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Apr 9th, 2015
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  1. guys
  2. [5:19:26 PM] Andrew: afgahns mmr is 3k
  3. [5:20:01 PM] Alex Clermont: I mean
  4. [5:20:09 PM] Andrew: I am talking to him right now
  5. [5:20:22 PM] Alex Clermont: how could his mmr be 3k
  6. [5:20:24 PM] Alex Clermont: with vhs
  7. [5:20:28 PM] Alex Clermont: games on his dotabuff
  8. [5:20:33 PM] Andrew: Sintanic Jebus: wtf man
  9. Sintanic Jebus: message me when you get the chance
  10. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: what is going on
  11. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: i just slept 22 hours non stop... i am super sick
  12. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: ask nothimg matters i went to throw up right before my last 1vs1
  13. Sintanic Jebus: ummark dota profile from pvt
  14. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: sure
  15. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: done
  16. Sintanic Jebus: how do you get into NEL games with 3k
  17. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: if you look closely at the game on dotabuff
  18. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: you can see it's NEL august
  19. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: and it says "played 3 months ago"
  20. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: it was an expired NEL season
  21. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: it was an actual IXDL-O game
  22. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: and the host
  23. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: marked it as NEL
  24. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: for lolz, because he was couched in NEL
  25. [5:21:04 PM] Alex Clermont: that makes perfect sense
  26. [5:21:08 PM] Alex Clermont: but it doesn't explain the vhs skill gaes
  27. [5:21:17 PM] Andrew: vhs?
  28. [5:21:56 PM] Alex Clermont: It represent the average skills of 10 players during the match (Not yourself skill). For example you and 9 of other have MMR average above 3800 they will set Very High Match.
  30. One the other hand if you 3800 above and party with someone around 3000 - it mean other party will have pp whom 3800 and around 3000 as well . So the average skills of this match will be HIGH -- not Very High
  31. [5:21:59 PM] Alex Clermont: very high skill
  32. [5:22:03 PM] Alex Clermont: i copy pasted thaat
  33. [5:22:13 PM] Alex Clermont: very high skill games represent3.7k ++
  34. [5:22:27 PM] Andrew: well his mmr is 3k
  35. [5:22:32 PM] Andrew: I am looking at it right now
  36. [5:22:43 PM] Andrew: and I see no reason for us not to let him play
  37. [5:22:47 PM] Andrew: he is not breaking rules
  38. [5:22:50 PM] Alex Clermont: Q: What does 'normal', 'high', and 'very high' skill mean?
  39. A: It's an information given by Valve in some (not all) matches. It will tell the average skill level of the players in that game. If you want to relate it to MMR, normal tends to be < 3k, high is from 3k-ish to around 3.8k, and very high is over 3.8k.
  40. [5:23:08 PM] Alex Clermont: if he has vhs games he shouldbt be allowed to play
  41. [5:23:15 PM] Alex Clermont: mmrs can be inflated and deflated
  42. [5:23:30 PM] Alex Clermont: and it isn't 1 or 2 vhs games
  43. [5:24:11 PM] Alex Clermont: its kidna obvious
  44. [5:24:15 PM] Alex Clermont: he calibrated early
  45. [5:24:19 PM] Alex Clermont: so his mmr is low
  46. [5:24:25 PM] Alex Clermont: all his rankedgames are less than vhs
  47. [5:24:32 PM] Alex Clermont: and his normal or hidden mmr games are vhs
  48. [5:24:55 PM] Alex Clermont:
  49. [5:24:57 PM] Alex Clermont: compared to
  50. [5:25:11 PM] Alex Clermont:
  51. [5:25:21 PM] Alex Clermont: ranked games hold you strictly to your mmr
  52. [5:25:35 PM] Alex Clermont: thus he calibrates early and mmr isn't actually representative
  53. [5:26:13 PM] Alex Clermont: we would call it smurfing
  54. [5:30:20 PM] Andrew: hmh
  55. [5:30:37 PM] Andrew: does it rule list say anything about people with low mmr but high skill lvl?
