
Jian - Dance of Water and Blood

Jan 31st, 2014
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  1. [00:22] <Earthflame> The next afternoon, a message is left at the Water Temple for Reisuki. It asks that, after she's done training, she follow the path down from the Metal Temple to the small field crossed by a stream. Jian will be meditating there... And wishes to spar.
  2. [00:33] <Deedles> Reisuki looks up from the note in her hand as she walks along the road leading up to the Metal Temple. She studies her surrounding as she searches for Jian.
  3. [00:40] <Deedles> She follows the directions of the note, walking past the Temple towards the field, follow the stream as it leads her to a small, lowered platform covered in lush grass and white flowers. She smiles faintly as she spots Jian, raising a hand to wave. "Hey!" she calls out to him.
  4. [00:41] <Earthflame> The young swordsman can be found meditating next to the stream, one hand trailing in the water... As she gets closer, she sees he's actually splitting the stream, a blade of shining Chi creating a channel in the water as it flows past him. He doesn't open his eyes, but he nods as she approaches. "Good afternoon, Rei."
  5. [01:30] <Deedles> "How are you?" She asks as she moves up to stand beside him.
  6. [01:31] <Earthflame> His eyes open slowly as he looks up at her. "...Better. I'm getting used to it. Each day I feel more able to bear it... And more able to channel it." He looks down at his hand in the water, and flicks his thumb at the Chi Blade... The Chi stains red with drops of blood, and suddenly the channel it carves is longer and deeper, the blade exerting far more force upon the surrounding water.
  7. [01:37] <Deedles> Reisuki watches him quietly in thought as he demonstrates "That's good." she says after a moment, smiling down at him. "Means you'll be able to use it for good, and have better control over it."
  8. [01:39] <Earthflame> "I hope so..." He removes hand from the stream, standing slowly. "But I wanted to test it."
  9. [01:39] <Deedles> "Is that why you wished to spar?" she wonders
  10. [01:43] <Earthflame> He nods to her. "Yes."
  11. [01:50] <Deedles> Rei moves back, putting a short distance between them as she lays a hand on her rapier. "Then I'm ready when you are."
  12. [01:51] <Earthflame> He smiles, taking a stance, and letting the Chi Sword flare in his palm. "...I was thinking about what you said last night. That Water and Blood are alike... I wondered what I could learn from you. So, show me your skills, swordswoman of the seas."
  13. [01:53] <Deedles> "I take that's permission to let loose, because if you cry afterwards I'll be be there to say 'I told you so'." She replies with a playful grin, one foot sliding up to her other as she draws her blade.
  14. [01:56] <Earthflame> Jian mirrors her smile, raising his blade and letting it catch the light of the sun...
  15. [02:06] <Deedles> Reisuki shoots forward towards Jian, the misty air of the mountains seem to sweep around her as she swings her rapier forward in a broad and lightning fast arc, the blade glowing white as energy trails behind it.
  16. [02:21] <Earthflame> Jian is caught by surprise by her speed, starting to move a fraction of a second too late...
  17. [02:22] <Deedles> The handle of her rapier collides with the side of Jian's head
  18. [02:25] <Earthflame> He moves with the impact, spinning and setting his feet a pace away from her... Blood seeps from the side of his head, a trickle running down his cheek. Jian's smile is unbroken.
  19. [02:25] <Deedles> Reisuki smiles back at him "Your turn."
  20. [02:32] <Earthflame> ...Jian moves fast, his Chi blade flicking into a reverse grip as he moves to the side, eyes closed and feet moving in fast, circling steps. A drop of blood rolls down the blade, glistening crimson against the silver Chi as he makes his strike at her back.
  21. [02:38] <Deedles> Reisuki's hand swings around her blade coming around behind her to block his blow, but as they slide along each other his sword nicks her hand.
  22. [02:39] <Deedles> She spins around to face him, her blade flash through the air as it's in front of her again. "You're good..." she comments, smiling still.
  23. [02:40] <Earthflame> "You knew that already." He gives her a nod. "You aren't so bad yourself."
  24. [02:41] <Deedles> "I haven't actually seen you fight." She reminds him as she laughs faintly
  25. [02:49] <Deedles> The next moment she's in front of him again, slicing rapidly while her blade is covered in the same white glow as before.
  26. [02:50] <Earthflame> The Blade he can evade... The white aura, however, reaches a little beyond the physical stuff of the sword.
  27. [02:52] <Deedles> It seeps into him, leaving him with a light chill...
