
(Gadgets) Contention (WIP)

Oct 2nd, 2012
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  1. This is Gadgets story He allowed me to continue it for him since he does not have plans to do so. I'm leaving his original story here in case he deletes it from his pastebin, I want to make this clear in case people assume I'm taking credit for his story.
  3. >You were nowhere.
  4. >Then you were somewhere.
  5. >You couldn’t think of any other way to describe it.
  6. >It was dark. The ground was damp and cold.
  7. >The surrounding area was alive with the sounds of wildlife.
  8. >This was not home. You had no idea how you got here.
  9. >You began to cry softly.
  10. “Mom? … Dad?”
  11. >You prayed this was some nightmare, even if it felt too real.
  12. “Mom! Dad!”
  13. >You prayed you would wake up to the faces of your parents.
  14. “Anybody?!”
  15. >You prayed this wasn’t real.
  16. >But, it kept dragging on. No amount of crying, begging, or praying tore you out of this false dream.
  17. >Because it wasn’t a dream. It was real.
  18. >You were alone, lost, and afraid.
  19. >Your tear-flooded eyes began to adjust to the darkness. You were in some sort of exotic jungle.
  20. >Despite the darkness, everything seemed more… colored. Something wasn’t right.
  21. >It only scared you more.
  22. >You just continued to lie there, growing louder by the minute.
  23. >You were too young to fend for yourself. Too scared to move.
  24. >Then, you hear a faint noise in the distance.
  25. >Voices. You hear voices! You can’t understand what they’re saying but it’s better than nothing.
  26. >You unsuccessfully wipe the tears and mud off your face before getting up.
  27. >You stumble towards the voices, wading through deep mud and crawling through thick bushes.
  28. >Your speed increases as you get closer and you begin to recognize words.
  29. >”Dangit Scoots, why’d ya think we could be cave ‘splorers. It was a dumb idea from the start.”
  30. >”Whatever, you’re just mad cause you got sca-“
  31. >The voices stop once you burst through the brush.
  32. >Three little cartoon horses stood in front of you, astonished at your appearance.
  33. >It didn’t make sense. None of this did.
  34. >It didn’t matter.
  35. “Help please…”
  37. >The memory was so vivid, unlike the rest of the day. The three little fillies, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo, feared you for only a moment before they saw that they were just a scared little kid.
  38. >They quickly warmed up to you before taking you out of the dark forest and into a small, sunlit town.
  39. >Ponyville, they called it.
  40. >More talking horses. You nearly started hyperventilating right there in the middle of town.
  41. >After the ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders’, they called themselves, calmed you down, they directed you to a Pony named Twilight Sparkle.
  42. >Things really got out of hand after that.
  43. >First, you were forced to Canterlot to be interrogated by Princess Celestia herself.
  44. >She… looked at memories. Everything.
  45. >Everything you ever thought, saw, and did played through her head. So many things that your adolescent mind couldn’t comprehend made perfect sense to Celestia.
  46. >And it terrified her.
  47. >She, like you, had no idea how you came to Equestria but, she quickly determined that your race was dangerous.
  48. >The Princess left your fate in the hands of Twilight Sparkle, trusting her to make the right decision.
  49. >And back to Ponyville you went.
  50. >Twilight called a meeting with the town, many of the more influential citizens argued for hours on your fate.
  51. >”No! He may be a child but you heard what Twilight said! His race created horrors beyond imagination!”
  52. >”They are not horrors, they may be beyond our comprehension but imagine if this… Human… could build such devices for our own use!”
  53. >One brave, purple mare stood up in your defense.
  55. >Cheerilee, bless her heart, fought tooth and nail for you. She saw what you were, a lost child in need of love and care.
  56. >She wasn’t able to dispel the fears of the townspeople but, she singlehandedly prevented your possible slavery.
  57. >Or execution.
  58. >There was a catch, however. Since Cheerilee was so bold to stand up for you, she was dumped with the responsibility with raising you. She happily obliged.
  59. >She owned a small one bedroom home on the fringes of Ponyville, so you were forced on to the couch until she later moved.
  60. >You remained mostly indoors, afraid of the new world. Cheerilee understood but didn’t allow it. The two of you went on walks through Ponyville every day until you finally became comfortable with the new way of things.
  61. >But, she was just getting started.
  62. >You were soon thrusted into school, where Cheerilee taught. You were an educational year ahead of this class but it gave you time to find your place amongst your peers.
  63. >You soon become friends with 3 familiar fillies.
  65. >The Cutie Mark Crusaders warmed up to you quickly, they were the ones to first discover you, after all.
  66. >The four of you had a certain kinship, in a way. The Cutie Mark is a sign of adulthood, in a way. Most foals who receive them still act like the stupid kids that they are. But, others will pick on those who don’t have one, and right now, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle are the only ones in their class to not have one.
  67. >Besides you, of course.
  68. >The crusades for cutie marks stopped once you joined the group. They didn’t want you to feel left out. You said you didn’t mind. That was a lie, of course. Friends are hard to come by in an alien world and you don’t want to be left out.
  69. >And as if they had telepathy, they never left you side.
  70. >Not until Scootaloo got her mark.
  71. >It was Spring, two years after you arrived in Equestria.
  72. >The 4 of you were bored out of your minds. The only one not sitting on their ass was Scootaloo, and she was riding her scooter to kill time.
  73. >She got some big air on one jump and her wings began to naturally flap.
  74. >And she stayed afloat. For the first time.
  75. >It took a few moments for all 4 of you to catch on.
  76. >When you did, all of you screamed in excitement.
  77. >Scootaloo quickly took to it, pulling off stunts and flips and all sorts of cool junk.
  78. >She earned a cutie mark only an hour later. A white wing with a tornado behind it. Very fitting.
  79. >After that, Scootaloo stopped spending time with the CMC.
  80. >She said she was too cool to be spending time with two blank flanks and an alien.
  81. >That one hurt. It hurt everyone.
  82. >She disappeared from Ponyville without a word a few years later.
  84. >Sweetie Belle was the next to earn her cutie mark.
  85. >She indirectly earned it from Scootaloo’s disappearance.
  86. >You, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle were all hurting after Scoots left. So, Rarity wanted to do something to take your minds off her. Or maybe she did it for herself.
  87. >She took the three of you to a new Jazz Club in town. You and Applebloom were too bummed out to enjoy yourselves but Sweetie Belle was having a blast. She’d bounce to the beat, quietly whisper the lyrics if she knew them, and have too much fun for just losing a friend.
  88. >Eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore. During the chorus of one song, she just got up, started groovin’ and singin’. Her voice seemed to mature slightly at that very instant, giving her a mildly raspy tone.
  89. >The band stopped and she just kept going. Sweetie Belle owned the joint.
  90. >Once the song ended, Sweetie’s cutie mark has appeared. A single note with a billycock hat resting on top.
  91. >The audience applauded. Everyone except Rarity and Applebloom.
  92. >Rarity was aghast that Sweetie Belle, HER SISTER, had a revolting BILLYCOCK on her ASS.
  93. >Rarity’s words, not yours.
  94. >You didn’t understand Applebloom’s issue, though.
  96. >Sweetie Belle’s cutie mark did more harm than good to the integrity of your guys’ friendship.
  97. >Sweetie Belle had no intention of leaving but, Applebloom didn’t believe that.
  98. >Applebloom was also distraught over being the last of her friends to earn a cutie mark.
  99. >She found comfort in you though. You didn’t think much of it for quite a while.
  100. >It didn’t take long for Applebloom to start tearing you away from Sweetie Belle at every opportunity she had.
  101. >Sweetie Belle didn’t may have become more popular after the jazz club incident but, she never forgot who her friends were.
  102. >Applebloom didn’t care. She just wanted you all to herself.
  103. >You really didn’t like that.
  104. >This is, until one fall evening in the old CMC headquarters, Applebloom jumped your grits.
  105. >You did nothing to resist.
  106. >You never expected this to happen. The thought never once crossed your mind.
  107. >… That, and it felt amazing.
  108. >The moment passed quickly.
  109. >And every second was wonderful.
  110. >You probably could have lied on the floor of the treehouse in post coital bliss if Applejack hadn’t come looking for Applebloom.
  111. >That was a fun chase.
  112. >Once you’d gotten home, Cheerilee already knew about what happened. Word travels fast in Ponyvile but… damn.
  113. >She chewed you out hard. You had no idea why what you did was so wrong.
  114. >But you knew why they thought it was wrong.
  116. “It’s because I’m not from here, isn’t it?”
  117. >You thought you could change the tide of the war with that sentence.
  118. >”How dare you…”
  119. >You were wrong.
  121. >Dead wrong.
  122. >It earned you another hour of getting your ear yelled off.
  123. >She ended her lecture with something that made your heart skip a beat.
  124. >”Tonight, you are going to have a VERY awkward lesson on sexual education.”
  125. >You should have let Applejack kill you.
  127. >It didn’t take long until Applebloom got her own cutie mark. Carpentry, who would have guess?
  128. >Things went back to normal between her and Sweetie Belle after that.
  129. >And things only heated up between you and Applebloom.
  130. >Sweetie Belle always showed signs of jealousy when the two of you ran off by yourselves.
  131. >If you weren’t hooked up with Applebloom at the time, you’d have given her a shot.
  132. >And now that you look back on it, you wish you saw the signs earlier just so you could have given her the opportunity.
  133. >But, time passes too quickly. Even when it doesn’t feel like it at the time.
  134. >Only two years later, your class was ready to graduate from basic schooling.
  135. >Most Unicorns went to some sort of university while Earth ponies went straight into the workforce.
  136. >Pegasi just ascended into the clouds to do their own thing. They tend to be more reclusive than you’d prefer.
  137. >Memories of Scootaloo started to fade away as the years went on. But, on the night before graduation, you couldn’t stop thinking about her and how she wouldn’t be there.
  139. >You and Applebloom broke up shortly after graduation. She didn’t see the relationship going any further and thought it would be better if the two of you stayed friends.
  140. >You were going to miss the great sex but you wanted this to end calmly and mutually.
  141. >You reluctantly agreed.
  142. >You would have tried to seek comfort in Sweetie Belle but she had already left to pursue her singing career.
  143. >You met a dead end. No job, no marefriend, no direction.
  144. >And it sucked.
  145. >Cheerilee easily picked up on how felt.
  146. >”Anon?”
  147. >You sighed into your pillow, having your privacy invaded by Cheerilee forty times a day got exhausting.
  148. “What’s up, Cheerilee?”
  149. >She approaches your bed and produces a hoof-sized bag our of seemingly nowhere. You never fully grasped the physics of this cartoon world.
  150. >”Here’s 200 bits. I’ve been saving since the day I took you in… Well, I had to dip into it a couple time with things got rough but… I think it’s time you moved on.”
  151. >You grab the bag and weigh it in your hand.
  152. “You’re kicking me out?”
  153. >You do your best to hide your mild excitement.
  154. >Cheerilee titters lightly.
  155. >”Not quite but I’m going to put myself on the market again. You don’t want to be around when-“
  157. >She lets out a throaty chuckle.
  158. >Then she looks at you with her soft eyes.
  159. >”Anonymous? Call me mom.”
  160. >She nuzzles your cheek as you wrap an arm around her neck in an embrace.
  162. >Ponyville was dry as dirt, it’s time to move on.
  163. >Princess Celestia made the nation aware of your existence to avoid a mass panic when you walked into a new town.
  164. >You say your good-byes to your friends, a special one to Applebloom for old time’s sake, and board the train to Canterlot.
  165. >You doubted you’d find what you were looking for so quickly
  166. >Unfortunately, Canterlot ended up being a lot less welcoming than what everyone says.
  167. >The populace constantly looks at you funny, tries to sell you product for far above its actual price.
  168. >But, welcoming or not, you found a job awfully quickly. One that can be done either by a Unicorn or Griffon. The former was too expensive and the latter had a tendency to be incompetent.
  169. >Crane Operator at the Canterlot Sky Dock, where rich ponies pay billions of bits to look down at poorer cities and laugh.
  170. >Whatever. A job is a job, and this one paid decently.
  171. ====
  172. “And that’s how I got here.”
  173. >You took another bite on your PB&J while sitting at a circular table in the break room.
  174. >”Nah, man. I didn’ ask fer yer life story, jus’ how yous got here to Equestria.” Said the tan Stallion sitting across from you, eating his dandelion sandwich.
  175. “Oh. Fuck if I know.”
  177. >It’s been 2 years since you’ve moved to Canterlot.
  178. >Several more since you’ve been magically teleported to Equestria.
  179. >You’ve now spent over half of your life here. You hardly think of Earth anymore. It’s better that way. No thoughts of old family to occupy your mind, no worries of the supposed horrors Celestia told you about your world.
  180. >Yes it’s better her-
  182. >Nevermind, it’s worse here. Worse than Ponyville, that is. You hardly remember Earth.
  183. >You live in the Canterlot slums, which still have stupidly high land value.
  184. >And attempted break-ins are a monthly thing.
  185. >They usually fail since hooves are incredibly awkward and magic is easy to trace back to its user.
  186. >But, today they got in and wrecked EVERYTHING!
  187. >Nothing looks stolen, however…
  188. >You enter the bedroom… Nope, nothing.
  189. >Bathroom? Why would anyone even steal something from here?
  190. >Kitchen? Fridge looks full, plates still in cupboard, silverw-
  191. >Silverware!
  192. >Someone went through all this for some FUCKING SILVERWARE?!
  193. >AAARGH!
  194. >You thought the headlines were joking when they said, “Silverware Bandits Strikes Again!”
  195. >Nope! He’s real and he stole all of your utensils!
  196. >… Damnit, you’re going to have to spend more money than you’d like, 0, on some new silverware.
  197. >Tomorrow. Tonight, we clean!
  199. >When you said “clean”, you meant, “Push all the stuff in a corner and deal with it later.”
  200. >And you will!
  201. >Later.
  202. >Right now, you’re on a lunch break from being Crane Operator at the Canterlot Skydock.
  203. >You normally take lunch in the break room, getting what little social interaction you can from the other workers, but today you needed to restock on a few things.
  204. >But, today you’re wandering through the Canterlot market district, looking for a cutlery store.
  205. >Why wouldn’t they just put it by the grocery store? It makes so much sense, it’s stupid.
  206. >You tower over the rich looking ponies who go about their business as usual.
  207. >You don’t like talking to them because they like everyone to know they’re rich. They already make it obvious with the stupidly expensive outfits and their noses pointing to the clouds.
  208. >But, you’re lost.
  209. >You grab the attention of the nearest pony, a pink mare with a purple and white mane.
  210. “Excuse me, do you know where I can find some sort of cutlery store? I’m not very fam-“
  211. >”EW! You again! I thought I wouldn’t have to see you after I left Ponyvile!”
  212. >Wait, what?
  213. >You take note of the small tiara on her head and the one emblazoned on her flank, as well.
  214. “… Diamond Tiara?”
  215. >”Who else?”
  216. >She poofs her hair a little, showing off to the non-existent audience.
  217. >”So what do YOU want?”
  219. >Her attitude is starting to tick you off. She was never pleasant when she was a filly and she isn’t now.
  220. “Cutlery. Silverware. Do you know where I can find some?”
  221. >”UGH!”
  222. >You’ll take that as a “No.”
  223. >”Of course I do! What makes you think I’m going to tell you were it is, weirdo!”
  224. >You’ve had enough. You suppress you rage and continue along the cobblestone road like nothing ever happened.
  225. >”Hey!”
  226. >You ignore her.
  227. >”HEY!”
  228. >She’s starting to draw the attention of other ponies on the road.
  229. >”Don’t you ignore me, do you know who I am?!”
  230. “Yes but, if I forget I’m sure you’ll remind me.”
  231. >”Hey! I’m only trying to help and you’re going to act like that?”
  232. “You’re not helping me at all.”
  233. >”Yes I am, I’m showing you where to find a cutlery shop.”
  234. “But, you’re following me.”
  235. >She speeds up her trot to pull ahead of you before returning to your pace.
  236. >”Hurry up, before I change my mind.”
  237. >You internally sigh as you concede to following Diamond Tiara.
  238. >You quickly realize it was the right choice.
  239. >She leads you out of the market district,
  240. >Over a bridge,
  241. >Past the castle gates,
  242. >Over another bridge,
  243. >Into the high-end of Canterlot,
  244. >And to the doorstep of a large mansion.
  245. “Is this it?”
  246. >”Hush!”
  247. >She unlocks the door.
  248. >Apparently Diamond Tiara owns a cutlery store.
  249. >You step in after her.
  250. >”What are you doing? I didn’t invite you in!”
  251. “I thought…”
  252. >”You can’t just barge into a pony’s home! Didn’t that Applebloom teach you any manners? Oh wait, she spent all her time bucking apples and bucking y-“
  253. “Whoa, hey. That’s too far.”
  255. “Wait, home? Weren’t you taking me to a cutlery store?”
  256. >”Yeah! It’s somewhere in the Market District, I just needed to stop by my home.”
  257. >Oh, Diamond Tiara! You never changed!
  258. “I’m leaving, thanks for taking me to the other side of Canterlot and wasting my time.”
  259. >”Don’t be stupid, you came here for directions and you’re getting them.”
  260. >She yells back into the mansion.
  262. >You hear someone respond from deep within the mansion.
  263. >”She can be so slow, sometimes… She wouldn’t be working here if we weren’t my best friend!”
  264. >It’s hard to describe how annoying Diamond Tiara is being right now.
  265. >She hasn’t changed AT ALL. Everything is like a whole new Elementary School hierarchy system to her.
  266. >You envy those with that lifestyle but you don’t desire it.
  267. >Clopping from inside the mansion gets louder as it approaches.
  268. >”Sorry, DT. I-I couldn’t let the vegetables burn. Your meal shall be ready in a few minutes.”
  269. >”Oh, throw it out. We’re going to eat in town this afternoon.”
  270. >Diamond Tiara opens the door wider, revealing another mare, gray mane and coat with big, blue glasses. You remember this one, vaguely. She was always hanging around Diamond Tiara. While she wasn’t as vocal as Diamond, she was still a bitch.
  271. >”But… But, I’ve been working on this all morning. You said-“
  272. >”I know what I said. Wrap is up and put it in the cooler. You can continue on it tomorrow.”
  273. >”It won’t work like… Anonymous?”
  274. >The gray mare notices you for the first time.
  275. >”Was that its name? Dumb name, makes no sense!”
  277. “Uh, yeah. Hey, long time, no see.”
  278. >”Yes, it’s a pleasure to see, Anonymous. How’ve you-“
  279. >”Yeah okay, we’re all best friends again. Let’s GO, Spoon.”
  280. >Silver Spoon! That was her name.
