
Fallout NY Reboot: Session 11: Cathy Carbine

Sep 2nd, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Friday, August 29, 2014
  3. 7:56 PM - Surd entered chat.
  4. 7:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: you guys just hang here, I'll brb, will probably be late
  5. 7:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: shouldn't be too long
  6. 7:58 PM - Trooper-Guy1 entered chat.
  7. 7:58 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: 7:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: you guys just hang here, I'll brb, will probably be late
  8. 7:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: shouldn't be too long
  9. 7:58 PM - Surd: how do you get the timestamps on those?
  10. 7:58 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: go to steam settings
  11. 7:58 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: should be in the friends settings
  12. 7:59 PM - Surd: thanks
  13. 8:00 PM - Surd: .
  14. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: hi
  15. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: sorry
  16. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I know I'm probably leaving a bad impression but I swear I'm not usually this dysfunctional I've just had an increasingly poor string of luck lately
  17. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I can vouch on his competence as a gm
  18. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: he's so good that it's melted his brain
  19. 8:07 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: dealing with us retards has made him go nuts
  20. 8:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I'll have you know I'm only moderate to severely unstable
  21. 8:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I'm not rolling for SAN damage /just/ yet
  22. 8:08 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: that's because you are playing/gming 12 games
  23. 8:09 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: even I am reluctant to join a second game :V
  24. 8:09 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I'm probably definitely gonna drop the 2 saturday games so I don't kill myself
  25. 8:09 PM - Trooper-Guy1: Never good to overload
  26. 8:09 PM - Surd: You should make like a protoplanetary disc and pull yourself together
  27. 8:09 PM - Trooper-Guy1: Currently in four right now and it's sort of ehhhh
  28. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: Smas said he'd have to put the Persona game on hold because I'm apparently important in it but fuck em
  29. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I was in six before. I don't recommend it.
  30. 8:10 PM - Surd: Honestly I can't imagine doing this six times a week
  31. 8:10 PM - Surd: and a job and school
  32. 8:10 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I played a game with a bunch of euros
  33. 8:10 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: it was awful
  34. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: yeah, it's not fun :v
  35. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: the work, school and 6 games thing
  36. 8:10 PM - Trooper-Guy1: I doubt I'll be able to maintain four in the future but we'll see
  37. 8:10 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: like after school everyday gotta play for like 4 hours
  38. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: not playing with euros
  39. 8:10 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and I'd be the one who is an hour late
  40. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: My day today was literally: wake up at 6, get ready, go to school, get home, eat lunch quick, go to work, get home, eat dinner quick, and here I am
  41. 8:12 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: Now lemme pull up a few sheets and things then I'll get started
  42. 8:12 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: wow thats fucking awful
  43. 8:12 PM - Trooper-Guy1: I woke up and like..
  44. 8:12 PM - Trooper-Guy1: played games and ate and watched videos
  45. 8:12 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ^
  46. 8:12 PM - Trooper-Guy1: played with my cat
  47. 8:12 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I need to add a helmet section to the damage calculator at some point so you don't need to switch values back and forth
  48. 8:12 PM - Trooper-Guy1: complained about games and watch videos with other peeps in mumble
  49. 8:12 PM - Trooper-Guy1: ate more
  50. 8:13 PM - Trooper-Guy1: Here I am, feeling lazy
  51. 8:13 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: also need to try and make a more simplified template rader instead of bribing you guys to churn out unique dudes
  52. 8:13 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: plus I need to get things ready for my game on sunday too but that's business for tomorrow
  53. 8:14 PM - Trooper-Guy1: blorp
  54. 8:14 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: so would you guys like the loot from last week now or later? Because I never wrote it up between all the shit
  55. 8:14 PM - Trooper-Guy1: Whenever is fine
  56. 8:15 PM - Surd: ^
  57. 8:15 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: sure
  58. 8:15 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: sure to which m8
  59. 8:15 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: do it whenever m8
  60. 8:16 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: then you'll get it next week if you don't mind, so we can start now instead of waiting around for me to get it together
  61. 8:16 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: but I can at least give you 1200xp for that
  62. 8:16 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: coolio
  63. 8:17 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: oshitniga level up
  64. 8:17 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: alright so where were we?
  65. 8:17 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I'm typing now
  66. 8:17 PM - Surd: In the first level of the garage
  67. 8:18 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: So after creaming the raiders in the first floor of the underground parking garage, you start looking around, and discover (very easily) the ramp down to the next floor
  68. 8:18 PM - Surd: Any chance that the unconcious guys will get up?
  69. 8:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: It appears to be blocked off in such a way that it would require several pairs of hands to move the blockages and allow passage for a vehicle. Meanwhile, consulting your sketches of the bounty heads, you find that lo and behold, one of the dudes you offed was none other than Machinegun Kelly
  70. 8:19 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: probably not
  71. 8:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: None that you need to worry about, but hey, you're welcome to off them anyway
  72. 8:19 PM - Surd: We've taken their stuff, it's not worth the bullets
  73. 8:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: There's also the two guys with broken legs
  74. 8:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: But they're not a threat either
  75. 8:20 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: Dez takes his shovel and gives Kelly a bit of a shave
  76. 8:20 PM - Surd: Kelly?
  77. 8:20 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: Machinegun Kelly
  78. 8:20 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: Lemme guess, a little off the top?
  79. 8:20 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: aye
  80. 8:20 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and you thought a rusty switchblade was bad
  81. 8:20 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: now we got rusty shovels
  82. 8:21 PM - Surd: Oh, so the important looking guy was Kelly?
  83. 8:21 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ye
  84. 8:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: One of them
  85. 8:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: You also needed Cathy Carbine, Laser Larry, and Humvee Huey, if I remember the names right
  86. 8:21 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: so I guess I just add the head to my inventory :V
  87. 8:21 PM - Trooper-Guy1: 1 down 3 to go
  88. 8:22 PM - Surd: Headhunter Leaders
  90. Tomato Tim (TERMINATED)
  91. Humvee Huey
  92. Machinegun Kelly (TERMINATED)
  93. Cathy Carbine
  94. Laser Larry
  95. 8:22 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: Surd you make me proud
  96. 8:22 PM - Trooper-Guy1: or 2 down
  97. 8:22 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: Dez holds his shovel out away from his face, "It'll do."
  98. 8:23 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: Kelly's tongue rolls out of his mouth, almost as if responding to your remark
  99. 8:23 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ew
  100. 8:23 PM - Surd: So who posted the bounties?
  101. 8:23 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: someone in Terminal
  102. 8:23 PM - Surd: Do the flyers say anything more specific?
  103. 8:24 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: Let's just say it's a general bounty put up by the town itself, so you'd go to Will, the dude the others have talked to before but I don't think you newbies have, about it
  104. 8:24 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: He's like, the town mayor dude
  105. 8:24 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: You leave Marlowe to tend to the loot and watch the vehicle, then descend down to the next floor and finally get the game proper started
  106. 8:25 PM - Surd: I try not to be noticed
  107. 8:25 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: You can immediately make out the form of three raiders, one leaning on a bulky concrete support, and the other two in front of him, all talking amicably. They appear to have not just heads, but /shrunken/ heads, hanging from their belts
  108. 8:26 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: ewewewewewe
  109. 8:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: You're not in their immediate line of sight, but if you plan to get closer, you'll need to Sneak
  110. 8:26 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: can anyone here sneak :V
  111. 8:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: Surd can crit, if that counts
  112. 8:26 PM - Surd: well I got a crit last week
  113. 8:26 PM - Trooper-Guy1: sneak
  114. 8:26 PM - Trooper-Guy1: nope*
  115. 8:26 PM - Surd: but my sneak is like 25
  116. 8:26 PM - Trooper-Guy1: wow.
  117. 8:26 PM - Trooper-Guy1: That was interesting
  118. 8:27 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: How do you even :v
  119. 8:27 PM - Trooper-Guy1: ?
  120. 8:27 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I feel like I am missing something here
  121. 8:27 PM - Surd: As do I
  122. 8:28 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: by the looks of it, he said "sneak" instead of "nope"
  123. 8:28 PM - Trooper-Guy1: Oh that yeah
  124. 8:28 PM - Trooper-Guy1: I was checking my sneak skill and for some reason just typed that
  125. 8:28 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: oh :V
  126. 8:28 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: So, do you guys want to do anything about these raider dudes or what :v
  127. 8:28 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I thought you were talking about how surd rolled d14s
  128. 8:28 PM - Trooper-Guy1: I could try seducing the fellas or something
  129. 8:28 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I guess Surd could give it a try
  130. 8:28 PM - Trooper-Guy1: or distracting them
  131. 8:28 PM - Trooper-Guy1: or Surd could sneak
  132. 8:28 PM - Surd: Alright so I pretend I'm a headhunter
  133. 8:28 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: oh that reminds me, name changes if you please
  134. 8:28 PM - Surd: since we got a severed head
  135. 8:28 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: then I'll murderhobo charge
  136. 8:29 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: yeah but we got the severed head of their leader :V
  137. 8:29 PM - Surd: be all like "know someone who can shrink this?"
  138. 8:29 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to Moderate to Severely Unstable GM.
  139. 8:29 PM - Wing Attack Plan R has changed their name to Dez.
  140. 8:29 PM - Dez: I guess that would be the element of surpise or something
  141. 8:29 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: So, go for it, walk up to em and ask :v
  142. 8:30 PM - Dez: ye do the sneakies
  143. 8:30 PM - Dez: I'll stick behind
  144. 8:30 PM - Surd: "Hey, Kelly's been off his rocker lately. Where's the shrink?"
  145. 8:31 PM - Surd: *Presents head*
  146. 8:31 PM - Surd: do I roll speech?
  147. 8:31 PM - Dez: yeah
  148. 8:31 PM - Surd: oh man
  149. 8:31 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: gg
  150. 8:32 PM - Dez: how do you critfail speech
  151. 8:32 PM - Dez: do you just sperg at right there
  152. 8:32 PM - Dez: out*
  153. 8:32 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Once again proving to be the fucking critmonster, Surd critfails his speech roll.
  154. 8:32 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: When going to present the head, you accidentally extend your arm too far, and end up punching one of the raiders in the face
  155. 8:33 PM - Dez: "Fuckin shit dude."
