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Mar 6th, 2024
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  1. 1) Is there anything you would like to try when you visit Japan?
  2. 2) Do you have to remove your human ears when you go to bed?
  3. 3) What does Mococo think about her name meaning booger in Spanish?
  4. 4) Are there any challenges in sharing a channel? Do you argue over what to play?
  5. 5) What do you two do when you're feeling down?
  6. 6) Do you two go to the same or separate class in school? Do you get wrongly recognized?
  7. 7) Do you like thunderstorms? If not, how do you get through them?
  8. 8) Do you two have trouble falling/staying asleep? What do you do when you have sleep problems?
  9. 9) Have FWMC ever worn a kimono? What kind of costume would you like to wear? (They only wore Yukatas)
  10. 10) I'm a perfectionist and get frustrated when I don't do things up to standard. Do you experience this? Any advice?
  11. 11) How do we, the Ruffians, protect your smiles?
  12. 12) What is the relationship between FWMC and Ruffians? (Just Friends, Family, or ...?)
  13. 13) Does Mococo notice that she adds an "ey" at the end of all her words? How/when did this start? How come Fuwawa doesn't do this?
  14. 14) What do you regularly eat? What's a normal FWMC breakfast? Dinner?
  15. 15) I have a serious job and we have an acronym BAU = "Business as usual." How do I protect and hide my smile when my colleagues BAU?
  16. 16) Do you have any school trip memories?
  17. 17) Would you consider joining one of the construction companies? (Minecraft groups)
  18. 18) What consoles/handhelds do you have access to? Any you wish you had?
  19. 19) Try to answer at the same time to see if both of you are in sync
  20. 20) What do you recommend to use to study to become fluent?
  21. 21) 3rd time visiting Japan can you recommend places we should go?
  22. 22) Any specific rituals or practices to relax when you are nervous before something big like an interview or presentation?
  23. 23) What other career would you two have studied for? I can't imagine Fuwawa being an accountant.
  24. 24) What bad habits have you had and how did you overcome them?
  25. 25) Who is making the thumbnails?
  26. 26) Do you have any favorite Autumn activities? Or memories to share?
  27. 27) When sharing things do you ever fight over whose turn it is/food?
  28. 28) What is your morning routine? What shampoo do you use? (Full day routine)
  29. 29) Would it be possible for you two to discuss or share your collection?(cute scale figures)
  30. 30) Have you guys gotten anxious about a test? If so how did you deal with it?
  31. 31) Which stream was the most challenging to prepare for? (It's FWMC Morning)
  32. 32) If you guys got into HoloJP instead of EN, how different do you think your content would've been?
  33. 33) Do you have any advice on how to make a tough decision? If you're at a crossroad and can't decide which direction to go? (Pros and cons list)
  34. 34) How long did it take you to decide on "Ruffians" as your fan name? Are you able to share any of the other names you were considering?
  35. (Fluffers, Kerfluffians, Abyssians, Doggy pack, Helldogs)
  36. 35) Does Fuwawa and Mococo use separate headphones when streaming? (Yes using a soundboard)
  37. 36) What if FWMC woke up with switched bodies someday?
  38. 37) Any specific food that reminds you of your childhood when you eat it?
  39. Halloween) We've seen BAU BAU⤴︎⤴ and BAU BAU⤵︎⤵︎, are there any more types of BAU BAU e.g. Bau Bau→→ or Bau Bau←←? If there are what do they mean?
  40. 38) Have you ever changed your outlook on life or attitude about something because of a story you experienced?
  41. 39) Why is ear and tail touching a no-go if you don't even bat an eye to paw holding? (Paw holding should be with someone you love)
  42. 40) Do you have any rituals or habits that you do just before the stream starts or just after it ends?
  43. 41) What's the color of your panties?
  44. 42) The reason you work so hard is becuase of how hungry you are. Where does that hunger come from? How do you stay hungry?
  45. 43) Which of you is better at sports? Which sport do you like the most?
  46. 44) Which ears do you listen with?
  47. 45) Do you have plans to sing solo in the future? Or maybe sing individual songs that can combine into one song, similar to Symphogear.
