

Sep 26th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. At some point in the near future, the Chinese invade Taiwan on November 12th 2021. While there are calls to avoid war, it was only avoiding the inevitable. World War 3 begins. Initially, it is not so destructive. But as time grows on, the Russians are able to smash into Europe, while Chinese invade in the north of India.
  3. The US at the start performs rather well, but the Chinese in the end were able to defeat the US in open ocean battles, sinking many US carries in the south China sea, leaving Japan vulnerable to Chinese invasion after South Korea falls to the North. The Fins manage to put up a good fight against the Russians but eventually, it is not enough. Western Europe and its army proved too soft for the Russians.
  6. Eventually the Russians and Chinese win in the war by 2024. The treaty is eventually signed and the third world war ends. Various territorial gains are made, while the US still fights on in desperate attempts to preserve its pride and image. The United States eventually implodes into a 2nd American civil war during the third world war. Various states break away, most notably the west coast breaks away with direct Chinese influence, being the People's Republic of Pacifica.
  8. The United States government under Biden (who somehow had won a second term) had failed to deal with the uprisings and was overthrown by Richard Laledale, a former Space Force military leader at the ripe age of 34. His movement persuaded a mass amount of followers. While other hard core liberals, socialists and others were quickly put down forcibly. Because of this, many former movements were overtly banned and crushed under the technocratic jackboot. This was enough to persuade most from rising up against them.
  10. In the Southern States there was a Neo-Confederate Uprising known as the New Confederacy which sought to establish a new Confederate States of America. Although not officially endorsing White Supremacy, some of their members did and there were various race wars throughout the south during the civil war.
  12. Initially, Pacifica was a 'moderate' American style socialist regime but as the times got tough, only the most ruthless remained in a mirror of China on the west coast. They soon welcomed a lot of Chinese nationals and investors into their borders.
  14. From the annihilation of the old union, a new government eventually takes power with a near religious like devotion to the re-unification of the United States and re-claiming more territory. The New Confederacy was defeated with a conditional surrender. Laledale accepted many of their members into his ranks and allowed them to rule over the Southern States as governors, but under extreme supervision and some restrictions.
  16. In an event known as the "Rapture" they have prepared for, for a very, very long time. After the ascension of Richard Laledale in the opposition movement, the neo-fascist movement was born and when they had victory in the civil war, a technocratic fascist dictatorship would take power. Various state boundaries were re-drawn. The Second American Civil War was fought from 2025 to 2028.
  19. Under Laledale's rule, America quickly became a totalitarian state where nearly all aspects of life were controlled by the government. The "Free" States of America referred to the concept that America was now free from elitist and partisan rule, in which America was now under an efficient and highly organized government. The "Free" American Empire came to be, when the Americans fully crushed any opposition to the new government.
  22. The AmNat (American National Technocratic Party) Party then began to eliminate all political opposition and consolidate its power. Laledale became dictator of America by merging the three branches of government and replacing the office of President with "Pro-Consul". A national referendum held 31 August 2048 confirmed Laledale as the sole leader of America. All power was centralised in Laledale's person and his word became the highest law. The government well coordinated, technocratic, nationalistic, and heavily militaristic.
  25. In the wake of the Second American Civil war, the AmNats restored economic stability and ended mass unemployment using heavy military spending and a mixed economy. Using deficit spending, the regime undertook a massive secret rearmament program and the construction of extensive public works projects, including the construction of new roadways, and public infrastructure. The return to economic stability boosted the regime's popularity.
  28. Unlike other fascist regimes, this heavily authoritarian ideology advocated for the removal of racial boundaries and to remove all aspects of racial, ethnic, and cultural division by any means necessary in order to create a well organized and efficient state under the supervision of the AmNat party which consisted of a group of highly specialized individuals that had expertise and specific fields of economics, social policy, and otherwise. These groups of individuals serve as Laledale's board of directors, for he would make the final decisions the board of directors would agree upon. Propaganda Minister Edward Brown made effective use of film, mass rallies, and Laledale's hypnotic oratory to influence public opinion. The government controlled aspects of art, and business and would remove "Degenerate" impurities from them, banning and strictly regulating some, while greatly promoting others.
  30. From the early half of the 2040s, the Free American Empire made increasingly aggressive territorial demands, threatening war if these were not met. Most notably these territories would include various pacific territories that were seized by other countries such as Japan, China, and the United Kingdom. As well as the Bahamas, Mexican borderlines, and most importantly secessionist states such as the People's Republic of Pacifica (California, Washington, and Oregon), Mormon Republic of Utah, and a re-surgent Nevada revolt.
