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Apr 29th, 2016
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  1. 04-29 11:20:27.509 953-6085/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc 24323:com.forsync/u0a122 for activity com.forsync/com.forshared.SplashActivity
  2. 04-29 11:20:27.567 24323-24323/? D/Proxy: setHttpRequestCheckHandler
  3. 04-29 11:20:27.584 24323-24323/? I/MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
  4. 04-29 11:20:27.584 24323-24323/? I/MultiDex: install
  5. 04-29 11:20:27.584 24323-24323/? I/MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
  6. 04-29 11:20:27.626 24323-24323/? I/GMPM: App measurement is starting up, version: 8487
  7. 04-29 11:20:27.626 24323-24323/? I/GMPM: To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.GMPM VERBOSE
  8. 04-29 11:20:27.686 24323-24323/? I/GAv4: Google Analytics 8.4.87 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run:
  9. 04-29 11:20:27.686 24323-24323/? I/GAv4:   adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
  10. 04-29 11:20:27.686 24323-24323/? I/GAv4:   adb logcat -s GAv4
  11. 04-29 11:20:27.697 24323-24323/? W/GAv4: AnalyticsReceiver is not registered or is disabled. Register the receiver for reliable dispatching on non-Google Play devices. See for instructions.
  12. 04-29 11:20:27.704 24323-24350/? W/GAv4: AnalyticsService not registered in the app manifest. Hits might not be delivered reliably. See for instructions.
  13. 04-29 11:20:27.706 24323-24323/? D/GoogleAnalyticsUtils: Add exception filter: 'reststatuscodeexception'.'unauthorized [401.0314]'
  14. 04-29 11:20:27.706 24323-24323/? D/GoogleAnalyticsUtils: Add exception filter: 'reststatuscodeexception'.'unauthorized [401,0314]'
  15. 04-29 11:20:27.706 24323-24323/? D/GoogleAnalyticsUtils: Add exception filter: 'com.forshared.sdk.exceptions.restioexceptionwrapper'.'exception'
  16. 04-29 11:20:27.706 24323-24323/? D/GoogleAnalyticsUtils: Add exception filter: 'com.forshared.sdk.exceptions.notallowedconnectionexception'.'exception'
  17. 04-29 11:20:27.706 24323-24323/? D/GoogleAnalyticsUtils: Add exception filter: 'com.forshared.sdk.exceptions.notallowedrequestexecution'.'exception'
  18. 04-29 11:20:27.707 24323-24323/? I/Api: Entering [void init()]
  19. 04-29 11:20:27.728 24323-24323/? D/ApiDNSResolver: initDNSResolverHook (method 2) - OK
  20. 04-29 11:20:27.741 24323-24323/? D/ClientID: Use clientId: true
  21. 04-29 11:20:27.742 24323-24323/? I/Api: Exiting [void init()], duration in ms: 35
  22. 04-29 11:20:27.780 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: getVibeFontPathWithCTS(): fontPath =
  23. 04-29 11:20:27.780 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: getVibeFontPathWithCTS(): isForceToSystemDefault = false
  24. 04-29 11:20:27.780 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: VIBEUI_setThemeFont(): sVibeFontPath =  null,fontPath =
  25. 04-29 11:20:27.780 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: Pinit()
  26. 04-29 11:20:27.781 24323-24323/? D/Typeface: hj dbg: init() start, current country=RU,language id=ru
  27. 04-29 11:20:27.802 24323-24323/? E/Minikin: addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  28. 04-29 11:20:27.802 24323-24323/? E/Minikin: addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  29. 04-29 11:20:27.803 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: VIBEUI_setDefaultFont()
  30. 04-29 11:20:27.803 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: getVibeFontPathWithCTS(): fontPath =
  31. 04-29 11:20:27.803 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: getVibeFontPathWithCTS(): isForceToSystemDefault = false
  32. 04-29 11:20:27.803 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: VIBEUI_SYSPROP_FONT_PATH:
  33. 04-29 11:20:27.820 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: Font is Set to System DefaultFont!
  34. 04-29 11:20:27.845 24323-24323/? D/wangcy9: setStatusIcon occur wrong theme!
