

Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. Minecraft Coder Pack (id: mcp, version: 9.05, authors: [])
  2. Forge Mod Loader (id: FML, version:, authors: [cpw, LexManos, Player])
  3. Minecraft Forge (id: Forge, version:, authors: [LexManos, Eloraam, Spacetoad])
  4. Aroma1997Core (id: Aroma1997Core, version:, authors: [Aroma1997, Schillaa])
  5. CodeChicken Core (id: CodeChickenCore, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  6. Not Enough Items (id: NotEnoughItems, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])
  7. Night Vision Fix (id: nvfix, version: 0.0.1, authors: [])
  8. Player API (id: PlayerAPI, version: 1.4, authors: [Divisor])
  9. Smart Core (id: SmartCore, version: 1.0.3, authors: [Divisor])
  10. CoFH ASM (id: <CoFH ASM>, version: 000, authors: [])
  11. DragonAPI ASM Data Initialization (id: <DragonAPI ASM>, version: 0, authors: [Reika])
  12. FastCraft (id: FastCraft, version: 1.25, authors: [Player])
  13. Gilded Games Utility (id: gilded-games-util, version: 1.7.10-2.1, authors: [Gilded Games])
  14. CoroAI (id: CoroAI, version: v1.0, authors: [])
  15. Build Mod (id: BuildMod, version: v1.0, authors: [])
  16. CoroPets (id: CoroPets, version: v1.0, authors: [])
  17. Extended Renderer (id: ExtendedRenderer, version: v1.0, authors: [])
  18. Extended Mod Config (id: ConfigMod, version: v1.0, authors: [])
  19. Hostile Worlds (id: HostileWorlds, version: 0.5.0, authors: [])
  20. Particle Man (id: ParticleMan, version: v1.0, authors: [])
  21. Dynamic Sword Skills (id: dynamicswordskills, version: 1.7.10-1.7.1, authors: [coolAlias])
  22. Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 - Bullseye (id: battlegear2, version: 1.7.10, authors: [nerd-boy, GotoLink, coolAlias])
  23. bspkrsCore (id: bspkrsCore, version: 6.16, authors: [DaftPVF, bspkrs])
  24. Treecapitator (id: Treecapitator, version: 1.7.10, authors: [DaftPVF, bspkrs])
  25. Baubles (id: Baubles, version:, authors: [])
  26. Thaumcraft (id: Thaumcraft, version:, authors: [])
  27. A New Dawn: Botania (id: Botania, version: r1.7-515, authors: [Vazkii,kotasc3])
  28. Aether II (id: aether, version: 1.7.10-1.6, authors: [Brandon Pearce, Emile van Krieken, Oscar Payn, Hugo Payn, Brandon Potts, Brendan Freeman, Collin Soares, Kino, Jon Lachney])
  29. Aether Aspects (id: AetherAspects, version: Alpha 1.7.10-1.2, authors: [Brendan Freeman])
  30. AnimationAPI (id: AnimationAPI, version: 1.2.4, authors: [thehippomaster21])
  31. Anti Id Conflict (id: antiidconflict, version: 1.3.5, authors: [elix_x])
  32. Aroma1997Core|Helper (id: Aroma1997CoreHelper, version:, authors: [])
  33. AromaBackup (id: AromaBackup, version:, authors: [])
  34. AromaBackup Recovery (id: AromaBackupRecovery, version: 1.0, authors: [])
  35. Battle Towers (id: BattleTowers, version: 1.5.1, authors: [])
  36. Baublelicious (id: baublelicious, version: 1.7.10-1.2.2-final, authors: [DenBukki, UnwrittenFun])
  37. Biomes O' Plenty (id: BiomesOPlenty, version: 2.1.0, authors: [Adubbz, Amnet, Forstride, ted80])
  38. Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry (id: AWWayofTime, version: v1.3.3, authors: [WayofTime])
  39. BotaniaVisualizer (id: BotaniaVisualizer, version: 1.7.2-1.0a, authors: [])
  40. Buffed Tools (id: buffedtools, version: 1.1.1710.1, authors: [])
  41. CleanView (id: CleanView, version: 1.7.10-v2, authors: [zlainsama])
  42. CoFH Core (id: CoFHCore, version: 1.7.10R3.1.4, authors: [Team CoFH])
  43. Crafting EX (id: kegare.craftingex, version:, authors: [])
  44. Damage Indicators (id: DamageIndicatorsMod, version: 3.2.0, authors: [])
  45. Dimensional Doors (id: dimdoors, version: 2.2.5-test9, authors: [StevenRS11, SenseiKiwi])
  46. Mystcraft (id: Mystcraft, version:, authors: [])