  156. 8:33 PM - Surd: do i roll for punching damage
  157. 8:33 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: no :v
  158. 8:33 PM - Flint: Should have had me do it I could have taken the guys head off with my fist
  159. 8:33 PM - Dez: Dez jumps out of the shadows screaming "WADLEWABLWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH"
  160. 8:33 PM - Dez: :V
  161. 8:33 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: He backs away a step, rubbing his nose before drawing his two pistols. "WE GOT SOME NEW HEADS, BOYS!"
  162. 8:34 PM - Flint: wut
  163. 8:34 PM - Dez: dunno
  164. 8:34 PM - Flint: I guess I'll like..
  165. 8:34 PM - Flint: do my thing.
  166. 8:34 PM - Flint: Let's do this
  167. 8:34 PM - Dez: who doesn't like to rp as donald duck man
  168. 8:35 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint, Wing, sequence rolls pls
  169. 8:35 PM - Surd: done
  170. 8:35 PM - Surd: 24
  171. 8:35 PM - Flint: 11
  172. 8:35 PM - Dez: 14
  173. 8:36 PM - Flint: Feels appropriate. fine with me
  174. 8:36 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: nice one flint :v
  175. 8:36 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, Explosive Earl, Leather Suit Larry, Dez, Paired Pistol Pete, Flint
  176. 8:36 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: (Raiders courtesy of Surd)
  177. 8:37 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, you're up
  178. 8:37 PM - Surd: fire at Earl
  179. 8:37 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: are
  180. 8:37 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: are you
  181. 8:38 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: :T
  182. 8:38 PM - Surd: oh man alright let's see how this goes
  183. 8:38 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: a crit, and a crit fail
  184. 8:38 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: lemme check the thing
  185. 8:38 PM - Dez: you don't even have jinxed
  186. 8:38 PM - Dez: dude
  187. 8:38 PM - Surd: be glad
  188. 8:38 PM - Dez: I'm not even sure how this is happening
  189. 8:38 PM - Flint: :V
  190. 8:38 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Crippled arm on the crit
  191. 8:38 PM - Surd: we would be dead if I had jinxed
  192. 8:38 PM - Dez: you are like
  193. 8:38 PM - Dez: the unluckiest lucky dude
  194. 8:38 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll damage on that
  195. 8:39 PM - Surd: I'm using AP ammo
  196. 8:39 PM - Surd: has a -10 DT and -10 DR
  197. 8:39 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: una momento
  198. 8:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 8 damage to Earl, and his arm's broken
  199. 8:40 PM - Surd: nice, alright i fire at larry next
  200. 8:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: hold up
  201. 8:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: what about that critfail
  202. 8:40 PM - Surd: oh right
  203. 8:41 PM - Surd: i rolled a 10 on the critfail roll
  204. 8:41 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You fire your gun at such an angle that the recoil knocks into your face
  205. 8:41 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll 1d10, take that much damage, ignores armor
  206. 8:42 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: So that 17 and 34 are both hits too
  207. 8:42 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you nail him in the torso twice, roll damage
  208. 8:43 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 12 and 13 damage
  209. 8:43 PM - Surd: reload and end turn
  210. 8:43 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Earl doesn't like the cut of your jib
  211. 8:44 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: he will throw his molotov cocktail at you
  212. 8:44 PM - Surd: why would he, I punched him
  213. 8:44 PM - Surd: how could he, I shot him
  214. 8:44 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: which reminds me, he doesn't like the cut of your jab either
  215. 8:45 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You get a lit molotov to your chest, where it shatters and coats you in fire. Yaaay!
  216. 8:45 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: nice job giving him 14 of these things by the way :v
  217. 8:45 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: he literally just has a belt of molotovs strapped around him
  218. 8:45 PM - Surd: yeah, i didnt read very well
  219. 8:45 PM - Surd: there's a maximum of 4, right?
  220. 8:45 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: fuck you, dice
  221. 8:46 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you take 3 explosive damage, first off, and are now on fire
  222. 8:46 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: yep, I'll nerf it down to 4 instead of 14
  223. 8:47 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: To emphasize how much he doesn't like you, Earl will now proceed to shoot your flaming body in its flaming face
  224. 8:47 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: flaming crit
  225. 8:47 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you just got crit for a target shot to the head :v
  226. 8:48 PM - Surd: so, am i lobotomized?
  227. 8:48 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: well, you take 20 damage to the head
  228. 8:49 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: calculate that out with the damage calculator and your helmet armor
  229. 8:50 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so what's the damage?
  230. 8:50 PM - Surd: 16
  231. 8:50 PM - Surd: It's normal damage, right?
  232. 8:50 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: yep
  233. 8:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Checking your sheet, your head now has 3 health left. If you take a hit that brings you below negative your END score, you're dead
  234. 8:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so you got 3 more facehealth before you're unconscious, and 6 more before you paint the walls with your gray matter
  235. 8:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: either way, that ends Earl's turn
  236. 8:52 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Leathersuit Larry (not to be confused with Laser Larry) goes next, and will shoot at Flint
  237. 8:53 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: by shoot at Flint, I mean punch Flint in the face with his spiked knuckles
  238. 8:53 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: What's your AC, Flint?
  239. 8:53 PM - Flint: 29
  240. 8:53 PM - Flint: 28*
  241. 8:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You tilt your head to the side to avoid a face full of fist, and he instead opts to jab your gut
  242. 8:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Much better, hit
  243. 8:54 PM - Dez: nah
  244. 8:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 6 damage, ignores DT
  245. 8:55 PM - Dez: wrong chat :V
  246. 8:55 PM - Flint: So no need to run it through the damage calc?
  247. 8:55 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: well, there's the DR to consider
  248. 8:55 PM - Flint: oh right
  249. 8:55 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Dez, you're up
  250. 8:55 PM - Dez: Alright I'll wack the closest guy
  251. 8:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: That'd be Larry, since he just moved up
  252. 8:56 PM - Dez: how far away is the closest guy?
  253. 8:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: close enough to whack with a shovel
  254. 8:56 PM - Dez: kk
  255. 8:56 PM - Dez: fuk
  256. 8:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: pffft
  257. 8:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: fail
  258. 8:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: try again
  259. 8:56 PM - Dez: yay
  260. 8:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: dont suk this time
  261. 8:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: u suked this time
  262. 8:57 PM - Dez: one pass :L
  263. 8:57 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: can you really swing 4 times
  264. 8:57 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: because I don't think you can :v
  265. 8:57 PM - Dez: nah just twice :V
  266. 8:58 PM - Dez: but you said try again when I already did twice
  267. 8:58 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: In order to parry your flurry of shovel strikes, Larry punches your shovel's face each time.
  268. 8:58 PM - Dez: so I thought you were being nice c:
  269. 8:58 PM - Dez: "DUDE"
  270. 8:58 PM - Dez: "No love taps for Betsy."
  271. 8:58 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: He whips his long brown hair behind his head and gives you a cheeky grin so cheeky you can swear you heard a twinkle
  272. 8:59 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I'll let Flint go now despite the sequence because you've been quiet and I feel bad :v
  273. 8:59 PM - Dez: :V
  274. 8:59 PM - Flint: huh?
  275. 8:59 PM - Flint: Oh right
  276. 8:59 PM - Flint: I zoned really hard for some reason
  277. 8:59 PM - Flint: So who punched me?
  278. 8:59 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Larry
  279. 8:59 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: who just did a parry
  280. 8:59 PM - Flint: what does that mean?
  281. 8:59 PM - Flint: I can't hit him or something?
  282. 8:59 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: nothing, I was just rhyming
  283. 8:59 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: :v
  284. 9:00 PM - Surd: A parry is a block
  285. 9:00 PM - Surd: of sorts
  286. 9:00 PM - Flint: Yes I know that
  287. 9:00 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You can still hit him with wihatever you want
  288. 9:00 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: He's standing there looking cheeky
  289. 9:00 PM - Flint: how much AP is it to punch again?
  290. 9:00 PM - Dez: you can't really parry fireballs
  291. 9:00 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 3
  292. 9:00 PM - Flint: Being that I have my own pair of spiked knuckles
  293. 9:00 PM - Flint: Fuck this guy
  294. 9:01 PM - Flint: Time to punch punch
  295. 9:01 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: He's got 18 AC
  296. 9:01 PM - Flint: Looks like a pass/fail
  297. 9:01 PM - Flint: My unarmed is 86
  298. 9:01 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Right then, roll damage
  299. 9:02 PM - Flint: 11
  300. 9:02 PM - Flint: If he parries I'm just burning everything down
  301. 9:02 PM - Flint: s2g
  302. 9:02 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: relax, the parry was all fluff for Dez's misses
  303. 9:02 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: it's not actually a mechanic :v
  304. 9:03 PM - Flint: Don't care his name is lame anyways
  305. 9:03 PM - Dez: don't give ciaster ideas
  306. 9:03 PM - Flint: Lame-o Larry
  307. 9:03 PM - Dez: :V
  308. 9:03 PM - Surd: :(
  309. 9:03 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You sock a solid, spiked punch into his leather jacket-clad body, and your knuckles come away bloodied
  310. 9:03 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You deal 9 damage
  311. 9:03 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Pete's turn, and he's packin' heat
  312. 9:03 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: .22 calibers and counting
  313. 9:05 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: He's gonna fire both his weapons in unison, twice, at Dez, making a total of 4 shots
  314. 9:05 PM - Dez: :C
  315. 9:05 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Hit, fail, critfail, hit
  316. 9:05 PM - Dez: lol faggot
  317. 9:05 PM - Dez: get good
  318. 9:06 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 7 damage, -5DT, -5DR
  319. 9:06 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: His second shot dings uselessly off your metal armor, while his third shot...
  320. 9:06 PM - Dez: uhehueeuheh
  321. 9:06 PM - Dez: 1 dmg
  322. 9:06 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: jams one of his guns
  323. 9:06 PM - Dez: this just hits my torso right?
  324. 9:06 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: ye
  325. 9:07 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: his final shot deals 13 damage, again -5DT/DR
  326. 9:07 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: That makes it Surd's turn!
  327. 9:07 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, as you are currently on fire
  328. 9:07 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: your torso takes 12 fire damage
  329. 9:08 PM - Surd: I'm sorry, I haven't been keeping track of my torso health
  330. 9:08 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: it's just your normal health
  331. 9:08 PM - Surd: ah
  332. 9:08 PM - Surd: so the 16 hp i lost last turn
  333. 9:09 PM - Surd: are those included in my normal health?