  48. 46) Does FWMC clean their ears often, check each others, and put in ear drops? (Fuwawa had an ear problem but not anymore)
  49. 47) Is there any preferred clothing or fashion you like to wear in winter? (Sweaters)
  50. 48) Does FWMC also get affected by Bau Bau Byou?
  51. 49) How do you deal with public speaking/stage fright? (FWMC will help if you get tonguetied around them)
  52. 50) Is there anything that just brightens up your day? (Sweet comments from the Ruffians on things FWMC worked hard on, silly comments too, Ruffians getting along)
  53. 51) When you perform/sing JP songs during karaoke do you use lyrics in romaji? (Prefer kanji+furigana)
  54. 52) Have you thought of doing some Japanese teaching streams?
  55. 53) Do you have a favorite smell when you're out on your walks? (Pero: Freshly cut hay, tires, and girlio hair)
  56. 54) Since Pero is your demon dog master, would this mean that once you become masters yourself you would transform into a form similar to Pero's?
  57. 55) When did Fuwawa start drinking matcha lattes? It sounds like you have a machine for it (She hand mixes) Is there anything special you do to your lattes?
  58. 56) Do you buy a real pine tree or an artificial Christmas Tree?
  59. 57) How did it feel to hear the Ruffians cheering in person? Did you do any extra preparation beforehand compared to a normal Rock n' Rawr?
  60. 58) What flavor or type of cake do you two like to eat on Christmas Day? Or which kind would you prefer? (Ice Cream cake, Cheesecake)
  61. 59) Has FWMC's hair always had this length ratio? Or has Mococo had it longer than Fuwawa's at some point? (Mococo had longer/Fuwawa was shorter when they were young)
  62. 60) The vibes in Biboo's chat is different than Shiori's chat. How would you describe the Ruffians' Vibe? (Silly)
  63. Xmas) How many VNs did you both start but never finished?
  64. 61) Do you record in the same room to give advice or is it too embarrassing?
  65. 62) VN: Do you two do your favourite girl first or save them for last? Do you two try to beat all the routes in the game before moving on, or just the ones you're interested in?
  66. 63) During Rock n' Rawr streams, do you hold back the urge to turn every lyric into a BAU? (Yes)
  67. 64) Has FWMC thought about an official song collab with their senpais? City Pop with Marine or Gura? Rock with Suisei or Towa?
  68. 65) Mococo question: What prep work do you do for your Pup Talks? Or what's your source of inspiration?
  69. 66) What's your 1 million subscriber wish?
  70. 67) In what ways do you feel you have changed the most since your debut?
  71. 68) How long does it usually take to prepare an episode of FWMC Morning? (2-3 hours)
  72. 69) Are there any silly little things you two can't do? (Can't touch toes, do a sommersault, open eyes underwater)
  73. 70) How long can FWMC hold their breath for?
  74. 71) Do you hit snooze on the alarm clock? Do you have multiple alarm clocks to maintain your impeccable streaming schedule? (Phone alarm, Mococo hit snooze today)
  75. 72) Is it ok to touch FWMC's paw beans?
  76. 73) Was there ever a time where you didn't get along, or have you always been friends?
  77. 74) What would you say are the sure signs that a smile is protected?
  78. 75) As puppies who was Player 1 and who had to be Player 2?
  79. 76) Was there a specific moment that made you want to join Hololive yourselves?
  80. 77) Do you actually like it when we pick one twin over the other? (Love them both or keep it a secret)
  81. 78) Where did you learn the word "Yobai" from?
  82. 79) If you could travel in time to 3000 BC, what item will you bring with you and how will you use it?
  83. 80) Mococo question: You said you really liked succulents and you have some plants around. Is there an occasion why you started to care for them and what is your favorite kind?
  84. VDAY) What are the qualities and traits that you want out of someone you love? What are the things that you want to see in an ideal romantic partner?
  85. 81) I was just wondering if you're thinking of putting English lyric captions on your song covers?
