
[PiE]Integral of My Life

Oct 28th, 2013
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  1. >You groan as you look at the squalid mess that is your desk.
  2. >You've got your computer playing music softly, two notebooks open, a pdf of a textbook-
  3. >FUCK paying money for that shit.
  4. > -a stack of hand-written notes, and a formula list.
  5. >You place your forehead on the desk and whimper.
  6. >You could've chosen to NOT get an education.
  7. >There's plenty of careers that pay really well and don't need a college degree.
  8. >Your brain feels like it's full of cotton candy.
  9. >You whimper again.
  10. >Twilight coughs pointedly from your bed.
  11. >Her wings are splayed out by her sides and she flicks a page with her telekinesis.
  12. >"Something bothering you, Anon?"
  13. >Oh and ponies are apparently real.
  14. >Yeah, apparently they had an insane wizard king who built a portal to Earth.
  15. >And the ponies came.
  16. >It was a tense couple of years, but eventually systems were set up.
  17. >So now you were partnered with the premier mage of Equestria.
  18. >You weren't the top student in your school but somewhat above average.
  19. >Apparently your psych profiles match really well.
  20. >And of course co-ed dorming so that you would learn about each others cultures.
  21. >You roll your head over and look at her bleary-eyed.
  22. >She winces.
  23. >"You know, Anon, mathematics aren't -that- hard."
  24. >You snort at her.
  25. "Yeah, well when your kids learn derivatives in school, I'm sure it seems easy."
  26. >She giggles and her bangs fall on her eyes.
  27. >"Anon, how many times? Foals. Goats have kids. We have foals."
  28. >You shrug, still slumped over.
  29. "Meh."
  30. >She cranes her neck and looks at your equations.
  31. >"Would you like for me to explain this to you?"
  32. >You lift your head off the desk and shake your head.
  33. "Nuh-uh. There'd be no point. I won't learn it this way. Besides, it's not that I don't get it..."
  34. >She looks at you expectantly.
  36. "It's more along the lines that they're usually long to actually do out - and if you're not meticulous, you'll screw up one minor thing, and the whole thing comes out wrong."
  37. >You stare off into the distance.
  38. "And then your professors give you bad grades, and everyone judges you harshly, and then nobody will ever love you, and your parents murder each other."
  39. >You feel a telekinetic field spread over your mouth, stifling your words.
  40. >"Anon? You started going into your dark place again."
  41. >She jumps off your bed and stretches her wings out.
  42. >A faint smell of lavender permeates your room.
  43. >To the best of your knowledge - i.e. asking her directly - she doesn't use any sort of scented soaps or anything.
  44. >You chalk it up to freaky unicorn/pegasus powers.
  45. >She folds her wings against her sides and pokes you with her horn.
  46. >You feel a small surge of energy.
  47. >"Come on Anon. You should get some food in you. I'm kinda hungry too."
  48. >Your eyes light up (metaphorically) at the sound of food.
  49. >You get up from your chair and pop your arms and neck.
  50. >Twilight winces as she hears the cracking sound.
  51. >"By Celestia, I swear it sounds like you're about to break in half."
  52. >You grin, grab your coat, and open the door.
  53. >Twilight casts a quick spell on her, presumably to keep her warm, and walks out, smiling at you.
  54. "It's amazing how hunger tends to make a gentleman out of you."
  55. >You roll your eyes at her.
  56. >The two of you walk across the quad to the cafeteria.
  57. >Knowing the general nocturnal habits of students, it's open until 3 AM.
  58. >You see a whole bunch of humans and a bunch of ponies interspersed in the crowd.
  59. >You wave to a couple of your buddies and Twilight raises a hoof, or sometimes a wing to a couple of ponies.
  60. >You smirk as you remember when Twilight introduced you to a mint-green unicorn.
  61. >...Lyre? Lyra? Aral?
  62. >Something like that.
  63. >Who apparently had a whole -thing- about humans, even before she knew they were real.
  64. >Granted, Twilight found the old My Little Pony show from the 80s rather amusing.