  56. [5:30:49 PM] Alex Clermont: i mean its smurfing
  57. [5:30:51 PM] Alex Clermont: flat out
  58. [5:31:00 PM] Alex Clermont: regardless if youre using a new account
  59. [5:31:07 PM] Andrew: yeah
  60. [5:31:08 PM] Alex Clermont: your mmr isn't representative of what it should be
  61. [5:31:13 PM] Andrew: okay
  62. [5:31:30 PM] Alex Clermont: if he wants to discuss it with me i can explain further
  63. [5:32:20 PM] Andrew: hes not mad about it
  64. [5:33:10 PM] Alex Clermont: alrighty
  65. [5:41:56 PM] Andrew: hes not super out of his mmr ragne
  66. [5:41:59 PM] Andrew: he only 3k
  67. [5:42:02 PM] Andrew: hes not that good
  68. [5:42:05 PM] Andrew: and he hardly plays
  69. [5:42:14 PM] Andrew: and its not a smurf
  70. [5:42:19 PM] Andrew: i don't think he should be kicked
  71. [5:47:03 PM] Alex Clermont: idk how you argue that
  72. [5:47:07 PM] Alex Clermont: hes 3.7k
  73. [5:47:10 PM] Alex Clermont: in truth
  74. [5:47:19 PM] Alex Clermont: mmr can be left as static as he wants it to
  75. [5:47:38 PM] Andrew: i can see 3k mmr on his acc
  76. [5:47:44 PM] Alex Clermont: yes
  77. [5:47:51 PM] Alex Clermont: mmr can be left as static as you want it to
  78. [5:47:57 PM] Alex Clermont: ie he calibrated early
  79. [5:48:10 PM] Alex Clermont: hes clearly above the 3.2k line
  80. [5:48:13 PM] Andrew: we don't have prove hes above his skill
  81. [5:48:17 PM] Andrew: let me finish this game
  82. [5:48:20 PM] Andrew: and will talk about this
  83. [5:48:39 PM] Alex Clermont: isn't it our job to ensure people aren't over the skill cap? if we have evidence he is, and we have a wealth of it
  84. [5:51:53 PM] Alex Clermont: if i can prove hes above the 3.2k, and its not like hes 3.3, hes somewhere 3.7-4k, and i can,he shouldn't be allowed to play no matter how often he plays
  85. [5:52:17 PM] Andrew:
  86. [5:52:43 PM] Alex Clermont: ? what does that prove lol
  87. [5:52:48 PM] Andrew: idk he just sent me that
  88. [5:52:49 PM] Alex Clermont: he has just as many high and normal and very high
  89. [5:53:04 PM] Alex Clermont: and its clear his normal
  90. [5:53:06 PM] Alex Clermont: are ranked games
  91. [5:53:24 PM] Alex Clermont: i calibrated early at like 1.6k
  92. [5:53:33 PM] Alex Clermont: i could have kept that number there as long as i wanted to
  93. [5:54:53 PM] Trevor Noble: Well judging people from what dotabuff says is about as misleading as mmr
  94. [5:55:06 PM] Trevor Noble: I've gotten high skill games and im at 3k
  95. [5:55:15 PM] Alex Clermont: dotabuff itself says
  96. [5:55:18 PM] Alex Clermont: vhs is 3.7k
  97. [5:55:18 PM] Alex Clermont: +
  98. [5:55:30 PM] Alex Clermont: ive got high skill games and my solo is 2k
  99. [5:55:31 PM] Andrew: rules don't say dotabuff games need to be normal skill
  100. [5:55:35 PM] Andrew: just says you need under 3kmmr
  101. [5:55:40 PM] Alex Clermont: ?
  102. [5:55:43 PM] Alex Clermont: and if he has vhs
  103. [5:55:47 PM] Alex Clermont: which, he clearly does
  104. [5:55:49 PM] Andrew: vhs???
