

Jan 11th, 2018
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  1. /**
  2. * Weapons, scopes, silencers, ammo
  3. */
  4. class Exile_Trader_Armory
  5. {
  6. name = "ARMORY";
  7. showWeaponFilter = 1;
  8. categories[] =
  9. {
  10. "APEXAmmunition",
  11. "APEXAssaultRifles",
  12. "APEXBipodAttachments",
  13. "APEXLightMachineGuns",
  14. "APEXMuzzleAttachments",
  15. "APEXOpticAttachments",
  16. "APEXPistols",
  17. "APEXSniperRifles",
  18. "APEXSubMachineGuns",
  19. "Ammunition",
  20. "AssaultRifles",
  21. //"BPAmmunition",
  22. //"BPAssaultRifles",
  23. //"BPLightMachineGuns",
  24. //"BPMuzzleAttachments",
  25. //"BPOpticAttachments",
  26. //"BPPistols",
  27. //"BPPointerAttachments",
  28. //"BPSniperRifles",
  29. //"BPSubMachineGuns",
  30. //"BipodAttachments",
  31. "CUPAmmunition",
  32. "CUPAssaultRifles",
  33. "CUPLightMachineGuns",
  34. "CUPMuzzleAttachments",
  35. "CUPOpticAttachments",
  36. "CUPPistols",
  37. "CUPPointerAttachments",
  38. "CUPSniperRifles",
  39. "CUPSubMachineGuns",
  40. //"FFAAAmunition",
  41. //"FFAABipodAttachments",
  42. //"FFAAMuzzleAttachments",
  43. //"FFAAMuzzleAttachments",
  44. //"FFAAPistols",
  45. //"FFAAPointerAttachments",
  46. //"FFAARifles",
  47. //"FFAASmg",
  48. //"FFAASniperRifles",
  49. //"GREFAmmunition",
  50. //"GREFWeapons",
  53. //"HWPweapons",
  54. "KAAmmunition",
  55. "KAAttachments",
  56. "KAMuzzleAttachments",
  57. "KAOpticAttachments",
  58. "KAPistols",
  59. "KARifles",
  60. "LightMachineGuns",
  61. //"MASAmmunition",
  62. //"MASAssaultRifles",
  63. //"MASLightMachineGuns",
  64. //"MASMuzzleAttachments",
  65. //"MASOpticAttachments",
  66. //"MASPistols",
  67. //"MASPointerAttachments",
  68. //"MASSniperRifles",
  69. //"MASSubMachineGuns",
  70. //"MuzzleAttachments",
  71. //"NIAAmmunition",
  72. //"NIAAssaultRifles",
  73. //"NIAAttachments",
  74. //"NIALightMachineGuns",
  75. //"NIAMuzzleAttachments",
  76. //"NIAOpticAttachments",
  77. //"NIASniperRifles",
  78. "OpticAttachments",
  79. "Pistols",
  80. "PointerAttachments",
  81. //"R3FAmmunition",
  82. //"R3FAssaultRifles",
  83. //"R3FBipodAttachments",
  84. //"R3FLightMachineGuns",
  85. //"R3FMuzzleAttachments",
  86. //"R3FOpticAttachments",
  87. //"R3FPistols",
  88. //"R3FPointerAttachments",
  89. //"R3FSniperRifles",
  90. //"R3FSubMachineGuns",
  91. //"RHSAmmunition",
  92. //"RHSAssaultRifles",
  93. //"RHSBipodAttachments",
  94. //"RHSForegripAttachments",
  95. //"RHSLightMachineGuns",
  96. //"RHSMuzzleAttachments",
  97. //"RHSOpticAttachments",
  98. //"RHSPistols",
  99. //"RHSPointerAttachments",
  100. //"RHSSniperRifles",
  101. //"RHSSubMachineGuns",
  102. //"SAFAmmunition",
  103. //"SAFAttachments",
  104. //"SAFWeapons",
  105. "Shotguns",
  106. "SniperRifles",
  107. "SubMachineGuns",
  108. //"HLCAmmunition", //should use NIArms
  109. //"HLCAssaultRifles", //should use NIArms
  110. //"HLCLightMachineGuns", //should use NIArms
  111. //"HLCMuzzleAttachments", //should use NIArms
