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Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. Осу была для меня особенной игрой, но когда я об этом задумываюсь, то понимаю, что дело не только в самой игре. Это всего лишь игра, где нужно нажимать на появляющиеся кружки. Я начал играть в осу, когда пошел в первый класс средней школы. Не произошло ничего особенного, что подтолкнуло меня начать играть.
  3. Когда меня определили в класс, я увидел парня, который играл в осу дроид. Я подумал, что это выглядит интересно и спросил, как в это играть. Когда я узнал, что можно играть в осу на компьютере, я сразу же ее скачал и начал играть.
  5. В начале я не знал, что это онлайн игра. Я просто играл. Просто играл карты, которые дали мне друзья. Так, я играл 21 карту на протяжении первых 6 месяцев. Таким образом, карту Ла Ди да я сыграл 3000 раз
  7. В июле 2012 я создал свой аккаунт и затем ушел из игры на 4 месяца из-за проблем в семье. Я начал играть снова в начале 2013 года и играть я начал очень упорно. Я играл как минимум 3-4 часа в день. Когда я начал играть в онлайне, Кукизи вернулся в игру.
  9. В то время я слышал о нем, но не знал, кто он именно такой. Но куда бы я не пошел, везде упоминалось его имя. Мое любопытство только нарастало. Поэтому всегда, когда он заходил в онлайн, я смотрел за его игрой. Я был очень удивлен его уровню игры. Я спрашивал:"он что, машина? Вы уверены, что это не читы? Как он вытворяет это на мыши?"
  11. Потом я понял, что он играл на графическом планшете. Когда я попробовал поиграть на планшете своего друга, мне показалось это намного удобнее. Поэтому я захотел купить себе планшет и начал смотреть предложения по магазинам. Все хорошие планшеты стоили по 60000-100000 вон (3300 - 5400 руб.). Для ученика средней школы просто не было никакой возможности позволить себе такую покупку. Моя семья также была не в лучшем экономическом положении.
  13. Но когда я взбодрился, я подумал: почему я не могу играть также на мышке? Если этот парень номер 1 с планшетом, тогда я буду номер 1 с мышью. После этого момента я думал только об осу, когда был в школе. Я постоянно думал о том, какие карты я буду сегодня играть и потом разговаривал с друзьями, которые тоже играли в осу. Затем, когда я приходил домой, я был нацелен на повышение своего места в том и это было настолько весело, что я даже часто забывал покушать. В то время [Beatrice] был лучшим игроком на мыши. Это была эра ппв1. Я думал, что я должен идти по его пути и копировать его топ скоты, чтобы стать лучшим. Из-за этого, я наизусть запомнил весь список его топ скоров.
  15. С тех пор я начал играть хардики с хддт. Это, в последствии, и превратило меня в дт игрока. С мечтами о высоком месте в топе я играл харды с хддт каждый день пока не достиг топ 200. Но примерно в июле 2013 года вышел ппв2 и начался новый рейтинговый сезон. Беатрис был на 3 строчке в топе с хддт хардиками на ппв1 и когда выпустили новую систему подсчёта ПП, Беатрис упал до трёхзначных мест. Так как я также имел скоры на 5.3-5.5 стар с хддт, то я упал примерно на 330 место.
  17. С этого момента, харды с хддт почти не увеличивали мое место. Если они давали мне хотя бы 1-2 ПП, то это было уже много.
  19. But from then on hard HDDT did not increase my rank one bit. Really if it gave me 1-2 pp that was a lot. It was an unending series of hopelessness and despair. I couldn't do hard HDDT and more so I had to do HDDT on harder maps but my mouse could not follow at all.
  21. At that time you don't know how hard I tried to find the right grip for my mouse. Every day dozens of times I tried to change my mouse sensitivity, plug out and in my mouse cable, try claw grip, finger grip, palm grip, and so on.
  23. There's probably no one else who tried this as much as me. And then on November 2013 I finally found a grip that fit me somewhat. Finally my ranking started to go up. Still the grip was somewhat uncomfortable, and slipped a lot.
  25. The aim was also somewhat off. My family's situation became better so I got a tablet. But when I finally could play with tablet I found it a waste to throw away all of my mouse skills. It might cause a misunderstanding but I used mouse for 2 years so if I try to get used to tablet now how long would it take? So I decided to just go with mouse. I was using g1 that time. To do DT with mouse it has to be very light. g1 was light and perfect for my small hands. At that time my goal was to be in top 50.
  27. But there was no sign of my rank going up from 100. So I tried tablet a little as well. Maybe I felt some limit from mouse so I played mouse for 1 week and then tablet for 1 day. Of course, I didn't make any good plays using tablet. At best I played offline 50-100 plays. That's why even now I am still somewhat good(?) with tablet. A lot of people also ask me about my mouse settings. But I don't really like to answer those questions. That's because even if it takes a lot of tries you need to find your own grip and settings to increase your ranking. Blindly following someone's setting will not increase your rank. That is why even though I thought I wanted to be someone I did not copy their settings or skin.
