

May 9th, 2017
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  212. </style><div id="links" style="position: fixed;">
  213. <a href="#one" class="nav">Updates</a> <a href="#two" class="nav">Activites</a> <a href="#three" class="nav">Graphics</a> <a href="#four" class="nav">Fonts</a> <a href="#five" class="nav">Awards</a> <a href="/" class="nav">Liquid Luck</a> <a href="/" class="nav">Express</a> <div style="float: right; margin-right: 20px;"><a href="#clear" class="nav">x</a></div>
  214. </div>
  216. <div id="whole" style="position: absolute;"><a name="clear"></a><div id="top"></div>
  218. <a name="one"></a><div id="blog" style="margin-top: 150px;">
  220. <div class="hoh"><center><img src="" width="100"></center><h2>COUNCIL Hufflepuff </h2> <b>Kate</b> via <a href="">ravenclawing</a> <br>
  221. Talk here little blue whatever you want Talk here little blue whatever you want Talk here little blue whatever you want Talk here little blue whatever you want Talk here little blue whatever you want
  222. <h2>Prefect Hufflepuff </h2> <b>TBD</b> via <a href="">TBD</a></div>
  224. <div class="updates"><h3>Hufflepuff Updates</h3>
  226. <blockquote><b>02/05</b> Great job last term! Don't forget to get your guesses in for the mystery dinner!</blockquote>
  228. <blockquote><b>01/07</b> We are having so much fun this term, especially starting it off with quidditch! Good luck to Sam, Ivy, and Ashley: all of whom are playing in this game! Go support one of them and earn Hufflepuff more points, despite who wins!!</blockquote>
  230. <blockquote><b>01/01</b>Great job last term Hufflepuff! Special shout out to Sky! Who worked very hard on her Charms homework last term! Welcome to the guild!</blockquote>
  231. </div>
  233. <div class="challenge"><h2>Monthly Challenge</h2>
  234. <img src="" style="float: left; padding-right: 10px;">
  235. Hufflepuff will have a new challenge every term. Once a month I will challenge you to do something (generally be guild related). The winner of the challenge will receive an avatar to add to their collection.
  237. <h2>March's challenge</h2>
  238. Earn the most sickles
  240. <h2>February's Winner(s)</h2>
  241. username(s) here</div>
  242. </div>
  244. <a name="two"></a><div id="blog">
  245. <center><div style="width: 700px; text-align: justify;">
  246. <h4>Hufflepuff activities</h4>
  247. Here you'll find some fun things to do to earn house points for Hufflepuff and sickles for you to spend! In order to submit anything, shoot <a href="">Lakingga</a> a neomail. You can put multiple submissions in one neomail.<br><br><center><b>LAST UPDATE: 03/06<br></b></center>
  249. <h2>Always!</h2>
  250. One thing we all seem to have in common is that we have all seem to live in the world we've spent so much time reading, watching, and obsessing about. This activity will list a different aspect of the Wizarding World and you will receive <b>10 house points and 20 Sickles</b> for giving an answer!<br><div class="activity">Which class would you be most excited to take at Hogwarts?</div>
  252. <br><h2>Amortentia Accident!</h2>
  253. Cedric has been acting really weird today. He's been prancing around the dorm singing love songs. Tired of his terrible screeching, you take him to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey's test results show that he's been poisoned with a badly made love potion. Can you figure out who did this to him? Follow the clues below and solve the case. If you're correct you'll be granted with 10 house points and 20 Sickles!<br><div class="activity">She has 6 older brothers.</div>
  256. <br><h2>Creature Caring!</h2>
  257. Hagrid is hiding another creature in his hut. Determine what creature he is hiding from the description below and earn yourself <b>10 house points and 20 Sickles</b>!<br><div class="activity">This week's creature: <b>centaurs</b></div>
  259. <br><h2>Herbology Helper!</h2>Professor Sprout needs your assistance taking inventory for her Herbology classes. Can you figure out how much wormwood she has in stock? Doing so will earn you <b>10 house points and 20 Sickles</b>!<br><div class="activity"> - Start with 5<br>
  260.  - subtract by 3<br>
  261.  - multiply by 4<br>
  262. How much wormwood does she have?</div>
  264. <br><h2>Howler!</h2> Oh no! One of the someone has been messing around lately and it is time to set them straight! You need to send them a Howler! In order to do this decipher the clues to figure out which who needs to receive the Howler. Guessing the right guild member will earn you <b>10 house points and 20 Sickles</b> for giving an answer!<br><div class="activity"> - Has been a staff member before <br>
  265.  - Lives in Canada <br>
  266.  - Is crazyyyy nice </div>
  268. <br><h2>We Are Family!</h2> Ever see another Hufflepuff outside of the wizarding world? So have I. Give me a character or something from the following theme that you believe would have been sorted into Hufflepuff for <b>10 house points and 20 Sickles!</b><br><div class="activity">This weeks theme: <b>Frozen</b></div>
  270. <br><h2>Wenlock's Worries!</h2>Ugh! Bridget is so paranoid! Writing everything down in some sort of code makings things so complicated, even for her! Can you help this poor woman figure out what she was trying to say? If you can, you'll earn yourself <b>10 house points and 20 Sickles</b>!<br><div class="activity">colka</div>
  272. <br><h2>Who Said What!</h2> Here, all you have to identify who said a certain quote from the HP books. You get <b>10 house points and 20 Sickles</b> for figuring out who said what. <br><div class="activity">Don't count your owls before they are delivered.</div>
  274. <br><h2>Tonks' Time Turner!</h2> You have "accidentally" found a Time Turner among Tonks' belongings and you just had to play with it. You're now lost in time and you have no idea what year you're in, but you do know what's going on! Can you figure out what year you're in before Tonks finds out you messed with her stuff?