  112. //"HLCOpticAttachments", //should use NIArms
  113. //"HLCSniperRifles", //should use NIArms
  114. // Whatever your last line is make sure it doesnt have a comma! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  115. };
  116. };
  118. /**
  119. * Satchels, nades, UAVs, static MGs
  120. */
  121. class Exile_Trader_SpecialOperations
  122. {
  123. name = "SPECIAL OPERATIONS";
  124. showWeaponFilter = 1; // for noob tubes
  125. categories[] =
  126. {
  127. "A3LauncherAmmo",
  128. "A3Launchers",
  129. "APEXLauncherAmmo",
  130. "ApexLaunchers",
  131. "CUPExplosive",
  132. "CUPLauncherAmmo",
  133. "CUPLaunchers",
  134. "ExplosiveWeapons",
  135. "Explosives",
  136. "Flares",
  137. //"MASExplosive",
  138. //"MASLauncherAmmo",
  139. //"MASLaunchers",
  140. "Navigation",
  141. //"R3FLauncherAmmo",
  142. //"R3FLaunchers",
  143. //"RHSExplosives",
  144. //"RHSLauncherAmmo",
  145. //"RHSLaunchers",
  146. //"RHSUGLAmmo",
  147. //"SAFMines",
  148. "Smokes",
  149. "StaticMGs",
  150. "UAVs",
  151. // Whatever your last line is make sure it doesnt have a comma! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  152. };
  153. };
  155. /**
  156. * Uniforms, vests, helmets, backpacks
  157. */
  158. class Exile_Trader_Equipment
  159. {
  160. name = "EQUIPMENT";
  161. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  162. categories[] =
  163. {
  164. "A3Backpacks",
  165. "APEXBackpacks",
  166. "APEXHeadgear",
  167. "APEXUniforms",
  168. "APEXVests",
  169. "Backpacks",
  170. "CUPBackpacks",
  171. "CUPHeadgear",
  172. "CUPUniforms",
  173. "CUPVests",
  174. //"FFAAHeadgear",
  175. //"FFAAUniform",
  176. //"FFAAVest",
  177. //"FFAAbackpack",
  178. //"FFAAfaceware",
  179. "FirstAid",
  180. //"GREFHeadgear",
  181. //"GREFUniforms",
  182. //"GREFVests",
  183. //"HAPBACKPACKS",
  184. //"HAPHEADGEAR",
  185. //"HAPUNIFORMS",
  186. //"HAPVESTS",
  187. "Headgear",
  188. //"MASBackpacks",
  189. //"MASHeadgear",
  190. //"MASTools",
  191. //"RHSAccessories",
  192. //"RHSBackpacks",
  193. //"RHSHeadgear",
  194. //"RHSUniforms",
  195. //"RHSVests",
  196. //"SAFBackpacks",
  197. //"SAFHeadgear",
  198. //"SAFUniforms",
  199. //"SAFVests",
  200. //"TRYKBackpacks",
  201. //"TRYKHeadgear",
  202. //"TRYKUniforms",
  203. //"TRYKVests",
  204. "Tools",
  205. "Uniforms",
  206. "Vests",
  207. //"APEXTools", //not used
  208. // Whatever your last line is make sure it doesnt have a comma! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  209. };
  210. };
  212. /**
  213. * Cans, cans, cans
  214. */
  215. class Exile_Trader_Food
  216. {
  217. name = "FAST FOOD";
  218. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  219. categories[] =
  220. {
  221. "Drinks",
  222. "Food",
  223. "NonVeganFood"
  224. // Whatever your last line is make sure it doesnt have a comma! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  225. };
  226. };
  228. /**
  229. * Light bulbs, metal, etc.