  334. 9:09 PM - Dez: ye
  335. 9:09 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Nah, that was to your head. Make like, the bottom slot of your inventory dedicated to tracking limb HP
  336. 9:09 PM - Dez: oh nvm then :V
  337. 9:09 PM - Dez: also ciaster made a thing to keep track of limb hp
  338. 9:10 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: but it's clunky as hell :v
  339. 9:10 PM - Surd: I couldn't figure it out
  340. 9:10 PM - Dez: you can even save the sheet n stuff
  341. 9:10 PM - Dez: I got it working fine
  342. 9:10 PM - Surd: Okay so how do I find out what my limb health is
  343. 9:10 PM - Dez: would probably be better as a fillable pdf tho
  344. 9:10 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Head and groun are 1/4 your total HP, arms and legs are 1/2, torso is equal to
  345. 9:11 PM - Dez: eyes share HP with head
  346. 9:11 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I actually think you should be dead since I calculated your head as 1/2 instead of 1/4 but let's ignore that
  347. 9:11 PM - Dez: gg'
  348. 9:11 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: do you want me to kill him :v
  349. 9:11 PM - Flint: yikes
  350. 9:11 PM - Dez: no
  351. 9:11 PM - Surd: Truth is, the game was rigged from the start
  352. 9:12 PM - Dez: against you yeah :V
  353. 9:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: So anyway, 12 damage from fire, before armor of course
  354. 9:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Still your turn, Surd
  355. 9:12 PM - Dez: the dice gods do not look favorably onto your powergaming
  356. 9:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Powergaming or not his luck is ridiculous
  357. 9:12 PM - Dez: they do not like mortals trying to trick them out of their godly powers!
  358. 9:13 PM - Surd: Okay, so will I be on fire next turn?
  359. 9:13 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: So, what's the plan, fire man?
  360. 9:13 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Yeeeep most likely
  361. 9:13 PM - Surd: oh man
  362. 9:13 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: stop drop and roll
  363. 9:14 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: that'll put you out
  364. 9:14 PM - Surd: how much AP?
  365. 9:14 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Roll AGI
  366. 9:14 PM - Surd: I have AGI 10
  367. 9:14 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: just roll it
  368. 9:15 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: whatever you roll is how much AP the action cost, while leaving you considered prone on the ground
  369. 9:15 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so you've got 7 AP left now
  370. 9:16 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: and are no longer on fire
  371. 9:17 PM - Surd: I shoot Earl
  372. 9:17 PM - Surd: is that a pass?
  373. 9:17 PM - Surd: small guns is 99, -10 from snubnose
  374. 9:17 PM - Surd: +25 from prone
  375. 9:17 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: aye, hit
  376. 9:18 PM - Surd: 11 damage, -10 DT, -10 DR
  377. 9:18 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 10 damage
  378. 9:18 PM - Surd: 12 damage, same modifiers
  379. 9:18 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Earl goes down, dead
  380. 9:19 PM - Surd: reload and end turn
  381. 9:19 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Larry will continue to assail Flint with fisticuffs
  382. 9:20 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Two hits
  383. 9:20 PM - Flint: welp
  384. 9:20 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 11 and 9 damage, -5DT
  385. 9:20 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: your face takes the 9 damage, by the way, as he gets a lucky shot
  386. 9:21 PM - Flint: Well I don't have that stuff tracked except damage taken to the head
  387. 9:21 PM - Flint: so I'll assume that's quite a hit
  388. 9:21 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Larry's face when
  389. 9:22 PM - Dez: fuck you larry and your shit eating grin
  390. 9:22 PM - Dez: god damn what an asshole
  391. 9:22 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: well, let's just assume you're not dead yet
  392. 9:22 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: either way it's Dez's turn now
  393. 9:22 PM - Dez: murder larry
  394. 9:23 PM - Dez: 58 and 78
  395. 9:23 PM - Dez: 74*
  396. 9:23 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: dem hits with 18 AC?
  397. 9:23 PM - Dez: just 1
  398. 9:23 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: ha
  399. 9:23 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll damage
  400. 9:23 PM - Dez: 17
  401. 9:24 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 14 damage
  402. 9:24 PM - Dez: :C
  403. 9:25 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: After giving another cheeky grin, you give him a good, solid whack, at which point he puts on his serious face and lovetaps your second strike away
  404. 9:25 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint, you're on
  405. 9:25 PM - Flint: ok uhh
  406. 9:25 PM - Flint: So who's left?
  407. 9:25 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Larry and Pete
  408. 9:25 PM - Flint: Well apparently I can't do shit with melee so
  409. 9:25 PM - Flint: Back to more fireballs, weeeee
  410. 9:26 PM - Flint: Pass pass on that for sure
  411. 9:26 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Larry's grin isn't so cheeky anymore
  412. 9:26 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll damage
  413. 9:26 PM - Flint: 17;22
  414. 9:26 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: hot damn
  415. 9:27 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: :downsrim:
  416. 9:27 PM - Flint: Under-hand throwing these like a hardcore baseball player
  417. 9:27 PM - Flint: giving them a spin
  418. 9:27 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You light Larry's leather aflame
  419. 9:27 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: along with the rest of him
  420. 9:28 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll Luck for funsies
  421. 9:28 PM - Flint: Fail to no one's surprise
  422. 9:28 PM - Flint: Should've gotten 10 luck as well
  423. 9:28 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Sadly, nothing extraordinary happens
  424. 9:28 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: But in either way, Larry is now a flaming corpse that will continue to give you your bonus
  425. 9:29 PM - Flint: weee
  426. 9:29 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: that leave's Pete, who will now open fire once more!
  427. 9:29 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: two rounds for Flint, two for Dez
  428. 9:29 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: in that order
  429. 9:29 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: all hits :V
  430. 9:29 PM - Flint: God fucking damn
  431. 9:29 PM - Surd: I'm sorry for rolling level 5 raiders
  432. 9:30 PM - Dez: just hope you don't get hit in the head
  433. 9:30 PM - Flint: If these guys are just random bozos what's going to happen when we find the leaders?
  434. 9:30 PM - Flint: We're going to get rocked
  435. 9:30 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: hey, I'll give you some stims for this, just hold tight :v
  436. 9:31 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint is hit for 11 and 6, Dez for 3 and 7, -5DT, -5DR
  437. 9:31 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: all torso shots, so you probably shouldn't be dead yet
  438. 9:32 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: just hide behind Dez next time, he's just OP
  439. 9:32 PM - Dez: I got -1 and 1 dmg
  440. 9:32 PM - Dez: so does like
  441. 9:32 PM - Dez: yknow
  442. 9:32 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: no
  443. 9:32 PM - Dez: carry the 2 and
  444. 9:32 PM - Dez: oh
  445. 9:32 PM - Dez: okay
  446. 9:32 PM - Surd: How do you get negative damage
  447. 9:32 PM - Dez: :C
  448. 9:32 PM - Dez: because sick DT
  449. 9:32 PM - Surd: Dt is multiplicative though
  450. 9:32 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: how about I carry my fist to your face, pre-cooked Larry style
  451. 9:33 PM - Surd: no wait nevermind
  452. 9:33 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, your go
  453. 9:33 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: All that's left now is Pete
  454. 9:33 PM - Surd: reap the whirwind pete
  455. 9:33 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: oh COME ON
  456. 9:33 PM - Surd: heh
  457. 9:34 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: instant deathh
  458. 9:34 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: don't even bother rolling any more shots
  459. 9:34 PM - Surd: I won't roll damage then
  460. 9:34 PM - Surd: alright, so they're all dead
  461. 9:34 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You plant one clean between the eyes, and poor Pete's past his prime, post-living
  462. 9:35 PM - Doc entered chat.
  463. 9:35 PM - Doc: hey nerds and wannabes
  464. 9:35 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You just missed the combat
  465. 9:35 PM - Dez: my dick don't stand like a fat kid in PE
  466. 9:35 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I may have hurt them too much
  467. 9:35 PM - Dez: the only time its active is on the toilet Pee'n
  468. 9:35 PM - Doc: thanks for sharing
  469. 9:36 PM - Dez: I realized we haven't talked about dicks yet
  470. 9:36 PM - Doc: So Flint is my replacement for female teen AND pysker?
  471. 9:36 PM - Doc: or is she just Suzie 2.0
  472. 9:37 PM - Dez: yes
  473. 9:37 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: writing loot now, just a moment
  474. 9:37 PM - Dez: actually yeah suzie 2.0
  475. 9:37 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: in the meantime, 900x-
  476. 9:37 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: xp
  477. 9:37 PM - Doc: Possibly lesbian teen girl fire pysker
  478. 9:37 PM - Dez: yep
  479. 9:37 PM - Dez: who wears raider armor
  480. 9:38 PM - Flint: Wut?
  481. 9:38 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Pete's loot: [11] .22 Long Rifle HV rounds, [1] Baseball hat CND17, [1] Raider Armor CND14, [2] Generic .22 Revolvers CND20, [1] Pre War Money, [1] Radfruit, [1] Import Beer, [1] Whiskey, [2] Stimpaks
  482. 9:38 PM - Surd: no she has an m65 jacket
  483. 9:38 PM - Flint: I wear a vault suit and a field jacket you tosser
  484. 9:38 PM - Surd: and vault suit
  485. 9:38 PM - Dez: o :C
  486. 9:38 PM - Dez: I imagined you with raider armor
  487. 9:38 PM - Doc: i wore both of those things on my last two characters
  488. 9:38 PM - Flint: And I don't put up with your shit unlike Suzie the Loosie or whoever the fuck cares
  489. 9:38 PM - Dez: like those raiders with the fireman maks
  490. 9:38 PM - Surd: so how to stimpacks heal now
  491. 9:38 PM - Flint: It's just Flint now
  492. 9:39 PM - Dez: I'll take the whiskey
  493. 9:39 PM - Doc: I did not understand any part of that sentence
  494. 9:39 PM - Flint: I'll take a stimpack and jam it
  495. 9:39 PM - Dez: I can heal you guys too :V
  496. 9:39 PM - Surd: With doctor?
  497. 9:39 PM - Surd: That takes time
  498. 9:39 PM - Dez: 2 passes
  499. 9:39 PM - Dez: yeah
  500. 9:40 PM - Dez: shh it doesn't take time
  501. 9:40 PM - Flint: So how much would that be?
