
You are Havel the Rock Act I

Nov 3rd, 2014
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  1. >You are Havel the Rock
  2. >and you love your Job
  3. >just stay in your nice little home and kill people who come into your home.
  4. >they never learn how to dodge
  5. >you see another man try to enter your home.
  6. >he is wearing Giants armor and a weird mask that makes him look silly
  7. >silly man is also wielding a Zweihander.
  8. >he must think he can hit me and not need to dodge
  9. >this will be quick.
  11. >you are Havel the Rock, and you just died in your home
  12. >silly man wasn't so silly
  13. >he was so fast, and yet was so heavy
  14. >oh well, you will come back in your home soon enough...
  15. >wait a minute, I should have been back in my home by now
  16. >Why am I not there?
  17. >Where am I?
  18. >Why am I outside?
  19. >How is the sky so blue?
  20. >Why are the colors so bright on everything?
  21. >What is this Pink thing next to me and why can't it shut up?
  23. >You are Havel the Rock
  24. >and your ears are bleeding from the noises this pink thing is making
  25. >you want to make it stop, but you lack the concentration to make a move like that.
  26. >it just keeps talking.
  27. >"So what's your name?"
  28. >finally, something you understood.
  29. "I will not tell you my name, pink one. Not until you tell me where I am."
  30. >"oh, that's easy, you're on the outskirts of Ponyville, the coziest place in all of Equestria"
  31. >cozy
  32. >u fukin wot m8?
  33. >this is not cozy, this is too bright and too big
  34. >for you, anyway
  35. >you already miss your home.
  36. >and your job
  37. "At least I know the name of my location, so I will now uphold my end of the bargain. I am Havel the Rock, Bishop of the Way of White and servant of lord Gw-"
  38. >"Hi Havy, I'm Pinkie Pie, nice to meet you. You're not really a rock, are you? I mean, you're wearing rock clothing, but you're not really a rock under there, right? That would be so stra-"
  39. >oh no, its talking without any sign of stopping again.
  40. >and your ears were just starting to feel better
  41. >you want to go home and kill silly man
  42. >not hear a Pink object talk you to death.
  43. >you suddenly get a good idea.
  44. >why not break the Pink one with your Dragon Tooth?
  45. >that will get it to stop
  46. >time to do part of your job
  47. "Enough of this."
  48. >you ready your Dragon tooth, meanwhile, the pink one doesn't seem to notice and just keeps talking about wearing candy as armor or something like that.
  49. >You swing it down with all your might, the ground shaking as it crashes down upon your "foe"
  50. >you love your job
  51. >as you pick up your weapon, you do not see the remains of the pink one.
  52. >"ooh, what's that you're carrying around? Why did you try and hit me with it? Are we playing a game, Havy? Am I going to be cut off aga-"
  53. >this is going to be a long day, isn't it?
  55. >You are Havel The Rock
  56. >and your worst fears have come into fruition.
  57. >someone has learned how to dodge your attacks
  58. >you suddenly don't miss your job
  59. >you've been trying to hit the Pink one for 4 hours
  60. >no success so far
  61. >you miss your home
  62. >"Hey Havy, is the game over yet? I'm getting kinda hungry."
  63. >The Pink one still thinks this is just a game
  64. >What kind of dark soul would think this is a game?
  65. >That's it, you give up. You can't hit her and you are too tired to carry on.
  66. "I cannot defeat you. I admit defeat."
  67. >"yaaaaay, I won! I don't know how I won, but I still won! And as the winner of this game, I order you to come with me back to Sugarcube Corner so we can have a victory meal!"
  68. >you ponder that for a moment
  69. >you never agreed to anything like this
  70. >but if it is a place to eat, then it might also be a good place to rest.
  71. >it will also give you another chance to finish your job against...
  72. >wait, you never got this creature's name
  73. "I will agree to your proposition, but may I get your name before we depart?"
  74. >"what do you mean, I've already said my name 10 times, and one of those times was actually mentioned in the last post."
  75. >wot
  76. >you try to remember, but all you can think of was constant noise and an urge to do your job.
  77. >"It's Pinkie Pie."
  78. "Thank you. Now, shall we be on our way?"
  79. >"you bet, Havy."
  80. >and then you went on your way
  81. >but that name she keeps calling you...
  82. "Don't call me that, just Havel."
  83. >"oh, ok Havel. So why do you wear that kind of clothing? I mean, I've worn rock wear in the past, but only for fun. Its really heavy so why not wear something lighter? I hope I don't get cut off, but I know someone who does this all the time, she's my si-."
  84. >it never ends
  85. >you just wish you were with someone who was quiet and didn't speak much
  86. >and wasn't so colorful
  87. >like those people who tried to enter your home.
  88. >you miss your cozy home.
  90. >as you are walking, you take a really good look at Pinkie Pie.
  91. >She looks like a horse, but she is so small.
  92. >wait, she said this place was called Ponyville.
  93. >Pony
  94. >things are starting to make a little more sense
  95. >I don't think we're in Lordran anymore
  96. >you miss your home still
  97. >you both finally reach the town, the place looks surprisingly barren for a town.
  98. >no one is outside at all.
