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May 20th, 2018
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  1. Calem, the heir of Archanea's ownership and peace. And of course, misfortune always happens to you in real life and on discord. I've realized the Order in the server can't be maintained by one person, your power alone isn't able to maintain Order. So Administrators and Peace Mediators and the power of the owner has the chance to maintain Order. So it can reestablish itself. But Unfortunately Order will not be maintained forever, Chaos always returns, and such thing doesn't happen itself, a foolish cause lies within it, and **You** ''Calem'' end up being the main Victim. Each times such thing happens, Toleration lowers itself, but the chances of it happening gets lower. In the peaceful months, Dramatic moments were few and less bothersome, yet these small dramatic moments are connected to one person ''Yato''. Yato is the one connected to cause of tension and arguements in servers. Days were peaceful, but that clearly changed after he planned a syndicate against you. With work the peace mediators stopped such thing from happening.And the so called ''Yato'' has been banned and blocked to end his reign of terror. Unfortunately, your tolerance has reached to the point of 0 you decide to take your leave, since chaos might never come to an end even though the chances of so getting pretty low. With no care in such thing, you still believe leaving is the best option, of course, although it may be harsh for yourself as well for the others. It's truly amazing to see strangers become best friends, but harsh to see best friends turn into strangers. This is something that shouldn't be worried, your valor and honor in this server will never be forgotten.
  3. You and i have been close friends, yet the day to say goodbye has come, too soon, so soon i didn't expect it to end this way. I in the moment have 3 feelings i'm dealing with: Anger, Sadness and Hope. I'm angry by the fact that, that i will be losing you for someone else's cause. Sad that you will be leaving, basically the regret. And Hope that our paths may cross. This is the part where i say ''Goodbye'', and Goodbyes for some reason take minutes ~~lmao~~. When your leave begins, i shall shed 2 tears, a sweet and sour tears, sour for how harsh things have gotten. Sweet for every good time you and i had.
  5. Farewells! :wave: Things change in life sadly.
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