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  66. <h1 class="entry-title">How much do you know about your food and One Degree? Take our Quiz!</h1>
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  68. By <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Jessica">Jessica</a></span> <span class="meta-sep">|</span> <a href="" title="7:35 pm" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">August 6, 2012</span></a> </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  71. <p>Test your knowledge of ingredient transparency, veganic cultivation, sprouted grains, and more. Plus learn some cool facts about our farmers.</p>
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  89. <p>Want to learn more about One Degree&#8217;s ingredients? Each of <a title="Our Farmers" href="" target="_blank">Our Farmers</a> has a unique story to tell.</p>
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  223. json: {"info":{"name":"The Almost Unbelievable One Degree Quiz!","main":"Ready to test your ingredient know-how? Get started to find out how you fare in knowing your fare!","results":"Thanks for taking our quiz\u2014You're one step closer to achieving total ingredient transparency! Visit our site, <a href=\"http:\/\/\">One Degree Organics<\/a> to learn more about our honest ingredients and the value of transparency.","level1":"Ingredient Guru","level2":"Nutrition Revolutionary","level3":"Transparency Tracker","level4":"Conscientious Consumer","level5":"Tracker in Training"},"questions":[{"a":[{"option":" Check with my store's distributor"},{"option":" Call the USDA in Washington"},{"option":" Scan a OneDegree QR code with your smart phone","correct":"checked"}],"q":"How can I trace the ingredients in my food?","correct":"That's right! There's a whole wealth of information in a One Degree QR code, including ingredient origins and harvest dates.","incorrect":"Nope, you likely won't have much luck there, but our ingredient tracking QR codes show you how your food got from farm to plate. \n"},{"a":[{"option":" Grains that ripened too quickly"},{"option":" The brand of a large grocery chain"},{"option":" Easily digestible grains packed with flavor and nutrients","correct":"checked"}],"q":"Sprouted grains are...","correct":"Correct! Sprouted grains make for <a href=\"http:\/\/\/product_categories\/3\" target=\"Great Bread\">Great Bread<\/a> and are easier to digest than their immature counterparts.","incorrect":"No, sorry! A spouted grain is an intentionally sprouted ingredient, making foods easier to digest and adding extra nutrition."},{"a":[{"option":" Corn Syrup + Splenda"},{"option":" Sprouted Grains + Veganic Raisins","correct":"checked"},{"option":" Organic Cane Sugar + Preservatives"}],"q":"Which combination accounts for the sweetness of One Degree products?","correct":"Yes! We don't add any refined sugar or preservatives to our breads.","incorrect":"No way! We don't add any refined sugars, chemical compounds or preservatives to our breads\u2014raisins give our breads a natural and nutritional sweetness."},{"a":[{"option":" We're new, and supply chains can be a real pain"},{"option":" Most North American grains have been trademarked by Monsanto"},{"option":" To quote a famous author, we believe that \"to be simple is to be great.\"","correct":"checked"}],"q":"Our products don't contain many ingredients. That's because: ","correct":"Right! Why add more when it detracts from taste and nutrition? ","incorrect":"Nope, though Monsanto does scare us and supply chains can be difficult to navigate, we've found some fantastic organic and veganic farmers who are helping us get back to basics."},{"a":[{"option":" To prevent blood sugar spikes"},{"option":" To help consumers maintain healthy cholesterol levels"},{"option":" To ensure you get all the fiber and nutrition nature intended"},{"option":" All of the above","correct":"checked"}],"q":"We use only whole grains...","correct":"You know your grains! And aren't whole grains the bee's knees?","incorrect":"While your answer was correct, so were all the others! Whole grains help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, do not cause the blood sugar spikes associated with diabetes and are packed with nutrition, unlike their stripped-down counterparts."},{"a":[{"option":" Like processed foods, our ingredients have some very clever alibis"},{"option":" You can follow the life story of each ingredient we use, from planting to harvest to plate","correct":"checked"},{"option":" Most of our veganic grains are working on screenplays in their spare time"}],"q":"Our slogan, \"Every Ingredient has a Story,\" means...","correct":"That's right\u2014we believe in transparency and seeing where food is from!","incorrect":"Nope. Though we'd love to hear our grains' inner voices, we'll have to settle for tracking their life stories\u2014from the farm to you!"