

Jan 1st, 2016
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  1. holograms:
  2. faction:
  3. lines:
  4. - '&5&lFactionWars Stats&9 - &e%faction%'
  5. - '&aWins&9/&cLosses&9: &6%wins%&9/&c%losses%'
  6. - '&aKills&9/&cDeaths&9: &6%kills%&9/&c%deaths%'
  7. enabled: true
  8. top:
  9. header: '&eFactionWars &aTOP &6#5 &aFactions'
  10. enabled: true
  11. line: '&b#%rank% &a%faction% &e%wins% Wins'
  12. footer: ''
  13. number-of-factions: 5
  14. switchTime: 30
  15. item:
  16. damage: 0
  17. id: 276
  18. punishments:
  19. money: 0.0
  20. power: 0.0
  21. commands:
  22. - msg %player% Dommange, tu as perdu la guerre !
  23. stats:
  24. table: factionWars
  25. use-mysql: false
  26. mysql:
  27. password: ''
  28. username: root
  29. database: minecraft
  30. hostname: localhost
  31. port: '3306'
  32. start-game:
  33. commands:
  34. - fly %player% off
  35. - god %player% off
  36. - gamemode 0 %player%
  37. time-before-teleport: 10
  38. invincible-tag: 0
  39. wait-time: 10
  40. faction-mods-can-start: true
  41. titles:
  42. enabled: false
  43. end-game:
  44. commands:
  45. - bc La faction %winner% a gagné une guerre de factions contre la faction %looser%!
  46. health-loss:
  47. per-second: 1.0
  48. enable: false
  49. fireworks:
  50. amount-per-five-ticks: 1
  51. enabled: false
  52. timer: 900
  53. debug: false
  54. rewards:
  55. money: 0.0
  56. power: 0.0
  57. commands:
  58. - msg %player% bravo, tu as gagné la guerre !
  59. enable-war-opt-out: false
  60. selection:
  61. equal-number: true
  62. minimum-per-faction: 3
  63. maximum-per-faction: -1
  64. kit:
  65. use-kits: true
  66. drop-loot-if-not-kits: true
  67. bank-account: ''
  68. invite-expire-time: 120
  69. disable-commands:
  70. exceptions:
  71. - msg
  72. - tell
  73. - m
  74. - me
  75. - f chat
  76. enabled: true
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