  99. "Pink one, where are all the townsfolk?"
  100. >"I don't know, they're usually out and about doing all sorts of things, but they hide when they see something new and/or threatening to the town. What do you think, Havy?"
  101. "HAVEL"
  102. >"Hagrid?"
  103. >insufferable pain
  104. "Well, to answer your question, they are no doubt frightened of me. I am quite intimidating in the armor, and I must be a big guy, for them."
  105. >"oh well, they'll come back out when they see you're a nice po-... ah, nice guy, who only likes to play games with his big stick."
  106. >stick
  107. >oh no she didn't
  108. >you would lecture her about how you ripped a tooth from a mighty dragon to forge this weapon.
  109. >but you are too tired and you just want to rest...
  110. >in your home
  111. >"ok Havy, we're here!"
  112. >you look at your destination...
  113. >to see a house made up of many different sweets
  114. >seems we found out who stole your sweet rolls
  115. >oh well, a place to rest is better than nothing.
  116. >you are about to walk in when you hear a voice behind you.
  117. >"oh, hi Pinkie, where were you the whole day...and... WHAT IS THAT THING!?"
  118. >you turn around to see another pony, but this one was purple.
  119. >she was around the same height as the pink one, but with wings and.. a horn.
  120. >must be a type of weapon
  121. >"oh, hi Twilight, I was playing around with my friend Havy over here-"
  122. "HAVEL"
  123. >"Harry, right. After we were done, we decided to get some grub.
  124. >the purple seems to lighten up
  125. >"Well, if you can tolerate Pinkie, then you must be nice. Hello Havel, my name is Twilight Sparkle, new princess of Ponyville and the Element of Magic."
  126. >The Element of Magic
  127. >Magic
  128. >MAGIC
  130. >You are Havel the Rock
  132. "purple one, come closer, I wish to greet you up close."
  133. >the purple one comes closer as the pink one goes inside, no doubt eating up a storm.
  134. >"Alright Havel, now, tell me who you are in detail."
  135. "Vile Magician!"
  136. >you swing down your dragon tooth with all of your might!
  137. >only to hear a familiar sound of magic.
  138. >you see the purple one to the left of you, no doubt using her filthy magic to teleport.
  139. >"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"
  140. "You are the embodiment of Magic in this realm. That makes you my enemy."
  141. >you take out your chime, casting a magic barrier over you.
  142. "I will show you no mercy, now get ready!"
  143. [Embed]
  144. >you dash at the purple one without fear. Her magic will not matter to you, only her death.
  145. >you feel her magic trying to hold you back, most likely through telekinesis.
  146. >your magic barrier is doing it's job well.
  147. >"my magic! Its not working!"
  148. >With untold strength, you continue to swing at her, this time she's dodging.
  149. >all the while, she is firing magic bolts at you.
  150. >it feels as though she's hitting you with pins.
  151. >how cute
  152. >you decide to go for a different approach with your attacks.
  153. >instead of swinging vertically, you swing horizontally, hitting her legs and causing her to fall.
  154. >You've been waiting for this!
  155. >while she is down, you ready your weapon and slash downward with the power of Lord Gwyn himself!
  156. >as your attack is about to strike her, she conjures up a barrier in an attempt to block your downward strike.
  157. >your offense strikes her defense, shattering her barrier, but causing a small magical explosion, throwing you and the purple one back.
  158. >as you recover, you notice the purple one using her wings, taking flight as her horn starts to glow with immense magical power.
  159. >"I won't allow you to hurt me or anyone else!"
  160. >who said you would hurt anyone else?
  161. >in response to her power, you pull out your chime again.
  162. "Great Magic Barrier!."
  164. >You are Havel the Rock
  165. >and you're not playing games against these dark souls anymore.
  166. >Filthy magicians
  167. "Its time to end this"
  168. >You slowly walk towards the Purple one, no fucks are given anymore.
  169. >She starts to charge up an attack, although it matters not.
  170. >you take out your shield, now knowing it's true purpose in this fight.
  171. >The Purple one fires a beam of magic, easily big enough to engulf you.
  172. >you put your shield up against the attack.
  173. >as the beam connects, you do not feel and pain or force from the attack
  174. >Great Magic Barrier too strong, please nerf
  175. >"What? How are you still going?! Did that even phase you at all?!
  176. "Your magic can no longer hurt me. I suggest you give up now to spare us from a one sided battle.
  177. >As always, mages never listen to my words of wisdom.
  178. >you continue to slowly walk towards her
  179. >instead of surrendering, she continues to fire magic attack after magic attack.
  180. >it tickles
  181. >you remembered why you love your job now
  182. >you get to kill mages.
  183. >after an onslaught of attacks, you see she is growing tired.
  184. >she is still flying, however.
  185. >you know exactly what to do.
  186. >instead of using your chime to conjure up lightning, you decide to two-hand your shield and throw it at her.
  187. >she obviously didn't see it coming as it made a direct blow with her face.
  188. >as she fell, you started sprinting towards where she would land
  189. >the second the purple one hit the ground, you immediately grabbed her horn,
  190. >it was obviously her catalyst.