  105. [5:55:52 PM] Alex Clermont: very
  106. [5:55:55 PM] Alex Clermont: high skll games
  107. [5:56:05 PM] Andrew: he has a 38% win rate with those games
  108. [5:56:10 PM] Andrew: or somting bad
  109. [5:56:22 PM] Alex Clermont: there is proof
  110. [5:56:25 PM] Andrew: and we should we kick him out cuz of the people valve puts him with
  111. [5:56:34 PM] Alex Clermont: if i que unranked
  112. [5:56:42 PM] Alex Clermont: i get put in proably 2.8k games
  113. [5:56:44 PM] Alex Clermont: if i que ranked
  114. [5:56:47 PM] Alex Clermont: i get 2k
  115. [5:56:48 PM] Alex Clermont: flat
  116. [5:57:08 PM] Alex Clermont: im not going to argue this
  117. [5:57:12 PM] Alex Clermont: hes clearly above 3.2k
  118. [5:57:20 PM] Alex Clermont: if you want to keep him you can
  119. [5:57:35 PM] Alex Clermont: but theres plenty evidence and logical reasoning why he shouldn't be allowed
  120. [5:57:56 PM] Alex Clermont: and a winrate, which is dependent on your team mates
  121. [5:57:59 PM] Alex Clermont: but getting placed into the game
  122. [5:58:00 PM] Andrew: i don't think he should be ban, but if you guys think so go ahead
  123. [5:58:42 PM] Alex Clermont: what you say goes
  124. [5:58:45 PM] Alex Clermont: why don't you think he should be banned
  125. [6:01:16 PM] Alex Clermont:
  126. [6:01:21 PM] Alex Clermont: 0 ranked games at very high skill
  127. [6:01:36 PM] Andrew: 1. He dosnt really play in games
  128. 2. He is well know around DHD
  129. [6:01:51 PM] Andrew: 3. When he does play he plays for fun and never stomps
  130. [6:02:25 PM] Andrew: 4. He dosnt break anyrules, we don't have a rule that says if dota buff says your a high skill then you cant play
  131. [6:02:32 PM] Andrew: 5. Hes not a smurf
  132. [6:02:33 PM] Alex Clermont: no, we have a rule that says no smurfing
  133. [6:02:38 PM] Alex Clermont: alright
  134. [6:02:41 PM] Andrew: hes not a smurf
  135. [6:02:47 PM] Alex Clermont: no, his account isn't fake
  136. [6:02:51 PM] Alex Clermont: his mmr is clearly deflated
  137. [6:02:56 PM] Alex Clermont: him being a nice person
  138. [6:03:11 PM] Alex Clermont: isn't what letspeople into the guild
  139. [6:03:21 PM] Alex Clermont: people join this guild to play with people under a certain skill cap
  140. [6:03:37 PM] Andrew: hes not breaking any rules
  141. [6:03:42 PM] Alex Clermont: ?