  230. */
  231. class Exile_Trader_Hardware
  232. {
  233. name = "HARDWARE";
  234. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  235. categories[] =
  236. {
  237. "Hardware",
  238. //"R3FTools",
  239. "ExtendedBaseMod",
  240. //"CBuilding"
  241. // Whatever your last line is make sure it doesnt have a comma! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  242. };
  243. };
  245. /**
  246. * Sells cars and general vehicles
  247. */
  248. class Exile_Trader_Vehicle
  249. {
  250. name = "VEHICLE";
  251. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  252. categories[] =
  253. {
  254. "A3Armed",
  255. "A3Cars",
  256. "A3Trucks",
  257. "ApexCars",
  258. "ApexTrucks",
  259. "Bikes",
  260. "CTrucks",
  261. "CUGVs",
  262. "CUPArmed",
  263. "CUPUnarmed",
  264. "Cars",
  265. //"FMPCars",
  266. //"FMPTrucks",
  267. //"FOXCars",
  268. //"FOXTrucks",
  269. //"GREFArmed",
  270. //"GREFUnarmed",
  271. //"HAPCARS",
  272. //"HAPTRUCKS",
  273. //"HVPCars",
  274. //"JonzieCars",
  275. //"MASArmed",
  276. //"MASCars",
  277. //"MASTrucks",
  278. //"RHSVehicles",
  279. //"SAFArmed",
  280. //"SAFUnarmed",
  281. "Trucks",
  282. //"MASTanks",
  283. "A3Tanks",
  284. "UGV",
  285. "A3UGVs",
  286. "ApexUAVs",
  287. // Whatever your last line is make sure it doesnt have a comma! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  288. };
  289. };
  291. /**
  292. * Sells choppers and planes
  293. */
  294. class Exile_Trader_Aircraft
  295. {
  296. name = "AIRCRAFT";
  297. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  298. categories[] =
  299. {
  300. "A3Planes",
  301. "A3armedChoppers",
  302. "A3unarmedChoppers",
  303. "ApexChoppers",
  304. "ApexPlanes",
  305. "ApexVTOL",
  306. "CChoppers",
  307. "CPlanes",
  308. "CUPChoppers",
  309. "Choppers",
  310. //"GREFChoppers",
  311. //"GREFPlanes",
  312. //"HVPPlanes",
  313. //"MASChoppers",
  314. //"MASPlanes",
  315. "Planes",
  316. //"Pods",
  317. //"RHSChoppers",
  318. //"RHSPlanes",
  319. //"SAFChoppers",
  320. "A3UAVs",
  321. "CUAVs",
  322. // Whatever your last line is make sure it doesnt have a comma! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  323. };
  324. };
  326. /**
  327. * Sells ships and boats
  328. */
  329. class Exile_Trader_Boat
  330. {
  331. name = "BOAT";
  332. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  333. categories[] =
  334. {
  335. "A3Boats",
  336. "ApexBoats",
  337. "Boats",
  338. //"RHSBoats",
  339. // Whatever your last line is make sure it doesnt have a comma! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  340. };
  341. };
  343. class Exile_Trader_Diving
  344. {
  345. name = "DIVERS";
  346. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  347. categories[] =
  348. {
  349. "Diving"
  350. };
  351. };
  353. /**
  354. * Sells Community Items
  355. */
  356. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms
  357. {
  358. name = "COMMUNITY";
  359. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  360. categories[] =
  361. {
  362. "Community"
  363. };
  364. };
  365. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms2
  366. {
  367. name = "COMMUNITY";
  368. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  369. categories[] =
  370. {
  371. "Community2"
  372. };
  373. };
  375. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms3
  376. {
  377. name = "COMMUNITY";
  378. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  379. categories[] =
  380. {
  381. "Community3"
  382. };
  383. };
  385. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms4
  386. {
  387. name = "COMMUNITY";
  388. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  389. categories[] =
  390. {
  391. "Community4"
  392. };
  393. };
  395. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms5
  396. {
  397. name = "COMMUNITY";
  398. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  399. categories[] =
  400. {
  401. "Community5"
  402. };
  403. };
  405. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms6
  406. {
  407. name = "COMMUNITY";
  408. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  409. categories[] =
  410. {
  411. "Community6"
  412. };
  413. };
  415. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms7
  416. {
  417. name = "COMMUNITY";
  418. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  419. categories[] =
  420. {
  421. "Community7"
  422. };
  423. };
  425. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms8
  426. {
  427. name = "COMMUNITY";
  428. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  429. categories[] =
  430. {
  431. "Community8"
  432. };
  433. };
  435. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms9
  436. {
  437. name = "COMMUNITY";
  438. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  439. categories[] =
  440. {
  441. "Community9"
  442. };
  443. };
  445. class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms10
  446. {
  447. name = "COMMUNITY";
  448. showWeaponFilter = 0;
  449. categories[] =
  450. {
  451. "Community10"
  452. };
  453. };
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