  66. >You are broken out of your reverie when you hear a cough and a 'horsefucker' from someone in the crowd.
  67. >Oh goddammit.
  68. >You look around, trying to see who it was.
  69. >Nah, just a bunch of students.
  70. >No idea who said it.
  71. >You look down at Twilight.
  72. >Her ears are drooping slightly downward.
  73. >Oh crap.
  74. >That got to her.
  75. >You gently nudge her hoof and motion for her to get ahead of you.
  76. >She looks up and orders some kind of salad.
  77. >You enjoy salad sure, but not every frickin' day.
  78. >She loves soda though.
  79. >And yes, she ordered two, as she always does.
  80. >You chuckle and order yourself a burger and fries.
  81. >You think you hear your arteries screaming, but you calm them down with the promise of fish oil in the morning.
  82. >The two of you pay for your food, and start walking back to your dorm.
  83. >It's getting cold out so you're hurrying along.
  84. >"Anon?"
  85. "Mm?"
  86. >"Why are some humans still against us?"
  87. >You grimace and choose your words carefully.
  88. "Well, unlike you guys we were both predators and had aspects of a hunting pack. So it's like... hardwired into us to divide social groups into 'us' and 'them.' "
  89. >The two of you walk into your common room, and sit down to eat.
  90. >Twilight looks at your burger with some distaste.
  91. >Fortunately, the two of you worked out that little issue a while back.
  92. "Anyway, so before you ponies found our world, we'd usually be prejudiced against other races or religions. Now that we have sentients that are completely and utterly alien? Our natural xenophobia kicks in."
  93. >She studies her salad, picking at it with her fork.
  94. >"But you're not like that. Nor are a lot of the other humans."
  95. >You shrug.
  96. "We're all different. Just like you ponies. Come on, we established this a while ago."
  97. >You give her a little grin, but she still looks pensive.
  98. "I don't know, Anon. I mean the term used? Even if we did have sex-"
  99. >She coughs, blushes, and continues.
  100. " -even if we did, it wouldn't the same if you had sex with one of your horses on Earth. We can give consent and stuff."
  102. >Oh yeah.
  103. >You remember the publicized debate between the nation's politicians, scientists; and Equestria's diarchs.
  104. >Eventually they were forced to conclude that our equines, while smart, are not truly sapient.
  105. >And that was that.
  106. >You wink at her.
  107. "Why, are you getting lone-"
  108. >She flicks a salad leaf in your face.
  109. "Honestly, Anon. Come on."
  110. >You chuckle and eat the leaf.
  111. >Not that bad actually.
  112. >Having finished your food, you walk back to your room.
  113. >The pile remains... piled... on your desk.
  114. >You swear it's mocking you in its own disorganized fashion.
  115. >You do feel more energized though after that food.
  116. >Twilight goes back to her Renaissance Lit book.
  117. >You sit down at your desk, un-sleep your laptop, and start doing more practice problems.
  118. >Guh.
  119. >You shift your chair closer to the bed and place one hand on Twilight's wing-shoulder thing and begin to stroke it absent-mindedly.
  120. >You feel her tense up and then relax under your touch.
  121. >Her fur is very soft and fine.
  122. >It's quite relaxing.
  123. >She says it feels nice for her too.
  124. >Some time passes.
  125. >Suddenly Twilight's voice breaks you out of the state of bliss you're in.
  126. >"Anon! We've been doing this for 15 minutes! Get back to work!"
  127. >Groan.
  128. "But I don't wanna be smart..."
  129. >She seizes the chair in her telekinetic field and slides it away from herself.
  130. >"As my friend Big Mac would say - Eeeenope! You cram that math in that head of yours."
  131. "But-"
  132. >"Cram it!"
  133. >You grumble for a bit before turning back to your papers.
  134. >Integral from one to four... let's see, natural log...
  135. >Guhhhhh.
  136. >You glance a quick look at Twilight.
  137. >She's engrossed in her book.
  138. >Okay.
  139. >You kill the sound on your computer and launch your favorite game.