  502. 9:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Earl's loot: [3] Molotov Cocktails, [1] Colt 6520 10mm CND12, [1] .38 Snubnose Revolver CND22, [20] .28 Special FMJ, [21] 10x25mm FJM, [1] Leather Jacket CND20, [1] Harmonica, [1] Spare Parts
  503. 9:40 PM - Dez: we fluf it out
  504. 9:40 PM - Flint: yay 19 back from the stim
  505. 9:40 PM - Dez: who wants a free 8 hp
  506. 9:40 PM - Flint: I'll take it for my head
  507. 9:40 PM - Dez: take it then fgt
  508. 9:41 PM - Flint: Mostly back now
  509. 9:41 PM - Flint: also I claim the molotovs from Earl
  510. 9:42 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Larry's loot: [1] Larry's Shining Finger (Unique Spiked Knuckles) CND16, [1] Leather Jacket CND16, [1] Leather Flight Cap CND20, [2] Blamco Mac 'n Cheese, [1] Bug-on-the-shell, [1] 5 meter coil of rope
  511. 9:42 PM - Surd: I'll take his pistol and ammo
  512. 9:43 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Larry's Shining Finger: 2d8+4 damage instead of the normal 2d6
  513. 9:43 PM - Dez: does toughness seriously need a 6 luck requirement
  514. 9:43 PM - Dez: like what the fuck
  515. 9:44 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: stop being such a whiney lil twat about it mate :v
  516. 9:44 PM - Dez: its bumb
  517. 9:44 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so r u
  518. 9:44 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: So, everyone got what they wanted from the loot?
  519. 9:45 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint, not taking his kunckles?
  520. 9:45 PM - Flint: huh?
  521. 9:45 PM - Flint: Oh he had knuckles
  522. 9:45 PM - Flint: Sure right not
  523. 9:45 PM - Surd: I'll take the Harmonica, spare parts and rope
  524. 9:45 PM - Doc: So did ciaster and wing try to blow up the ESB again
  525. 9:45 PM - Doc: id be disapointed if you didnt
  526. 9:46 PM - Dez: I'm gunna need to give a talk to ciaster
  527. 9:46 PM - Surd: Burning it down seems easier at this juncture
  528. 9:46 PM - Dez: these requirements are fucking ridiculous
  529. 9:47 PM - Flint: Requirements for what?
  530. 9:47 PM - Dez: perks
  531. 9:47 PM - Flint: Ah ok
  532. 9:47 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Just then, you hear a whiny, bitchy voice. Quite possibly the bitchiest voice you've ever heard, and it's coming from a straight up bitch
  533. 9:48 PM - Dez: Die Hard requires 6 END, yeah okay that mankes sense
  534. 9:48 PM - Dez: but why does it also require 40 in first aid
  535. 9:48 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: "What the FUCK'S taking you assholes so long? Quit talking about your dicks, not even a horny ghoul would touch those rotten things."
  536. 9:48 PM - Dez: whose talking now :V
  537. 9:48 PM - Flint: The person from deeper inside the complex I'd assume
  538. 9:48 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: a bitchy voice from further into the place
  539. 9:48 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: aye
  540. 9:49 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: and she is a bitch
  541. 9:49 PM - Dez: Alright so no heads to take here?
  542. 9:49 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: calling out in your direction, you see her figure approach from the dim light
  543. 9:49 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: not yet, but one's making her way to you
  544. 9:50 PM - Flint: Who wants to handle this one?
  545. 9:50 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Her dark skin makes a stark contrast to her shiny, well-polished metal armor.
  546. 9:50 PM - Doc: is it a cookie
  547. 9:50 PM - Surd: Might be Cathy
  548. 9:50 PM - Doc: Cathy?
  549. 9:50 PM - Surd: Every Cathy I've ever met has been a bitch
  550. 9:50 PM - Surd: It's a bitch name
  551. 9:51 PM - Surd: Also there's a bounty on a Cathy Carbine
  552. 9:51 PM - Dez: like lindsay
  553. 9:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: She glares at the three of you, not recognizing you, then noticing the three corpses at your feet (one of which is still crackling and on fire), only sneers further
  554. 9:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: "You got 5 seconds to explain this shit."
  555. 9:51 PM - Flint: What a level-headed raider
  556. 9:51 PM - Dez: "We gunna murder your ass."
  557. 9:51 PM - Surd: "We were having a barbecue"
  558. 9:51 PM - Dez: "That."
  559. 9:51 PM - Surd: "And a gun convention"
  560. 9:52 PM - Surd: "Things got ugly."
  561. 9:52 PM - Dez: "And a shoveling."
  562. 9:52 PM - Flint: wow
  563. 9:52 PM - Dez: Dez does the shovel dance
  564. 9:52 PM - Surd: "You have to dig a proper barbecue pit, after all."
  565. 9:52 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: "I'm gettin' mixed signals, so I'll just mix up your insides."
  566. 9:52 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: She pulls out her carbine. This is definitely Cathy!
  567. 9:52 PM - Dez: "Scoop to the left, left.. scoop to the right, right...."
  568. 9:53 PM - Dez: 18 on sequence
  569. 9:53 PM - Surd: 22 on sequence
  570. 9:53 PM - Flint: also 18
  571. 9:53 PM - Dez: roll 1d6?
  572. 9:54 PM - Flint: What's your agility?
  573. 9:54 PM - Dez: 6
  574. 9:54 PM - Flint: same
  575. 9:54 PM - Flint: Ok
  576. 9:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: welp, ladies first
  577. 9:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint wins!
  578. 9:54 PM - Dez: pfft
  579. 9:54 PM - Flint: Oh ok
  580. 9:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, Cathy, Flint, Dez
  581. 9:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Everyone, roll PER
  582. 9:55 PM - Surd: pass
  583. 9:55 PM - Flint: nope
  584. 9:55 PM - Dez: nah
  585. 9:57 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, you notice a few stray wires poking curiously out of the collar of her armor. You can't tell what they're for, but it's definitely noteworthy.
  586. 9:57 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Unless she just stuffs her bra with things she pulls from the cars you see parked around.
  587. 9:58 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
  588. 9:58 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  589. 9:58 PM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  590. 9:59 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: So Surd, you're up first
  591. 9:59 PM - Surd: small guns is 99
  592. 9:59 PM - Surd: -10 for my gun
  593. 10:00 PM - Surd: -6 from my ammo
  594. 10:00 PM - Doc: "IM SO PUNK MY BRA IS MADE OUT OF CAR PARTS": a memoir
  595. 10:00 PM - Dez: doc
  596. 10:00 PM - Dez: are you playing as the boss :V
  597. 10:00 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: ammo recoil is only counted for burst firing
  598. 10:00 PM - Surd: oh
  599. 10:00 PM - Surd: yay
  600. 10:01 PM - Dez: she seems up your alley in terms of punk
  601. 10:01 PM - Surd: so, miss hit hit miss hit?
  602. 10:01 PM - Doc: i do love me a punk rock girl
  603. 10:01 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so that's a miss, hit, hit, miss, hit
  604. 10:01 PM - Doc: and dark skinned girls according to pretty much all of my friends
  605. 10:01 PM - Dez: I was supposed to be a boss for mekton
  606. 10:01 PM - Surd: 9,9,10,12,13
  607. 10:01 PM - Surd: -10 DT -10 DR
  608. 10:01 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: why'd you roll 5 times :v
  609. 10:01 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you only hit 3
  610. 10:02 PM - Dez: and I would have been the final boss in ryan's fallout if I decided not the join the game
  611. 10:02 PM - Surd: oh right
  612. 10:02 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I'll only count the first 3
  613. 10:03 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 6, 6 and 7 damage
  614. 10:03 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Cathy's turn!
  615. 10:03 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You dun diddily made her mad, Surdy
  616. 10:04 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Her carbine appears to have had a few modifications made to it. Most notable is the fact that she just burst fired 3 rounds at you!
  617. 10:04 PM - Dez: a lot of carbines can do that
  618. 10:05 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: but the one in the book can't faggot
  619. 10:05 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: not the M1 Carbine
  620. 10:05 PM - Dez: o
  621. 10:05 PM - Dez: I thought it was just any ol carbine
  622. 10:05 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: nah
  623. 10:06 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: well, courtesy of the big ol recoil, she only lands one shot
  624. 10:06 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 23 damage, -5 DT/-5DR
  625. 10:06 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: ouch
  626. 10:07 PM - Surd: 16
  627. 10:07 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint, you're up!
  628. 10:07 PM - Dez: brb
  629. 10:07 PM - Flint: Cause it's the only solution really
  630. 10:07 PM - Flint: fireballssss
  631. 10:07 PM - Surd: (and molotovs)
  632. 10:08 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: rip
  633. 10:08 PM - Flint: meh
  634. 10:08 PM - Surd: (and superknuckles)
  635. 10:08 PM - Flint: one hit
  636. 10:08 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll the first one's damage
  637. 10:08 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: second one's a critfail :v
  638. 10:08 PM - Flint: 12 damage
  639. 10:08 PM - Flint: 5 for the critfail
  640. 10:09 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 8 damage from the fireball
  641. 10:09 PM - Dez: back
  642. 10:09 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Weapon explodes
  643. 10:09 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: In this case, roll fireball damage again
  644. 10:09 PM - Flint: Of course
  645. 10:09 PM - Flint: 16
  646. 10:10 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Well, you take 16 fire damage, then
  647. 10:10 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Dez, your go
  648. 10:10 PM - Flint: I forgot about all my fire resistance
  649. 10:10 PM - Flint: Barely even took three damage
  650. 10:10 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: see? not so bad
  651. 10:10 PM - Dez: run up and wacka bitch
  652. 10:10 PM - Dez: how much AP to run to her?