  32. America seized Utah in the brief invasion in 2043, and would heavily oppress the Mormon Community there, and often times there would be various measures undertaken such as the destruction of churches and places of worship, and the construction of new hard labour camps. Various other smaller territories were seized by forcing European powers to sign treaties, or just outright illegal annexation.
  34. During the Canadian Crisis in 2044 the Free American Empire would annex eastern Canada and support a secessionist movement in Quebec upon the Chinese influencing Canadian elections, and Canada as a whole.
  36. The rest of Latin America ranges from Mexico who is currently undergoing a crisis thanks to rival military leaders and cartels to Brazil who has adopted a similar regime to Laledale's and is rapidly innovating in science and technology however plays both sides of the war for maximum profit for itself. Venezuela is an overtly Communist dictatorship and Suriname is a Chinese puppet state. Both of these regimes have seen massive investment by the Chinese and often host Chinese submarines and troops in secret, while Peru is supported by the Russians in order to get a foothold on the continent. May South America be host to future events.
  38. In Europe, the Russian State reigns least in theory. Following their Success in the Third World war, the Russians would re-gain most former Soviet territories in Eastern Europe. The peoples of Eastern Europe were especially tough in putting down and the Russians currently deal with terrorist movements in those regions. Further attempts at Russification have been made. The Russians were more than happy to re-claim their former territory of Alaska, as well as Russian speaking regions in Kazakhstan.
  40. The CSTO was made into a military pact during the Third World War and they were able to strongarm the former EU members of Finland and Norway in the dying days of the European Union. Gone are the days of the welfare states that dwell within the Scandinavian nations, that has been suppressed. Iceland, Greenland and Denmark were also torn away from the influence of the west. These nations now resemble modern day Poland, if anything in our timeline is comparable.
  42. Former Warsaw pact nations were brought back into the fold of the Russian Bear, electing Russian style regimes while a much smaller version of East Germany has been created as well as a regime in Austria. The CSTO in Europe is where the Russian bear is constantly busy with dealing with terrorists, protests, and other such things behind the scenes. The new KGB is the most feared organization in the entire world due to this, rivaling even Laledale's Secret Police.
  44. The rest of the CSTO across the world are various allies of Russia. Such as the majority of the middle east, to other major powers in Africa. The alliance is formalized. An attack on one is an attack on all - borrowing a page from NATO's gravestone.
  46. The former European Union nations that made it unscathed in comparison to their neighbors have found themselves traumatized by the third world war. Their former welfare states and liberal democracies are gone, replaced by military run regimes that have increased the authority of their governments to deal with the threats outside their borders. The EU is dead. Long since has it been replaced by the European Concorde - lead by France.
  48. France has taken the lead role of Europe following the dissolution of the United Kingdom and the destruction of Germany's honor in war as well as its economic power that still hasn't rebounded since the third world war. The European Concorde is host to a Unified Military, and all the things the EU dreamed about except for democracy and peace. Scotland meanwhile has joined up with the Russians.
  50. Africa is a much worse place to be. South Africa was over-thrown by Chinese supported African Revolutionaries who then invaded its neighbors and proclaimed the People's Republic of Azania. A staunch Chinese ally in all endeavors, it seeks to remove all 'imperialist' influence in the continent while blissfully unaware of its own crimes.
  52. The Russians are here too, supporting the Congo, Morocco, and Egypt against the majority of the Sahara which is bought out by the Chinese one way or the other while tribal conflicts continue to spill over as usual. The Russian and Chinese supported regimes are at each other's odds.
  54. Seeing the future of Africa under European and Asian influence the East African Federation was formed and influenced its neighbors. A homegrown movement, it also seeks to remove all Imperialist influence within Africa while without being hypocritical in doing so. Due to a lack of allies abroad, its advancement has been entirely self forged yet slightly behind that of its neighbors.
  56. The Middle east is where the Russians truly shined - supported by their Iranian and Arab allies, the Israelis and Saudis were crushed. The Saudis eventually shattered like glass into many rump states that can't hold a candle to the Russian allies that surround them. The various rump states would become Russian allies within the CSTO in due time. Even the communists in Arabia are a failed experiment from the Chinese that hold strong...somehow.