  29. For me I believe I increased my rank relatively quickly. I hate to lose and I tend to follow through so sometimes I play songs I cannot even pass dozens of times or at that time I always played freedom dive four dimensions. It would not be an overstatement to say that those attempts made the stream consistency that I have today.
  31. Like this I broke through my own limits and around August 2014 I felt my skills improving more quickly. Maybe it was Kyoumei No True Force extra difficulty but there was this DT 7 star map that hvick got HDDT 2 miss on and no one did FC on. But I was able to FC the map with 1 100.
  33. I still vividly remember screaming with joy when I was spinning that spinner at the end. I kept doing great plays until I reached top 8. Around that time I started to become more known in the community and I changed my name from firebat92 to Angelsim.
  35. A lot of people asked me the meaning of this name. At that time there was someone named Darksim who gave me a lot of good songs and helped me out a lot. So I wanted to do some kind of nickname pairing with him but choosing a name like whitesim is a little... weird so I decided to go with Angelsim and there's not much else to it. But then my osu! lifetime partner g1 broke and it was past maintenance period so I couldn't get it fixed. So I got a new g1 that was same brand but it felt totally different from my old mouse. So I bought a g100s again.
  37. And that's how I fell into another dark period of no good plays. Around end of November 2014 I fc'ed freedom dive another and got #1 making me somewhat famous. At that time maybe it was how I moved my cursor but some people were doubting that I was a mouse player.
  39. They were asking me why don't you prove that you are using a mouse or why don't you stream live. Even when I looked at my movement it looked shakey. But the thing is if you move a light mouse very quickly the mouse shakes just like a tablet would. It's not my hand.
  41. Anyways I started to feel limit on g100s and my performance wasn't great so I was losing interest in the game. But then around March 2015 a mouse called N mouse 4k was released. At first I didn't even know it was out but an ad just popped up. I saw the specs and was like What! At this price, these specs, this weight, and this design?! I was in total shock and bought the mouse just like that. It was around 25,000 won that time.
  43. It came two days later. Opened. Used. "Kore was shin sekai!" It was my mouse for me by me. From then one I played nonstop. At that time I stayed around rank 8-10 and then went under a slump around December. When I came back after that slump I began to play a little better. My best record that time was OK DAD 3 mod SS for 550 pp and this was done with g100s. But not even a month after getting n mouse I got 560 pp.
  45. And then I got my first 600 pp with remote control, and then second 600 pp score with Uta. I think my pp went up around 100 each day. It took less than 3 months to go from 9000 pp to 10000 pp and then less than 2 months to go from 10000 pp to 11000 pp.
  47. Like that I kept going up on the ranking. Really only my rank went up. Everyone else was not playing much so it kind of felt like I was taking advantage of the situation but anyways I got rank 4. Even then no one thought I would become #1.
  49. Why? That's because hvick was #3 and the difference in pp between me and hvick was over 1000! I had to go up from 11000 to 12000! Who would have thought that I would do that? I thought that too and I wanted to become a ranker at Overwatch as well.
  51. So I played less osu! and started to play Overwatch. But whenever I switched from osu! to Overwatch the screen seemed to stop a little bit. So I wanted to get a 144hz monitor but I didn't know where to get the money for it. So I started Twitch streaming and my expectations was that if I get 500 dollars donation over 3 months of streaming that that's a good result.
  53. And like that I started streaming but... OMG I received 1000 dollars on my first day. I also got 700 or 800 viewers. Tears came after my broadcast ended. Really. I did not even have a cam on but I got so much attention.
  55. This made me focus more on osu! I got inspired and really dedicated myself to the game. I decided to get #1 no matter what and I pp farmed with the most effort I ever put into anything in my life. When you look at my top ranks list you can see that most of them are made around 3-5 months ago.
  57. That's the period when I was farming to go up from 11000 to 12000. And on September 2016, tada! We got mouse #1.
  59. I like to be special. That's why I stuck to mouse. Someone told me once: mouse is better than tablet once you get used to it. F*** you you pic of s**t. Sorry for swearing.
  61. Mouse is really bad for osu! I played with mouse only because I didn't want to be ordinary. People ask why mouse is bad but if you can remove coordinate fixation from tablet and play better than mouse then I admit. Of course only on 7+ star maps.
  63. If you are aiming for the very top then just start with tablet. I guess I talked for quite a while. I decided to write this because it's early morning and I have some emotional burst. I got #1 and OWC is over as well so I don't have a reason to play this game anymore. So now I'm going to keep on progressing with my life.
  65. Of course I'm only going to stop playing osu! I'll still play other games. What I only talk on Twitter;; Someday we will meet again in osu!.
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