  35. 04-29 11:20:27.970 24323-24323/? I/ViewRootImpl: CPU Rendering VSync enable = true
  36. 04-29 11:20:27.975 24323-24357/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  37. 04-29 11:20:27.978 24323-24323/? D/Atlas: Validating map...
  38. 04-29 11:20:27.987 24323-24323/? D/ConnectionMonitor: Service created
  39. 04-29 11:20:27.989 24323-24323/? I/UploadService: Creating service...
  40. 04-29 11:20:28.032 24323-24323/? D/sw_cj: config.orientation == 1, mLastConfiguration.orientation == 1, force == false
  41. 04-29 11:20:28.033 24323-24357/? I/Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BR.1.1.3_RB1. (Ie228694f41)
  42. 04-29 11:20:28.033 24323-24357/? I/Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.04
  43. 04-29 11:20:28.033 24323-24357/? I/Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 10/27/15 Tue
  44. 04-29 11:20:28.033 24323-24357/? I/Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: mybranch15715789
  45. 04-29 11:20:28.033 24323-24357/? I/Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.1.3_rb1.36
  46. 04-29 11:20:28.033 24323-24357/? I/Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  47. 04-29 11:20:28.033 24323-24357/? I/Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BR.1.1.3_RB1. + 26a3cba + 6f69ea6 + 8bc2bc8 + 649fcde + a52cccf + dbf281f + 15f0bf8 + 8d02f76 + 9b2cb1a + 25f3b04 + 7cd8c84 + b54906e + 675fd74 + 7c22ef4 + 79b094c
  48. 04-29 11:20:28.034 24323-24357/? I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  49. 04-29 11:20:28.044 24323-24357/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0
  50. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: PartialUpdate status: Disabled
  51. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Left Align: 0
  52. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Width Align: 0
  53. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Top Align: 0
  54. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Height Align: 0
  55. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Min ROI Width: 0
  56. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Min ROI Height: 0
  57. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Needs ROI Merge: 0
  58. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Dynamic Fps: Disabled
  59. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Min Panel fps: 0
  60. 04-29 11:20:28.045 24323-24357/? I/qdutils: Max Panel fps: 0
  61. 04-29 11:20:28.061 24323-24363/? D/ConnectionMonitor: Update connection state started
  62. 04-29 11:20:28.062 24323-24323/? D/ConnMonitorReceiver: Network is up
  63. 04-29 11:20:28.062 24323-24323/? I/UploadService: Waking up UploadWorkerThread
  64. 04-29 11:20:28.062 24323-24323/? D/UploadWorkerThread: wakeUp
  65. 04-29 11:20:28.062 24323-24323/? I/UploadService: Waking up UploadWorkerThread
  66. 04-29 11:20:28.062 24323-24323/? D/UploadWorkerThread: wakeUp
  67. 04-29 11:20:28.064 24323-24323/? V/AuthenticationService: SampleSyncAdapter Authentication Service started.
  68. 04-29 11:20:28.064 24323-24364/? D/ApiPinger: getLiveIpByHost:
  69. 04-29 11:20:28.064 24323-24364/? D/ApiDNSResolver: Clear DNS host info:
  70. 04-29 11:20:28.066 24323-24323/? V/AuthenticationService: getBinder()...  returning the AccountAuthenticator binder for intent Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator cmp=com.forsync/com.forshared.authenticator.AuthenticationService }