  28. [02:57] <Earthflame> He grits his teeth, but doesn't break his step. Another graceful motion, another change of stance and another drop of blood staining his sword crimson. He puts a foot down in a single solid step, and the sword seems to leap between two locations without passing through the space in between, and a ringing sound echoes through the air, with the edge of a scream...
  29. [03:19] <Deedles> Rei manages to parry one of the blows and the poison that followed, but for the second strike she was too slow, the blade making a clean cut on her right arm. She yelps as her left hand comes up to grip over the wound, looking at Jian with an impressed smile.
  30. [03:20] <Earthflame> He dances back a step after the flurry, smiling at her. "Your move."
  31. [03:47] <Deedles> "What a gentleman." Rei comments before she comes in for another fast sweep, her hilt colliding with the other side of his head.
  32. [03:50] <Earthflame> He tries to duck, but while he avoids the pale aura he takes another blow, staggering as the blood flow increases, staining his cheek and the collar of his shirt. "...Rather brutal, for a lady." He raises a hand, pressing it to the side his head and wincing at the pain.
  33. [03:57] <Deedles> "I'm trying to create minimal amounts of blood." Reisuki replies with a coy smile as she falls into her stance
  34. [03:59] <Earthflame> "Unlucky." Jian moves his left hand away from his head for a moment... And then pushes the blade straight through his palm. When it emerges, it is stained crimson the whole way through... And when it comes out, the blow is swift and powerful, a scarlet slash of speed and power that defies any attempt to stop it.
  35. [04:02] <Deedles> Rei's eyes widen at the force and swiftness of the strike, trying to spin out of the way, but it's too late.
  36. [04:04] <Earthflame> The sword cuts along her arm again... It doesn't feel like a cut, though. It feel like blood is being ripped through her skin, widening the wound. Jian's eyes widen as well, looking at the bloody rent in horror as the redness fades from the blade. "...Spirits, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." He grits his teeth, frustration in his eyes. "I Thought I'd controlled it..."
  37. [04:09] <Deedles> Reisuki can't hold back a cry of pain from the horrid sensation and staggers back, dropping her sword. She breathes heavily as she attempts to smile "My arm is still attached..." she says inbetween pants.
  38. [03:12] <Earthflame> "We should get you back to the water temple... Ziulong will have my hide." He bows his head. "Damn it all..."
  39. [04:16] <Deedles> Rei nods as she leans down to get her rapier and sheath it "Yeah, that, nhh, would probably be a good idea." she agrees as she slowly moves towards him.
  40. [04:18] <Earthflame> He raises his blade to his shoulder, slicing off his sleeve and stepping towards her, cutting it into a flat piece of cloth and offering it to her. "Use this for a bandage."
  41. [04:20] <Deedles> "Thank you." She holds forward her hand to accept it before she clumsily begins wrapping it around the cut.
  42. [04:20] <Earthflame> He helps, with dexterity if without any practiced skill. "...I'm sorry. I didn't know it would do that to you."
  43. [04:22] <Deedles> "Don't worry about it. It'll heal." Rei tells him with a soft smile, grimacing slightly as she tries to keep her arm still. "Soon enough it'll just be another scar..." she glances down at her arm, several scars already decorating it.
  44. [04:22] <Earthflame> He smiles darkly at that. "Lose the arm, and it'll all clean right up." He extends his right arm, showing the pale, clear flesh. "...I miss them, in a way. Every scar was a lesson I'd learned."
  45. [04:26] <Deedles> "I would, if Ming had those seeds lying around." Reisuki chuckles as she begins walking up the path that leads back to the Metal Temple.
  46. [04:27] <Earthflame> Jian moves with her, standing just to the side with a worried look, hovering in case she needs support. "...This makes things complicated. I'm used to controlling my Chi in sparring, avoiding serious wounds... But that just didn't work." He sounds... Confused. And a little scared.
  47. [04:29] <Deedles> Reisuki moves a bit closer to him, reaching for him with her left hand "We can train more in the future, it's the best way to learn better control."
  48. [04:30] <Earthflame> "How can I train with others if I can't help hurting them?"
  49. [04:30] <Earthflame> He looks away
  50. [04:30] <Deedles> "It's sparring, injuries happen." She insists as she grips onto him
  51. [04:32] <Earthflame> He smiles softly, taking her hand and squeezing back. "...I'm not used to my own Chi disobeying my will..."
  52. [04:35] <Deedles> "You'll get used to it." She assures him as she smiles up at him "Alright? I've been through worse, and this isn't so bad, it's just a cut."