  281. >”That’s fine, may I comb my hair before we leave? It’s a little messy and-“
  282. >”Forget it, your hair looks fine. Besides, a few more stallions will be looking my way if you leave you hair looking scraggily, like that.”
  283. >Oh shit, you remember Silver Spoon being a bit of a pushover but there’s no way she’s going to take that!
  284. >”Um… That’s okay, I suppose. Is Anonymous joining us for lunch?”
  285. >Her face lights up a little when she says your name. It’s kinda cute.
  286. >”Phbbt, no! It just needs to find some place to buy plates or something.”
  287. >”Then why is he out here?”
  288. “I thought she was leading me there.”
  289. >”I told you, I wanted to stop by my home and get my BFF!”
  290. >She gave Silver Spoon a tight hug, Spoon looked uncomfortable with it.
  291. >”Can we just go?”
  292. “Yeah, I have a job to get back to,”
  293. >Diamond Tiara snorts and nudges Silver Spoon.
  294. >”Somep0ny actually gave him a job…”
  295. >Silver Spoon rolls her eyes.
  296. “And I’d like to get this taken care of before I go home tonight.”
  298. >The three of you walk back towards the marketplace, Diamond Tiara wouldn’t shut up.
  299. >You tried to ask Silver Spoon how she’s been doing for the past few years but…
  300. >Diamond Tiara.
  301. >”Did you know her family lost ALL their money two years ago?”
  302. >”DT…”
  303. >”Oh be quiet, Spoon. He asked and I’m answering for you! So, they lost their money in the stock market because they invested in something stupid. What was it? Nevermind, it’s not important. Maybe your daddy should have been like my daddy and put him money somewhere smart. That stupid Apple family has no idea how much their enterprise is worth. Maybe when my daddy dies, I’ll buy it out and stick some cheap labor in there. That’ll make me even richer!”
  304. >Both you and Silver Spoon were tired of listening to Diamond Tiara.
  305. >She seems really interested in talking to herself, you figure you can now talk to Silver Spoon without interruption.
  306. “Soooo, you actually tolerate this?”
  307. >”Well, I have to. It’s a little personal, if you don’t mind…”
  308. “Not at all, I won’t pry.”
  309. >Diamond Tiara heard a conversation going on without her.
  310. >She won’t have it.
  311. >”Aside from the fact that we’re best friends, the reason she spends so much time with me is because she had nowhere else to go after her family lost its home. I offered her a room as long as she became my house maid!”
  312. >”DT, that’s really none of his business…”
  313. >”Oh please, I know you’re ashamed of being poor but, you don’t need to hide it around other poor ponies. They don’t even care!”
  314. >”That’s not-“
  315. >”I’m going to get us a spot at La Pergola, you show the human where to find the cutlery store.”
  317. >”I don’t know where it is!”
  318. >”You don’t?!”
  319. >You don’t?!
  320. “You don’t?!”
  321. >”I-I’m sorry! I didn’t know I was supposed to!”
  322. >”But, your name is Silver Spoon!”
  323. >”… So?!”
  324. >”Isn’t your talent, like, spoons and knowing about them?!”
  325. >”…”
  326. >… This is stupid.
  327. >Welp, these two mares have wasted your entire lunch break. Now you’re hungry and silverwareless.
  328. “I’m going to get out of here. Thanks for nothing, Diamond.”
  329. >Diamond Tiara shouts, “What did I do?!” and you turn around to walk away.
  330. >”Anonymous, wait!”
  331. >Silver Spoon trots in front of you.
  332. >”I feel terrible about what happened here,”
  333. “It wasn’t your fault, really.”
  334. >You shoot a glare back at Diamond Tiara, who still looks dumbfounded.
  335. >”I know but, please allow me to treat you to dinner. It’s the least I can do for wasting your time.”
  336. >”Whoa, whoa, whoa.”
  337. >Diamond Tiara pulls Silver Spoon away.
  338. >”Spoon, that was WAY too forward! And why him? He’s not even wealthy!”
  339. >You bring your hand to your forehead. How Silver Spoons puts up with this is… far beyond your understanding.
  340. >”DT, I didn’t mean it like that.”
  341. “You know what, it’s fine. I really need to get back to work.”
  342. >”Oh, goodbye, Anonymous!”
  343. >”Finally…”
  344. >Took the words right out of my mouth, Diamond.
  346. >The rest of your day goes by slowly.
  347. >Stupid Diamond Tiara, wasting all of your time…
  348. >Silver Spoon was nice, though.
  349. >It’s nice to see she has done some growing up.
  350. >You spent another hour looking for the stupid silverware, plate, fucking pointy stick store, anything store, after work.
  351. >Alas, no success.
  352. >You’re now walking back to your apartment in the dark.
  353. >The Canterlot slums are dangerous in the dark.
  354. >Eyes peer out from abandoned buildings.
  355. >The alleyways bustle with illicit activity.
  356. >Sidewalks and roads are littered with trash and homeless ponies.
  357. >The town guard has forgotten about this part of town, it seems.
  358. >Your apartment is in sight, the outside lights have been shattered again, it seems.
  359. >You see a figure near your front door, hiding just under the staircase to the second floor.
  360. >A pony waiting in ambush? Homeless? Hard to say.
  361. >You’re unarmed and have little experience with fist fighting. If it ends up being a mugging, you’re willing to relinquish the small amount of bits you have on you to preserve your life.
  362. >It moves from cover once you approach your door.
  363. >”Anonymous?”
  364. “… Silver Spoon, is that you?”
  365. >The moonlight reflects off those big glasses once she steps closer.
  366. >”Yes, I wanted a chance to talk with you but DT, made it hard…”
  367. “You must be getting cold, here,”
  368. >You unlock and open the door to your apartment.
  369. >”Thank…”
  370. >She notices the mess caused by yesterday’s robbery.
  371. “… Not my fault.”
  372. >She lightly titters.
  373. >”What do you say I make that dinner I promised?”
  374. >You let out a soft sigh as a smile grows on your face.
  375. “I would like that.”
  377. >The evening with Silver Spoon was pleasant enough.
  378. >The meal was mediocre, not her fault, you only carry the cheapest of the cheap foods. Catching up with an old acquaintance is always a pleasure, however.
  379. >She understandably dodged most questions about herself, with what Diamond Tiara already blurted out.
  380. >So the evening was spent catching up what’s happened with the other members of your class.
  381. >Diamond Tiara was one you took particular interest in.
  382. >Silver Spoon told you she simply asked her farther for a big mansion in Canterlot.
  383. >And he gave it to her.
  384. >Spoiled brat.
  385. >She told you of others, as well.
  386. >Twist is still desperately trying to figure out what her cutie mark means and how it will help her.
  387. >Snips and Snails abandoned Ponyville to follow Trixie around Equestria. She filed a restraining order but that didn’t stop them. What kind of idiot would want to follow that egotistical mare around, anyway?
  388. >Featherweight abandoned his natural talent of photography and followed his dreams of becoming a professional wrestler. He tragically died of a broken neck 30 seconds into his first fight. You were offended that you weren’t invited to the funeral.
  389. >You asked how she knew all this.
  390. >Apparently the entire class kept in contact with each other. They frequently ask each other if they’ve heard anything from you but it appeared you’d fallen off the map.
  391. >You told her that you still send letters to Applebloom and Cheerilee every now and again, but other than that, you’ve pretty much detached yourself from Ponyville.
  392. >She asked you about Sweetie Belle but, unfortunately, she Scootaloo’d on you and Applebloom, ceasing contact once she left.
  394. >Silver Spoon asked if you resented Sweetie Belle for it.
  395. >You told her you didn’t. Sweetie Belle is off somewhere making a name for herself. Possibly in Fillydelphia. Maybe even Manehatten. She has the talent.
  396. >Scootaloo just left on a bad note.
  397. >Silver Spoon sensed the awkwardness in the topic and rapidly changed it to current affairs.
  398. >You told her all about your work at the Canterlot Skydock as a crane operator and how your delicate hands and inexpensive necessities make you a perfect candidate.
  399. >When she asked about your hobbies outside of work, you gestured to your small apartment.
  400. >You lead the exciting life of a bachelor met with bigotry and poverty. There’s little you can do besides occupy yourself with reading the newspaper and sleep.
  401. >You didn’t wish to divulge further into your boring routine so you asked her about what she like. Things she does on the weekends. Anything.
  402. >One again, she evaded tell you about herself.
  403. >Being the idiot you are, you pushed the matter.
  404. >… And then she says, “I have to go Anonymous. Perhaps we should do this again.”
  406. >She quickly gathers herself and leaves without another word.
  407. >You’ve been thinking about that night over the last two weeks.
  408. >It’s been eating you on the inside.
  409. >You wouldn’t risk going to Diamond Tiara’s home to talk to her.
  410. >Because
  411. >You know
  412. >Diamond Tiara might be there.
  413. >But you can’t get that night out of your head.
  414. >You feel terrible for pushing Silver Spoon like that.
  415. >She was someone to talk to. Someone to spend time with. You’re a social creature, you need someone to connect with.
  417. >Tonight. After work, you’re going over there and you’re going to apologize.
  418. >Right now, you need to stop thinking of a particular gray mare and focus on work.
  419. >You’re offloading an Airship that just flew in from Manehatten. Pallets upon pallets of luggage are stored on the lower deck.
  420. >There’s a large hatch on the side, just big enough for those pallets. You wing the rope hanging from your crane next to the opening so the crew may take it and hook it to the pallet.
  421. >Once hooked, you give it a gook yank and the pallet comes flying out.
  422. >The hardest part is making sure the pallet doesn’t swing into something –or someone-else.
  423. >It’s a crude, primitive, and dangerous way of offloading.
  424. >But you’ve gotten damn good at it. Not a single piece of luggage lost in an entire year.
  425. >The last guy in this seat would cause some sort of injury once per month. The company was getting sued constantly.
  426. >It’s a damn good thing you mysteriously teleported here 10 years ago! These guys would be out of luck.
  427. >You’re on the last pallet now.
  428. >You steady it after it whips out of the Airship.
  429. >Gently swing it on over to the others and…
  430. >Place it down next to the last one with enough of a gap to walk in between.
  431. >Perfect.
  432. >The ponies working the floor release the hook and wave a hoof at you, signaling that you’re good to go.
  433. >You give them a thumbs up as you retract the hook and raise the crane arm to a sitting position.
  434. >No other ships are scheduled to come in or depart for the next 3 hours so it’s a good time to take a lunch.
  436. >You’ve brought a bag lunch, as you normally do.
  437. >The break room doesn’t sound appealing, though.
  438. >You’re up for a refreshing change of scenery. It’s a nice day, why not go to the park?
  439. >Yeah, sounds good.
  440. >You enter the break room and grab your bagged lunch out of the fridge.
  441. >You check to make sure… Damnit, Butterscotch. Stupid mare took your pudding. Again.
  442. >She can put on a cute smile and apologize all she wants, you’re going to buy a lockable lunchpail one of these days.
  443. >You take what’s left of your lunch and exit the room.
  444. >You pass by the ponies unwrapping, unstrapping, and unloading the final pallet as you walk toward the employee exit.
  445. >Just as you reach the threshold, the panicked voice of a mare echoes across the floor.
  446. >”Where is it? Where is it?!”
  447. >Ah, the sounds of another Canterlot pony. It’s become the norm but when it’s the only one in the room, you remember how frustrating it gets.
  448. >”Get out of the way, you!” You can hear a few workers grunt as she pushes through.
  449. >Just another dissatisfied traveller, no reason to-
  450. >”Rarity, Come ON!”
  451. >Rarity?
  452. >Wait.
  454. >You turn back to the source of the voices.
  455. >Indeed, you see the marshmallow mare digging through the luggage while Sweetie Belle approaches her from the side.
  456. >”I want to get to the hotel soon, you know a show to prepare for.”
  457. >You consider shouting and flailing like an idiot but that isn’t your style.
  459. >You lightly step towards the two mares with flat, quiet feet.
  460. >They bicker like… well, sisters as your approach them from behind.
  461. >Once close enough, your stick one finger out, lower it to Sweetie Belle’s head and…
  462. >Give one curl of hair a firm poke.
  463. >”Hey! Keep your ho-“
  464. >Once her eyes meet yours, her face lights up like the fireworks at a Canterlot wedding.
  465. >You may or may not be sporting the brightest smile, yourself.
  466. >”Anonymous~!”
  467. >Sweeties Belle rears up on her hind legs and pulls you in for a tight hug which you happily return.
  468. “Aaaah, it’s good to see you, Sweetie Belle!”
  469. >”It’s been too long!”
  470. >She gives you an affectionate kiss on the cheek. It’s a high-class type of greeting but you can’t help blushing anyway.
  471. >She pulls away from the hug as Rarity trots up next to her.
  472. >”It’s been too long, darling. How’ve you been?”
  473. >Rarity looks as good as ever. She’s grown a little taller and leaner as she aged. Her age has finally caught up with her personality, it seems.
  474. “Great, Rarity. How about you two? It’s been ages since I’ve seen anyone from Ponyville!”
  475. >Nice lie there, buddy.
  476. >Sweetie Belle jumps in excitement.
  477. >”Amazing! I’ve made it bigger than I could have ever DREAMED of!” Hehe, her voice still cracks. It’s so adorable. “I sing at all the top clubs in Manehatten! Red Note, Pegasusland, 66 Bar! Better yet, they want ME to sing at Baker’s. BAKER’S! Do you know what this means!?”
  479. >You stare at her, a little confused. You know she sings well. That’s it. You don’t anything about the places she mentioned.
  480. >Rarity lost interest as well, it seems, as she’s gone back to digging for whatever she lost.
  481. >”Ahem… Sorry. Things have been going very well, is what I meant to say.”
  482. “Good… Good.”
  483. >”So what brings you to Canterlot?” She leans in and shifts her head to the side, keeping her eyes locked with yours. “You n’ Applebloom finally get away from the folks to spend more… time with each other?”
  484. >She passes you a sly wink.
  485. “Actually, Applebloom and I broke up just before you left to pursue your career. Been, you know, enjoin’ the single life ever since.”
  486. >”Oh!”
  487. >That wasn’t a disappointed, “Oh!” It wasn’t a sad one, or a surprised one.
  488. >It was just an, “Oh!”
  489. >Then she raises a hoof to her chin as a grin appears on her face.
  490. “Something wrong?”
  491. >”No! Well, yes. You see, my reservation at the hotel was cancelled. I don’t know how, but…”
  492. >She eyes her hooves.
  493. >”I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to find a nice place before my show. Since you’re here-”
  494. >”Sweetie Belle, hush.” Rarity found whatever she was looking for and rejoined the conversation, much to Sweetie Belle’s inconvenience.
  495. >”If we did somehow lose our reservation, I’ll personally see to it we take a better room for half the price, simply for the inconvenience.”
  496. >Sweetie Belle sighs.
  497. >”Alriiiiiight.”
  499. >Rarity turns her attention to you.
  500. >”It’s been a pleasure but I’m afraid we must be off. We have far too much preparation to do.”
  501. >”Not really…”
  502. >”Oh, I believe your tune was different no less than 5 minutes ago.”
  503. >”… Hmph! Wait one second.”
  504. >Sweetie Belle produces a paper seemingly from nowhere.
  505. >”Tonight I’m singing at this address.” She levitates the small paper to you. It’s a little black and white business card with everything you need to know about Baker’s. Besides what it actually is.
  506. >”I’ll tell the doormare you’re coming. It’s VERY exclusive so…” She eyes up and down your body, enjoying the show. “Wear something nice.”
  507. “Tonight? Uhhh…”
  508. >You haven’t forgotten about Silver Spoon yet.
  509. >”Pleeeease, Anonymous?” Her eyes turn into glistening orbs of cute. “You would reeeally help me calm my nerves.”
  510. >Oooooh, not fair.
  511. >Can you do both?
  512. >Yeah. You can do both.
  513. “I… have plans but they only occupy my early evening.”
  514. >“Perfect!”
  516. >”I’ll be auditioning at 11 tonight.”
  517. >”It’s time to leave, Sweetie Belle.”
  518. >”Yeah, yeah. One moment.”
  519. >She gets on her hind legs and rests her fore hooves on your shoulders. Her face inches towards you and quietly whispers, “And if everything goes well, we could grab a few drinks and-“
  520. >”Sweetie Belle!”
  521. >”Ugh! Cominggg.”
  522. >She gives you one last wink.
  523. >”See you tonight, Anonymous.”
  524. “Uhh…”
  526. >Sweetie Belle and Rarity walk out of the work floor seconds later, Rarity’s missing bag draped around her back.
  527. >”See, aren’t you glad I went looking for this?”
  528. >”You know it! Aah~, it was so nice to see Anonymous, again. Do you think he’ll come to the show? I laid my charm on pretty thick.”
  529. >Rarity titters lightly.
  530. >”Sweetie, perhaps in Manehatten that amorous attitude could perhaps pass off as ‘charm’. In Canterlot, that’s just, well, self-degrading.”
  531. >”Yes, I knooow. You’ve only told me a hundred times! It’s just, Anonymous is… Something different. Not in THAT way. But… Augh, I don’t know.”
  532. >”I suppose he is rather unique, hm? Kind, welcoming, funny, exotic,”
  533. >”Exotic?”
  534. >”Are you going to deny it?”
  535. >”No, but that’s not why I like him. He’s always been there for me, you know? Whenever you or mom and dad got mad at me, he’d always cheer me up. I feel really bad for leaving him like I did.”
  536. >”You left Ponyville to pursue your dreams, darling. He understands just fine. If the two of you do happen to get close, don’t rush into things like with all your previous buckfriends, hm?”
  537. >Sweetie Belle scoffs.
  538. >”Rarity!”
  539. >”Don’t you wait too long, either. I'm in impatient mare, if you catch my meaning."
  540. >Sweetie Belle retches.
  541. >A blush grows on Sweetie Belle’s face.
  542. >”T-That’s not funny. It’s just… really, really weird.”
  543. >”Why’s that? I’m still a young mare, perfectly suitable-“
  544. >”No. No, stop. I need you to… I need to concentrate.”
  545. >"Yes. You have a lot riding on this performance.”
  546. >”… Please don’t remind me.”
  548. >You found that whole experience rather… odd.
  549. >Sweetie Belle has always been a bit affectionate but…
  550. >Ahem, no time to dwell on that. You’re cutting into your lunch hour.
  551. >”Ey’ Anon.”
  552. >One of the worker ponies called you.
  553. >”You uh… You hittin’ that pretty lookin’ mare?”
  554. >You roll your eyes.
  555. >”Which one?” Another calls.
