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Feb 20th, 2020
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  1. BOOM: "Lean Cruise mode" proves American fuel economy is scammed
  3. My car gets approximately 50 MPG in Mexico, and does it with a 121 HP engine and SUV classification. It is not tiny like a Geo Metro. I have done many reports about how Americans get ripped off on fuel economy, on purpose, to get fuel consumption as high as possible while the government in turn guilt trips people about being "wasteful". It's a mind game PLUS an attack on the American economy, excessive fuel usage by American cars takes a LOT of money out of the American economy.
  5. Low and behold, today I came across cold hard proof that the U.S. government is mandating exactly that. It's called "Lean Cruise Mode" and it is popular in Australia, where people re-flash their ECU's and then get 35 MPG highway in Ford F-150's and other similar trucks equipped with V8 engines. It is not possible to do it with American versions of the exact same vehicles because the U.S. government has made it illegal for auto manufacturers to leave that back door open. Lean cruise mode is what got Volkswagen in trouble, they were having it enable by default when parameters were met that proved the cars were not being emission tested.
  7. I have said Americans are getting scammed on gas mileage repeatedly. 4 cylinder cars (should) be getting 60 - 70 MPG by default, even if they are not tiny ones with no changes to them whatsoever other than software. Up until now I have not had something solid that proves government policy is forcing Americans into poor gas mileage, NOW I DO, HERE IT IS.
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