  71. 04-29 11:20:28.067 24323-24323/? D/sw_cj: config.orientation == 1, mLastConfiguration.orientation == 1, force == false
  72. 04-29 11:20:28.069 24323-24342/? V/Authenticator: getAuthToken()
  73. 04-29 11:20:28.070 24323-24366/? D/ApiPinger: getLiveIpByHost:
  74. 04-29 11:20:28.070 24323-24366/? D/ApiDNSResolver: Clear DNS host info:
  75. 04-29 11:20:28.070 24323-24364/? D/ApiPinger: Ping: []
  76. 04-29 11:20:28.070 24323-24364/? D/ApiDNSResolver: Set DNS host info: []
  77. 04-29 11:20:28.076 24323-24366/? D/ApiPinger: Ping: []
  78. 04-29 11:20:28.076 24323-24366/? D/ApiDNSResolver: Set DNS host info: []
  79. 04-29 11:20:28.077 24323-24368/? D/ApiPinger: getLiveIpByHost:
  80. 04-29 11:20:28.077 24323-24368/? D/ApiDNSResolver: Clear DNS host info:
  81. 04-29 11:20:28.079 24323-24366/? I/System.out: isEmailSend:GET
  82. 04-29 11:20:28.079 24323-24366/? I/System.out:$DefaultHttpRequestCheckHandler@2f0a7a11
  83. 04-29 11:20:28.080 24323-24364/? I/System.out: isEmailSend:GET
  84. 04-29 11:20:28.080 24323-24364/? I/System.out:$DefaultHttpRequestCheckHandler@2f0a7a11
  85. 04-29 11:20:28.081 24323-24365/? D/ApiPinger: getLiveIpByHost:
  86. 04-29 11:20:28.084 24323-24368/? D/ApiPinger: Ping: []
  87. 04-29 11:20:28.087 24323-24368/? D/ApiDNSResolver: Set DNS host info: []
  88. 04-29 11:20:28.087 24323-24365/? D/ApiDNSResolver: Clear DNS host info:
  89. 04-29 11:20:28.090 24323-24365/? D/ApiPinger: Ping: []
  90. 04-29 11:20:28.090 24323-24365/? D/ApiDNSResolver: Set DNS host info: []
  91. 04-29 11:20:28.090 24323-24365/? I/System.out: isEmailSend:GET
  92. 04-29 11:20:28.090 24323-24365/? I/System.out:$DefaultHttpRequestCheckHandler@2f0a7a11
  93. 04-29 11:20:28.091 24323-24368/? I/System.out: isEmailSend:GET
  94. 04-29 11:20:28.091 24323-24368/? I/System.out:$DefaultHttpRequestCheckHandler@2f0a7a11
  95. 04-29 11:20:28.138 24323-24323/? V/AuthenticationService: SampleSyncAdapter Authentication Service stopped.
  96. 04-29 11:20:28.138 24323-24323/? I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@2846ed6d time:158934999
  97. 04-29 11:20:28.161 24323-24323/? V/AuthenticationService: SampleSyncAdapter Authentication Service started.
  98. 04-29 11:20:28.161 24323-24323/? V/AuthenticationService: getBinder()...  returning the AccountAuthenticator binder for intent Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator cmp=com.forsync/com.forshared.authenticator.AuthenticationService }
  99. 04-29 11:20:28.163 24323-24369/? V/Authenticator: getAuthToken()
  100. 04-29 11:20:28.166 24323-24323/? V/AuthenticationService: SampleSyncAdapter Authentication Service stopped.
  101. 04-29 11:20:28.172 24323-24323/? V/AuthenticationService: SampleSyncAdapter Authentication Service started.
  102. 04-29 11:20:28.172 24323-24323/? V/AuthenticationService: getBinder()...  returning the AccountAuthenticator binder for intent Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator cmp=com.forsync/com.forshared.authenticator.AuthenticationService }
  103. 04-29 11:20:28.173 24323-24342/? V/Authenticator: getAuthToken()
  104. 04-29 11:20:28.174 24323-24323/? V/AuthenticationService: SampleSyncAdapter Authentication Service stopped.
