

Sep 23rd, 2018
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  1. Contact Information: Byond Key - Xarnata Discord ID - Lord Daemos#9554
  2. Character Name: Reunan Volos
  3. Age: 18
  4. Current RPL: 181
  6. History of Character: Born to bandits with modest luxuries growing up and plenty of food, Reunan grew up with a few social issues due to a steady increase of weight spurn by depression exasperated by said social issues. He grew up knowing little of pain, hardship and lack beyond his own nihilistic thoughts. All was pointless unless given point, his first ingrained purpose came in the form of a burglary turned sacrifice to Saekanis. He begged his parents to simply harm him, but in his youth his words were written off. That night he tasted flesh, that night he found it did not taste good at all. When he reached the age to make out on his own, he was hefty, wandering into crafthold and finding the second point in his life in the form of metallurgy and forging. Working the forge to make works of art, and functional protective pieces he aimed to forge something grand to protect everyone.
  8. Ability Development:
  9. 9/9/2018 20:31-20:52
  10. Synopsis: Reunan and several others are pelted by 'pocket wood', the Kozilek is confronted asked to stop for others' safety and is engaged by Canna. Canna is then confronted over her lack of duty to uphold the law by stating her position and why it was wrong before assaulting.
  12. 9/10/2018 07:38-08:50
  13. Synopsis: Reunan is confronted by Alexandria on his weight as means to an end to wait for the young black lined Oscuri Ina to be more alone. Alexandria attempts to take her off alone, Reunan makes note of it, Alexandria threatens Ina with death if she does not comply. Reunan holds his ground even as an attack seems imminent to protect Ina. Kitai and Perseus step in to save the day
  15. 9/11/2018 15:12-15:41
  16. Synopsis: Reunan comes across a demon who's been causing trouble with frequency in crafthold, interjects himself into the argument to put himself on the line instead of Ina and Rory.
  18. 9/11/2018 20:09-23:46
  19. Synopsis: Reunan buys a lot of food to eat, gets shouted at and accused of monopolizing food, gets attacked and can only try to minimize damage by standing in one spot and blocking. (Miraculous 6 escape roll) Puts himself in jail after to avoid further conflict that might hurt people around him.
  21. 9/13/2018 09:03-09:52
  22. Synopsis: Reunan buys a home less so for himself, and more for Genesis to have a farm of her own and not sleep on benches.
  24. 9/16/2018 06:55-08:21
  25. Synopsis: Once more the demon Mousai seemed to be heckling someone, once more Reunan stepped up to intervene when it looked to be hopeless for Constance, the day was saved by Frank Amriger's Arrival.
  27. 9/17/2018 14:11-00:00
  28. Synopsis: Reunan meets Ashley in the caves near gaiar, mining, and finds a kindred spirit with depression. He tries to first understand her depression, then offer some sort of uplifting, only to be interrupted by a fiery tempered kitsune who doesn't catch onto the situation. Reunan injures the kitsune and carries Ashley back to his farm for a brief meal, learns more of her then takes her down to crafthold to speak with Eiphraem. Eiphraem became busy, a thrall of vampires attempted to take Ashley with a malicious attitude, she refused to express her opinion and Reunan in turn took a broken kneecap as a result.
  30. 9/18/2018 00:02-00:38
  31. Synopsis: Aftermath of the battle, Reunan returns after chugging a healing potion and acts like nothing bad happened at all, trying to ensure that she does not feel responsible, very poorly. Ensures that she sleeps in a bed for once.
  33. 9/18/2018 06:32-07:50
  34. Synopsis: Still attempting to keep Ashley safe from the manipulations of vampires, Reunan is forced to fight a boy who held anger at him for his fight with Myfi. Attempting to dissuade by expressing his desires to clear the slate with Myfi, he is still left to fight to keep Ashley from the grasp of Lucien by continuing to live. And after all that happens, his first priority was telling someone else their stuff had been stolen.