  53. [04:36] <Earthflame> "It looks nasty..." He frowns, squeezing her hand again. And then looks to her. "...How do you mean? Get used to your Chi disobeying you? It's my breath. My essence. It's..." He shakes his head.
  54. [04:44] <Deedles> "I'm saying you'll get used to your chi and it'll obey you." Reisuki explains as she gazes up at his eyes "And it might look nasty, but it'll be fine."
  55. [04:45] <Earthflame> "Will it? Corrupt Chi resists control, it has it's own will... At least it feels that way."
  56. [04:47] <Deedles> "You're strong-willed. I know you'll be able to do it." She says with confidence as she smiles earnestly at him.
  57. [04:48] <Earthflame> He smiles as well. "Thank you, Rei. I'm sorry you had to suffer... But I suppose that's an important lesson I have learned."
  58. [04:55] <Deedles> "Yeah, you have, and I'll be fine." she tells him as she gives him a slight squeeze "Ziulong will fix me up in no time."
  59. [04:55] <Earthflame> He chuckles. "You're certainly resilient, to bounce back so quickly from that."
  60. [04:57] <Deedles> "As mean as it feels to admit, I'm just used to it, and good at hiding it." Reisuki replies with a somber smile.
  61. [04:58] <Earthflame> He smiles sadly, moving his other hand to squeeze her shoulder. "...Then I should be letting you enjoy relaxing, rather than just making you go through more..."
  62. [05:00] <Deedles> "Sparring with you was relaxing." She tells him softly as she lays her left hand on the one he placed on her shoulder.
  63. [05:00] <Earthflame> He sighs. "Until I buggered it up..." Still, he smiles at the contact.
  64. [05:01] <Deedles> "Mistakes happen." she replies
  65. [05:04] <Earthflame> "They Shouldn't..." He growls a bit at that, looking away again. "...My entire life I learnt precision. Control. To hone my Chi into a fine edge in the forge of my will. This... It's blood. It flows with my heartbeat, surging according to it's own rhythm..." He shakes his head.
  66. [05:05] <Deedles> "Jian..." Reisuki says, her voice a bit firmer. "Learning something new like this takes time, and I'm fine." she insists, not liking to see him beat himself up like that.
  67. [05:06] <Earthflame> "...I can't lose control again, Rei. I can't. I can't rely on someone stopping me before I really hurt someone, or kill them..."
  68. [05:08] <Deedles> "That's why you train a bit to learn control." Rei tells him
  69. [05:10] <Earthflame> ...An expression of anger and frustration crosses his face, and touches his voice as he speaks. "I've been learning it All my Life... Why isn't it Working!?"
  70. [05:17] <Deedles> She moves infront of him, gripping his arm tightly with her left hand, and trying to do the same with her right hand as well as possible. "You've learnt how to deal with your normal chi, but your corrupt chi is new to you still, you haven't had much time, and not much guidance!" she tells him sharply "Be patient..." she adds as her voice softens, her hand coming up to rest on his cheek as she looks deeply into his eyes.
  71. [05:17] <Deedles> "You can do it, just be compassionate to yourself."
  72. [05:18] <Earthflame> ...He takes a deep breath, lowering his head into her hand... "...It's hard. I... I'm not used to this. I never had to fight with anger. To conflict with my emotions, with my Chi... It was all so Simple. A sword is straight and pure, direct and elegant..."
  73. [05:23] <Deedles> "That is a bad sword. A sword is a beautiful, balanced and layered weapon. Yes, it can be elegant, pure and direct, but it is not simple."
  74. [05:25] <Earthflame> He blinks at that. "...It always seemed simple to me. It was what I am. What I have always been."
  75. [05:27] <Deedles> "Just because it is what you've always been doesn't mean that it isn't a complicated object that is layered and needs to be balanced." Rei replies as she holds his gaze.
  76. [05:28] <Earthflame> "...It was never hard before. It was as natural as breathing. But... Now I can't work out how to make a sword that doesn't kill."
  77. [05:30] <Deedles> "Before you didn't have Corrupt chi to deal with too. Your sword is becoming layered. Are you a good enough smith to meld your sword into the shape you want it to be?" She asks him seriously
  78. [05:31] <Earthflame> He focuses, his grey eyes staring into hers. "...Yes. I must be."
  79. [05:32] <Deedles> Rei nods as she smiles faintly "Good." she says before her left hand slides down to his, grasping it lightly as she continues to walk towards the Water Temple, the bloodloss making her feel a bit woozy by now.
  80. [05:33] <Earthflame> Jian squeezes her hand, using his other arm to support her as he quickly escorts her to Master Ziulong's care...