  191. >"w-why are you doing this?"
  192. "All magic users follow the same path and have the same fate. They all go along the path of darkness, overpowering anyone in their way and, eventually, lose their sanity in the process. I bring an end to magic users before they hit that point."
  193. >you ready your Dragon Tooth, knowing full well this attack will kill the purple one.
  194. "Goodbye, filthy magician"
  196. >As you swing down your mighty weapon, it is suddenly smacked right out of your hand by a multicolored blur
  197. >wot
  198. >you turn around with the purple one's horn still in your hand.
  199. >you see the rainbow colored blur coming right at you
  200. >you quickly pick up your shield that landed right next to you
  201. >as the blur is about to hit you, it connects with your shield instead, causing the strike to not effect you in the slightest.
  202. >"what the?"
  203. >you see that the rainbow blur was just another pony, but light-blue colored and with rainbow hair. She also had wings, but no horn
  204. >seems she cannot use magic then.
  205. "you cannot knock me down so easily."
  206. >you let go of your shield and grab the light-blue one by her tail, dangling her on front of you.
  207. "Are you trying to defend this magician?"
  208. >The light-blue one starts to thrash about.
  209. >"yeah, you big bully! Twilight is my friend and I won't let you hurt her!
  210. >someone who became friends with a magic user.
  211. >she should not be punished, but she did try to kill me.
  212. >you smack the light-blue one onto the ground.
  213. "I will not kill you for befriending a magician, but you will get your punishment for attempting to end my life soon enough."
  214. >even though you slammed the light-blue one hard, she still speaks
  215. >"Twilight hasn't done anything wrong! All she does is protect us from creeps like you."
  216. >a magician protecting others.
  217. >you do not believe that statement
  218. "You try to prevent me from killing a magician, attack me, then propose that she is not evil, and is, in fact, a protector of this town? I am not that stupid, nor would I trust the word of someone who tried to kill me."
  219. >you pick up the purple one and the light-blue one.
  220. "unless someone else can defend either of you, I will kill the magician now, and you, light-blue one, will learn to respect those who are stronger than you.
  221. >as you ponder how you will kill either of them without letting one of them out of your grasp, you feel someone tapping against your armor behind you.
  222. "what now?!"
  224. >You are Havel the Rock
  225. >and you turned around to see a cute yellow pony looking at you.
  226. >she immediately cowers in fear, however.
  227. "Who are you and why are you interrupting me as well."
  228. >she seems to be talking, but you do not hear her voice
  229. >it seems she is too scared to speak.
  230. >you decide to try and get her to speak so you can return to the reckoning of the magician.
  231. "If you are afraid of me, then you should know that I will not harm you. So long as you do not use magic, or try to injure me by any means, I will not attack you."
  232. >you forgot to add the part about people entering your home, but you do not think that really matters right now.
  233. >you miss your home
  234. >The Yellow one looks less fearful now, actually looking at me now while she talks.
  235. >"I'm sorry, but those are my friends you are holding, and I would appreciate it if you let them go." *Squee*
  236. >damn, that's cute.
  237. >the Yellow one seems to be friendlier than these two.
  238. >maybe...
  239. "Yellow one, the light-blue one said that this magician is the protector of this town. Is this true?"
  240. >"Oh yes, Princess Twilight has been guarding us from all kinds of monsters for a long time now. Now, if you could just-"
  241. >hold the phone
  242. >Princess?
  243. >wait, the purple one said this when you..
  244. >aww shit nigger, you almost killed a princess.
  245. >but this is not Lordran, and she is still a wielder of Magic.
  246. "you did not attack me, so there is a possibility you are telling the truth. However..."
  247. >you throw the light-blue one away and quickly take out your chime.
  248. "Just to be safe, I will not allow the purple one to use anymore magic."
  249. >You ready up your Great Magic Barrier, but you change the spell a bit before casting.
  250. >you point your chime directly at the purple one's horn.
  251. >After a freaky light show, you see that her horn now has a white fog around it.
  252. "There, now her magic will be detained within her catalyst."
  253. >you throw the purple one at the yellow one.
  254. "There, we've both gotten what we wished. To and extent, anyway."
  256. >You are Havel the Rock
  257. >and you are saddened by the yellow one's sadness
  258. >but you have purged magic from this town...
  259. >kinda
  260. >The purple one lays there beaten and without her filthy magic
  261. >The light-blue one just knocked herself out after she got back up and rammed her head into my armor.
  262. >she can cheese other knights, but she can't cheese the wall.
  263. >The Yellow one somehow spawned what looks like a medical kit from out of nowhere.
  264. >no magic
  265. >seems fine to you
  266. >and the pink was was never heard from again...
  267. >until she walked outside with a bulge around her stomach
  268. >"wow, I was huuuungry after our little game, Havy."
  269. "HAVEL"
  270. >"Harold, alri- WOWZERS, WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!"
  271. >she only just noticed the "battle" that went on out here
  272. "I was busy tending to a filthy magician. I did not know your town had any magic users."
  273. >"but, Twilight wou-"
  274. "Save it. The others already told me she was not evil, but I will not take any chances, so I suppressed her magical abilities."
