
SIE: prelude to war

Mar 19th, 2012
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  1. Day 500
  2. Dinky and Derpy gazed in awe at the castle as you and the mane 6 walked up to the main gate. Dinky was sitting on your head, so she “wouldn’t get stepped on my the big stallions.” Everyp0ny knew it was because she simply loved the view, and the feeling of being up on your head, but nop0ny said a thing.
  3. It was a silly sight, in fact, the two guards at the gate bit their bottom lips in effort to suppress their laughter. You can’t help but smile at their efforts at keeping their military bearing. As usual you snap them a clean salute, unaware that Dinky decided to mimic you and gave them a salute as well. With that the guards lost their shit, followed by everyp0ny else. You couldn’t help but look up at Dinky and smile.
  4. Silly little filly.
  5. The guards regained their composure, bowed and opened the gate. “The Princess is expecting you. Congratulations Anonymous.” You and the 7 well-dressed mares and filly walked up to the throne room, escorted by 2 royal guards in their shining gold armor. “Are you ready sir?” one of them asked. You nodded, letting Dinky down on the ground. Another guard escorted the others through first, showing them to their places for the ceremony. Moments later, the music started playing.
  7. The guard looked back at you. “That’s our signal.” And without another word pushed open the doors and escorted you toward the Princesses awaiting you on their thrones. There must have been two hundred ponies here. You couldn’t help but smile at the choice of music as it reminded you of those movies back on Earth that you had seen so long ago.
  8. You could feel all eyes upon you. There were your friends, toward the very front of the room with Dinky bouncing up and down with excitement squeeing. She looked ten thousand times more adorable in her outfit Rarity had made for in the short notice you gave her of this ceremony. As for yourself, she had recreated your dress blues perfectly, down to the insignia and unit crest.
  9. You stopped about 10 paces from the two regal ponies that smiled down upon you. You delivered a crisp salute as your custom was. Celestia gave you a small nod, with a smile, letting you know it was ok to drop it. Luna was next to her, a slight blush ran across her face when you made eye contact. The feelings were there, but they had been buried deep. You had Derpy now, a family. The two walked toward you.
  10. With the royal Canterlot voice, Celestia spoke to you “Anonymous, the human! For countless deeds and actions that have protected Equestria from danger, I dub thee, Champion of Equestria!” With that, Luna slipped a red ribbon with a gold medal over your head. The crowd cheered, Dinky bounced higher than ever, squealing. “May the celebration begin!” Celestia declared, and like that, tables of fancy food and drinks were brought out and set up, initiating a very formal party.
  11. “Anonymous?” you turned toward Luna, “It is good to see you, it’s been some time.”
  12. “Likewise, Princess.” you replied, your tone professional.
  13. The others came up, Dinky jumping into your arms. “Congratulations daddy!” you hugged her, setting her on your shoulder for the duration of the party. You didn’t see the crushed look on Luna’s face, though she did attempt to hide it very well. It had been months since your relationship had ended, so you didn’t give it much thought.
  14. “You adopted this little one?” Luna asked, her tone much more… timid than before.
  15. “Not officially, we haven’t done the paperwork yet. I’m hoping to get it started soon though.” You looked down at the filly smiling up at you.
  16. “I see… well, I wish you luck. Excuse me.” With that Luna walked off, headed to her chambers. Celestia and Twilight soon disappeared together, no doubt to catch up with her favorite student.
  17. The party was, in fact, boring. You were never one for parties in general, and a formal party like this was simply full of high class p0nies talking about economics, and other very boring topics. You quickly excused yourself, and showed the rest of the castle to Derpy and Dinky. Dinky was truly awestruck at the beautiful interior.
  18. Where did Derpy go? You looked around, quick, spying her down the hall looking at a very exquisite vase. “Derpy!” oh shit Anon you shouldn’t of startled her. With a flap of her wings her nose hit the vase, knocking it off the pedestal and sending it crashing into the ground.
  19. “Oops…” Derpy frowned as a guard raced around the corner, searching for the source of the crashing noise. Derpy looked up at him, fear in her eyes. “I’m sorry...”
  20. You rushed to her side “Guard, I apologize. Derpy isn’t the most graceful p0ny, but I love her all the same. Is there any way we can forget about this?”
  21. The guard looked at you a second, as if you had just insulted is integrity. At the sight of your medal however, his eyes went wide. “Oh, of course Champion. It’s not a problem. I’ll get somep0ny to clean this up. Have a pleasant evening.”
  22. “Come on Derpy, it’s late, we should head to our room for the night.”