  556. >”Oh yeah, yeah, yeah! If you’re goin’ to buck the curly one, mind if I take Squiggletail off your hands? Hehe.” “Aww c’mon! Anon can share!” “I really liked their manes!”
  557. >Creeps.
  558. >You grow tired of the heckling and take the employees exit into the bustling streets of Canterlot.
  559. >That whole thing left you feeling funny. Good a good thing you have your lunch.
  560. >Without pudding.
  561. >Fucking Butterscotch.
  562. ==
  563. >And the work day is done. Another day, another dollar.
  564. >Despite the excitement earlier today, you haven’t forgotten about Silver Spoon.
  565. >She needs an apology.
  566. >You know, clear the air.
  567. >Knock on door. Apologize. Leave.
  568. >Easy.
  569. >…
  570. >So why are you sweating?
  571. >… Because you’re nervous!
  572. >And you have every reason to be.
  573. >You want this to go well! You hope she accepts your apology!
  574. >And you want to avoid Diamond Tiara, the vapid… silver spoon.
  575. >Oh that’s just funny.
  576. >You decide not to ever bring it up with Silver Spoon. The irony may be lost on her.
  578. >You find yourself at Diamond Tiara’s door an hour later.
  579. >You hesitantly give it a knockFUCK.
  582. >Hoofsteps approach the door in response to your knock.
  583. >What if Silver spoon doesn’t accept your apology?
  584. >Or worse, what if… What if Diamond Tiara answers the door?
  585. >A lump forms in your throat at the thought of both possibilities.
  586. >The sounds of a hoof fumbling with the door handle makes it worse.
  587. >The door creaks open…
  588. >”Hello, Dia-… Anonymous?”
  589. >Thank god it’s not Daimond Tiara.
  590. “Hey… Silver Spoon!”
  591. >”Can I help you?” She says in an irritated tone.
  592. “I came to apologize about the whole… incident.”
  593. >She raises an eyebrow.
  594. >”What incident, exactly?”
  595. >Is she going to make you say it? Seriously?
  596. “When I was…”
  597. >You twiddle your thumbs.
  598. “Asking about-“
  599. >”Prying into other ponies’ business even after she asked you to stop more than once?”
  600. “… Maybe.”
  601. >She stares daggers at you.
  602. “Yeah. Yeah, I shouldn’t have done that.”
  603. >”That’s right. Nosiness is not an attractive trait, Anonymous.”
  604. “I knooooow, I just…”
  605. >Something clicks inside your head.
  606. “Look, I’ll make it up to you. I’m going to a restaurant called Baker’s tonight and-“
  607. >”Baker’s? Y-You’re kidding!”
  608. >That was a very quick change of heart…
  609. >”How did you get reservations? It is THE Baker’s, right? Oh, do I have anything appropriate to wear?”
  610. >She stops herself.
  611. >”I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply… Ahem, please continue.”
  612. >You don’t know how to feel about Silver Spoon’s old self peeking through.
  613. “Silver Spoon-“
  614. >”Yes?”
  615. “Would you like to come see a show at Baker’s with me tonight?”
  616. >”Yes! I-“
  617. >Her pupils shrink to the size of pinpricks.
  619. >”W-Wait! It’s already so late and I don’t have time to get ready and--… oh my gosh, what am I going to wear?”
  620. “Spoon.”
  621. >”Are we leaving now? You’re giving me no warning. I need to… Aah!”
  622. >She stomps a hoof.
  623. >She becomes wide-eyed once more at her outburst.
  624. >”I’m sorry… again! I-I’m just so,” She titters lightly, “So excited!”
  625. “Alright then… Look, we’ve got time. The show doesn’t start until 11 tonight so-“
  626. >”Um…” She nervously taps her hooves.
  627. “… Yes?”
  628. >”Well… Aren’t you going to take me to dinner, too?”
  629. >Ouch.
  630. >OUCH.
  631. >Dinner anywhere in Canterlot was horribly expensive.
  632. >You don’t know much about Baker’s, but you know it’s exclusive and pricey.
  633. “Well I… Uh, yeah. Yeah. I’ll pick you up around 8 then?”
  634. >”Mmmm…” Her eyes begin to wander. “Don’t you think that’s a little late?”
  635. >Fuck. You don’t even know if you can get in before 11 and she’s asking to go before it even gets dark?
  636. “Maybe, but I don’t think either of us wants to wait several hours for the show to start.”
  637. >”That’s another thing, I’m sure there are performances going on all night, every night.”
  638. “Yeah, but you remember Sweetie Belle, right?”
  639. >”Mmhmm…” Judging by the look on her face, not very fondly.
  640. “Well, she’s auditioning or something. I’m not too sure on the details but I’d like to be there for her.”
  641. >Her face turns stoic.
  642. >”She invited you to watch her… What was it, sing, I suppose?”
  643. “Yeah.”
  644. >Her eyes narrow slightly.
  645. >”And you wish to bring me along?”
  646. >You shrug.
  648. “I dunno, I thought it’d be a good excuse to have a small class reunion.”
  649. >A small smile creeps onto Silver Spoon’s face then.
  650. >”And I can assume we’re not inviting DT, right?”
  651. “Noooooo way.”
  652. >She chuckles.
  653. >”Good. DT may be my best friend, but…”
  654. “She still acts like a High School Prom Queen?”
  655. >”Ha! She STILL complains about how you and Applebloom won King and Queen!”
  656. “Oh god!”
  657. >You bring a palm to your mouth.
  658. “Is she seriously still upset about that?”
  659. >”It haunts her in her sleep every night!”
  660. >The thought of Diamond Tiara writhing in the bed as an old mare muttering, “Anon and… Applebloom… Prom Queen and King… No… No!” Is too fucking rich!
  661. >You wave your hands in defeat.
  662. “Okay, I gotta go before me sides split open. We’re cool with 8 o’ clock?”
  663. >She gives a defeated sigh.
  664. >”Fine, if you think it’ll be fun.”
  665. “It will, I promise.”
  666. >You turn and walk away from the front mansion.
  667. “See you in a few hours, Spoon!”
  668. >”I don’t like that nickname!”
  669. >You throw a thumb in the air.
  670. “Noted!”
  672. >Silver Spoon closes the door as Anonymous passes the hedges on his way out.
  673. >She lets out a content sigh, relived to finally be doing something other than cooking dinner for DT.
  674. >…
  675. >Sweet Celestia, she HAS to prepare.
  676. >She nervously trots in place for a few seconds before shooting off to her small room.
  677. >What does she wear? Baker’s is a themed establishment. Do you throw something together that looks good enough or do you go all out? Do you have the right clothes to go all out? Do you have enough time?!
  678. >No, to the both of those.
  679. >Does she have to steal something from Diamond Tiara?
  680. >Maybe… She wouldn’t notice?
  681. >Diamond Tiara has so many outfits, why would she?
  682. >But what if she did find out?
  683. >Would she ever forgive Silver Spoon?
  684. >Well, of course! But she’ll never hear the end of it.
  685. >Silver Spoon bursts through her door and instantly begins rummaging through the small chest of dusty dresses that she stuffed away in her small closet.
  686. >She told herself she’d never need to open this chest again. Ever since… Well, everything happened, going to high class soirées became a thing of the past.
  687. >She kept a few dresses as memorabilia and emergency dinner dates, but those dates never came.
  688. >Except now.
  689. >Although this isn’t a date.
  690. >Just an apology date.
  691. >Which is the same thing as a pity date.
  692. >Silver Spoon suddenly feels very lonely.
  693. >And then frustrated. None of her dresses are appropriate. They’re all either tacky or wedding dresses for when Prince Blueblood proposes to her.
  694. >In your dreams, Silver Spoon.
  696. >Silver Spoon sighs to herself.
  697. >She has to go THERE.
  698. >Into Diamond Tiara’s closet.
  699. >Well, she didn’t HAVE to. She could go naked…
  700. >She thinks to herself for a moment before bolting off to Tiara’s room.
  701. >One dress. She only wants to borrow one dress.
  702. >And it’s one Tiara NEVER uses.
  703. >Maybe.
  704. >No one is really sure about that.
  705. >Silver Spoon tries to push the doubts out of her head, but the sight of Diamond Tiara’s gold trimmed, pink doors makes it all worse.
  706. >Silver Spoon keeps telling herself to stop, but her hoof keeps pushing open the door.
  707. >The double doors wide open now, Silver Spoon gets a good look at Diamond Tiara’s room.
  708. >For the third time today. She cleaned it this morning and did Tiara’s laundry earlier this afternoon.
  709. >It suddenly occurs to Silver Spoon how badly she needs this night out.
  710. >She trots over the pink shag carpet, past the pink and gold bed, around the pink dresser, to the pink door to Tiara’s closet.
  711. >Diamond Tiara has horrible taste in colors. Pink and gold is a visually offensive combination.
  712. >Ignoring the abhorrent color scheme once again, Silver Spoon opens the closet door.
  713. >… Yeah, if those colors were ‘offensive’, what Silver Spoon is looking at here is a slap to the face.
  714. >Diamond Tiara’s closet had to be twice the size of her actual room. Every inch of wall was covered in something superficial.
  715. >It’s completely unfair of Silver Spoon to think that way because hers used to be bigger.
  716. >But she does anyway.
  717. >The jealousy simmers a bit while Silver Spoon digs through several dresses.
  718. >Tiara sorts them in a funny fashion. Level of Pinkness.
  719. >And they’re all pink.
  721. >Silver Spoon whines in frustration.
  722. >Dresses? Pink. Boots? Pink. Accessories? Gold and silver, actually.
  723. >Silver works well with Silver Spoon’s mane but she won’t show up to Bakers wearing only a necklace.
  724. >She grumbles as she throws the jewelry back into its box.
  725. >She may actually have to settle with something pink. This cannot get any worse.
  726. >”Spoon! You in here? I’m hungry!”
  727. >Silver Spoon prays for a swift death.
  728. >Diamond Tiara notices the cracked closet door.
  729. >”Spoon?” She opens it to find a petrified Silver Spoon sitting in the middle of the room.
  730. >”… What are you doing?”
  731. >”I-I… Need help.”
  732. >Silver Spoon bites her lip.
  733. >”In my closet? Couldn’t you just wait at the front door like a good girl?”
  734. >One of Tiara’s ‘jokes.’
  735. >Silver Spoon ignores it.
  736. >”I’m going out tonight, and,” She averts her eyes and traces a hoof on the floor. “I need something to wear.”
  737. >Diamond Tiara snorts.
  738. >”With who? Fancypants? Blueblood? Maybe both?”
  739. >Tiara breaks out into a giggle fit.
  740. >”No? Alright, I’ll set the three of you up! I mean, I DID date both of them.”
  741. >”Tiaaarrraaaaaa!”
  742. >This pulls Tiara out of her fit. Spoon hasn’t whined like that in FOREVER.
  743. >”Wait, you’re serious? When did you find the time to meet stallions?”
  744. >Spoon whimpers a little.
  745. >”Ugh, fiiiiine. So, what, you need to look pretty again?”
  746. >”N-No, I only want to borrow one of your dresses. I don’t really have one that fits the theme…”
  747. >”Theme?” Tiara trots past Spoon. “What are you going to, a Nightmare Night Party?”
  748. >Tiara snickers at her own joke.
  749. >”Baker’s actually, I-“
  750. >”WHAT!”
  752. >”Baker’s. You’re going to Baker’s with somep0ny. Who? It’s either somep0ny with a lot of connections or somep0ny very rich. Which is it? Both? Tell me.”
  753. >”Can you just help me?”
  754. >”No. Tell me.”
  755. >”Please?”
  756. >”Nuh-uh, tell me.”
  757. >”Well… It’s not really date. I’m just going with a friend.”
  758. >”And I wasn’t invited!?”
  759. >Diamond Tiara begins pacing around.
  760. >”That’s COMPLETELY unfair! I’ve NEVER been to Baker’s! It’s nearly impossible to get into! I should be going, not you! I… I… Am coming with you!”
  761. >”What?! No!”
  762. >”Why not?! You ARE just going with a friend, right?”
  763. >”Yes. Well, sort of… I mean, it’s personal and it’s just him and I and-“
  764. >”So it is a date?”
  765. >”No! Just… please, please, please help me!”
  766. >Diamond Tiara stares long and hard.
  767. >”… You owe me.”
  768. >”Thank you!”
  769. >”I mean it, you owe me.”
  770. >Silver Spoon hops towards Diamond Tiara and holds her in a tight hug.
  771. >After a sigh, Diamond Tiara returns it.
  772. >It lasts longer than either of them are comfortable with, but it’s been far too long since they’ve had a moment like this.
  773. >Diamond Tiara cracked a smile, remembering what it was like having a friend rather than an indentured servant.
  776. >”Okay.” Tiara’s voice is flat and professional. “How long until he picks you up?”
  777. >”Uhhh, only a few hours.”
  778. >”Celestia, you’re killing me, Spoon.”
  779. >Tiara gives Spoon a quick look over.
  780. >”How do you feel about pink?”
  781. >”I… like it?”
  782. >”Perfect, I think I have something in that color.”
  783. >Tiara begins to browse her pinkest dresses.
  784. >”I-I mean, it may not be my favorite…”
  785. > Diamond Tiara sharply turns to Spoon.
  786. >”What?!”
  787. >Diamond Tiara cannot comprehend how anyp0ny wouldn’t make pink their favorite color. Seriously, it’s SO GOOD.
  788. >Her friendship with Silver Spoon all these years has been A LIE!
  789. >”I thought that maybe I could wear something that goes with my eyes?”
  790. >Tiara guffaws.
  791. >”You DO the theme of Baker’s, right? Classical black and white from hoof to nose, and I have the thing for you.”
  792. >”Wait, why did you want me to wear pink?”
  793. >”Because pink is the best color and it always works everywhere, no matter what.”
  794. >Silver Spoon tsk’s and rolls her eyes once Diamond Tiara starts digging through what looks like a dirty clothes hamper.
  795. >Tiara pulls out a rather ragged looking pair of clothes.
  796. >They’re not necessarily BAD. Just not very good.
  797. >Tiara tosses them over to Silver Spoon’s hooves.
  798. >Spoon pulls the two pieces apart to get a better look at them.
  799. >The first, a small, white shirt with ruffles over the shoulders. It looks… okay.
  800. >The second, a tight black skirt that goes down to the fetlocks.
  801. >”Are you sure this is what I need?”
  802. >”Of course!” Diamond Tiara picks the clothes up, tosses them over Spoon’s face, and pushes her out of the closet.
  803. >”Wait, where are we going?!”
  804. >”Makeup.”
  805. >”Wait, no! That isn’t a place I want to go!”
  806. >”Nuh-uh, you’re not going out looking like that.”
  807. >Silver Spoon attempts to leave the room, only to be blocked by Diamond Tiara.
  808. >”Please, no…”
  809. >Tiara adopts a sinister grin.
  810. >”Too bad.”
  812. >”I… I look terrible.”
  813. >Silver Spoon stares at her miserable reflection in the mirror.
  814. >The dress actually looks alright, but the makeup…
  815. >”You look HOT!”
  816. >It looks like Tiara splashed makeup all over Spoon’s cheeks and eyelids.
  817. >Pink of course.
  818. >Silver Spoon reaches up to wipe it off for the 6th time.
  819. >Tiara stops her again.
  820. >”Hey, I went through all this trouble and you don’t appreciate my help?”
  821. >”I do, but this is too much…”
  822. >Spoon tries to rub the makeup off her again.
  823. >Tiara slaps her hoof away.
  824. >”Nuh-uh! Stop thinking it looks bad. I mean, if you want a second opinion, we could wait until your dream date arrives.”
  825. >Silver Spoon’s heart skips a beat.
  826. >She never told Diamond Tiara that she was going with Anonymous.
  827. >And she didn’t want to.
  828. >”You’re right! It looks great!”
  829. >”I know it does.”
  830. >”… Soooooo,”
  831. >Silver Spoon thoughtfully taps on the carpet.
  832. >”I’m going to finish getting myself prepared… In my room.”
  833. >”What, why?”
  834. >”Well…”
  835. >Silver Spoon gulped. She was never very good at lying to Diamond Tiara.
  836. >”It’s just my… personal stuff. And I need to be alone.”
  837. >That made absolutely no sense.
  838. >Tiara cocks her head.
  839. >”Private stuff? Like what?”
  840. >”Oh, you know… Heh. Stuff.”
  841. >Silver Spoon was sweating bullets at this point.
  842. >Tiara’s eyes narrow for a moment before popping open.
  843. >”Oh… Oh! I see. I had no idea you were so… needy, Spoon.”
  844. >”What!?”
  845. >”I get it, every mare has urges. But… You should have taken care of that hours ago.”
  846. >”Tiara! I don’t… No!”
  847. >Silver Spoon trots towards the door.
  848. >”Ew, ew, ew!”
  849. >”So where are you going?”
  850. >Silver Spoon doesn’t answer.
  851. >”Spoooooooooooooooon.”
  852. >Spoon HATES that nickname.
  853. >”… Spoon?”
  854. >With a huff, Silver Spoon closes Diamond Tiara’s door behind her.
  855. >She may come to regret telling off Diamond Tiara, in the near future.
  856. >But that felt amazing.
  857. >Silver Spoon smiles to herself.
  858. >She’s finally going to spend an evening away from Diamond Tiara.
  859. >… Right after she wipes off this horrible makeup.
  861. >Damnit, how does this stupid collar keep unfolding itself?
  862. >You push the protruding color down for what has to be the fifth time since you left your apartment.
  863. >When the shirt cooperates, your entire ensemble works well.
  864. >White and blue striped over shirt. Black slacks, black dress shoes, and black socks.
  865. >Rarity knows how to make fine clothes for a human. It’s nice that she’s in Canterlot, maybe you can commission some new pants.
  866. >Anyway, back to what we’re doing. It’s a fine evening in Canterlot as you stroll down ‘Big House Lots of Money’ Lane. That’s probably not the real name.
  867. >You round the corner to an unnamed street. Only Diamond Tiara’s mansion occupies it, so the entire road might as well be a part of her house.
  868. >You do one last inspection of yourself before getting too close to the house.
  869. >Ugh, you push down your collar AGAIN.
  870. >And you’re not happy with the outfit itself. Baker’s is a themed joint, and you don’t have anything close to the appropriate attire. It actually looks like you’re going to a business meeting or something.
  871. >Being unable to do anything about it, you grunt in frustration and continue towards Diamond Tiara’s house.
  872. >You pass finely pruned hedge walls around the property and approach the door.
  873. >You’re probably a little early, but Spoon won’t mind. Celestia’s sun is hanging just over the horizon and it is just… Mmph! Just perfect!
  874. >Totally romantic and junk.
  875. >Not that your intentions here and romantic or anything.
