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a guest
Jun 2nd, 2016
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  1. Printing description of response:
  2. {
  3. "loc_setting" = {
  4. "agreement_terms" = "<h2>Terms & Condition</h2> <ul> <li>1) Terms and condition - 1</li> <li>2) Terms and condition - 2</li> <li>3) Terms and condition - 3</li> <li>4) Terms and condition - 4</li> <li>5) Terms and condition - 5</li> <li>6) Terms and condition - 6</li> </ul>";
  5. "allowed_insurance" = (
  6. 0,
  7. 393,
  8. 394,
  9. 395,
  10. 396
  11. );
  12. "allowed_picture_fields" = {
  13. "customer_home" = 1;
  14. "move_out" = 1;
  15. "payment_information" = 1;
  16. "rental_agreement" = 1;
  17. "select_insurance" = 1;
  18. "select_unit" = 1;
  19. };
  20. "currency_symbol" = "$";
  21. "cust_account_history_help" = "<i>Customer Account History Screen !</i>";
  22. "cust_account_summary_help" = "Customer Account Summary screen! Please contact Admin!";
  23. "cust_edit_info_help" = "<u>Customer Edit Information For Save and change details!</u>";
  24. "customer_fields" = {
  25. address = 1;
  26. email = 1;
  27. "gate_code" = 1;
  28. name = 1;
  29. phone = 1;
  30. };
  31. "customer_help" = "<b>\n Customer Help</b><div><br></div><div>This is customer help, and this field can be configured in advanced settings.</div> ";
  32. "customer_login_help" = "Customer login screen!";
  33. "customer_login_type" = "gate_code";
  34. "customer_welcome_help" = "&nbsp Customer <font color=\"#333333\"><span >WELCOME Screen for More Information!!</span></font>";
  35. "default_agreement" = system;
  36. "default_insurance" = 393;
  37. "help_info_type" = html;
  38. "is_auto_payment" = 1;
  39. "is_insurance_option" = 1;
  40. "is_move_out_reason" = 1;
  41. "is_view_account_history" = 1;
  42. "location_features" = "location featues";
  43. "location_id" = 335;
  44. "min_unit_available" = 1;
  45. "move_in_fields" = {
  46. address = 1;
  47. "cell_phone" = 0;
  48. "driver_license_number" = 0;
  49. "driver_license_picture" = 0;
  50. "driver_license_state" = 0;
  51. email = 0;
  52. "home_phone" = 0;
  53. "work_phone" = 0;
  54. };
  55. "move_out_agreement_help" = "Move out Agreement page!";
  56. "move_out_agreement_terms" = "I have moved out of the unit listed as of today. Anything left is to be considered abandoned and may be disposed of. I have inspected my stored items and have found all items to be present and in the same condition as when I stored them. I will be responsible for any disposal or clean-up costs.";
  57. "notification_email" = "";
  58. "notification_fields" = {
  59. "change_contact_info" = 1;
  60. "move_in" = 1;
  61. "move_out" = 1;
  62. "new_lead" = 1;
  63. payment = 1;
  64. };
  65. "payment_fields" = {
  66. address = 0;
  67. city = 0;
  68. state = 0;
  69. zip = 1;
  70. };
  71. "payment_help" = "<div>Payment Help</div>";
  72. "payment_success_help" = "Payment do by visa n master card";
  73. "payment_success_msg_help" = "For your convenience, we have placed a lock inside your unit. Simply break the tag on your unit door and the lock will be inside.";
  74. "payment_type" = CC;
  75. "rental_agreement_help" = "<u><i><b>Rental Agreement</b></i></u>";
  76. "select_insurance_help" = "<div><span><b>Insurance Help</b></span></div>";
  77. "select_unit_help" = "<b>Select unit screen!</b>";
  78. "signature_help" = signature;
  79. "unit_available_data" = {
  80. order = custom;
  81. "selected_unit" = (
  82. 3617,
  83. 7569,
  84. 3389,
  85. 3390,
  86. 3483,
  87. 3484,
  88. 3494,
  89. 3505,
  90. 6999,
  91. 7000,
  92. 7001
  93. );