  275. If you can, you'll earn yourself <b>10 house points and 20 Sickles</b>!<br><div class="activity">Severus Snape started teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts</div>
  277. <br><h2>Trivia OTW</h2>
  278. No guild activities would be complete without some good old Harry Potter trivia of the week! If you can answer this, you'll earn <b>10 house points and 20 Sickles</b>!
  279. <br><div class="activity">Name 3 potions taught at Hogwarts.</div></div></center>
  280. </div>
  282. <a name="three"></a><div id="blog">
  283. <h4>Hufflepuff Graphics</h4>
  284. If you'd like to submit your own Hufflepuff graphics to go here, send them to our Head of House. Each banner or button earns you 15 house points and 25 Sickles, and each larger graphic is worth 30 house points and 40 Sickles. Please keep in mind that we have a limit. You can only make up to 5 banners and buttons and 2 large graphics a month.<br><br><h2>88x31 buttons</h2><br><center>
  285. <table class="buttons"><tr><th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  286. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  287. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  288. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  289. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  290. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  291. </tr><tr><th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  292. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  293. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  294. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  295. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  296. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  297. </tr><tr><th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  298. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  299. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  300. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  301. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th>
  302. <th><img src=""><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></th></tr><tr></tr></table></center>
  305. <h2>banners</h2> <center>(not full size; drag & drop to view)</center><br><br><center>
  306. <table class="banners"><tr><td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  307. <td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  308. </tr><tr><td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  309. <td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  310. </tr><tr><td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  311. <td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  312. </tr><tr><td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  313. <td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  314. </tr><tr><td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  315. <td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  316. </tr><tr><td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  317. <td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  318. </tr><tr><td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  319. <td><img src="" width="300" height="150"><br><textarea><a href="/~nomajes"><img src="" border="0"></a></textarea></td>
  320. </tr></table></center>
  321. </div>
  323. <a name="four"></a><div id="blog">
  324. <h4>Hufflepuff Fonts</h4>
  325. Below are submitted Hufflepuff fonts for you to use as your signature! And <a href="">here</a> is a convenient link to your board preferences. Submitting a font earns you 20 house points and 25 Sickles.<br><center>
  326. <table class="fonts"><tr><td><center>
  327. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontf=verdanas=1c=000]neoHTML[/font][br][fontc=000f=times=1]    LIQUID LUCK ★[/font][br][</textarea><textarea>][fontc=707070 f=arials=1]╱ ˙·..·˙˙·. [/font][fontc=d3b418f=timess=1][b][sub]HUFFLEPUFF[/sub][/b][br][/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  328. <td><center>
  329. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontf=verdanas=1c=000]neoHTML[/font][br]       [fontc=000s=1f=courier]LIQUID LUCK ϟ [/font][</textarea><textarea>][fontc=FFB90Fs=5f=zapfino]Hufflepuff[/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  330. </tr><tr><td><center>
  331. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontf=verdanas=1c=000]neoHTML[/font][br][fontc=000s=1f=times][sup]LIQUID LUCK [/sup][/font][</textarea><textarea>][fontc=514e01s=4]▍▍[/font][fontc=bbb400s=4f=verdana][b]HUFFLEPUFF[/b][/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  332. <td><center>