  876. >Not entirely.
  878. >You walk up the marble steps to the front door of the mansion.
  879. >You do a FINAL final inspection. Breath, hair, suit, smell. All of it acceptab-
  880. >Push your collar down again…
  881. >Okay now it’s all acceptable.
  882. >You lean in and give the door a quick rap.
  883. >The door opens immediately.
  884. >Beyond the threshold you see Silver Spoon in a pretty slick looking black and white dress. Her hair is done up in a bun, and she has a multicolored stained rag in between her lips.
  885. >She looks aghast at you. Probably because your outfits don’t match.
  886. >”What are you doing here?!” She says in a hoarse whisper.
  887. “I’m uhhh, here to pick you-“
  888. >”Shhhh!”
  889. >She looks behind her before quickly exiting the house and closing the door.
  890. >”Hurry!”
  891. “Why?”
  892. >She tugs and your shirt and beckons you to follow at her pace.
  893. >You have to jog a little to keep up.
  894. “I’m missing something here. What’s going on?”
  895. >She ignores you.
  896. >Spoon looks to the mansion behind her.
  897. >No sign of Diamond Tiara, but a curtain lightly sways in one of the upper floor windows.
  898. >A lump forms in Silver Spoon’s chest.
  899. >She knows she’s been caught.
  900. >To her, this may as well be the end of the world.
  901. >To you… wait you have no idea what’s going on.
  903. >Silver Spoon finally slows down after a few blocks.
  904. >She takes a couple steps before panicking.
  905. >”Oh! Oh no… I’m… Ugh!”
  906. >She tries fanning herself off. You can see she is slight, but visibly sweating.
  907. >She’s already fatiguing herself through the panic and the fanning.
  908. “Silver Spoon?”
  909. >”Hnng… Yes?”
  910. >She’s still trying to cool herself off.
  911. >You place a hand on top of her head and give it a light pat.
  912. >She slowly stops shaking her hoof and looks up to you.
  913. “Calm down. We’re going to have fun tonight, okay?”
  914. >She hesitates, but nods, closes her eyes, and takes two deep breaths.
  915. >“Ahem,” She sticks her nose upwards while keeping her eyes shut. “Shall we get going, Anonymous?”
  916. >A smile grows on your face as you see Silver Spoon regain her composure.
  917. “Absolutely, Ms. Spoon.”
  918. >”SILVER Spoon, to you… A-And everyone else!”
  919. >You chuckle at her new bit of confidence.
  920. “Alright, SILVER Spoon. Are you ready?”
  921. >”I… Phew! Yes.” She breathes a sigh of relief. “I am ready.”
  922. >This is the part where you feel awkward. You feel like you should hold… something. You had the same issue when dating Applebloom. Some things never change.
  923. >You concede to just laying a hand on her withers.
  924. >The muscles in her shoulders tighten for a second before relaxing once more.
  925. >Getting out of the house with someone else was something the both of you missed.
  926. >And with all of the drama out of the way, Silver Spoon knew it was going to be a fun night.
  928. >You and Silver Spoon arrive at Baker’s an hour later. Neither of you were particularly hungry and she convinced you to take the scenic route.
  929. >Luna’s sky was beautiful, but it’s time to have a little fun.
  930. >You approach a black suited Unicorn in front of the entrance to Baker’s.
  931. “Hey, my name’s,”
  932. >”Anonymous. The only human in Equestria.”
  933. >Right. You sometimes forget that.
  934. “So, um… One of the singers said I’d be able to get in tonight?”
  935. >He lazily sighs and magics a clipboard out of his suit.
  936. >He mindlessly flips the pages, not even looking at them.
  937. >”Welp, doesn’t look like you’re on here.”
  938. >Okay. What the fuck. You’re not putting up with this guy’s shit.
  939. “It’s under ‘A’.” You say in a threatening tone.
  940. >”Uhhh, duh. I know how to read, Ape. So why don’t you take you’re ugly marefriend back to some shanty in Ponyville.”
  941. >Silver Spoon gasps.
  942. “Hey! You don’t get to-“
  943. >The door to the club bursts open. Another unicorn, this one female, comes out looking mad as all hell.
  944. >”Puss!”
  945. >The stallion in front of you groans.
  946. >”I told you to call me ‘Sour’!”
  947. >”Quiet!” She gets close to Mr. Puss. “That’s strike two! If you mouth off to somep0ny else again, I’ll make sure you never set foot in Baker’s again!”
  948. >”Pfft, not after I tell my father!”
  949. >”Shut up! Get inside now!”
  950. >The stallion goes, “Hmph!” and sticks his nose so far in the air, he can sniff the moon.
  951. >He then trots inside in a very pouty fashion.
  953. >You wait for the door to completely close to say,
  954. “That guy’s a dick.”
  955. >Silver Spoon clears her throat.
  956. “Er, jerk.”
  957. >Gotta be couth for the mares.
  958. >”Yep. Out of the owner’s five sons, he had to hire the bad one. Or maybe the good one. The entire family is scum.”
  959. “Thanks, by the way.”
  960. >”Not a problem. Sweetie Belle asked me personally to reserve you a table for the evening.”
  961. “You know her?”
  962. >”Nah, I’m just a fan is all. That mare has some serious talent. I was hoping Puss wouldn’t stir up too much trouble tonight so I could work inside, but… You know.”
  963. “Sorry.”
  964. >She waves a dismissive hoof at you.
  965. >”Aah, not important. If she impresses the right ponies, I’ll have plenty of opportunity to watch her perform.”
  966. >The mare walks over and opens the door for you.
  967. >”Now you two go have fun.”
  968. “Thank you.”
  969. >Silver Spoon bows her head a little.
  970. >”You have a pleasant evening.”
  971. >You and Silver Spoon shuffle your way indoors.
  972. >You’re in a darkened hallway now. The only light sources are two dimly lit wall mounted candles. The walls are decorated with black and white pictures of different bands.
  973. >Silver Spoon bumps into you, pushing you forward.
  974. >You come to another door at the end of the hall. A very dull light leaks through the cracks.
  975. >”Nnng, one moment…”
  976. >Silver Spoon looks over her dress, makes an adjustment here and there, and gives you a nod.
  977. >You take a few steps forward and open the door to one of the hottest joints in town.
  979. >For being such a ‘hot joint’, Baker’s is pretty tame.
  980. >
  981. >Dark is quite the trend in here. Not so much edgy dark, just a true, nighttime, Gentlecolt and Gentlemare joint.
  982. >The tiled floor beneath you is, as you’d expect pitch black with white stripes. There are few tables that aren’t booths, most of them are occupied.
  983. >The patrons are dressed in a combination of black and white, some occasionally having a red vest or scarf. None are surprised by you walking through the front door. Ponies came here to unwind, not stir up trouble over a matter of being an alien and whatnot.
  984. >To the right you see a wide bar. Only a few ponies sit on the stools. Most wish to face their companions rather than sit next to them in a drunken stupor, it seems.
  985. >And on the far side of the room, a band of ponies play on a raised stage.
  986. >Silver Spoon nudges you.
  987. >You look down to her and she nods in the direction of the tables.
  988. >You catch her signal and move through the crowd.
  989. >Ponies only pass you a glance as you walk by.
  990. >You notice the empty tables have a fancy card laid upon them. Upon closer inspection, you see names written in some sort of fancy loopy fashion, on them.
  991. >No sign of your name on the floor tables. There’s no way you got a booth seat though.
  992. >”Anonymous.”
  993. >You turn to Silver Spoon, who stands by probably the best location in the place.
  994. >She picks up the card on the table with her mouth and shows it to you.
  995. >’Anonymous.’
  996. >Well.
  997. >Looks like Sweetie Belle came through.
  999. >You and Silver Spoon shuffle into the booth seats.
  1000. >There’s an awkward silence between the two of you for a minute.
  1001. >Awkward for you, that is. Silver Spoon looks completely content. Too content.
  1002. “Hey, are you alright?”
  1003. >She jumps a little.
  1004. >”I… Er, yes! I just never expected to come in here!”
  1005. >Your mouth stretches to a little grin. You don’t see what’s so great about this place but at least Silver Spoon is enjoying herself.
  1006. >She takes another deep breath, as if breathing in the atmosphere of the place, and sinks in her seat as she exhales.
  1007. >You chuckle a little.
  1008. >Her face turns a slight shade of crimson.
  1009. >”Uh… Should we order some dinner? I’m awfully famished.”
  1010. “Ugh, yes. I’m starving.”
  1011. >You raise your hands to grab a menu.
  1012. >But there are none.
  1013. “Umm…”
  1014. >Silver Spoon just stares blankly at the table, expecting the menus to magically appear or something.
  1015. >Her eyes then wander to you… and then above you?
  1016. >You turn your head and meet two large sapphire orbs.
  1017. “Gah!”
  1018. >The… Whatever it was disappears behind the booth in a flash of white and purple.
  1019. >You hear the clopping of hooves approach from behind.
  1020. >The pony comes into vision, and you’re met with a familiar face.
  1021. >”Hello, Anonymous.”
  1022. “Hey, Rarity!”
  1024. >Rarity sports a simple black dress and a new hairdo.
  1025. >This is probably the first time you’ve seen Rarity’s hair in a bun. You personally like it curled like normal, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t look good.
  1026. >”I hope you’re having a wonderful evening Anonymous.” She looks at Silver Spoon, “And who is this, might I ask?” Her tone is a little icier than you’d like.
  1027. “Rarity, this is Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon, Rarity.”
  1028. >”Mmm, a pleasure…”
  1029. “She was in Sweetie Belle’s class, you know.”
  1030. >Rarity overdramatically gasps
  1031. >”How could I forget?! You’re… Mr. Rich’s daught- No, no, no. The friend of Mr. Rich’s daughter, am I correct?”
  1032. >Silver Spoon nods with a stoic expression on her face.
  1033. >Rarity titters.
  1034. >”I knew it! I could never forget a face!”
  1035. >Rarity takes a seat next to you and makes herself comfortable.
  1036. >Uninvited, by the way.
  1037. >Silver Spoon’s eye twitches a little. She always thought Rarity was irritating.
  1038. >”So, Anonymous. How has Canterlot life been treating you? Well, I presume.”
  1039. >You open your mouth to answer but Silver Spoon is kind enough to answer for you.
  1040. >”He hasn’t been doing so great, honestly.” Spoon says very flatly.
  1041. >Gee, thanks Spoon.
  1042. >”Oh, why’s that?”
  1043. >”He’s po-“
  1044. “I’M FINE, RARITY. SILVER SPOON. I’m… I’m actually doing well.”
  1045. >”Marvelous, darling. And what about you, Spoon?”
  1046. >Silver Spoon twitches again, but it’s her whole body this time.
  1047. >”Silver… Spoon! A-And…” Her voice is strained now. “Could you tell us how to… order some food?”
  1048. >She looks like she’s about to pop.
  1049. >Rarity, satisfied with getting Silver Spoon properly frustrated, waves down one of the black suited mares hanging around the sides of the room.
  1051. >The mare walks up and addresses Rarity.
  1052. >”Good evening, ma’am. Was there something you require?”
  1053. >”Yes, some of us are famished and we’d like to make a small order off the menu.”
  1054. >The mare audibly gulps.
  1055. >”I-I’m afraid we’re unable to prepare food at the moment.”
  1056. >Silver Spoon somehow looks more irritated.
  1057. >”How long until you are?”
  1058. >”Uhm… Once we hire a new chef.”
  1059. >”UUUUGH!”
  1060. >The three of you jump at Silver Spoon’s outburst.
  1061. >She’s had a pretty awful evening so far. Unreasonable (to you) panic, being discriminated, and once she finally gets in, she comes a across a pony she doesn’t like and there’s no food.
  1062. >You’d be frustrated too.
  1063. >Okay. Someone needs to stop this. Everyone is going to get mad at, everyone at this rate.
  1064. “We’ll figure something out, Silver Spoon.”
  1065. >You turn to Rarity .
  1066. “Hey Rarity, do you know anywhere we can grab a small bite to eat before Sweetie Belle performs?”
  1067. >”Hmm…” She taps herself on the chin. “Not that I know of… But, I do have…”
  1068. >Her horn flashes with a blue light, and a small purse is pulled from the table she previously sat at.
  1069. >”I nearly forgot I brought this! It may have been stolen if you hadn’t made me think of this.”
  1070. >”Think of what?”
  1071. >Rarity opens the purse and begins digging through it with her snout halfway inside.
  1072. >”Ooooh, where are they?”
  1073. >You expected her to have some makeup and junk but she has to take a full minute to find what she’s looking for.
  1074. >”Aha!”
  1075. >She pulls out a tiny, delicate looking box and sets it on the table.
  1076. “What is it?”
  1077. >She magically opens it to reveal…
  1079. >Baby carrots.
  1080. >You and Silver Spoon just stare at them.
  1081. >”I always pack a little snack just in case I get hungry while traveling or I’m out doing… something!”
  1082. >Silver Spoon reaches a hoof forward, but stops herself just before the box.
  1083. >”May I?”
  1084. >”You may.”
  1085. >From that moment, the air of tension lifts and the three of you actually have a good time. Rarity would thrill you and Silver Spoon with stories from Fillydelphia, Las Pegasus, Manehatten, and more.
  1086. >Canterlot has always been Sweetie Belle’s endgame. She’s still so young and she’s already here. Some entertainers spend their entire lifetimes travelling the world, trying to get noticed by the Canterlot elites. Sweetie Belle managed to pull it off in only a few years. It’s only a small club, but its Canterlot, baby. Everything here is a big deal.
  1087. >As the night progressed, the more electric the place felt.
  1088. >The docile gentlecolts were replaced with fun-loving stallions as they poured more and more drinks down their throat.
  1089. >The bands are now switched out nearly every 5 minutes. It brought new flavors of music to your ears and a beats in your head.
  1090. >But they start running together as the night waned on. Same pace, same instruments, same songs. You don’t know if it’s due to you growing tired or your anticipation for Sweetie Belle’s performance.
  1091. >”Oh. OH!” Rarity rapidly taps your shoulder. “Look! It’s her!”
  1092. >Speaking of…
  1094. >There she is.
  1095. >Sweetie Belle emerges from the curtains, helping her band mates move equipment onto the stage.
  1096. >On the stage you see nearly everything you’d expect. A large assortment of wind instruments, few strings instruments, a piano, a drum set, and… Hello, what’s that?
  1097. >”Oh no… Not THAT song.”
  1098. >Rarity facehooves.
  1099. “What song?”
  1100. >”I… Sweetie Belle… Isn’t a filly anymore, Anonymous. She’s still a sweet girl, but she’s… nevermind. Just don’t think too much of the song, will you?”
  1101. >You give Rarity a thumbs up.
  1102. >She gives you a confused look.
  1103. >After all these years, Rarity…
  1104. “Got it.”
  1105. >”Oh! Right.”
  1106. >”It’s about sex, isn’t it?”
  1107. >Rarity hits her hooves on the table a little too hard.
  1108. >”… No!”
  1109. >Your sides silently split at how terrible that lie was.
  1110. >”Well, we’ll find out in a few minutes, won’t we.”
  1111. >Silver Spoon picks up a carrot,
  1112. >And bites it very menacingly.
  1113. >It looks just as weird as it sounds.
  1114. >Rarity ‘Hmph’s and crosses her forelegs.
  1115. >You look back to the stage. Musicians have started taking their places and picking up their instruments.
  1116. >Sweetie Belle stands on the edge of the stage with a microphone in front of her. She’s wearing nothing. Her dull white coat and pink and purple hair are appeasing for the eyes adjusted to the dark.
  1117. >The crowd goes silent as she taps the mic.
  1118. >Then she takes a deep inhale, and as the music starts,
  1119. >She puts those pipes to work.
  1120. >
  1122. >
  1123. >Sweetie Belle was owning the stage-No, the entire club!
  1124. >Every hoof clopped to the beat. Every head dipped and waved with her pitch.
  1125. >Even Sirens envied her hold over the stallions.
  1126. >Your heart skips a couple beats when she actually winks at you.
  1127. >Or maybe to the entire audience. It’s hard to say.
  1128. >You almost… No, you REALLY want to go out there and dance.
  1129. >Dancing alone would… well, you’re not doing that.
  1130. >Would Silver Spoon be down for that?
  1131. >Judging by the sour look on her face, probably not.
  1132. >Rarity? Ew. No. She’s like a big sister or something.
  1133. >In fact, nopony was dancing.
  1134. >Okay maybe you’ll just keep sitting here…
  1135. >You bottle your urges as Sweetie Belle finishes her song.
  1136. >She trails off as she finishes the song, teasing everyone.
  1137. >Every stallion leans forward, hoping to catch that very last bit of her voice.
  1138. >And with that, she finishes.
  1139. >You expect a thunderous applause, one that would shatter the crown on Celestia’s head.
  1140. >But you only hear the gentle clopping of hooves as Sweetie Belle takes a short bow and walks off the stage.
  1141. >… Did everyone else like it or was it just you being overly supportive for a friend?
  1142. >Either way, you join in with the light applause. Being overenthusiastic is nice, but not when it will get you, Silver Spoon, Rarity AND Sweetie Belle unwanted negative attention.
  1144. >Sweetie Belle immediately disappears into a small crowd of ponies while the rest of her band moves their equipment offstage.
  1145. >You feel a small pang of jealousy.
  1146. >You GUESS it’s good for her to be rubbing elbows with the Canterlot elite, but…
  1147. >You’re selfish as shit.
  1148. >Rarity has the biggest grin growing on her face.
  1149. >Then she makes the announcement, “Excuse me, I must use the power room.”
  1150. >She scoots off the seat, and then stares at Silver Spoon expectantly.
  1151. >”Ms. Spoon, would you join me?”
  1152. >Silver Spoon raises an eyebrow.
  1153. >”… Why?”
  1154. >Rarity puts on her LEGENDARDY pouty face. That face has gotten you to shovel the snow and sweep the dust away from her front door more times than you can count. You’ve seen it turn the toughest of stallions into the most obedient fillies. Truly a force to be reckoned with.
  1155. >”You don’t expect me to go alone, do you?”
  1156. >That’s kinda the point of going to the bathroom… Fuck, mares are weird. You never understood why they go to the bathroom in groups just to end up not using the toilet.
  1157. >”I… Um, if you want-“
  1158. >”Perfect! Follow me, dear.”
  1159. >Silver Spoons shoots you a mildly annoyed glare and you retort with a small shrug. She then shuffles off the seat and follows Rarity off to the restrooms.
  1160. >You catch a brief glimpse of their flanks as they leave. Rarity always had a nice ass. Not spectacular, but Rarity must keep its size down just to squeeze into dresses or something. And Silver Spoon? Unf, it reminds you a lot of Applebloom’s. Wait, are you thinking about your Ex while out on a date?