  653. 10:10 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 4
  654. 10:11 PM - Dez: alright I'll sprint up to her for 2 ap c:
  655. 10:11 PM - Dez: and then
  656. 10:11 PM - Dez: wack her in the torso
  657. 10:11 PM - Doc: or
  658. 10:11 PM - Doc: you know
  659. 10:11 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: don't forget the END roll
  660. 10:11 PM - Doc: her unprotected head
  661. 10:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so didja pass the END or not
  662. 10:12 PM - Dez: yes
  663. 10:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: fuckin 9 END god damn
  664. 10:12 PM - Dez: 22 dmg to torso
  665. 10:12 PM - Dez: then end turn
  666. 10:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 7 damage from your SHOVL
  667. 10:13 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, you're on again
  668. 10:13 PM - Surd: reload with .38 special AP
  669. 10:13 PM - Surd: woops i rolled 5 times
  670. 10:14 PM - Surd: I fire 4 times
  671. 10:14 PM - Surd: 99 small guns - 10 from the gun
  672. 10:14 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Miss, hit, hit, miss
  673. 10:14 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll the hits
  674. 10:14 PM - Surd: 13, 14
  675. 10:15 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 9 damage to the torso, 14 to her head
  676. 10:15 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Your flurry of shots flies past her, leaving a deep gash across her face
  677. 10:16 PM - Doc: that makes sense yet still sounds kinda weird
  678. 10:16 PM - Doc: like
  679. 10:16 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: She proceeds to sprint over to a fairly tall truck and attempts to slide under it to get into cover on the other side, leaving the truck between you and her
  680. 10:16 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: But first, as she runs, roll PER
  681. 10:17 PM - Surd: pass
  682. 10:17 PM - Flint: pass
  683. 10:17 PM - Dez: pass
  684. 10:18 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You can't help but notice the fact that... the wound on her face seems to close, if only slightly, and you hear a little *ksssshchik* noise
  685. 10:18 PM - Dez: dude what
  686. 10:18 PM - Flint: wow
  687. 10:18 PM - Doc: :I
  688. 10:18 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: psh, it's fiiiine
  689. 10:19 PM - Dez: we fighting some cybered up eldritch abominations
  690. 10:19 PM - Flint: Bruh, she ain't fucking around
  691. 10:19 PM - Surd: maybe she's stuffing her face with car parts
  692. 10:19 PM - Doc: Oh man, dark skinned punk rock robot girls?
  693. 10:19 PM - Doc: my dick can only get so hard
  694. 10:19 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: but
  695. 10:19 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: she's also on fire
  696. 10:19 PM - Doc: even better
  697. 10:19 PM - Dez: rip the wires out and her whole torso will just explode with cyberspace
  698. 10:19 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: and takes 6 damage from the fire
  699. 10:19 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: and the fact that she is on it
  700. 10:19 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: or rather, it is on her
  701. 10:20 PM - Flint: Do we have to have her head and such?
  702. 10:20 PM - Surd: for the bounty, yes
  703. 10:20 PM - Flint: damn
  704. 10:20 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: it'd help, but hey, I'm sure you can convince them that you offed her
  705. 10:20 PM - Dez: fuck we can't crisp her then
  706. 10:20 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: if you bring the rest of the heads
  707. 10:20 PM - Dez: decap that shit
  708. 10:21 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint, you're on
  709. 10:21 PM - Flint: If only I could create a fine jet of flame from my hand and decap her
  710. 10:21 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Cathy is currently behind cover of a truck
  711. 10:21 PM - Flint: My pyrokinetics just make a bunch of flamin' balls
  712. 10:21 PM - Doc: can you make a avatar style flame-fist dagger thing
  713. 10:21 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: let
  714. 10:21 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 's not forget, cars are powered by nuclear reactors
  715. 10:21 PM - Flint: I either need to level up for the ridiculous shit or like..get training
  716. 10:21 PM - Flint: I'd like to make a flame fist dagger
  717. 10:21 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Not really, Flint
  718. 10:21 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: remember the car?
  719. 10:21 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you made it go fast
  720. 10:22 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: that was totally something
  721. 10:22 PM - Dez: WAIT
  722. 10:22 PM - Dez: FLINTS GOT THROWING
  723. 10:22 PM - Flint: If I could do that or like..when I get stronger my flames will turn blue
  724. 10:22 PM - Dez: THROW THE SHOVEL
  726. 10:22 PM - Flint: Can I
  727. 10:22 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: sure
  728. 10:22 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: tell you what
  729. 10:22 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: crit it 1-5
  730. 10:22 PM - Flint: No not the shovel fuck that
  731. 10:22 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: and you decap it cleanly
  732. 10:22 PM - Dez: o :C
  733. 10:22 PM - Flint: I want to form my fireball into a fire disc
  734. 10:22 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: aw ok then
  735. 10:22 PM - Flint: and toss it, curving around the truck
  736. 10:23 PM - Flint: and decapping her
  737. 10:23 PM - Flint: Cause I'm awesome
  738. 10:23 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: but sure, maybe when your fires grow a little hotter
  739. 10:23 PM - Flint: Is that a yes?
  740. 10:23 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: hmmm
  741. 10:23 PM - Flint: I got to start learning mad skills, bruh
  742. 10:24 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Roll me a 1d100, get a 1-20 and I'll allow it
  743. 10:24 PM - Flint: Oh god damn it
  744. 10:24 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: /plus/ it'll be a new skill you can permanantly access at will after that
  745. 10:24 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: lol
  746. 10:24 PM - Flint: Fuck everything I'll use the god damn shovel
  747. 10:24 PM - Flint: Give me that dumb shit
  748. 10:24 PM - Dez: you don't have like lightsaber levels of focused heat :V
  749. 10:24 PM - Flint: Fine here we go
  750. 10:24 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: :V
  751. 10:24 PM - Surd: you can do it
  752. 10:24 PM - Flint: What do I need to decapitate with a shovel?
  753. 10:24 PM - Dez: Dez throws Betsy over to Flint
  754. 10:25 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 1-5 for shovel decapatation :v
  755. 10:25 PM - Flint: Fuck
  756. 10:25 PM - Flint: Damn it
  757. 10:25 PM - Flint: I'm wasting shit doing dumb things here
  758. 10:25 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: welp
  759. 10:25 PM - Doc: just
  760. 10:25 PM - Doc: throw flint
  761. 10:25 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: wanna start from the top and just throw fireballs at her?
  762. 10:25 PM - Doc: wing has a good history throwing pyskers
  763. 10:25 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you'll get your chance at firediscs another day
  764. 10:26 PM - Flint: Sure, why not
  765. 10:26 PM - Flint: At least they hit
  766. 10:26 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: First one did, at least. Second didn't, because she's behind cover
  767. 10:26 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll the damage
  768. 10:26 PM - Flint: Is she counted as on fire?\
  769. 10:26 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: aye
  770. 10:26 PM - Flint: 21
  771. 10:26 PM - Flint: damage
  772. 10:26 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I /did/ roll fire damage for her, after all
  773. 10:27 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 15 damage
  774. 10:27 PM - Flint: cool
  775. 10:27 PM - Flint: end turn or w/e
  776. 10:27 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: hot, you mean
  777. 10:28 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You chuck a few fireballs in her direction, the first one making direct contact as she peeks out of cover, while the second just thunks against the truck
  778. 10:28 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You did manage to slag the side mirror with that, though
  779. 10:28 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Dez, you're on
  780. 10:28 PM - Dez: do I gotta run to her?
  781. 10:29 PM - Dez: or is she in melee distance?
  782. 10:29 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: unless you're telekinetic
  783. 10:29 PM - Dez: alright I'll sprint over to her
  784. 10:29 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: she just ran her full AP's worth away, /sprinted/ away, even
  785. 10:29 PM - Dez: o
  786. 10:29 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so you'll have to do the same
  787. 10:29 PM - Dez: can I try an tackle her :V
  788. 10:29 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: first roll the END
  789. 10:29 PM - Dez: pass
  790. 10:30 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll STR
  791. 10:30 PM - Dez: pass
  792. 10:31 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You successfully tackle her
  793. 10:31 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You are now on fire!
  794. 10:31 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Congratulations
  795. 10:31 PM - Dez: I can handle it
  796. 10:31 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Well, you've got her pinned, but that's all you can do
  797. 10:31 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, your turn
  798. 10:32 PM - Surd: So Dez and Cathy are on the other side of the truck, 12 hexes away?
  799. 10:32 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: aye
  800. 10:32 PM - Dez: brb
  801. 10:32 PM - Surd: reload and end turn
  802. 10:32 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you could at least advance a few paces or get behind cover :v
  803. 10:32 PM - Dez: if it comes to my turn I'll just wack with a shovel
  804. 10:33 PM - Surd: who's gonna shoot me
  805. 10:33 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: If you're sure that's all you want, Surd
  806. 10:33 PM - Surd: all the enemies are behind the other side of the truck
  807. 10:33 PM - Surd: tackled
  808. 10:33 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: true enough
  809. 10:33 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint, you're up
  810. 10:33 PM - Flint: Yeah I'll just move up to within 8 hexes and end turn
  811. 10:34 PM - Flint: Since Dez is wrestling with her
  812. 10:34 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Then cathy will take her fire damage
  813. 10:34 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 10 fire damage
  814. 10:34 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: meanwhile, you hear another *ksssh*
  815. 10:35 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: gg cathy
  816. 10:35 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 1 whole hp
  817. 10:35 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: keep it ^
  818. 10:35 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: she's going to roll to get Dez off her enough so she can her her gun into position on his gut
  819. 10:36 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: pass! Right on the button
  820. 10:36 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: and now she burst fires into Dez at point blank
  821. 10:37 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: the first round makes a dent in his thick metal armor, a dent which her second round pushes all the way through, while her third round dings elsewhere on his armor ineffectually
  822. 10:37 PM - Doc: """"wrestling""""""
  823. 10:37 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: but as for the damage...
  824. 10:38 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 19 damage, -5DT/-5DR
  825. 10:38 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Dez's turn but he's busy jerking off so I'll just roll his melee
  826. 10:39 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: hey dice
  827. 10:39 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: why are you making me kill my own boss
  828. 10:39 PM - Doc: yeah i need to go jerk off too
  829. 10:39 PM - Doc: oh man now that im not playing i can jerk off anytime i want
  830. 10:39 PM - Dez: back
  831. 10:39 PM - Dez: did I kill em yet
  832. 10:39 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: oh good yes you should roll instead of me
  833. 10:39 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: most definitely
  834. 10:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: let's completely disregard my superpass and crit
  835. 10:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: against her
  836. 10:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: good
  837. 10:40 PM - Dez: o wat
  838. 10:40 PM - Dez: u trickster gm u
  839. 10:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: shhhshshhshshshhh
  840. 10:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you heard nothing
  841. 10:40 PM - Dez: no prepare for more work
  842. 10:40 PM - Dez: whats her AC?