  58. Asia is firmly within the Chinese Sphere of the Belt and Road Initiative. Korea has been re-unified under a new government that is strictly a Chinese Puppet state. Gone are the days where the Kims ruled over, at the very least the Chinese has made Korea open up to the rest of the world. While rosy on the surface, this new Korea is nothing but a puppet state...just like all of the others in Asia in all reality.
  60. China prides itself in defeating the Japanese especially, having revenge for the second World War and re-unifying Taiwan. Both of which are major points of Chinese pride. Japan is now relegated to a backwater mess. Japanese innovation has been purposefully stifled in most cases and the idea of a unified Japan is history. Revenge is sweet, so the Chinese say. The occupation of Japan has been fairly brutal. An entire nation eradicated for all intense and purposes.
  62. All throughout South-East Asia and Oceania Chinese nationals have spread and invested within their respective nations. This has greatly developed these nations at the cost of near total subservience to the Chinese and their economic system. The Taliban still rule Afganistan successfully and are quite satisfied with their stable position. A stark contrast to the previous few centuries.
  64. India is forced to co-operate with China while Pakistan has seized Kashmir from it following WW3. India is relatively unstable. Protests and riots are quite frequent. The Chinese have spies in nearly every avenue of their puppets and allies abroad. Life is decent, if you are loyal and don't question the state of affairs. Step out of line and you'll find your ability to get a job increasingly difficult, continue to do so and you will mysteriously disappear.
  66. Australia and New Zealand have abandoned all ties to the British Commonwealth. The Union Jack hasn't been a thing for decades. While these two may seem like the most free on the surface within the BRI, the truth is - they are not. The only parties that really win elections are the left leaning, and even harder left leaning parties. Australia and New Zealand are frequent destinations of Chinese tourists and business. Everything is made in China.
  68. Antarctica was formalized into an international condominium following the Antarctic Treaty being disbanded. It is now completely dominated by the Russians and the Chinese. Some American bases are here, but China and Russia have the majority of the control here.
  70. Military technology has rapidly advanced since the 2020s. Laser and focused beam weaponry is the norm, while any bullet based guns are extremely fast and efficient. AI is used in the military such as Jets, Tanks, and even androids. Enhanced body armor and vision technology is also the norm in the military. In these days, the draft in most nations is a thing due to the volatile peace of the world.
  72. In nearly every avenue technology has progressed rapidly beyond expectations such as AI that surpasses human intelligence, Supercomputers held in your pocket, completely autonomous vehicles, highly advanced rocketry and design, and so much more.
  74. The internet is mainly limited between various spheres. The American Sphere consisting of Laledale's Regime, Brazil, and Quebec, the Russian Sphere (extending to the CSTO), the Chinese Sphere (Consisting of the BRI), and the rest of the world. Face to face communication over the internet here no longer involves texting in most cases - mostly holographic communication and other such technologies.
  76. Laledale's regime has abolished the imperial system and 12 hour time. 24 hour time is mandated. Each nation has its unique quirks ranging from America's focus on energy, to the Chinese focus on security, and Russian focus on information. Fossil Fuels are largely phased out across the world thanks to renewable energies and thorium nuclear plants (of which America has plenty).
  78. The Outer Space treaty was disbanded as well as the UN. In the UN's place is the Confederated Union of Nations, which has thankfully adverted a fourth world war multiple times. Nuclear Bombs have been largely discarded in place of bombs of equal and greater destruction minus the radiation. Neutron Bombs.
  80. Orbiting stations around the Earth are commonplace, thankfully the Americans lead the effort to remove most space debris from orbit which cleared up a massive new market for orbiting stations. Most nations nowadays have at least one or two orbiting stations, while the great powers have upwards of 10 each.
  82. The Moon is host to a large population of humans. The Russians and Chinese have the most bases, the Americans have their own towards the rear side of the moon far away from prying eyes. Laledale is working on a superweapon of sorts, nobody knows what it is. The Moon is host to automated helium-3 and resource mining.
  84. Mars is also host to a few bases as well and many automated missions have been sent there. All of Mars is officially claimed by human nations as is the Moon, with the superpowers receiving the Lion's share of both worlds. Besides Mars and the Moon are the Asteroid belt and the Inner Planets which have been receiving increased interest. As per Laledale's ambitious plans, orbiters and probes have been sent nearly everywhere in the solar system to increase humanity's knowledge.
  86. The year is 2068. History is history. What happens next?
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