  1161. >”Hey!”
  1162. >You slightly jump at the sound of HER voice. She must have snuck over while you were admiring horse butts.
  1163. “Sweetie Belle!”
  1165. >You are Silver Spoon.
  1166. >And you are far past annoyed at this point.
  1167. >Why, why, why, WHY did Rarity decide to drag you in here?
  1168. >What little makeup you’re wearing looks fine, you don’t need to use the toilet, and Rarity isn’t admitting some dark secret or a filly-fooler crush on you.
  1169. >She is just standing in front of the mirror and apply WHITE POWDER ON HER WHITE MANE.
  1170. >Redundancy at its finest!
  1171. >”Mmmm, perfect!” She turns to you, “Don’t you think so?”
  1172. >You sigh.
  1173. “It looks… Good. Let’s get back to-“
  1174. >”Aah, aah, aah!” She stops you with a hoof.
  1175. >”You didn’t think I’d let you go looking like that, did you?”
  1176. “… Excuse me?”
  1177. >Nuh-uh. She did not just call you ugly.
  1178. >Rarity starts pulling several pieces of makeup. You begin to fear that you might be in here for a while.
  1179. “I-I-I’m not one for makeup. I’m more of an accessory mare.”
  1180. >Rarity titters lightly which scares the heck out of you.
  1181. >”Puh-leese, I’ll make you look GOREGEOUS!”
  1182. >You start backing off but she pulls you right back with her stupid magic!
  1183. >She puts you face-to-face with the dimly lit mirror.
  1184. >”Hmmm…” She touches a hoof to your cheek. “No blush? My, my, my. We’ll be fixing that right away!”
  1185. “Please.”
  1186. >”Don’t you fuss now!”
  1187. >But fussing sounds like an excellent idea right now.
  1188. >Rarity pulls a small circular container out of her little purse.
  1189. >”Now, get comfortable. I’ll be here all night, if that’s what it takes me!”
  1190. >You let out a quiet whimper.
  1191. >This will be the second time today you’ve been assaulted with makeup.
  1193. >You are Anonymous.
  1194. >This has to be your… 3rd drink? Right.
  1195. >This now your second favorite thing about Baker’s. The really, really good selection of drinks.
  1196. >The first is Sweetie Belle.
  1197. >Speaking of Sweetie Belle, oh man, she is so cool for buying you these drinks.
  1198. >They’re making this night awesome.
  1199. >So it Sweetie Belle. Man, she is SOOOOOO COOL.
  1200. >She’s been telling you about her life on the road. All the ponies she’s met. All the things she’s done. Oh man, she did a lot in just the few years since you’ve seen her.
  1201. >It’s cool that she’s back. You missed the gang. While Scoots and Applebloom aren’t here, you got one of ‘em!
  1202. >You polish off your 3rd glass of… Whatever this is.
  1203. >”Celestia, you’re pretty thirst tonight, aren’t ya?”
  1204. >Hnnng, her voice cracks are as adorable as ever.
  1205. >”Lemme get’cha another refill.”
  1206. >She begins to wave down a waiter but hold a hand up to stop her.
  1207. “Nope. That’s all I’m drinkin’ tonight. Still gotta bring a certain mare home, and I have work in the mornin’.”
  1208. >”Aww, come on. You know you want to.”
  1209. >Is she purposely giving you those bedroom eyes or has she just been doing that all night?
  1210. >Aah, whatever. One more shouldn’t hurt.
  1211. “You know what, I’ll have one or two more.”
  1212. >”Perfect! I’ll-“
  1213. >”Ahem.”
  1214. >You look to where the voice came from.
  1215. >It’s Silver Spoon! Oh wow, there are so many sneaky mares about.
  1216. >”Can we help you? We’re a little busy right now.”
  1217. “Sweetie Belle, she’s with me.”
  1219. >Well, that certainly threw Sweetie off. She looks nearly offended.
  1220. >”… And who exactly is SHE?”
  1221. >Silver Spoon scoots into the seat next to you.
  1222. >A liiiiittle too close.
  1223. >Which is actually cool because she looks a bit prettier.
  1224. “You remember Silver Spoon!”
  1225. >Sweetie Belle looks confused.
  1226. >Does she seriously not remember?
  1227. “In our class… Always wore those blue glasses… Not ringing any bells?”
  1228. >”Diamond Tiara’s friend.” Silver Spoon says coldly.
  1229. >”Oh. Hi.”
  1230. >That wasn’t very enthusiastic. We’re all past this grade school drama, right?
  1231. >”So why is she here?”
  1232. “I invited her!”
  1233. >”Why?”
  1234. “Well!”
  1235. >You cross your arms in a fake-irritation.
  1236. “I was only being nice! Is that a problem?!”
  1237. >You see Silver Spoon smirk out of the corner of your eye.
  1238. >”No! I-I… I just didn’t know you’d be with another mare!”
  1239. “We’re not DATING or anything, I just though some sort mini class reunion thing would be fun.”
  1240. >”I-It does sound like fun! I’ll order us some drinks and we’ll have a damn good time!”
  1241. >”Actually…” Silver Spoon interrupts. “I’m getting a little tired. Would you mind if we left soon?”
  1242. >You’d think she would want to stick around for a little while longer considering this place is supposedly, ‘SUPER EXCLUSIVE, SUPER COOL’ but she hasn’t had the greatest night.
  1243. “Yeah…” You rub your eyes, “I’m getting tired too. I’ve got work in the morning anyways. You mind if we leave now?”
  1244. >Silver Spoon’s grin grows just a little wider.
  1245. >”Not at all.”
  1247. >Silver Spoon quickly hops out of the booth seat.
  1248. “Welp, I guess I’ll see you later, Sweetie Belle. Are you sticking around Canterlot for a while?”
  1249. >”Only if I was good enough.” She lets out a somewhat depressing sigh.
  1250. >You walk over and pat her on the back.
  1251. “You were great, don’t worry about it.”
  1252. >She wraps her forelegs around your waist in a surprise hugattack.
  1253. >”Thanks, Anon…”
  1254. >You ruffle her mane a little before she pushes herself off.
  1255. “Anytime. Umm… Shoot, I don’t have anything to write on. Any chance your memory got a little better?”
  1256. >She playfully bats you with a hoof.
  1257. >”Hehe, don’t you worry about it. I’ll find you.”
  1258. “Good to know you have personal spy network keepin’ an eye on me.”
  1259. >Silver Spoon clears her throat AGAIN.
  1260. “Right, right. Gotta go. It’s been fun, Sweetie.”
  1261. >”You two take care, now.”
  1262. >”You too, Sweetie Belle.”
  1263. >Ready to say hello to your individual beds, you and Silver Spoon make a hasty exit.
  1264. >Rarity approaches Sweetie Belle once you’re out of sight.
  1265. >”Tsk, I’m sorry Sweetie. I tried keeping her busy but I was only able to do so much before-“
  1266. >”No… No, it’s fine. I’m doing… I tried doing exactly what you told me not to do.”
  1267. >Sweetie Belle groans and bumps her head on the table
  1268. >”Mmm, yes you did. If I were to give you advice again, would you listen?”
  1269. >Sweetie Belle lifts her head a little.
  1270. >”Yes. Absolutely.”
  1271. >Rarity leans in and whispers into her ear.
  1272. >”Take it slow, and keep in mind that he is still a friend, not just a week-long fling.
  1274. >As you pass the streetlights leading to Tiara’s house, you finally notice all the makeup applied to Silver Spoon. You swear you didn’t see it before…
  1275. >But, it works! It’s all done very carefully. Done in such a way to cover imperfections, rather than make everything pop.
  1276. >”What?”
  1277. >What? Oh, she caught you staring at her.
  1278. “Er… Nothin’, you just look really nice.”
  1279. >”… You think so?”
  1280. “Mhmm!”
  1281. >”I… Thanks. You look nice, too.”
  1282. >No you don’t.
  1283. “Thanks.”
  1284. >Shit, Tiara’s house is right there. Are you gonna go for it?
  1285. >The two of you are now on the porch.
  1286. >Yeah, you’re going for it.
  1287. “That was fun… Silver Spoon. Despite the… Um…”
  1288. >”Yes, despite Sweetie Belle’s rudeness, I did enjoy myself!”
  1289. “Yeah! Soooooo… You wanna do this again? No Sweetie Belle next time.”
  1290. >She smiles. Smiles are good.
  1291. >”No Sweetie sounds nice.”
  1292. “Heh… Well, I’ll talk to you soon?”
  1293. >She nods.
  1294. “Great, you have a good night then, Silver Spoon.”
  1295. >”Good night, Anonymous.”
  1296. >Silver Spoon opens the door to Diamond Tiara’s house and quickly disappears inside.
  1297. >The door closes, and you let out a great exhale.
  1298. >Yes! You might actually be able to take yourself off the market soon, because no one was biting.
  1299. ==
  1300. >Silver Spoon sighs softly.
  1301. >The night was… Well, it wasn’t great, but it was refreshing to get out. She was getting awfully stir-crazy.
  1302. >She takes one step into the house when she hears,
  1303. >”SPOON! GET UP HERE!”
  1304. >Silver Spoon smirks. She can’t wait to rub this in that lonely pink mare’s face.
  1307. ^This is all of Gadgets work, I will be taking over from here on out, I only hope I can do a good job.
  1310. >Back at work, the only thing you can think about is Spoon, no not the silverware you never got replaced, you made peace with that
  1311. >These daydreams are all about THE Silver Spoon, her small but adorable smile, the way she carries herself in conversation, and those cute little glasses she sometimes tilts.
  1312. >You sit at the table in the break room with your head in the clouds, and the silliest smile on your face.
  1313. >”Looks like somep0ny had himself a good time last night.” A coworker stallion says as he has a seat across from you, the guy’s a dick. “What were you up to?”
  1314. “Ahh nothing.” You say getting up
  1315. >Leaving the room, you finish your break in a cargo room alone.
  1316. >Ok, back to work, no more distraction, walking up to the crane, you hope up on it and have a seat.
  1317. >Working all the levers and turning the wheel, you grab the giant wooden palates stuffed with crap, and move them to their appropriate place.
  1318. >Such is the nine to five grind, aside from a few attractive mares and having some stupid Pegasus almost fly into the pallate you were moving, nothing of real interest happened all day.
  1319. >Finishing up and punching out, you pack up what stuff you have and head outside.
  1320. (“Would it be to sudden to visit Spoon?”) You think walking down the street,
  1321. >Before you can reach a conclusion in your head, two hoofs from behind you cover the sight in front of you.
  1322. >”Guess who?” A feminine voice says from behind, with Spoon on the brain, you shout the first name you would’ve wanted it to be
  1323. “Spoon?”
  1324. >”Tsk, Real funny!” Her voice cracks
  1325. (“Oh god, that cracking”) You think as sight returns to you,
  1326. >Looking at your side, Sweetie trots up besides you
  1327. >”What cha up to?”
  1328. “Just got out of work.” You hum happily thinking about Silver Spoon again
  1329. >”Cool, say mind if I walk with you home?”
  1330. >You had wanted to visit Spoon, but showing up the day after you just saw her might come across as needy or a creeper.
  1331. >Fuck it; you haven’t seen Sweetie Belle in forever, some catch up will be nice, and you can just set a date with Spoon tomorrow anyway.
  1332. “Sure that’d be fine, it’s not to far from here.”
  1334. >Entering your home, you get the lights and Sweetie lets herself in.
  1335. >”Anon…this place is…. nice.” She says oozing false praise
  1336. “Yeah I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell Rarity about it.” You say taking off your work shirt,
  1337. >”Why are you living in the slums? Rarity told me you were doing so well.”
  1338. >Walking over the fridge, you open it and look around for a snack to offer her.
  1339. >Expired milk, moldy bread, some protein shakes you think may be expired, yes it quite the colossal spread of grade A goods, you spot a couple of cokes and reach for those.
  1340. >Closing the fridge, you walk over to the couch and have a seat. Sweetie trots with you and sits very close to you.
  1341. >Using her magic, she floats out the drink from your hand and opens it up. It’s been so long since you last talked with Sweetie, where would you even start?
  1342. >”So Anon, you need to tell me exactly what you’ve been up to lately. All we did was talk about me the last time.”
  1343. >“Not much to really tell, been working here in Canterlot, I met Silver Spoon by chance not to long ago, and really the only good things that have happened to me here have been seeing you and Spoon again.”
  1344. >She bats at you and smiles “That can’t be all, there has to be more.”
  1345. “No really, that’s it. I don’t really do much.”
  1346. >“Well let’s change that, how about this weekend we go hit the down? My treat.”
  1347. “That sounds nice Sweetie Belle but, I’m gonna be busy this weekend.” You say rubbing your drink
  1348. >”Silver Spoon?” She says kind of dryly
  1349. “Yeah I promised we would go out again.”
  1350. >”Anon, I’m only gonna be here for a week if Bakers didn’t like my performance, after that I’m gonna have to try my luck in another town. You and Spoon live here, can’t you just squeeze in some time for me?” She says giving you a pout that she must have learned from Rarity herself.
  1351. >She has a point, but you can’t miss this date with Silver Spoon
  1352. “Ok I’ll take a day off on Friday, and we can spend the day together. Sound good?”
  1353. >”Perfect.” She smiles getting back up, “Well I don’t want to keep you up to late, you got work tomorrow.”
  1354. >She makes for the door and you follow behind
  1355. “Hey I’m gonna walk with you until we reach the bus stop, its not really safe here on a good day.”
  1356. >”Oh my what a gentlecolt.” She says making some bedroom eyes “Shall we?”
  1358. >As you a Sweetie Belle walk down the street of your shit neighborhood, you strategically place yourself in front of any p0ny that gets to close to Sweetie Belle.
  1359. >”I can take care of myself Anon; you would not believe some of the places I had to sing at.”
  1360. “Sorry, just making sure, my house got robbed not to long ago, and it has me on edge.”
  1361. >”Oh my gosh, what happened?” She says as her voice cracks again, you could get used to this.
  1362. You explain to her about the Silverware Bandits, and how it’s not usually a nice neighborhood.
  1363. >The walk over was nice
  1364. >Helping her into the bus, she turns and gives you a hug before giving the driver a few bits and taking her seat, you wave her goodbye as the bus takes her far from sight.
  1365. >Time to head back home and get ready for bed…*sigh* Well at least you can look forward to seeing Silver Spoon’s radiant smile tomorrow.
  1367. >Waking up to the sound of the alarm clock blaring, you hack up the phlegm and clean off the drool that accumulated over the night.
  1368. >It’s not exactly an elegant wakeup, but it’s the norm for you on the colder days. Dressing up warm, you make for the outside and towards work.
  1369. >As you walk down the street, you do you’re best to avoid any and all eye contact with these delinquent ponies.
  1370. >Some will try to strike up awkward conversation, while others are just plain fucking crazy.
  1371. >Finally reaching the bus stop where you last saw Sweetie Belle, you wait on the bus to show up.
  1372. >Sitting on the bench, a boozer pony comes fumbling across the road, oh great, he’s heading right for you.
  1373. >”Spare any change (Hic) fer sum buss fare?” He slurs as you try to avoid his spittle and stench of piss and alcohol, he coughs up something fierce and you try to cover your mouth.
  1374. >You won’t miss out on spending time with Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon, just because some fucking wino pony couldn’t practice common hygenine and courtesy.
  1375. >Grabbing a bit in your pocket, you fling it down the street, without a thank you or fuck you, the drunken pony fumbles over to it.
  1376. >You let out a sigh of relief knowing he won’t be bothering you today.
  1377. >A half hour of silent waiting, the bus finally pulls up and the doors swing open. You recognize the driver as the one that took Sweetie away last night.
  1378. >Good to know that this company makes its employees work outrageous hours.
  1379. >Walking in, you see the fatigue and tired in his eyes, he clearly wants to sleep.
  1380. >As the buss fusses along the road, it picks up speed and begins its normal path.
  1381. >Looking out the dirt layered window, you see all the buildings get progressively better looking the more you head towards the better part of town.
  1382. >How nice it would have been, to have had Spoon and Sweetie come over and see your nice two story apartment, instead of your dingy one story roach motel.
  1383. >Sadly the pay is just 500 bits shy of even the most modest of apartments, between food, specially made clothing, and the outrageous costs of Canterlot, you can’t even dream of saving up and moving out.
  1384. >Maybe, just maybe with a roommate you could, but not many..hell, no p0ny is interested in moving in with you.
  1385. >Seeing the familiar signs and building of your work, you brace for the stop and prepare to get off. As the bus comes to a stop, you get up and head out, work time begins now.
  1387. >The daily grind goes just like any other, sitting at the crane, moving cargo, trying not to kill stupid pegasus ponies. The difference this time is that you have both Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle on your mind.
  1388. >Placing the last pallet down, it’s as good a time as any for a break. Dismounting off the crane, you head to the building.
  1389. >Walking down the hall and into the break room, you glance over at the fridge and catch
  1390. “Fucking Butterscotch!” You scream “You’re eating my pudding again!?”
  1391. >Stomping up to the table, you pick up your hand ready to give her the chewing out of a lifetime,
  1392. >”I’m so sorry! It’s just so good!” She says looking up at you and putting on her sweetest, most adorable don’t yell at me face.
  1393. “Then buy your own.” You say exhausted plopping down on the seat across from her, making eye contact; you grab your bagged lunch and open it up. “At least you didn’t touch my sandwich.”
  1394. >She silently eats your pudding while watching you take out the food that’s left in the bag. You exhale angrily still pissed about the pudding, taking an angry bite out of the sandwich, you look across at her.
  1395. >Eventually, she takes the hint and gets up.
  1396. “Butterscotch.”
  1397. >”Yeah?”
  1398. “This had better be the last time you eat my pudding, because I guarantee you will regret the next time you do it.”
  1399. >”Is that a threat?” She says astounded
  1400. “Nope. Just a warning, I’m trying to save you an unpleasant experience.” You say calmly, rolling her eyes, she exits the break room and you sit in silence for the duration of your break.
  1402. >Punching out of work, you shake off the fatigue as you exit the building.
  1403. “God I need a drink.” You say looking up at the sky; it’s almost entirely amber aside from a few white splotches.
  1404. >Letting out a loud yawn, you smack your mouth and sigh. It’s about an hour walk to Silver Spoon…Diamond Tiara’s house.
  1405. >After walking along without much interruption, you finally reach that long stretch of road leading up to Tiara’s home.
  1406. >At the door, you knock firmly to let them know you’re waiting, after a couple of minutes, you hear the door being fiddled with.
  1407. >When it opens, you see Silver Spoon peak her face from behind the door.