  843. 10:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 18
  844. 10:40 PM - Dez: eh tleast I got 1 pass
  845. 10:40 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll ye dmg
  846. 10:41 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: also roll 3d6 for firedamage
  847. 10:41 PM - Dez: 20
  848. 10:41 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: because you are on fire
  849. 10:41 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you take 13 damage
  850. 10:41 PM - Dez: that is correct
  851. 10:41 PM - Dez: bypasses armor?
  852. 10:41 PM - Dez: gay
  853. 10:41 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: nope
  854. 10:41 PM - Dez: 9 dmg
  855. 10:42 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Cathy is hanging on by a hair
  856. 10:42 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: A hair which is on fire
  857. 10:42 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, your go
  859. 10:42 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: also Dez don't forget the 19 damage Cathy pumped into you -5DT/DR
  860. 10:43 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: "FUCKSTICK WASTER WILL BURN WITH ME"
  861. 10:43 PM - Dez: o
  862. 10:43 PM - Dez: 9 dmg
  863. 10:43 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, going to do anything?
  864. 10:43 PM - Surd: This seems like a situation I should be helping with
  865. 10:44 PM - Surd: I dive thrice
  866. 10:44 PM - Surd: no wait nevermind
  867. 10:44 PM - Surd: I walk ten spaces
  868. 10:44 PM - Dez: >dive thrice
  869. 10:44 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you could have done that before :v
  870. 10:44 PM - Dez: we playing the witcher or something
  871. 10:44 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint, your go
  872. 10:44 PM - Surd: darkwood grain ring
  873. 10:44 PM - Surd: etc. etc.
  874. 10:45 PM - Flint: Hmm
  875. 10:45 PM - Flint: They're still tackling, lots of fire
  876. 10:45 PM - Flint: I can only make this worse
  877. 10:45 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: As a tactical expert, I recommend you kiss her
  878. 10:45 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Trust me this is the appropriate thing to do
  879. 10:45 PM - Dez: it worked for me
  880. 10:45 PM - Flint: I should never have gotten Sex Appeal
  881. 10:45 PM - Dez: an 67 y/o ukrainian man
  882. 10:45 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: extinguish the fires on her body with the fires in your heart
  883. 10:45 PM - Flint: The realest curse
  884. 10:45 PM - Surd:
  885. 10:45 PM - Dez: found himself face to face with a monolith soldier in the zone
  886. 10:46 PM - Dez: I kissed this soldier on the top of his exoskeleton helmet
  887. 10:46 PM - Dez: I didn't take a single shot that combat
  888. 10:46 PM - Dez: merchant was a magical character
  889. 10:46 PM - Flint: I have no idea, I'm like super blank here
  890. 10:46 PM - Flint: So..I guess I'll watch
  891. 10:46 PM - Flint: Good luck Dez you got it
  892. 10:46 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Dez is already on fire, just throw more fire
  893. 10:46 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: not like it can hurt him :v
  894. 10:47 PM - Flint: I'll try not to worsen the situation
  895. 10:47 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: oh oh I know
  896. 10:47 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: roll throwing
  897. 10:47 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: trust me on this just do it
  898. 10:47 PM - Flint: what?
  899. 10:47 PM - Dez: just do it
  900. 10:47 PM - Dez: gm knows what we want
  901. 10:47 PM - Flint: 77
  902. 10:48 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I was gonna have you light the back of her eyeballs on fire but that'd probably ruin the head wouldn't it
  903. 10:48 PM - Dez: yes
  904. 10:49 PM - Flint: Oh so now I can do more silly pyro stuff ? :V
  905. 10:49 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I was trying to be nice :c
  906. 10:49 PM - Dez: you can do silly pyro stuff
  907. 10:49 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You just gotta get better at doing silly pyro stuff
  908. 10:49 PM - Flint: Being that my abilities are not fine tuned to helping Dez out without outright killing him, I'll just hold back.
  909. 10:49 PM - Dez: just not throwing sharp ass fire discs
  910. 10:49 PM - Dez: lol nothing will kill me
  911. 10:49 PM - Dez: do whatever
  912. 10:50 PM - Dez: also if I do die
  913. 10:50 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: throw fireballs at dez
  914. 10:50 PM - Dez: then we can hear ciaster say ("I LEAVE YOU ALONE FOR 1 MINUTE")
  915. 10:50 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: well, if you're skipping, so be it
  916. 10:50 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Cathy's turn!
  917. 10:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: She will attempt to knee Dez in the nads
  918. 10:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: c-c-c-critical hit
  919. 10:51 PM - Dez: shit
  920. 10:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so, turns out, her pants are armored too
  921. 10:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: and like
  922. 10:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: raider-armored armored
  923. 10:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: like
  924. 10:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: she got spikes on her knees raider-armored
  925. 10:51 PM - Dez: fuck
  926. 10:51 PM - Dez: I should have a cod piece tho right :V
  927. 10:51 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: see, spikes on knees that enter your genetalia tend to be excruciatingly painful
  928. 10:52 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: no
  929. 10:52 PM - Dez:
  930. 10:52 PM - Dez: I do
  931. 10:52 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: well it pierced your codpiece
  932. 10:52 PM - Dez: huhueheueheu
  933. 10:52 PM - Dez: fuck
  934. 10:52 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: your balls are now crippled
  935. 10:53 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: and you lose your next turn, as she pushes you off her and stands up
  936. 10:53 PM - Dez: thats not good
  937. 10:53 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: unfortunately, she's still on fire, and takes 8 damage
  938. 10:53 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: but her little healing assistant heals a whole 4 of that
  939. 10:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Dez, roll fire damage
  940. 10:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: while rolling on the floor in agonizing testicular pain
  941. 10:54 PM - Dez: 5
  942. 10:54 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Surd, your go
  943. 10:55 PM - Surd: I walk two hexes
  944. 10:55 PM - Surd: and shoot four times
  945. 10:55 PM - Surd: all hits?
  946. 10:55 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: how do you manage to roll like that man
  947. 10:55 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I don't get it
  948. 10:55 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: yeah, they're hits
  949. 10:55 PM - Surd: like how?
  950. 10:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you got 2 48s in a row :v
  951. 10:56 PM - Surd: check em'
  952. 10:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You pump her chest full of lead, and she falls
  953. 10:56 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: on top of Dez
  954. 10:57 PM - Surd: "Yeah Dez, get it in"
  955. 10:57 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Both her corpse and Dez are no longer on fire, at least
  956. 10:58 PM - Dez: "I hate this bullshit."
  957. 10:58 PM - Doc: Don't fuck the robot corpse
  958. 10:58 PM - Dez: Dez pushes the corpse off and decaps with the shovel
  959. 11:00 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: [1] Metal Armor CND16, [1] Cathy's Carbine (M1 Carbine), [17] .30 Carbine FMJ rounds, [2] Stimpaks, [1] Nuka Cola, [1] Med-X, [1] Cathy's Head
  960. 11:00 PM - Dez: dibs on Med-X and 1 stim
  961. 11:00 PM - Dez: also someone should take the carbine for ciaster
  962. 11:01 PM - Dez: oohohoh
  963. 11:01 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Cathy's Carbine (M1 Carbine) CND20: Capable of 3-round bursts
  964. 11:01 PM - Dez: and the metal armor
  965. 11:01 PM - Surd: I'll be the pack mule if I can take the stimpack
  966. 11:01 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: As you pat down her corpse for loot, you take a peek inside her armor
  967. 11:01 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Flint, roll Science
  968. 11:02 PM - Dez: you don't really need a biology degree to know what going on down there
  969. 11:02 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: :v
  970. 11:02 PM - Flint: got a 60
  971. 11:02 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: that a pass?
  972. 11:02 PM - Flint: of 62, so yes
  973. 11:02 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: nice
  974. 11:04 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: You take a look at the wires and mishmashed doodads. It looks like Cathy's actually pretty flat-chested, and that most of the bust that her metal armor conformed to was taken up with all sorts of doohickies and tubes wired into her chest with needles. While the device itself is slagged and useless, you might be able to reproduce the design with the right parts. You won't know where to stick the needles, though. For that you'll need a Doctor.
  975. 11:04 PM - Dez: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  976. 11:05 PM - Doc: a doctor
  977. 11:05 PM - Doc: you say
  978. 11:05 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: yes
  979. 11:05 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: wing
  980. 11:05 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: we are aware
  981. 11:05 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: that you have the skill tagged
  982. 11:06 PM - Surd: "Hey Flint, see anything interesting in there?"
  983. 11:06 PM - Dez: oh no
  984. 11:06 PM - Dez: I was oing at the Doctor
  985. 11:06 PM - Dez: and that explains why potato is here :V
  986. 11:06 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: ehwot
  987. 11:06 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: no he just kinda showed up and is watching
  988. 11:06 PM - Doc: yeah
  989. 11:06 PM - Doc: BUT
  990. 11:06 PM - Dez: oh does Doc not get a cameo
  991. 11:07 PM - Doc: since im here and all
  992. 11:07 PM - Dez: you kinda capitalized that shit all suggestive-like
  993. 11:07 PM - Doc: yeah
  994. 11:07 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I was capitalizing it to indicate the need for the skill Doctor
  995. 11:07 PM - Doc: boo
  996. 11:07 PM - Dez: o
  997. 11:08 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you want to show up and die with your peashooting .22, go ahead potato
  998. 11:08 PM - Dez: just tell me when you need my rolls then
  999. 11:08 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: these dudes are getting wrecked and they're a little more prepared :v
  1000. 11:08 PM - Flint: I'll relay the info or w/e
  1001. 11:08 PM - Flint: and uh
  1002. 11:08 PM - Flint: mention a doctor or something
  1003. 11:08 PM - Flint: that would be required
  1004. 11:09 PM - Surd: "Dez, I got some parts here. Think you can figure out how to build something like this?"
  1005. 11:09 PM - Dez: "Uh yeah maybe. I don't really know all this cyborgy stuff but I could give it a go."
  1007. 11:09 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: The parts you have here are most definitely not enough. But you /do/ recall you had some similar parts back at the truck, what with the AutoDoc and half a Mister Handy you have back there
  1008. 11:10 PM - Dez: "I put a pegleg on a guy so this can't be too different."