  81. [05:34] <Deedles> "Thank you." She says as he helps her along, the pair soon arriving at the Water Temple.
  82. [20:24] <Earthflame> Jian calls out, unwilling to leave Rei's side. "Master Ziulong?"
  83. [20:26] <Deedles> The temple remains silent for a few moments before he can hear light footsteps approaching through one of the corridors, the Water Mentor peering at the pair as he reaches the entry hall. "... I see." he murmurs. Rei raises her good hand to give him a wave. "Hey, Master." she greets him with a tired smile.
  84. [20:26] <Earthflame> Jian looks down, wearing an obvious expression of shame.
  85. [20:38] <Deedles> Ziulong wordlessly gestures for them to follow as he begins heading for the medical office. Reisuki glances up at Jian and lays a hand on one of his arms.
  86. [20:39] <Earthflame> He gives her a half smile, but simply focuses on helping her along to the office.
  87. [20:40] <Deedles> Ziulong opens the door and enters, moving over to one of the shelves to get some supplies while Jian helps Rei inside.
  88. [20:41] <Earthflame> He moves to settle her on the medical bed, stepping aside and glancing to Ziulong. "We were training and..." He bites his lip. "Her arm is badly injured..."
  89. [20:43] <Deedles> "I know..." Ziulong replies calmly as he moves to the bed, placing needle and thread on the table beside it, before he pulls up a stool and sits down infront of Rei, opening the small jar of ointment he had gotten too. "He didn't mean to, he's just trying to get used to his new chi." The Water Mentor looks at her for a moment "... I know." he repeats.
  90. [20:45] <Earthflame> "It seemed like... It ripped the blood out of her body." Jian shivers a bit, wishing to turn away but forcing himself to watch, to face what he had done... Even with the bandage still on, the sight of the ragged wound is vivid in his mind.
  91. [21:00] <Deedles> "The Corrupt can be merciless." Ziulong mutters as he begins removing the make-shift bandage around Rei's arm so that he can apply the ointment.
  92. [21:04] <Earthflame> "I... I thought I could control it."
  93. [21:06] <Deedles> "You will." The Silent Ice states calmly as he carefully spreads the blue goo around Rei's wound. Reisuki nods slowly. "I know he will." she agrees softly, grimacing slightly as the medicine stings at first.
  94. [21:07] <Earthflame> Jian fixes his eyes on the ragged wound...
  95. [21:12] <Deedles> Ziulong slowly covers the edges of the wound with the ointment before he puts it to the side and begins getting the needle and thread ready. Rei looks a bit pale as she holds her wounded arm steady with her good one.
  96. [21:14] <Earthflame> Jian bites his lip, curling his left hand into a tight fist and causing blood to well up against the bandage... His penance for what he has done. "I'm sorry."
  97. [21:37] <Deedles> "Stop apologizing." Reisuki tells him plainly as she looks up at him, frowning faintly. Meanwhile Ziulong slowly starts to sew the cut shut, the flesh around it numb from the ointment he'd applied first.
  98. [21:41] <Earthflame> "...I'm not sure what else to do. How can I practice to try and improve my control if I keep hurting my friends in the attempt?"
  99. [21:43] <Deedles> "Keep practicing, wounds heal." Rei insists firmly while the Water Mentor remains silent, a pondering look appearing on his face for a moment.
  100. [21:44] <Earthflame> Jian looks conflicted at that. "...It is my burden to bear. I should be the one to pay the price. Not those I care about."
  101. [21:46] <Deedles> "I might have a means to help you." Ziulong chimes calmly, though his eyes never leave the wound that he's carefully closing. Rei blinks and looks at the mentor.
  102. [21:47] <Earthflame> Jian turns his eyes to the normally quiet mentor, his voice quiet as he asks. "...How?"
  103. [21:50] <Deedles> "Water copies." The Doctor replies, tilting his head to the side slightly as he approaches the end of cut.
  104. [21:51] <Earthflame> "...By the spirits, that could work."
  105. [21:54] <Deedles> "I know." Ziulong replies, his tone hinting that he thought that was obvious. He ties the thread into a knot before cutting off any excess, rising to his feet to get a cloth and some water to gently wipe down the area around the wound. Reisuki smiles brightly at Jian "That way you can learn to control it, without someone getting hurt!"
  106. [21:58] <Earthflame> He smiles at that. "That would ease my heart... Thank you, Master Ziulong." Jian offers him a bow.
  107. [22:00] <Deedles> Ziulong shrugs as if to say that it's no big deal as he puts the cloth to the side and goes to retrieve a bandage that he can cover the now sewn shut cut with.
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