  105. 04-29 11:20:28.256 24323-24365/? I/System.out: [socket][0] connection /;LocalPort=35957(5000)
  106. 04-29 11:20:28.256 24323-24365/? I/System.out: [socket][/] connected
  107. 04-29 11:20:28.258 24323-24364/? I/System.out: [socket][1] connection /;LocalPort=33066(5000)
  108. 04-29 11:20:28.258 24323-24364/? I/System.out: [socket][/] connected
  109. 04-29 11:20:28.258 24323-24366/? I/System.out: [socket][2] connection /;LocalPort=39770(5000)
  110. 04-29 11:20:28.259 24323-24366/? I/System.out: [socket][/] connected
  111. 04-29 11:20:28.269 24323-24368/? I/System.out: [socket][3] connection /;LocalPort=57893(5000)
  112. 04-29 11:20:28.269 24323-24368/? I/System.out: [socket][/] connected
  113. 04-29 11:20:28.624 24323-24364/? I/HttpClient: GET HTTP/1.1 - 200 [548 ms]
  114. 04-29 11:20:28.624 24323-24365/? I/HttpClient: GET HTTP/1.1 - 200 [534 ms]
  115. 04-29 11:20:28.624 24323-24365/? D/ConnectionMonitor: Live API host for changed:
  116. 04-29 11:20:28.625 24323-24365/? D/Options: Set Alt domain: null
  117. 04-29 11:20:28.628 24323-24364/? D/ConnectionMonitor: Live API host for changed:
  118. 04-29 11:20:28.628 24323-24364/? D/Options: Set Alt domain: null
  119. 04-29 11:20:28.632 24323-24368/? I/HttpClient: GET HTTP/1.1 - 200 [541 ms]
  120. 04-29 11:20:28.633 24323-24368/? D/ConnectionMonitor: Live API host for changed:
  121. 04-29 11:20:28.633 24323-24368/? D/Options: Set Alt domain: null
  122. 04-29 11:20:28.667 24323-24363/? D/ConnectionMonitor: Connection state changed: -3 -> 1
  123. 04-29 11:20:28.824 24323-24366/? I/HttpClient: GET HTTP/1.1 - 200 [748 ms]
  124. 04-29 11:20:28.824 24323-24366/? D/ConnectionMonitor: Live API host for changed:
  125. 04-29 11:20:28.824 24323-24366/? D/Options: Set Alt domain: null
  126. 04-29 11:20:28.965 24323-24323/? I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.forsync time:158935825
  127. 04-29 11:20:28.966 953-2908/? I/ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.forsync/com.forshared.activities.authenticator.AuthenticatorActivity_ (has extras)} from uid 10122,pid=24323 on display 0
  128. 04-29 11:20:28.983 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: getVibeFontPathWithCTS(): fontPath =
  129. 04-29 11:20:28.983 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: getVibeFontPathWithCTS(): isForceToSystemDefault = false
  130. 04-29 11:20:28.983 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: VIBEUI_setThemeFont(): sVibeFontPath =  ,fontPath =
  131. 04-29 11:20:28.983 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: VIBEUI_setThemeFont(): FontPath Not Changed!
  132. 04-29 11:20:29.006 24323-24323/? D/wangcy9: setStatusIcon occur wrong theme!
  133. 04-29 11:20:29.148 24323-24323/? I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.forsync time:158936009
  134. 04-29 11:20:29.149 953-1352/? I/ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.forsync/com.forshared.activities.authenticator.AccountActivity_ (has extras)} from uid 10122,pid=24323 on display 0
  135. 04-29 11:20:29.157 24323-24323/? D/AdInterstitialManager: Current provider is epom
  136. 04-29 11:20:29.172 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: getVibeFontPathWithCTS(): fontPath =
  137. 04-29 11:20:29.172 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: getVibeFontPathWithCTS(): isForceToSystemDefault = false
  138. 04-29 11:20:29.172 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: VIBEUI_setThemeFont(): sVibeFontPath =  ,fontPath =
  139. 04-29 11:20:29.172 24323-24323/? W/Typeface: VIBEUI_setThemeFont(): FontPath Not Changed!
  140. 04-29 11:20:29.174 24323-24323/? D/wangcy9: setStatusIcon occur wrong theme!
  141. 04-29 11:20:29.238 24323-24323/? I/ViewRootImpl: CPU Rendering VSync enable = true
  142. 04-29 11:20:29.260 24323-24385/? I/System.out: [socket][4] connection;LocalPort=46702(0)
  143. 04-29 11:20:29.260 24323-24385/? I/System.out: [socket][/] connected
  144. 04-29 11:20:29.283 24323-24323/? D/sw_cj: config.orientation == 1, mLastConfiguration.orientation == 1, force == false
  145. 04-29 11:20:29.346 24323-24323/? D/sw_cj: config.orientation == 1, mLastConfiguration.orientation == 1, force == false
  146. 04-29 11:20:29.386 24323-24323/? I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@24f74d48 time:158936247
  147. 04-29 11:20:29.386 24323-24323/? I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@3c4108ff time:158936247
  148. 04-29 11:20:39.378 24323-24323/? I/View: Touch down dispatch to{1be41f8e VFED..C. ........ 84,374-996,518 #7f0f00c1 app:id/btnAction}, event = MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=705.2692, y[0]=115.61841, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=158946236, downTime=158946236, deviceId=8, source=0x1002 }
  149. 04-29 11:20:39.426 24323-24323/? I/View: Touch up dispatch to{1be41f8e VFED..C. ...p.... 84,374-996,518 #7f0f00c1 app:id/btnAction}, event = MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=705.2692, y[0]=115.61841, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=158946285, downTime=158946236, deviceId=8, source=0x1002 }
  150. 04-29 11:20:39.454 24323-24323/? D/wangcy9: setStatusIcon occur wrong theme!