  86. 82) How do you feel about Ruffians drawing streaming assets like silly hats? (Submit to #helpfwmc)
  87. 83) Is there a limited time item(food/drink) that you had once but you could never find it again? (Grape ice tea)
  88. 84) Do you notice a difference in how you talk and feel when speaking in EN or JP? Do you sometimes mix the language or talk in JP/EN secretly to each other in public?
  90. #1 Nerissa kabedonned Fuwawa, Wanko Soba
  91. #2 Yobai, Komorebi
  92. #3 Dog in the Monkey = Donkey Kong, Parents
  93. #4 Bloob, Don't call it Asamoco, Mococo cooks, Fuwawa got a virus
  94. #9 Mokoko
  95. #10 Fuwawa wants to be praised too, favorite figure sculptor: Morikawa Hiromitsu, Toushindai(life-sized)
  96. #11 Pero episode 1
  97. #12 Talk about claws, Pero unbirth
  98. #13 Puptalk #1
  99. #14 LTST debut, why blue and pink, FluffyFuzzy Friday
  100. #15 FWMC Morning jingle submissions #1
  101. #16 FWMC Morning jingle submissions #2
  102. #17 FWMC Morning jingle results
  103. #18 Natto #1, Mumei's FWMC drawings, Mococo's chair arm broke
  104. #19 1st Twitter Space, You're stuck here with us
  105. #20 FWMC's punctuality story, 2 years of kana, Japanese study recommendations
  106. #22 Papapuppy changed lightbulb
  107. #23 Lightbulb blew out, Pero has no tear ducts, siblings are fighting, Fuwawa studied for business, Mococo studied hard too, FWMC goes back to sleep after FWMC Morning
  108. #26 THAT pool, Rawr&Response
  109. #27 100th vod, Tofu Day(10/2), Likes Kikkoman tofu milk(soy milk), FWMC doesn't want another Nintendo Switch
  110. #28 Ruffians sings LTST, FWMC stalks Ruffians on twitter
  111. #29 100 Livestreams, 1st Guerilla stream, Mococo's toe warmer, FWMC visited the Wonder Festival in Japan to see garage kits
  112. #30 Unhappy door opens
  113. #31 FWMC wants to fix their lightbulb, FWMC grumpy about people who cut in lines
  114. #32 Mocobaby, Ruffians on their For You timeline, Mococo's evil laugh
  115. #33 Neighbor disturbance, sweaty gamers, Mococo stretch puptalk
  116. #34 Mococo's chair's arm's fixed, Ruffians are garbage, Frozen raspberries and milk, Mococo afraid of big dogs
  117. #35 FWMC changed the lightbulb, their bath lightbulb burned out, Rratking tea, Paw kissing, Wesident Evil
  118. #36 Airhorns, New Emotes, Emote Petition, Fuwawa paused Suika Game for a week
  119. #37 Papapuppy fixed light, Fuwawa liked an Orange Popsicle, Carrot Sticks and Mustard
  120. #Halloween Cute na Kanojo Cover
  121. #38 Dog Day(1/1)
  122. #39 Sports Day Voice Packs released, Bear story
  123. #40 Fuwawa was Mococo's armrest for the Minecraft Sports fes, LTST on VR Radio, American dried natto, Time Thief(daylight savings) Morning hug? Morning High Five, Don't delete your submissions
  124. #41 100 Days together, Ruffians design
  125. #42 Mococo's 100th Sneeze, Advent Movie Watchalongs
  126. #43 Sleepy FWMC Morning, Anime NYC, Almonds instead of Natto
  127. #45 Identical twins misunderstanding
  128. #46 Nerissa's Bird Day, Kevin Lamar, Pero transmission from Hell
  129. #47 Shiori's cruise vlog, Nerissa's touch coupons, Mococo sky, collab with Lui, Elfen Lied
  130. #48 FWMC power level(C rank), Thanksgiving, New song cover(identity), Bloobs, John Wick watchalong
  131. #49 Identity cover released, 100k BAU BAUs(counter), 2Snacks