  1408. >”Oh Anonymous, it’s nice to see you.” She says fixing her glasses straight with a little smile “What can I do for you?”
  1409. “Well we still need to set a day for…wait, where’s Diamond Tiara?” You say cautiously
  1410. >She snickers with her hoof over her mouth, “She’s not here, and she won’t be for a while, so youuu want to come in?” She asks moving away to let you through the door
  1411. “I don’t know…I don’t want her coming back and flipping out or some shit.”
  1412. >”She’s visiting her father all the way back in Ponyville, trust me, she wont be back for a long time.”
  1413. >Convinced, you smile and come inside, god damn this bitch is loaded, nice comfy carpet, big stained glass windows, luxurious furniture, how can somebody who has so much be so miserable and angry?
  1414. >Silver Spoon walks over to a couch and sits herself on it before getting back up. “Oh I’m sorry I forgot, did you want anything?”
  1415. “Oh god yes, a drink, I need a good strong one.”
  1416. >She chuckles at how desperately you wanted one, “Sure, give me a minute.” She replies trotting over to the kitchen.
  1417. >Following her, you look at the incredibly large room that is easily, EASILY the size of your apartment. Hearing her move bottles around, she pours you a glass of wine and brings it to you.
  1418. >Wasting no time, you drink it and sigh; though it’s not as strong as you wanted, it’s enough to relax you.
  1419. >After bringing the bottle to the living room, you and Spoon sit at the couch, you hear her sigh in joy when she gets herself comfortable.
  1420. “You tired?”
  1421. >”A little, but I’m fine. So when should we get together?......Without Sweetie Belle.”
  1422. “No Sweetie Belle.” You laugh “So Saturday around 5 sound good?”
  1423. “Sounds perfect.”
  1424. >Letting out a relaxed sigh, you sink further into the couch.
  1425. “I wish I had something this comfortable back home.”
  1426. >”I just wish I could afford my own place.”
  1427. “Yeah, must suck living with DT all the ti…
  1428. >Without any warning, the door swings open.
  1429. >”SILVER SPOON! I MISSED MY TRAIN AN..WHAT THE BUCK?!” Diamond Tiara scrams when she sees you and Spoon sitting on the couch together.
  1430. (“Oh shit.”)
  1432. >Diamond Tiara is standing by the door with the most disgusted look on her face, looking at Spoon; her face is one of terror.
  1433. >”DT I..”
  1434. >”Don’t DT me! Have you forgotten that this is MY house and you’re my SERVANT?!”
  1435. >Silver Spoon looks between you and Diamond Tiara unsure of who to talk to and what to say. DT fixes that problem for her.
  1436. >”Spoon! Eyes up here!” She says stomping up to the couch, “I can’t believe you would bring this filthy thing into MY HOUSE, and have him drink MY WINE, on MY COUCH!”
  1437. “Jesus, it’s just a fucking bottle! I’ll buy you another one!” You say holding the bottle in your hand,
  1438. >Diamond Tiara laughs in disbelief, “Are you serious?!” She laughs, “Do you have even have the slightest idea of how much that stuff costs? A little fleabag like you in a million years wouldn't even be able to save up for a glass, let alone a bottle.” She sneers “Now get out of my house! I don’t associate with thieves or peasants!”
  1439. >“I gave him that bottle.” Spoon speaks up as Diamond stops and turns to her.
  1440. >“WHAT!?” She screams “Did I hear you correctly?!”
  1441. >Spoon doesn't answer, but holds her ground…well holds it while avoiding any and all eye contact.
  1442. >“Unbelievable!” Diamond continues, “To think I can’t even trust you to look after my house alone, without you bringing over somep0ny to rut!”
  1443. >“Diamond!” Spoon shouts as you get up ready to let her have it
  1444. “That’s it!” You say pointing at her “I won’t let you stand there and talk shit like that!”
  1445. >“Anon.” Silver Spoon says placing a hoof on you “Please just go, I..I can handle this.”
  1446. >You look back at her with an expression of you only began to fight, but she slowly shakes her head with the saddest eyes you’ve ever seen. Not wanting to cause even more grief for her, you hang your head in shame and defeat at letting Diamond have the last laugh.
  1447. >Walking past her disgusted expression, Spoon sees you out and she gives you a little smile before speaking up.
  1448. >“Sorry you had to see that, maybe this weekend we can...”
  1449. >“SPOON! GET IN HERE!” Diamond shouts “NOW!”
  1450. >“I..I have to go.” She says closing the door,
  1451. “God damn Diamond Tiara.” You say before looking at your hand, not realizing you accidentally took her bottle of wine.
  1453. >As Silver Spoon
  1454. >With the door closed, and Anon gone, you turn back and see Diamond Tiara waiting for you by the couch. You’ve seen her at her very best and worst, and right now you wish it was the former.
  1455. >“Sit!” She stomps as you obediently walk to the couch and sit down like a child getting lectured by her mother “When you came back from Bakers, you told me ALL about how much fun you had with your “little date”.” She says condescendingly “Now I as a good friend listened, even though I wasn’t the least bit interested. I even lent you one of my good dresses for the occasion. And how do you repay my kindness? By letting your little dirty boyfriend buck up my couch by sitting on it, and wasting perfectly good alcohol on him. Honestly, as if coming back from Bakers all dolled up like some hoarse wasn’t bad enough, now you go raising your tail like some mare in heat for anything with a dick that shows the slightest interest, and give away all my stuff!”
  1456. >Sniffling and holding back all the resentment, tears, and anger, you sit there and take every word she snarls at you. What could you do? Bite the hand that feeds you? No, not in a million years. As you ponder your pathetic living situation, Diamond speaks out again.
  1457. >“You know what, whatever, I don’t care, he’s not allowed here anymore…well like he ever was anyway. Now I’m going back up to my room, and this had better be the last time something like this happens, unless you want to live on the streets.”
  1458. >Sitting on the couch, you continue to fight the emotions swelling inside you as she walks past the couch and down the hall. You hear the faint sound of her door slamming and finally out of her hearing distance, you let it all out and cry on the couch. Burying your face in the throw pillow, you scream as loud and as long as possible.
  1460. >As Anon
  1461. >Walking down the long and empty road, you angrily squeeze the bottle of shitty wine that you got from Diamond’s shitty house, sitting on her shitty couch, and now you’re in a shitty mood.
  1462. >You can feel a rage building inside of you remembering how much of a bitch she was acting like.
  1463. “Fuck!” You yell kicking a wall, it takes a second, but you wince when the pain slowly starts creeping along, now that the blood in your veins is slowing down.
  1464. >Now that pain has calmed you down, you breathe out and continue to the bus stop.
  1466. >On the bus ride back home, you sit in the back alone looking out one of the windows.
  1467. >After what happened right now, Silver Spoon is gonna have a lot to talk about come Saturday.
  1469. >Today is Friday morning, and despite your boss giving you guff about missing work, the day is starting off well.
  1470. >After showering and finishing up breakfast, you sit and wait on Sweetie to show up.
  1471. >Twiddling your fingers against the table, you think on what should be done today. Truth be told, you really should’ve planned this ahead.
  1472. >*knock* *knock* *knock*
  1473. >After hearing the knocks at the door, you get up and walk over, after opening it; sure enough Sweetie Belle is waiting for you on the other side.
  1474. >As soon as the door is opened all the way, and she has a clear unobstructed line, she pounces forward knocking you back onto the floor.
  1475. >Landing with her full weight on you, it winds you, but you hear her next words clear as day.
  1477. >With a laugh you say
  1478. “That’s great Sweetie Belle,” patting her on the back, “but can ya get off?”
  1479. >After she got up, and you dusted yourself off, she sits on your bed while you look for a less dirty shirt to change into.
  1480. “So when did Bakers tell you about the gig?”
  1481. >”I found out yesterday, Rarity told me after she got a message from their manager.”
  1482. “That’s good, so what does that mean for you guys?” You say pulling out a black shirt
  1483. >“Well I get to stay here in Canterlot for another week until the show, best part is that Bakers is picking up the tab for us in the hotel, food, drink, the works.”
  1484. “Wow that’s nice of them.” You say taking off the shirt trying to put on the other one.
  1485. >As you work the shirt over your head, Sweetie steals a glance at your exposed chest and gives a little sly smile before looking away when you pop your head from the top.
  1486. >“Nice has nothing to do with it; it’s a show of power and status to the other clubs. They make enough money to pay for our expensive hotel and living for a whole week, just for us to play one night. It’s just an extravagant pissing contest for bragging rights.” She says bitterly
  1487. >You decide not to say anything and listen, Sweetie sounds more like she’s venting rather than telling.
  1488. >”Sorry, I’m blabbing.” She says cutting herself off from continuing “So what did you have planned for today?”
  1489. “To be honest, I have no idea.”
  1490. >”Perfect.” She says dryly
  1492. >At the train station, you and Sweetie Belle are waiting on the bus again; these damn things never arrive on the hour like the city promises, more of your tax dollars at work. You turn to her and say
  1493. “So where exactly are we going?”
  1494. >”To see the sights, I’ve never been in Canterlot before, so you’re gonna show me around. Unless you know, YOU have something better planned.”
  1495. “Canterlot is nothing that great.” You say as the bus rolls up
  1496. >”Well if that’s the case; we can always do something else.” She says getting on the train
  1497. >As the bus crawls along, you look out the window and yawn, in doing so, Sweetie catches it and lets out a loud yawn as well.
  1498. >”Don’t do that, its contagious.” She finishes before smacking her mouth open and closed “It doesn’t help that I’m not a morning mare either.”
  1499. “Late sleeper?”
  1500. >”Well…let’s just say, I like to entertain well into the night.” She says winking in your direction
  1501. >Flashing an uneasy smile, you go back to looking out the window and sigh.
  1502. >”Something on your mind?” She asks as her cheerful tone is no longer present
  1503. >Both Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon seem to dislike each other, and talking about the other always seems to miff them. You would think they outgrew this petty childish behavior, but it’s the way of girls you guess.
  1504. “No it’s nothing; I’m just not much of a morning person either.”
  1505. >Sweetie doesn’t say a thing in response, instead she looks forward, and neither of you say a thing until the bus comes to a stop.
  1507. >Getting off the bus, Sweetie looks around at all the tall trendy buildings and elegant tasteful statues and signs. This was Canterlot’s finest shopping district; to you it was “I’ll never be able to buy any of this shit” district
  1508. >Wide eyed, and awestricken, she dashes off and turns back to see you have not moved an inch.
  1509. >”C’mon Anon!” She squeaks “What’re you waiting for?!”
  1510. >With a sigh, you walk over and when you’re by her side, she trots at your pace but keeps the lead.
  1511. >”Is it all right if I stop at some of these stores?”
  1512. “Be my guest, I can’t afford shit from here anyway.”
  1513. >Sweetie squees and rushes into a nearby store, shaking your head, you follow her in.
  1514. >Looking around, a young mare comes trotting over.
  1515. >”Can I help you sir?”
  1516. “Nah I’m fine, just looking around.”
  1517. >She nods and goes about her business, you stroll past a few mares with their stallions in tow, and see Sweetie looking at some shirts.
  1518. >Walking up to her, she turns back to face you and smiles.
  1519. >”What do you think of this, cute right?” She says using her magic to float over a light purple shirt and black bowler hat.
  1520. “I guess.” You say looking away “Fashion isn’t really my thing.”
  1521. >”Ugh!” Sweetie groans with a frown “All males are the same, can’t appreciate fashion, or the company of a classy mare to save their lives.” With her magic, she floats over several articles of clothing and trots to a dressing room.
  1522. >Sitting by the entrance of the dressing room, you look around bored as fuck with nothing to do. This isn’t what you had in mind when you thought about hanging with Sweetie Belle today.
  1523. >”Anon!” She sings from behind the door, “I’m ready~”
  1524. >Looking to the side, you see Sweetie come out and fling her mane to the other side; she looks around before finally noticing you behind her.
  1525. >”Well…what do you think?”
  1526. >Looking at her simplistic yet elegant light purple blouse, one of the shoulder straps hangs loose and you can see a bit of her leg and shoulder blade.
  1527. “It looks a little big.” You say pointing at the loose spot
  1528. >”That’s just the style.” She says floating a white beret onto her head.
  1529. “It looks good.”
  1530. >”So you like it?”
  1531. “Yeah I like it.”
  1532. >”Great, so I’ll wear this today, and buy this...” She pauses as clothing of all types’ fly through the air and onto the counter of a sales mare. “..for later.” She finishes
  1533. “You’re really gonna buy all that?!”
  1534. >”What?” She asks like its no big deal, “Its just a few outfits for my stay in Canterlot, I got to keep up with the latest fashions ya know.”
  1535. >You look at the mare already charging and bagging the clothing. Sweetie walks up to her, and takes out some fancier bits that you assume is a higher currency for them.
  1536. >Waiting by the door for her to finish, she walks up to you holding the bag in her mouth as opposed to using her magic.
  1537. “Here, let me hold the bags for you.” You say walking up to her and getting the bags from her.
  1538. >”Thanks Anon.”
  1540. >Leaving the store, Sweetie looks around again for her next stop. Spotting another clothing store, she grins before excitingly rushing over to it again.
  1541. >With a little jog, you catch up and get a better look at the clothing behind the window.
  1542. “This is a store for stallions.” You comment as she uses her head to push you in the front doors.
  1543. >The mare working there, comes up to the both of you.
  1544. >”Can I help you?”
  1545. >”Yes, he will need to be fitted for a tuxedo with the works, and I will need to be fitted for a dress.”
  1546. >”Absolutely.” She replies happily
  1547. “Sweetie Belle, I can’t pay for a tux.” You whisper, trying to hide your poorness with what little dignity you have left.
  1548. >”And I will be the one paying for it all.” She replies, completely ignoring what you just told her.
  1549. >The mare nods and trots away getting the attention of several mares and stallions.
  1550. “What the hell was that about?” You ask her angrily, “I don’t need a tuxedo.”
  1551. >”It’s a surprise.” She says confidently “You can thank me later.”
  1552. >The stallions each drop what they were doing respectively and walk up to you as loud music plays.
  1555. >As they escort you away, you look back and see Sweetie talking with the mares.
  1556. >In the fitting room, the stallions poke and prod you with measuring tape and rulers.
  1557. >”This one is gonna be a challenge Buckly.” Says one of the stallions
  1558. >”Indeed, but it’s nothing we can’t handle between the 5 of us.” Buckly replies
  1559. >”Even one of us can handle a lot.” One of the others said with a heavy gay tone as the others all laugh like women do.
  1560. (“Oh great.”) You groan in your mind
  1561. >Suddenly you feel your clothing being taken off
  1562. “Hey what the hell!?” You shout
  1563. >”Sir, we need a better idea of what were working with, you’re the first…whatever we’ve ever had, so we have no idea what to reference. I apologize for the inconvenience.”
  1564. “I guess that makes sense.” You sigh defeated as he starts to magic the boxers down, you grab his horn “The underwear stays.”
  1565. >The stallion grunts annoyed, “Sir, you came to us, now let us do our job.” He says before shaking you off his horn and quickly floats you into the air before removing the last article of clothing.
  1566. >All the clothes swirl around one of the stallions as he begins to inspect them while taking down notes.
  1567. >After they were done measuring you from top to bottom, they leave you with your clothing and you grab your boxers.
  1568. >Putting it on, you look up and see Sweetie peeking her head in, but looking up at the ceiling.
  1569. “How long were you there?” You ask annoyed
  1570. >”Looong enough.” She smiles rolling her eyes to the side, “You just about finished?” she asks looking at you now.
  1571. Sighing loudly you say “Yeah.”
  1573. >As she waves goodbye to the mare and stallions, you walk out and she joins you a second later.
  1574. >”That should just about finish everything for me, what about you? Is there anything you want to do here?”
  1575. “Nah lets just find somewhere to eat, I’m hungry.” You say looking around
  1576. >It took about 30 minutes, but you finally found something that resembled a food joint…a really expensive food joint.
  1577. “Fuck that.” You say looking at the bright gold colored framed restaurant with giant crystal clear windows “This is gonna cost a fortune.”
  1578. >”You mean it will cost ME, a fortune, and its all right, I got some bits to burn, it’ll be my treat today.”
  1579. “Sweetie I cant accept that, first the tux and now this?”
  1580. >”Anon stop it, I made up my mind about today, and I’m paying for everything.”
  1581. >You groan again not used to being treated, and not liking it either.
  1582. “Fine.”
  1584. >In the restaurant, you sit at a table and look around at all the fancy dressed ponies; this is totally not your scene. Despite Sweetie Belle giving that amazing performance, and being considered talented enough to encore at Bakers, nobody is making a big deal about her eating here.
  1585. >Canterlot must be jam packed with famous ponies if they don’t make a big deal about seeing one….then again, she could just be small time at the moment. But that doesn’t make sense, since Silver Spoon was freaking out about Bakers.
  1586. >”I think I’ll get a stacker sandwich, what about you?” She comments out loud breaking you from your thoughts
  1587. “Same I guess.” You say actually taking the time to read the menu, yeah, you’ll get the same; everything else is shit you can’t pronounce.
  1588. >”Pardon me.” A refined voice speaks “By any chance did you play at Bakers last week?”
  1589. >”Why yes I did!” Sweetie replies as her voice cracks towards the end “Did you like the show?”
  1590. >”Personally no, but my wife adooored it, will you be playing again there or anywhere else?”
  1591. >”Actually yeah, next Friday night, I don’t know the details yet, but I think it’ll be a duet.”
  1592. >”MARvelous.” He exaggerates “My wife and I will definitely be in the crowd, do you suppose I could trouble you for an autograph after the show?”
  1593. >”I’ll give both of you one.” She says extending her hoof out as he grasps it and plants a gentle kiss on it,
  1594. >”I look forward to it.” He smiles before leaving without even giving you a second glance
  1595. “Yeah that guy was a dick.” You comment loud enough for him to hear as he walks away
  1596. >The waitress mare walks up and clears her throat
  1597. >”So what’ll you two be having today?”
  1599. >After a filling and relaxing meal, you and Sweetie ride the bus onto the next spot. As it comes to a stop, you get up but Sweetie remains seated.
  1600. “Aren’t we getting off here?” You ask as the other passengers disembark,
  1601. >”No I’m gonna drop off my stuff back at the hotel, and then get some rest for tonight.”
  1602. “What’re you doing tonight?” You ask kinda relived that she’s calling it a day,
  1603. >”You mean what are WE doing tonight, and to answer your question, whatever you want to do.” She smiles “It’s your turn to pick.”
  1604. “…..”