  142. [6:03:45 PM] Alex Clermont: hes above 3.2k
  143. [6:03:47 PM] Alex Clermont: isn't that the core rule
  144. [6:03:54 PM] Andrew: HES NOT ABOVE
  145. [6:03:58 PM] Andrew: I AM LOOKING AT HIS ACC
  146. [6:04:00 PM] Alex Clermont: no shit
  147. [6:04:02 PM] Alex Clermont: my solo is 2k
  148. [6:04:08 PM] Alex Clermont: i don't play solo ranked
  149. [6:04:13 PM] Alex Clermont: its that easy
  150. [6:04:17 PM] Andrew: hes not breaking anyrules
  151. [6:04:26 PM] Andrew: we have no soild edeivce for this mmr
  152. [6:04:29 PM] Alex Clermont: ive
  153. [6:04:32 PM] Alex Clermont: literally given you
  154. [6:04:33 PM] Alex Clermont: loads
  155. [6:04:47 PM] Andrew: those arnt facts
  156. [6:04:54 PM] Andrew: no mmr numbers behind those games
  157. [6:05:15 PM] Alex Clermont:
  158. [6:05:45 PM] Andrew: we don't have rule that says what you are saying
  159. [6:05:47 PM] Andrew: so we cant kick
  160. [6:06:15 PM] Andrew: anyone know has EVER said that hes too good
  161. [6:06:19 PM] Andrew: that he cant play
  162. [6:06:24 PM] Andrew: hes not like hes going in games and stopm
  163. [6:06:28 PM] Alex Clermont: so
  164. [6:06:29 PM] Andrew: and people are getting mad
  165. [6:06:36 PM] Alex Clermont: because he isn't on a new account with 100 hours
  166. [6:06:43 PM] Alex Clermont: we ignore all his vhs games
  167. [6:07:14 PM] Alex Clermont: if you want to ignore dotabuff
  168. [6:07:23 PM] Andrew: i am not ignoring it
  169. [6:07:41 PM] Alex Clermont: show me something on the dotabuff that says his mmr isn't deflated
  170. [6:07:59 PM] Andrew: stokens, we have no rule to kick him
  171. [6:08:07 PM] Alex Clermont: if you say so
  172. [6:08:11 PM] Andrew: do we?
  173. [6:08:13 PM] Andrew: plz tell me the rule
  174. [6:08:15 PM] Andrew: if we do
  175. [6:08:37 PM] Alex Clermont: Die Hard Dota is a guild meant for players under 3.2k~ mmr to learn and meet those looking to do the same. The admin team promotes a friendly community committed to keeping a reasonable environment that allows and primes players to recognize mistakes in a forgiving manner. One must understand that Dota 2 is a generally overly competitive environment. Not listening to your team when they are trying to reason with you, thinking your way is the only way, or criticizing every mistake is an easy way to avoid making friends. We cannot control every players actions and we can only subjectively decide on what information is at our disposal at the current time. There is no black and white in the majority of decisions the admin team makes therefore one must understand the majority is grey area.
  176. [6:08:39 PM] Alex Clermont: first sentence
  177. [6:08:51 PM] Alex Clermont:
  178. Smurfing
  179. * Staff must make decisions together with a wealth of evidence. a member simply being good does not warrant a ban. Staff looks for things like consistent domination, Dotabuff evidence, as well as anything else that can be found to help aid the investigation.
  180. [6:09:08 PM] Alex Clermont: sounds like that's accurate to me
  181. [6:09:20 PM] Alex Clermont: if you want him in because hes a nice guy i might as well put that on too
  182. [6:09:21 PM] Andrew: hes not smurfing
  183. [6:09:33 PM] Andrew: just cuz he didn't play ranked dosnt mean we can kick him
  184. [6:09:39 PM] Alex Clermont: lol
  185. [6:09:40 PM] Alex Clermont: my god
  186. [6:09:43 PM] Alex Clermont: keep him
  187. [6:09:49 PM] Alex Clermont: im taking out the rule if were not following it
  188. [6:09:59 PM] Andrew: you have his dota
  189. [6:10:00 PM] Andrew: buff
  190. [6:10:01 PM] Andrew: and that's it
  191. [6:10:07 PM] Andrew: lets put it to a vote
  192. [6:10:11 PM] Andrew: all admins must vote
  193. [6:10:14 PM] Alex Clermont: what do youhave?
  194. [6:10:18 PM] Alex Clermont: you have his shown mmr
  195. [6:10:23 PM] Andrew: i don't have to prove anthing
  196. [6:10:24 PM] Alex Clermont: and him being a nice person
  197. [6:10:24 PM] Andrew: anything
  198. [6:10:26 PM] Alex Clermont: lol
  199. [6:10:30 PM] Andrew: hes not breaking any rules!
