a reward in it for ye if they make it back to Riddleport."
  37. [16:14] * Aluthyra waves at the dwarf, seeing as he looked ready to leave, "Thank you for the information. We will indeed look for your men."
  38. [16:15] <@Kilarra> Gavin nods, "Obliged, now les git out of 'ere."
  39. [16:16] <@Kilarra> The dwarves and two men board the Flying Cloud and Josper slowly begins to pull away from the island
  40. [16:16] * Aluthyra turns back to the others once the ship begins to leave. "Perhaps we should head to Witchlight first? If it is indeed true that the mages are signalling for help, then we should aid them as best we can."
  41. [16:16] * Kilarra looks to the Gnome, "Open it up and let's see where we can look."
  42. [16:17] <Aluthyra> Tognik nods, opening and examining the map.
  43. [16:17] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Aye, definitely. Is there a trail that'll take us up there little Red?"
  44. [16:18] <@Kilarra> There's a path that leads fairly straight through the forest from the port area until it reaches the hill, at which point it begins to wind back and forth going up until it reaches the spot marked 'Witchlight', at the top of the hill on the central southern inside of the elbow.
  45. [16:19] * Kilarra looks around, "Since those guys were hiding here, there's probably nothing left in this little port, so at least we have one little haven for now."
  46. [16:20] <Aluthyra> Tognik nods to Kjell and Aluthyra. "Yep. Looks like the map does detail a path to Witchlight, if you wanted to head there first."
  47. [16:22] <@Kilarra> Kjell takes a look at the map, "The path would be the best bet as far as minimizing our encounters with whatever beasties Goldhammer spoke of, but it's no guarantee of safety. Perhaps if we meet up with the Cyphermages first, they can aid us in our search as we help them out of their own predicament."
  48. [16:23] * Aluthyra nods. "Then would you like to lead, Kjell?"
  49. [16:25] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Aye, would be my pleasure. That way at least I'll be the first in the path of any such beasties."
  50. [16:26] * Kilarra smirks, she liked it that way. "I'll go behind Kjell then, so I can keep him in shape and do what I do best." She pats her whip. "Aluthyra, you can take up the rear and keep us covered. Tognik... just don't get in anyone's way."
  51. [16:28] * Aluthyra opens her packs, taking out a potion and quickly quaffing it. She takes out her bow after, ready to continue.
  52. [16:28] <Aluthyra> Tognik shrugs and rolls his eyes. "I'll do my best to not trip any of you."
  53. [16:29] * Kilarra looks at Aluthyra, "What was that?"
  54. [16:30] <Aluthyra> "A potion to help with my defenses. Magical means that do not impede me as armor would."
  55. [16:30] <@Kilarra> Kjell tilts his head curiously, "Shouldn't you save sundries like that for when we're actually in battle?"
  56. [16:32] * Aluthyra shrugs. "Yes... and I have many. It is a precautionary, and if this island is as hostile as that dwarf led us to believe, then it will presumably not go to waste."
  57. [16:33] * Kilarra nods, "Alright, your call. How come you don't actually wear armor though?"
  58. [16:35] <Aluthyra> "I have been trained to fight without armor, and I am more proficient without at this point."
  59. [16:36] <@Kilarra> Kjell chuckles, "To each their own I suppose. Heavier armor gets in the way of my spellcasting, but I hope to fix that with sufficient practice."
  60. [16:36] * Aluthyra smiles. "Yes, well, shall we continue?"
  61. [16:37] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and takes the lead, heading for the path...
  62. [16:42] <@Kilarra> The path heads through the forest, fairly easy to follow while still on the more even parts of the island. At the base of the hill where it begins to wind though, the slog even along the path becomes difficult. Before the party can begin up the slope, the forest shudders and, through a small gap in the trees, a quartet of wild boars emerges. They look panicked, confused and angry, and immediately lash out at the party that stands in t
  63. [16:42] <@Kilarra> -immediately lash out at the party that stands in the way of their frantic flight.