  23. At the room, Dinky reminded you of Pinkie Pie, bouncing from place to place, in love with the luxurious furniture. You and Derpy shared a small laugh, watching the purple and blonde filly bounce around before crashing on the bed. “I need to go see the Princess, I’ll be back soon.” A small kiss to each of them and you left to go find the Celestia.
  24. Afte a bit of searching, you finally found Celestia, talking to a p0ny that looked fairly well off, with his fancy top hat and monocle. Celestia cut her conversation short with him and greeted you warmly. The two of you walked to the garden, where Luna was awaiting her sister to lower the sun so she could bring out the moon.
  25. Once the rituals were complete, Celestia turned her attention to you. Her warm smile had faded, replaced with a solemn frown. “Equestria is in danger.”
  26. >Celestia continued, “When you defeated Discord, a new evil arose to take his place. A powerful warlord has banded a group of warriors, forming an army of an enemy I believe you’ve already met. Diamond Dogs. They have made it clear, that they wish nothing other than to conquer Equestria, and to enslave us to work in mines.”
  27. “Princess, I would be honored to join your army in battle, but my encounter with Discord has left my weapons and armor useless. I cannot go into battle without getting them replaced with some form of a substitute.”
  28. >“I see, Anonymous. I will notify one of our armor makers to get to work on that. Once you are fitted, I will allow you to return to P0nyville until it is made. I can’t delay my army for very long. If you’ll excuse me, it is time for me to get some rest.”
  29. >As Celestia walked away, Luna turned her attention toward you. “Do you have another moment Anonymous? I wish to… talk…”
  30. Your jimmies screamed at you, telling you to go back to your room, but you had to satisfy your curiosity. “Of course Princess, what do you need?”
  31. >“I simply wish to talk. I’ve missed you. The Pegasus with the filly, how long have you courted her?” Oh, what’s that sound? It must be your jimmies catching fire and rustling around at mach 5. This was a bad idea.
  32. “We’ve been together a few weeks.” Short and sweet answers, get out fast.
  33. >“I see… do you ever think of me?”
  34. “Every time I look at the night sky.” Fuck, too romantic.
  35. >Luna turned her gaze to you, her dark face held a slight tint of blush. An awkward silence set in, giving you a window of opportunity.
  36. “Forgive me Princess, but I should return to my quarters, Derpy is probably wondering where I am.”
  37. >”I understand.” She kissed your cheek. “Forgive me…” and with that she an off into the castle.
  38. >After giving the armorer your measurements, and requesting a sword to be made so you would have a more appropriate weapon, you returned home to prepare for the battle to come. And by prepare, you meant relax, and enjoy life as best you could, and try to forget about your little confrontation with Luna in the garden.
  39. >The day after you got home, Dinky came home from school, crying.
  40. >with her head buried in your chest, you held her until she calmed down enough to talk.
  41. Tell me what happened Dinky.
  42. >”Well, during school today, Diamond Tiara and silver spoon were making fun of me because I’m a blank flank…”
  43. “Oh no she didn’t. Come on Dinky, we’re gonna go have a little chat with this bully’s parents.”
  44. >you scooped her up and marched right over to the house. You knew where everyp0ny lived by now, it was your job.
  45. >the house was nicer than your own, seeing as it was owned by p0ny named Filthy Rich, whose cutie mark was 3 bags of money. With a hard knock on the door, you simply waited for an answer.
  46. >Diamond Tiara answered, looked up and screamed, darting back inside and slamming the door shut in your face.
  47. >knock again, this time her father answered the door. “Ah Anonymous. you gave my daughter quite the scare. Is there something I can help you with?” despite his best attempts at remaining calm, you could see a bit of fear in his eyes.
  48. You stooped down, meeting him at eye level. That seemed to help. “Yes, it seems your daughter has been picking on Dinky. I’d like you to get her to apologize to her and promise to stop.”
  49. >”I see…” with no further questions he called back into the house. “Diamond Tiara, get out here right now and apologize right now.”
  50. >Without a word, the pink filly trudged out of the house, looked at Dinky, then back at the ground. “Sorry.” It sounded half assed, but that was to be expected.
  51. “Promise not to do it again? Because I’ll come back every time I hear about this until it stops. And I’m sure you and your dad have better things to than apologize to little Dinky here.”
  52. >she scanned your face, looking for any sign of a bluff. Lolnope. “I promise…”
  53. “good. Sorry to have taken your time Mr. Rich. I hope you have a fine evening.”
  54. >As you walk away with Dinky, you hear Mr. Rich scolding Diamond Tiara, “I’m severely disappointed young lady, go to you room. Picking on other fillies is no way for a proper young lady to behave.”
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