  275. >"why would y-"
  276. "I have my reasons, just be lucky I did not kill her like I do to all other mages."
  277. >"can you stop cu-"
  278. "No"
  279. >she then finally stopped talking.
  280. >you feel as though that was your greatest achievement right now.
  281. >as you look at all the other ponies, you decide that your work here is done.
  282. >you are tired, and now you want to rest.
  283. "Pinkie Pie, I will now go into this house of yours and rest. Please show me to a room."
  284. >wordlessly, she motioned for you to follow her.
  285. >as you walked in, you noticed that this is a bakery
  286. >you see two ponies across the counter from you.
  287. >they cower in fear of your big stature.
  288. >"my room is up these stairs, you can sleep there, if you w-"
  289. "That's nice, thank you."
  290. >you walked with her upstairs and into her room.
  291. >her room was pretty plain, but it did not matter to you.
  292. >you immediately went to her bed and started to lay down.
  293. >the bed was somehow able to hold your weight, even with your armor on.
  294. >you cast Great Magic Barrier and go the fuck to sleep.
  296. >You are Havel the Rock
  297. >and it just occurred to you that you will open up every post the exact same way
  298. >...where did that thought come from?
  299. >oh yeah, you just woke up, you're still drowsy.
  300. >at least you are in your home
  301. >you like your home...
  302. >wait, your home is a little... colorful
  303. "Where am I?"
  304. >oh yeah, you're in Ponyville
  305. >with those annoying ponies
  306. >and the purple one.
  307. >the Element of MAGIC
  308. >you miss your home again
  309. >oh well, time to get up
  310. >as you get out of bed, you smell something
  311. >a certain smell
  312. >a smelly smell that smells... smelly
  313. >your eyes widen through your armor
  314. "...sweets"
  315. >you smash the floor with your dragon tooth, allowing you to go to the first floor faster.
  316. >you see the two ponies you briefly saw earlier
  317. "you two, are you making sweets?"
  318. >the two ponies are obviously scared, but the blue one answers.
  319. >"w-why yes, we just made a batch of muffins. Would you like some?"
  320. "YES"
  321. >they hand... or hoof... you a plate full of hot, fresh muffins,
  322. >you take off your helmet.
  323. >you reveal your glorious, non-hollowed face to the masses...
  324. >non-hollowed...
  325. >WOT
  326. >HUH
  327. >WHO
  328. >HOW
  329. "mirror..."
  330. >the tall one speaks up now
  331. >"pardon?"
  332. "I NEED A MIRROR"
  333. >he points his hoof towards a wall
  334. >"t-there's one in the bathroom!"
  336. >you burst through the wall, entering the bathroom in the process.
  337. >you gaze at yourself in the mirror.
  338. >you look like pic related (
  339. >greying hair
  340. >big chin
  341. >brown eyes
  342. >you look like yourself before you started to...
  343. >hollow
  344. "Why do I look alive again..."
  346. >You are Havel the Rock
  348. >wait, you must shield your glorious face from any dangers!
  349. >like those who wield MAGIC.
  350. >you run back through the wall you cheesed
  351. >you pick up your helmet
  352. >"uh... sir?"
  353. "hmm?"
  354. >you look back at the two ponies.
  355. >the blue one looks terrified, but seems to still have the will to speak.
  356. >"w-why are s-still making holes in our w-walls?"
  357. >oh shit, you forgot about that
  358. "Oh, my apologies. I was a bit surprised about something..."
  359. >you rub your non-hollowed face
  360. >the possibility of not being hollow is just to much for you.
  361. >you don't care how, but this place might have cured you of the Undead Curse
  362. >you must right any wrongs that you have committed since you've arrived...
  363. >except for the MAGIC user
  364. "I apologize for breaking parts of your home. If possible, I would like to repay you for any damages I've done."
  365. >the two ponies just stare at you, then each other, then back to you, then themselves, BACK TO ME, I am eating their muffins.
  366. >"that would be very thoughtful, but how would you get the money to help pay for the repairs?"
  367. >ok, you didn't think this through.
  368. >you finish the muffins on your plate and put your helmet back on
  369. >as you get lost in thought of how to get money, someone bursts through the front door.
  370. >its the ponies from yesterday, all with some necklaces...
  371. >and some new ponies
  372. >an orange one with a hat and a white one with...
  373. >a horn...
  374. >MAGIC
  376. >You are Havel the Rock
  377. >and you are conflicted with suppressing the MAGIC white one or letting bygones be bygones, considering how not-hollowed you are
  378. >"so, you've woken up and you're already destroying the Cake's house?!"
  379. >the purple one is not pleased.
  380. >at least you know the names of the two baking ponies now
  381. >the white MAGIC one seems ready to speak now.
  382. >"oh my, you were right, Twilight, he is big! And that armor, oh my, who designed such an awful dress?!"
  383. >dress
  384. >u wot m8
  385. >stay calm, Havel, no need to get angry at the MAGIC user
  386. "I'm sorry about earlier, I was not exactly in a good state of mind."
  387. >you're lying
  388. >you continue to stare at the white one's horn
  389. >magic
  390. "However, I wish to make amends for whatever crimes I have committed."
