
[Verdant] Hemoanonimity and 'Greybloods'

Nov 25th, 2018
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  1. ANONBLOODS are treated differently on VERDANT than they are in the EMPIRE at large.
  2. (This has changed Recently due to the New Emperor, His High Monarchy, Highking Siddon. For changes, please see 'Update' below)
  4. Being an ANONBLOOD is not seen as hemorebellion; it is seen as a rejection of social norms and the full acceptance of one's individual goals for life. It does, however, depend on the ANONBLOOD.
  6. ANONBLOODS who cast aside their bloodcolor are often seen as the pinnacle of mysticism, rejecting the fiber of their being in order to reach true enlightenment. Many ANONBLOODS on VERDANT serve as temple attendants. Others choose to become hermits or hunter-gatherers. The concept of being ANONBLOODED is one that is treated with grave seriousness on VERDANT; attempting to reveal a temple attendant's blood color is a cullable offense. Some theorize this may be a rule instated to prevent government-favored mutants from being culled, but this is gossip and not fact.
  8. Some ANONBLOODS -are- treated poorly on VERDANT--these are the drunken ANONBLOODS that stumble around the market, the irresponsible ANONBLOODS that refuse to pay their utilities and commit petty crimes; these are seen as outliers, not the commonality of the ANONBLOOD-IDENTIFYING trolls on the planet, and are even less respected than RUSTBLOODS.
  10. Responsibility is a powerful ideal on VERDANT, so if you are shirking your blood responsibility, it must be for a -very good reason-.
  12. --UPDATE--
  14. ------
  16. New under His High Monarchy, Highking Siddon’s rule are changes to those known as Hemoanonymous, Hemoanons, or simply just ‘Anons’ that the Empire has never seen in any previous rule. Greybloods, or 'The Grey Caste' (as the Empire is now referring to them) have about the same, if not slightly lower, social standing than Rustbloods and similar power in social and political situations, but come with them a number of Legal Protections against being Culled.
  18. By becoming Grey Caste, one forfeits all rights to the Caste they are abandoning, even if exposed in the future. What this means is that a Highblood becoming Hemoanonymous cedes any kind of political or social standing that may have simply come from their Caste, and Lowbloods forfeit any kind of Stigma regarding their Caste in favor of Anonymity. Once you become Legally Greyblooded, it would require a very long legal circus to have such a status removed (if applicable) before one would be able to present as their Original Caste once more.
  20. It is the responsibility of the Greyblood to hide as much of their caste as possible to avoid causing a social schism, endangering themselves and others, or opening themselves up to Illegal Violence. While not directly referenced, Greybloods are synonymous with ‘Mutants’ and, thus, the requirement to hide said mutations for their own protection falls solely on the Greyblood themselves. Any Mutant Greyblood who is found to be abusing their Anon Caste and its legal protections as a means to avoid culling while actively displaying their Mutations will be culled; Anons are not exempt from Culling if they willingly and constantly expose, announce, or reveal their mutations.
  22. Laws have been established for The Grey Caste which had not previously existed and had been more word-of-mouth and public decision:
  24. It is Illegal to Cull a Greyblood for suspicions of being a Mutant, and is likewise illegal to attempt to expose a Mutant Greyblood under the same suspicions.
  26. It is Illegal to cull a Greyblood who has become accidentally exposed via external means, including the exposure of Off-Colored Blood and Physical Mutations. The only time this is moot is if the Greyblood is injured during illegal activities (such as assault or fleeing from the Law).
  28. In the event a Greyblood wishes to contribute to the Genetic Continuation of the species, they must undergo a confidential Medicull Exam to verify that they are not mutated in any way that would pass to future generations. If they are verified to be genetically sound, they will receive a Certification of Contribution. If they are found to be unfit for Contribution, they will be disallowed to contribute on penalty of culling.
  30. Some persons may have to legally forfeit their Caste Rights and take up the Grey Caste in lieu of being culled. While Mutant Laws still state that any Caste-Showing Mutant is up for culling, Anon Mutants are exempt.
  32. Any Survivors / Off-Worlders who were not a part of the Exodus to Verdant must be examined in the field for any kind of Sickness or Mutation. If they are found to be Mutated, they will be allowed to take up The Grey Caste to be allowed to become a Citizen of Verdant. If said Troll opts to remain as a Visible Caste/Refuses Hemoanonimity, they are exempt from being Culled but will be left on the Planet they were discovered on with a basic Survival Care Package and will be marked as an Exile of the Empire.
  34. While these laws may seem barbaric, never before has an Anonblooded Individual held so many rights, nor been acknowledged as a Legitimate Caste on the Hemospectrum.
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