  1605. >”Unless you don’t want to do anything today, we can just stop.” She says kind of playing it off
  1606. >Picking up on it, you speak up
  1607. “No its fine, I’m just kind of out of it today. But hanging out tonight would be great.” You say sitting back next to her.
  1608. >As the doors close for the bus, it starts back up on its route, the day with Sweetie Belle was dull and stiff, and with any luck hopefully the night will be better.
  1610. >After getting dropped off home and having the both of you go your separate ways, you rest on the couch thinking about the night ahead.
  1611. >It was nice of Sweetie Belle for her to do everything she’s done for you today, but feeling so drained after today, the last thing you wanted to do was go out again.
  1612. >Dreading the night, you strip down to only boxers and roll on the couch. Right now, the only thing you want is rest.
  1614. >Waking up to the sound of knocking at the door, you rub the sleep off and sit up on the couch.
  1615. (“Maybe I should just not answer it.”) You think for a minute as you hear the knocking again.
  1616. >With a sigh, you force yourself out of “bed” and slug over to the door. Before opening it you look out the window and see its close to dusk. After its open, you see Sweetie Belle on the other side.
  1617. >She’s wearing a sparkly dark blue dress, and clearly has had her mane done, she looks gorgeous in the slowly fading sunlight.
  1618. >She looks you over from top to bottom and pouts angrily.
  1619. >”ANON!” She yells, “You were supposed to be ready!”
  1620. >Almost instantly you let out a loud yawn, its timing could not have been worse.
  1621. “I’m sorry Sweetie, I dozed off.” You say shaking your head in a desperate attempt at trying to wake up.
  1622. >”Urghh!” She stomps “I can’t believe you slept in like this.” She sighs before rubbing her face, “Well no matter, will be a little late, but no worse for wear I suppose.” She says in a mannerism and tone identical to Rarity.
  1623. >You look behind her and notice that several stallions are ogling her from across the street.
  1624. “Hey.” You say swaying your head, “Come in.”
  1625. >Sweetie looks over to where you were, and turns back to face you.
  1626. >”Its all right, I can wait out here while you get ready.” She smiles likes its no big deal.
  1627. “Sweetie Belle, get in here.” You say seriously “Its not safe.”
  1628. >”Well…maybe you should have been ready before hand, that way we would wouldn’t have to waste time. Now hurry up and get ready, I don’t want to be anymore late.”
  1629. “I’m fucking serious, get in here.”
  1630. >”If you tell me that one more time, I’m gonna trot right across the street and talk to them.”
  1631. >You open your mouth to retaliate, but before you can get out a word she slightly shifts her body as though about to go over.
  1632. >Angrily you slam the door and race over to the bathroom,
  1633. “Fucking bitch!” You say under your breath as you strip what little clothing you have off and jump into the shower, “Coming over here and thinking it’s a fucking game.” You continue as the water rushes over you and you scrub away like a mad man.
  1634. >Muttering more shit in anger, you hope out and dry off with an old possibly dirty towel you had hanging off the door.
  1635. >Rushing out into your room, you grab the “finest” clothing you had, some nice black jeans, a black long sleeved dress shirt, and the whitest undershirt you could find in the closet.
  1636. >Oh and boxers…..can’t forget the boxers. Sadly, the only good shoes you had were the same ones you wear every day at work. The wear and discoloration are painfully obvious when compared to the clothing you’re wearing.
  1637. >Fuck it, whatever, all dressed up, you dart out to the door and swing it open. Looking around, you see Sweetie by the bottom of the steps talking with the stallions.
  1638. >Clearing your throat loudly, they all see you.
  1639. >”Oh Anon, finally ready?”
  1640. “Yeah.” You reply angrily walking down the steps “Lets go.”
  1642. >As Sweetie Belle
  1643. >Walking side by side, you happily trot along knowing full well you got Anon a little ruffled. Serves him right for sleeping in despite the fact that he knew you were coming over.
  1644. >Those stallions were the usual lot of the “eager to the point of desperation” ponies that you’ve come to know so well in your travels. You knew just how to deflect their advance tactfully and politely.
  1645. >Its not like you were in any real danger anyway, your back legs and horn are more than capable. Besides, your not that helpless little mare from before, its time Anon realizes that.
  1646. >Glancing up at Anon, you look over his clothing and though its not really the kind of thing he should be wearing, he still looks pretty cute.
  1647. >He’s grown so much, and he stands pretty tall, sure you could match it standing up, but that’s unrealistic….maybe lying on the bed…
  1648. (“NO! Get your thoughts out of the gutter Sweetie. You need to start thinking with your heart instead of your..”)
  1649. >“The last thing I need is for you to end up raped, killed, or both right outside my house.”
  1650. >Anonymous says breaking the long silent treatment, and completely cutting into your little fantasy.
  1651. “Ahh you’re still going on about that?” You groan, but really, you should just let it go, its nice that he’s worried, think of it like that.
  1652. >Silence again, just great, but maybe for the best, it really should be you that needs to apologize. He at least deserves that.
  1654. >At the bus stop, it’s beyond an exaggeration to say that you’re out of place. The dark and poverty stricken town is a stark contrast to the refined and bountiful prosperity that is practically radiating off of you.
  1655. >All the mares and stallions are looking at you and you can tell that these gazes are not too kind, and reek with disgust. Most of them look very hardened, and dangerous now that you really can get a good long look at them.
  1656. >The whole thing makes you feel a little ashamed at just how petty you were acting earlier towards Anonymous.
  1657. >Risking something so stupid just for a little revenge at the possible price of your own life. This little shame is starting to turn into guilt.
  1658. >Boarding the bus, Anon lets you go in first while he follows after, heading towards the very back, you pull out a napkin with magic and clean off the seat before nudging in.
  1659. >Anon is hardly so classy, and plops right on. Well he probably just dirtied that whole get up.
  1660. >Putting on your best smile, you wait for Anon to look over at you, but his tired gaze is fixed to the back of the seat.
  1661. >Lowering your ears and smile, you inhale and exhale quietly and sit facing forward, eyes glued to the same seat Anon is looking at.
  1662. “Hey Anon.”
  1663. >”…What?”
  1664. “I’m sorry about worrying you like that.”
  1665. >He scoffs and shakes his head, “You’re damn right, it’s not a fucking cakewalk where I live. Some assholes broke into my house and stole my shit, somebody dies ambiguously at least once a year, and my street alone houses perverts and crooks. So for you to be so stupid as to choose to wait outside, talk with those thugs, and second guess my concern for your goddamn safety, you had better be fucking sorry.” He says pointing at you
  1666. >Looking at him stunned and mouth agape, you slowly dawn a scowl.
  1667. “Hey! I’ll have you know, I can take care of myself! You would not believe the places Rarity and I had to go to on the road, it would even make your street look like upper Canterlot!”
  1668. >Anon is taken aback by what you said and leans in close “It still doesn’t mean you can get away with worrying your friend.” He says lowly
  1669. “Well maybe I don’t want you worrying about me, did you ever think about that?”
  1670. >”God why are you so stubborn?!” He snaps
  1671. “Well why are you so stupid?!”
  1672. >”Oh yeah?”
  1673. “Yeah.” You say getting in his face,
  1675. >As Anon
  1676. >Walking out of the bus laughing with Sweetie Belle behind you, the two of you stroll along in the cool night air towards the downtown area.
  1677. >Though the street you’re on is dark, you can see the bright florescent lights in the distance, the good ol night scene.
  1678. >Walking up to the bridge, you walk along the side avoiding the street where the carriages take ponies in and out of the busy area.
  1679. >Not a single other pony is on the sidewalk with you, and the nice chilly wind blows Sweetie’s mane slightly, man she really does look stunning.
  1680. >Despite enraging you earlier, the both of you got over it pretty quickly after a little angry back and forth. It’s just like when you were kids, the both of you would go at it pretty intensely, but it would resolve after the fire died down. It’s just how your friendship was, and it’s great that it hasn’t really changed much since then.
  1681. >After walking silently for a while and reaching the strip, you look around at all the bars, restaurants, hotels, and little trendy clubs.
  1682. >Bakers is around here too, but you doubt you could get in without Sweetie Belle pulling some rank, even though going back for some of those amazing drinks sounds tempting.
  1683. >”So Anon, where do you want to go? We did everything I wanted to do this morning, so you pick what we do now.”
  1684. >Looking around, you don’t really know this part of town to well, its not like you made the money to ever really come here and learn.
  1685. “Let’s just walk around and see what looks good.” You suggest casually
  1686. >”That sounds fun.” She concurs while she takes the lead in walking, as you try to catch up, you notice her flank swaying as she walks along.
  1687. (“Damn.”) You think getting an eyeful of her before you shake yourself out of it (“C’mon Anon, this is Sweetie Belle, she deserves more respect than that.”)
  1688. >Picking up the pace, you walk besides her and look around with her, she stops in her tracks and looks at this white building with dark purple neon lights.
  1689. >In giant glowing letters, it reads “Swingers” Even from across the street; you can hear the pulsing addictive beats of the joint flow through your body.
  1691. >You glance down and see Sweetie’s eyes sparkle and her mouth wide open; she can not suppress her joy or excitement for the place, and you won’t lie, neither can you.
  1692. >As she turns to face you, she grins just begging for your approval and you nod.
  1693. “Let’s go.” You say as she races off to get in line, with a little jog, you cross the street and join her.
  1695. >In the line, you and Sweetie stand against the wall waiting to gain entrance. Really taking the time to look, everyone is dressed like they belong there expect you.
  1696. >Everyone’s wearing some form of dated clothing, like the kind of thing you would see from an old school detective movie.
  1697. >Even Sweetie Belle’s outfit looks like one those dresses you would see the love interest wear, when she makes her debut before singing a song to the main character.
  1698. >You on the other hand, not so much.
  1699. >”Anon, we’re up.” She whispers as you snap back into reality and see a stallion waving you in.
  1700. >Walking past him, you thought it would be one of those things were he would make a fuss about your clothing, glad it wasn’t.
  1701. >Once inside, the music is thumping and Sweetie’s head is darting all over the place, the music is upbeat and lively, the inside is refined with warm colors that scream class, and the bar is well stocked.
  1702. >This was the right place to come all right, going over to the bar to wet your metaphorical whistle, you feel a tug on the collar of your shirt.
  1703. >Getting pulled away from the bar, you stumble back, get turned around, fall, and are eye to eye with Sweetie Belle.
  1704. >Using her magic to hold you in midair, she gives a sultry smile and glance at you.
  1705. >”Oh no, not yet Anon, first you owe me a dance.”
  1706. “What?! Why do I owe you a dance? For what?”
  1707. >”Homecoming, you promised we would have one dance at it, but then you and Apple Bloom got crowned and you completely forgot about it. While you two danced the night away, me and Scootaloo had to beat Snips and Snails away with a stick.”
  1708. >You think back and remember saying something along those lines, but it’s been a long time since homecoming. It’s amazing that she remembered, then again, girls are just like that.
  1709. “Fine.” You sigh, looking over at the bar “Soon my sweet.” You whisper reaching over to it,
  1710. >Sweetie fixes your posture and releases her magical hold on you, after some adjustments; you follow her to the busy dance floor.
  1712. >The drums kick in first as she happily leads in the dancing, just by how she moves her body, you can tell she’s a pro at this.
  1713. >The last time you danced WAS at homecoming, so try as you may, every step is awkward and you fumble through the motions.
  1714. >Sweetie is dancing aggressively, getting as close as possible and using her head to move you in the right direction.
  1715. >Backing up, you bump into a stallion that shoots you a mean glare, understandable, but fuck that guy.
  1716. >Ignoring him, you walk back over to her and continue trying to keep up; she sways her body to the music and loves every second on the dance floor.
  1717. >While you toss your pasty body in one direction to the next with no regard for tempo, and are just counting down the agonizing seconds till the music stops.
  1718. >As the music finally comes to a close, you slick back your hair and clean off some of the sweat from the vigorous dance you shared with Sweetie Belle.
  1719. “Well that was fun.” You pant, “Lets get a drink to celebrate.”
  1720. >Turning around, you feel that familiar magic hold and you get forced around to face Sweetie. She shoots you a cocky smile and raises an eyebrow.
  1721. >”Did you think we were through?”
  1722. “You said a dance, nothing more.” You say pointing at her “Besides, I’m a terrible dancer.”
  1723. >She puts a hoof up to her chin “Did I say just a dance?” She fake ponders “I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you about the interest for how long I had to wait. All totaled, I think a good few hours outa be enough.”
  1724. “A few hours? Are you fucking serious? Just how long can you keep this up?”
  1725. >She leans her head forward and uses a hoof to flick her mane back, and smiles “I can do this all night, the question is my dear Anon, just how long can YOU keep up?”
  1727. >As Sweetie happily trots up to the bar counter, with you trudging along behind, she secures a couple of seats and waves over the bartender.
  1728. >”A bottle of Deu Trouchure, that’ll be all.” She smiles as the stallion nods and walks away.
  1729. “What the fuck man, I don’t want that shit.”
  1730. >”Have you tried it?”
  1731. “…No.”
  1732. >”Then shut up.”
  1733. “Ahhh whatever.” You groan slumping over onto the table, after a couple of seconds, you start to chuckle out loud. Sweetie notices and looks over puzzled.
  1734. >”What’s so funny?”
  1735. “Haha, I just had a good time,” *inhale* *exhale* “I can’t remember the last time I laughed like that.”
  1736. >Sweetie simply smiles and looks over as the bartender brings the bottle with two wine glasses, and sets them besides her.
  1737. >Grabbing a hold of it with her aura, she pops the cork off and fills the two glasses.
  1738. >Getting into an upright position as the glass levitates within reach; you take hold of it and hold it up to your nose.
  1739. >Taking a quick whiff, you inspect it curiously, before taking a small sip. After tasting it a little; you take a larger gulp and smack the flavor around in your mouth.
  1740. “Fine, I’ll admit it, it’s good.” You grunt as Sweetie grins
  1741. >”Told you~”
  1742. >Deciding not to comment any further, and instead focus on drinking the drink instead, you grab the bottle and top it off.
  1743. >Seeing a gray mare a few feet away, your heart almost stops thinking its Silver Spoon, when she turns to face you however, you see its not.
  1744. “Hmm”
  1745. >”Something wrong Anonymous?”
  1746. *inhale* “Nah, I’m..I’m good, just a little tired.”
  1747. >Without another word, you resume drinking the bittersweet wine.
  1748. >Sweetie swirls her drink and looks at it swish about before setting in on the table and looking forward.
  1749. >”We’re friends right?”
  1750. “Of course.” You shrug “Wouldn’t be hanging out with you if we weren’t.”
  1751. >”Well, what’s on your mind then?”
  1752. “I told you already, I’m just a little tired, we DID dance for hours.”
  1753. >”Anon, I know it’s been awhile, but I can still tell when something is bothering you. So TELL ME.” She emphasizes leaning in
  1754. *sigh* “You’re not gonna give up until I tell you, aren’t you?”
  1755. >“Haha, nope.” She says tapping you with her hoof
  1756. “You wont like it.”
  1757. >”I wouldn’t be much of a friend, if I only stuck around for the good times, right?”
  1758. “Right.” *inhale* “So I was with Spoon...”
  1760. >”Hmmm, so that’s what happened.” Sweetie laments to herself looking away while swishing her drink for the sake of swishing.
  1761. “Hey, you WANTED to know.”
  1762. >”And I listened,” She replies offended “I’m just thinking it over…hmmm…Anon, get her a gift.”
  1763. “What?”
  1764. >”A gift, you know, something nice, something to let her know that you care.”
  1765. “Diamond?” You ask leaning in making a *You can’t be fucking serious face*
  1766. >”No you idiot, I mean for Silver Spoon, show her that you’re there for her.”
  1767. “Couldn’t I just tell her?”
  1768. >”Its not the same, she’ll just think you’re saying it and not mean it…a gift, especially a nice personal one, shows that you know her and actually pay attention to her.”
  1769. “Bah, fine..what do you recommend?”
  1770. >”PER-SON-AL.” She emphasizes getting in your face “You need to pick out something personal for her, to show her that you know who she is..I’m not gonna know what she likes.” Sweetie Belle says knocking back her drink just a tad to aggressively
  1771. >Thinking it over, you and Sweetie sit in comfortable silence till its time to go home.
  1773. >Walking her to her hotel, you look up at its massive pure white walls.
  1774. “Wow.” You comment as Sweetie looks up at it bored
  1775. >”Yeah…my singing has really paid off..I get to live the high life…” She smiles sadly “It’s actually kind of scary…Say Anon…maybe next time…never mind.” She says shaking her head
  1776. “Nah what is it?” You ask curiously
  1777. >” time...can you come to my show…alone?”
  1778. “….All right.” You shrug “Since its at Bakers, we can really help ourselves to those drinks.” You smile lightly punching her on the shoulder as she nods
  1779. >”You can count on it.”
  1780. “Thanks Sweetie…for everything.” You say opening your arms, as she almost instantly gets on her back legs and wraps her hooves around you.
  1781. >Patting her back, she hugs you just a little tighter before letting go and going back to being on all fours. “Good luck Anon…night.” She says before turning around and entering the hotel.
  1782. >Watching her blend in out of sight, you stick your hands in your pockets and begin the long walk home.
  1784. >At Sweetie Belle’s room
  1785. >Opening the door, she walks in to her cool, air-conditioned room. With a sigh, she tosses herself onto the bed. Stretching out on the thick, firm, and cool blankets, she looks over to the door leading to the next room.
  1786. >Walking up to it, she slowly almost undetectably, opens the door to the dark and warm room next door.
  1787. >“Rarity? Are you awake?” She asks quietly looking from one side of the room to the other, spotting a form on the bed, she focuses her gaze and in the faint moonlight, she sees her sleeping sister.
  1788. >Occasionally mumbling out sleep talk, Rarity is completely knocked out…perfect. Closing the door, Sweetie shifts her gaze around the room, as though somebody else is there, but it’s just that nagging instinct of getting caught that compels her to check anyway.
  1789. >Trotting over to her bed, she pulls out a small duffle bag, carries it in her mouth, and trots over to the bathroom. Getting the door behind her, she uses her magic to float over a couple of towels and open the shower curtain.
  1790. >Moving all of the hotel’s shampoo bottles and setting them in order outside the tub, she glances over at the duffle bag. Using her magic, she unzips it and tosses the top over.
  1791. >Floating out several bottles she sets them on the counter inside the tub, using her magic to turn the knobs, she blasts the hot water full force and waits for the water to begin steaming up the room.
  1792. >Looking at the assorted bottles, she focuses on one and brings it over. On the label it reads “Wonder Glide Lubricant”
  1793. >With a sigh, she focuses on the bag again, with a little commotion; a large, thick, mock stallion penis comes floating out and over to Sweetie.