  391. >Magic
  392. "And I would like to start by helping the...Cakes... get money to help pay for any damages I have caused to their home."
  393. >MAGIC
  394. >"oh no, you're not causing anymore havoc. Girls? Get ready!"
  395. >you see their necklaces start to glow with MAGIC as they all start to levitate.
  396. >this is too much magic for to stay calm right now
  397. >as they start to levitate, you see MAGIC start to form around the purple one...
  398. >you take out your chime...
  399. >only for the magic to dissipate.
  400. >all the magic then goes back to their necklaces and they all fall on their asses.
  401. >"what?! The elements aren't working!"
  402. >the purple one seems to have forgotten about the magic suppressor I put on her horn.
  403. "Did you forget about my magic suppressor already?"
  404. >"YOU"
  405. >the purple one and the white one march right up to you with anger in their eyes.
  406. >MAGIC
  407. >"take your magic suppressing thing off of my horn!"
  408. >the white one seems to use her MAGIC to pull your down to her level and stare at your face.
  409. >"How DARE you mess with a unicorn's horn!
  410. >Of all the dastardly things you could do, why take away what makes us unique?!"
  411. >MAGIC is touching you
  414. >
  415. >You are Havel the Rock
  416. >and you are so mad, the music started before everyone knew you were Havel the Rock
  417. >the white one touched you with magic
  418. >you fucked up.jpg
  419. >you grab the white one and the purple one by their throats
  420. "You magical heathens think you can order around a Bishop?!
  421. >you throw them out the front door, destroying the door in the process.
  422. >you burst out of the wall next to the front door
  424. >you throw your dragon tooth at the white one
  425. >and she catches it with her MAGIC.
  426. >Great Magic Barrier intensifies
  427. >after you're done casting it, you sprint towards your dragon tooth like a wild animal.
  428. >the white one fumbles with her magic at the sight of you, dropping the dragon tooth onto her head
  429. >well, there's one down
  430. >as you are sprinting, you feel a familiar object try to crash into you.
  431. >the light-blue one is trying the same tactic
  432. >you stop, only to watch her try to punch you with her hooves.
  433. >its funny
  434. "light-blue one, do you ever learn?"
  435. >you see her smirk
  436. >"heh, do you, Rock for brains?"
  437. >as you try to give a response, you feel pain in your back as you are hit with a force that rivals even your attacks
  438. >you are sent flying towards the white one and your weapon
  439. >you turn around to see the orange one with the hat, looking as though she just bucked a boulder.
  440. >makes sense
  441. >"Ah don't know what yer deal is with magic, but that ain't a reason to hurt ponies!"
  442. >she made me feel pain through my armor
  443. >she is a threat
  444. >NOW SHE DIES
  445. >you pick up your weapon and run towards her, readying your weapon to smash her head in.
  446. >she doesn't even try to dodge the attack
  447. >you slam your weapon with all of your might...
  448. >and you finally hit something!
  449. >all the memories of why you love your job come flooding back.
  450. >feels good mang
  451. >you pick up your weapon...
  452. >only to see the orange one get back up, although she clearly took a lot of damage.
  453. >"heh, is that all ya got, ya big Rock?"
  454. "No"
  456. >You are Havel the Rock
  457. >and screw this, its time for fucking miracles
  458. >you pull out your chime, this time, no magic barrier.
  459. "You ponies truly are thick headed, aren't you?"
  460. >you hold your chime up high
  461. "I make mistakes, but when I seek redemption, you deny me any chance at such a thing?!"
  462. >Your chime starts to glow with a yellow light.
  463. >The orange one seems surprised
  464. "And above all, with the clear knowledge of my hatred of MAGIC, you would dare use that on me?!"
  465. >Your Chime releases it's energy and forms a lightning bolt around your hand.
  466. "I will assist those I have wronged, but not before I get rid of all who stand in my way!"
  467. >the orange and light-blue one gaze at the lightning bolt you've formed
  468. >and quickly run as you throw it at their feet
  469. >yes, run
  470. >you summon more lightning bolts, all in an attempt to either kill them or make them run away.
  471. >which ever one takes them out of the fight.
  472. >After a few dozen attacks, you see that the two ponies are out of sight, most likely hiding from you.
  473. >with your dragon tooth in one hand, you walk over to the MAGIC users, both of them finally coming back to their sense and realize what's going on.
  474. "I have given you a chance to resolve this peacefully, but it seems you would still stain me with your magic."
  475. >you grip your weapon with two hands
  476. "Even though your world has cured me of my curse, I will not allow those with magical powers to roam these lands."
  477. >you lift your dragon tooth
  478. "No one will get in my way of mending all the problems I have caused. Goodbye, filthy Magic users."
  480. >oh for the sake of Gwyn, will I ever kill someone uninterrupted?!
  481. >you see the Pink one and the Yellow throw their bodies in front of the MAGIC users, in a fools attempt to protect them...
  482. >its working.
  483. >they're going to talk you out of this again, aren't they?
