
I'm a Troll? YA DON'T SAY!

May 6th, 2012
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  1. [17:44:44] <Blizzardo1> No seriously, What's going on?
  2. [17:45:49] <Patrick> itś not important
  3. [17:45:52] <Patrick> user is handling it
  4. [17:46:02] <Blizzardo1> User?
  5. [17:46:07] <Blizzardo1> What does he have to do with this?
  6. [17:51:05] <Patrick> itś not important to you anymore
  7. [17:51:41] <Blizzardo1> ok Wumbo is actually my cousin
  8. [17:51:54] <Blizzardo1> I will ask him what happened personally
  9. [17:52:05] <Patrick> It is not important
  10. [17:52:07] <Patrick> it´s solved
  11. [17:52:11] <Patrick> it´s over
  12. [17:52:12] <Blizzardo1> And he will probably make you sound like an asshole
  13. [17:53:11] <Blizzardo1> YOU SAID WHAT TO HIM?
  14. [17:53:32] <Blizzardo1> WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?
  15. [17:53:52] <Patrick> you´re lying
  16. [17:53:54] <Patrick> he´s not even here
  17. [17:54:01] <Blizzardo1> Who?
  18. [17:54:06] <Blizzardo1> Wumbo?
  19. [17:54:07] <Patrick> wumbo
  20. [17:54:09] <Blizzardo1> I called him
  21. [17:54:18] <Blizzardo1> from my PHONE!?
  22. [17:54:49] <Patrick> you´re fucking lying
  23. [17:54:52] <Patrick> he even aplogized to me
  24. [17:55:01] <Blizzardo1> Really now?
  25. [17:56:19] <Blizzardo1> mmk and who said that?
  26. [17:56:25] <Patrick> you know dude
  27. [17:56:28] <Patrick> he just added me on skype
  28. [17:56:32] <Blizzardo1> ?
  29. [17:56:36] <Patrick> and fucking apologized to me
  30. [17:56:37] <Patrick> right theer
  31. [17:56:39] <Patrick> * there
  32. [17:56:43] <Blizzardo1> Sauce now
  33. [17:56:48] <Blizzardo1> I want your side
  34. [17:57:18] <Patrick> beau is not our cousin
  35. [17:57:20] <Patrick> * your
  36. [17:57:54] <Blizzardo1> You're right...
  37. [17:57:57] <Blizzardo1> He's not my cousin...
  38. [17:58:00] <Blizzardo1> He's my brother
  39. [17:58:14] <Patrick> no hes not
  40. [17:58:29] <Patrick> if he was your brother, why is his last name watts? and your last name dealennis?
  41. [17:58:29] <Blizzardo1> Your right... He's not my brother... He's my Nephew
  42. [17:58:38] <Patrick> just shut the fuck up
  43. [17:58:40] <Blizzardo1> Spell it right next time
  44. [17:59:23] <Patrick> hey guess what
  45. [17:59:27] <Blizzardo1> hmm?
  46. [17:59:28] <Patrick> you are a troll
  47. [17:59:31] <Patrick> thank you
  48. [17:59:33] <Blizzardo1> Thank you sir
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