  1794. >Passing her, she submerges it under the hot running water and leaves it floating there for several minutes.
  1795. >Climbing into the tub, she closes the curtain and walks into the hot stream of water. Coating ever possible body part, she drenches herself in the hot water before floating out the stallion dick.
  1796. >Using a special suction cap at the base of it, she secures it to the wall on the other side of the nozzle. Floating over the lube, she squeezes its contents generously over the mock dick from the tip to the base.
  1797. >Turning herself around, she tosses the bottle away and backs up close to it, but stopping just short of it.
  1798. >”Oh Anonymous!” She says hamming it up “Why I never knew you felt that way about me, of course I’ll be your special somep0ny, but I thought that you and Silver” She pauses “…what?” She gasps “She’s only just a homely friend of yours? That’s a relief…truth is…I was starting to get a little jealous.” She waits hearing a conversation that is not really going on “I know it was silly Anon, but now that we got that out of the way..”
  1799. >Backing herself into it, the large stallion dick slowly penetrates her and spreads her apart from the front all the way to the long and agonizing back. Hilting, she pulls forward just as slow before pushing faster back.
  1800. >The pace picks up with each successful motion, as Sweetie impales herself over and over onto it, causing her damp, wet flank to slap loudly against the wall.
  1801. >”Oh Anonymous, you’re so big!” Sweetie says gritting her teeth, “Rut me like the dirty, filthy mare I am.” She groans as her rump shakes, “Oh..oh…” Panting having climaxed, she staggers away from the dick and into the water.
  1802. >As the stream drenches her coat and washes away the sweat, she turns around and lets it blast her tail and ass. Lifting it up, the water washes away the remnants of lubricant and bodily fluids.
  1803. >“I’m so pathetic.” She sighs hanging her head ("Better get that off the wall before I forget about it like last time.")
  1805. >Walking down to DT’s home as the sun is setting; you hold the box with the little gift you got for Spoon. Looking ahead, you see Silver Spoon waiting by the gate entrance, spotting you; she walks over and meets you halfway.
  1806. >”Hi.”
  1807. “Hey, what are you doing out here?”
  1808. >”Just wanted to save you the hassle of coming up.” She dismisses before noticing the package you’re holding.
  1809. “You ruined the surprise.” You chuckle offering her the box,
  1810. >Simply looking at it, she sits back and takes it into her hooves, undoing the ribbon, she nudges off the top and looks in.
  1811. >With a small funny chuckle she pulls out a simple silver necklace with her mouth. Letting it go and holding it in her hoof, “It’s beautiful.” She smiles “Do you mind?”
  1812. “What?”
  1813. >”Do you mind putting it on me?”
  1814. >Getting it, you grab hold of it and pop off the latch, getting on your knees you wrap your arms around her neck, and try to work the latch closed.
  1815. >Fumbling around with it, she tries to move her head to give you a better angle, causing her snout to rub against your neck.
  1816. >”Sorry.” She whispers as you secure it,
  1817. “It’s ok.” You comment moving away and getting back up
  1818. >”You know, it would’ve been easier if you had just gone around.” She smiles
  1819. “Yeah sometimes I don’t think about smell really good.” You comment awkwardly
  1820. >”Thanks, I’m using a new perfume.” She laughs touching and looking over her new necklace, “Its beautiful Anon, thank you again.” Getting up on her hind legs, she leans in and hugs you, breaking away, she fixes her hair. “Ready to go?”
  1821. “Ladies first.”
  1823. A few hours earlier
  1824. >At the train station in Canterlot, the doors hiss open as the pony occupants onboard take their leave. An older purple pony mare with her hair in a bun comes walking out focusing on a paper levitating in front of her.
  1825. >”According to these directions, we need to board the bus and get off at Trot Street, walk a few blocks and look for…”
  1826. >”Apple Tree Apartments, C’mon Twi get in the game.” A voice calls out
  1827. >A tall slender purple dragon comes eagerly running out of the train, with a huge smile and a brown cloth backpack strapped to his shoulders.
  1828. >”Tsk, I was gonna say that Spike, you know these eyes aren’t what they used to be.” Laughed Twilight
  1829. >”I can’t believe we’re finally here! I can’t wait to see Rarity again,” He says turning around to face the train, “what about you? You excited to see Sweetie Belle again?” He asks a light yellow mare comes walking out, her red mane tied up in a ponytail.
  1830. >”You know it Spike, but she’s not the only one I’m looking forward to seeing again.” She smiles
  1832. >Walking down the more “artsy” section of Canterlot, Spoon looks at you troubled.
  1833. “What?” You ask
  1834. >”Is that really the best outfit you have?” She sighs pointing at your all black dress shirt, fitted black pants, and black boots.
  1835. “I thought it looked nice.”
  1836. >”It does, but..we’re in a more sophisticated place, you kind of stand out.” She says as you notice everyone glancing over at you before going back to their usual stance of arrogance and “I’m too good for you” attitude.
  1837. “Ah see? They forgot about me already, we’ll be fine.” You say as she sighs
  1838. >Spoon scans the area and sees a fancy looking restaurant,
  1839. “So you wanna grab something to eat?” You ask pointing at the restaurant
  1840. >With a little smile, she nods.
  1842. >Walking up to the door, you open it for Silver Spoon, she stops right at the entrance
  1843. >”Oh, I forgot.” She says flustered before moving to the side and taking one last look at herself in the windows reflection. Going over her snout and checking her makeup, she fixes her glasses.
  1844. “You look great Spoon; don’t worry so much about it.”
  1846. Walking in, a sharply dressed gray mare comes walking up and takes two menus out from the side.
  1847. >”Table for two?” She asks
  1848. “Yes.”
  1849. >”This way.”
  1850. >Walking behind her, you catch a glimpse of her swaying flank, as she swings it around, either unaware of her wide hips, or simply doesn’t care.
  1851. >”Um huhu!” Spoon “coughs”, breaking your fixed gaze from the little peepshow.
  1852. >Looking down at her, she glares at you angrily.
  1853. >At the table, the mare sets the menus down, and waits for the two of you to sit down. After you both are seated and comfy, you fold open the menu and look over what they got.
  1854. (“Good thing Sweetie Belle paid for everything last time, this shits expensive.”)
  1855. >”I’ll have the salad with extra tomatoes and some olive oil on the side.” Spoon says elegantly as the maid looks over at you,
  1856. “Umm…Just whatever this is.” You say showing her the menu and pointing at it, the only words you understood were, “chicken” and “shrimp”
  1857. >”And to drink?” The mare asks “Might I interest you in a glass of Canterlot Select? We take our finest grapes and..”
  1858. >”Umm, no thanks. I’ll just have a water.”
  1859. “Soda.”
  1860. >”I’m sorry sir?” The mare asks cocking an eyebrow up,
  1861. *sigh* “Just get me a water, as the mare gives her bow, and walks away, you tap on your silverware…it’s a spoon.
  1862. >With a little chuckle, you look over at Silver who is busy looking at some invisible speck on the table, lost in her thoughts.
  1863. “So what do you like to do for fun?”
  1864. >”Why do you ask?” She asks making eye contact and fixing her glasses in that cute little tell she always does when she’s nervous, or they honestly just budge out of place.
  1865. “Well I don’t really know much about you.” You laugh “Plus, our last two dinners didn’t go so well.”
  1866. >She gives you a smile that just screams *You don’t say?* Inhaling, she breathes out “Where to start?” She asks herself, “I…like reading.”
  1867. “What kind of books?”
  1868. >”Romance mostly.”
  1869. “….Anything else?”
  1870. >”Not really, you know…having no money and all….”
  1871. “…..” (“I’m dying here.”) “Well if you HAD money, what would you do for fun? Personally, I see you as a travel kind of mare.”
  1872. >”Haha, hardly, but I do love to go see plays and the opera. So I would probably go to that if I had the money.”
  1873. “Diamond doesn’t pay you or anything?” You ask knowing that this is pushing her boundaries, but you have to know if she makes any money at all.
  1874. >She looks to the side and sighs “…Not really. I just work on keeping her house clean and cooking for her. In exchange I live there and eat free of charge.”
  1875. “Why not get a job? You don’t have to put up with her shit.”
  1876. >”Its not like I haven’t tried, but I can’t do anything worth getting hired for…not only that but..Diamond may be annoying, and rude, but she’s been like a sister to me…a very mean, self-centered, and hateful sister.” She laughs lightly
  1877. >As you sit upright, the mare brings you the food and drinks. Setting them on the table, she gives you your respective plates before nodding and leaving.
  1878. >Grabbing a fork, you poke at the creamy white sauce and discover chicken bits with shrimp, surrounded by pasta. Your stomach gurgles out in anticipation of downing this delicious looking food.
  1879. >Wrapping some noodles, and piercing some chicken, you slurp up the creamy concoction and begin to chew.
  1880. >Swallowing and cleaning your mouth with a little napkin, you look over at Silver Spoon who is playing with her food.
  1881. “Look, you shouldn’t sell yourself so short; you’re a strong and kind mare. Not anyp0ny can put up with DT like you, I would’ve rather lived on the streets than go a week doing what you do everyday. You’re a good friend, and you have many talents, even if you don’t think you do.”
  1882. >She gives you a sad smile as though that was the only praise she’s ever gotten in her whole life. “Thanks.”
  1883. >Things get silent as you both look into the others eyes, Spoon decides to break away first, and begins to eat her meal. Following her lead, you start lapping up the pasta and chase it down with some of the bread sticks.
  1884. >Looking across the table, Silver makes eye contact with you
  1885. “So do you have any siblings?” You ask as she is chewing her food,
  1886. >Grabbing a napkin, she covers her mouth and daintily swallows, patting the napkin against her lips, she clears her throat.
  1887. >”No, I’m an only child.”
  1888. “Me too.” You smile, looking to the side, you catch the waitress mare as she is passing by, “Excuse me, but how much is it for a bottle of that Canterlot stuff?”
  1889. >”60 Bits.”
  1890. >You feel the pain right in your gut,
  1891. ”What’s your cheapest?”
  1892. >”10 Bits.”
  1893. “I’ll take whatever that is.”
  1894. >”Right away sir.” She nods before trotting away,
  1895. >”You don’t even know what it is.” Spoon comments “How do you know you’ll like it?”
  1896. “Its booze, I’ll love it.” As you finish, the mare comes up with bottle and two glasses, “Oh wow that was fast.” You say as she sets the glasses on each side and pops the cork for you.
  1897. >Filing them to the brim with the dark red wine, she leaves the bottle and walks away. Silver Spoon takes it into her hoof and lightly sniffs the drink, “Smells kinda odd.”
  1898. “Really? I think it taste good, you should try it.”
  1899. >”Umm, I think I’ll pass.”
  1900. “Sweetie Belle would have drank it.” You comment sipping back the drink,
  1901. >Silver Spoon puffs out her cheeks “I’m not Sweetie Belle.” She pouts
  1902. “I know, but you need to try new things.” You laugh, “C’mon, try it.” You say encouragingly,
  1903. >*sigh* “I’m not really a big drinker.”
  1904. “Why not?”
  1905. >”Because it always fell on me to drag DT’s drunken butt out of parties and clubs, when she started to get to “aggressive” with the stallions. She’d be kicking and screaming at me, and would be totally normal the next day, needless to say, I never really got to drink much, and it sort of put me off to it.”
  1906. “Sorry to hear that, but just as you’re not Sweetie Belle, I’m not Diamond Tiara, I know how to drink and keep myself in check. Don’t worry, I promise I wont make a scene.” You tell her reassuringly
  1907. >She looks at her drink and takes a moment to brace herself, sipping it, she plays with it in her mouth a few minutes before swallowing.
  1908. >”It is pretty good.”
  1909. “That’s the spirit.”
  1911. >Several of the patrons have left, and the area that was once busy with customers and waiters, is now very dim and slow. The music plays softly in the background as you and Silver Spoon giggle it up.
  1912. >Pouring the last of the second bottle into your cup, you take it up and begin to pour it down your throat.
  1913. >Spoon lays her head on the table with a big smile on her face, “This is wonderful,” She says dazed, “I can *sigh* I can see..why DT did this.”
  1914. “Lightweight.” You comment finishing up your drink, though you won’t hide that you’re a LITTLE buzzed.
  1915. >”Sir.” The mare serving you calls, “Just a friendly reminder that we’re closing up.”
  1916. “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya.” You dismissively wave, “Just bring me the ticket, all together.”
  1917. >”Certainly.” She bows before turning around and trotting off,
  1918. >”Stahp..looking at her…buHtt...” Spoon randomly and LOUDLY says. So much so that the mare stops, looks back uneasily, and lowers her tail in-between her legs, before hastily power walking away.
  1919. >Embarrassed, you turn back to look at Spoon, who is drunkenly gazing at you mouth agape, and wobbling to keep her back straight.
  1920. “You’re drunk.”
  1921. >Silver Spoon yawns un-lady like, and smacks her lips before fixing her glasses, “I’m tired.” She almost whines
  1922. “I’ll get ya home soon.” You tell her as a waiter comes up to you,
  1923. >”Your ticket sir.”
  1924. “Oh..” (“Guess she thinks I WAS looking at her ass, great.”)
  1925. >Looking at the ticket, you cringe at the price tag for two bottles of wine, two entrees, and two drinks.
  1927. “God.” You whisper reaching into your wallet, and plopping out all the bits you could,
  1928. >After paying the stallion pretty much every bit you could, he nods is on his way. Spoon tries to get up, but losses her balance and stumbles before falling back into her chair.
  1929. “Hold up, let me help you.”
  1930. >Guiding her up, and on her legs, you walk by her side and keep her balanced. Reaching the outside, the chilly night air blows strongly, causing Spoon to sway and chuckle.
  1931. >”So what are we gonna do now?” She asks carefree,
  1932. “Get you home, can’t have you walking around town like this.”
  1933. >Nudging her along, she hums a little tune to herself happily strolling along. You can’t help but crack a smile seeing her so mellowed out and not hung-up on appearances.
  1934. >Helping her down the street, you make a tally of the bits you have in your pocket. Sadly, you can hold them all in one hand.
  1935. “Shit.” You cuss as you reach the bus station, “Say Spoon.”
  1936. >”Hmm?” She asks confused
  1937. “I...I need some extra bits, do you think you can spare a few?”
  1938. >”I..I don’t have any bits.” She slurs “You know that.” She smiles
  1939. *Sigh*
  1940. >As the door opens, you and her walk in, tossing the bits into the bus driver's canister, he looks up at you "Where to?"
  1941. "The shitty part of Canterlot."
  1943. >Walking to the back of the bus, you guide Spoon along and sit her against the window, with groggy eyes, she yawns out loud.
  1944. >As the bus pushes itself forward, you quietly sit down looking forward. Suddenly, you feel a warm pressure rest itself against your shoulder, turning your head, you see Silver Spoon resting herself against you with her eyes closed.
  1945. >You reach your hand about to push her back up, but you close your palm and instead just let her be. With a smile, you go back to looking forward.
  1947. >With a sudden jolt, the bus comes to a stop, and the doors swing open.
  1948. >”Last stop!” The bus driver yells, causing Silver Spoon to groan awake from her powernap.
  1949. >”Mmm, what time is it?” She asks tiredly,
  1950. “Time to get off the bus.”
  1951. >She nods with her eyes closed either understanding of what you said, or just to tired to care about the details.
  1952. >Staining to get up, she wobbles a little before you help her along. Finally off the bus, the two of you begin the walk down the sidewalk towards home.
  1953. >As the both of you walk, you’re sure to keep an eye of all the surroundings, and make sure no shady ponies are in sight. Luckily there are none out from what you can see, “Hey Anon.” Silver Spoon speaks,
  1954. “What’s up?”
  1955. >”I had fun.” She smiles “Real fun, not like that fake fun I had at Bakers.”
  1956. “Haha, what do you mean “fake fun”? I thought we all were having fun.”
  1957. >”You and Sweetie Belle maybe, I was NOT having ANY fun, I jus know those two were keeping me away.”
  1958. “I don’t think so.” You say walking up the steps to your apartment,
  1959. >”Yah they were! That’s why Rarity made me go with her to the toilet, she didn’t even use it! Just kept puttin on makeup and then forced it on me.”
  1960. “Nah, she was just being nice, besides, she did a fantastic job that night, you looked beautiful...” You say stopping
  1961. >On the door, you see a small pink note folded up and wedged in between the door and its frame.
  1962. >Pulling it out, you look over it, and turn it around, on the otherside, its sealed up with a small apple sticker.
  1963. >You know nothing of where this letter came from, or why its on your door, but you can feel a deep and heavy weight form in the pit of your stomach.
  1964. >”Whats that?” Silver Spoon asks looking over your arm at the small pink letter,
  1965. “I don’t know.” You answer honestly
  1966. >Opening the door, you and Spoon walk in and lock it up,
  1967. “The beds this way.” You say taking the lead, walking down the hall, you pass the bathroom and open the door, getting the light, you see its just how you left it.
  1968. >Clothing peppered here and there, towels tossed carelessly in the corner of the room, and the bed a mess of balled up blankets and the pillow left on the floor from this morning.
  1969. >You can feel embarrassment oozing through you as you escort her to the bed, without any hesitation, she crawls in and buries herself under the sheets.
  1970. >Snuggling herself up, she smiles as you basically tuck her in.
  1971. “Night Spoon.” You say getting up and walking away,
  1972. >As you get the lights, she shifts herself and sleeps on her side, “Good night DT.” She mumbles
  1973. >You snicker to yourself before closing the door to let her rest.
  1975. >In the living room, you get the light, and peal off the little apple sticker as you unfurl the letter.
  1976. >”Howdy Anon, gosh it’s been a long time, I didn’t want you to find out about me like this, I wanted it to be a surprise. We came by and waited, but you never showed. So I’m leaving this note to get you up to speed. Twilight, Spike, and I, are gonna find a hotel to stay at in upper Canterlot, and try you again tomorrow, so don’t go anywhere, I’d rather not miss you twice. We’ll give you are address and everything when we see you tomorrow, can’t wait to see you again, I have so much to talk to you about. Well, enough of that for now, I’ll see you soon.
  1977. -Applebloom”
  1978. >Folding the letter back to how it was, you can feel your heart racing. So many emotions are going through you, and you find yourself almost gasping for air.
  1979. >Calming down, you look at the little pink paper and hide inside a little cabinet and take off your clothing. Crawling on the couch, you look up at the ceiling and think about tomorrow.
  1980. >What will Applebloom want to talk about? What will YOU talk to her about? A little tinge of hopefulness and optimism flutters through your body, resting your hands behind your head, you breathe out a sigh of relief.
  1981. “Tomorrow’s gonna be a big day.”
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