  485. >You are Havel the Rock
  486. >and you'll need some think/talking music for this one
  487. >
  488. >there we go
  489. >the pink one goes first
  490. >"Please Havy, y-"
  491. "HAVEL! H-A-V-E-L"
  492. >"ok, Havel, you don't need to do this! They didn't really mean to use magic on you, it just happens without them realizing!"
  493. "An even better reason to end them. Magic is a dark path to walk down, why would these magicians be any different?"
  494. >the yellow one is next
  495. >"If we could all just sit down and talk, I'm sure we can understand each other and work out an agreement."
  496. "I believe I gave you all a chance at doing so, but you all failed miserably."
  497. >pink time
  498. >"but you were the one who started it!"
  499. "no, your friends did when they used their filthy magic."
  500. >yellow time
  501. >"you had the option to not get so angry at them!"
  502. >she starts to hover to your height.
  503. >"listen mister, I do not know what magic has ever done to you, but that was then and this is now! You are going to apologize to Twilight and Rarity right now, and we will all work out an agreement together! UNDERSTAND?!"
  504. >is this the same yellow pony from yesterday?
  505. >wait, why am I the only one who must apolog-
  506. >"And you two!"
  507. >she flies over to the MAGIC users
  508. >"you both are going to apologize to mister Havel as well!"
  509. >"but Fluttershy, he was the one who-"
  510. >"NO! no more arguing! you are all going to say your sorry and not fight ANYMORE!"
  511. >damn, son
  512. >The two MAGIC users seem to just stare at you.
  513. >"Well?"
  514. >the purple one speaks up
  515. >"I'm sorry, Havel. I guess magic really sets you off. I shouldn't have fought you over it. Maybe you had a good reason for it too..."
  516. >well, this is different
  517. >"I'm sorry too, mister Havel. Twilight warned me about your hatred of magic, and I should have noticed how much you wanted to change before... using something that invokes so much anger."
  518. >damn, a magician saying they're sorry
  519. >now you've seen everything
  520. >"Good. Now, mister Havel, what do you have to say about all this?
  522. >You are Havel the Rock
  523. >and now you have to apologize to MAGIC users
  524. >the fact that the yellow one keeps talking you out of killing is beyond you.
  525. "I am sorry, purple one, for suppressing your magic away. Every magician from where I come from always uses it as a form of control, overpowering their 'prey' and kill any of those who would oppose them."
  526. >the purple one seems at ease... somewhat
  527. >now for the white one.
  528. "As for you, miss... Rarity, correct?"
  529. >she nods
  530. "Forgive me. The thought of befriending a magic user is bad enough, but then they use it against me... it becomes hard to keep myself under control."
  531. >she seems to calm down as well, but you see a hint of fear in her eyes as well.
  532. >its to be expected
  533. >"wait wait wait"
  534. >the light-blue one and orange one seems to have returned
  535. >"there's something that really doesn't make any sense. If you hate people who use magic so much, why are you giving us a chance now?"
  536. >ok, you are NOT going to explain the whole reason, but you can at least give them some info
  537. "although I didn't notice it right away, when I entered this world, my Curse seemed to have vanished without a trace."
  538. >"what curse?"
  539. "A terrible curse that I would rather not discuss in detail, but know this. This Curse grants you immortality, but at the price of eventually consuming your soul."
  540. >all the ponies just stared at you with their jaws hitting the floor
  541. >saw that coming from a mile away
  542. "Anyway, the thought of this curse being lifted has brightened my spirits and made me realize what I've done wrong. I wish to help fix and/or pay for any damages I've caused to the town. Is there a way I can make money here? Maybe a job, perhaps?"
  543. >the orange one spoke up
  544. >"That's fine and dandy, but who in Equestria would possibly hire someone like you? No offense."
  545. "That is true..."
  546. >everyone in this town is most likely terrified of you.
  547. >no one spoke until the pink one appeared on your shoulders.
  548. >"I think I know who might hire a big Rock man like you."
  550. >You are Havel the Rock.
  551. >and for once, you are interested in what the pink one has to say
  552. "And who might that be?"
  553. >"Back where I grew up, my family owned a rock farm. They were always looking for help on the farm, cuz let me tell ya, it ain't easy farming rocks."
  554. >this is good
  555. >isn't it?
  556. "I see. It should be no problem for me then. I've practiced swing my weapon at rocks in the past, so this will be nothing new for me."
  557. >you see the ponies start to smile
  558. >most likely at the fact that you'll be leaving soon...
  559. >except for the purple one.
  560. >"That's great and all... but can you PLEASE take this thing off my HORN?!
  561. >allowing a MAGIC user to begin casting MAGIC again
  562. >...just get this over with
  563. >you walk up to the purple one, putting your chime on her horn
  564. >you cast the altered great magic barrier
  565. >only this one is not as strong
  566. "There"
  567. >she tries to use her MAGIC, but to no avail
  568. >"HEY, I thought you said you were taking this off!"
  569. "In a sense, I did. I made this one temporary, it will dissipate by tomorrow morning. Just because we are peaceful now, doesn't mean I fully trust a magician. I should be gone by the end of today anyway."
  570. >you walk up to the pink one
  571. "I wish to make haste towards this farm of yours. Can you lead the way?"