},{"a":[{"option":" It's hip to be square"},{"option":" You have the power to track each ingredient we use"},{"option":" We are a company devoted to transparency"},{"option":" All of the above","correct":"checked"}],"q":"The QR codes on our packages prove that...","correct":"Yes! You know us well.","incorrect":"No, sorry, it's All of the above! "},{"a":[{"option":" Dan Quayle"},{"option":" Prince Charles","correct":"checked"},{"option":" Hank Kimball"},{"option":" Arnold Ziffel"}],"q":"Farmer <a href=\"http:\/\/\/Crestview\">Dwayne Woolhouse<\/a> once talked farming techniques with this famous fan of organic farming:","correct":"That's right\u2014Dwayne would be proud!","incorrect":"Sorry, that was a tough one, but Dwayne actually talked with the Prince! Read more about <a href=\"http:\/\/\/Crestview\">Dwayne's Story<\/a>."},{"a":[{"option":" We really needed a vacation\u2014launching a new brand is hard work!"},{"option":" Basically, Octoberfest and Cinco de Mayo"},{"option":" It was part of our appearance on \u201cAmazing Race\u201d"},{"option":" We\u2019ll go wherever our search for the best veganic ingredients takes us!","correct":"checked"}],"q":"We found our sesame seeds in Mexico and organic gluten in Germany because:","correct":"Yes! We're on a quest for the world's best veganic ingredients.","incorrect":"Though that sounds fun, we're currently devoted to our quest for the world's best veganic ingredients!"},{"a":[{"option":" The temperature at which we ship our bread"},{"option":" Our belief that there should be no more than one degree of separation between you and your food","correct":"checked"},{"option":" A classic Motown group we really like"}],"q":"The name for One Degree refers to: ","correct":"Yep! We strive to get you as close as possible to your food, short of harvesting the grains yourself.","incorrect":"No, nice try though. We belief that there should be no more than one degree of separation between you and your food, and we want to help make that happen!"},{"a":[{"option":" Grasshoppers","correct":"checked"},{"option":" The Great Dust Bowl"},{"option":" Mad Cows"},{"option":" Frankly, he was always kind of a rebel"}],"q":"One reason <a href=\"http:\/\/\/schmidt\">Arnold Schmidt<\/a> decided to make his farm 100% organic was:","correct":"That's right, Arnold had a very close call with Grasshopper insecticide, inspiring him to go organic. Read more about his story and <a href=\"http:\/\/\/schmidt\">the Schmidt Farm<\/a>.","incorrect":"Actually, Arnold had a very close call with some Grasshopper insecticide. That incident refocussed his ideals and shifted him toward organic farming\u2014read more about <a href=\"http:\/\/\/schmidt\">Arnold's Story<\/a>"},{"a":[{"option":" The California of Canada","correct":"checked"},{"option":" The Albuquerque of Alberta"},{"option":" The Breadbasket of the North"}],"q":"Farmer <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rowlandseeds\">Roy Brewin<\/a> calls his region:","correct":"Yes! \"No surfers, gridlock, Botox or power outages, but rich soil, an extensive irrigation network, and lots of sunny days\"\u2014great for delicious seeds and grains to sprout.","incorrect":"No, that was a tricky one though! Roy calls his region The California of Canada. \"No surfers, gridlock, Botox or power outages, but rich soil, an extensive irrigation network, and lots of sunny days\"\u2014great for delicious seeds and grains to sprout. Learn more about <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rowlandseeds\">Roy's story<\/a>."},{"a":[{"option":" Lots of chicken litter"},{"option":" Genetically modi\ufb01ed dung beetles"},{"option":" Roundup supplemented with biosolids"},{"option":" Rotating crops, learning from the land, and working with nature","correct":"checked"}],"q":"The way our veganic farmers build richness in the soil is:","correct":"That's right\u2014none of those sketchy techniques for us, only organic, veganic and natural farming techniques are used to produce our ingredients.","incorrect":"No, sorry, and frankly, those techniques scare us. We only use ingredients grown with organic, veganic and natural farming techniques for the highest quality and best nutrition possible."},{"a":[{"option":" Consumers looking for a great vegetarian source of Omega-3"},{"option":" Anyone seeking great taste plus abundant \ufb01ber, nutrients and minerals"},{"option":" Moose"},{"option":" All of the above","correct":"checked"}],"q":"Some of the most devoted fans of our veganic \ufb02ax are:","correct":"Yes! Flax is packed with so many great nutrients, the moose love it too : ) ","incorrect":"Sorry, your answer is correct, but so are the others! Flax is packed with so many great nutrients, the moose love it too : ) "}]},
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