  140. >You figure you earned a little break.
  141. >The title screen goes away and you start playing.
  142. >Suddenly you feel a light tap on your head and a sheet of paper covers your screen.
  143. "Augh dammit!"
  144. >You glare at Twilight who is shaking her head in disapproval.
  145. >"I'm not mad Anonymous. I'm just disappointed."
  147. >You pout at her but she remains adamant.
  148. >"Study."
  149. >Wow. She's practically growling at you.
  150. >Instead you take a piece of crumpled up paper from your desk, pack it tighter, and chuck it at her.
  151. >Her eyes open wide and she grins.
  152. >"As my dear friend Rarity would put it..."
  153. >Her eyes narrow.
  154. >"It. Is. ON!"
  155. >She lifts the wad up and tosses it at you.
  156. >Then a pencil.
  157. >Then a pen.
  158. >Holy crap.
  159. >You get up from your chair and hide behind the desk.
  160. >It's kinda cramped, but she can't get at you from this angle.
  161. >The sound of magic stops momentarily and you hear the items drop to the floor.
  162. >Phew.
  163. >The sound of telekinesis fills the room again as something rises into the air.
  164. >You look to your side.
  165. >Nothing.
  166. >Other side?
  167. >Wall.
  168. >No!
  169. >She wouldn't.
  170. >You look up.
  171. >The lid from your bottle of water is unscrewing itself in her purple TK field.
  172. >Water drops on your head followed by a *CLUNK*
  173. >You stad up and glare at Twilight, who smiles innocently at you.
  174. >"One of the things I had to do as a Princess was learn how to motivate ponies."
  175. >She flips to the next page of the book and stops paying attention to you.
  176. >"Hm. Works for humans too."
  177. >Feh.
  178. >Curse that lavender mare and her sorcerous ways!
  179. >You sit back at your desk and go back to studying.
  180. >Surprisingly, you do feel more refreshed.
  181. >It's starting to make a little bit more sense.
  182. >You feel yourself fill with confidence as you start cracking the problems one by one.
  183. >Eventually, you finish the problem set.
  184. >You run over the generic steps in your head.
  185. >Yeah, you think you can do this.
  186. >You grin and throw a look at Twilight.
  187. >The mare has her face planted in the book, snoring ever so softly.
  188. >Dawww.
  189. >You put on your bathrobe, quickly change into your sleepwear, and sit on the bed.
  190. >This wakes the pony up.
  191. >She looks at you through semi-lidded eyes.
  192. >"Mmphm. Anon? Mind if we share the bed?"
  193. >You smile and nod at her.
  194. >You've done this before.
  195. >She scoots over a bit as you plop yourself down next to her.
  197. >Immediately, she splays her wings out again, and puts one of them over you.
  198. >You'll say this.
  199. >Pegasi wings?
  200. >Softer than any down blanket.
  201. >And apparently they're mildly anti-gravitic or something.
  202. >They're used in human construction now.
  203. >Anyway, it feels like the softest thing.
  204. >You begin to gently stroke her mane.
  205. >It's so soothing.
  206. >Twilight starts to nicker softly.
  207. >Yeah, she's out.
  208. >Oddly enough, this is just as soothing for you.
  209. >She shifts in bed slightly, draping her hind hoof over your leg.
  210. >You settle more comfortably in your pillows and run over the formulae one more time.
  211. >Sleep takes over.
  213. -A Couple of Days Later-
  215. >You come back into your room, beaming hugely.
  216. >Twilight is writing something in her notebook at her desk.
  217. >"Well, you look chipper."
  218. >You kneel down and wrap her into a bear hug.
  219. >She returns the affectionate gesture with forehooves and wings.
  220. >You show the test to her.
  221. >Her eyes widen and she hugs you again.
  222. >"Anon! I'm so proud!"
  223. >She kisses you on the cheek and blushes.
  224. >You'd normally make fun of her for this, but holy crap!
  225. >You ACED this shit.
  226. >Like a boss.
  227. >All thanks to her.
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