  94. };
  95. "unit_data" = (
  96. );
  97. "unit_rate_plan" = "<null>";
  98. };
  99. location = {
  100. active = 1;
  101. "additional_movein_fee" = "[{\"desc\":\"Service Tax\",\"cost\":\"12.36\",\"is_required\":\"false\"},{\"desc\":\"Additional Cost\",\"cost\":\"5.00\",\"is_required\":\"false\"},{\"desc\":\"Convenience Fee\",\"cost\":\"10.00\",\"is_required\":\"false\"}]";
  102. address1 = "1906 Plainfield Road";
  103. address2 = "Crest Hill";
  104. "api_call_frequency" = 350;
  105. "api_credentials" = {
  106. sCorpCode = CCTST;
  107. sCorpPassword = Giant123;
  108. sCorpUserName = "codal:::CALLPOTENTIAL7D3HX23";
  109. sLocationCode = Demo;
  110. };
  111. "api_permissions" = "{\"note_updates\":\"1\",\"close_lead\":\"1\",\"customer_page\":\"1\",\"lead_card\":\"1\",\"lead_processing\":\"1\",\"lead_card_customers\":\"1\",\"update_lead\":\"1\",\"product_information\":\"1\",\"sl_phone_integration\":\"1\"}";
  112. "api_type" = SL;
  113. "api_url" = "";
  114. "autopay_text" = "I understand by checking this box the card above will be charged each month, helping me avoid future late fees.";
  115. "batch_event_count" = 1;
  116. "bypass_press_1" = 1;
  117. "call_route_config_id" = 235;
  118. "callcard_id" = 298;
  119. "card_assignments" = "[\"1445\",\"1445\",\"1445\",\"1445\",\"1445\",\"1445\",\"1445\",\"1445\",\"1445\",\"1445\",\"1445\"]";
  120. "card_type" = script;
  121. city = "Crest Hill";
  122. "collection_rule_id" = "235-collection-manual";
  123. "convenience_fee_employee" = "4.00";
  124. "convenience_fee_phone" = "5.00";
  125. "convenience_fee_user" = "6.00";
  126. country = US;
  127. "custom_variables" = "{\"custom_variables\":[{\"name\":\"{custom.test3}\",\"value\":\"test5\"},{\"name\":\"{custom.test4}\",\"value\":\"test4\"},{\"name\":\"{custom.adsfasdfasdf}\",\"value\":\"asdf\"},{\"name\":\"{custom.mytest}\",\"value\":\"mytest case\"},{\"name\":\"{custom.testnewvar}\",\"value\":\"test new var creation.\"}]}";
  128. "customer_card_id" = 129;
  129. dateCreated = "0000-00-00 00:00:00";
  130. dateRemoved = "<null>";
  131. delay = 15;
  132. "display_phone" = 7054297599;
  133. email = "";
  134. "employee_gradesheet_id" = 137;
  135. "enable_reservation_payment" = 1;
  136. "enable_transcribe" = 0;
  137. esign = Yes;
  138. "exclude_payment_link" = 999;
  139. "excluded_specials" = "";
  140. "followup_rule_id" = "235-three-sms";
  141. "friendly_name" = "1906 Plainfield Road";
  142. greeting = "This call is being recorded.";
  143. "greeting_mp3" = "25d6bc44b57534022ffb084046792c45.mp3";
  144. "greeting_type" = 0;
  145. "hide_phone_number" = 1;
  146. "hours_availability" = {
  147. "access_hours" = (
  148. {
  149. closed = 1;
  150. "from_hour" = "";
  151. "to_hour" = "";
  152. weekday = Monday;
  153. },
  154. {
  155. closed = 1;
  156. "from_hour" = "";
  157. "to_hour" = "";
  158. weekday = Tuesday;
  159. },
  160. {
  161. closed = 1;
  162. "from_hour" = "";
  163. "to_hour" = "";
  164. weekday = Wednesday;
  165. },
  166. {
  167. closed = 0;
  168. "from_hour" = "12:00AM";
  169. "to_hour" = "11:59PM";
  170. weekday = Thursday;
  171. },
  172. {
  173. closed = 0;
  174. "from_hour" = "12:00AM";
  175. "to_hour" = "11:59PM";
  176. weekday = Friday;
  177. },
  178. {
  179. closed = 1;
  180. "from_hour" = "";
  181. "to_hour" = "";
  182. weekday = Saturday;
  183. },
  184. {
  185. closed = 1;
  186. "from_hour" = "";
  187. "to_hour" = "";
  188. weekday = Sunday;
  189. }
  190. );
  191. "office_hours" = (
  192. {
  193. closed = 1;
  194. "from_hour" = "";
  195. "to_hour" = "";
  196. weekday = Monday;
  197. },