  47. Waila (id: Waila, version: 1.5.10, authors: [])
  48. DragonAPI (id: DragonAPI, version: v19c, authors: [Reika])
  49. DummyCore (id: DummyCore, version: 1.13, authors: [Dummy Thinking Team; Modbder; TheDen2099])
  50. Dungeon Mobs (id: dungeonmobs, version: 4.1.3, authors: [GnomeWorks])
  51. Enchanting Plus (id: eplus, version: 3.0.2-d, authors: [])
  52. Ender Compass (id: endercompass, version: 1.2, authors: [MrIbby])
  53. Et Futurum (id: etfuturum, version: 1.5.5, authors: [ganymedes01])
  54. EvilCraft (id: evilcraft, version: 0.9.13, authors: [rubensworks (aka kroeserr), immortaleeb (aka _EeB_)])
  55. Forbidden Magic (id: ForbiddenMagic, version: 1.7.10-0.575, authors: [SpitefulFox])
  56. gokiStats (id: gokiStats, version: 1.0.0, authors: [])
  57. Guide-API (id: guideapi, version: 1.7.10-1.0.1-20, authors: [Tombenpotter, TehNut])
  58. Hardcore Wither (id: hardcorewither, version: 1.1.3, authors: [Thor12022])
  59. Hardcore Ender Expansion (id: HardcoreEnderExpansion, version: 1.8.6, authors: [Programmed by chylex |])
  60. iChunUtil (id: iChunUtil, version: 4.2.3, authors: [])
  61. Improving Minecraft (id: imc, version: 1.12.3-MC1.7.10, authors: [pifou92000, LakMoore])
  62. Invasion (id: mod_Invasion, version: 1.1.5, authors: [])
  63. Iron Chest (id: IronChest, version:, authors: [])
  64. Iron Furnaces (id: ironfurnaces, version: 1.2.4, authors: [XenoMustache])
  65. Login Shield (id: Login_Shield, version: 1.2-9-g9bd1b47, authors: [Glasspelican])
  66. Minegicka 3 (id: minegicka3, version: 1.0.0, authors: [Will.Eze])
  67. MineMenu (id: MineMenu, version: 1.2.0, authors: [])
  68. MineTweaker 3 (id: MineTweaker3, version: 3.0.10, authors: [Stan Hebben])
  69. MineTweakerRecipeMaker (id: MTRM, version: 1.0, authors: [])
  70. Simple Mod Lister (id: ModLister, version: 1.0, authors: [Dragon2488])
  71. Mod Tweaker 2 (id: modtweaker2, version: 0.9.6, authors: [Jaredlll08])
  72. Void Monster (id: VoidMonster, version: v19c, authors: [Reika])
  73. Morph (id: Morph, version: 0.9.3, authors: [])
  74. Nether Ores (id: NetherOres, version: 1.7.10R2.3.1, authors: [PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, skyboy026])
  75. Overpowered Inventory (id: powerinventory, version: 2.0.0, authors: [Lothrazar])
  76. Pam's HarvestCraft (id: harvestcraft, version: 1.7.10j, authors: [Pamela Collins])
  77. Rei's Minimap (id: ReiMinimap, version: 1.7.10, authors: [Sedridor])
  78. Roguelike Dungeons (id: Roguelike, version: 1.5.0, authors: [Greymerk])
  79. Smart Moving (id: SmartMoving, version: 15.6, authors: [])
  80. Smart Render (id: SmartRender, version: 2.1, authors: [])
  81. Rin's So Many Enchantments (id: SoManyEnchantments, version: 0.3.0, authors: [Rin])
  82. EnchExtensioner (id: EnchExtensioner, version: 0.3.0, authors: [Lithial, DarkHax, Freyja, Rin(I need this for my mod)])
  83. Storage Drawers (id: StorageDrawers, version: 1.7.10-1.10.9, authors: [])
  84. Tainted Magic (id: TaintedMagic, version: r7.82, authors: [John Yorke (yorkemc)])
  85. TCBotaniaExoflame (id: TCBotaniaExoflame, version: 1.0, authors: [Matthias Mann])
  86. Thaumcraft NEI Plugin (id: thaumcraftneiplugin, version: @VERSION@, authors: [DjGiannuzz])
  87. The Betweenlands (id: thebetweenlands, version: 1.0.6-alpha, authors: [Angry Pixel])
  88. Totemic (id: totemic, version: 1.7.10-0.6.2, authors: [Pokefenn, ljfa])
  89. The Twilight Forest (id: TwilightForest, version: 2.3.7, authors: [])
  90. V-Tweaks (id: VTweaks, version: 1.4.3, authors: [oitsjustjose])
  91. Witchery (id: witchery, version: 0.24.1, authors: [Emoniph])
  92. WitcheryPatch (id: witcherypatch, version: 1.0.0, authors: [])
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