  572. >she doesn't hesitate as she motions for you to follow her
  573. >...but you seem to be forgetting two things.
  574. "Before I leave, can you all come near me for a minute? I will not harm you all. In fact, I will do the opposite."
  575. >hesitantly, they all surround you
  576. >you bring out your chime and cast Great Heal
  577. >everyone's injuries are suddenly gone, including your minor bruises.
  578. "There, that's better. Also, Pinkie Pie, may I have some more of those sweets in the bakery?."
  579. >"..uh, sure?"
  580. >!
  581. >you've been waiting for this!
  582. >you smash through a different part of the entrance and dive at all the pastries they have to offer.
  583. >this is almost as good as killing mages.
  585. >You are Havel the Rock
  587. >after eating all those bomb ass sweets, you followed to the pink one to a "train station."
  588. >she explained that they used other means of travel other than on foot... or hoof
  589. >you saw a bunch of big carts roll towards the "train station"
  590. >it had no one at the front, at least that's what you thought as first.
  591. >you thought they were using MAGIC to push the cart
  592. >you were almost ready to smash the thing away from you.
  593. >after lots of ponies ran from you, you and the pink one got onto the contraption she called a "train."
  594. >as you sat down, the damn thing started moving on it's own.
  595. >you almost jumped out of your armor
  596. >this "train"
  597. >you do not trust it
  598. >but the pink one does
  599. >so how bad can it be?
  600. >as you and the pink one wait to arrive at your destination, she decides to make conversation.
  601. >"So, Havy, I-"
  602. >you take off your helmet and STARE at her
  603. >pic related
  604. >"Havel, I've been wondering why you hate magic so much. Can you explain why?"
  605. >you put your helmet back on
  606. >oh boy, here we go
  607. "As I've said before, in my world, everyone who practices the art of magic soon becomes corrupted by it's power. They strive for more power and try to prove to others that they are superior, That is all that needs to be said."
  608. >The pink one does not look satisfied.
  609. >"There's something deeper than that, isn't there?"
  610. >like the fact that so many of them killed your comrades, and have destroyed countless towns with their pursuit of power? Or maybe she would like to know how Seath the Scaleless went mad after learning about too much magic, locking himself away.
  611. "People I know have been hurt. Let's just leave it at that."
  612. >"but who got hu-"
  613. "Leave it. At that."
  614. >you thought she would stop talking after that, but you were wrong.
  615. >"ok Havel, since we're going to my family's rock farm, I should tell you of all my family members who live there."
  616. "Fine by me"
  618. >You are Havel the Rock
  619. >and you have just learned of the pink one's family.
  620. >You now know of her father, Igneous Rock, a very serious, hard working rock farmer. and her mother, Cloudy Quartz, a more laid back parent who closely resembles the pink one.
  621. >at least you know who she took after
  622. >She also had 3 sisters, 2 of which are twins, Marble and Limestone, and the 3rd sister...
  623. >"is a secret for everybody."
  624. "Right..."
  625. >a couple hours later, you feel the train begin to stop
  626. >you almost ran through the wall in response
  627. >these trains
  628. >are not to be trusted
  629. >as you walk out, you gaze into the distance of a rather dull looking landscape.
  630. >feels like home...
  631. >you miss your home
  632. >"Over here, Havel. The Rock Farm is not too far from the station."
  633. "Very well"
  634. >damn, she was right. It only took 3 minutes of walking for you to get to the Rock Farm.
  635. >you see a relatively small house near the middle.
  636. >well, here goes nothing
  637. >you both walk up to the door and the pink one begins knocking.
  638. >after a minute of waiting, A Brown pony with grey hair... or "mane" as they call it, answers the door.
  639. >"Daddy!"
  640. >"Pinkie Pie, my lovely daughter! How nice of you to visit your family."
  641. >the brown one looks at you next.
  642. >"who and what are you?"
  643. "I am Havel the Rock, Bishop of the Way of White and Bane of magicians. I am here to see if you would provide me with a job."
  644. >"Bane?"
  646. >You are Havel the Rock
  647. >and you feel as though you might have made a bad first impression.
  648. >maybe
  649. "Yes, I am not too kind to anyone who uses magic. If they follow a magician's path, they are my enemy. Do not worry though, I have not caused any harm to anyone you care about."
  650. >the brown one shows no sign of relaxing after you said that.
  651. >"If by that you mean you haven't hurt my daughter, then I have no problem with you..."
  652. >success!
  653. >"As long as your 'enemies' don't come to my doorstep, that is."
  654. >well, there's no problem there
  655. "They will not."
  656. >he seems to cheer up there
  657. >"Good. Come inside you two, we'll discuss your job here at the farm after dinner. I want to know about my little Pinkie Pie's life outside the farm above all else right now."
  658. >huh, you thought he would be more stern and cold by how the pink one described him.
  659. >at least he somewhat trusts you
  660. >you see the pink one zoom passed her father.
  661. >"Moooooom, Marble, Limestone, Maud, I'm baaaaaaack."
  662. >you see the house rumble from the following noise
  663. >"PINKIE!"