  132. #50 VTuber Awards, Silver Play Buttons, Messages from Advent
  133. #51 First Reddit post, 300k on Twitter
  134. #52 Christmas Voice Packs, Tokyo Character Street(+signatures), #FWMCscoop, Wotagei(Calls:Ie Taiga/Yeah Tiger), Fuwawa suggested Shiori is Advent's leader
  135. #53 Pero Episode #2, Pero is all muscle
  136. #54 First #FWMCscoop(Kronii's driver's licence)
  137. #55 Mocobunny, Sesame Oil, 3 bean highscore, Updated their computer
  138. #57 Toredaka Taishou, Fuwawa sleep liking tweets, sleep editing profile, FWMC picture at a wrestling show, Mococo cosplayer on TV
  139. #58 VTuber Awards winner, Christmas Memories
  140. #59 Holo New Year Cup, Winter Comiket, Hololive wafers, Flavor of sneeze, Solo CnK covers
  141. #60 Sauceless Nuggets, New challenge: Eggnog
  142. #Xmas Eggnog challenge, Presents from Mamapuppy, Twitter Space
  143. #61 White Love cover, NY Voice Packs, Konkoyo24, FWMC at Comiket, New Outfit
  144. #62 NY Voice Packs, Lucky Item: Gura Shirt
  145. #63 Manechan got the Comiket books, CHEER UP Cafe, Fuwawa keeps hearing Nerissa laughing, Nerissa DMing Fuwawa, Ruffian Message Mosaic
  146. #64 Mind Craft, Fubuki ASMR, ASMR Learning this year, Fluff&Fuzz-san, Koyori vs Advent(Koyori 24h)
  147. #65 First FWMC Morning with new outfits, The Suika Game cloud was always there, Advent NY Drama, FuwaMocoPeko, YowaZako, Advent Megitsune
  148. #66 Skeevy dog Fuwawa?
  149. #67 Nerissa's Yuki no Hana cover, Mococo's Pekora art masterpiece, Icomochi bau bau byou, Mococo bullying topic, 250th video
  150. #68 Mind Craft release, Extra Special Ruffians origin(Mamapuppy), Ruffians are just Ruffians no names just colors
  151. #69 Eitaso(Dempagumi) tweeted at FWMC, Advent Karaoke Relay, Lantern Festival, Icomochi is a fan of Dempagumi, Ririka FWMC sandwich, Hallo Hallo Bau Bau airhorn
  152. #70 Sneeze Celebration (don't mute), Hajimete no Otsukai, FWMC holding their breath, Beef Simulator
  153. #71 Cute childhood trauma(Papapuppy with a skimask)
  154. #72 No vampire Ruffians, Breakfast food talk
  155. #73 FWMC 64, The Ruffians are your friends Mococo decided it, Recently started watching Game Center CX again, See you Space Cowboy
  156. #74 Doggy pack 5 months, MGS2 Sync rates, Sesame Oil bottle pop
  157. #75 Advent 6 months, Why different birthdays (Mamapuppy did her best), Gartic phone Puptalk
  158. #76 Mococo's Birthday, Valentines day VPs, FWMC's cakes
  159. #77 Twin Day(2/5), Kanata's collab with Tsunku, Seikishi Fuwawa and Ankokukishi Mococo, VDay Merch, Twin Day Dreams,
  160. #78 Ratking tea tossed, VDay plans (no ASMR), Merch reccomendations
  161. #79 FWMCAZ GeoGuessr, Misunderstanding: Scripting streams
  162. #80 New Natto highscore: 8 beans, Paws For a Cause, Is FWMC your Natto?
  163. #VDAY Pero loves made beds, Let Me Be With You cover, Mococo's 200th sneeze, Misunderstanding: they can eat chocolates they just don't like it
  164. #81 Marshmallow Mania?, Mococo's Crepe and Comic dream, Heated Crepe discussion, Fuwawa offstream solo lethal company, Mococo watched lethal company clips
  165. #82 Shiori's VN, 300 videos, LMBWY 100k, Katsutoshi Kitagawa RT, Gura Sushiro Collab,
  166. #83 Expo 2024 FWMC Drink, Choco collab, Pero's girlfriend
  167. #84 FWMC Puptalk, 200k LMBWY, guerilla week, Moving to Japan
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