  200. [6:10:33 PM] Alex Clermont: alright
  201. [6:10:36 PM] Andrew: so i don't have to prove anything
  202. [6:10:39 PM] Alex Clermont: lmao
  203. [6:10:50 PM] Andrew: idk your problem is with this guy
  204. [6:11:05 PM] Alex Clermont: i actually have zero problems with him
  205. [6:11:14 PM] Alex Clermont: i asked him to 1v1mid me and he kicked my ass and i wanted tolearn
  206. [6:11:18 PM] Alex Clermont: i said gg and that was fun
  207. [6:11:19 PM] Alex Clermont: lmao
  208. [6:11:23 PM] Alex Clermont: im literally as subjective as possible
  209. [6:11:27 PM] Alex Clermont: youre saying hes a nice guy
  210. [6:11:38 PM] Alex Clermont: and that he doesn't play certain heroes
  211. [6:11:58 PM] Alex Clermont: i have solid logical evidence
  212. [6:12:03 PM] Alex Clermont: you are saying he isn't a breaking a rule
  213. [6:12:09 PM] Alex Clermont: when i clearly show his mmr is deflated
  214. [6:12:16 PM] Alex Clermont: and that he is very likely about 3.2k
  215. [6:12:18 PM] Alex Clermont: above*
  216. [6:12:22 PM] Andrew: that's not a rule
  217. [6:12:26 PM] Andrew: mmt deflation
  218. [6:12:28 PM] Andrew: mmr*
  219. [6:12:36 PM] Alex Clermont: lol im done
  220. [6:12:42 PM] Andrew: no explain
  221. [6:12:45 PM] Andrew: how that is a rule
  222. [6:12:46 PM] Alex Clermont: mmr deflation isn't against the rules
  223. [6:12:48 PM] Alex Clermont: that's obvious
  224. [6:12:54 PM] Andrew: so what did he do wrong?
  225. [6:12:56 PM] Alex Clermont: but if he have reason to believe he is above 3.2k
  226. [6:12:58 PM] Alex Clermont: WHICH WE DO
  227. [6:13:05 PM] Andrew: you have dota buff
  228. [6:13:06 PM] Alex Clermont: that is the core rule of dhd
  229. [6:13:06 PM] Andrew: that's it
  230. [6:13:10 PM] Alex Clermont: what do you have ?
  231. [6:13:11 PM] Alex Clermont: once again
  232. [6:13:16 PM] Andrew: call me
  233. [6:13:22 PM] Alex Clermont: why?
  234. [6:13:28 PM] Alex Clermont: i can articulate an argument through text
  235. [6:13:34 PM] Alex Clermont: you saying
  236. [6:13:37 PM] Alex Clermont: "i don't have to prove anything"
  237. [6:13:49 PM] Alex Clermont: is not an argument and i wont bother explaining further to somebody who thinks it is
  238. [6:14:03 PM] Andrew: call me plz
  239. [6:14:12 PM] Alex Clermont: i'm not wasting my time further
  240. [6:14:16 PM] Alex Clermont: you guys can vote
  241. [6:14:19 PM] Andrew: call me
  242. [6:14:51 PM] Michael O'Daniel: dude there is no rule against having "Deflated MMR"
  243. [6:14:56 PM] Alex Clermont: lmao
  244. [6:14:57 PM] Michael O'Daniel: so we can't kick him
  245. [6:15:03 PM] Alex Clermont: I CAN PROVE
  246. [6:15:05 PM] Alex Clermont: HE IS ABOVE 3.2K
  247. [6:15:08 PM] Michael O'Daniel: how
  248. [6:15:23 PM] Alex Clermont: THE ONLY REASON
  249. [6:15:27 PM] Alex Clermont: HIS MMR IS NORMAL SKILL
  250. [6:15:28 PM] Alex Clermont: OR BELOW 3K
  251. [6:15:29 PM] Michael O'Daniel: we have him friended and his MMR is below 3.2k
  252. [6:15:31 PM] Alex Clermont: IS BECAUSE HE DOESNT PLAY RANKED
  253. [6:15:42 PM] Alex Clermont: WHEN HE PLAYS RANKED
  254. [6:15:43 PM] Alex Clermont: IT BECOMES NORMAL
  255. [6:15:46 PM] Alex Clermont: IE DEFLATED
  256. [6:15:51 PM] Alex Clermont: BECAUSEOF EARLY CALIBRATION
  257. [6:15:55 PM] Alex Clermont: WHEN HE PLAYS UNRANKED
  258. [6:15:58 PM] Michael O'Daniel: but it doesn't matter his MMR is below 3.2k
  259. [6:16:00 PM] Andrew: call me
  260. [6:16:03 PM] Andrew: stokens
  261. [6:16:04 PM] Alex Clermont: lmao no
  262. [6:16:13 PM] Michael O'Daniel: we have no rule against this
  263. [6:16:17 PM] Alex Clermont: if you say so
  264. [6:16:25 PM] Alex Clermont: dotabuff doesn't make up number
  265. [6:16:26 PM] Andrew: why wont you call me?
