
ai 1

Feb 26th, 2021
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text 0.96 KB | None | 0 0
  1. StringCaseSense, off
  2. f1::
  3. ;-----------grab info from email-----------
  4. clipboard=
  5. Send ^c
  6. ;-----------check if owe money-----------
  7. varfrom:=SubStr(Clipboard,1,InStr(Clipboard,"`n")-1)
  8. StringReplace, varfrom, varfrom, From, , All
  9. StringReplace, varfrom, varfrom, `r, , All
  10. FileRead, varowemoney, C:\Users\Thom\Desktop\owe us money.txt
  11. varfrom=%varfrom%
  12. IfInString, varowemoney, %varfrom%
  13. {
  14. msgbox, This person owes money do not take order
  15. Return
  16. }
  17. ;-----------check what dept this goes to-----------
  18. If clipboard Contains oatmeal
  19. {
  20. If clipboard Contains %A_Space%KY%A_Space%
  21. {
  22. Msgbox, This is for the KY food dept.
  23. }
  24. If clipboard Contains %A_Space%DE%A_Space%
  25. {
  26. Msgbox, This is for the DE food dept.
  27. }
  28. }
  29. If clipboard Contains goats
  30. {
  31. If clipboard Contains %A_Space%KY%A_Space%
  32. {
  33. Msgbox, This is for the KY Animal dept.
  34. }
  35. If clipboard Contains %A_Space%DE%A_Space%
  36. {
  37. Msgbox, This is for the DE Animal dept.
  38. }
  39. }
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