  198. {
  199. closed = 0;
  200. "from_hour" = "12:00AM";
  201. "to_hour" = "11:59PM";
  202. weekday = Tuesday;
  203. },
  204. {
  205. closed = 0;
  206. "from_hour" = "09:00AM";
  207. "to_hour" = "06:00PM";
  208. weekday = Wednesday;
  209. },
  210. {
  211. closed = 0;
  212. "from_hour" = "12:00AM";
  213. "to_hour" = "11:59PM";
  214. weekday = Thursday;
  215. },
  216. {
  217. closed = 0;
  218. "from_hour" = "12:00AM";
  219. "to_hour" = "11:59PM";
  220. weekday = Friday;
  221. },
  222. {
  223. closed = 0;
  224. "from_hour" = "09:00AM";
  225. "to_hour" = "06:00PM";
  226. weekday = Saturday;
  227. },
  228. {
  229. closed = 0;
  230. "from_hour" = "09:00AM";
  231. "to_hour" = "06:00PM";
  232. weekday = Sunday;
  233. }
  234. );
  235. };
  236. "imap_host" = "<null>";
  237. "imap_password" = "<null>";
  238. "imap_port" = "<null>";
  239. "include_all_email" = 1;
  240. "include_all_phone" = 1;
  241. "include_all_text" = 1;
  242. "is_api_call_allowed_threshold_1" = 0;
  243. "is_available_filter_on" = 1;
  244. "is_collection_only" = 0;
  245. "is_inquiry_type_req" = 1;
  246. "is_mktgsrc_editable" = 1;
  247. "is_mktgsrc_required" = 1;
  248. "is_pull_reservation_cron_running" = 0;
  249. "is_rate_restricted" = 0;
  250. "is_source_required" = 0;
  251. "is_units_always_rentable" = 1;
  252. "keypad_zone" = 0;
  253. "last_api_update" = "2016-02-19 03:23:43";
  254. lastupdate = "10/15/2013 9:01:24 AM";
  255. latitude = "41.556879";
  256. "lead_expiration_rules" = "";
  257. "location_gradesheet_id" = 136;
  258. "location_id" = 335;
  259. "location_image1" = "816529a1971907869812a4da96fe6667.jpg";
  260. "location_image2" = "0a926a9037fff769eb7a7bb4b860457c.jpg";
  261. "location_image3" = "422f11aabc2111d75e11da1067bc58e8.jpeg";
  262. "location_name" = Sitelink;
  263. "logo_image" = "6b5759fff3bd11da13c836339d71237d.jpg";
  264. longitude = "-88.127826";
  265. "max_reservation_length" = 30;
  266. "minimum_balance" = 0;
  267. "movein_required_fields" = "[\"first_name\",\"last_name\",\"phone\",\"email\",\"city\",\"state\",\"country\",\"zip\",\"alt_first_name\",\"alt_last_name\",\"alt_phone\"]";
  268. "music_file" = "/uploads/hold_music/hold-audio.mp3";
  269. "outbound_phone" = "";
  270. "outbound_sip_setup" = "{\"sip_username\":\"cpdev150408112356\",\"sip_password\":\"elance\"}";
  271. "overide_tracking_number" = 13125489077;
  272. "overriden_script_callcard" = "";
  273. "paybyphone_all" = 0;
  274. phone = 6468638592;
  275. "play_music_on_hold" = 1;
  276. postal = 60606;
  277. "primary_sip_setup" = "";
  278. province = IL;
  279. rateType = 1;
  280. "record_call_announcement" = "This call may be recorded";
  281. "record_outgoing" = 1;
  282. "record_payment_calls" = 0;
  283. "rental_period" = Monthly;
  284. "reservation_fee_settings" = "{\"is_required\":1,\"total_fee\":\"0\"}";
  285. "reserved_vacant" = 1;
  286. "reset_collection_on_payment" = 0;
  287. "restrict_lead_to_mark_rented" = 0;
  288. "round_rate" = 0;
  289. "script_callcard_id" = 1445;
  290. "sip_domain_sid" = SD21c4a1790b79ba7ce87b9489969495be;
  291. "sitelink_pull_units_last_time_tick" = 0;
  292. "sl_timezone" = 0;
  293. tags = "T1; T2; T3; {custom.nocheck};{system.CustEmail};{custom.fullcheck};";
  294. timezone = "America/Adak";
  295. "transcribe_maximum_duration" = 240;
  296. "transcribe_minimum_duration" = 60;
  297. "unavailable_units" = "";
  298. "use_daylight_saving" = 1;
  299. "user_id" = 235;
  300. website = "";
  301. whisper = 0;
  302. };
  303. "video_url_by_size" = (
  304. );
  305. }
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