  266. [6:16:26 PM] Alex Clermont: s
  267. [6:16:34 PM] Alex Clermont: because nobody is speaking any sense
  268. [6:16:57 PM] Michael O'Daniel: dude we can't kick him because there is no rule against what u say he has
  269. [6:17:10 PM] Alex Clermont: if somebodys mmr on their profile
  270. [6:17:12 PM] Alex Clermont: is 3.7k
  271. [6:17:13 PM] Alex Clermont: do u kick him
  272. [6:17:21 PM] Andrew: we are obvi miss understand each other
  273. [6:17:22 PM] Andrew: call me
  274. [6:17:25 PM] Alex Clermont: yes or no
  275. [6:17:41 PM] Michael O'Daniel: his MMr isn't 3.7k
  276. [6:17:44 PM] Alex Clermont: yes or no
  277. [6:17:51 PM] Michael O'Daniel: yes
  278. [6:18:06 PM] Alex Clermont:
  279. [6:18:08 PM] Alex Clermont: so figure it out
  280. [6:18:58 PM] Michael O'Daniel: it doesn't matter what dota buff says his MMR is below 3.2k he is allowed in the in house he does not break any rules
  281. [6:19:06 PM] Alex Clermont: yeah
  282. [6:19:08 PM] Alex Clermont: igot rid of the smurf rule
  283. [6:19:09 PM] Alex Clermont: don't worry
  284. [6:19:10 PM] Alex Clermont: :)
  285. [6:19:16 PM] Andrew: add that back plz
  286. [6:19:23 PM] Michael O'Daniel: he isn't on a smurf rule
  287. [6:19:34 PM] Michael O'Daniel: he isn't on a smurf*
  288. [6:19:41 PM] Alex Clermont: a smurf isntjust having anew account
  289. [6:19:47 PM] Michael O'Daniel: I know
  290. [6:19:50 PM] Alex Clermont: ?
  291. [6:19:54 PM] Alex Clermont: so
  292. [6:19:54 PM] Andrew: stokens is you vs all
  293. [6:19:54 PM] Michael O'Daniel: but no smurf has 5k hours
  294. [6:20:01 PM] Andrew: re add the rule plz
  295. [6:20:05 PM] Alex Clermont: you can
  296. [6:20:13 PM] Alex Clermont: i'm not efnrocing any mmr rules from here
  297. [6:20:21 PM] Alex Clermont: do what you will
  298. [6:20:23 PM] Michael O'Daniel: nut it is so unlikely
  299. [6:20:33 PM] Alex Clermont: my god
  300. [6:20:39 PM] Alex Clermont: 5k hours isn't the point
  301. [6:20:41 PM] Andrew: if you are not gonna enfoce rules i cant leave you as guild officer
  302. [6:20:41 PM] Alex Clermont: he has vhs
  303. [6:20:46 PM] Alex Clermont: go for it
  304. [6:21:16 PM] Michael O'Daniel: but that is not in the rules
  305. [6:21:35 PM] Alex Clermont: Smurfing
  306. * Staff must make decisions together with a wealth of evidence. a member simply being good does not warrant a ban. Staff looks for things like consistent domination, Dotabuff evidence, as well as anything else that can be found to help aid the investigation.