  664. >you enter the house, the door was surprisingly big enough for you to enter with ease
  665. >you peek into the kitchen to see 3 other ponies hugging the pink one
  666. >A pink one with duller colors, most likely her mother, and two ponies who look very similar, just different colors, most likely the twins.
  667. >no sign of the third sister.
  668. >how odd
  669. >you decide not to intrude on their family reunion, so you look around the house.
  670. "This place feels familiar"
  671. >it seems very old and plain, not really any decorations around the house, only some furniture.
  672. >it seems to calm...
  673. >so plain...
  674. >so peaceful...
  675. >just like your home...
  676. >you miss your home a lot...
  678. >You are Havel the Rock
  679. >and you feel at home right now
  680. >you take off your helmet and sit on one of the chairs.
  681. >again, something that looks so small is able to hold up your weight
  682. >good, that means you can relax
  683. >you calmly think about all the things you've done since you've gotten here
  684. >the magicians you've fought
  685. >the ponies you've tried to harm
  686. >the walls you've cheesed
  687. >the curse being lifted...
  688. >you still don't know why your curse is gone
  689. >does it have anything to do with the world you're in?
  690. >Equestria seems to be a very peaceful place, full of light...
  691. >maybe this world is pure enough to expel the curse from your body.
  692. >but how can a land filled with MAGIC users possibly be pure...
  693. >does magic work differently in this realm?
  694. >can magic be used for... good?
  695. >...
  696. >damn, this place must be getting to you
  697. >but its so cozy...
  698. >like your home...
  699. >you start to dose off
  700. >until the pink one comes into the living room with her family
  701. >"uh, Havel?"
  702. >you're so tired and comfortable, you speak in a much lower tone
  703. "Yes?"
  704. >"I was going to introduce you to my family and show you around the house, but I guess you already did the latter."
  705. "Indeed. This place seems to help me relax. It reminds me of home..."
  706. >"Well, that's good, right?"
  707. >she's right
  708. "This is good, isn't it?"
  710. >You are Havel the Rock
  711. >and you are comfortable as fuck right now
  712. >"Alrighty then! Mom, Marble, Limestone, this is my good friend Havel the Rock. I think he goes by that name because of his armor, or maybe he's a wrestler, I don't know. He doesn't talk much, but he's friendly as long as you don't use any magic."
  713. "That is correct."
  714. >you shift in your seat to see them face to face.
  715. "It is nice to meet you all. I plan to work here at your farm for the time being so that I may obtain money to pay people back for what I owe them. I would talk with you all further, but- *Yawn* - I would rather get some sleep first."
  716. >the older pink one speaks up
  717. >"Oh, that's fine by us. There's a guest room up stairs for you to use while you're here. Here, let me show you to your room."
  718. >oh hell no, you are not leaving this comfy ass living room.
  719. "If its alright with you, I would rather sleep in here for now. I'm afraid I am too exhausted to even walk up some stairs."
  720. >one of the twins speak up, you think its Marble
  721. >"Is he always this tired?"
  722. >the other twin speaks now
  723. >"Probably because he wears that dumb old armor all the time. I mean look at it, it looks so cruddy and stupid"
  724. >what the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch? I'll have you kn- fuck it, you're too tired to even think of a retort
  725. >pink time
  726. >"Hey Limestone, I wouldn't insult him if I were you. Trust me, you'll regret it later."
  727. >enough of this
  728. "Sorry, but can you continue this conversation at a later date? I require resting for the days ahead."
  729. >and with that, they all comply with your request and leave the room
  730. >it doesn't take long for you to fall asleep
  731. >time for a nice, pleasant dream...
  733. >You are Havel the Rock
  734. >and you are trying to have a nice dream...
  735. >you fail miserably
  736. >a memory from the past resurfaces in your dream
  737. >this is...
  738. >Anor Londo?!
  739. >you see that you are in the lower area, where magic users would usually thrive in
  740. >this is where you ordered your unit to take care of some mages while you were consulting with Gwyn about battle tactics.
  741. >...this was where they all died
  742. >
  743. >you see the bodies of all your fellow bishops on the floor
  744. >they are all dead...
  745. >all except for you
  746. >you remember how you arrived onto the scene after word spread of their defeat
  747. >you did not believe them until you saw it for yourself
  748. >he dropped his dragon tooth and shield
  749. >your past self speaks
  750. "I'm sorry, my comrades. I should have been there to lead you into battle. None of you bared the mark of the undead curse... I will never see you all again...CURSES. I SHOULD'VE DIED BY YOUR SIDES"
  751. >you see him take off his helmet to reveal his hideous, undead face.
  752. >A tear escapes his eye
  753. >...this is where you made your promise
  754. "Mark my words, comrades. I will not rest until I see every mage in this world DEAD. No one I care for will ever die to magic on my watch ever again. Even if I die numerous times in the process, I will never give up. This is the promise I've made to you... friends."
  755. >now you remember
  756. >This is why you will never trust those who follow the path of magic
  757. >All magicians in your world will perish by your hand...
  758. >your world...
  759. >you start to wake up, but not before getting the feeling that you were not alone in your dream...
  761. >You are Havel the Rock
  762. >...and this is not your world anymore, is it?
  764. END OF ACT I
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