  151. 04-29 11:20:39.475 24323-24323/? I/ViewRootImpl: CPU Rendering VSync enable = true
  152. 04-29 11:20:39.483 24323-24443/? I/Api: Entering [java.lang.String authToken(username =, password = md5:91ef75c26763988c76fbf8c1ecaee064)]
  153. 04-29 11:20:39.501 24323-24443/? D/ApiDNSResolver: Set DNS host info: []
  154. 04-29 11:20:39.501 24323-24443/? I/System.out: isEmailSend:GET
  155. 04-29 11:20:39.502 24323-24443/? I/System.out:$DefaultHttpRequestCheckHandler@2f0a7a11
  156. 04-29 11:20:39.503 24323-24443/? I/System.out: close [socket][/]
  157. 04-29 11:20:39.505 24323-24323/? D/sw_cj: config.orientation == 1, mLastConfiguration.orientation == 1, force == false
  158. 04-29 11:20:39.557 24323-24323/? D/sw_cj: config.orientation == 1, mLastConfiguration.orientation == 1, force == false
  159. 04-29 11:20:39.673 24323-24443/? I/System.out: [socket][5] connection /;LocalPort=33571(5000)
  160. 04-29 11:20:39.673 24323-24443/? I/System.out: [socket][/] connected
  161. 04-29 11:20:40.026 24323-24443/? W/DefaultRequestDirector: Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {}
  162. 04-29 11:20:40.027 24323-24443/? I/HttpClient: GET HTTP/1.1 - 401 [525 ms]
  163. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler: Пользователь неактивен
  164. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler: RestStatusCodeExceptionWrapper{statusCode=401, reasonPhrase='Unauthorized', sdk4Error=401.0313}
  165. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.sdk.client.RequestExecutor.throwRestStatusCodeException(
  166. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.sdk.client.RequestExecutor.executeAndHandleHttpErrors(
  167. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.sdk.client.RequestExecutor.execute(
  168. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.sdk.apis.AuthRequestBuilder.executeAuthRequest(
  169. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.sdk.apis.AuthRequestBuilder.token(
  170. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.sdk.wrapper.Api.authToken(
  171. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.sdk.wrapper.Api_.access$2801(
  172. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.sdk.wrapper.Api_.authToken(
  173. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.activities.authenticator.AccountActivity$AuthAsyncTask.doInBackground(
  174. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at com.forshared.activities.authenticator.AccountActivity$AuthAsyncTask.doInBackground(
  175. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at android.os.AsyncTask$
  176. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at
  177. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
  178. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  179. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  180. 04-29 11:20:40.030 24323-24443/? E/ApiExceptionHandler:     at
  181. 04-29 11:20:40.042 24323-24443/? I/Api: Exiting [java.lang.String authToken(String, String) returning: null], duration in ms: 558
  182. 04-29 11:20:40.077 24323-24323/? I/ViewRootImpl: CPU Rendering VSync enable = true
  183. 04-29 11:20:40.105 24323-24323/? D/sw_cj: config.orientation == 1, mLastConfiguration.orientation == 1, force == false
  184. 04-29 11:20:40.132 24323-24357/? V/RenderScript: Application requested CPU execution
  185. 04-29 11:20:40.137 24323-24357/? V/RenderScript: 0x55aac0ef60 Launching thread(s), CPUs 8
  186. 04-29 11:20:40.144 24323-24323/? D/sw_cj: config.orientation == 1, mLastConfiguration.orientation == 1, force == false
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