  307. * This is a guild for members to learn, a member dominating in every phase of the game does not accomplish that, if staff hears reports of such behaviour we reserve our right to make a decision.
  308. [6:21:37 PM] Michael O'Daniel: having vhs games is not in the rules
  309. [6:21:44 PM] Andrew: togeather
  310. [6:21:46 PM] Alex Clermont: """""""""""Dotabuff evidence"
  311. [6:21:48 PM] Andrew: and all of us are saying
  312. [6:21:53 PM] Andrew: we shouldn't be kicked
  313. [6:21:53 PM] Alex Clermont: you have 2 people
  314. [6:21:56 PM] Andrew: you have 1?
  315. [6:21:59 PM] Michael O'Daniel: and it says a wealth f evidence
  316. [6:22:05 PM] Alex Clermont: listen
  317. [6:22:07 PM] Alex Clermont: to what i say
  318. [6:22:10 PM] Alex Clermont: this is the last time i say it
  319. [6:22:14 PM] Alex Clermont: and if you dotn agree so be it
  320. [6:22:15 PM] Michael O'Daniel: not one piece of evidence
  321. [6:23:14 PM] Andrew: put the rules back plz
  322. [6:23:20 PM] Alex Clermont: im out of the guild
  323. [6:23:26 PM] Michael O'Daniel: why
  324. [6:23:34 PM] Andrew: Λ ƒghan 火水气土: I thought when you guys made this league, it was for people to have fun games. a thing that is sometimes difficult in public matchmaking.
  325. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: I came in for that reason and i don't think i've stopped anyone from having that either
  326. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: I don't really see where is the problem since i am not smurfing and i am not stopping anyone from having fun games
  327. Λ ƒghan 火水气土: the rules are mainly ment for people to be able to have fun games, aren't they ?
  328. [6:23:45 PM] Michael O'Daniel: because u don't follow the rules u wrotew
  329. [6:23:53 PM] Alex Clermont: lol
  330. [6:24:01 PM] Alex Clermont: dotabuff
  331. [6:24:03 PM] Andrew: quit lol plz
  332. [6:24:03 PM] Alex Clermont: does not make up numbers
  333. [6:24:05 PM] Andrew: trying to talk this out
  334. [6:24:09 PM] Alex Clermont: no you arent
  335. [6:24:11 PM] Alex Clermont: youre ignoring dotabuff
  336. [6:24:13 PM] Alex Clermont: 100%
  337. [6:24:18 PM] Andrew: no i am not
  338. [6:24:29 PM] Michael O'Daniel: yes but we need a wealth of evidence
  339. [6:24:33 PM] Alex Clermont: so what is your conclusion of very high skill games?
  340. [6:24:35 PM] Alex Clermont: what more do youw ant
  341. [6:24:41 PM] Alex Clermont: his mmr is low
  342. [6:24:43 PM] Michael O'Daniel: and there is more evidence pointing twards not
  343. [6:24:45 PM] Alex Clermont: there is a clear disparity
  344. [6:24:49 PM] Alex Clermont: when he ques ranked
  345. [6:24:51 PM] Alex Clermont: he gets normal games
  346. [6:24:55 PM] Alex Clermont: when he q's unranked
  347. [6:24:57 PM] Alex Clermont: he gets vhs
  348. [6:25:02 PM] Michael O'Daniel: it doesn't matter how good he is
  349. [6:25:04 PM] Alex Clermont: lol
  350. [6:25:06 PM] Alex Clermont: cya
  351. [6:25:12 PM] *** Alex Clermont has left ***
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