
Haruka notes

Apr 4th, 2018
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  1. Writing issues:
  2. Apart from the romantic comedy (e.g. the very beginning of the game), the writing just sucks. Particularly after the second castle, I frequently found myself noticing how little sense that a lot of things make. Pretty sure that some plot points (e.g. Itou being related to Haruka) just get dropped.
  4. Perhaps due to me not having played the Brutal route and the game encouraging you to only really interact with Haruka (see later), I can't think of any H-scenes that were particularly good and I can definitely remember that some of the scenes just weren't fappable. They'd either be too focused on that Japanese "sex is shameful" stuff or they'd just genuinely not make any fucking sense and violate suspension of disbelief.
  6. The game seems to have some problems with pacing. Once you've took out the second castle, you're practically at the end of the game. In fact, everything seems to go downhill from the Black Subaru scene onwards.
  8. Gameplay issues:
  9. Both Subaru and Ittou's stats, which are visible to the player when you first fight them, can go down between their two sets of fights, the first of which is, in both cases, intentionally unwinnable. This means that the game encourages you to grind for fights that don't happen.
  11. The combat system hides some valuable information, like what the stats actually do, that SP is capped at 99, and that Haruka's ultimate attack can't miss.
  13. Particularly given the grind that's needed to beat some of the bosses (or worse, the grind that's needed for you to match the stats of the boss that you saw when you first encountered them, not knowing that they'd be weaker the second time), you're going to spend far too much time in this game watching sex scenes. Sooner or later you'll reach the point where you just skip the sex scenes, rush to beat the game, and go back and watch them later.
  15. The game's design encourages you to only really interact with Haruka (or maybe Subaru depending on if she was stronger than Haruka when she joined). Loading up my final hard save reveals that I've only had sex with Narika and Subaru 4 times each. That's pathetic. I'm having worrying flashbacks to Pokemon Gen 1; Narika's born to be a dungeon slut, i.e. only fucked 4 times in the entire game.
  17. There's no time pressure. As it stands, there's nothing in the game to discourage me from grinding for like 50 days and rushing the story in the remaining time.
  19. Summary: As far as I can remember, I didn't enjoy any of the H-scenes, the gameplay had some serious issues, and aside from the romantic comedy I thought that the writing was shit. If you must play it, I'd advise that you play it for fapping and only for fapping, and even then you probably only want to play the Brutal route because from what I've seen the normal scenes aren't all that impressive. Well, Haruka's scenes aren't anyway, I've only seen like four scenes for each of the other girls because the game's mechanics discourage diverse fuckery. The only reason that I still have the game installed is because I might fap to the Brutual route scenes at some point. Well, to be totally honest, there is a part of me that would like to play the Brutal route, but whenever that pops in to my head I remember that playing the Brutal route means playing BBH, which is something that I don't want to do. Thank fuck that I wrote these notes to remind me of that.
  21. Fun fact: there's not actually much difference between how Brutal and non-Brutal routes are played. If anything, Brutal is easy mode. You get nice buffs and you don't even get to fight the final boss.
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