  64. [16:48] * Kilarra pulls out her crossbow and takes a shot. She didn't really like the thing, but it was more lethal than her whip and quadrupeds were harder to trip.
  65. [16:49] <@Kilarra> The nearest boar gets a crossbow bolt through it's shoulder, and is staggered by the shot, though not slowed for long.
  66. [16:51] * Aluthyra quickly readies an arrow, firing it at the injured boar. She nocks a second, turning on her heels and firing it into the next closest boar.
  67. [16:55] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra's first shot downs the injured boar while the second nearly fells another right after.
  68. [16:56] * Kjell isn't going to waste any of his spells against random forest creatures, scared or otherwise. He swiftly draws out Tyrant's Bane and aims to finish off the badly wounded second boar.
  69. [16:58] <@Kilarra> Kjell deftly skewers the grievously wounded boar, putting it down.
  70. [16:58] <@Kilarra> The remaining two boars charge at Kilarra and Aluthyra respectively.
  71. [17:00] <@Kilarra> In their frantic haste however, the first boar trips over a loose stone in the path and collides with its charging partner, bowling them both over. ALuthyra deftly dodges the piggy pileup.
  72. [17:01] * Kilarra docks a fresh bolt into her crossbow and fires at the uninjured boar, hoping Aluthyra could work some more magic and pop the two of them off together.
  73. [17:02] <@Kilarra> The boar yelps as the arrow thunks into its hide.
  74. [17:03] * Aluthyra pulls up her bow to aim after moving to the side in her dodge, firing an arrow at each of the boars.
  75. [17:05] <@Kilarra> The boar that was gored by it's tripped companion is killed, but the boar that tripped is not, although is squeals painfully and thrashes.
  76. [17:07] <Aluthyra> Tognik has been staying safely away from this fight, of course, off to the side.
  77. [17:07] <@Kilarra> Kjell steps up and puts his sword through the barely alive boar to finish it off
  78. [17:07] <@Kilarra> It dies
  79. [17:08] <@Kilarra> Kjell pulls his sword out and looks around the group, "Something had them in a right panic."
  80. [17:09] * Aluthyra frowns, still looking around in case whatever had them in such a panic was still around. "...It seems so. Perhaps the creatures the dwarf spoke of."
  81. [17:13] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "Let us continue on, then?"
  82. [17:14] * Kilarra slips her Crossbow away after notchign a fresh bolt. Stupid thing was annoying to load and unload. She really needed something to make her whip deadly. Maybe fire... "Whatever it was, we should keep moving and hope we don't encounter any unprepared."
  83. [17:16] <Aluthyra> Tognik nods, staying in the back of the group and attempting to follow quietly so that he isn't in the midst of any future combat.
  84. [17:25] <@Kilarra> As the group travels up the steep slope of the hill, even following the winding path, it takes some time to climb. As they get higher, they can see turkey vultures circling overhead. The island is gloomy and clouded over, the ash and dirt kicked into the air by the explosive impact lingering as clouds, resulting in frequent bursts of rain falling on the party as they travel, though the forest canopy keeps some of it off them.
  85. [17:28] <Aluthyra> Tognik groans and mumbles to himself as they travel, the island not being as exciting as he had hoped so far. Especially with the rain. He hates rain.
  86. [17:31] <@Kilarra> As they reach the top of the hill, they see the crumbling ruins of what was once the largest settlement on the Devil's Elbow. It has long since fallen into disrepair, with none of the structures save the stone watchtower retaining a roof of any kind.
  87. [17:32] <@Kilarra> The group can see, once again, a flash of light burst forth from the top of the tower.
  88. [17:32] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
  89. [17:35] <@Kilarra> Rewards: 4 CR 2, 800 Experience Each
  90. [17:35] <@Kilarra> Story Reward: Completion of Parts 1 and 2, 1500 Experience each
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