  333. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontf=verdanas=1c=black]neoHTML[/font][p][fontf=myriadpros=1c=#494A4A]i'm [b]just[/b] and [b]loyal[/b] in[/font][
  334. </textarea><textarea>]
  335. [fontf=georgias=3c=#BE922E][b]LIQUID LUCK[/b][/font]
  336. [fontf=myriadpros=1c=#494A4A]« [b]HUFFLEPUFF[/b] »[/font][/center]
  337. </textarea></center></td>
  338. </tr><tr><td><center>
  339. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontc=#333s=2f=arial]neoHTML[/font][br][fontc=#f2bc17s=4f=arial][b]ϟ[br]╭◯━◯╮[/b][br]▬▬▬☆ [</textarea><textarea>][/font][fontc=#333s=1f=monospace]˙·..·˙˙· YOUR NAME[br]GRYFFINDOR IN [u]LIQUID LUCK[/u] △[/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  340. <td><center>
  341. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fonts=1c=000]neoHTML[/font]
  342. [fontc=AE8D14f=georgia][i]Hufflεpuffs[/i] αre [i]truε[/i][/font]
  343. [</textarea><textarea>][fontc=0f=monospaces=1]AND UNAFRAID OF TOIL[/font]
  344. [fontc=AE8D14]¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯[/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  345. </tr><tr><td><center>
  346. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontc=#333s=2f=arial]neoHTML[/font][br][fontf=timess=4c=#f1b600]❝ [i]there is reason for hope.[/i] ❞[br]▔▔▔▔▔▔[</textarea><textarea>]▔▔▔▔▔▔[br][/font][fontf=monospaces=1c=#333]❖ HUFFLEPUFF IN LIQUID LUCK ❖[br]     ϟ [u]YOUR NAME[/u][/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  347. <td><center>
  348. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontc=#333s=2f=arial]neoHTML[/font][br][fontf=timess=4c=#f1b600][b]♔[br]▬▬▬ ℋ[/b] u f f l e p u f f ▬▬▬[</textarea><textarea>][br][/font][fontf=monospaces=1c=#333]L O Y A L & H O N E S T[br]     ϟ [u]YOUR NAME[/u][/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  349. </tr><tr><td><center>
  350. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontc=333s=2f=arial]neoHTML[p][/font][fontc=#f1b600s=4f=georgia][i]your name [/font][fontc=#2a2a2as=4f=arial]![</textarea><textarea>][/i] [br]░░ ϟ △ ░░[/font][br][fontc=#333s=1f=monospace]PROUD HUFFLEPUFF[br]IN [u]LIQUID LUCK[/u] ♥ [/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  351. <td><center>
  352. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[fontc=#333s=2f=arial]neoHTML[/font][br][fontf=monospaces=1c=#333][p][u]A LOCKED DOOR:[/u][br]GRYFFINDORS BUST THE DOOR[</textarea><textarea>].[br]RAVENCLAWS FIND THE KEY.[br]SLYTHERINS PICK THE LOCK.[/font][br][fontf=timess=4c=#DB1]ϟ we knock politely![/font]</textarea></center></td>
  353. </tr><tr><td><center>
  354. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontc=0s=1f=verdana]neoHTML[/font][fontc=#333s=2f=georgia][p]HUFFLEPUFF[/font][fontc=#f1b600s=2f=georgia][</textarea><textarea>] PRIDE[br]★▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔★[/font][br][fontc=#333s=1f=monospace]IN LIQUID LUCK! {ϟ} YOUR NAME[/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  355. <td><center>
  356. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center]neoHTML
  358. [fontc=AE8D14f=mistrals=3]Hufflepuff [/font][fontc=6F4D12f=monospaces=1]IN[</textarea><textarea>]
  359.     [/font][fontc=77B6BA]❀[/font][fontc=3A322Bf=hounslow] [u][i]ℓiqυid ℓυck[/i][/u][/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  360. </tr><tr><td><center>
  361. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][sup]neoHTML[/sup]
  362. [fontf=georgiac=dab032][b]    ✿   weʼ ll huff and weʼ ll puff[/b],[/font]
  363. [</textarea><textarea>][fontf=consolasc=242424s=1]      T I L L W E B L O W Y O U [b]A W A Y ✿[/b][/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  364. <td><center>
  365. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][sup]neoHTML[/sup]
  366. [fontf=georgiac=dab032]✴ ✴ ✴ [i]hardworing and loyal,[/i][/font]
  367. [</textarea><textarea>][fontf=monospacec=242424s=1]    DOES NOT TRANSLATE TO PUSHOVER! [/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
  368. </tr><tr><td><center>
  369. <img src="" height="90" width="280"><br><textarea>[center][fontf=serifc=0]neoHTML[/font]
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  372. [</textarea><textarea>][fontc=black][i]For those who are honest and true[/u].[/i][/b][/font][/center][/font]</textarea></center></td>
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  375. [fontf=georgiac=dab032][i]proud hufflepuff, ★
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  385. SUPPORTING RAVENCLAW IN QUIDDITCH[/font][/center]</textarea></center></td>
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  390. <h1>Hufflepuff Award Case</h1>
  391. <center>coming soon!</center>
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