  1009. 11:10 PM - Doc: Doc looks out a window, sees large amounts of smoke in the distance, shakes her head and goes back to her work
  1010. 11:10 PM - Doc: ~fin~
  1011. 11:11 PM - Dez: wow whiskey is awful
  1012. 11:11 PM - Surd: yeah but it's like $100 a bottle
  1013. 11:11 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so, you can build a little stimpak auto-inject using some parts from the truck, if you felt like it
  1014. 11:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: but the stims will be less potent
  1015. 11:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: because reason
  1016. 11:12 PM - Surd: what are the advantages of auto-inject?
  1017. 11:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: well, you don't need to stop and pop a stimpak
  1018. 11:12 PM - Dez: no AP cost
  1019. 11:12 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: but they only heal 1d10 instead of 1d10+10, so it's a big gamble
  1020. 11:13 PM - Surd: maybe we can build one and then sell it to a hospital or something
  1021. 11:13 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: you can also always just fill it with chems instead
  1022. 11:13 PM - Surd: I like this idea
  1023. 11:13 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: mine or yours :v
  1024. 11:13 PM - Surd: yours
  1025. 11:14 PM - Surd: by which i mean the chems
  1026. 11:14 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: Chems are fun!
  1027. 11:14 PM - Dez: dude
  1028. 11:14 PM - Dez: you could totally be like bane or something
  1029. 11:14 PM - Surd: I have 3 EN
  1030. 11:14 PM - Dez: just pumping loads of psycho a buffout into you
  1031. 11:14 PM - Surd: I'll puke in my gasmask and die
  1032. 11:15 PM - Dez: just as long as you don't get fucked by the after effects and go negative
  1033. 11:15 PM - Dez: you'll be fine
  1034. 11:15 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: so basically
  1035. 11:15 PM - Dez: just have enough drugs to sustain yourself /forever/
  1036. 11:15 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: never stop taking chems
  1037. 11:15 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: or you die
  1038. 11:15 PM - Dez: yes
  1039. 11:15 PM - Surd: It's just like Akira
  1040. 11:15 PM - Dez: remind me of this character idea
  1041. 11:16 PM - Dez: I totally gotta do this for cyberpunk or fallout (if we ever play fallout again after this)
  1042. 11:16 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I guess we should probably call it quits here because I need to get up even earlier tomorrow now that school's started again
  1043. 11:16 PM - Dez: anything that gives me drug auto injectors
  1044. 11:16 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: tomorrow is my art class, yaaay
  1045. 11:16 PM - Dez: kk coolio
  1046. 11:16 PM - Surd: Cool, what kind of art class?
  1047. 11:16 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: but the class description said I'd have to draw nude models
  1048. 11:16 PM - Flint: yeah s'all good
  1049. 11:16 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: I don't want to draw dicks
  1050. 11:16 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: oh also
  1051. 11:16 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: 1600xp
  1052. 11:17 PM - Flint: sweet
  1053. 11:17 PM - Dez: draw dicks all the time
  1054. 11:17 PM - Dez: and then when the nude models come
  1055. 11:17 PM - Dez: draw a fruit bowl
  1056. 11:17 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: if I wanted to draw you I'd ask for pics nerd
  1057. 11:17 PM - Flint: I'll try to finalize levelling up later
  1058. 11:17 PM - Dez: :C
  1059. 11:17 PM - Moderate to Severely Unstable GM: ha
  1060. 11:17 PM - Surd: If you're drawing the whole model, the dick will be so undetailed that it'll just be a cylinder really
  1061. 11:18 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: Targets remaining: Laser Larry, Humvee Huey
  1062. 11:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: r u red e
  1063. 11:19 PM - Dez: no
  1064. 11:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: good
  1065. 11:19 PM - Dez: give me 1 week from today to prepare
  1066. 11:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: k
  1067. 11:19 PM - Surd: We've killed 16 people so far
  1068. 11:19 PM - Surd: and three rats
  1069. 11:19 PM - Surd: and crippled two
  1070. 11:19 PM - Surd: and abandoned one
  1071. 11:19 PM - Dez: and a lot more before you guys came
  1072. 11:20 PM - Dez: like raider combat encounters ever 30 minutes because of shit outdoorsman rolls :V
  1073. 11:20 PM - Dez: every*
  1074. 11:20 PM - Surd: How many bats did you manage to kill?
  1075. 11:20 PM - Dez: 1 maybe
  1076. 11:20 PM - Dez: out of all the times
  1077. 11:20 PM - Dez: we were closest to death then
  1078. 11:20 PM - Dez: and so we ran
  1079. 11:21 PM - Dez: the bat protects these streets 0_0
  1080. 11:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: passing Outdoorsman rolls just means you see the trouble before it sees you
  1081. 11:21 PM - Surd: Maybe I should be like Bane
  1082. 11:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: failing doesn't mean instant encounter
  1083. 11:21 PM - Dez: ewhatever
  1084. 11:21 PM - Surd: Like, when we got Tim I passed that roll
  1085. 11:22 PM - Surd: But they had fast car and money money so they caught us
  1086. 11:22 PM - Dez: just pump yourself full of drugs to balance out all your shit stats
  1087. 11:22 PM - Surd: I have no shit stats
  1088. 11:22 PM - Dez: so you got like maxed stats p much all the time :V
  1089. 11:22 PM - Dez: 3 END
  1090. 11:22 PM - Surd: Well, okay that one
  1091. 11:22 PM - Dez: shit stat m8
  1092. 11:23 PM - Dez: don't you have 10 AGL and LCK>
  1093. 11:23 PM - Dez: ?
  1094. 11:23 PM - Surd: Yes
  1095. 11:23 PM - Surd: 5,7,3,6,6,10,10
  1096. 11:23 PM - Dez: obviously some of your other stats have to be shit
  1097. 11:23 PM - Dez: what
  1098. 11:23 PM - Surd: gifted
  1099. 11:23 PM - Dez: oh
  1100. 11:23 PM - Surd: human
  1101. 11:24 PM - Surd: So I can take buffout to get my end to 5
  1102. 11:24 PM - Surd: Mentats to get my PE to 9 and CH to 7 and IN to 9
  1103. 11:25 PM - Surd: Drugs can't bring me over the racial maximum, right?
  1104. 11:25 PM - Dez: nah don't think so
  1105. 11:25 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: nope
  1106. 11:25 PM - Dez: might be neat to be able to do that but with huge consequences
  1107. 11:25 PM - Dez: but we'd just unbalance the game more :V
  1108. 11:26 PM - Surd: I become a demigod
  1109. 11:26 PM - Surd: and ascend
  1110. 11:26 PM - Surd: and become unable to intervene in mortal matters
  1111. 11:26 PM - Dez: this has happened in our fallout games so many times
  1112. 11:26 PM - Dez: that it wouldn't even be suprising
  1113. 11:27 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: hawaii man
  1114. 11:27 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: we don't talk about hawaii
  1115. 11:27 PM - Surd: If two different drugs have similar effects, do they stack?
  1116. 11:27 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: yep
  1117. 11:27 PM - Dez: also brick
  1118. 11:27 PM - Dez: and sort of batman
  1119. 11:27 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: in fact the same drug stacks in the original as I recall
  1120. 11:27 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: SPECIAL boosts anyway
  1121. 11:27 PM - Dez: and clasp with thunder/BORIS/EAGLE
  1122. 11:27 PM - Surd: okay, so I take Jet, Turboject, and Turbocharge
  1123. 11:28 PM - Surd: My .38 special costs 1 AP because of the turbocharge and fast shot
  1124. 11:28 PM - Surd: I have 16 AP from the 10 AG
  1125. 11:28 PM - Surd: and the +6 AP from the other drugs
  1126. 11:28 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: get bonus ranged attacks perk while you're at it
  1127. 11:28 PM - Surd: which one's that?
  1128. 11:29 PM - Trooper-Guy1: Should I try to optimizing to this degree? :V
  1129. 11:29 PM - Dez: Surd is like the gunslinging demigod of Brick
  1130. 11:29 PM - Surd: well, bonus rate of fire isn't until level 15
  1131. 11:29 PM - Dez: troop you don't gotta optimize
  1132. 11:29 PM - Surd: but I can do the drugs thing next week
  1133. 11:29 PM - Dez: Surd seems to balance out by getting equally shitty and good rolls
  1134. 11:30 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: well that depeneds on if you're willing to cope with the side effects
  1135. 11:30 PM - Surd: I am not
  1136. 11:30 PM - Surd: I won't actually do this
  1137. 11:30 PM - Trooper-Guy1: He's going to go demigod and then crazier enemies will go for us and I'm going to be in the crossfire of post-apocalyptic rambo and his rivals
  1138. 11:30 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: and if Surd is the drug-taking type
  1139. 11:30 PM - Dez: I could probably deal with drugs the best because 9 END
  1140. 11:30 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: he'll shoot his pistol and reload it faster than someone can burst fire 10 rounds
  1141. 11:30 PM - Dez: but it'll be the same thing as schnitzel
  1142. 11:31 PM - Dez: every other session I'll just OD and gotta pass 9 level END rolls or else I'll die :V
  1143. 11:31 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: watch you 10 each roll
  1144. 11:31 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: you'll get 1s for pedaling a bike but god help you in actual combat
  1145. 11:31 PM - Dez: yep
  1146. 11:32 PM - Surd: Okay, so with the Turbocharge, 10 AG, Jet and TurboJet, I can sprint 64 hexes in a round
  1147. 11:32 PM - Surd: This is increased if I'm a dog with 15 AG
  1148. 11:32 PM - Dez: I love how schnitzel died at the best time though
  1149. 11:32 PM - Surd: and take Bonus move
  1150. 11:32 PM - Dez: right at the end of the beginning arc
  1151. 11:32 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: that is 64 meters, or over 192 feet
  1152. 11:32 PM - Dez: oh
  1153. 11:32 PM - Dez: my
  1154. 11:32 PM - Dez: god
  1155. 11:32 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: in about 20 seconds
  1156. 11:32 PM - Dez: drug dog
  1157. 11:33 PM - Dez: with all our dog additions and some cyberware stuff
  1158. 11:33 PM - Dez: we should just make a dog character that's just juicing all the time
  1159. 11:33 PM - Surd: with dog agility and two ranks of bonus move
  1160. 11:33 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: actually, a turn in combat is supposed to be 10 seconds
  1161. 11:33 PM - Surd: that's 100 meters in 20 second
  1162. 11:33 PM - Surd: 10 seconds
  1163. 11:33 PM - Surd: 10 m/s sprint
  1164. 11:33 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: jesus
  1165. 11:34 PM - Surd: you know that far side comic
  1166. 11:34 PM - Surd: where this dog is dreaming
  1167. 11:34 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge:
  1168. 11:34 PM - Surd: about chasing a car
  1169. 11:34 PM - Surd: and finally catching it?