  36. 9/18/2018 13:42-15:42
  37. Synopsis: Finding Ashley starving and in pain, he tries to get her to come out of hiding to eat and socialize, opting to feed her a healing potion opposed to dealing with his own injury, prioritizing her over himself, enlisting the help of another who might have jumped to attacking in the manner Myfi had at an unclear situation were it not for his 'big brother' attitude.
  39. 9/18/2018 20:29-21:12
  40. Synopsis: Tragedy arrives, the meaning to her name is made clear as a means to growth and she makes a compelling statement of helping the weak become strong. A means to help others protect themselves.
  42. 9/19/2018 06:04-07:46
  43. Synopsis: Reunan witnesses Lucien trying to reassert claim over Ashley an steps in to remind him of his place among his own kind, and that he would not stand for the protection offered by himself and aid from Eiprhaem going to waste by subjugating the girl in such a malicious way, putting himself in harms way in front of Tragedy herself.
  45. 9/19/2018 20:08-20:56
  46. Synopsis: Reunan breaks down after losing his arm, throwing a near tantrum level of smack down on some helpless trees and confesses to Eiphraem his reason for being in such a state. Being unable to protect people in such a state, worrying over the safety of Ashley even when his own safety was called to question. Proclaiming himself a beacon of light to help others out of the darkness.
  48. 9/20/2018 09:09-12:27
  49. Synopsis: Reunan attempts to feed and care for Ashley in hopes she gains the will to do such herself before being attacked by Unison. Defeated but still awake, he calls for help. During the intervention of Perseus he drags himself to act as a meat shield for Ashley, full ready to take the fall for her despite her inaction.
  51. 9/20/2018 14:05-15:27
  52. Synopsis: Reunan comes across the demon Unison again, in a similar manner a young girl was being harassed and an abduction was seeming to take place. Reunan tried to reassure the girl wordlessly of her safety, only to fail and be forced to retreat to find help, left with an injury to both his knee and his pride in lucking his way through similar situations.
  54. 9/21/2018 10:11-11:28
  55. Synopsis: Reunan is lured into a trap by Abbigail, feigning injury to enrage her fellow Oscuri into attacking. Even when he felt as though she had brought the pain upon herself in one way or another, he attempted to keep the attacks away from her being and a small protective aura around her.
  57. 9/21/2018 14:29-15:21
  58. Synopsis: Reunan finishes arguing with Abbigail and expresses he would still protect her on principal. Questions are asked of Ashley and Reunan steps in to provide better questions. Seeing her injury he attempts to take the pain away with his own power though lacks more than a gentle numbing until a runescribe finally arrives, paying more than the needed fee to have the prosthetic attached.
  60. 9/22/2018 08:47-09:28, 15:10-15:47
  61. Synopsis: During the gorilla warfare, Reunan patrolled the swamp and put his life on the line to protect his home and those who could not protect themselves, even with his injuries growing more and more debilitating.
  63. 9/22/2018 20:54-21:31
  64. Synopsis: Reunan witnesses a fight between Abbigail and Reveler with the dryad 'beast' Reveler coming out the victor. Seeing that the dyrad intended to cause an injury that could possibly come to the extensive shortening of her lifespan, his desires to protect overwrote his distaste of the girl's actions, nearly causing him to break the law he held dearly to and intervene on an honor duel to protect her. Instead he opted to bargain a different injury with less potency and more meaning.
  66. Plans: My plans for Reunan are to protect those who seem to need help from real threats not spurned on by their own actions. I.E. Not taunted into action, as well as furthering his blacksmith trade and eventually attempt to become a master blacksmith whilst working towards building an event worthy 'protector' colossus to pose a threat to heavily Agartha threatening events and potentially be someone else's unique hunt for say, a weapon made of it's core.
  68. Desired Perk: Zealous Guard
  70. Additional Information: Zealous Guard was not my choice originally to put forth development for, until Plague suggested it based on actions taken by Reunan towards Ashley's well being in place of his own and seeing similar actions taken by him in the past. Here's hoping.
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