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Mar 28th, 2015
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  1. [19:55:26] Jaxx (jaxx.ilsker): "Deal with it or not. I don't care" he replied to the slaver as he kept his hand on the back of the sword. "If the girl was being promised to someone I'd rather not piss off I would say off with you and have a drink at the Kalda den. They have a new slave there which is just to die for" he added. A small grin as he added. "High brow scribe too! Can you tell me this? Ever had a scribe female suck you off? Seems like those mouthy women know how to put it to use" he added. Looking down at the slave a moment longer he added. "And since I am the asshole who registers who comes into and out of the city, do you really want to make me mad?"
  2. [19:56:47] orle entered the region (982.14 m).
  3. [19:57:15] Forge Tomorrow (forgetten.tomorrow) came onto the scene and he scratched at his the side of his head. He blinked and looked over at Jaxx. "Do you have a problem with my fellow caste mate and associate?" He pointed a thumb at the fat slaver. "He does decent work're gonna find him difficult to work with in these situations." Of course he had never met the other slaver but there was a commraderie amongst people who would surely have to do business together and he would try to give the man some leeway.
  4. [19:58:04] Hilaria (destiny66) stood in confusion for a moment, the offer from the old kettle another moment of reinforcing her new status and she twisted on her feet, her finger lifting to tell him she wanted tea. The jangle of chains greeted her ears, the cuff catching the candlelight and Hilaria sank in on herself. "Thank you, " she said quickly and disappeared behind the counter to pour her a hot cup of kal-da, not that she cared for the bitter brew but it soothed for now. She held the cup in both hands and leaned heavily against the counter, shielded from view of those in the den for now and tried to pretend for the briefest moment that everything was the way it was just a week before.
  5. [20:00:54] orle left the region.
  6. [20:01:31] Strius (callimachus.blackwell) heard the raising voices out front, and the den slut came trotting back in with a man in tow, his hand seemingly stuck beneath her camisk. She giggled as she was felt up and mentioned a brewing fight out from over some slave. Strius sighed low and made his way towards the entrance, he didn't care if anyone killed themselves over anything...he did not want undue attention being brought to his doorstep though. He did pause at the threshold to look back at Hilaria and said low "Thank you not forget again how to properly address your owner, or any free man." Yeah, he was going to teach her to survive and be pleasing even if it caused her great pain. Then he strode outside to see who was thinking of staining the cobbles on his doorstep.
  7. [20:02:00] Siôn (desire.sion)'s handler cleared his throat, looking a touch put back into place by Jaxx's revelations. "I see. Well listen here, she's registered, and speaking of registering, I've only got a few ahn before I've gotta get my ass out of Tharna or never get to leave again, huh." He shot a look toward Forge and the man's declaration was enough for him to feel Caste pride. But it was Tharna, not everything was as it should be. He took another moment to slide his heavily hooded eyes toward the den and smirked anew. "A high caste wench you say? A prize for sure. I just might go in there actually." Good, now it looked like he would enter the building on the other man's suggestion not like it was the destination. He offered a firm nod toward Forge and gave a yank on Ophira's leash. It wasn't until then that a whimper was jerked from her tight lipped mouth.
  8. [20:02:25] Wᴜʟғ Rᴀɪɴғᴀʟʟ (wulfgar.rainfall) is online.
  9. [20:03:02] Hannah (hannah.doran) is online.
  10. [20:03:09] Zira (babybear.serenity) left the region.
  11. [20:04:24] Jaxx (jaxx.ilsker) snorts as he looks at Forge. "I do not care. I have been friends with many a many a slaver. Two who I have shed blood with were Carbenell and Trey of the House of Bohica Kennels" he replied before looking back at the man holding onto Sion. "High caste woman. Scribe like I am. Make certain to get her to serve you a drink if her Master approves. You get how breaking in a formerly free wench can be hard, no?" he asks. To Forge, he dips his head. "If you vouch for him I can let him stay the night. Out by close of day tomorrow otherwise.." he shrugged. "He goes into the mines and the bitch goes to the farms"
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