  1170. 11:34 PM - Surd: this is that dog
  1171. 11:34 PM - Dez: usain can do 19 seconds for the 200
  1172. 11:35 PM - Dez: we need to break the world harder
  1173. 11:35 PM - Surd: i'm giving her all she's got, captain
  1174. 11:36 PM - Surd: okay so it's time to include the cyberware
  1175. 11:38 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: cyberware is hardly ready for use man
  1176. 11:38 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: we can't possibly take the risk
  1177. 11:38 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: it's too great
  1178. 11:38 PM - Dez: wait
  1179. 11:38 PM - Dez: whats the max agility for the dog
  1180. 11:38 PM - Surd: 15
  1181. 11:38 PM - Surd: like i said
  1182. 11:38 PM - Surd: 15+6
  1183. 11:38 PM - Surd: +4 from bonus move
  1184. 11:39 PM - Dez: shit I was hoping nightstalker had more
  1185. 11:39 PM - Surd: sprinting cost is halved from turbojet
  1186. 11:39 PM - Dez: you can take leadfoot as a dog
  1187. 11:39 PM - Dez: I am convinced
  1188. 11:39 PM - Dez: dog best race
  1189. 11:40 PM - Surd: 100 hexes in a turn
  1190. 11:40 PM - Dez: jesus christ
  1191. 11:40 PM - Surd: if you count yourself as a vehicle
  1192. 11:40 PM - Surd: then it's 125
  1193. 11:40 PM - Surd: maybe if someone rides the dog?
  1194. 11:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: how would that even work
  1195. 11:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: how does leadfoot alter the dog's speed
  1196. 11:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: you do not pilot a dog
  1197. 11:42 PM - Dez: you could tho
  1198. 11:42 PM - Dez: give the god enough END/STR
  1199. 11:42 PM - Surd: no, the rider takes leadfoot
  1200. 11:42 PM - Dez: might be able to support your weight
  1201. 11:42 PM - Surd: or the dog could take strong back
  1202. 11:42 PM - Dez: and if the dog has packrat n stuff
  1203. 11:42 PM - Dez: yeah
  1204. 11:42 PM - Surd: the dog will have to have minimum end and str to get to ag 15
  1205. 11:43 PM - Surd: okay, how about a sled team of superfast dogs
  1206. 11:43 PM - Dez: oh god :V
  1207. 11:43 PM - Surd: this should have been in Operation Anchorage
  1208. 11:43 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: rip
  1209. 11:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: shit wrong chat
  1210. 11:44 PM - Dez: wat
  1211. 11:44 PM - Dez: nvm
  1212. 11:45 PM - Surd: Oh wait hold on
  1213. 11:45 PM - Surd: turbojet halves the cost of firing a gun
  1214. 11:45 PM - Surd: Bonus Rate of Fire reduces the AP cost by one
  1215. 11:45 PM - Surd: 0 AP to fire
  1216. 11:45 PM - Dez: also did you look at the animal gear?
  1217. 11:45 PM - Surd: no i haven't
  1218. 11:45 PM - Dez: there is power armor that give +2 STR
  1219. 11:46 PM - Dez: with shoulder guns too
  1220. 11:46 PM - Surd: Dogs have crappy intelligence
  1221. 11:47 PM - Surd: there's no way they'll hit anyhing
  1222. 11:47 PM - Dez: you don't need intelligence to hit stuff :V
  1223. 11:47 PM - Dez: you need perception
  1224. 11:47 PM - Surd: well, to get the skill points you do
  1225. 11:47 PM - Surd: the shoulder guns need small guns, right?
  1226. 11:47 PM - Dez: dunno tbh
  1227. 11:47 PM - Dez: its not like they have many points to spend stuff in
  1228. 11:48 PM - Dez: if someone was going to powergame hard enough on this dog then they would focus just on melee and small guns :V
  1229. 11:48 PM - Dez: o fuq
  1230. 11:48 PM - Dez: there is a perk that can let you remove all restrictions
  1231. 11:48 PM - Dez: /all/
  1232. 11:49 PM - Dez: dogs can learn the mysteries of the fruit
  1233. 11:49 PM - Surd: I forget what that one does
  1234. 11:49 PM - Dez: fruit gives you added perception or agility or whatever
  1235. 11:49 PM - Dez: its the only perk i could think of that dogs can't use
  1236. 11:50 PM - Surd: The low racial maxima will also preclude some dogs from taking stuff
  1237. 11:50 PM - Surd: Slayer, for example
  1238. 11:51 PM - Dez: 1 to agility and 1 perception when eating fruit
  1239. 11:51 PM - Dez: yeah but that perk removes all restrictions so it'd be fine
  1240. 11:51 PM - Surd: nice
  1241. 11:53 PM - Trooper-Guy1 left chat.
  1242. 11:53 PM - Dez: anyway I'm off to bed then
  1243. 11:53 PM - Doc: ok if anyone is doing the powergaming dog its me
  1244. 11:53 PM - Dez: gm logged this?
  1245. 11:53 PM - Dez: I would be a neat project
  1246. 11:53 PM - Doc: i want to be the powergamer for once :c
  1247. 11:53 PM - Dez: taking a max level dog and trying to make it as OP as possibl
  1248. 11:53 PM - Surd: no, it wasn't logged
  1249. 11:53 PM - Surd: so are we going for speed or for combat effectiveness or what?
  1250. 11:54 PM - Dez: anything really
  1251. 11:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: yeah it's logged
  1252. 11:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: and I'm out too
  1253. 11:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: gnight
  1254. 11:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge left chat.
  1255. 11:54 PM - Doc: i want to do this now
  1256. 11:54 PM - Dez: how many actions the dog can do in 1 turn is probably the most useful
  1257. 11:54 PM - Surd: Turbojet is a little ambiguous
  1258. 11:54 PM - Doc: have the dog join brick in the relm of OP fallout PNP characters
  1259. 11:54 PM - Dez: then we'll go for damage if possible
  1260. 11:55 PM - Dez: yep
  1261. 11:55 PM - Dez: What would we call it
  1262. 11:55 PM - Doc: hhmmm
  1263. 11:55 PM - Dez: goD?
  1264. 11:55 PM - Surd: if it costs 1 AP, does taking turbojet make it cost 0.5?
  1265. 11:55 PM - Doc: mortar
  1266. 11:55 PM - Doc: godog
  1267. 11:55 PM - Surd: Call it Courage
  1268. 11:55 PM - Surd: godog is nice
  1269. 11:55 PM - Doc: yeah
  1270. 11:55 PM - Dez: I like Courage :V
  1271. 11:55 PM - Dez: Courage the godog
  1272. 11:55 PM - Doc: yes
  1273. 11:55 PM - Doc: Courage the godog
  1274. 11:56 PM - Doc: thats a god dog
  1275. 11:56 PM - Doc: wait
  1276. 11:56 PM - Doc: how do dogs take drugs
  1277. 11:56 PM - Dez: I'll add the rest of this stuff to the log just so we can get this shit written in stone
  1278. 11:56 PM - Dez: someone either injects them
  1279. 11:56 PM - Dez: or the dog uses auto injector cyberware
  1280. 11:56 PM - Doc: yeah
  1281. 11:57 PM - Surd: I don't know all that much about animal testing
  1282. 11:57 PM - Surd: but they give drugs to dogs somehow
  1283. 11:57 PM - Dez: you just put it in their food or inject them
  1284. 11:57 PM - Surd: I think somebody suggested adding a Beastmaster psyker race
  1285. 11:57 PM - Dez: stick em in a room full of weed :V
  1286. 11:57 PM - Dez: it ain't hard
  1287. 11:57 PM - Dez: just get animal friend
  1288. 11:57 PM - Surd: If that has any buffs we should remember to include it
  1289. 11:57 PM - Doc: yeah, i wanted to add beastmaster
  1290. 11:58 PM - Dez: nah
  1291. 11:58 PM - Dez: just makes you friendly to animals
  1292. 11:58 PM - Surd: Yeah I'm saying if the beastmaster race gets added
  1293. 11:58 PM - Doc: i'm gonna look over the rulebook, see how broken we can make this
  1294. 11:58 PM - Doc: omfg
  1295. 11:58 PM - Dez: wat
  1296. 11:58 PM - Doc: imagine if godog had animal friend
  1297. 11:58 PM - Dez: and became godog of the dogs?
  1298. 11:58 PM - Doc: so everywhere he goes he recruits other animals into the fight
  1299. 11:59 PM - Surd: This was literally the plot of Van Buren
  1300. 11:59 PM - Surd: okay not literally
  1301. 11:59 PM - Dez: we could also give him the voice modulator
  1302. 11:59 PM - Doc: pretty soon you have a pack of bats, moles, dogs lead by a killer cyberdog
  1303. 11:59 PM - Dez: and try to powergame up his charisma
  1304. 11:59 PM - Doc: and some people following him around
  1305. 11:59 PM - Dez: so he can literally be so fucking cool
  1306. 11:59 PM - Doc: we could all play as dogs
  1307. 11:59 PM - Dez: that this dog
  1308. 11:59 PM - Dez: would rule the world
  1309. 11:59 PM - Surd: Get magnetic personality as his unrestricted perk
  1310. 11:59 PM - Doc: so we wouldnt need a voice thing to talk
  1311. 11:59 PM - Surd: or brown noser
  1312. Saturday, August 30, 2014
  1313. 12:00 AM - Doc: huehue
  1314. 12:00 AM - Doc: brown nose
  1315. 12:00 AM - Doc: dog
  1316. 12:00 AM - Dez: :V
  1317. 12:00 AM - Dez: so we done here?
  1318. 12:00 AM - Surd: but, like imagine if there was a whole dogfighting ring
  1319. 12:00 AM - Surd: yes i am done
  1320. 12:00 AM - Surd left chat.
  1321. 12:00 AM - Dez: I don't want to leave and then lose potentially loggable stuff
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